View Full Version : Why I (certainly) won't jump in the H2V bandwagon
March 8th, 2007, 01:44 AM
It's a pity, I know, but here's why:
I hate to be forced into an OS, and after having tested bloated Windows Vista, I certainly don't want to be forced to buy / install / use it. The fact that Halo 2 for PC has Vista as mandatory requirement is pure marketing sh*t. And if I was to invest anyhting more than 50 € (the usual price for new games), I'd rather buy an xbox 360 with Halo2 I guess.
Their online multiplayer "Live something" feature is certainly another MS money pump. Compare to Halo for PC's free system. It does the job, and (heh) it's free.H2V has definitely stepped into the Windows / Office products line - understand "line of products to rip off as much money as we can from our customers". So I'll vote with my wallet. Sad to say that, because me & my kids we _love_ Halo, but there certainly are other worthy FPS with good gameplay, storyline and music that -will- exist on PCs. (open to your suggestions BTW).
Now I'd be delightd to hear of hacks to cirvumvent both 1 & 2, but not anytime soon I fear...
March 8th, 2007, 01:59 AM
then why the fuck did you sign up at these forums?
March 8th, 2007, 02:07 AM
To discuss this in a place where I know I'd find informed people and/or enthusiasts about H2V. You know, that's what forums are made for. :rolleyes:
March 8th, 2007, 02:32 AM
It's a pity, I know, but here's why:
I hate to be forced into an OS, and after having tested bloated Windows Vista, I certainly don't want to be forced to buy / install / use it.
We've had enough of that shit, thanks. You don't need to repost it.
The fact that Halo 2 for PC has Vista as mandatory requirement is pure marketing sh*t.
Uh-huh. Nice work jumping to the common assumption, which has been discussed already. Several times.
And if I was to invest anyhting more than 50 € (the usual price for new games), I'd rather buy an xbox 360 with Halo2 I guess.
So quit whining here and fucking do it. We don't care if you want to get H2V or not, so if you have nothing worthwhile or intelligent to contribute, you may as well leave now.
Their online multiplayer "Live something" feature is certainly another MS money pump. Compare to Halo for PC's free system. It does the job, and (heh) it's free.
Didn't we already disprove the worry that MP would cost money here weeks ago?
H2V has definitely stepped into the Windows / Office products line - understand "line of products to rip off as much money as we can from our customers". So I'll vote with my wallet. Sad to say that, because me & my kids we _love_ Halo, but there certainly are other worthy FPS with good gameplay, storyline and music that -will- exist on PCs. (open to your suggestions BTW).
Oh yes let's all jump on the 'bash Microsoft' bandwagon because they - how dare they - are charging you to purchase their products just like other companies do! Oh the horror!
Now I'd be delightd to hear of hacks to cirvumvent both 1 & 2, but not anytime soon I fear...
Oh yes, let's all get this place in legal trouble with discussion of piracy.
To discuss this in a place where I know I'd find informed people and/or enthusiasts about H2V. You know, that's what forums are made for. :rolleyes:
"Irony? We meet again..."
March 8th, 2007, 02:32 AM
For point 1, just use multiple partitions, one with XP and one for Vista. Just get the Home Basic version, which costs less and has little bloat.
As for point 2, Live for Windows is free unless you want the un-needed bonus features. H2V has free online multiplayer. Getting the gold subscription that is NOT free, just like on the XBox 360, gives you access to leaderboards, stat tracking, matchmaking, and just un-necessary bullcrap that you only truly need if you're an elitist obsessed with owning every person that comes your way.
I, personally, won't be jumping the bandwagon immediately because I'm broke, and can't afford a new computer to run H2V properly.
March 8th, 2007, 02:35 AM
yes but this is Halo 2 Vista forums, as in , for the game, yet, you aren't actually going to play the game?
March 8th, 2007, 02:36 AM
Polar, that would mean he would actually have to stop ranting senselessly about rumours he heard on the internets and discover he's completely wrong on all counts. Gosh. :rolleyes:
March 8th, 2007, 03:01 AM
so if you have nothing worthwhile or intelligent
:lol: Talk about some constructive discussion... Yet, sorry if stuff was already discussed here, I checked some FAQs and thread, but did not parse extensively the forum I reckon.
For point 1, just use multiple partitions, one with XP and one for Vista. Just get the Home Basic version, which costs less and has little bloat.
Hi p0lar... Your suggestion for 1 is not perfect yet: a. Still have to buy Vista and b. lots of quit OS / load OS sequences in sight... But you knew it. :)
As for point 2, Live for Windows is free unless you want the un-needed bonus features. H2V has free online multiplayer. Getting the gold subscription that is NOT free, just like on the XBox 360, gives you access to leaderboards, stat tracking, matchmaking, and just un-necessary bullcrap that you only truly need if you're an elitist obsessed with owning every person that comes your way.
Thanks for your precisions on 2. So basically it means that the basic online multiplayer functions that one finds in Halo PC can be found in Live for Windows free? Good news at last. Now, what's matchmaking?
I, personally, won't be jumping the bandwagon immediately because I'm broke, and can't afford a new computer to run H2V properly.Yes, what I feel is, from more in more, gaming is a luxury that fewer people can afford. I can understand this for games with a. heavy development / b. high marketing risks. But H2V, dammit ! For a. it's "only" a port and they force-feed you MS Vista and b. the phenomenal success (included commecially) of the xbox version nearly guarantees that it'll be successful.
-loads up his GBA emulator ;)-
March 8th, 2007, 03:12 AM
:lol: Talk about some constructive discussion... Yet, sorry if stuff was already discussed here, I checked some FAQs and thread, but did not parse extensively the forum I reckon.
So, the search tool wasn't working or something then? And my post was about as constructive as yours was, so you're not one to talk.
Hi p0lar... Your suggestion for 1 is not perfect yet: a. Still have to buy Vista and b. lots of quit OS / load OS sequences in sight... But you knew it. :)
Why not wait for the price to drop a bit? Is it really that hard?
Thanks for your precisions on 2.
...Which wouldn't have been necessary had you actually made any attempt to confirm the baseless hype you quite plainly fell for.
So basically it means that the basic online multiplayer functions that one finds in Halo PC can be found in Live for Windows free? Good news at last.
You make it sound like Halo 2 Vista is going to be the worst game ever. As stated, if you don't intend to get it and don't intend to contribute content to it (as it seems so far), why register here and post a thread ranting on about disproven gossip?
Now, what's matchmaking?
Play H2 Xbox over Live and you'll see.
Yes, what I feel is, from more in more, gaming is a luxury that fewer people can afford. I can understand this for games with a. heavy development / b. high marketing risks. But H2V, dammit ! For a. it's "only" a port and they force-feed you MS Vista and b. the phenomenal success (included commecially) of the xbox version nearly guarantees that it'll be successful.
-loads up his GBA emulator ;)-
Oh no, not another huge money grab from Microsoft!
...Never mind the fact that just about everyone does that kind of shit these days... :rolleyes:
March 8th, 2007, 03:23 AM
Hi p0lar... Your suggestion for 1 is not perfect yet: a. Still have to buy Vista and b. lots of quit OS / load OS sequences in sight... But you knew it. :)You will eventually be buying Vista, I hope you know. Don't tell me you will never buy it, especially if you're running an XP machine. Most, if not all of the 98/ME/2K users eventually jumped to the XP wagon, and the only people still running the said operating systems are if they're still using old computers.
Now, what's matchmaking?
It's a system that attempts to find players at or around your skill level by pairing you up with other waiting players that are at or around your current level in the said playlist (I.E. I'm Lv. 22 in the Double Team playlist, so when I try to find a Double Team game, the system usually pairs me up with people who are Lv. 20-25 in Double Team). It then picks a gametype and a suitable map.
a. it's "only" a port
Wrong. While the stock campaign and multiplayer maps will have the same-ole-same-ole, the coding for the Blam 2 engine was overhauled very much from the XBox version, to allow for various graphical enhancements, netplay across machines with varying specs, custom map support, super-high-res support, and so on and so forth. Whereas Halo PC was "only a port;" they just rewrote the code for the map cache system, made it interface with DX7+, threw in an internet lobby, and put in the infamous 56k "supporting" network coding.
Why not wait for the price to drop a bit? Is it really that hard?
I though we established that the price of operating systems rarely, if ever, drops. At the very least, Microsoft gave you more options on how much bloat you want in your system (home basic=none, home prem.=a bit, office/student=some more, ultimate=lots) compared to XP (home=not enough options/pro=too many options).
March 8th, 2007, 03:28 AM
Play H2 Xbox over Live and you'll see.
Thanks for your reply. Do you always provide such useful answers to newcomers?
Oh no, not another huge money grab from Microsoft!
...Never mind the fact that just about everyone does that kind of shit these days... :rolleyes:
You're beginning to stutter...:D
March 8th, 2007, 03:39 AM
Thanks for your reply. Do you always provide such useful answers to newcomers?
Only when the newcomers are pretentious assholes who seem to be surprised when site veterans are getting somewhat sick of the endless Vista/Microsoft/H2V-bashing threads that go off completely incorrect assumptions and rumours spready by kids on the net, yeah.
You're beginning to stutter...:D
Pardon? I don't believe I am.
Continue if you will, I've dealt with enough people like you already so it's hardly like you're going to win.
March 8th, 2007, 05:07 AM
Your theory, Swap, as the theories of so many other economic 12-year-old experts on the internet, states that children will be buying $200 operating systems. Tell me, Swap, when is the last time you've seen little Timmy go up to the cash register at Office Depot and drop $200 on the counter to buy Windows Vista?
Let's try and use some common sense next time, k? If you don't like Vista then don't buy it. No one is forcing to. It's ok; the same people who are going on about "Wahh! I don't want Vista! It sux!" are the same people who were all 2000 users when XP came out: "Wahh! I don't want XP! It sux!" Hence why most of the world upgraded and are doing just fine with XP.
But, yeah, do what you want to do and we will do what we please as well.
March 8th, 2007, 03:08 PM
It's a pity, I know, but here's why:
I hate to be forced into an OS, and after having tested bloated Windows Vista, I certainly don't want to be forced to buy / install / use it. The fact that Halo 2 for PC has Vista as mandatory requirement is pure marketing sh*t. And if I was to invest anyhting more than 50 € (the usual price for new games), I'd rather buy an xbox 360 with Halo2 I guess.
Their online multiplayer "Live something" feature is certainly another MS money pump. Compare to Halo for PC's free system. It does the job, and (heh) it's free.H2V has definitely stepped into the Windows / Office products line - understand "line of products to rip off as much money as we can from our customers". So I'll vote with my wallet. Sad to say that, because me & my kids we _love_ Halo, but there certainly are other worthy FPS with good gameplay, storyline and music that -will- exist on PCs. (open to your suggestions BTW).
Now I'd be delightd to hear of hacks to cirvumvent both 1 & 2, but not anytime soon I fear...
No one is forcing anyone to buy the OS. I myself got it so it will be a better value over time. Not only that, but it's much much better than XP. If you believe otherwise, it's because you haven't used it. I've been using it for nearly a month now and I can't stand going back to XP.
It's not marketing shit. There are hundreds of under the hood features that are being used that dont exist in Vista. If you "invest" in a 360, remember that it's not half as good of a value as Vista. Also, you don't have to buy access to the Live service to play the game. If you buy the Live service, you'll have access to their matchmaking service, which is supposedly very similar to the xbox's.
If you're voting/speaking with your wallet, I'll be sure to remind you in five years how much Vista has costed me per day compared to the nearly double it has costed you should you buy it in a couple of years.
March 8th, 2007, 03:39 PM
There is a free OS that will have DX10 and it might be able to play your H2V. Not sure though, as its still in beta last I recall...
March 8th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Okay, sorry if I'm beating a dead horse here, but...
1. No one's forcing you to buy Vista. Eventually it will be running on your computer, just as XP took over its predecessor. So, why do you care if you're getting it now rather than later?
2. You don't have to pay to play. If you have an XBox Live account already or want to purchase one, you can access some features that would obviously only be available to those paying for premium services.
March 8th, 2007, 04:41 PM
March 8th, 2007, 05:07 PM
"Irony? We meet again..."
So true
Liek iw wux loiek in line to get a lpplaystaion 9 and then i didnt egt and wux ghoing to lplay thielkei guy 3,500 dollarses and he said no and ist all george bushses fault.
Ahh the liberal, brain washed, American soldier hating, econmy draining, backstabbing, country hating, media worshipers, Birtney Spears lovers, diversity obssesed, tax rasing, foolish,emo, and stupid youth of America, and to think i am forced to see these people every day.
March 8th, 2007, 05:09 PM
wow what a fucking idiot
(doesn't he know that vista can be exploited and because the internet is more mainstream than when xp came out, it can be pirated much easier than the previous OS)
also, you won't have to spend for online gameplay LIVE ANYWHERE IS FREE (unless you want a gold account). the only thing you have to pay for is the actual game and any hardawre upgrades you may want to get for other great games this year (y do idiots drop sob stories like that) lol, (y does this thread even exist, do ppls even read the FAQ and blog updates?)
Do you read any previous reply's to threads before posting information that has already been posted? Also Windows Vista is not as easy to Pirate then Windows XP, there was already a patch released that (if downloaded) by the end-user, voids the "crack" that already exists (and no Mr. Moderator I'm not supporting piracy, I'm bashing it, so don't delete my post plz).
1. The price will not drop for a couple of years, if at all, if you want to wait that long to play Halo 2 Vista, go ahead.
2. Multiplayer is free, it only costs money if you buy the "Live Gold" account, and in the case of Halo 2 Vista, all it will probably add is the "achievements" to your account.
Those were my points.
I agree with you, he is an idiot.
March 8th, 2007, 05:18 PM
This should be stickied to eliminate this junk.
March 9th, 2007, 01:46 AM
I'd like to thank constructive people (you know hwo you are) for their answers.
To others: I know I'm aan idiot, asshole etc., so please go pour your hate to other threads / forums and stop reading this post now.
Back to sensible answerers now. A few thoughts:
about the community here: I came here because as I said I wanted to ask my question to informed H2V fans, and I respect what's been done by several of you (TheGhost, CMT team...). I was amazed at the hate reaction one gets from some people here when you don't think like them. And maybe they've seen this question several times before, but the fact that they feel compelled to provide insulting and sometimes out of the point answers escapes me.
about waiting for Vista: call me an MS basher if you like, but I'm sick & tired of paying (myself, but also at work, relatives etc.) the MS tax for years, so I intend to resist the Windows Vista (and Office 2007 too BTW) call for as long as possible, it's getting a matter of principles. :) This is why I am frustrated by marketing (really, what good reason would prevent H2 to run on XP?) decisions that want to force Vista on Halo enthusiasts, so I expressed my frustration, also hoping to learn that this could be circumvented (and I'm not speaking about a pirated copy of Vista, rather have H2 believe it runs on Vista while it's XP actually... maybe later).
about playing online without a paying subscription: glad to learn it's possible. Only hope this doesn't get like another MS "free" service: Hotmail, when you could progressively not do anything with a free hotmail account (at least as of several years earlier, when I dropped my account).
about quitting Halo: since MS bought Bungie, Halo went unsurprisingly MS-platform only. I don't blame Microsoft, they are in the dominant position, and try to lock the market. But I decided I could act, so I'm thinking of finding a replacement to another good FPS that comes from a challenger or a company that doesn't make OSes / game consoles, so that it will have to keep on making games for the customer wherever (s)he is, be it on 5-years old Windows XP, if there's no real technical decision. Gee, this single sentence will give a heart attack to hatemongers if they kept on reading this post. Serves you well, I warned you. :lol:
March 9th, 2007, 02:33 AM
So instead of paying for MS products you're going to bash them on a forum devoted to a game that only runs on their new OS and act like we're the immature ones... then go pay for someone else's product like it's any different?
Seriously, why are you here? All of your questions could have been easily answered if you'd bothered to go look around reliable sources for a few hours, rather than spout yet another baseless anti-MS tirade here. I don't intend to get Vista myself (or at least not in the forseeable future), but I'm on a H2V dev team and even though I'd rather stick with XP for now, you won't catch me jumping on the "i hate vista guys!!!1 please accept me, im trying to be cool on the internets!!" bandwagon.
Like I told you, we aren't obliged to read this thread, in the same way you aren't obliged to read this forum. Kindly quit with the pointless anti-MS zealotry and either find somewhere where that kid of stupidity is accepted, or actually contribute something positive to this community. :)
March 9th, 2007, 05:29 AM
good call rossum!
i think things are going to get explosive can we get a :lock:?
(ms haters v ms enthusiasts, it will be like the civil war of cyberspace)
also, i'm pretty sure that some hacker's going to make an emulated version of halo 2 (if vista was hated that badly) there's already an emulated version of vista's purple palace card game.
(otherwise, halo2's thunder would be diminished because of the amount of time that it took those morons at bungie to realise that they still have a pc community that would love to spend money on their franchise... expect halo 3 [new windows os after vista] in 2011)
March 9th, 2007, 09:39 AM
Dont worry swap, I 100% agree with you. (do you live in US or europe?)
Heres my take on things, when I consider buying new stuff, I dont just say "oh okay it not crap in the sence it doesnt work" it has to be great in the fact new stuff added, the stuff added I have to like alot of it. Vista doesnt tickle my fancy right now. I dont mind using vista, as long as its not on my gaming machine that I love...
1. No one's forcing you to buy Vista. Eventually it will be running on your computer, just as XP took over its predecessor. So, why do you care if you're getting it now rather than later?
Please READ the title ghost, he said hes not jumping on the h2v bandwagon, to jump on it, you need vista. In my eyes this is part functionality and part marketing. When has M$ ever NOT thought about money?, one of the biggest companies in the world has to work out the marketing value, how much they will make, etc. How else do M$ employees buy porsches and ferrari's?
Ross, the immature ones are the people who cant stand the fact some people dont like vista. I dont love vista, but then again I love ferrari's, you might not love ferrari's, that doesnt make me wanna tell you to stfu and leave and lock all threads that has any thing to do with liking ferraris does it? Thats just childish.
My question to you ross, is are you running vista, if not, why not.
March 9th, 2007, 12:34 PM
(ms haters v ms enthusiasts, it will be like the civil war of cyberspace)
Enthusiasts would win, apparently, the only MS bashers that have come here don't know anything about how game development works, or why certain things only work on Vista.
You'll need a 2GHz CPU, 1GB of RAM, and a decent DirectX 9 video card. The game will not use DirectX 10, so you won't need the latest video card to play it. However, you will most definitely need Windows Vista, because Halo 2 will only run on Windows Vista PCs. According to Clowes, that's because the game takes advantage of many Vista-only features, such as rapid install. When you first insert the Halo 2 disc into your PC, you won't have to install the game like you traditionally would a PC game. Instead, like a console game, Halo 2 will begin to load up and you can play immediately while it installs in the background.
There is your answer on why it is Halo 2 Vista only. I'm sure that the directory structure on a Rapid Install game is extremely different then a normal disk. Therefore it probably wouldn't work on XP unless they made two versions of the game.
March 9th, 2007, 12:38 PM
about waiting for Vista: call me an MS basher if you like, but I'm sick & tired of paying (myself, but also at work, relatives etc.) the MS tax for years, so I intend to resist the Windows Vista (and Office 2007 too BTW) call for as long as possible, it's getting a matter of principles. This is why I am frustrated by marketing (really, what good reason would prevent H2 to run on XP?) decisions that want to force Vista on Halo enthusiasts, so I expressed my frustration, also hoping to learn that this could be circumvented (and I'm not speaking about a pirated copy of Vista, rather have H2 believe it runs on Vista while it's XP actually... maybe later).
I'm sorry, MS tax? For years? What in hell could you be paying them for, for years, unless you charged it to a ridiculously high interest credit card? Just because a new office product comes out doesn't mean you have to buy it. I seem to have no problem with my origional copy of Office from pre-2003. I dont see why you have to buy Office again if you allready have it.
March 9th, 2007, 01:40 PM
ok, good for u who isn't jumping in the Halo 2 PC bandwagon, we don't really care about u!
Get back on topic.
March 9th, 2007, 09:18 PM
It's a pity, I know, but here's why:
I hate to be forced into an OS, and after having tested bloated Windows Vista, I certainly don't want to be forced to buy / install / use it. The fact that Halo 2 for PC has Vista as mandatory requirement is pure marketing sh*t. And if I was to invest anyhting more than 50 € (the usual price for new games), I'd rather buy an xbox 360 with Halo2 I guess.
Their online multiplayer "Live something" feature is certainly another MS money pump. Compare to Halo for PC's free system. It does the job, and (heh) it's free.H2V has definitely stepped into the Windows / Office products line - understand "line of products to rip off as much money as we can from our customers". So I'll vote with my wallet. Sad to say that, because me & my kids we _love_ Halo, but there certainly are other worthy FPS with good gameplay, storyline and music that -will- exist on PCs. (open to your suggestions BTW).
Now I'd be delightd to hear of hacks to cirvumvent both 1 & 2, but not anytime soon I fear...
oh, k, thx.
(Read prior topics)
March 9th, 2007, 09:50 PM
Please READ the title ghost, he said hes not jumping on the h2v bandwagon, to jump on it, you need vista. In my eyes this is part functionality and part marketing. When has M$ ever NOT thought about money?, one of the biggest companies in the world has to work out the marketing value, how much they will make, etc. How else do M$ employees buy porsches and ferrari's?
What? I was directly responding to his feeling of being "forced" into buying Vista. And the rest of your post is completely irrelevant and off topic.
Neuro Guro
March 9th, 2007, 10:37 PM
lol , I remember when I first joined GBX I had no clue about anything and I made a few stupid topics too.. got burned a lot for it.
But uh yeah if you have a few kids I'm gonna take a shot in the dark you have a reliable job (even though of course thats not the case with everyone but you did say you like to play games with your kids so i can infer that you do spend a amount on some here and there), so idk why about 250$ is that formidable.
Mr Buckshot
March 9th, 2007, 10:39 PM
Who the fuck cares about Vista exclusivity. YOU DO NOT BUY A NEW OS JUST TO PLAY A STUPID PC GAME. YOU BUY A NEW OS FOR THE NEW FEATURES THAT AREN'T IN THE OLDER VERSION. If all you care about is one little shooter game, there are literally thousands of excellent shooters for Windows XP, the most recent of which are far more advanced than what H2V looks like now. H2V supports higher resolutions and better textures, but there haven't been any graphical improvements apart from that. FEAR, Half-Life 2, CS Source, Quake 4 - all are great shooters, and work on XP. Calm down and play one of those.
When your Mommy or Daddy decides it's time to get a new computer, you WILL get windows Vista. Don't lie to me that you weren't using Windows 98 in the past. Hell, you probably once had Windows 95 if you were old enough to understand computers back then.
If you want to play Halo 2 so much without Vista, buy a used Xbox, a pre-played Halo 2, and possibly a LIVE subscription off ebay, for less than $100 combined.
So sad...noobs here complain about how they can't afford to change their operating system or buy a new computer when they've already done so seamlessly in the past (or more likely, their parents did it).
March 9th, 2007, 11:13 PM
Ross, the immature ones are the people who cant stand the fact some people dont like vista.
I can stand that just fine. What I can't stand are people who start shooting their mouths off about how terrible it is because of unsubstantiated rumours spread by kids on the internet. If you hate it, fine. Just make sure you have a real reason.
I dont love vista, but then again I love ferrari's, you might not love ferrari's, that doesnt make me wanna tell you to stfu and leave and lock all threads that has any thing to do with liking ferraris does it? Thats just childish.
You're missing the point entirely.
My question to you ross, is are you running vista, if not, why not.
No. Because:
I can't afford it.
I can't afford the PC upgrades I'd need to run it without putting a massive amount of strain on my already antiquated PC.
I have no use for it whatsoever.
Nobody else in my family has any use for it whatsoever.
I see no point buying a new OS the moment it comes out when, as I've stated, XP is fine for what I need.
I'm sorry, MS tax? For years? What in hell could you be paying them for, for years, unless you charged it to a ridiculously high interest credit card? Just because a new office product comes out doesn't mean you have to buy it. I seem to have no problem with my origional copy of Office from pre-2003. I dont see why you have to buy Office again if you allready have it.
Oh but he wouldn't be able to bitch about it to us if he took the few moments required for common sense to kick in and make that clear.
Who the fuck cares about Vista exclusivity. YOU DO NOT BUY A NEW OS JUST TO PLAY A STUPID PC GAME. YOU BUY A NEW OS FOR THE NEW FEATURES THAT AREN'T IN THE OLDER VERSION. If all you care about is one little shooter game, there are literally thousands of excellent shooters for Windows XP, the most recent of which are far more advanced than what H2V looks like now. H2V supports higher resolutions and better textures, but there haven't been any graphical improvements apart from that. FEAR, Half-Life 2, CS Source, Quake 4 - all are great shooters, and work on XP. Calm down and play one of those.
When your Mommy or Daddy decides it's time to get a new computer, you WILL get windows Vista. Don't lie to me that you weren't using Windows 98 in the past. Hell, you probably once had Windows 95 if you were old enough to understand computers back then.
If you want to play Halo 2 so much without Vista, buy a used Xbox, a pre-played Halo 2, and possibly a LIVE subscription off ebay, for less than $100 combined.
So sad...noobs here complain about how they can't afford to change their operating system or buy a new computer when they've already done so seamlessly in the past (or more likely, their parents did it).
I think this thread may as well be over.
March 10th, 2007, 02:48 AM
OK, the conversation is turning interesting. Thanks for your comments.
There is your answer on why it is Halo 2 Vista only. I'm sure that the directory structure on a Rapid Install game is extremely different then a normal disk. Therefore it probably wouldn't work on XP unless they made two versions of the game.
Yeah I had read this stuff on GameSpot too. Smells like marketing dpt. bullsh*t 100 metres away:
if they wanted to have it available to XP customers, they just wouldn't have made this rapid install stuff.
this rapid install feature, is it a real enhancement or snake oil? OK, I never saw this work, but I am very skeptical until someone really tries it and testifies that the sentence "you can play immediately while it installs in the background" is true to the single word. Even if it was true, is the Halo customer really interested in having to buy a new OS (and often a suitable new PC) in order to earn some seconds on install time?
about the other Vista-only features: we have no details on them, would they really make Halo funnier to play?
I'm sorry, MS tax? For years? What in hell could you be paying them for, for years, unless you charged it to a ridiculously high interest credit card? Just because a new office product comes out doesn't mean you have to buy it. I seem to have no problem with my origional copy of Office from pre-2003. I dont see why you have to buy Office again if you allready have it.
I've been using MS products for years, since the Windows 3.1 days. I happily made some changes, like dropping DOS-based OSes for NT-based ones, so paying was no problem there. But many things get on my nerves:
learning that some old OS or some old Word/Excel version could not elect you for an upgrade license. Because.
having to buy Windows over and over again when buying a PC in a dpt. store / Dell Europe(don't know about Dell USA) / HP / (any mainstream PC maker), even if your former, broken one, already had, say, Windows XP (not everyone wants / has the time / has the skills to build his own OS-free PC): it occurs to me, my relatives, my friends, in many SMEs I work with.
when you're an SME, paying prohibitive MS licenses everywhere: per connection, per seat, for Windows workstations, servers, Exchange... (SBS ( began to be an intersting deal only from is 2003 version). This is where you discover what having a (de facto, I know alternatives exist, but most of the time they're practically unaccessible to SMEs) monopolistic supplier means.I agree it's much easier to resist the Office wave. I was just saying I won't upgrade to Office 2007 anytime soon too.
lol , I remember when I first joined GBX I had no clue about anything and I made a few stupid topics too.. got burned a lot for it.
Call me a pretentious snob if you like, but I don't consider this a stupid topic. It generates informative and constructive discussion (not 100% alas ;)).
But uh yeah if you have a few kids I'm gonna take a shot in the dark you have a reliable job (even though of course thats not the case with everyone but you did say you like to play games with your kids so i can infer that you do spend a amount on some here and there), so idk why about 250$ is that formidable.
A comparison:
Halo 2 would have been made XP-compatible: estimated budget to play it: 50€/$
Halo 2 requires Vista: estimated price: estimated budget to play it: 250€/$ (I take your figure)That's +400%. Ask your parents, they'd probably tell you they'd rather buy chicken in a shop if beef is 400% above the usual price. Even if you get with this piece of beef something you don't need - say, Vuarnet sunglasses when you live in UK ;).
Who the fuck cares about Vista exclusivity. YOU DO NOT BUY A NEW OS JUST TO PLAY A STUPID PC GAME. YOU BUY A NEW OS FOR THE NEW FEATURES THAT AREN'T IN THE OLDER VERSION. If all you care about is one little shooter game, there are literally thousands of excellent shooters for Windows XP, the most recent of which are far more advanced than what H2V looks like now. H2V supports higher resolutions and better textures, but there haven't been any graphical improvements apart from that. FEAR, Half-Life 2, CS Source, Quake 4 - all are great shooters, and work on XP. Calm down and play one of those.
Thanks for the proposals. To tell you the truth, I was investigating Half-Life 2 Episode 2 as a possible replacement for H2V, hoping (but not sure, because I prefer Halo 1 to Half-Life 1) to find storyline, gameplay, music, online possibilities that would be as good as in Halo.
If you want to play Halo 2 so much without Vista, buy a used Xbox, a pre-played Halo 2, and possibly a LIVE subscription off ebay, for less than $100 combined.
True, but that would require that I buy a TV, no? :)
March 10th, 2007, 05:43 AM
Yeah I had read this stuff on GameSpot too. Smells like marketing dpt. bullsh*t 100 metres away:
Can you drop the "omfg it's all a marketing scam ololo" attitude for a minute? It seems like that's your only actual argument, and it's an invalid one at that. Not everything MS does is a money grab, and you'd do well to realise that.
having to buy Windows over and over again when buying a PC in a dpt. store / Dell Europe(don't know about Dell USA) / HP / (any mainstream PC maker), even if your former, broken one, already had, say, Windows XP (not everyone wants / has the time / has the skills to build his own OS-free PC): it occurs to me, my relatives, my friends, in many SMEs I work with.
That's hardly a valid reason. In most cases standard copies of Windows come free with new PCs here and from what I remember they do overseas as well. In any case, why not simply install XP off of the old one onto the new PC? It's not hard to find reliable companies or even individuals who will build your PC for you as well as install all the necessary software and an OS of your choice without you having to buy another copy. In fact, one of my friends does that himself, for about half the price an equivalent Dell PC would sell for.
when you're an SME, paying prohibitive MS licenses everywhere: per connection, per seat, for Windows workstations, servers, Exchange... (SBS ( began to be an intersting deal only from is 2003 version). This is where you discover what having a (de facto, I know alternatives exist, but most of the time they're practically unaccessible to SMEs) monopolistic supplier means.
You make it sound like Microsoft is the only company trying to monopolise on a product. They aren't. I know almost nothing about all that corporate/economic bullshit yet even I could tell you that any company in a position to monopolise, will. Sony are trying to with their copy-protected formats. Apple could be seen as doing so by forcing you to install one program to install another. The list goes on, I could even name local companies doing the same (like a local cinema being the exclusive seller of a traditional movie snack, Jaffas). Kindly open your eyes and realise that Microsoft aren't the only company doing this, and then think long and hard about why you continually make it seem so.
I agree it's much easier to resist the Office wave. I was just saying I won't upgrade to Office 2007 anytime soon too.
Why the hell would you anyway, unless it included some critical feature which you absolutely had to have? I still run Office 2003 on here, as does my father, and neither of us have any intention of upgrading that soon. In any case, there are open-source (read: free) alternatives with similar if not identical features and functionality available through download and they aren't hard to find. For nearly every commonly-used program, there's at least one obscure yet equivalent free program, so don't even think about bringing the Office example up again.
Call me a pretentious snob if you like, but I don't consider this a stupid topic. It generates informative and constructive discussion (not 100% alas ;)).
It seems to me that the only destructive discussion in this thread is emanating from your ignorant, anti-Microsoft attitude. I'm curious as to how much longer you can keep the void reasons coming, because so far all I see is the same shit that's plagued the Halo community ever since people heard it was going to be a Vista-only release.
A comparison:
Halo 2 would have been made XP-compatible: estimated budget to play it: 50€/$
Halo 2 requires Vista: estimated price: estimated budget to play it: 250€/$ (I take your figure)That's +400%. Ask your parents, they'd probably tell you they'd rather buy chicken in a shop if beef is 400% above the usual price. Even if you get with this piece of beef something you don't need - say, Vuarnet sunglasses when you live in UK ;).
So quit complaining and find something else to play, rather than spouting the same anti-Vista, anti-MS taglines here.
Thanks for the proposals. To tell you the truth, I was investigating Half-Life 2 Episode 2 as a possible replacement for H2V, hoping (but not sure, because I prefer Halo 1 to Half-Life 1) to find storyline, gameplay, music, online possibilities that would be as good as in Halo.
You do know that HL2 Ep 2 isn't a full game, right? It's only a few-hour segment?
True, but that would require that I buy a TV, no? :)
Well it looks like you're screwed either way, sucks for you. Maybe if you spent as much time pricing things out as you did trying to tell us what evil, money-grubbing bastards Microsoft are, you'd have a solution by now.
March 10th, 2007, 06:29 AM
oh snap!!
Reaper Man
March 10th, 2007, 08:45 AM
For fuck's sake, so you're not going to buy Halo 2 Vista, whoop-de-fucking-doo. A discussion thread on the reasons for not purchasing a game are ridiculous. Yes, it is quite obvious that through Halo 2 Vista, Microsoft plans to make a quick buck and promote their new OS. But does this really matter to you? Microsoft has done similar in the past, what makes H2V any more controversial?
What next? "Why I (certainly) won't jump in the Crysis bandwagon"? I don't think anybody here cares that you won't be purchasing Halo 2 Vista, yet you persist.
I don't plan on buying G.R.A.W 2, does anybody here care?
March 10th, 2007, 10:59 AM
I can stand that just fine. What I can't stand are people who start shooting their mouths off about how terrible it is because of unsubstantiated rumours spread by kids on the internet. If you hate it, fine. Just make sure you have a real reason.
OMFG, PLEASE READ MY FUCKING POSTS...I said I didnt hate vista...
No. Because:
I can't afford it.
I can't afford the PC upgrades I'd need to run it without putting a massive amount of strain on my already antiquated PC.
I have no use for it whatsoever.
Nobody else in my family has any use for it whatsoever.
I see no point buying a new OS the moment it comes out when, as I've stated, XP is fine for what I need.
Fair point, same reason for me with 1,2,3,4 and 5.
Irrevlent? This topic is riddled with "microsoft marketing lalalal" I'm just giving my input.
@reaper, thats because this isnt a GRAW2 forum, it is however a h2v forum..
@the dude whos parents buy him everything.
How fucking old are you? I'm old enough to have to live on my own, pay my rent, get a job and do all that, I have priorties, right now getting new OS and new pc parts (I wouldnt put vista on my current set up because I'd want to play h2v, crysis and GOW on my pc)
Theres always going to be fan boys, theres always going to be bashers, for everything in the world, there for these kind of arguments will happen.
@the people who say "oh you will eventually use vista you will have to"
Theres Mac and linux....
March 10th, 2007, 01:16 PM
True, but that would require that I buy a TV, no? :)
Take your pick. You can spend a grand (estimated) total of $360 on a 20" TV ($150), an XBox ($120), a copy of Halo 2 ($40), and a year of XBox Live ($50), or you can spend a grand (estimated) total of $150 getting the Vista Home Basic Upgrade Package ($99), and a copy of Halo 2 Vista ($50, probably).
Or, you can just not get Halo 2 at all and stick with your current set up, which comes to the paltry sum of zero dollars and zero cents. IT'S A STEAL!
March 10th, 2007, 01:58 PM
I have a request, lock this, I do believe the point has been made, over 5 times now.
March 10th, 2007, 02:02 PM
For fuck's sake, so you're not going to buy Halo 2 Vista, whoop-de-fucking-doo.! He may retaliate by buying it and we can do without anymore morons flooding such a fun game.
cross-com activated btw
March 10th, 2007, 03:16 PM
kornman's bak!!!!!!
how's the army?
March 10th, 2007, 04:39 PM
OMFG, PLEASE READ MY FUCKING POSTS...I said I didnt hate vista...
Yeah, don't worry. I was referring to him, not you.
I have a request, lock this, I do believe the point has been made, over 5 times now.
I concur.! He may retaliate by buying it and we can do without anymore morons flooding such a fun game.
cross-com activated btw
Oh snap, swap just got served by korny. If that's not a threadwin, I don't know what is.
Needs more :lock:
March 10th, 2007, 04:42 PM
The thread's title amuses me. You still jumped on a bandwagon, the rumor one.
March 10th, 2007, 05:06 PM
Can somebody please lock this thread? It's getting out of hand.
March 10th, 2007, 06:04 PM
Omgwtfbbqlocksauceroflol or spammers will come!
March 10th, 2007, 07:52 PM
Locking the last thread like this just sparked up a new one. I'm pretty sure swap would have posted in the other vista thread if he saw it was open...
This thread will die, why lock it?
My option is either buy a new tv, hd ready for say £3000, then buy a 360 with a few games thats another £400+.
Or I could upgrade/make a new pc, get vista and buy h2v when it comes out, which would cost like £1200...
PC is cheaper plus I <3 pc shooting games.
So yeah, any one wanna give me £1200? :D:D
March 10th, 2007, 08:43 PM
PC has better everything, end of story.
March 11th, 2007, 11:33 AM
yea the reason why consoles are out is for comanies to get money off of idiots that don't know how to use a freaking puter
March 11th, 2007, 02:41 PM
they also cost far less than a pc
March 11th, 2007, 02:49 PM
The thread's title amuses me. You still jumped on a bandwagon, the rumor one.
Mr Buckshot
March 11th, 2007, 06:09 PM
yea the reason why consoles are out is for companies to get money off of idiots that don't know how to use a freaking computer
Excuse me, but my good friend knows a heck of a lot about computers. His knowledge is more programming-oriented than hardware-oriented, because he owns a crappy PC with some integrated SiS graphics and a CRT monitor.
He likes games, so he has a PS2, but he sure as hell knows how to use a computer. The PS2 is the ONLY gaming system he has, because his computer cannot run any real games beyond Counter-strike 1.6.
Consoles are out for people who can't AFFORD to get good PC hardware needed to run good games. Yes, when you get it off newegg, it's cheaper than getting it from the store, but not everyone knows how to build a PC, and not everyone even has the $500+ needed to buy the parts.
As my friend said, "the PS2 is the only system I own with good graphics and no lag." By current standards, the PS2's graphics are dated, but compared to his computer, it's a beast.
In the meantime, some of my friends still play Halo 1 on the Xbox 1 because their PCs can only run Halo 1 on fixed function mode, and their parents don't allow or cannot afford to let them upgrade or get new rigs. They only buy new computers when the old ones break down or cannot run important software (usually due to OS compatibility) and those computers are all store-built and cannot run games.
March 11th, 2007, 06:31 PM
You still have to buy a good TV to make console games worth it. Bad TV's provide bad quality, which in turn, make you game look like crap.
March 11th, 2007, 07:33 PM
But it's better to have a console on a TV that isn't that great but runs smoothly rather than having a PC that can't play any games or that can't play any very well. I think the choice is obvious in this scenario.
Mr Buckshot
March 11th, 2007, 09:36 PM
Xbox 1 and PS2 games look good on standard def TVs anyway. I used to have a 13" regular 4:3 TV and my old Xbox games looked fine on it. I only got an HDTV when I moved to a house that could accommodate it.
March 11th, 2007, 09:53 PM
I would rather have a PC hooked up to an HD projector. So yea.
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