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onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 01:26 PM
Hey guys.

Some of you know me from halomaps as officer egg, but some of you don't.

Anywho, I started a project a few months ago, to modify extinction to make it better for gameplay.

I thought you guys here could have some...more harsh criticism than at halomaps...

Anyway, I have pics... Bobbysoon got a new BSP for it, so I started scenario work from scratch. Suggestions are very welcome.

Yes, there are funky UV's, but they will be fixed, along with some other details you may see. It appears orange because of bobby's lightmaps, and I use coldsnap.sky to block the level drawing itself effect...





Not much else to show at the moment. I got a lot of populating to do...


I realize many of you hate extinction here. Well, that is the point of the mod, to make it better. No flaming please, no saying to give up because extinction sucks or anything, please.

Keep it clean? :)

October 12th, 2008, 02:30 PM
D: Honestly? You want to make it better?

Option 1. Drop the size down to about 1/80th of what it is and give it better weapons and vehicles. Refine it ALOT. Get an actual team to help. ATM it looks like shit and corn.

Option 2. Delete it now.

I'm not hating on Extinction for the sake of hating. It was made only to explore the novelty of having HUGE FUCKING maps on Halo CE.

October 12th, 2008, 02:33 PM
gb2 halomaps. extinction sucked, a remake of it will still suck.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 02:38 PM
Extinction is meant to be huge. Dropping the size down would take away from the fun, IMO.

October 12th, 2008, 02:40 PM
you cant substract from zero

October 12th, 2008, 02:41 PM
you cant substract from zero
negative numbers :v:

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 02:44 PM
So, are we going to rant on about how much you guys hate extinction, or are we going to have an intelligent discussion on how it can be improved here? you guys seem to love the first option a whole lot.

October 12th, 2008, 03:10 PM
If you want to make extinction better go back in time and murder the person who created the original atrocity... I mean map.

If you want to make it good make it balanced. Don't just throw 80 mis-matching vehicles into it and steal a bunch of models from other games and tag them as poorly as you can and then to top it off make a bunch of half working weapons that have animations so ugly they have to have a warning for pregnant women.


Also what the fuck is up with the gay white fog and the fugly ass covenant ship.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 03:29 PM
Yes, it will be balanced.

Fog and Covenant ship? The fog is part of the Coldsnap.sky, it works well to block the effect of large maps (Unable to load the whole thing).

And I like the covenant ship. :eyesroll:

If you want to make extinction better go back in time and murder the person who created the original atrocity... I mean map.

If you want to make it good make it balanced. Don't just throw 80 mis-matching vehicles into it and steal a bunch of models from other games and tag them as poorly as you can and then to top it off make a bunch of half working weapons that have animations so ugly they have to have a warning for pregnant women.


Also what the fuck is up with the gay white fog and the fugly ass covenant ship.

October 12th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Ok, I, for one, enjoyed playing on extinction if I felt like playing around for fun, and not having a completely serious, competitive game, which is probably what the map was created for.

However, it was too big for land vehicles, except for the big ones such as the Scarab and the Mythos, and nobody ever went inside the ships. I'd suggest removing the areas of the ships that you can access. Instead of having all the Covenant vehicles lying around on the ground, I'd suggest putting in a hanger model in the Covenant ship, similar to how it is on the UNSC cruiser.

Also, put more scenery, make it look nicer to look at, and try to make it a little smaller.

That's all I have for now. Even though a lot of the people here tend to seem rude, they know what they are talking about. Listen to what they have to say, it'll help you in the long run.

October 12th, 2008, 03:58 PM
Look at the ship, the top is totally fucked up. Its stretched across the top with that black metal stuff and the end of the ship where the engines are supposed to be just looks wrong.

And you know there is a distance clipper program to enable rendering large maps so the fog is sorta pointless and ugly.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 04:05 PM
The map is a little more land-friendly, I think now. I still have to test that.

The areas inside the ship are vital to the map, as a safe spawn area, and a place to arm up and go out to fight.

There is an area inside the covie ship now. It works like a hangar, but is more like an enclosed large area, for the covies. Now they don't have to watch themselves get nuked all the time.

Yeah, scenery will be in places where needed, but it isn't the main priority, right now at least.

Yeah, the Covenant area is a lot more organized. And movement is much more easier.

Ok, I, for one, enjoyed playing on extinction if I felt like playing around for fun, and not having a completely serious, competitive game, which is probably what the map was created for.

However, it was too big for land vehicles, except for the big ones such as the Scarab and the Mythos, and nobody ever went inside the ships. I'd suggest removing the areas of the ships that you can access. Instead of having all the Covenant vehicles lying around on the ground, I'd suggest putting in a hanger model in the Covenant ship, similar to how it is on the UNSC cruiser.

Also, put more scenery, make it look nicer to look at, and try to make it a little smaller.

That's all I have for now. Even though a lot of the people here tend to seem rude, they know what they are talking about. Listen to what they have to say, it'll help you in the long run.

October 12th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I think that the only areas in the ship that you should have access to is the hanger, and not the bridge, or the armory, or any other place.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 05:11 PM
As of now...

Bridge, hangar, long hallway area.



October 12th, 2008, 05:18 PM
I'm sorry these people are giving you a hard time. but yea extinction just sucks period

October 12th, 2008, 05:45 PM
What the fuck did you do to the hanger?!?!? It looks like someone painted it a nasty brown.

And whats with all the Bad UV's in the destroyed cockpit for the POA?

October 12th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Extinction is a fail map.

Modifying shitty maps is a guaranteed way to be associated with AIDS and fail.

Extra large maps in general suck cock.

Make something that isn't dicksnap with a texture swap and some shitty ripped ship models and we'll give you crit other than "do something else".

When you want to make a map, think to yourself: "Will my map even be played 3 months down the road?"
"Is there anything even remotely memorable about my map?"
"Is my map just a remake of someone elses map that has been played to death?"

Look at CMT Snow Grove. It was fairly different from dicksnap (excluding the setting), had decent gameplay and had shiny things that many other modders/mod teams don't bother adding like different weapon loadouts, different weapons in general, etc.

Actually, don't. Snow Grove is also an overplayed piece of shit. Make something else that will eventually become an overplayed piece of shit.

Oh, and don't bother with Halo CE. Source/UT3/CryEngine2 are far better and have a bigger target audience. Lots of people here play TF2 and CS:S, so asking them for gameplay advice shouldn't be much of an issue.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Saying that they fail and calling coldsnap dicksnap are heavily opinionated.

And I don't think it is fair to judge a map based on ships and textures.

Now...I really am sick of people calling hugeass, coldsnap, and Extinction failures. they are just maps that are different than most maps you seem to consider 'good'

These three maps are highly enjoyable and fun to play on. A map does not suck because you think so. think of it this way; If you hate chocolate, does that make chocolate a bad thing? no, of course not.

There seems to be a lack of discussion here and more a collection of hate messages about large maps. (In this thread.)

Extinction is a fail map.

Modifying shitty maps is a guaranteed way to be associated with AIDS and fail.

Extra large maps in general suck cock.

Make something that isn't dicksnap with a texture swap and some shitty ripped ship models and we'll give you crit other than "do something else".

When you want to make a map, think to yourself: "Will my map even be played 3 months down the road?"
"Is there anything even remotely memorable about my map?"
"Is my map just a remake of someone elses map that has been played to death?"

Look at CMT Snow Grove. It was fairly different from dicksnap (excluding the setting), had decent gameplay and had shiny things that many other modders/mod teams don't bother adding like different weapon loadouts, different weapons in general, etc.

Actually, don't. Snow Grove is also an overplayed piece of shit. Make something else that will eventually become an overplayed piece of shit.

Oh, and don't bother with Halo CE. Source/UT3/CryEngine2 are far better and have a bigger target audience. Lots of people here play TF2 and CS:S, so asking them for gameplay advice shouldn't be much of an issue.

October 12th, 2008, 06:18 PM
You seem too smart to be doing such a shitty map. Learn more and do something else.

onion pistol
October 12th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I'm just doing it for fun.

You seem too smart to be doing such a shitty map. Learn more and do something else.

October 12th, 2008, 06:36 PM
And I don't think it is fair to judge a map based on ships and textures.
It is absolutely fair to judge a map on its content. So far, all of the content sucks, the gameplay was terrible on the original. Honestly, when it's all said and done, this map and remakes S U C K.

October 12th, 2008, 06:57 PM
What I found horrible about the original map was that infantry always had to run around for too long of a time period without a vehicle. I suggest you increase the player speed to somewhat compensate for the boring task of running around in the hangar, waiting for a vehicle to respawn.

Also, the BSP needs much more variation on the ground and cliffs. Try to create areas that would actually be interesting to traverse in a warthog/other ground vehicle.

October 12th, 2008, 07:14 PM
And I don't think it is fair to judge a map based on ships and textures.

Now...I really am sick of people calling hugeass, coldsnap, and Extinction failures. they are just maps that are different than most maps you seem to consider 'good'

If you were trying to get a job in a game studio and you submitted coldsnap, hugeass or extinction to any of them they would laugh their asses off and slam the door on your ass as they kicked you out of their building.

My standards are high. So are those of most of the people on this website. My definition of a good map? Well, for starters, does it play well?
Giant battlegrounds that take ages to travel from point A to point B on foot? Gameplay: F.
Half thought out and poorly implemented vehicles? Gameplay: F.
Boring landscapes that are just a giant box full of repetition and fail? Gameplay: F.
Shitty weapons that were thrown in the map because they looked cool instead of because of what they added to the gameplay? Gameplay: F
Boring layout that adds little to nothing to the gameplay (Coldsnap and Hugeass mainly)? Gameplay: F.Let's talk about graphics now.
Low res, bland textures that have already been seen and used a billion and a half times? Ick.
Poorly made/textured player, weapon and vehicle models that are either recolors or piss-poor attempts at "customizing" something? Ick.
Ripped models? Ick.I could go on and on. You are adding absolutely nothing to Halo CE by "adding" to this already atrocious map for a game that is practically dead. You are wasting time and what limited skill you have on a project that is ultimately doomed to failure. Want to know why Halomaps is a cesspit? Because people like you think that it is acceptable to get some gimmick map and throw a bunch of "cool, sparta lazer!!21" and "awesome, halo 4 weapons lol dis is sparta loool" shit in there and think that you are doing some great deed for the Halo CE community. Then you cry when we give our time and opinions to you when we tell you our thoughts on it. If we didn't have at least some knowledge about what we were talking about do you think we would post our advice in a thread like this? Would we spend the time to write paragraphs of our thoughts on what would make you a better mapper? Would we even READ the thread if we didn't understand what was going on?

Saying that they fail and calling coldsnap dicksnap are heavily opinionated.
Actually, calling Coldsnap "dicksnap" is an example of wit, not opinion. If I was going to make an "opinionated" statement I would have said something like "Coldsnap should be called dicksnap" or "Coldsnap sucks, lolol".
Referring to something with a witty pun based off of it's name does not imply any kind of opinion except for the one that you make of it. Hell, some people may connotate "dicksnap" with the pleasure they receive when they take it in the ass and therefore think it is a flattering nickname.

Oh, but to be honest; yes, that is my opinion. Notice my join date. Notice my post count. Notice the number of words I just slapped on this post. I think I'm entitled to an opinion, especially one that aligns with the majority of people here.

These three maps are highly enjoyable and fun to play on. A map does not suck because you think so. think of it this way; If you hate chocolate, does that make chocolate a bad thing? no, of course not.
Weren't you going off about me being "opinionated" 2 seconds ago?

What if the "chocolate" you are referring to happens to actually be a big stinky dog turd? Would you still eat the "chocolate"? Or would you rather eat a nice Ghirardelli chocolate bar? Both are completely free and both are easily obtainable - you choose which one you want.

To relate that to your original comment; you are trying to imply that I don't like an entire category of something, in this case Halo mapping. I'm not opposed to Halo mapping in general. I'm opposed to the dog shit "chocolate" that you are working on right now. There are plenty of excellent custom maps that raise the bar and define what makes a map good and I am all for people developing those. Churning out old shit that isn't fun to play or look out does not do this.

There seems to be a lack of discussion here and more a collection of hate messages about large maps. (In this thread.)
Lack of discussion? We're having one right now! The only thing that this thread is lacking is people instantly bandwagonning around your retexture of a shitty map.

October 12th, 2008, 07:23 PM
Honestly, people, have we really stooped that low? I mean, it's one thing not to like a map, but to kick sand in his eyes just because he wants to re-make this map so it is more balanced then ever before... pitiful. I realize now that THIS is what is killing the CE community. If we'd all stop being stuck-up asswipes and just PLAY A MAP FOR FUN there'd be more players on CE. You know why Halo: Trial and Halo: Combat Evolved have so many players? It's because they play for fun. ESPECIALLY on modded maps. They don't care if the pistol kills somebody in one hit, they just lol and have a good time. Everybody I talk to who still plays CE or maps for CE always tells me "OMFG EXTINCSHIT! COLDSTUPID! HUGEFAIL!" I admit, this is how I feel a lot of the time, but if I don't like the map, I don't play it.

Many of you say that the CS:S community has better custom maps, well, you know what I think? They either all look the same or are really simple. But they have FUN when playing them instead of trying to tell people that the map sucks.

Back when I first started playing Halo in 05-06, hardly anybody got pissed if we changed to something poorly modeled or unbalanced. We just played the game as it was meant to be played. Hell, I bet each and every one of you has at least once skydived in Hugeass.

I see so many places for infractions on this thread for flame-bait/trolling, but are the mods going to give them one? Who knows...

tl;dr Stop dicking around and just have fun. Post your critique on the map, but don't be an ass about it.

EDIT: And to at least be somewhat on-topic - I think that the BSP needs a little work, and the covie ship seems odd. Other than that, seems pretty cool. I'd like to see the interior of the covie ship. What vehicles are in the map atm?

October 12th, 2008, 07:40 PM
Honestly, people, have we really stooped that low? I mean, it's one thing not to like a map, but to kick sand in his eyes just because he wants to re-make this map so it is more balanced then ever before... pitiful. I realize now that THIS is what is killing the CE community. If we'd all stop being stuck-up asswipes and just PLAY A MAP FOR FUN there'd be more players on CE. You know why Halo: Trial and Halo: Combat Evolved have so many players? It's because they play for fun. ESPECIALLY on modded maps. They don't care if the pistol kills somebody in one hit, they just lol and have a good time. Everybody I talk to who still plays CE or maps for CE always tells me "OMFG EXTINCSHIT! COLDSTUPID! HUGEFAIL!" I admit, this is how I feel a lot of the time, but if I don't like the map, I don't play it.

Many of you say that the CS:S community has better custom maps, well, you know what I think? They either all look the same or are really simple. But they have FUN when playing them instead of trying to tell people that the map sucks.

Back when I first started playing Halo in 05-06, hardly anybody got pissed if we changed to something poorly modeled or unbalanced. We just played the game as it was meant to be played. Hell, I bet each and every one of you has at least once skydived in Hugeass.

I see so many places for infractions on this thread for flame-bait/trolling, but are the mods going to give them one? Who knows...

tl;dr Stop dicking around and just have fun. Post your critique on the map, but don't be an ass about it.

EDIT: And to at least be somewhat on-topic - I think that the BSP needs a little work, and the covie ship seems odd. Other than that, seems pretty cool. I'd like to see the interior of the covie ship. What vehicles are in the map atm?
The problem with defending dicksnap and others is that there is no fun that can be had on those maps. Well, unless you think jumping out of a longsword or C4 swapping is worth more then an idle giggle.

Cocksnap has neither gameplay or graphics to help it's case. It is a tessellated box with some interconnecting tunnels and two bases. Vehicle battles are amusing the first couple of times but that is not the type of gameplay that works well with Halo. Halo's mechanics work best when you have a balance between vehicles and people on foot. This means that map sizes can't be too large and open or else the vehicles will win every time. I don't think that there is anything more annoying in Halo then having to spend 5 minutes walking back to a spot after some jackass nukes me from a longsword.

However, do I completely agree with you about the CS:S maps and stuff. The fun in those maps shines through even though they are fairly simplistic in terms of design and art. Guess why? Because they focus more on gameplay instead of on gimmicky "fun" that lasts one round. Last Friday I played Synergy with a whole bunch of people from this site and had a lot of fun doing it. Most of the art content on the level we were playing was pulled right from HL2. But the fact that we acted as a team to solve puzzles and get around traps was what made that level amazing. Gameplay gameplay gameplay god dammit!

I don't understand why you are saying that my last comment was off topic - the topic is critiquing his map and that is exactly what I did. I gave him my critique and my opinions - that it is dogshit and that he should do something other then a shitty remake of a map that was damned to be shitty from the beginning.

October 12th, 2008, 07:57 PM
I didn't say you were off topic, or you were specifically the one flaiming. I know how you post, so I'm used to you. It's the other posts in the thread that are bugging me.

October 12th, 2008, 08:09 PM
You know, the funny part is, there really isn't that much of a difference in the reaction here than there is at halomaps.org. But why do we hate extinction? Here's my input on the regular Extinction:
-Whoever is in the Autumn wins.
-Whoever has the heavy sniper wins against ALL covenant vehicles except the Scarab.
-Covenant teams have a fairly low chance of getting up to the top of the Autumn because all people do is snipe you out of the sky.

My input on the New So far:
-Fog is irritating for both teams.
-Why tilt the Autumn? It is already a confusing trash heap in the original set. Sure, it looks cool on the outside, but I don't want to experience more vertigo while playing.
-I'm glad the Covenant Ship is more interactive in gameplay.
-The Autumn should be more accessible to ground players. Even though there is a teleporter, there isn't any way for other groups in covy vehicles on the ground to get in, which sometimes is the easiest way to traverse through the level.
-Increase the range of the Beamer.
-Make the map run smoother.
-Add faster Banshees with no falling damage and make the other side of the U-shaped canyon useful.

MY input. I like it when people at least try to make a flawed, yet enjoyable at first, map better. We're not all in it to play balanced gameplay. Sit back relax and laugh at the fun your having enjoying the video game.

October 12th, 2008, 09:02 PM
Saying that they fail and calling coldsnap dicksnap are heavily opinionated.

And I don't think it is fair to judge a map based on ships and textures.

Now...I really am sick of people calling hugeass, coldsnap, and Extinction failures. they are just maps that are different than most maps you seem to consider 'good'

These three maps are highly enjoyable and fun to play on. A map does not suck because you think so. think of it this way; If you hate chocolate, does that make chocolate a bad thing? no, of course not.

There seems to be a lack of discussion here and more a collection of hate messages about large maps. (In this thread.)

You are on a forum. Opinions are why you came.

A map would be something you don't have to trek across 12 sidewinders to find the enemy. Being able to complete a game, that makes a good game. And chocolate sucks imo. Its a bad thing.

We dont hate large maps. I like Sidewinder, I like Sandtrap, I like Resistance. I DONT like running around bumfuck Egypt looking for an enemy who turns out to be cruising around in a badly made Scarab.

If you can eliminate the searching for players across a fucking screensaver like landscape, people flying around in megavehicles using megavehicles, the errors, bad textures, and all around terribleness of the map, then you have a map.

Don't call us out for saying that something sucks. You want to make a good map? Take out what sucks. In this map their is A LOT from what you have shown us so far. You wanna keep something in it that sucks? Improve it.

Instead of sitting here bitching and moaning about our crit and our suggestions to abandon this project, work on your map. Get a team. Learn to do better work.

October 12th, 2008, 09:20 PM
Like Onion said, the texturing is nowhere near done. Structure happens to be happening first. The pretty-pictures thread is that way ^

To deal with the 5 minute walk to wherever or the 30 second wait for a vehicle respawn, I'm hoping we'll be able to teleport a respawned player to it's team, or a near by vehicle, using server-side ai as mobile spawn points, if they would follow one team, but retreat from the other. That would be ideal. It'd also be good for the AI-less mp project

Since the bsp is being done pretty much by me alone so far, and I'm not that great a modeller, I cut some corners with ripped content, largely because I'm badass and just don't give a ...fork. If it's any consolation, I'm going over every edge and vert, simplifying the geometry, to minimize lag and whatnot and allow rooms and corridors to be added to the ships. Right now i'm reworking the POA's guts, and learning how to work with modular level pieces like rooms and corridors.
Btw, both ships will have ground level access by vehicle (or on foot, god forbid). I'm gonna excavate some escape pod bays and maybe another hanger from under the POA. The covie ship will have a couple half buried, somewhat crumpled hangers underneath it, and another bay of some as of yet unconcieved nature on top, accessible by vehicle by driving up the ship's nose. Or tail. I can't make heads or tails of that thing.

Also, the cyborg's flashlight can be replaced with a booster if needed to balance things out better. Balancing a map so contrary to traditional halo mapping will be difficult, but I think it could be worth the effort

October 12th, 2008, 09:40 PM
Ugh, why is it that everyone thinks bigger is better?

Have you never played Hang 'em High?

Its stupid, there is absolutely no need for a huge ass level. Ever. Scrap it and start over with a better design in mind, or at least try to bottle neck the players into a encounter if your going to be too stubborn to listen.

onion pistol
October 13th, 2008, 03:38 PM
I did not mean for a major argument to break out from my comment.

I was only trying to make a point, and in no way was a whining.

...and legionare, don't take the lord's name in vain, please.

Bobbysoon has made a warthog that has good handling and movement on large terrain such as this. I will probably implement the flashlight boost as well.

teh lag
October 13th, 2008, 03:51 PM
I will probably implement the flashlight boost as well.

You *do* realize how unreliable boosting in CE is, right? Not only in terms of control, but how boosting counts as damage (unless you have some other way of doing it...) that prevents shield recharge?

...and legionare, don't take the lord's name in vain, please.

God damn, you're uptight.

October 13th, 2008, 04:25 PM
What are you going to do to try to cut out every bit of area you don't need to make it smaller?

Will you somehow be able to fix the scarab so that all of it takes equal damage? Getting hit in the front where you sit can do massive damage, while getting hit in the sides/back does almost nothing.

Also, are you going to make it so that the scarab can actually shoot from where the target recitle is? It turns slowly and usually goes under the recitle.

Please don't completely ignore these questions like you did at halomaps.

October 13th, 2008, 04:29 PM
don't take the lord's name in vain, please.

Here's a better idea: Don't force your religious views down other peoples' throats.

October 13th, 2008, 04:47 PM
Option 2. Delete it now.

October 13th, 2008, 05:01 PM
I still don't see how you think you're gonna make this map better.

onion pistol
October 13th, 2008, 05:17 PM
What ever happened to respecting the views of other people? I am forcing nothing down anyone's throat.

Simply asking nicely for someone to respect my religious values is asking extremely little of someone, and if you take that as forcing views upon people, then you need to actually think before you speak.

Here's a better idea: Don't force your religious views down other peoples' throats.

I've just about had it here. I post a thread for a mod i am doing just for fun, hoping for a...no, I'm stopping here. My words are just going to be twisted and used against me to start another argument.

What are you going to do to try to cut out every bit of area you don't need to make it smaller?

Will you somehow be able to fix the scarab so that all of it takes equal damage? Getting hit in the front where you sit can do massive damage, while getting hit in the sides/back does almost nothing.

Also, are you going to make it so that the scarab can actually shoot from where the target recitle is? It turns slowly and usually goes under the recitle.
1) Extinction is meant to be huge...however, we are working on ways to increase mobility.
2) That would be possible, and yes, it will be looked into.
3) Possibly.

October 13th, 2008, 06:09 PM
Guys, I have to say that I agree in part with him. Even though we might not like the map, it doesn't mean that we should criticize him about making it. I think he gets the point that we think that he should restart, but if he chooses to keep working on it, we could do is give him advice on how to do so, or at least let him at it without saying anything. Let's face it, it's most probable that this will be downloaded by many people, whether it is good or not.

Now, onion, you say that they should respect your religious views. However, a lot of people here are atheists, and to them, saying that stuff is just normal. You have to respect them as much as they respect you. I'm not saying that they should go and start bashing you, but it's really their choice, and if you can't handle them saying stuff like that, then maybe this isn't the best place for you. I hope that you can handle it, because you could become a good member of the community, even though you might not have started on the best path.

October 13th, 2008, 08:32 PM
gb2 halomaps. extinction sucked, a remake of it will still suck..

October 13th, 2008, 08:41 PM
I still don't see how you think you're gonna make this map better.

from what i see so far hes making it worse

October 13th, 2008, 08:55 PM
you can't make extinction worse, but it sure hasn't gotten better.

October 13th, 2008, 08:56 PM
Well if he made it bigger and added a nuke then it'd be worse in my book.

October 13th, 2008, 09:02 PM
You people have learned nothing.

October 13th, 2008, 09:04 PM
You seem to already be glued to making an Extinction remake, so here's how you can make it better:

- Make it 1/3 size. It will still be HUGE, but it will be much more playable.
- Get rid of the Mythos. Just put in a second scarab, or make a new vehicle.
- Get rid of the jet. I don't care what you replace it with, just get rid of it.
- Get rid of the Nuke. It sucks.
- Get rid of the C4 and bomb. They also suck.
- Put in more teleporters and organize them.
- Make it 1/4 sized. I know I said 1/3 before, but 1/4 sounds better.

onion pistol
October 13th, 2008, 09:11 PM
Jets and mythos have been removed. Laggy and glitchy...

Yes, nukes are gone. the longsword has chain gun rounds, and missiles.

Now, onion, you say that they should respect your religious views. However, a lot of people here are atheists, and to them, saying that stuff is just normal. You have to respect them as much as they respect you. I'm not saying that they should go and start bashing you, but it's really their choice, and if you can't handle them saying stuff like that, then maybe this isn't the best place for you. I hope that you can handle it, because you could become a good member of the community, even though you might not have started on the best path.
Being atheistic is no excuse for disrespect of other people.

October 13th, 2008, 09:13 PM
make it fire about a few missiles, then reload, then just increase the power of it a little. because the longsword is pretty indestructible.

October 13th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Jets and mythos have been removed. Laggy and glitchy...

Yes, nukes are gone. the longsword has chain gun rounds, and missiles.How about you just get rid of the Human side as a whole...
I mean seriously what vehicles to the humans have flying hogs?


October 13th, 2008, 09:20 PM
If you wanna make this more interesting here's a good idea.

1-side all ground vehicles.

1-side all flying vehicles.

Maybe try and set this apart from EVERY OTHER FUCKING V-CTF MAP!

October 14th, 2008, 11:53 AM
Going back to make the map smaller idea. I suggest do what masters did with wartorn cove 4 and give an open area that you can not reach. That way you can keep the epic size of the map without ruining game play. Putting barriers in the right place would have helped this map a lot. Also a custom hornet could solve the problem with the longsword. One problem that still remains with the hornet is you can not adjust elevation when you are hovering unless you come up with an idea involving the ghost boost. Also imo the scarab is a lost cause to include in this map. Maybe as scenery yet not a vehicle because the largest team consists of 8 people which is rare in ce while it takes three or four to make the scarab useful.

October 14th, 2008, 01:04 PM
You people have learned nothing.

i did not give you permission to speak. My child.

October 14th, 2008, 04:35 PM
One problem that still remains with the hornet is you can not adjust elevation when you are hovering unless you come up with an idea involving the ghost boost.
You know, you could just use the Pelican controls, there, problem fixed.:)

October 14th, 2008, 11:18 PM
ohh this thread is gold. i had my daily dose of hilarity today.

thank SCIENCE for idiot mentalpatients!

October 15th, 2008, 12:49 PM
I helped Ender make the original extinction. Despite how bad it is, it was fun for a short while then it quickly died. Technically I have some stake in the map as I provided a few structures and bsp modifications. Seeing as how Ender and Jayden have left the community for EvE and other games I'm going to be the voice. You're trying to remake a map without the original owners consent, truthfully this is outright rude and can be insulting to some map makers.

I know I'm sounding like an arrogant prick by saying this, but no one in their right mind wants to see the map remade. Please don't continue with this project unless Ender returns and usurps my position.

EDIT: Scratch that. I just contacted Ender, He says you can do it just make sure you script it properly.

October 15th, 2008, 06:50 PM
you cant substract from zero
Negative numbers.

E: FFFF damnit, itzutak.

October 15th, 2008, 07:19 PM
So how did religion get pulled into this again? This is a discussion about a map, amirite?

October 15th, 2008, 11:11 PM
Because someone used his god's name in vain. :rolleyes:

Onion, as for a large debate springing from your single post, welcome to the world of internet forums. We're all about discussing and arguing, as that is what a forum is for.

Personally, I'm in the same boat as everyone else: large, open maps with gimmicky vehicles and weapons are boring as hell. Blam was built for infantry and light vehicle combat. You shouldn't have to search and search and search for 5 minutes for a target, just to have a bullet-pissing match that lasts no more than 3 seconds.

October 15th, 2008, 11:19 PM
I kno rite?

Remake a smaller and easier to navigate map

October 16th, 2008, 07:50 AM
From what ive seen him discussing on Halomaps.org on this project, he is not doing a bad job. He has made it so that you can get into the elephant without aircraft or ladders. I think the scarab goes down when not being driven.

onion pistol
October 16th, 2008, 09:19 PM

A Halo 3 hornet would be fun as hell here, well, to me at least...lol

The only thing that concerns me here about size:

1) How can we keep it big enough for two military spaceships.
2) How can we make it big enough to hold heavy vehicles, yet small enough to easily traverse and allow cool fights.

Solve these problems, and we're good...on size.

...and yes, scarab crouches...but it has some issues. Only slight ones.

Edit: Anyone know of downflow? It was relatively small, and allowed infantry combat, but still ahd room for heavy vehicles...

October 16th, 2008, 09:49 PM
Maybe make it so you can't have access to the outside of the spaceships, and only the hangars. That should reduce the size quite considerably.

October 16th, 2008, 10:06 PM

A Halo 3 hornet would be fun as hell here, well, to me at least...lol

The only thing that concerns me here about size:

1) How can we keep it big enough for two military spaceships.
2) How can we make it big enough to hold heavy vehicles, yet small enough to easily traverse and allow cool fights.

Solve these problems, and we're good...on size.

...and yes, scarab crouches...but it has some issues. Only slight ones.

Edit: Anyone know of downflow? It was relatively small, and allowed infantry combat, but still ahd room for heavy vehicles...

Reduce the combat area to a series of Canyons and Gorges instead of a large open plain, with winding trails between them. This would effectively reduce the nuisance from Longsword fighters and dropship strafing. Be sure to include cavernous rooms and depressions in the wall, not to mention trails along the walls of the Canyons for snipers and extra access. At certain points in the Canyons/Gorges would be teleporters into the specific ships. You could further enhance the dynamics of the map by including corridors in each ship to armories, bridges, brigs etc. I would love to help out, I've had several designs for wall structures festering in my mind for days. However I'm without any resources to produce them.

If you follow my advice your map COULD do well. Like Sniper Canyon Redux, only a little larger. I implore you to heed my advice.

October 17th, 2008, 02:16 AM
While I will respect your wishes to censor myself, I suggest that you learn to except that not everyone here is theistic and that people are entitled to their own view of what is right and wrong. A few of my friends would have been just as offended by your comments as I'm sure you were of mine. Personally, I could give a shit. But as demonstrated by other people here, respect goes both ways and you should be just as observant of my beliefs as I am of yours. My recommendations? Next time, instead of demanding that I change my godless Atheist ways, kindly ask that I refrain from saying those words "because they offend you" or whatever.


Making the map bigger isn't the problem here. Making it bigger while making it play well is. Look at most of the maps in BF2. They support anywhere from 16 to 64 players and most of them play very well in all of those settings. However, the Battlefield Engine has some advantages and design features that Blam! does not. Battlefield 2 levels are designed with large scale combat in mind and include vehicles, weapons and engine optimizations for these scenarios. Blam! as implemented in Halo PC and CE, does not. Large vehicles like the scarab are generally laggy messes and have trouble handling debris on the floor of the map. Most servers have a hard time managing 16 player matches on these large maps which is bad because that is what these maps are designed for.

Flying Vehicles like the Pelican and the Longsword are generally poorly implemented due to limitations of the game engine and generally don't fit a very suitable combat role in Halo. There are very few realistic situations where a fighter bomber like the longsword is useful in Halo; All that the longsword is good for is stunts and the occasionally moment of non-combat fun. As soon as you have people fighting the longsword in banshees or jets, the longsword fails to be fun since it is such a difficult vehicle to fly in combat. Most people tend to treat the LS like some oversized banshee, which doesn't help.

Pelicans have issues too. Pelicans are only useful when you can get a large group of people to act as a team. Few people are willing to do that in a non-tournament/competition setting. Other then using it for stunts, most people just fly off and try to use the pelican like a banshee, which is , again, stupid. Even if you can get people to use the pelican, then what? You have now emptied your base of defenders and the other team can just waltz on in and capture your flag or whatever. Assuming 1 person is a pilot, 1 is a gunner/copilot (assuming he is in the front, the back gun is usually poorly implemented and doesn't have a whole lot of use anyway), you have just removed 1/4th of your team from active combat. That is without anybody in the seats. Now, throw 2 people into the pelican. While your pelican is flying around being a giant target, the enemy team is probably sending 6 people off to your base to overwelm your defenders and take the flag. Using the pelican is a risky tactic that most smart teams wouldn't try to use.

You need to think of everything in a tactical and strategic mindset. You need to think over every single possible strategy that a team will use. You also need to think like the average player. Most players are trying to be a one man army. Is a vehicle really worth it if it requires more than 2 people to be functional, especially if they are not working in tandem? It is already tough to find a competent gunner for a warthog on bloodgulch - trying to find someone competent and willing to be a gunner for something harder like a pelican is generally a nighmare. Same thing goes for other large "team moving" vehicles.

Now, regarding spaceships. While good for ambiance, it is absolutely silly to try and have a full on spaceship as a serious design element of a map. There is simply too much wasted space and not enough actual usefulness as a base. What will end up happening after a few rounds is that people will simply start camping outside the ships in jets or with sniper rifles and forcing them to stay inside, which is not fun for whichever team happens to be stuck in a base instead of fighting a battle.

So, my suggestion? Skip the spaceships entirely. Start small before trying to "fix" the large, broken map. If you don't understand the basics of level design and balancing then any map you make will be doomed to failure from the start. You can throw all the knickknacks and shiny bullshit you like into a map, but it isn't going to make people want to play it for any extended period of time. Besides that, people tend to not give much of a shit about maps that have had a few textures swapped. Why bother downloading an 100MB file that isn't being played much and is basically the same thing as another map that is already being played? Notice how no one plays any of the shitty Cocksnap "edits" that only serve to add more stupid bullshit into the map?

If you intend to learn how to properly make a video game level, I suggest you read through this (http://www.fcmaps.net/files/public/tutorials/Bens_Small_Bible_of_Realistic_Multiplayer_Level_De sign.pdf).

Rawr, back to calculus and physics =P.

October 17th, 2008, 07:18 AM
What are you saying man, the longsword is the best thing ever. One time I had the flag in extinction and tele'd up to those bars that go across the cliff gap to the left of the covenant base from the view of the human base.

Then I jumped onto a friendly longsword that was underneath and hopped in, that was loads of fun, and probably some of the only fun I ever had on that map :|

October 17th, 2008, 07:22 AM
the only fun i had was continually bombing the poa hangar with longsword nukes, causing teammates, enemies, and vehicles, to fly around. until i got banned :B

October 17th, 2008, 07:55 AM
I just like flying large flying vehicles around and picking people up and dropping them of. Im the taxi :P

Thats why I love the pelican and longsword.

October 17th, 2008, 09:01 AM
For size maybe around the same as maps like Sidewinder or Infinity?

October 17th, 2008, 09:18 AM
Someone should make a proper nuke with, blinding flash of light, mushroom cloud, and after it goes BOOM there should be some residual radiation.

October 17th, 2008, 09:55 AM
But they would have to have some sort of load time.

October 17th, 2008, 09:20 PM
I'll go ahead and ask if you have even considered my advice. If you haven't then I don't see your map becoming nothing more than an Extinction with a few things added/removed. Go ahead and redo the entire thing following what I and the fellow experienced gamers/developers have given you. Make a better Extinction by eliminating whats bad, give it better gameplay.

Please don't disappoint those who made the original, learn from our mistakes.

onion pistol
October 18th, 2008, 12:11 PM
That sounds like a good idea.

A bunch of canyons and cliff paths, caverns and such for infantry and ground vehicle combat, and air space is no issue.

Maybe i should have less humongous vehicles and more smaller vehicles...

Banshees and such...

Reduce the combat area to a series of Canyons and Gorges instead of a large open plain, with winding trails between them. This would effectively reduce the nuisance from Longsword fighters and dropship strafing. Be sure to include cavernous rooms and depressions in the wall, not to mention trails along the walls of the Canyons for snipers and extra access. At certain points in the Canyons/Gorges would be teleporters into the specific ships. You could further enhance the dynamics of the map by including corridors in each ship to armories, bridges, brigs etc. I would love to help out, I've had several designs for wall structures festering in my mind for days. However I'm without any resources to produce them.

If you follow my advice your map COULD do well. Like Sniper Canyon Redux, only a little larger. I implore you to heed my advice.

Making the map bigger isn't the problem here. Making it bigger while making it play well is. Look at most of the maps in BF2. They support anywhere from 16 to 64 players and most of them play very well in all of those settings. However, the Battlefield Engine has some advantages and design features that Blam! does not. Battlefield 2 levels are designed with large scale combat in mind and include vehicles, weapons and engine optimizations for these scenarios. Blam! as implemented in Halo PC and CE, does not. Large vehicles like the scarab are generally laggy messes and have trouble handling debris on the floor of the map. Most servers have a hard time managing 16 player matches on these large maps which is bad because that is what these maps are designed for.

You are correct. Less humongous vehicles, more smaller and strategic vehicles, ones that blam actually supports. to go along with teekups idea.

Flying Vehicles like the Pelican and the Longsword are generally poorly implemented due to limitations of the game engine and generally don't fit a very suitable combat role in Halo. There are very few realistic situations where a fighter bomber like the longsword is useful in Halo; All that the longsword is good for is stunts and the occasionally moment of non-combat fun. As soon as you have people fighting the longsword in banshees or jets, the longsword fails to be fun since it is such a difficult vehicle to fly in combat. Most people tend to treat the LS like some oversized banshee, which doesn't help.

Indeed you are correct again. However, there are ways they can be made interesting in a map. Mainly the BSP itself seems to contribute to effectiveness.

Pelicans have issues too. Pelicans are only useful when you can get a large group of people to act as a team. Few people are willing to do that in a non-tournament/competition setting. Other then using it for stunts, most people just fly off and try to use the pelican like a banshee, which is , again, stupid. Even if you can get people to use the pelican, then what? You have now emptied your base of defenders and the other team can just waltz on in and capture your flag or whatever. Assuming 1 person is a pilot, 1 is a gunner/copilot (assuming he is in the front, the back gun is usually poorly implemented and doesn't have a whole lot of use anyway), you have just removed 1/4th of your team from active combat. That is without anybody in the seats. Now, throw 2 people into the pelican. While your pelican is flying around being a giant target, the enemy team is probably sending 6 people off to your base to overwelm your defenders and take the flag. Using the pelican is a risky tactic that most smart teams wouldn't try to use.

This is the most intelligent post about pelicans I have seen yet. Not much is to be said, I will heed your advice.

[quote]You need to think of everything in a tactical and strategic mindset. You need to think over every single possible strategy that a team will use. You also need to think like the average player. Most players are trying to be a one man army. Is a vehicle really worth it if it requires more than 2 people to be functional, especially if they are not working in tandem? It is already tough to find a competent gunner for a warthog on bloodgulch - trying to find someone competent and willing to be a gunner for something harder like a pelican is generally a nighmare. Same thing goes for other large "team moving" vehicles.[quote]

Thanks for the advice.

I'll talk to bobbysoon about these BSP changes and draw up some plans...i have some ideas, thanks to you guys.

Lets disregard all our past arguments, if you don't mind.

October 18th, 2008, 04:30 PM
Thank you Onion, I hope your project turns out well.

October 18th, 2008, 05:19 PM
I'm glad that you see what needs to be done. I hope this turns out well. Good luck!

onion pistol
October 20th, 2008, 06:42 PM
Thanks. As soon as I get word from bobby, we'll work out a plan.

October 23rd, 2008, 07:56 AM
new to this so yeah...

anyways, you've got good intentions and from those pictures I can see alot more has been added.

I agree with decreasing the size of the map, reducing the number of large vehicles and adding walk paths, teleporters, organized armories, hangers. It'd be nice to see a map that plays sort of well and doesn't lag with 16 people (I laugh at the logic of people hosting large maps when they can't handle the full 16 people)

anyways, keep up the good work my friend and I'll be more than happy to see this released and played for a few months then fading into obscurity like every other map (see nightcamp CE) and being replaced by scrub maps (see TG yoyo)

onion pistol
October 25th, 2008, 10:41 AM
new to this so yeah...

anyways, you've got good intentions and from those pictures I can see alot more has been added.

I agree with decreasing the size of the map, reducing the number of large vehicles and adding walk paths, teleporters, organized armories, hangers. It'd be nice to see a map that plays sort of well and doesn't lag with 16 people (I laugh at the logic of people hosting large maps when they can't handle the full 16 people)

anyways, keep up the good work my friend and I'll be more than happy to see this released and played for a few months then fading into obscurity like every other map (see nightcamp CE) and being replaced by scrub maps (see TG yoyo)

Lol. Thanks!

October 26th, 2008, 11:34 AM
Lol. Thanks!

no prob, just keep atleast two pelicans in the human base and make sure they have limited ammo for archer pods.

also I didn't like the skin used in extinction that the SPARTANS had, please use original biped.

last thing (or two)

1. in the hanger add a few banshee's on the groundfloor, and two spirits, on on each side (kinda like this:)

B=banshee S=spirit


so it looks kinda like the banshees are ment for escorting the drop ships

and two, i know its nooby, but mind if I ask if I can test it? i'm not a "leaker" and I'm good at giving feed back as I've tested a few maps (they aren't released due to issues) for friends that are enjoyable, one map is allowed to be "leaked" because its fun.

anyways, can't wait for the final

October 26th, 2008, 12:25 PM
betas are public, im pretty sure

onion pistol
October 28th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Yeah, i always post a link to it on the forum. Covenant hangar will be added, and I'll talk to bobby about putting in more extensive ship interiors, for CQb.

October 30th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Instead of a Marathon cruiser, how about a frigate? Me personally, I'm more excited about making a frigate than I am a Marathon cruiser. I'd also like to model something besides a ccs

of course, the story would need to be changed some, in addition to the desert now being snow

The UNSC cruiser hovering above Hotzone, the 'Genocide' was shot down by the Covenant Flagship. On the way down, the Genocide fired its MAC cannon at the Covenant ship, disabling it. Both starships crashed on this section of halo and are fighting for supremecy of the desert.

The UNSC ____ hovering above Hotzone?, the 'Genocide' was shot down by the Covenant Flagship. On the way down, the Genocide fired its MAC cannon at the Covenant ship, disabling it. Both starships crashed on this section of halo and are fighting for supremecy of the snowzert.

October 30th, 2008, 01:43 PM
Instead of a Marathon cruiser, how about a frigate? Me personally, I'm more excited about making a frigate than I am a Marathon cruiser. I'd also like to model something besides a ccs

of course, the story would need to be changed some, in addition to the desert now being snow


fail idea...keep it the way it is...

also, think you can make a way to shift it from day to night, sorta like what that biped did, but have a second one that turns it from night to day...I know people RP on extinction and that feature would make it alot more interesting

last thing, you thunk for added scenery you could place down a broken bridge like the one on AoTCR? that way it looks like it was hit by some wreckage when the cruiser crashed...

ok bye ^.^

onion pistol
October 31st, 2008, 09:30 PM
I like the frigate idea. It would be really cool to have one. They are fairly small, but that is little issue.

As for the bridge...bobby made a nice one, i think we'll keep it.

Also, bobby, about a new bsp, from the tes tmap...

We should keep the size (for now) and apply those cliff techniques to the current layout. My suggestion would be to make them smoother.

November 11th, 2008, 12:22 AM
boobysoon, his "models", and all related discussion has been moved to his own thread in the gallery (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12897). Please keep this thread to just onion pistol's Extinction remake.

t3h m00kz
November 12th, 2008, 01:51 AM
Reading the first few pages of posts this thread made me want to kill myself...

So much negativity. It's depressing.

Where's the love, yo?

November 12th, 2008, 10:15 AM
Reading the first few pages of posts this thread made me want to kill myself...

So much negativity. It's depressing.

Where's the love, yo?
gone, along with the awesome synth that was used in the first terminator movie.

anyways, any new screens or what-nots?

onion pistol
November 13th, 2008, 04:24 PM
Not at the moment. Bobby and i are still working on the BSP, such as layouts and such. We plan on using terrain similar to that of a50.

November 14th, 2008, 08:11 AM
I have an idea to how thw friget will be Egg. I will model the crah site when I model your Friget. then you can ad it on the main BSP.

November 14th, 2008, 08:27 AM
Sounds like its coming along nicely, but please do consider using the normal cyborg_mp biped as the extinction 1.0 biped was horrible to look at. And remember my advice on the pelican if you can please.

Also, like I said can’t wait to try the beta and I have high hopes for the final cut.

onion pistol
November 14th, 2008, 03:33 PM
I have an idea to how thw friget will be Egg. I will model the crah site when I model your Friget. then you can ad it on the main BSP.
Could you not make it crashed? I think it would be cooler if it was floating.

...and yes, I am using the normal cyborg_mp.

November 14th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Could you not make it crashed? I think it would be cooler if it was floating.

...and yes, I am using the normal cyborg_mp.yay

oh and its spelled "frigate"

anyways still thinkin of the awesomeness

November 15th, 2008, 10:30 AM
Yeah Sorry, was replying using my phone, touch screen is a pain Lol.

It was going to be crashed but into the side of a mountain sort of thing, so you can see underneath it.

onion pistol
November 15th, 2008, 08:20 PM
Yeah Sorry, was replying using my phone, touch screen is a pain Lol.

It was going to be crashed but into the side of a mountain sort of thing, so you can see underneath it.
That sounds like an interesting idea.

November 16th, 2008, 03:39 PM
Yeah Sorry, was replying using my phone, touch screen is a pain Lol.

It was going to be crashed but into the side of a mountain sort of thing, so you can see underneath it.
Would the crashed frigate be slanting or just normal. For realism I vote slanting; for gameplay I vote slanting. But no more than maybe 20 degrees slant.

November 16th, 2008, 04:17 PM
It will probably be snapped in half and the half with the hanger level so vehicles can land. Maybe add a walking part to the slanted part. And some AA Gun platforms?

November 17th, 2008, 08:19 AM
It will probably be snapped in half and the half with the hanger level so vehicles can land. Maybe add a walking part to the slanted part. And some AA Gun platforms?if possible have like some hallways open so you can walk down them and you see where the frigate got ripped in two, would add some authenticity to it

November 18th, 2008, 03:05 AM
That was my idea of splitting it in two :) You read my mind.

November 18th, 2008, 07:08 AM
That was my idea of splitting it in two :) You read my mind.also if I crashed pt a few weapons on the ground of the armory, make it look like some weapons and ammo packets got knocked loose during the crash.

November 19th, 2008, 05:11 AM
This wont be done until after Christmas or maybe later... Sorry Because family and social life issues... and still no laptop because I'm waitin for a shop to get back to me about a part time job.

November 20th, 2008, 12:02 PM
This wont be done until after Christmas or maybe later... Sorry Because family and social life issues... and still no laptop because I'm waitin for a shop to get back to me about a part time job.no problem

January 17th, 2009, 01:54 PM
i know this post will take back the thread from the dead but i dont care if ppl like or hate this map but egg ive saw ur pic and vid on xfire and u are the greatest, ive never saw sumthing like it
like that scarab crouching animation it so awesome and i cant wait for u releasing the v2 of this map if u need me just ask i can help u

January 17th, 2009, 02:15 PM

January 17th, 2009, 02:17 PM

January 17th, 2009, 04:25 PM
Fail bump is fail.

In before what will probably be a lock.

January 17th, 2009, 04:34 PM
no updates...*sad face*

in before locks if no updates happen

English Mobster
January 18th, 2009, 03:48 AM
i know this post will take back the thread from the dead but i dont care if ppl like or hate this map but egg ive saw ur pic and vid on xfire and u are the greatest, ive never saw sumthing like it
like that scarab crouching animation it so awesome and i cant wait for u releasing the v2 of this map if u need me just ask i can help u

Seriously, I'm willing to bet he made an alt account just for the sake of trying to bring his thread back from the dead and not being hated for it.

January 18th, 2009, 04:01 AM
hope we've seen the last of this.

February 7th, 2009, 04:48 PM