View Full Version : Looking for that first job.
October 18th, 2008, 07:41 PM
Well I'm 18 and I need a job so I can buy my own car and pay for my own gas, possibly college, and in a few years move out for good.
Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a decent resume with no prior experience, and I don't want to have to work at McDonalds. I am a high school graduate and nobody seems to want to hire unless you have a ph.d in portal technology.
I'm just looking for a decent job (most likely full time) and fair treatment to employees.
October 18th, 2008, 07:50 PM
Just so I can get a good idea of where you'd fit, what are your hobbies/interests? Your intended major might help too. Also, I'll give you a sample resume to help you make your own. E- Eventually. I just have to find it...
October 18th, 2008, 08:47 PM
My hobby is Wakeboarding. Although my knees seem to be getting in worse condition everytime I ride. I'm into R/c hobbys aswell, I have an r/c car (1/8 scale 4wd buggy) but that thing is a money pit. I have an intrest in computers but I'm not sure what I want to do with that, I feel that thats what I want to do with my future though.
October 18th, 2008, 08:59 PM
Retail at an electronics store is your best bet. My advice: Go for a small store. Say, mall store sized. Usually massive-ass stores/businesses tend to have assholes for administrators. How do I know this? Both experience and common sense. Asshole managers like to have the kind of power that a manager has in such places. Managers of small stores usually don't care all too much, so they won't have any reason to treat you badly. The pattern I notice is that the major stores are run by middle-aged failures and small places are run by guys just working their way through school.
Example: The managers at both the Circuit City and the Best Buy near me are balding, worthless dimwits who clearly ended up where they are, and probably have been working there for 10+ years. The EBGames (not Gamestop, fuck you) manager actually knows shit about games, and is a pretty cool guy. He even recognizes me when I reserve games.
If you find a place you're interested in, go into the store as a customer, and examine how things work. See how easy it is to identify who's in charge, and how he runs the place. This way, you can have an idea of what you may be working with. If I hadn't done this myself, I'd probably be working at my local Target working under the complete idiots who are in charge.
I'll have the resume for you tomorrow morning, hopefully.
October 18th, 2008, 09:08 PM
If you have decent grades, apply for scholarships and grants and apply to a college of some sort. Most applications are due this month so you better get on that fast. If you don't have decent grades, apply for a merit based scholarship of some sort and try to apply to a local/community college. If you can get into that, you can work your ass off for a few years and then transfer into a full on college and get yourself a nice degree in something. If you live in California and have a 3.0 GPA or higher and apply to a UC system school, assuming you apply to one of the easier ones to get in, you are guaranteed to get into at least one school. Check and see if your state has something like that.
Job wise? Find a school first and then try and pick a job. Make sure it is part time and gives you plenty of time to do your schoolwork. What is the point of getting a job to pay off your schooling if you can't complete your schoolwork anyway ;P. If you must (and you probably will have to) get a student loan. Remember that the degree you get will allow you to make a higher salary and in the long run should more then pay off that loan.
Probably the best thing to do is something technical that you can do at home on your own time - something like website development or whatever. If you get good enough you could probably charge a good couple hundred bucks per page. Then you can reuse or edit old pages for new projects sell those. Etc.
Other then that? Be creative. If you can find some off the wall way of making money that doesn't eat up too much time, then by all means give it a shot. (
October 18th, 2008, 10:09 PM
My hobby is Wakeboarding. Although my knees seem to be getting in worse condition everytime I ride. I'm into R/c hobbys aswell, I have an r/c car (1/8 scale 4wd buggy) but that thing is a money pit. I have an intrest in computers but I'm not sure what I want to do with that, I feel that thats what I want to do with my future though.
If you've gone anywhere in wakeboarding try coaching. I volunteered coached soccer for a year then got hired at 25$ an hour 8 hours a week. That plus my shitty minimum pay maintenance job gets me a nice 350-400 dollers a week with time for school and sports.
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