View Full Version : W.I.P. "Hangar"
Rob Oplawar
March 9th, 2007, 10:53 PM
If you're like me you love the original Doom, and that's why just to give myself a break from the nightmare that is SP design, I'm making a multiplayer version of the first level of Doom 95: "Hangar".
At this point I have a very basic alpha BSP with some significant modifications necessary for ctf balancing, along with some nifty forerunner style towers. The whole map will be forerunner themed, set deep in the mountains of a halo, atop tall cliff.
Anyway, It's about lockout sized (although I'd never dare compare it to the glory of Lockout ;)
I'm really intrigued by the layout, and would love to test it some before I start spending hours prettifying it. Anybody interested in some 4 on 4 ctf? (just keep in mind it's currently at 1000 polys- it's an alpha).
March 9th, 2007, 11:41 PM
I don't know if I have the ability to commit to anything, really, so I won't beta. However, one question: are you going to integrate (even as an easter egg) the music from that very level in Doom? That is the most awesome song ever... <-This one!
Anyways, looks neat and the idea is fantastic. I've always hoped people would integrate maps from other games into Halo that I recognize and love...
March 10th, 2007, 12:09 AM
im interested in some 4v4 on that map o.O
March 10th, 2007, 12:12 AM
I'l beta. I can even give you a hand with textures and stuff if you need them. I've got lots and lots of original forerunner textures I've made *bribey bribey*
Map looks great to me :)
Neuro Guro
March 10th, 2007, 12:53 AM
Hey thats pretty cool!
When you get it in game show me and then we'll run around some and ill give ya some suggestions.
Rob Oplawar
March 10th, 2007, 01:18 AM
Well, I'm off to bed for tonight, but tomorrow I'll place spawn points, flags, weapons, and some different sized scenery objects for cover, and hopefully have an alpha uploaded to halomaps by tomorrow night so we can get some 4 on 4 on sunday afternoon. Check back here on sunday if you wanna test.
March 10th, 2007, 12:46 PM
looks cool, i'll join ya if ya need some people to test
March 10th, 2007, 01:51 PM
4 vs 4 CTF on doom levels? Why would you say no? I'm in!
March 10th, 2007, 07:16 PM
yeah as noob said, filefront it, you won't see it up until like 2 days on the weekends. Though I think Robs gone. Oops >.<
March 10th, 2007, 09:00 PM
Do you want the "Hangermageddon" DOOM music for the level?
stalker 4589
March 10th, 2007, 10:13 PM
Wow my two fav FPS doom and halo let me beta please. pretty please.
Rob Oplawar
March 10th, 2007, 10:30 PM
(sorry for the big size- somebody tell me how to use shot tags and I'll edit this)
edit: ohhh lol gotcha
So now I've got a playable alpha, and yeah, I didn't really think that through when I said I'd upload to halomaps... off to filefront. I'm all burnt out on this uber secrecy no leaks thing with bridge ce, and since this map is just for fun, anybody's welcome to download it and mess with it and all that SO LONG as nobody tries to take credit for it. I'll post a link for download as soon as it's up, and I'll put up a ctf server tomorrow afternoon, prolly 3-4ish Colorado time- that's 7 eastern? Not sure... Anyway, if you want to, please join in tomorrow.
March 10th, 2007, 10:49 PM
that looks awesome, but you really need better textures :X
talk to me on aim
tis: dano555666
Rob Oplawar
March 10th, 2007, 11:07 PM
K, the file is up- it's in a rar with a readme outlining things I already know, like the shitty textures. It's an alpha =P
hangar.rar (;6903155;;/fileinfo.html)
Edit: Oh, I forgot to mention that I forgot to portal it, but it shouldn't be too big a problem, as the bsp is 4500 polys. Still, there's players and scenery... sorry to anyone with a slower machine. I'm too tired to go back and fix that now, so I'll do it in the next alpha.
March 10th, 2007, 11:28 PM
cool, and if I was you, give Dano a IM, the floor skins don't work on that tower.
Edit | oh and FileFront isn't working very well with me, he will not let me download the file, it just takes me to the front page...
nothing you did.
March 11th, 2007, 12:02 AM
^ yes talk to Dano :P
Honestly you'll thank me once you talk to me on aim. Got lots of custom textures made from scratch by me, tha would work well with your map. I can even make new ones if you tell me what sort of texture you want. Why I'm bothering to help? Because the map looks great, and I'm getting sick of seeing the same old textures in every map. Plus I just like to help where I can.
Rob Oplawar
March 11th, 2007, 09:22 AM
Arg, well, I'm a noob, and I've never used filefront before. I tried to update the file with a very minor bug fix (sorry, not the portals) and it just messed up the file- says there is no hangar.rar, but I can't upload a new one, so here's a link to a renamed rar that should work:
hangarr.rar (;6905944;;/fileinfo.html)
If you already downloaded the map, you'll have to download this one now in order to play on the server.
March 11th, 2007, 12:10 PM
:p so that's why I couldn't download it. and thats just fine, I've only uploaded mods onto Halo.fileFront, never over at FileFront.
Rob Oplawar
March 11th, 2007, 04:49 PM
K, I'd get in touch with those of you who want to play via aim, but the ppls with aim screennames posted weren't online, so I'll just post here and hope somebody sees it- I'm putting up the server now- the server name is Hangar Alpha. If you want to play, dl the map and join on in. Hopefully enough people will be on at the same time to get some real gameplay testing.
Edit: Hmmm. Well, I seem to be having trouble hosting a server, probably because of the network setup here, so I guess testing will be delayed. =(
March 11th, 2007, 06:05 PM
Edit: Hmmm. Well, I seem to be having trouble hosting a server, probably because of the network setup here, so I guess testing will be delayed. =(
I will not let that happen, in fact, I have the server up and running...
Server name: Hangar Alpha
Server IP:
Map Cycle:
Hangar "Slayer"
Hangar "race"
Hangar "oddball"
Hangar "king"
Hangar "juggernaut"
Hangar "ctf"
Hangar "crazy king"
Hangar "assault"
Hangar "team slayer"
Hangar "team race"
Hangar "team oddball"
Hangar "team king"
deathisland "classic elimination"
March 11th, 2007, 11:06 PM
Ya, most most not have the latest update, or you tryed to join after me and rob got done testing, and I had to shut it do so I could clear up the chat log so if there was any thing that the 3 of use pointed out, can be recorded, and I had to do some other things to the server it's self that had to be done with the server shut down.
March 11th, 2007, 11:11 PM
... ya, the server wasn't up untel over a hour later, and it was me hosting it.
Rob Oplawar
March 17th, 2007, 06:07 PM
Alllllrighty then, alpha version 2 of Hangar is up on filefront:
hangar_alpha2.rar (;6959537;;/fileinfo.html)
I'll be testing this afternoon, so just look for a server playing the map hangar. All gamytypes are supported this time around, and there is a lot more playable area added.
Also, I found a pretty easy way to get on top of the level. Oops.
Edit: Well, scratch that, I still can't get my dedicated server to work, and I'm pretty sure at this point it's because of the shitty network here. Testing will begin... someday. /yawn. I'ma go watch a movie or something.
March 18th, 2007, 11:02 AM
lol, looks like [Now]windy wants a pice of you, but well done.
March 18th, 2007, 04:33 PM
amazing work! i shall download.
March 18th, 2007, 05:17 PM
lol, ya, I can't wait for the finshed model.
Rob Oplawar
March 18th, 2007, 09:07 PM
Also, I found a pretty easy way to get on top of the level. Oops.
Yeah, I want the structure of that second level to be separate from those main tower things, but I think they'll have to be attached in some way or else I'll have to use an invisible wall, and nobody wants that...
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