October 22nd, 2008, 08:18 PM
p0lar edit:
end edit.
Hi guys. Do you want colors in your Map/Film description ? =)
Yes ? So, this tutorial is for you. Enjoy !
An example of a result:
It's not really a Green, but a Yellow greened.
Step 1: Make your file.
Step 2: Extract the file from your Xbox 360.
Step 3: Open it with a Hex Editor.
Step 5: Search and replace your text description by the color code.
(Offset 0000D060)
Example: <color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color>
Step 6: Save, Rehash, Resign and upload back to Xbox.
(Verified) Colors codes:
<color argb=#55FFFFFF>Description</color>
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFe8ea1e>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>Description</color>
<color argb=#FF8692d4>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFb139b5>Description</color>
- Thanks to Anthony -
The first value seems like it would be the Alpha channel.. It's always 0xFF which is 100%, someone should try making it 50%
((50 / 100) * 255 ) = 127.5
127 = 0x7F
So replace the first with value "FF" with "7F" and see if its 50% transparent ;)I think the colors possibilities are almost limitless. (Like on a web page with a .css).
All the best ! :)
Ill researched this stuff and found some new symbols that a friend of mines will be making applications out of. Also I found some new variables that show different results. Things like:
and MANY others. They are found in the halo 3 locales in strings like "<color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/>" The FF in the beginning is the alpha which defines opacity from what I can infer.
Here is a long list of locales extracted from the
WEAPONS <color argb=#55ffffff>(1 of 7)</color>
VEHICLES <color argb=#55ffffff>(2 of7)</color>
EQUIPMENT <color argb=#55ffffff>(3 of 7)</color>
SCENERY <color argb=#55ffffff>(4 of 7)</color>
TELEPORTERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(5 of 7)</color>
SPAWNERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(6 of 7)</color>
GOALS <color argb=#55ffffff>(7 of 7)</color>
<item _name/>
Next Item <color argb=#55ffffff>(X of Y)</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>[</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>]</color>
A map variant of <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
A game variant of <game_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Forge screenshot on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Forge film on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Current (<current-language/>)
Current (<current-gamerzone/>)
Language: <language/>
Gamer Zone: <gamerzone/>
Experience: <experience/>
Game Mode: <game-mode/>
Game Size: <game-size/>
Map Size: <map-size/>
Game Rules: <game-rules/>
Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>)
Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>)
??? <page-index/> of <page-count/> ???
The File Share is a location where you can store saved multiplayer game films and, in the future, other types of Halo 3 game files.
Shared Map Variants: <filevalue>
Shared Game Variants: (value)
Saved Films: (value)
<next-rank-experience/> EXP
Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/>
<next-rank-experience/> EXP or Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/>
<quota-remaining/> Free
Downloading (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically.
Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! The file will be available shortly.
Uploading... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
<quota-remaining/> Free
Downloading (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically.
Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! The file will be available shortly.
Uploading... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
<quota-remaining/> free in your File Share.
<quota-remaining/> REMAINING
Current Setting: <joystick-layout-description/>
Current Setting: <button-layout-description />
Service Tag: <service-tag/>
GENDER: <gender/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Model:</color> <mod-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Head:</color> <hd-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Left Shoulder:</color> <ls-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Right Shoulder:</color> <rs-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Body:</color> <bod-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background:</color> <bkd-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Foreground:</color> <fore-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Foreground:</color> <sec-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Base Color:</color> <base-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background Color:</color> <bk-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Primary Icon Color:</color> <pri-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Icon Color:</color> <secd-value/>
Option <part-count-current/> of <part-count-total/>
<color argb=#55FFFFFF>??? OK</color>
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller0_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller1_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller2_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller3_gamertag/>'.
<film-party-player-left/> left the film.
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <solo-date/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <coop-date/>
NETWORK: <lobby-network/>
GAME: <lobby-multiplayer-game/>
MAP: <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
MISSION: <lobby-campaign-level/>
DIFFICULTY: <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
PLAYLIST: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper/>
MAP: <lobby-mapeditor-map/>
FILM: <lobby-theater-film/>
<lobby-current-players/> Player (<lobby-max-players/> max)
<lobby-current-players/> Players (<lobby-max-players/> max)
<lobby-current-players/> Player (Closed)
<lobby-current-players/> Players (Closed)
Edit Objects on <lobby-mapeditor-map/>
<lobby-theater-film/> (<lobby-theater-film-length/>)
Someone is joining the game... <lobby-privacy/>
The current map is not available. Please select a different map. <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
The party size is too large to start the game. Up to <lobby-coop-max-players/> players may play co-op on Xbox LIVE or system link.
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
The party size is too large to play this film. Only <lobby-film-max-players/> may watch this film on Xbox LIVE or system link.
<lobby-film-party-leader-requirement/> has the best connection and must be the Party Leader to watch films.
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
Retrieving files from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
An unknown error has occurred. <lobby-privacy/>
The Party Leader is changing settings. <lobby-privacy/>
Waiting for <lobby-party-leader/> to start the game. <lobby-privacy/>
Press ??? to cancel the countdown.
The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds.
Press ??? to delay the countdown.
The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds.
<lobby-delaying-player/> delayed the countdown.
??? <lobby-party-leader/> is your Party Leader.
<lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
at <lobby-campaign-insertion/>
<lobby-multiplayer-game/> on <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
on <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
<lobby-matchmaking-hopper/>, Population: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper-population/>
<lobby-matchmaking-total-population/> Gamers Online
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Current Players in Party: </color><party_size/>
Budget: <budget-total/>
The party size is too large. Only <lobby-forge-max-players/> may play in Forge
Loading... <lobby-percent-loaded/>%
Budget: <budget-used/> used, <budget-available/> available.
A light version of <map-name/>, with plenty of budget available for new intepretation.
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/>
Party Countdown:<rematch-timer/>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
<hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>)
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
<current-players/> Players
Details <party-joinable/>
Players: <player-count/> (<player-max/> Max)
<game-start-countdown-seconds/> SECONDS
<current-veto-count/> out of <max-veto-count/>
Game accepted. Game starting in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds.
Game starts in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds.
??? Veto Map and Game <local-veto-indicators/>
<current-players/> players
<game-variant-name/> on <map-variant-name/>
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
<hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>)
<current-players/> Players
<current-players/> Player
Target: Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with a Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Games Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Need additional players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>.
Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>.
Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players of mixed skill.
Need additional team of <their-size-dynamic/> players.
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
Sudden Death may last for up to <current-name/>.
The player will have these traits for <current-name/>.
The player can take <current-name/> of the normal damage.
The player can only take <current-name/> as much damage as normal.
The player does only <current-name/> as much damage as normal.
The player does <current-name/> of the normal damage.
The player starts with <current-name/> grenades.
The player starts with <current-name/> grenade.
The player moves at only <current-name/> of normal speed.
The player moves at <current-name/> of normal speed.
Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player lighter.
Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player heavier.
The motion sensor range is reduced to <current-name/>.
The motion sensor operates normally, out to <current-name/>.
The motion sensor range is increased to <current-name/>.
Rounds will end after <current-name/>.
Weapons on the map will be replaced with <current-name/>.
A penalty of <current-name/> is added.
A penalty of <current-name/> is added. Wow, harsh.
The player may die <current-name/> times and is then out of lives.
The player may die <current-name/> time and is then out of lives.
Deaths increase your respawn time by <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
Capture <current-name/> flags to win the round.
Capture <current-name/> flag to win the round.
Players may return their flag by standing nearby it for <current-name/>.
A stolen flag will reset after sitting unattended for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The goal will move every <current-name/>.
Players up to <current-name/> away will be affected.
Players will capture a territory by staying nearby for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
A new Juggernaut is chosen <current-name/> after the old one dies.
The goal will move every <current-name/>.
<current-name/> of players will start the round as Zombies.
<current-name/> players will start the round as Zombies.
Safe havens move every <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The ball enters play <current-name/> after the start of the round.
The ball will respawn after sitting idle for <current-name/>.
Detonate <current-name/> bombs to win the round.
Detonate <current-name/> bomb to win the round.
The bomb requires <current-name/> to arm upon reaching a target.
Once armed, it takes <current-name/> to disarm a bomb. Stay calm.
The bomb detonates <current-name/> after arming. Defend it, but from a safe distance.
The bomb will reset if left sitting idle for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The hill moves to a new location every <current-name/>.
Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/>
MVP: <mvp/>
VICTOR: <mvp/>
<game-variant/> on
<lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
TIME <time-completed/>
<difficulty-complete/> Difficulty
<number-of-skulls/> Skulls
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>Total RP:</color> <xp-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Ranked Matches:</color> <ranked-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Social Matches:</color> <social-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Custom Games:</color> <custom-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Kills:</color> <kills/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Deaths:</color> <deaths/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>K/D Spread:</color> <kd-ratio/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Headshots:</color> <headshots/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Best Spree:</color> <best-spree/>
<implement-name/> (<implement-count/> kills)
Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/>
Population: <hopper-population/>
<game-info/> on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
<map-info/> on <difficulty-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
Forge film on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> On
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> Off
If you test any of these let me know.
The 2 Digits before the color value define opacity as a hex value. So 255 is fully visible and 0 and fully invisible.
end edit.
Hi guys. Do you want colors in your Map/Film description ? =)
Yes ? So, this tutorial is for you. Enjoy !
An example of a result:
It's not really a Green, but a Yellow greened.
Step 1: Make your file.
Step 2: Extract the file from your Xbox 360.
Step 3: Open it with a Hex Editor.
Step 5: Search and replace your text description by the color code.
(Offset 0000D060)
Example: <color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color>
Step 6: Save, Rehash, Resign and upload back to Xbox.
(Verified) Colors codes:
<color argb=#55FFFFFF>Description</color>
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFe8ea1e>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>Description</color>
<color argb=#FF8692d4>Description</color>
<color argb=#FFb139b5>Description</color>
- Thanks to Anthony -
The first value seems like it would be the Alpha channel.. It's always 0xFF which is 100%, someone should try making it 50%
((50 / 100) * 255 ) = 127.5
127 = 0x7F
So replace the first with value "FF" with "7F" and see if its 50% transparent ;)I think the colors possibilities are almost limitless. (Like on a web page with a .css).
All the best ! :)
Ill researched this stuff and found some new symbols that a friend of mines will be making applications out of. Also I found some new variables that show different results. Things like:
and MANY others. They are found in the halo 3 locales in strings like "<color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/>" The FF in the beginning is the alpha which defines opacity from what I can infer.
Here is a long list of locales extracted from the
WEAPONS <color argb=#55ffffff>(1 of 7)</color>
VEHICLES <color argb=#55ffffff>(2 of7)</color>
EQUIPMENT <color argb=#55ffffff>(3 of 7)</color>
SCENERY <color argb=#55ffffff>(4 of 7)</color>
TELEPORTERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(5 of 7)</color>
SPAWNERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(6 of 7)</color>
GOALS <color argb=#55ffffff>(7 of 7)</color>
<item _name/>
Next Item <color argb=#55ffffff>(X of Y)</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>[</color>
<color argb=#FFa1b375>]</color>
A map variant of <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
A game variant of <game_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Forge screenshot on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
<campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Forge film on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/>
Current (<current-language/>)
Current (<current-gamerzone/>)
Language: <language/>
Gamer Zone: <gamerzone/>
Experience: <experience/>
Game Mode: <game-mode/>
Game Size: <game-size/>
Map Size: <map-size/>
Game Rules: <game-rules/>
Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>)
Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>)
??? <page-index/> of <page-count/> ???
The File Share is a location where you can store saved multiplayer game films and, in the future, other types of Halo 3 game files.
Shared Map Variants: <filevalue>
Shared Game Variants: (value)
Saved Films: (value)
<next-rank-experience/> EXP
Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/>
<next-rank-experience/> EXP or Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/>
<quota-remaining/> Free
Downloading (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically.
Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! The file will be available shortly.
Uploading... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
<quota-remaining/> Free
Downloading (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically.
Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! The file will be available shortly.
Uploading... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%)
Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically.
<quota-remaining/> free in your File Share.
<quota-remaining/> REMAINING
Current Setting: <joystick-layout-description/>
Current Setting: <button-layout-description />
Service Tag: <service-tag/>
GENDER: <gender/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Model:</color> <mod-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Head:</color> <hd-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Left Shoulder:</color> <ls-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Right Shoulder:</color> <rs-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Body:</color> <bod-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background:</color> <bkd-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Foreground:</color> <fore-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Foreground:</color> <sec-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Base Color:</color> <base-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background Color:</color> <bk-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Primary Icon Color:</color> <pri-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Icon Color:</color> <secd-value/>
Option <part-count-current/> of <part-count-total/>
<color argb=#55FFFFFF>??? OK</color>
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller0_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller1_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller2_gamertag/>'.
Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller3_gamertag/>'.
<film-party-player-left/> left the film.
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <solo-date/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <coop-date/>
NETWORK: <lobby-network/>
GAME: <lobby-multiplayer-game/>
MAP: <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
MISSION: <lobby-campaign-level/>
DIFFICULTY: <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
PLAYLIST: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper/>
MAP: <lobby-mapeditor-map/>
FILM: <lobby-theater-film/>
<lobby-current-players/> Player (<lobby-max-players/> max)
<lobby-current-players/> Players (<lobby-max-players/> max)
<lobby-current-players/> Player (Closed)
<lobby-current-players/> Players (Closed)
Edit Objects on <lobby-mapeditor-map/>
<lobby-theater-film/> (<lobby-theater-film-length/>)
Someone is joining the game... <lobby-privacy/>
The current map is not available. Please select a different map. <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
The party size is too large to start the game. Up to <lobby-coop-max-players/> players may play co-op on Xbox LIVE or system link.
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
The party size is too large to play this film. Only <lobby-film-max-players/> may watch this film on Xbox LIVE or system link.
<lobby-film-party-leader-requirement/> has the best connection and must be the Party Leader to watch films.
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/>
Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
Retrieving files from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/>
An unknown error has occurred. <lobby-privacy/>
The Party Leader is changing settings. <lobby-privacy/>
Waiting for <lobby-party-leader/> to start the game. <lobby-privacy/>
Press ??? to cancel the countdown.
The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds.
Press ??? to delay the countdown.
The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds.
<lobby-delaying-player/> delayed the countdown.
??? <lobby-party-leader/> is your Party Leader.
<lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
at <lobby-campaign-insertion/>
<lobby-multiplayer-game/> on <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
on <lobby-multiplayer-map/>
<lobby-matchmaking-hopper/>, Population: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper-population/>
<lobby-matchmaking-total-population/> Gamers Online
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Current Players in Party: </color><party_size/>
Budget: <budget-total/>
The party size is too large. Only <lobby-forge-max-players/> may play in Forge
Loading... <lobby-percent-loaded/>%
Budget: <budget-used/> used, <budget-available/> available.
A light version of <map-name/>, with plenty of budget available for new intepretation.
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/>
Party Countdown:<rematch-timer/>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4>
Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color>
<hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>)
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
<current-players/> Players
Details <party-joinable/>
Players: <player-count/> (<player-max/> Max)
<game-start-countdown-seconds/> SECONDS
<current-veto-count/> out of <max-veto-count/>
Game accepted. Game starting in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds.
Game starts in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds.
??? Veto Map and Game <local-veto-indicators/>
<current-players/> players
<game-variant-name/> on <map-variant-name/>
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
<hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>)
<current-players/> Players
<current-players/> Player
Target: Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with a Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Games Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/>
Need additional players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>.
Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>.
Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players of mixed skill.
Need additional team of <their-size-dynamic/> players.
??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader.
Sudden Death may last for up to <current-name/>.
The player will have these traits for <current-name/>.
The player can take <current-name/> of the normal damage.
The player can only take <current-name/> as much damage as normal.
The player does only <current-name/> as much damage as normal.
The player does <current-name/> of the normal damage.
The player starts with <current-name/> grenades.
The player starts with <current-name/> grenade.
The player moves at only <current-name/> of normal speed.
The player moves at <current-name/> of normal speed.
Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player lighter.
Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player heavier.
The motion sensor range is reduced to <current-name/>.
The motion sensor operates normally, out to <current-name/>.
The motion sensor range is increased to <current-name/>.
Rounds will end after <current-name/>.
Weapons on the map will be replaced with <current-name/>.
A penalty of <current-name/> is added.
A penalty of <current-name/> is added. Wow, harsh.
The player may die <current-name/> times and is then out of lives.
The player may die <current-name/> time and is then out of lives.
Deaths increase your respawn time by <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
Capture <current-name/> flags to win the round.
Capture <current-name/> flag to win the round.
Players may return their flag by standing nearby it for <current-name/>.
A stolen flag will reset after sitting unattended for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The goal will move every <current-name/>.
Players up to <current-name/> away will be affected.
Players will capture a territory by staying nearby for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
A new Juggernaut is chosen <current-name/> after the old one dies.
The goal will move every <current-name/>.
<current-name/> of players will start the round as Zombies.
<current-name/> players will start the round as Zombies.
Safe havens move every <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The ball enters play <current-name/> after the start of the round.
The ball will respawn after sitting idle for <current-name/>.
Detonate <current-name/> bombs to win the round.
Detonate <current-name/> bomb to win the round.
The bomb requires <current-name/> to arm upon reaching a target.
Once armed, it takes <current-name/> to disarm a bomb. Stay calm.
The bomb detonates <current-name/> after arming. Defend it, but from a safe distance.
The bomb will reset if left sitting idle for <current-name/>.
Score <current-name/> points to win the round.
Score <current-name/> point to win the round.
The hill moves to a new location every <current-name/>.
Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/>
MVP: <mvp/>
VICTOR: <mvp/>
<game-variant/> on
<lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/>
TIME <time-completed/>
<difficulty-complete/> Difficulty
<number-of-skulls/> Skulls
<color argb=#ff76a1d3>Total RP:</color> <xp-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Ranked Matches:</color> <ranked-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Social Matches:</color> <social-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Custom Games:</color> <custom-value/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Kills:</color> <kills/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Deaths:</color> <deaths/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>K/D Spread:</color> <kd-ratio/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Headshots:</color> <headshots/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Best Spree:</color> <best-spree/>
<implement-name/> (<implement-count/> kills)
Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/>
Population: <hopper-population/>
<game-info/> on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
<map-info/> on <difficulty-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
Forge film on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/>
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> On
<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> Off
If you test any of these let me know.
The 2 Digits before the color value define opacity as a hex value. So 255 is fully visible and 0 and fully invisible.