View Full Version : Bad habits in gaming
October 24th, 2008, 01:04 PM
Saw this thread somewhere else, thought it might be interesting here.
What bad habits do you have when playing games that you always do even if it makes you lose?
Me for example, in RPGs and open world games, I always make a point of murdering anyone who pisses me off even slightly. This doesn't end well in most of them, especially in Obl- STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM
In FPS games, I have an unwarranted hatred of snipers, and often go to any lengths to hunt them down while disregarding all other objectives and/or my personal safety.
October 24th, 2008, 01:13 PM
In Halo 3 I tend to throw grenades too much, resulting in my own death when if I had just kept firing I would have killed my opponent.
Also, in any game I've ever played that I was a sniper in, I've never camped or just stood still (with the exception of RO), I've always moved around with it, sort of like in Halo. <_<
October 24th, 2008, 01:39 PM
I get rid of grenades too fast in RO (usually lob both at the same target to be sure); I also overestimate my chances with outrunning MGs and shit like that. Mostly it's general impatience when I'm tired or in a bad mood, I slow down a lot when I'm playing seriously.
October 24th, 2008, 01:55 PM
As soon as I get angry, I can't stop yelling :(
Happens a lot with Martydom people on CoD4 PC.
*Knifes* Why is martydom even in this damn game >:| *Shoots another guy* STOP USING MARTYDOM YOU NUBS *Shoots another guy* w00t! Helicopter! *Helicopter kills a guy and I run into his martydom* OMFGWTFBBQ
And then I go so low as to MP5+Reload Exploit them.
October 24th, 2008, 01:57 PM
I don't play too many games anymore, but lets take it game by game as to my aggravations.
FEAR: Those Ninja things were the point of many nightmares and my eventual retribution involved me leaping into harms way just to kill the bastards.
Halo: I am overambitious when using grenades, and usually run out far before I should.
Crysis: I will do anything and everything possible to eliminate a sniper, more often than not ending in my death as I alert the entire base to my intentions.
Unreal Tournament 2004: I don't think before I act.
Battlefield 2: I think I can fly when I can't.
Half Life 2: Using the physics gun to the disadvantage of my allies (Exploding barrel to the face!) and usually wasting all my shotgun ammo on the Fast Zombies.
October 24th, 2008, 04:54 PM
Halo: Trying to melee everything
Oblivion: hitting my allies, Using midas magic mods to fuck with the game. Using Force burst on everybody (I get a lot of delight in interrupting conversations).
GTAIV: Abandoning the game because of how fucking boring it is
Platformers in general: If I can't complete a level after 4 tries, I give up and return a couple of weeks later to it. Repeat if not complete.
All in general: Biting the controller until there are various canine-shaped dents whenever a camera error causes me to lose/I almost complete a level after little to no checkpoints and die/When spawning at checkpoints having to go through unskippable annoyances.
MetKiller Joe
October 24th, 2008, 05:47 PM
Halo 3: Quitting the game early when the only tactic becomes shotguns, rockets, swords, and camping.
October 24th, 2008, 05:51 PM
Getting bored in zombie fpses while waiting for more combat... I KNOW IT WOULD BE SAFER TO STAY THERE, BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. :smith:
October 24th, 2008, 05:59 PM
All I've really played lately is TF2 and Guitar Hero Aerosmith.
In TF2, I tend to give up a support class that I'm doing decently in (Medic or Engie) when I get impatient during a stalemate. Usually that results in a loss.
In GHA, I panic like shit when I see like the whole fucking fretboard light up with notes during a solo and I end up just sliding my fingers all over the fret buttons. Sometimes it works, but usually I fail hard.
October 24th, 2008, 06:12 PM
In Halo, if I'm having a bad day, I often swear at the TV, or give it the finger. In strategy games, I tend to not build as many defenses when the AI doesn't attack as much, and when they attack with a big army, I fail...
October 24th, 2008, 06:24 PM
In Halo, I have this really bad habit of just melleing out of no were like crazy... D:
October 24th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Halo: randomly mele'ing walls when I have nothing to do (and so getting caught halfway through an animation when somebody decides to shoot me).
TF2: getting impatient and doing pre-emptive CHEARGE!!!!ing resulting in insta-dead. Also getting cockey.
Halflife: barnacles
October 24th, 2008, 09:47 PM
I tend to try and go on Rambo-esque killing sprees when that is not the point of the game being played.
Either that, or I focus so much on killing one guy that I fail to think things through tactically.
October 24th, 2008, 10:16 PM
definently rage. i just hate mutha fuckign Demo man.
a class thats built around sitting 10 billion miles from action where they're safe and can spam grenades while having an arsenal of stickies at there disposal that make archway camping, more then an annoyance, but instead a common occurance.
that and random crits, like you walk around a corner at the beginning of a game and get hit by a crit rocket or demo spam thats undodgeable and was not fired with the intent of getting a kill, but rather then, "shoot shit over there somewhere".
Also Halo n00bs thinking there awesome and camping spawns with a rocket.
after about 6 deaths i get over it, Pistolize the bitch, steal his rocket, Camp his ass into oblivion and spam Text about how awesome it is to camp peoples spawns with a rocket until they leave.
only to come back 10 minutes later, stack on a team, and rinse and repeat now that i'm severely outnumbered and out-gunned without the hope of taking him down.
and then see them post about how awesome they are and how pro they are in a thread designed for nothing more then penis stroking and a persons own sense of worth and accomplisment.
October 24th, 2008, 10:42 PM
Cyberslam was such an excellent community! :awesome:
Also fuck you demoman haters.
October 24th, 2008, 10:44 PM
October 24th, 2008, 10:48 PM
Spamming one thing and one thing only.
October 26th, 2008, 10:08 PM
Randomly twitching away from the target at the last second with various weapons. Especially the splazer(H3) and any demoman(TF2) weapon. Results in me missing what was a completely obvious and easy shot.
leading behind the target with any shotgun from any game.
Pulling my fists out to kill lower-ranked s'pht(Marathon) when there are tons of higher leveled ones wandering around.
October 26th, 2008, 10:15 PM
I was banned when I saw this thread.
Whenever I have to do anything where I have to pay attention (Gaming, Driving, Magic, etc.) I have the INCREDIBLE URGE to stare at something out of my view. The back of my hand, my knee, my side mirrors....its a terrible problem. Me and my friends call it "the thing" so when I am doing that online they all know to watch me or take the wheel when I am driving. It only lasts about 10 seconds on good days and about 15 on bad ones. It happens about twice a month.
So yyyyyeah.
October 26th, 2008, 10:23 PM
in CE when I'm trying to kill someone close quarters after while low on ammo, I'm often caught reloading or when I try to kill them I keep trying to melee before I'm done reloading. By that point the guy's spammed nades and I'm dead.
October 26th, 2008, 10:30 PM
I have this urge to try to silence rogues.... dunno why, but my god damn arcane torrent just happens to be there when I don't need it. _0/
October 26th, 2008, 10:34 PM
oh, also I tend to sprint around corners in cod4 and I dont have my gun up in time to kill them.
October 26th, 2008, 10:55 PM
Cyberslam was such an excellent community! :awesome:
Also fuck you demoman haters.
Fuck demomen.
October 26th, 2008, 11:00 PM
-I throw controllers/mice/keyboards when people do faggoty shit (i.e. Grenadespam in Halo, Martyrdom in CoD4, two-piecing in Gears, Zergrushing, etc.)
-In Halo specifically, I always look at the floor and melee the shit out of it only to be assassinated by some guy who was behind me the whole time.
In most games, I grab those Ultra-powerful-mega-weapons (Halo SL, FEAR Particle Beam) but never ever use them to not waste ammo.
-I keep zooming in on Alyx's ass in HL2
-I always try to defend as Sniper in TF2 even though I can't aim for shit
And other general bursts of idiocy.
October 27th, 2008, 12:03 AM
Did I mention I always pick up every superpowered weapon in the game, but never use them?
It wasn't until the last few seconds of Marathon 1 that I launched every rocket I had at the lava :v:
October 28th, 2008, 06:34 AM
Did I mention I always pick up every superpowered weapon in the game, but never use them?
It wasn't until the last few seconds of Marathon 1 that I launched every rocket I had at the lava :v:
Same here, I always want to "save it for later"...
October 28th, 2008, 06:46 AM
I'm the opposite, I only save the heavy weapons for someone/thing that really pisses me off. I usually waste 3 or 4 on someone I've been hunting for WAY TOO FUCKING LONG.
I reload at really bad times, fire 1 bullet then reload again for no reason.
I get annoyed with people easily. Really easily. Read: I want to rip your head off after 5 deaths.
I hit the windows key alot, which prompted me to rip them off my keyboard.
I shoot mirrors and glass whenever I see them.
Kamikaze runs.
When I have a sniper rifle I can show extreme patience, when I have a shotgun/rocket/heavy weapon I have no patience whatsoever;
Jester says: "wait, wait for the hog....when it drives past, we cut it off from the rest and kill it"
When playing strategy games (AoE, SC etc.) I like to turtle. (build lots of fucking defenses, and keep building them, never attacking. Always just adding to my already insane armour).
October 28th, 2008, 07:26 AM
Fuck demomen..
October 28th, 2008, 12:06 PM
In CE i reload way too often instead of nade-lobbing, which usually results in me getting owned badly. I also have a bad habit of picking up the rocket and either using it at point blank range or too far, and end up getting beat with any weapon the opponent has.
As for BF2, I have a habit of completely owning the other team as a lone sniper to the point where their blood boils over and they send heli's scouting for me. Boy are they smart at that moment... they don't shoot at me... they call in a fucking arty strike. I know I should move but I'm like "psh! I'm a sniper! you can't see me in this here ghillie suit!"
October 28th, 2008, 12:30 PM
I think the only bad habit I have is sucking.... at everything.
October 28th, 2008, 02:08 PM
that sounds pretty homo-erotic.
October 28th, 2008, 04:19 PM
Halo: Running after sniper areas in sniper games, only to have my body get hit from multiple directions at once by the rest of the enemy team. >_>
Dead Space: Saving the contact beam for those creatures that really piss me off. Namely the little running ones that then stick out three wavy tentacles and spit puke at you. Yegh. DIE, DAMNIT. *shwoooo KAZAMMM*
Was that our last big ammo?
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