View Full Version : Any M6G references?

t3h m00kz
October 28th, 2008, 12:44 AM
I need some. I'm gonna seriously try to model something in Blender, and I figured an M6G would work, it seems relatively simple compared to some of the other Halo guns, and just plain kicks ass because it's a big-ass gat.

I'm gonna see if I can't make something to import into Quake.

E: Disregard this I suck nigger dicks, Google is my friend

October 28th, 2008, 08:05 AM
I need some. I'm gonna seriously try to model something in Blender, and I figured an M6G would work, it seems relatively simple compared to some of the other Halo guns, and just plain kicks ass because it's a big-ass gat.

I'm gonna see if I can't make something to import into Quake.

E: Disregard this I suck nigger dicks, Google is my friendlooks like a good idea m00kz, can't wait to see this if you manage to pull it off

t3h m00kz
October 28th, 2008, 09:42 AM
I'll try, but first day with trying to get Blender to do what I want seems damn near impossible at the moment. I saw this video of a guy modeling a Fighter Jet's gun barrel and he was tearing through it so fast that I shat myself a little

October 28th, 2008, 12:11 PM
I'll try, but first day with trying to get Blender to do what I want seems damn near impossible at the moment. I saw this video of a guy modeling a Fighter Jet's gun barrel and he was tearing through it so fast that I shat myself a little
lol, you cleaned up your mess afterwards I hope

t3h m00kz
October 28th, 2008, 08:31 PM
lol, you cleaned up your mess afterwards I hope


October 29th, 2008, 06:02 PM
ewww,anyways, any luck with this little project