View Full Version : The Force Unleashed
October 28th, 2008, 11:21 AM
Fuck this game.
Fuck Lucas Arts
Fuck George Lucas
Fuck his mother and his father
Fuck the goddamn dipshit designer who thought up the mother fucking Star Destroyer battle and the mother fucker who got his dick sucked to get convinced to approve that battle.
Fuck. them. All!
October 28th, 2008, 11:57 AM
N, u. :awesome:
MetKiller Joe
October 28th, 2008, 03:08 PM
OK. So, other than that one scene in the game, did you enjoy it at all?
I like it so far. It is a bit repetitive, but it has some strengths.
October 28th, 2008, 03:13 PM
OMFG how can you say that?!
October 28th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Well first he puts his hands on the keyboard...
Also, I agree. Stiff, scripty controls/fights make playing this game for more than 10 mins unbearable. Back to Jedi Outcast I go.
October 28th, 2008, 04:33 PM
I like the Force Unleashed, even though it does get a little repetitive. But hey, don't all games have a bit of that?
October 28th, 2008, 08:16 PM
Obligatory Slackerz comic
October 28th, 2008, 08:19 PM
Damn it must spread rep around. D:
I must agree with it. Just look up some guides on the intertubes, and be done with it.
October 28th, 2008, 08:28 PM
Yeah... FU (Force Unleashed :p) looked disappointing to me.
October 28th, 2008, 11:21 PM
OK. So, other than that one scene in the game, did you enjoy it at all?
Oh, yeah, I enjoyed it....until I got to this sack of shit STD battle that george decided it was ok to shat out of his ass and into the SW market
oh and the only thing I find really repetitive is the button battles, I really dont get tired of throwing shit\things\people\bots around :3
October 29th, 2008, 01:48 AM
Jedi Outcast movement based lightsaber system > Force Unleashed button mashing lightsaber system
October 29th, 2008, 07:58 AM
ok, beat the game, twas fun. but it pissed me off b/c I was on the look out for the black lightsaber crystal and it was only AFTER I had finished the last level did I read that it was actually ON the last level :eyesroll: (I was hoping to find stuff like that without resorting to guides)
But yeah...ummmm spoiler:
how can darth vadar be dead? I mean, sweet I killed him hooray, party. but...come on, everyone knows luke defeated vadar :downs:
vOv oh well, they're totally making another FU game after that.
playing as Sith Lord now, helps that I have all my powers and shit still :awesome:
October 29th, 2008, 12:26 PM
Kornman, I believe you completed the game by doing the Dark Side ending which is not the Canon Ending leading towards Star Wars IV, V, VI. If you are also going for the achievements for the higher difficulties then you will not get it on Sith Lord, sadly, unless you start an entire NEW game. The Prologue where you play as Darth Vader is considered an actual mission of the game and since you can't go back to that one, the will not register that you beat the entire game.
Sucks I know.
October 29th, 2008, 01:40 PM
Is it worth the money? Minus the Quicktime events, would you recommend it?
October 29th, 2008, 02:01 PM
Force Unleashed - quicktime events = blank DVD.
October 29th, 2008, 03:10 PM
I thought they only applied to taking down larger enemies. Or performing Cinematic-style moves.
October 29th, 2008, 03:14 PM
The only difference between normal combat and the boss fights is the button graphics during the boss fights. They might as well have told you what buttons to press during normal combat, because it feels just as stiff/awkward/non-interactive.
October 29th, 2008, 03:46 PM
I didn't like it.
November 2nd, 2008, 08:15 AM
Oh and FUCK the designer who placed the 11th Holocron on Imp. Felucia. They're full of bullshit and semen and they know it.
Seriously, who the fuck places a fucking Holocron floating in the fucking air, right above a put that triggers a save point making it so YOU CANT GO BACK
Fuck you Lucas Arts. Fuck you and the shit bags you pay to play test use force push all day. hurrrrrrrrrrrr.
e: perma-banning the next supporter of lucas-arts
November 2nd, 2008, 08:23 AM
I support lucas-arts Kornman00
November 2nd, 2008, 09:58 AM
Oh and FUCK the designer who placed the 11th Holocron on Imp. Felucia. They're full of bullshit and semen and they know it.
Seriously, who the fuck places a fucking Holocron floating in the fucking air, right above a put that triggers a save point making it so YOU CANT GO BACK
Fuck you Lucas Arts. Fuck you and the shit bags you pay to play test use force push all day. hurrrrrrrrrrrr.
e: perma-banning the next supporter of lucas-arts
Just wonder Kornman, did you achieve in getting that Holocron? If not I will give you a hint...... *cough*Dashing Blast*cough*
November 2nd, 2008, 10:15 AM
I know about using the Dashing Blast, just on one of my attempts I was off, didn't hit the combo right and fell with no dash left, right into that fucking stomach hole. really, fuck lucasarts.
and that brood bitch annoyed the fuck out of me playing anymore today with her ugly ass dog. sith lord difficulty is no joke :mysterysolved:
November 2nd, 2008, 11:25 PM
Easy tiger <3
November 2nd, 2008, 11:50 PM
Just played the demo last night. It was fun until I realized it was just a fucking button masher with no real control over the character whatsoever.
November 5th, 2008, 10:03 AM
I loved the game first play through, right now its the most frustrating game I've played in a long time, I feel your pain Kornman.
I'm on Sith Master difficulty, I'm at the last kill (Vadar/Emperor) As I wanted the achievement (lol) I started a NEW character on Sith Master difficulity, this means no powers, 0 points etc. Therefore my guy is weak as fuck having to kill the hardest people in the game. Its ok till you get to the boss fights, I must have taken 50 tries to kill the second boss (the frog guy lol) I give up right now...
Does any one else hate those blue/silver robot guys that you cant do SHIT TO??? You cant pick them up or strike them, lightning only =\
So yeah its a good game however replability is completely crap. Also kornman did you ever get that blacksaber? I was trying all 3 playthroughs still no luck :(
November 5th, 2008, 10:18 AM
Yeah, on this second time thru I had more of an idea on what I really wanted to focus on as far as Force Talents and Powers went. Not only does completing the Holocrons on each mission help for achievements, it gives you a +1 power, which helps TREMENDOUSLY omg.
I just throw those robots into the lava shit lol
I'm having a hard as fuck time on the Brood bitch right now on Sith Lord, so no, haven't tried to get the black one yet, but you should try to use force blast or w/e its called (LB then B) for extra distance
November 5th, 2008, 10:35 AM
If the enemy gets knocked onto the floor, I suggest you run/dash over to them and stab them when they are down, on the forest/flowerly bit where you kill the red one and white one with horns it helps alot.
I defeated the red one with force blast (hold left trigger + b) and knocked her off edge lots of times.
First time round I just picked any force skills, least now I know what ones to get. I ended up with like 16 extra yellow ones for force combo having got them all but still not enough for other powers, which you could convert them over :D
Like I said before, its a great game, I love the physics side of things it has, playing it on harder levels seems impossible just keep at it :)
November 5th, 2008, 11:32 AM
If the enemy gets knocked onto the floor, I suggest you run/dash over to them and stab them when they are down, on the forest/flowerly bit where you kill the red one and white one with horns it helps alot.
I defeated the red one with force blast (hold left trigger + b) and knocked her off edge lots of times.
wait what :confused:, I'm talking about the bitch who thought she'd be all emo after I killed her master and went darkside and has that overgrown lard of shit bulldog monster thing
you know, the night stick lightsabers bitch
November 5th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Oy kornman, you can grip the TIE fighters out of the air in the star destroyer battle, and if you get rid of them all before you start pulling its way easier. Just rinse and repeat that and you'll get it down after killing about 3 waves of TIEs. Also to kill the junk robots all you need are the lightning combos for your saber.
November 5th, 2008, 11:34 AM
Yeah, see it wasn't so clear that you had to double jump to get enough height to blast them bitches when you first start playing that mission. At least, not to me :eyesroll:
November 5th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Blast them? I just grabbed them with force grip and threw them into eachother :S
But yeah it could have been a lot more apparent.
November 5th, 2008, 11:36 AM
Yeah her korn, and the red one try using x,x,x,b to knock them over then stabby :)
Pooky, what I did was use lightning, stand behind those like pillars. When one is infront of you/to side of screen jump and tap y, they should get electricued in 1 hit, MUCH quicker than grabbing, either way works though.
Btw, "Complete Game - Sith Master difficulty. Do not change the difficulty after the game has started."
That means start a new game with level sith master right? If no I'm gonna be pissed.
November 5th, 2008, 11:38 AM
Yeah that's what it means.
November 5th, 2008, 11:44 AM
Thank god.
I can finish the game in about 3 hours probably, alot of the levels you can skip alot of it, cheap yes but possible. Boss fights are the bit that take the time.
So blacksaber get all the hologrons/force spheres?
November 5th, 2008, 08:49 PM
There's a holocron on top of that big room with all the converging lasers in the Death Star. Hard to get to, but it has the blacksaber.
Rented it, played it, liked it. Saber combat was meh, as expected, but I never get tired of the Force powers.
November 5th, 2008, 10:40 PM
There's a holocron on top of that big room with all the converging lasers in the Death Star. Hard to get to, but it has the blacksaber.
Rented it, played it, liked it. Saber combat was meh, as expected, but I never get tired of the Force powers.
I don't really get all the pussywhining coming from people. Sure, It's not as good as Jedi Outcast, but no Star Wars game ever will be. For what it was, I had a lot of fun with it.
November 10th, 2008, 03:41 PM
So I'm watching "The Mist", a movie based off one of King's novellas, and there was this one character who had me thinking "wtf where have I seen this guy before :confused:"
Then I finally heard him speak and I realized that it was Starkiller. Not only did LA use him for the voice work, they modeled him down to the nitty gritty. Was watching him...well act, and laughing at how his facial expressions where the same from the game. It was really crazy stumbling apon this little relvolation. Shit, he was screaming in the movie because...of stuff...and I had some flash backs to a certain cutscene in TFU :-3. Not many actors seem to be able to scream and not have it sound like total sheet, but he seems to have it down.
He'll be in Smallville soon too from what I hear
Oh, and the movie was quite disappointing. I kinda want to read the book version because I'm sure I'm missing alot of story (it HAD to be super condensed) but the movie has left me *that* disappointed to not want to waste my time reading it :/
November 10th, 2008, 08:30 PM
I don't really get all the pussywhining coming from people. Sure, It's not as good as Jedi Outcast, but no Star Wars game ever will be.
Jedi Academy = better
November 11th, 2008, 10:50 AM
Jedi Academy = better
MP, yes
Single player, hell fucking no
November 11th, 2008, 05:49 PM
Electric Force=Win.
November 19th, 2008, 03:57 PM
Ok so I'm at the part where I pull down the Star Destroyer and I would like to claim that this task is utterly impossibly. This game has been shitting on me ever since Raxus Prime and those Junk Guardians. It's like they have a habit of just pushing you over the edge.
Everytime I try and pull the blasted starship down Tie's attack me. I take like 5 minutes to destroy them, but by that time the fucking ship has made its way back up in the atmosphere. AND THE RETARDED PROMPTS DONT HELP EITHER. This game blows.
November 19th, 2008, 05:50 PM
What difficulty are you on? First play through it took me and my friend like 30 minutes to work out how to do it, that was on Sith Warrior. I can now do it easily on Sith Master.
How to do it easily? Jump up next to the pillar/teslar looking thingy when they are infront of you, tap y or hold it for like a second, they should get zapped. This is one zap one kill so it should take like 20 seconds max to hit them all.
Next do the RT thingy, now make sure you get the sticks right, the pictures for fully up and half way between fully up and middle looks nearly the same, make sure you get them in right possible. Then when it goes green (eventually) keep it steady for a few seconds, then follow the up and down seqeuence (dont bother going crazy and going up/down as fast as possible as that will not help)
I've pulled it down on the first wave of tie fighters but on sith master it took about 3 waves.
November 19th, 2008, 05:52 PM
Ok so I'm at the part where I pull down the Star Destroyer and I would like to claim that this task is utterly impossibly. This game has been shitting on me ever since Raxus Prime and those Junk Guardians. It's like they have a habit of just pushing you over the edge.
Everytime I try and pull the blasted starship down Tie's attack me. I take like 5 minutes to destroy them, but by that time the fucking ship has made its way back up in the atmosphere. AND THE RETARDED PROMPTS DONT HELP EITHER. This game blows.
The best way to take care of this part, because it was a bitch when I tried it too, is to take down the huge ship following the prompts AFTER you eliminate all of the tiefighters in the area. Then, use the Force Lightening to eliminate the new Tiefighters. Then continue bringing down the ship and do this over and over again till you succeed.
November 19th, 2008, 09:12 PM
Yeah I learned about the lighting trick just a few minutes ago >_>;
Also, serious lulz just happened in the tie factor, in the huge chasm area I grabbed a tie and threw it at a wall, well it ricocheted into 2 other fighters that exploded into a group of Militia. I can't stop laughing.
What difficulty are you on? First play through it took me and my friend like 30 minutes to work out how to do it, that was on Sith Warrior. I can now do it easily on Sith Master.
How to do it easily? Jump up next to the pillar/teslar looking thingy when they are infront of you, tap y or hold it for like a second, they should get zapped. This is one zap one kill so it should take like 20 seconds max to hit them all.
Next do the RT thingy, now make sure you get the sticks right, the pictures for fully up and half way between fully up and middle looks nearly the same, make sure you get them in right possible. Then when it goes green (eventually) keep it steady for a few seconds, then follow the up and down seqeuence (dont bother going crazy and going up/down as fast as possible as that will not help)
I've pulled it down on the first wave of tie fighters but on sith master it took about 3 waves.
Something seems to be wrong with my game though, If I attempt it after the second wave, the prompts won't follow through.
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