View Full Version : [UNREAL] [WIP] Alpha of school project.

October 30th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Yeah, just got a load of stuff done on an alpha for something I'm working on in Unreal. Thought I'd hop over to a part of the level I haven't gotten around to finishing yet and take a screenshot for a bit of a tease and to get the ball rolling. No materials have been applied, except for the floor. It's only there to help me place objects anyways.


Btw, anyone know how to get the mesh of an actor to have a level of display? I can only figure out how to get the mesh's material to LOD.

More to come tomorrow when I get the rest of the Kismet stuff done.

October 31st, 2008, 01:19 PM
http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/StaticMeshEditorUserGuide.html#Working%20with%20St atic%20Meshes

If it's an *Actor* not a StaticMesh I believe you need to find it's referenced StaticMesh and edit it in the StaticMeshEditor.

November 2nd, 2008, 11:58 AM
Bleh, why cant google ever find that stuff for me?
Got a 360 friday. The past two days have dissappeared for me. Not sure where they went >_>.

Anyways, I'll be finishing up most of the kismet and try to get a alpha build out there for people to play with later tonight.

November 4th, 2008, 10:04 PM

Yesh, quite painful, but it was definitely a lot quicker and easier than trying to research how to script the function into an actor. I have stupidly basic unreal script knowledge and I dont want to be stuck trying to figure out something that possibly cant be done.

Anyways, the basic functionality is there. Now I've just got to stick in the basic gameplay elements to have a completed alpha. You guys who said you could report back on tests will probably have something by wednesday night. Would get it done tonight, but I have a shitload of stuff outside of Unreal I need to do.

November 4th, 2008, 10:47 PM
Good god man.

You'll eventually need to learn how to clean up your scripting :p

November 4th, 2008, 10:54 PM
Good god man.

You'll eventually need to learn how to clean up your scripting :p

Honestly it is clean. Each function has a unique trigger and interpolated actor. The only way for it to get cleaner is for it to become a single .uc that gets compiled into a .u package. I dont know enough of the engine to get it there, though.

The fun part starts tomorrow when I start to expand it from being a single-run game level that has to restart the map to play it again into a single map file that has multiple levels and a start-over ability scripted inside.