View Full Version : Web Hosting

November 1st, 2008, 06:01 PM
We're thinking about switching web hosts to ones that don't lie and actually give a damn. List them here.

I don't want a host with cPanel. Although extremely nice and useful, that shit is exploitable and is not a wise choice for anything more than a small website.

The host needs to have a lot of features. Our custom control panel here is extremely extensive and offers deep customization for several things - more than many other hosts allow.

We can use a smaller, less popular web host, but not one that is a no-name host. It would need to have a lot of bandwidth, a lot of disk space, and a lot of domains/subdomains. If the host offers VPS hosting that can be switched to seamlessly, that's also great.

November 1st, 2008, 06:22 PM
What do you mean without cPanel? Doesn't ever host have some kind of control panel? You want one specifically without this cpanel (http://www.cpanel.net/index.html)?
I dunno, I use HostedFX (http://www.hostedfx.com/), it uses cPanel, but the guys there are so nice I'm sure you could work something out. HostedFX probably has some of the best support I've dealt with.

November 1st, 2008, 06:29 PM
I don't want a host with cPanel. Although extremely nice and useful, that shit is exploitable and is not a wise choice for anything more than a small website.


explain plz.

also, use HostGator.

November 1st, 2008, 06:54 PM
I don't think you would use it, but phpBB is the one I use for the Backup form of Modacity.

Although no one is going there, it might be considered a refuge for when this website continues to get Internal Server Error 500 over and over again.

But I digress, go ahead and take a look at my website forums, If you want a preview, Ill make you a super admin to take a look at the features! :D

November 1st, 2008, 07:53 PM
he means a web host, not forum software.

also, they have vbulletin, which is far superior to phpbb.

November 1st, 2008, 09:21 PM

November 2nd, 2008, 02:38 PM
If you want my opinion, you should host yourself.
If I can run a small site with constant traffic from my basement off of an ancient piece of crap and a consumer Internet provider then surely you can run Modacity and company off something of your own. Plus, all the domains/subdomains you can get, direct access to administration, no need for any form of control panel. Most business-class ISP services have no bandwidth caps and provide acceptable up speeds.

How many unique hits do you get a day (total)?
For scaling, I get around 50 hits to my main site, plus thousands of smaller hits, and my standard cable Internet isn't affected and my 1.3GHz piece of trash chugs along.
I would assume you have at least a thousand unique visitors (a day) that actually stick around long enough to toll the server? Also remember that a typical host isn't giving a completely private server with its own quad-core and 16GB of RAM...

Bad Waffle
November 2nd, 2008, 02:55 PM
Uhm, admiral--i don't think jcap has the bandwidth.

November 2nd, 2008, 02:59 PM
Uhm, admiral--i don't think jcap has the bandwidth.
You may have missed the comment on business-class service providers...
(And it's not usually bandwidth persay that is the problem when it comes to personal hosting - a number of consumer ISPs do in fact have real "unlimited bandwidth")

November 2nd, 2008, 03:30 PM
Jcap would need the new top tier of FIOS to beat the download speeds we can get now and that costs more than good dedicated hosting.

Also, that idea already came and went.

November 2nd, 2008, 03:33 PM

Rob Oplawar
November 2nd, 2008, 04:14 PM
I's a forum- it's uploading text files and just a few imag-- *checks*---

*stopped in tracks*

holy shit, this page generates 60 image requests?! Come on, people, you can do better than that. The vast majority of those are tiny formatting images.

Ahem, anyway, still, they're tiny .gifs, and they should be cached (why isn't my page caching them? maybe your server is sending the bad headers- you should look into that). The rambling point is that unless you're hosting a bunch of bigger images or a whole shitton of text, I really can't see you maxing out most ISPs' business packages even under the maximum load Modacity sees.

So yeah, look into the possibility of hosting it on your own machines. Get yourselves a dedicated machine to run PHP instead of a virtual machine on some shared server as I assume you're using, and you shouldn't have too much problem with that.

If servers are too expensive an investment, I use Hostmonster (hostmonster.com), which I am very happy with. I have plenty of storage, no bandwidth cap, and it only costs me like $8/mo. I'm sure you can find a plan that will fit you there.

And if you don't like cPanel, you can probably request that it be disabled for your account.

I am curious now, though- what is wrong with cPanel?

e: I think it's more like $4/mo. I can't remember- that's my one complaint, is that I always have trouble figuring out the billing info.

November 2nd, 2008, 06:48 PM
x10 Hosting? (http://x10hosting.com/services)

I've used their free hosting for 3 or so years now, the free hosting has downtime about once a week but it's a very stable and quick host. If there paid hosting is better than their free hosting I would highly recommend them. x10 Hosting does use cPanel except from what I've read it's the best and most secure back end control panel, I think you guys just fail at security measures.


November 3rd, 2008, 06:06 PM
I'm using siteground right now, which uses CPanel. It sucking ass as of right now, so I wouldn't go there. The CPanel is pretty nice, but I'm sure you would do better with something else.

November 3rd, 2008, 07:26 PM
tbh, i hated dreamhost's control panel, and one of my criteria while searching for a new host, was that it HAD to have cpanel.

November 3rd, 2008, 09:28 PM
Meh, cPanel does everything that I want it to and more. There are mods, add-on's, and hacks that enable even more functionality in cPanel so there's never really any limitations. I don't know what kind of exploits you're talking about, but I think your password is just the letter "a" or something.

Try better.

November 4th, 2008, 07:33 AM

pff Idk

November 5th, 2008, 12:59 PM
I used X10 Hosting, although they would not allow me to use PhPV5 for some reason when I stated that the forum software needed it.

There is down time for Free hosting plan I think. But the paid hosting is pretty good I think.

November 6th, 2008, 11:17 PM
x10 Hosting? (http://x10hosting.com/services)

I've used their free hosting for 3 or so years now, the free hosting has downtime about once a week but it's a very stable and quick host. If there paid hosting is better than their free hosting I would highly recommend them. x10 Hosting does use cPanel except from what I've read it's the best and most secure back end control panel, I think you guys just fail at security measures.


I found X10 hosting great for when making media projects for school. Th eonly problem is that they shut me down because I didn't have advertisements on my website. Haha, well I still got away with it for a week :D. cPanel is amazing.

November 11th, 2008, 01:02 PM
I found X10 hosting great for when making media projects for school. Th eonly problem is that they shut me down because I didn't have advertisements on my website. Haha, well I still got away with it for a week :D. cPanel is amazing.
I'm on the ad free plan, so no ads at all.

November 11th, 2008, 07:06 PM

pff IdkNo if they go to UXB then all the moderators/admins that currently have modship will have to either lose it or work for UXB. I'm pretty sure Dennis has stressed it a lot that you can only be a moderator/admin for UXB ran forums/websites is by working for UXB.

November 12th, 2008, 01:18 PM
No if they go to UXB then all the moderators/admins that currently have modship will have to either lose it or work for UXB. I'm pretty sure Dennis has stressed it a lot that you can only be a moderator/admin for UXB ran forums/websites is by working for UXB.
There are way too many things wrong in this post to counter them all.
UXB is a web service host, which happens to be run by our good friend who goes by that name on this forum. As he himself runs the various modding/gaming sites through his company, he is obligated to follow the rules of the company - these aren't the rules that apply to the services they sell. What selentic meant was simple: buy hosting services from UXB - as that's what "UXB" provides: hosting services.

November 14th, 2008, 04:28 PM
Oh my bad, I misread the post and got my facts wrong.

Reaper Man
November 19th, 2008, 07:47 PM
You should look in to Host Monster. Sup, unlimited bandwidth. http://www.hostmonster.com/

My dad and I have been using them for years, very satisfied with their service.

Rob Oplawar
November 19th, 2008, 08:18 PM
^this. Hostmonster is doing me proud. I now have several websites hosted there.

November 19th, 2008, 08:20 PM
Sup, unlimited bandwidth.

pretty much every host offers unlimited space and bandwidth now.

reliability and customer service are what you should be looking for.

November 19th, 2008, 08:51 PM
My ISP gives me unlimited bandwidth (up and down), and my space is only limited by how many hard drives I can fit in an ATX case (and even then, there's network storage and proxying...)

+1 for reliability being a key factor - that's one thing I don't get from my ISP.

Can't say anything about customer service, as they just provide my ability to transfer data - I run the server, and I feel I treat myself quite well.

Though, to bump a point from earlier, maybe you should poke UXB...

Rob Oplawar
November 19th, 2008, 08:51 PM
You pay for a year's service in advance, but you can cancel it at any time and get a refund for the remaining months. My website has only gone down without warning once in the past (that I was aware of) and I promptly received an e-mail explanation from hostmonster (it was server problems of some sort). They do periodic maintenance, but there's always warning when your website is going to be taken offline and it never lasts more that a few minutes.
I can't really say anything about the customer service as I've never had a need to contact customer service; I've always been happy with my hosting.

Of course, it is a natural human tendency to attempt to justify a purchase after you have made it. :P

Reaper Man
November 19th, 2008, 09:21 PM
pretty much every host offers unlimited space and bandwidth now.

reliability and customer service are what you should be looking for.
Their customer service is the best I've dealt with so far. Also, 24 hour tech customer service.

November 26th, 2008, 12:22 PM
Invinsion free? That's what the New Flood used before they got Vbulliten (or something like it), and they were running on Invinsion Free with 500to over 1,000 members.