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November 11th, 2008, 05:10 AM

And people wonder why i have a sour taste when it comes to the natives in my town.
Because this is not an un-common occurrence.

i know the people in this video personally and know many more that have had the same things happen to them.
and these people NEVER start fights.

and i just know that my fucking paycheck goes to pay for these fuckers to sit at home and rob me and over people of our money while they cruize our town thinking there fucking American negro gangs with a bottle of the cheapest and nastiest beer in hand that money can buy.

i'm not a racist person but look at the fuckign shit i have to put up with, the cops never respond, never follow anything up or do anything other then sit in there fuckign highway patrol cars handing out fucking speeding fines because theres no paper work.

there is only 6000 people in this town and after all measures of doing things legally to prevent this has failed i see a bloody dark sunrise coming.


November 11th, 2008, 05:21 AM


November 11th, 2008, 05:25 AM
like i mean for fucks sake, i've had a few abo friends in my time, but these cocks are just fuckign everywhere.

if you fuckign cunts want equallity then you better stoop down to my level because while you cunts live off well fair and the thursday paycheck i work my ass off 7:30 till 4:30 and earn less then you.
i fucking dare you useless pricks to try and be in my shoes, you wouldnt know how to survive you dont have the brains, the power or the discipline to do what i do.

November 11th, 2008, 05:41 AM
Surprising that this is my town....

wow man, fucking hell it's worse than I've thought...

November 11th, 2008, 05:43 AM
It's the same on the Central Coast, except it's the white kids. Useless fucking dole bludgers who can't be arsed to do anything with their lives and so prance about drunk and vandalising shit all the time.

By contrast, pretty much any and all other groups are fine by comparison. Like I said, it varies. Everyone has their fuckwits, and they'd have a bloody lot less if the government had spent less time trying to fuck them over and more doing something useful. By the same token, the current government wouldn't need to give them all the extra benefits which I honestly believe should be given to either nobody or everybody. If you want equality, then create fucking equality, don't spin it in someone's favour and pretend like it's perfectly fair on everyone else still.

November 11th, 2008, 05:47 AM
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: seriously
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: martial law
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: would fix everything
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: a few heroic beat downs and sacrifices
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: and it would help immensely
Ross - Lest We Forget: forgive me if i find this a little deja-vu-ish, mate
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: some people need to have a big fuckign stick waved over them to keep them in line
Ross - Lest We Forget: yeah, and what comes after the stick?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: the promise of more stick
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: the sticks a deterant
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: not an enforce ment
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: did you ever get a smack when you where a kid?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: you ever learn taht there a things you just fucking cant do?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: has it made you a better person because of it?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Stick is the way.
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: right now instead of being bannished from the house
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: they stay home and play guitar hero
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sorry mate
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but this is a direct consequence of not nearly enough fuckign stick.
Ross - Lest We Forget: it's a consequence of shite parenting, like the white fuckups, dude
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but the goverment plays a significant part in this
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: because teh stick is the lack of a pension
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but roles are reversed
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: "you hold my stick and spank me with it"
Ross - Lest We Forget: the government needs to seriously fuck off and get their act together


November 11th, 2008, 05:53 AM
Yeah, except too much stick makes things worse. The way to fucking fix everything would be for DOCS to pull its bloody finger out and start doing something about bad parents, be they white, black, purple, green, who gives a toss. A useless parent is a useless parent, and the kid won't just magically turn out good. If the standard of parenting in this country actually lifted for once, a lot of this would be over.

And honestly mate, you want to cool it. That Tassie comment was well out of line, believe me.

November 11th, 2008, 05:57 AM
The main problem in kempsey isn't colour, it's booze. You see people(most of whom are on the dole) just streaming into the bottle shops at 7-8am in the morning on a thursday, and start drinking the moment their foot hits the pavement. Later in the day, everything turns violent. Some days it's quite scary.

November 11th, 2008, 05:58 AM
I have to agree with ross. The parents were assholes, they raised asshole children, who will in turn raise more asshole cabbages.

We just need to remove the fucking pension from bad parents. They need stick, sure, but only at the root of the problem.

November 11th, 2008, 05:58 AM
you blind mate? Docs is the bad parents of the government.

November 11th, 2008, 05:58 AM

November 11th, 2008, 05:59 AM
lol NSW

6000? Swamp town is bigger than your town :haw:

K, srs face now. I really agree that it's a lack of discipline at home (or alternatively so much disopline (read: abuse) that they grow up thinking this is the way to behave). Parents need to be responsible for this shit. There really needs to be some way for parents who are too busy sucking horse schlong at parenting to loose their kids. That way they either pick up their game or their kids get a better life (but then the foster system isn't exactly great either :| )

TLDR: Round these (I'm struggling to think of an appropriate insult here..) failures up and apply a liberal dose of high velocity lead to their brain. A little vigelante justice could go a long way here (assuming these degenerates didn't make up the majority of the possey and judging by the fact that the sum of their cognetive abilities can best be described as basic pack animal instincts, this seems likley in that situation).

TL;DR:TL;DR (the tl:dr ended up being as long as the origional part :v: )
kill them all.

November 11th, 2008, 05:59 AM
you blind mate? Docs is the bad parents of the government.
Exactly, which is why we need something done about it. It'd be nice if it didn't take so fucking long for politicians to get anywhere; by the time they even have a shot at PM, they're old and out of touch.

TL;DR:TL;DR (the tl:dr ended up being as long as the origional part :v: )
kill them all.
Yeah hey because that always solves everything right?

November 11th, 2008, 06:03 AM
It really would. Or at the least, sterilise them. Just as long as they don't end up spitting their shit back into the gene pool.

November 11th, 2008, 06:10 AM
Hey this sounds awfully familiar!

November 11th, 2008, 06:13 AM
In before N00B = DOLE

I agree that it's entirely the parent's fault. That's just my thoughts on the matter, as stamped out by a 16 year old taking a break from an end of year chemistry assignment. We're actually doing something simmilar (getting parents to shape up by forcing them to take care of their kids) in the NT right now. It's got to start with the parents one way or another.

Shit, now I'm not sure what I'm thinking :S

E: re-written

November 11th, 2008, 06:19 AM
As someone who actually does have a clue what being on the wrong end of a "just kill them" mentality means, funnily enough I'm strongly opposed to just tarring everyone with the same bloody brush and considering them all basket cases. What needs to happen is that DOCS needs to be overhauled so it's actually worthwhile, and abusive or neglecting parents need their kids taken away. The ones who honestly can't support them but want to try should be given the help they need. There shouldn't be any race-based special payments or restrictions, they should quit fucking about with that so everyone gets the help they need. Either that or actually put the added money into something other than the parents' alcoholism or whatever.

Bottom line - proper, equal treatment. Stop pussying about for fear of being called racist, and stop actually being racist when it's going the other way. People need to get their act together and work towards improving things for everyone rather than feeding their own greed with stupid court cases and riots and what have you.

November 11th, 2008, 06:28 AM
I'm not saying go by race or anything, I'm saying this could be something incorporated into convictions. If you had a mass rapist, do you really want them repeat offending or spreading their seed (any more than they already may have?)? Chop their balls off.

Similar deal with these creeps. Stop anybody convicted of gang violence (or any shit like that) from having kids and within 20 years you'll be seeing a significant decline in the number of cases of this shit happening.

Going to bed now.

November 11th, 2008, 06:38 AM
In that case then, I guess I'll agree to an extent - perhaps it's worth seeing if they're willing to do something about it themselves first. Some people manage to make some impressive turnarounds, some don't. Lock up the ones who don't and if they have kids, swoop in and take them.

November 11th, 2008, 08:41 AM
Come to think of it, thats the first aussie black person I've ever seen. What the hell, why is there no black people on neighbours or something?

November 11th, 2008, 08:48 AM
You do know that this is evidence for assault charges, right? Why not send a copy of it to police and press with a bunch of names they can follow up on.

November 11th, 2008, 09:03 AM
Honestly I would like to see some fucking enforced laws against physical aggression bullshit like this. Unless it is in self defense, there should be some pretty harsh laws against this. However for some gay faggotry reason the local laws (CA), and ability to sue for assault and/or battery, offer very little in the way of cash returns for sueing people who do this shit. It's rarely more than what the lawyer would cost, and kind of defeats the purpose of sueing them in the first place.

So fuck lets see some legal reform, and some police officers who arent useless, like they are here >__>

Pyong Kawaguchi
November 11th, 2008, 12:54 PM
Let them fight, when they're dead, you won't have to deal with them anymore. :downs:

November 11th, 2008, 01:07 PM
Get a concealed weapon permit.

November 11th, 2008, 01:12 PM
psssst no such thing out here dude

November 11th, 2008, 01:15 PM
Oh wait he's out in Australia? My bad.

November 11th, 2008, 01:17 PM
Let them fight, when they're dead, you won't have to deal with them anymore. :downs:

It looks to me like their not fighting each other, just beating up on innocent guys.

Pyong Kawaguchi
November 11th, 2008, 01:22 PM
In that case, put those bitches in a concentration camp, and bomb em :)

November 11th, 2008, 02:16 PM
You do know that this is evidence for assault charges, right? Why not send a copy of it to police and press with a bunch of names they can follow up on.
Because this is a fucking Taboo thing in australia.

The cops dont want to have any part at all in this, the abo's will get out of control and the amount of paper work to process these dousche bags is more then their willing to sit through.
i know a person who had an abo run out in front of his car and get hit (she was running away from her boyfriend who was hitting her) he called the cops with this message "i've hit an aboriginal in checker board now hundreds of them are coming out and trying to get into my car, they have weapons, bats, chains, Send help NOW"
took them 45 minutes to respond.

TL:DR cops are a bunch of useless fucking cowards who's only job in rural australia is to raise revenue for the goverment.

November 11th, 2008, 03:43 PM
And this is why I like Utah and Texas, Florida too.

One of the little ones once made a mistake call for 911 and left the phone on, the cops were there in ~5 minutes.

November 11th, 2008, 05:20 PM
You do know that this is evidence for assault charges, right? Why not send a copy of it to police and press with a bunch of names they can follow up on.

Zeph, in legal lingo Assault is the causing of fear of bodily harm upon a victim, and does not include physical harm. Battery is the physical harm legal term. However they usually go hand in hand together because, in most cases, if you commit battery, you have already committed assault.

November 11th, 2008, 06:11 PM
That's pretty scary. Luckily I live in one of the better parts of California, so there isn't much danger around here.

November 11th, 2008, 09:36 PM
TL:DR cops are a bunch of useless fucking cowards who's only job in rural australia is to raise revenue for the goverment.

That really sucks. Despite stereotypes, most cops I've met were actually pretty cool and honestly want to protect people.

November 11th, 2008, 11:26 PM
you just wait till it comes down to a choice between Doughnuts and saving a baby out of a burning building.

i know which one they'll choose.

November 11th, 2008, 11:37 PM
I dunno mate, most of the cops I know are brilliant. It varies, some are fuckheads and some actually want to do something useful.

November 11th, 2008, 11:45 PM
Lets just say i'm a little jaded after witnessing several things first hand and there ability to sweep shit under the rug.

friends of the family owned an indoor cricket centre and ran the buisness out of it, they had constant break-ins and cops never responded. in the morning they came out to check it and pass on the insurance details, looked for 5 minutes then just gave them the details.
next time they didnt check, just gave them the details.
the 3rd time they didnt even bother showing up and just gave the details over the phone.

Yet when a mate of mine who's friends with the cops got his house broken into, they had 7 people on the ground combing his house from top to bottom, taking finger prints, the works.

Funny how that works aint it.
No respect for these fuckers, they dont deserve it.
"Justify, those that die, by wearing the badge their the choosen whites"