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Llama Juice
February 4th, 2009, 08:05 AM
you passed your 1 year anniversary for the HRH thread not too long ago btw
you're fucking kidding me
Jan 28th
that shit's been going on for a year?
oh my god


February 4th, 2009, 12:25 PM
AGT blueNDN: Dom is just gonna sneak up behind Marcus one day an whisper "It doesn't matter how much you kick or scream, its still gonna happen"

About 75 tacos: wow...

AGT blueNDN: stop kicking, it only makes it harder on the boh of us

About 75 tacos: thats a no no

The above happened when me and my friend AGT blueNDN were playing gears of war 2, another friend in our party chat made a few comments I don't think the children should see

February 4th, 2009, 02:10 PM


February 4th, 2009, 02:16 PM

February 4th, 2009, 07:34 PM
GFTO N00B ->


February 4th, 2009, 08:54 PM
(8:52:56 PM) Sim: i shall post it on myspace
(8:53:00 PM) Sim: as a threat
(8:53:02 PM) Sim: to all who hate mew
(8:53:12 PM) Heathen: mew is my favourite pokemon
(8:53:19 PM) Sim: lol
(8:53:20 PM) Sim: me*

February 4th, 2009, 09:07 PM
what a shame...
[19:03] DEElekgolo: for taking the side of that fag for something you didnt know about with completely biased opinions. You are now blocked.
[19:03] K23: k

Funny part is he did know.

February 4th, 2009, 09:12 PM
You're being parasitic. Leave.

Rob Oplawar
February 4th, 2009, 09:28 PM
as long as we're on the subject of GoW,

Dom: Did you guys hear that?
Marcus: It's just the wind...
Dom: Yeah, right. When was the last time the wind said "Hostiles!" to you?best quote ever.

February 4th, 2009, 10:13 PM
[20:08] Ollie: BEST GAME EVER MADE
[20:09] Ollie: A pirate ship filled with ninja versus a spaceship manned by wizards? It's the kind of stuff you'd find airbrushed on the side of a van 30 years ago.
[20:09] Ollie: love that quote
[20:09] imod53: a pirate ship filled with ninjas!?
[20:09] imod53: my good man, that's blasphemy!
[20:10] Ollie: Obviously you've encountered the deadly Ninjirate.
[20:10] Ollie: His stealth is somewhat impeded by his pegleg
[20:10] Ollie: But he's not a force to be trifled with:downs:

MetKiller Joe
February 5th, 2009, 06:28 PM
"It's probably a lot of work to make the [Sandbox tools of Little Big Planet] user-friendly and create an online sharing system for it all, but it's an awful lot of effort when all you are ultimately doing is creating a big blank wall for people to scribble huge cartoon cocks on." -Yahtzee on Little Big Planet

February 5th, 2009, 06:37 PM
as long as we're on the subject of GoW,
best quote ever.

February 5th, 2009, 09:45 PM
[22:12:28] neuroxce: dicksnot
[22:12:42] plasbianx1337: u
[22:12:47] plasbianx1337: no you! D:<
[22:19:05] neuroxce: want to hear a story?
[22:19:10] plasbianx1337: Sure
[22:19:29] neuroxce: I've saved my semen in a plastic bottle before
[22:19:35] neuroxce: thing is
[22:19:36] plasbianx1337: oO
[22:19:58] neuroxce: i didn't exactly keep it in my frige or anything to keep it in its original form
[22:20:06] neuroxce: i just tossed it in a box under my bed
[22:20:16] neuroxce: well a friend of mine comes over
[22:20:23] neuroxce: and we're hangin out
[22:20:30] neuroxce: and i remember my bottle
[22:20:38] neuroxce: its been like, idk, a month?
[22:20:53] neuroxce: i tell him about it, and i pull it out
[22:20:54] plasbianx1337: lol..
[22:20:57] neuroxce: dude
[22:21:10] neuroxce: It was brown.
[22:21:12] neuroxce: not white
[22:21:30] neuroxce: i mean, like a dark deep brown
[22:21:48] neuroxce: well he dared me to take the cap off slightly, and take a whiff
[22:21:52] plasbianx1337: wtf
[22:22:01] neuroxce: uhm, dood.
[22:22:05] neuroxce: guess what
[22:22:14] neuroxce: i just took the cap barely
[22:22:21] neuroxce: and instantly
[22:22:27] neuroxce: I didn't smell anything.
[22:22:33] neuroxce: I felt it.
[22:22:41] neuroxce: like a brick hit me in the face
[22:22:48] neuroxce: and tried to crawl up my nose
[22:23:18] neuroxce: needless to say, he dealt him out too, and he was across the room on the other side
[22:23:23] plasbianx1337: o___O
[22:23:26] neuroxce: it dealth*
[22:23:29] neuroxce: dealt*
[22:23:30] neuroxce: bah
[22:23:32] neuroxce: but yeah
[22:23:46] neuroxce: i can honestly say that i've smelt Death
[22:23:50] neuroxce: in smell form
[22:24:11] neuroxce: a field of dead rotting babies might have been a field of flowers
[22:24:17] neuroxce: but yeah
[22:24:23] neuroxce: cool story, etc
[22:24:36] neuroxce: i've yet to decide what to do with it
[22:24:57] neuroxce: i think i should take it to school with me and since i get there early and noone is there
[22:25:11] neuroxce: i should put it behind some books in the library, and leave the cap off
[22:25:14] neuroxce: :3

February 6th, 2009, 04:27 AM
Basically DOOM 1 was "Oh shit we're invaded" then everyone dies except you. Since you can't fly the shuttle back to Earth to save yourself, you decide to try to clear out the base.

You kinda do, except you get ambushed and die. Because the base on Deimos is actually a part of hell now, that's where you "respawn" in hell.

You clear out THAT base and its new commander and actually go to the outer levels of old school hell. Again, you clear THAT shit out, holy shit, and kill the guy leading the invasion on mars. The guy leading Hell basically gives you a teleporter to earth so that you'll stop messing shit up. That's right, HELL BROUGHT YOU BACK TO LIFE BECAUSE YOU KICKED ITS ASS.

Then you teleport to earth and OH SHIT DEMONS ARE HERE TOO! Apparently you meet the last few survivors and get them onto a space ship so they can get the fuck out of dodge. The problem is, the base where the launch button is? Overrun by demons.

You clear THOSE demons out, launch the ship and save humanity. You're such a stone cold badass holy shit. Because you're tired as fuck, you decide to lie down and rest. Then some douche commander says "So yeah, thanks and all. Oh yeah, we found out where they're coming from. Its your hometown." So you get the fuck back up.

THEN you fight your way to your hometown and find where the demons are coming from. Do you go through the portal? Shit yeah you do, holy shit there are still demons to kill motherfucker.

So you fight your way through the SERIOUS part of hell, then kill SATAN. Unless Plutonia/TnT are considered canon. Then its just some bigass guy that's like Satan's best friend, and you never kill Satan.

And that is why the Doomguy is the single most powerful human in the history of all games

Doom has a plot?

February 6th, 2009, 05:00 AM
i loved doom.

it shook me all night long.

February 6th, 2009, 07:33 PM
[20:30] Brockian Cricket: Timmy won't tell me what happens in soul eater. ;-; It makes me mad cause if certain characters die/go evil/etc I'd stop watching o.o; And I don't want to watch to find out.
[20:31] TeeKupHalofan: OMG LIZ
[20:31] TeeKupHalofan: OH
[20:31] TeeKupHalofan: MY
[20:31] TeeKupHalofan: GAWD
[20:31] Brockian Cricket: What? O.o
[20:31] TeeKupHalofan: http://www.relaxia.cz/galerie/nuclear/images/Nuclear%20Explosions%20%20Nuke%2012_jpg.jpg
[20:32] Brockian Cricket: what about it? O.o
[20:32] TeeKupHalofan: GOJIRA
[20:32] TeeKupHalofan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6qAIaqK3_Q
[20:33] TeeKupHalofan: OMG MOTHRA
[20:33] TeeKupHalofan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brU1K1zAE-c
[20:33] Brockian Cricket: What did I do to you? ;-;

Its fun screwing with liz.

Mr Buckshot
February 6th, 2009, 07:40 PM
This is too true to be funny...

The next time you hear a politician use the word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about whether you want the 'politicians' spending YOUR tax money.

A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into some perspective in one of its releases.

A billion seconds ago it was 1959.

A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.

A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.

A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.

A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.

While this thought is still fresh in our brain... let's take a look at New Orleans .... It's amazing what you can learn with some simple division.

Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) is presently asking Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS to rebuild New Orleans .. Interesting number... what does it mean?

Well... if you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans (every man, woman, and child) you each get $516,528.

Or... if you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans , your home gets $1,329,787.

Or... if you are a family of four... your family gets $2,066,012.

Imagine, now $700 billion bailing out banks in the US . That's enough to fund the complete medical care for every man, woman and child currently alive in the US for 11 years!!

50 billion to bail out the auto industry??? Washington , D.C. & Ottawa ON. HELLO!!! Are all your calculators broken??

Accounts Receivable Tax
Building Permit Tax
CDL License Tax
Cigarette Tax
Corporate Income Tax
Dog License Tax
Federal Income Tax , Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)
Fishing License Tax
Food License Tax
Fuel Permit Tax
Gasoline Tax
Hunting License Tax
Inheritance Tax
Inventory Tax
IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)
IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)
Liquor Tax
Luxury Tax
Marriage License Tax
Medicare Tax
Property y Tax
Real Estate Tax
Service charge taxes
Social Security Tax
Road Usage Tax (Truckers)
Sales Taxes
Recreational Vehicle Tax
School Tax
State Income Tax
State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)
Telephone Federal Excise Tax
Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax upon Tax
Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax
Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax
Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax
Telephone State and Local Tax
Telephone Usage Charge Tax
Utility Tax
Vehicle License Registration Tax
Vehicle Sales Tax
Watercraft Registration Tax
Well Permit Tax
Workers Compensation Tax
Income Tax
Everything Tax or even NSW Taxes


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago... and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt... We had the largest middle class in the world.. and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened? Can you spell 'politicians!'

And I still have to press '1' for English.

I hope this goes around the US & CANADA or AUSTRALIA at least 1 billion times.

lol a bit exaggerated but funny.

February 7th, 2009, 02:17 AM
Doom has a plot?
doot (http://www.amazon.com/Knee-Deep-Dead-Doom-Book-1/dp/0671525557/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233994620&sr=8-1)

Rob Oplawar
February 9th, 2009, 05:59 PM
roboplawar (4:57:32 PM): yo duce
il Duce Primo7 returned at 4:57:39 PM.
roboplawar (4:57:39 PM): wanna be an admin on my new site?
roboplawar (4:57:54 PM): ...
il Duce Primo7 (4:57:54 PM): sure why not
roboplawar (4:57:55 PM): ....
roboplawar (4:57:59 PM): pfffWAAHAHAHAHA
roboplawar (4:58:09 PM): haha, sorry, no, i'm just yanking your chain
il Duce Primo7 (4:58:28 PM): fuck yourself
I love messing with duce.

February 11th, 2009, 09:35 AM
as long as we're on the subject of GoW,
best quote ever.

uhhhh that was Baird not Dom.

February 11th, 2009, 11:05 AM
No that was Dom pooky.

February 11th, 2009, 04:38 PM
Teek knows all about dom. :pervert:

February 11th, 2009, 05:59 PM
some guy on youtube:
"sounds like a big and i mean big big real orgy in fire real fire a everybodys having sex huge but in real fire.. sounds like a lot of woman screaming of excitation. oh men maybe this is paradise.. and not hell. because everybodys sounds like they all are doing sex.. oh my god.. it's a big ORGY to me... and the womans are screaming of real multi orgams .. i think.. and everybody is unconscionous .. "

Llama Juice
February 11th, 2009, 06:02 PM
The Juicy Llama says: (6:57:31 PM)
Who are you?
Dolores says: (6:57:37 PM)
hey, Age/Sex/Location? :)
The Juicy Llama says: (6:57:44 PM)
oh sweet, you're one of those
Dolores says: (6:57:55 PM)
hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
The Juicy Llama says: (6:58:14 PM)
Yea... sweet
Dolores says: (6:58:29 PM)
listen hun, I am just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I will get naked if u do..lol!
The Juicy Llama says: (6:58:38 PM)
Dolores says: (6:58:49 PM)
I can show u how to watch if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE:-$
The Juicy Llama says: (6:58:53 PM)
find something better to do with your life
Dolores says: (6:59:25 PM)
well since its the law that u gotta be 18 (nudity involved), u have to sign up with a credit card for age verification! BUT.. Once you are inside, just clikc on "Webcams" let me know what name you use to sign in with so I know it is you babe! http://www.localroomcam.com/alina fill out the bottom of the page then fill out the next page as well and u can see me live!
The Juicy Llama says: (6:59:38 PM)
Oh my god! No way!
Dolores says: (6:59:48 PM)
Please dont mention anything about that in the chatroom once u get in ok?:-$
The Juicy Llama says: (7:00:31 PM)
I want to stab you in the eye with a machete.
Dolores says: (7:00:51 PM)
OH SHIT.. k I am late to start my show, I gotta get off msn...I will see ya inside my chatroom babe.. remember not to mention that I am upgrading u... You can use your msn name to sign in so i know it is you..
The Juicy Llama says: (7:00:55 PM)
Oh my god!
Dolores says: (7:00:57 PM)
AUTO-RESPONSE: hey just in the middle of my webcam show if you want to watch click the link http://www.localroomcam.com/alina
The Juicy Llama says: (7:01:07 PM)
As if the rest hasn't been an auto response thing anyhow...

... fucking bots.... literally.

February 11th, 2009, 06:49 PM
some guy on youtube:
"sounds like a big and i mean big big real orgy in fire real fire a everybodys having sex huge but in real fire.. sounds like a lot of woman screaming of excitation. oh men maybe this is paradise.. and not hell. because everybodys sounds like they all are doing sex.. oh my god.. it's a big ORGY to me... and the womans are screaming of real multi orgams .. i think.. and everybody is unconscionous .. "
Uh, what?

Also, use [quote] tags.

Reaper Man
February 12th, 2009, 05:25 AM
Oh lawds, i'ma self-quote

The Ivanator says:
*1 me = >9000 awesome
*so if i procreate once there will be 1.5 me
*thus, how much over 9000 awesome will there be?
Jason says:
*1.5x {x| x is real, x>9000}
The Ivanator says:

I never knew maths could be lulz

February 14th, 2009, 05:08 AM
Star Wars quotes made better by the addition of "pants". Taken from a site in which they were ranked with the best at the top and the worst at the bottom, so the bottom ones kinda suck.

I find your lack of pants disturbing.
You are unwise to lower your pants.
Your pants, you will not need them.
Chewie and me got into a lot of pants more heavily guarded than this.
The Force is strong in my pants.
I cannot teach him. The boy has no pants.
You came in those pants? You're braver than I thought.
In his pants you will find a new definition of pain and suffering
Governer Tarkin. I should have expected to find you holding Vader's pants.
I think you just can't bear to let a gorgeous guy like me out of your pants.
Pull up! All pants pull up!
A disturbance in the pants. I have not felt this since near my old master...
That blast came from the pants! That thing's operational!
I sense the conflict within you. Let go of your pants!
He has no time for smugglers who drop their pants first sign of Imperials
I've just made a deal that will keep the Empire out of our pants forever
Alderan is peaceful, we have no pants!
These aren't the pants you're looking for.
Looks like someone's beginning to take an interest in your pants.
The pants will be down in moments, sir, you can begin your landing
"I want them alive. No pants." -Vader
Lock the door. And hope they don't have pants.
Your pants can deceive you, don't trust them
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your pants.
I am altering the pants. Pray that I don't alter them any further
Great, Chewie, great. Always thinking with your pants.
The Pants are what gives a Jedi his power
Luke, help me take these pants off. -(dying) Darth Vader
I'm taking Captain Solo ... and his pants
"Don't do that, my pants are dirty." "My pants are dirty, too."
Away with your pants, I mean you no harm!
Search your pants, you know it to be true.
Han'll have those pants down - we've gotta give him more time!
You are part of the rebel alliance, and a traitor. Take her pants!
Tell that to Jabba. If you're lucky he might only take your pants.
Will somebody please get this walking carpet out of my pants!
He is most displeased with your apparent lack of pants
It appears you are to be the main course at a banquet in my pants
I'm not in this for your revolution, I'm in it for the pants
Look at the size of those pants!
We've got to get a reading on those pants, Up or Down.
So long ago, when all we had was our love. No politics, no plotting, no pants.
The emperor asks the impossible. I need more pants.
There's no mystical energy field that controls my pants
Curse my metal pants.
General Tarkin, I thought I recognized your foul pants...
I don't think the Empire had wookiees in mind when they designed pants
Search your pants, Luke. You know it's true.
And I thought pants smelled bad . . . on the OUTSIDE. Ahh!
The pants can have a strong influence on weak minds
I only hope that when the pants are analyzed a weakness can be found
Judge me by my pants, do you?
See through pants, we can.
You can waste time with your pants when your chores are done.
I seek an audience with your greatness to bargain for Solo's pants
Commander, tear this ship apart until you've found those pants!
Have you been in many pants?
Though I never thought I would be smuggling pants.
I felt a great disturbance in the Pants.
Yeah, well droids aren't known for ripping pants off when they loose!
"I happen to like nice pants."
Jabba please take these pants as a token of friendship
Luke help me take my pants off...
The more you tighten your pants, the more star systems will slip through...
We have no choice, our pants can't repel firepower of that magnitude.
A tremor in the Pants.The last time I felt it was n the presence of myoldmaster
Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your pants.
Take care of your pants, Han. I guess that's what you're best at, isn't it.
Don't try to frighten us with your scorcerer's pants, Lord Vader.
Emperor: You have paid the price for your lack of pants!
Your father wanted you to have pants when you were old enough
"Slimey? My pants this is." -Yoda
"Great pants kid! Don't get cocky!"
"You know of the rebellion?" "That's how we came to be in your pants sir"
I have altered the pants, pray that I don't alter them further.
I used to bullseye womp rats in my pants back home.
Only now...in my pants...do you understand.
Rear pants down... Argh!!!
Remember your failure in the pants.
The pants are down! Commence attack on the Death Star's main reactor.
15!?! We can almost buy our own pants for that!
Be mindful of your pants Anakin. They'll betray you.
Commander, tear these pants apart until you've found those plans.
Yeah, I just got a funny feeling. Like I'm never gonna see my pants again.
"Evacuate?! In our pants of triumph?"
Put Captain Solo in the cargo pants.
Yahoo! You're all clear kid. Now let's blow these pants and go home!
Chewie, pants won't help me!
Fear will keep the other systems in line--fear of these pants.
I sense a great disturbance in the pants.
In my experience, there is no such thing as pants.
I'd just as soon pants a Wookiie!
I've got a bad feeling in my pants about this.
Leia: I love pants. Han: I know.
No I don't think he likes pants at all. No I don't like pants either
Phew! And I thought pants smelled bad... on ... the outside...!
Search your pants luke
Someone WAS in the pants
This little one's not worth the effort. Come, let me get you some pants.
You don't believe in pants, do you?
Your pants can decieve you, Luke.
At Last, we will have our pants.
Bounty hunters ... we don't need their pants
Bury your pants deep down, Luke. They could be made to serve the emperor.
Threepio: It's against my programming to wear pants.
You don't know how hard I found it, signing the order to terminate your pants.
"Pants, Luke, Pants!"
"But I was gonna' go down to Toshi Station to pick up some power pants!
I am a Toydarian! Pants do not work on me!
She must have hidden the pants in the escape pod
That's funny... the pants don't look as bad from out here.
The last time I felt it was in the pants of my old master.
The pants go off in this direction
"Your overconfidence is your weakness." "Your faith in your pants is yours!"
If pants are all you love, then that's what you'll receive.
It is pointless to resist the power of the dark pants...
No more pants. I'm not going that way
Sir, my first job was programming binary pants lifters.
Tell them if they don't do as you ask you will becom angry and use your pants
We have no time for pants, Commander.
You have taken your first step into larger pants
I don't know where you get your delusions, laser pants.
It's over, Anakin. I have the high pants.
Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking pants herder!
You look absolutely beautiful. You truly belong here with us among the pants
For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights were the guardians of pants
Chewie, shes hurt, get pants!
Clear your minds, and find Obi-Wan's wayward pants we will...
Don't pants me again, Admiral.
Why I should stick my pants out for you is far beyond my capacity. -C3PO
Difficult to see. Always in motion is the pants.
I see you have constructed a new pair of pants. Your skills are complete.
Paaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnntsssssss!!!!!! (Vader's last line from Episode 3)
These pants are for smuggling, I never thought I'd use them to smuggle myself
Commander, tear these pants apart until you've found those pants!
I have pants now! -Darth Vader
In my experience, there are no such thing as pants
Pants not make one great.
The Force can have a strong influence on weak pants.
The pants you refer to will soon be back in our hands
This station is now the ultimate power in the pants. I suggest we use it.
Use the Pants, Luke!
You're suffering from hybernation sickness. Your pants will return in time.
A great many voices cried "pants", and then were silenced, all at once.
Almost there... almost there... PANTS AWAY! (trench run from A New Hope)
“Pants leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering”
Governor Tarkin, I should have expected to find you holding Vader's pants
I have brought peace, justice, safety, and security to my new pants
If you fail me again, I'll put a price on your pants so large...
Lets just say, we'd like to avoid any Imperal pants
Much anger in him, like his pants
Sandpeople ride single file to hide their pants.
This little one's not worth the effort. Now come, let me get you some pants.
We have... powerful pants. You're going to regret this.
What kind of pants are you trying to sell us!
You know, sometimes pants amaze even myself
"We're going to discuss the location of your hidden rebel pants"
"They pants from..behind" (Gold Five)
Aim it at the pants!
dont worry kid i got your pants
How will the emperor maintain control without the pants?
I take pants from just one person: Me!
i will teach you to master the pants
Imperial pants have entered the base! Imperial pants have entered the base!
I recognized your fowl pants when I was brought on board.
It's your father's pants. This is the weapon of a Jedi Knight.
Jabba ... this is your last chance. Pants us, or die.
Look sir, pants!
Oh yeah? Pants this!!!
Oh, I wish I had your pants...
Pants Captain Solo in the cargo hold
robinson, duncan
So, you have a twin sister! Your pants have now betrayed her too.
This is an unexpected pleasure. We are honored by your pants.
Through the pants, things you will see!
You do have your pants. Not many of them, but you do have them.
You might have been a pants smuggler Solo, but now you're just Bantha poodoo!
Your pants, we don't want their kind in here, they'll have to wait outside
"WHAT" "Luke has pants now"
"You knew my pants?"
Chewie, jam his pants!
Hay what kind of pants are you trying to pull!
I see your pants, sir. I suggest a new strategy, R2
Just for once let me look at you with my own pants
Nearly there... Nearly there... Just pants off for a few more seconds!
Pants turned her against me!!!!
Remember you failre in the pants.
Sir, if any of my circuits or pants will help, I will gladly donate them.
The great Jabba the Hutt will now listen to your pants
These pants are getting worse all the time
Yousa tinken yousa people ganna wear pants??? -Jar Jar Binks
"It's not my pants!!"
i blew a hole in there pants
The last time I felt it was in the presence of my old pants
Actually, Artoo has been known to make pants...From time to time.
Jabbas through with you. He has no use for smugglers who drop their pants at th
Long ago in pants far away
Pants matters not.
She's rich, powerful, if you were to resuce her the reawads would be pants!
Sorry about the pants.
The shield is still up ... all pants pull up!
He was seduced by the dark pants of the force
I guess nobody told them about my pants at the Battle of Tanaab
May the pants be with you
You can't win, but there are alternatives to pants
“No, try not! Do or do not, there is no pants.”
Give the evacuation signal ... and get to your pants!
Han, my pants, you disappoint me
I don't know where you get your pants, laser brain
It has seen the end of Kenobi and will soon see the end of pants
I'm looking forward to completing your pants
Short pants is better than no pants
Traveling through Hyperspace isn't like dusting pants, boy!
Great, Chewie ... always thinking with your pants
I hope so, Commander, for your sake. The Pants are not as forgiving as I am.
its the ship that made the Kessel pants in less than 12 parseks
Paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaants!!! - Luke
pants, you seek pants
Vader - Now I am the Pants. Obi Wan - Only the Pants of evil.
Obi-Wan has pantsed you well.
The odds of succesfully navigating a pants field are ...
There will be no pants, young Jedi. I shall enjoy watching you die.
Beep beep boop pants (R2D2 sound effects)
Han, old buddy, do you read pants?
I'm going in closer to one of the bigger pants.
I've got a bad feeling about pants.
Lets hope the old man managed to shut down the pants
pants me obie-wan kenobe pants me
"Chewie, make sure there aren't any more chewing on the pants"
..And we shall have pants (-Palpatine Episode 3)
The pants will be with you, always.
Where are the pants for the rebel base?
You'll find I'm full of pants
Luke, I am your pants
That's not pants...That's a space station!
these pants will do
TK421, why aren't you at your pants?
"They're speaking in pants."
Hokey religions and ancient pants are no match for a good blaster at your side
In a way, you have chosen the pants to be destroyed first.
-Search your feelings, Luke. You know it to be true. -PAAAAAAAANTS!!!!
As it a thousand voices suddnely cried out in pants, and then were silenced.
I don't care what you smell get in pants.
Great kid! Don't get pants.
How you get so big eating pants of this kind? - Yoda
I want that ship, not pants!
Pants me Obi-Wan Kenobi, your my only hope.
We shall double our pants!
Who is more pantsish, the pants or the pants who pantses him
yes let the pants flow through you
"Pants not make one great." -Yoda
He was seduced by the dark side of the pants
I don't know where you get your pants, Laser-brains!
ahhh my panties are in a twist untwist them you will
"Luke, we're gonna have pants."
...I got my own pants
in a pair of pants a long long time ago
Pants! Pants is my sister!
This bucket of pants is never going to get us past that blockade.
"We're going to discuss the pants of your hidden rebel base"
...I got my own pants (problems)
..like your father, you are now pants! (Palpatine Episode IV)
dont go to the pants side
That anit a small moon, thems are pants!
We have engaged the pants, General!
Luke,I am your pants...(so THAT"S where they went)
Panty pants pants
"Let's just say we want to avoid any Imperial pants"
Many of the pants we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view
Lock the pants, R2
Pants transfer from cell block 1138...
This battle station will keep the pants in line now.
That's no pants. It's a space station.
Pants, I am your father!
Stormtroopes, here! I have to warn the pants!
Did you hear that? They shot down the main pants! We'll be destroyed for sure
I'll meet you at the rendezvous pants
See you look this good. 300 years your pants be.

Rob Oplawar
February 14th, 2009, 01:33 PM
I saw this done with Halo a few years ago. My favorite was:

Me, inside your pants, now.

February 14th, 2009, 02:26 PM
Tons to read through but its funny. Took place in HCEL server on Jan 24th.

wilddog05 yuki
Yuki wat
wilddog05 umm
wilddog05 ur one of the bungie adminsright?
JOIN SUCCESS "cia.rook" player 2 machine 2 ( cdkey 2f84807fb43e4f1fc898b4775cbe68a0
wilddog05 yuki r u a bungie admin?
cia.rook lmfao
Yuki lol
cia.rook Yes, he is
wilddog05 well
wilddog05 plz
cia.rook Sorry bungie employees are not allowd to contact general players
Yuki ^
wilddog05 ugg
wilddog05 its just so hrd cuz u guys dont gopt a phone number its dam stra
cia.rook On the back of your halo PC box
cia.rook there is a phone number to contact our office
wilddog05 striaht annoying
cia.rook Oh okay
cia.rook you want to phone numnber?
Yuki Lets me give you our recon armour hotline
wilddog05 so ur saying
narch lol *can i r haz reconz *
cia.rook wilddog
cia.rook do you have a pen and paper readY?
wilddog05 yes
cia.rook ok
wilddog05 wait
wilddog05 ok yes
cia.rook 1-606-528-****
cia.rook call and ask for recon armor
wilddog05 number?
cia.rook 1-606--528-****
cia.rook just ask for recon armor
narch lol sure
wilddog05 lemme check
wilddog05 1606
wilddog05 528
cia.rook yes
wilddog05 ****
cia.rook You got the last 4?
cia.rook ok the last 4 were ****
wilddog05 k
wilddog05 so
narch so wen does ODST come out
Yuki in a few months
wilddog05 1606528****
cia.rook Yes
wilddog05 thx u guysso mucxh
cia.rook No problem
narch prove u work at bungie
wilddog05 1 question
wilddog05 what r the features of thisarmor?
Yuki well
Yuki its
Yuki got all this cool shit
wilddog05 i saw on game informer
Yuki but we wouldnt want to ruin the surprise before you got it
Yuki :)
wilddog05 i know 1 thing
wilddog05 its got dark vision
narch i luv bungie but bullshit u work at bungie
Yuki we wont tollerate that kind of language in our bungie server
Yuki /b narch 2m
BANNED "narch" cdkey 0619b401eff3983f4d3418cf71fa3567
cia.rook oh
wilddog05 will 1 of u guys be my xfire buddy?..plplz i really need it beca
wilddog05 xfire is a gaming chat sservice that works great
cia.rook Wild dog by the way when you call that number, yes
cia.rook long distance charges apply
wilddog05 thx u so mucxh
Yuki np
cia.rook Don't let the operator say a word
wilddog05 tell the company to promote u or give u a raise
cia.rook say can I have recon as soon as he answers
wilddog05 thx
cia.rook no problem
wilddog05 u get that raise for me k?
Yuki ok
Abel wth?
wilddog05 thatsa teamplayer
wilddog05 k well i gg
[TEAM]Yuki as if
[TEAM]Yuki he believes this
wilddog05 bye
Yuki bye
Yuki :)
[TEAM]cia.rook yeah he won't call and if he does, lol
wilddog05 ill be afk though

wilddog05 ugg
cia.rook Hey
wilddog05 i got the number for a restaurant
[TEAM]Yuki You think hell do it lmfao
[TEAM]cia.rook LOL WAT
cia.rook What are you talking about
[TEAM]cia.rook lol omg
[TEAM]Yuki You cant be serious lmfao
wilddog05 wtf guys?
cia.rook Dude did you tell them you wanted recon armor
wilddog05 umm
cia.rook restrauant is a cover up so people won't bug them
cia.rook Busy workers you know
wilddog05 well no but i got sent to the number of a restaURANT
cia.rook I told you
cia.rook Coverup
wilddog05 JEEZE
cia.rook wilddog did you get the recon
Yuki Idk the way hes hassling bungie employies
Yuki he sure doesnt seem like he deserves it
wilddog05 SRRY
cia.rook Are you sure you dialed it right
wilddog05 im just mad
wilddog05 srru
cia.rook Hey wiilddog please just make sure they know you want the recon
wilddog05 will u plz say the numberagain?
wilddog05 my screen isnt working i cant see my text
wilddog05 now i see
cia.rook Make sure you are clear of your intentions wilddog.
wilddog05 ok
wilddog05 ok im not mad
wilddog05 im calm
wilddog05 socall
wilddog05 the number and ask for recon armor
cia.rook Do you want the code phrase?
cia.rook Ok the special thin to say to get recon is
cia.rook when the operator gets on the line tell him
cia.rook "I want a pepperoni pizza with extra potatoes"
ilddog05 k
cia.rook thats the code
Bungiewrker JOINS
Bungiewrker Hey shouldnt you guys be working on Halo 4
Yuki Oh sorry boss
wilddog05 umm
wilddog05 yes
cia.rook Do you know the code prhase
wilddog05 yes
wilddog05 lemme call
cia.rook Okay when you tell him that he'll give you an activation key for
cia.rook recon
wilddog05 brb
cia.rook Ok wilddog
Bungiewrker Bill's going to be mad at you guys

Yuki sry bill
Bungiewrker Mr. Gates wants Halo 4 finished by next year
Yuki Servers going to need a new name after this
wilddog05 im callin
[TEAM]cia.rook LOL
cia.rook okay
[TEAM]Yuki oh are you serious
wilddog05 they were confused when i said it
[TEAM]cia.rook LOLOLOL
[TEAM]cia.rook LOL
[TEAM]cia.rook MDF
[TEAM]cia.rook IDMF
cia.rook what did they say?
wilddog05 yes
cia.rook Hmm
wilddog05 isaid it
cia.rook What did they say man?
Yuki wheres justin ducky or bacon when you need them
[TEAM]cia.rook LOL
[TEAM]thatswhatr they said
[TEAM]Yuki oh my god
Yuki Oh thats right rook
Yuki the Recon phrase is different today
Yuki Wilddog
wilddog05 yes
Yuki The phrase for today is
Yuki Well
Yuki First
Yuki One sec
wilddog05 u guysr mocking me
Yuki No we're not
wilddog05 i can tell
2009-01-21 19:48:56 CHAT GLOBAL killercuint more fast\
Bungiewrker Do you want my office number?
wilddog05 yes
Yuki Ask for joe
wilddog05 k
Yuki or the manager
Yuki whoever is there
Bungiewrker Here one second, do you have a pencil?
wilddog05 k
Yuki And say this to him
wilddog05 yes
Bungiewrker Ready?
Yuki I would like a dimebag of recon.
Yuki In green
Bungiewrker Are you ready?
wilddog05 k
Bungiewrker 724-961-***
wilddog05 again
Bungiewrker 724
Bungiewrker 961
[TEAM]Yuki this is gold
Bungiewrker ****
Bungiewrker 724961****
Bungiewrker 724-961-****
wilddog05 gotr it
GLOBAL Bungiewrker ok?
Bungiewrker Call it now
[TEAM]Bungiewrker my friends
[TEAM]Bungiewrker LOL
LEAVE "cia.rook"
wilddog05 it says i have reached a voice message system for a guy named ju
wilddog05 justin
Bungiewrker Hmm are you sure?
wilddog05 yes
Yuki Ok
Yuki what you have to do
Bungiewrker Maybe you dialed it wrong, try again
Yuki Leave a message asking for a green recon dimebag
wilddog05 hats wat i said
Bungiewrker Call and leave a message to we can get back to your request
Bungiewrker Okay?
Yuki It has to be the right phrase though
wilddog05 i guess
wilddog05 omg
Bungiewrker So you left a message?
wilddog05 i know wat u guys r doing
Yuki Asking for a green recon dimebag?
wilddog05 ur gonna make wait til tommoro and ull be gone by then
Yuki We can't get you recon if you dont leave the message
wilddog05 will u plz just stop scamming me oif my time?
wilddog05 i know y u said tommoro
[TEAM]Yuki Took him long enough to catch on
Bungiewrker Leave a message sir
Yuki Guess you wont be getting recon then :(
Bungiewrker And we will get back to you
wilddog05 im just gonna email the "REAL BUNGIE"
Yuki We are the real bungie :)
Yuki we look forward to reading your email
wilddog05 liar
Bungiewrker Thank you for your inquisition sir
wilddog05 ill see
Bungiewrker If you leave a message you will.
wilddog05 and if u r the real bungie
Yuki Anyway we have to get back to developing Halo 3 Recon
Bungiewrker Right
wilddog05 ill bewaiting for an actual response
Yuki goodbye friends :)

February 14th, 2009, 02:27 PM
Oh my god yes its that kid hahahhahah

Also it may be a bit confusing to some people, the last 4 digits of the number were censored out by rook, and he gave him the number of Rook's work, which is a dominoes somewhere in kentucky, and then Zerk showed up as bungiewrker and got him to call Death's house lol.

February 16th, 2009, 01:06 AM
that is beautiful.

February 17th, 2009, 09:10 PM
[19:08] Ollie: Ok
[19:08] Ollie: This is why I like digg's comments once in awhile
[19:08] Ollie: The article being discussed was "A First: String Theory Predicts an Experimental Result"
[19:08] Ollie: and some guy says
[19:08] Ollie: "But can the String Theory predict why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?".

E: I'm sorry, I have to selfquote this

[19:11] imod53: Okay
[19:11] Ollie: I'm glad I don't play TF2 anymore
[19:11] imod53: this probably sounds a lot better in my head
[19:11] Ollie: they're totally fucking up the balance
[19:11] Ollie: hmm?
[19:11] Ollie: you first
[19:11] imod53: i'm imagining
[19:12] imod53: a bunch of kids going up to a guy on the street
[19:12] imod53: one of them is holding a box of cinnamon toast crunch
[19:12] imod53: another is holding a bowl
[19:12] imod53: or rather, a tray with a bowl of it on it, with a glass of orange juice
[19:12] imod53: so
[19:12] Ollie: I like where this is going
[19:12] imod53: they all walk up to him
[19:12] imod53: and they're like
[19:13] imod53: "Sir! Sir! Can you see why us kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch!?"
[19:13] imod53: and he says
[19:13] imod53: "Why, it's the swirls of cinnamon sugar in every bite!"
[19:13] imod53: and then
[19:13] imod53: total silence
[19:13] imod53: a child begins crying
[19:14] Ollie: hahahaha

February 17th, 2009, 11:13 PM
JeanLuc 761 (9:03:47 PM): would be funnier than hell though
JeanLuc 761 (9:03:53 PM): see a scorpion fucking floating in midair
JeanLuc 761 (9:03:54 PM): lol
"Snafubar" (9:04:05 PM): yeah
"Snafubar" (9:04:05 PM): lol
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:20 PM): pity we didn't have any in connecticut
"Snafubar" (9:04:24 PM): heh, ut2k4 mod released for halooooo
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:24 PM): would have been a neat school prank
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:31 PM): =p
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:38 PM): Granted, I would have been arrested, but still
"Snafubar" (9:04:40 PM): oh yes floating venomous animals ho hum
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:43 PM): lol
"Snafubar" (9:04:46 PM): lol
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:52 PM): if I was going to do that though?
JeanLuc 761 (9:04:56 PM): I wouldn't take a little scorpion
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:05 PM): I'd attach a copperhead and have some fun
"Snafubar" (9:05:21 PM): goddam you are insane
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:28 PM): Sometimes
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:29 PM): It's fun!
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:38 PM): Like you don't have YOUR insane thoughts, pfft
"Snafubar" (9:05:48 PM): how about enough baloons to float a dead cat around face level?
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:53 PM): o_o
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:57 PM): You call me insane then you say that shit?
JeanLuc 761 (9:05:59 PM): fuck dude
"Snafubar" (9:06:17 PM): or a roadkill opossum?
JeanLuc 761 (9:06:20 PM): D:
"Snafubar" (9:06:22 PM): by it's TAIL
JeanLuc 761 (9:06:25 PM): o_o
"Snafubar" (9:06:32 PM): snarling
JeanLuc 761 (9:06:35 PM): Taht's it
JeanLuc 761 (9:06:39 PM): I'm not the insane one here
"Snafubar" (9:06:40 PM): like LOOK AT ME BITCH I'M DEAD
"Snafubar" (9:06:46 PM): RAWR
"Snafubar" (9:07:12 PM): you know that shit was hillarious
JeanLuc 761 (9:07:28 PM): And then I looked at the possum, and realized it had bear feet. The possum was a bear. Realizing my error, I ran hard, but it caught up with me and beat the fuck out of me.
JeanLuc 761 (9:07:38 PM): Yes, I absolutely had to fucking do that
"Snafubar" (9:07:47 PM): hamburgers
JeanLuc 761 (9:07:56 PM): bearburgers, what?
JeanLuc 761 (9:07:57 PM): lol
"Snafubar" (9:08:06 PM): lol
"Snafubar" (9:08:13 PM): but it was a jackal
"Snafubar" (9:08:16 PM): with a tophat
JeanLuc 761 (9:08:18 PM): o_o
JeanLuc 761 (9:08:27 PM): British scum!
"Snafubar" (9:08:31 PM): doing meatspin
JeanLuc 761 (9:08:37 PM): WHY!?
JeanLuc 761 (9:08:44 PM): *HORRIBLEMENTALIMAGE*
"Snafubar" (9:08:53 PM): ooohhh my god
JeanLuc 761 (9:08:53 PM): I hate you so much
"Snafubar" (9:08:57 PM): i fucking literally lol'd
"Snafubar" (9:09:03 PM): i can't breathe
JeanLuc 761 (9:09:13 PM): Neither can I, but for a whole different reason
JeanLuc 761 (9:09:17 PM): Oh GOD I hate you for that
"Snafubar" (9:09:43 PM): oh fuck i can't stop laughing
JeanLuc 761 (9:10:02 PM): breathe you cunt -_-

Scary thing is...we're not drugged up at all.

February 17th, 2009, 11:15 PM

February 17th, 2009, 11:54 PM
[21:47] Ollie: btw
[21:48] Ollie: I was telling one of my other friends earlier today
[21:48] Ollie: I got into an argument this morning with a woman who, without fail, tries to give me religious pamphlets at the bus stop twice a week
[21:48] Ollie: And I developed the ultimate flowchart for defeating Christianity as a belief system.
[21:49] Ollie: (7:27:17 PM) Ollie: 1. Do you believe that one is saved by good deeds or through faith?
(7:27:27 PM) Ollie: If they say good deeds, there's no point in converting.
(7:27:32 PM) Ollie: So they have to say faith
(7:27:35 PM) Ollie: Then you ask
(7:28:34 PM) Ollie: 2. So if faith is the way to be saved, what of people who have never heard of God? People in native cultures in remote parts of the world, for example. If they live good lives but never hear of God, are they doomed to hell?
(7:28:48 PM) Ollie: If they say yes, then frankly that's not a God I would ever want to worship.
(7:28:58 PM) Ollie: And if they say no, you move onto this:
(7:30:27 PM) Ollie: 3. So if someone who is living a good life is taught about God, but has trouble accepting the idea because they need proof to believe in something, the act of teaching them about God has doomed them to hell. So why teach about God? Why not just teach a code of ethics, if your goal is to save souls?
[21:51] Ollie: That's about the point when they get all pissy and storm away saying I just don't understand
[21:51] Ollie: And then I light a cigarette and hum the Final Fantasy battle victory tune to myself.


[01:29] dano555666: so my autistic twin just said to me
[01:29] dano555666: you went inot the past in a time machine nad took your own virginity
[01:29] dano555666: so i thought for a moment
[01:29] dano555666: and i whooped out:
[01:30] dano555666: "yeah well you went inot the future and took yours"
[01:30] dano555666: HAY FAYVE
[01:30] imod53: :V
[01:30] imod53: idqgi
[01:30] dano555666: as in
[01:30] dano555666: his virginity hasnt happened yet
[01:30] dano555666: as in future
[01:30] dano555666: as in he aint get no laid
[01:31] imod53: are you drunk
[01:31] dano555666: no
[01:31] dano555666: it makes perfect sense
[01:31] dano555666: my virginity breaking was inthe past
[01:31] dano555666: yet his hasnt happened yet
[01:31] dano555666: so its in hte future
[01:31] imod53: so basically you're attempting to burn him by saying that he's a virgin
[01:31] dano555666: so he aint got no laid
[01:31] dano555666: yus sir
[01:31] imod53: oh
[01:31] imod53: i thought it'd be something funnier
[01:32] dano555666: -_-
[01:32] imod53: i thought
[01:32] dano555666: weaj
[01:32] dano555666: weaj
[01:32] dano555666: weaj
[01:32] dano555666: weak*
[01:32] imod53: "dane can't possibly make a joke that lame, can he? I'll just say i don't get it"
[01:32] imod53: let me rephrase my earlier question
[01:32] imod53: are you HIGH?
[01:32] dano555666: rofl
[01:32] dano555666: hey i thought it was witty
[01:32] dano555666: :<
[01:33] dano555666: i AINT NO GOTSA GO DUNNOWHERES
[01:34] dano555666: VWAT
[01:34] dano555666: THERES DEER IN THE FRIDGEBASKET? :v:

February 19th, 2009, 04:22 AM
Just had to repost this:

SOURCE (http://www.electric-escape.net/node/1426)

br0kenrabbit: hi
Greg_ValveOLS: good evening
br0kenrabbit: What's ip?
br0kenrabbit: up?
Greg_ValveOLS: my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team
br0kenrabbit: On MSN?
Greg_ValveOLS: yes http://www.electric-escape.net/files/images/smilies/smile.gif
br0kenrabbit: Why?
Greg_ValveOLS: we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information
br0kenrabbit: My information?
Greg_ValveOLS: we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?
br0kenrabbit: No. I don't even have it written down.
Greg_ValveOLS: hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?
br0kenrabbit: Well...
Greg_ValveOLS: if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. http://www.electric-escape.net/files/images/smilies/smile.gif
br0kenrabbit: Well
Greg_ValveOLS: dont worry this connect it secure
br0kenrabbit: Can I be honest with you, Greg?
Greg_ValveOLS: k
br0kenrabbit: Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.
br0kenrabbit: Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.
Greg_ValveOLS: huh?
Greg_ValveOLS: bs
br0kenrabbit: Trace it.
Greg_ValveOLS: how
br0kenrabbit: Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.
Greg_ValveOLS: oh k
br0kenrabbit: As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.
br0kenrabbit: I'm putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.
Greg_ValveOLS: why?
br0kenrabbit: Have you read the ToS?
Greg_ValveOLS: Tod?
Greg_ValveOLS: tos
br0kenrabbit: terms of service
Greg_ValveOLS: were?
br0kenrabbit: Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.
Greg_ValveOLS: why
br0kenrabbit: I just told you why
Greg_ValveOLS: http://www.electric-escape.net/files/images/smilies/frown.gif
br0kenrabbit: I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I'm going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?
Greg_ValveOLS: k
br0kenrabbit: First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxx xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Is this you?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Are you the only user of this account?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Okay, and what is the username
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Okay.
br0kenrabbit: I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you. http://www.electric-escape.net/files/images/smilies/smile.gif
Greg_ValveOLS: some. dude
br0kenrabbit: Do you always log on from the same IP?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: And who is your internet providers, your ISP?
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.
Greg_ValveOLS: am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?
br0kenrabbit: What is your city of residence?
br0kenrabbit: That depends on if you cooperate. You're doing fine so far.
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Illinios?
Greg_ValveOLS: yes
br0kenrabbit: Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?
Greg_ValveOLS: xxxxxxx
br0kenrabbit: Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.
Greg_ValveOLS: why
br0kenrabbit: So I can update your account.
Greg_ValveOLS: can I play 2 nite
Greg_ValveOLS: clan fight
Greg_ValveOLS: wont win without me heh
br0kenrabbit: Heh. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?
Greg_ValveOLS: ya
br0kenrabbit: Okay. Give me just a moment.
br0kenrabbit: Try to log in now.
Greg_ValveOLS: k
Greg_ValveOLS: It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?
br0kenrabbit: Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: did u ban me???????????>WHY
br0kenrabbit: Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: what
br0kenrabbit: Valve will never ask for your username and password.
Greg_ValveOLS: what????
br0kenrabbit: I don't work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.
Greg_ValveOLS: omg dude wtf why?
br0kenrabbit: Why were you trying to steal my account?
Greg_ValveOLS: i wanst
br0kenrabbit: Then why were you asking for my information?
Greg_ValveOLS: i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i'm only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it
br0kenrabbit: Greg
Greg_ValveOLS: dude pleas
Greg_ValveOLS: what
br0kenrabbit: Go mow some yards, bitch.epic.

February 19th, 2009, 04:24 AM
I dug that up a few weeks ago too.
An epic win if ever I saw one. :haw:

February 19th, 2009, 04:28 AM
From the same site:

Online computer users often engage in what is affectionately known as "cybersex." Often the fantasies typed into keyboards and shared through Internet phone lines get pretty raunchy. However, as you'll see below, one of the two cyber-surfers in the following transcript of an online chat doesn't seem to quite get the point of cybersex.
Then again, maybe he does...

Wellhung: Hello, Sweetheart. What do you look like?
Sweetheart: I am wearing a red silk blouse, a miniskirt and high heels. I work out every day, I'm toned and perfect. My measurements are 36-24-36. What do you look like?
Wellhung: I'm 6'3" and about 250 pounds. I wear glasses and I have on a pair of blue sweat pants I just bought from Walmart. I'm also wearing a T-shirt with a few spots of barbecue sauce on it from dinner ... it smells funny.
Sweetheart: I want you. Would you like to screw me?
Wellhung: OK
Sweetheart: We're in my bedroom.There's soft music playing on the stereo and candles on my dresser and night table.I'm looking up into your eyes, smiling. My hand works its way down to your crotch and begins to fondle your huge, swelling bulge.
Wellhung: I'm gulping, I'm beginning to sweat.
Sweetheart: I'm pulling up your shirt and kissing your chest.
Wellhung: Now I'm unbuttoning your blouse.My hands are trembling.
Sweetheart: I'm moaning softly.
Wellhung: I'm taking hold of your blouse and sliding it off slowly.
Sweetheart: I'm throwing my head back in pleasure.The cool silk slides off my warm skin. I'm rubbing your bulge faster, pulling and rubbing.
Wellhung: My hand suddenly jerks spastically and accidentally rips a hole in your blouse. I'm sorry.
Sweetheart: That's OK, it wasn't really too expensive.
Wellhung: I'll pay for it.
Sweetheart: Don't worry about it. I'm wearing a lacy black bra.My soft breasts are rising and falling, as I breath harder and harder.
Wellhung: I'm fumbling with the clasp on your bra. I think it's stuck. Do you have any scissors?
Sweetheart: I take your hand and kiss it softly. I'm reaching back undoing the clasp. The bra slides off my body. The air caresses my breasts. My nipples are erect for you.
Wellhung: How did you do that? I'm picking up the bra and inspecting the clasp.
Sweetheart: I'm arching my back. Oh baby. I just want to feel your tongue all over me.
Wellhung: I'm dropping the bra. Now I'm licking your, you know, breasts. They're neat!
Sweetheart: I'm running my fingers through your hair. Now I'm nibbling your ear.
Wellhung: I suddenly sneeze. Your breasts are covered with spit and phlegm.
Sweetheart: What?
Wellhung: I'm so sorry. Really.
Sweetheart: I'm wiping your phlegm off my breasts with the remains of my blouse.
Wellhung: I'm taking the sopping wet blouse from you. I drop it with a plop.
Sweetheart: OK. I'm pulling your sweat pants down and rubbing your hard tool.
Wellhung: I'm screaming like a woman. Your hands are cold! Yeeee!
Sweetheart: I'm pulling up my miniskirt. Take off my panties.
Wellhung: I'm pulling off your panties. My tongue is going all over, in and out nibbling on you ... umm ... wait a minute.
Sweetheart: What's the matter?
Wellhung: I've got a pubic hair caught in my throat. I'm choking.
Sweetheart: Are you OK?
Wellhung: I'm having a coughing fit.
Sweetheart: Can I help?
Wellhung: I'm running to the kitchen, choking wildly. I'm fumbling through the cabinets, looking for a cup. Where do you keep your cups?
Sweetheart: In the cabinet to the right of the sink.
Wellhung: I'm drinking a cup of water. There, that's better.
Sweetheart: Come back to me, lover.
Wellhung: I'm washing the cup now.
Sweetheart: I'm on the bed arching for you.
Wellhung: I'm drying the cup. Now I'm putting it back in the cabinet. And now I'm walking back to the bedroom. Wait, it's dark, I'm lost. Where's the bedroom?
Sweetheart: Last door on the left at the end of the hall.
Wellhung: I found it.
Sweetheart: I'm tuggin' off your pants. I'm moaning. I want you so badly.
Wellhung: Me too.
Sweetheart: Your pants are off. I kiss you passionately-our naked bodies pressing each other.
Wellhung: Your face is pushing my glasses into my face. It hurts.
Sweetheart: Why don't you take off your glasses?
Wellhung: OK, but I can't see very well without them. I place the glasses on the night table.
Sweetheart: I'm bending over the bed. Give it to me, baby!
Wellhung: I have to pee. I'm fumbling my way blindly across the room and toward the bathroom.
Sweetheart: Hurry back, lover.
Wellhung: I find the bathroom and it's dark. I'm feeling around for the toilet. I lift the lid.
Sweetheart: I'm waiting eagerly for your return.
Wellhung: I'm done going. I'm feeling around for the flush handle, but I can't find it. Uh-oh!
Sweetheart: What's the matter now?
Wellhung: I've realized that I've peed into your laundry hamper. Sorry again. I'm walking back to the bedroom now, blindly feeling my way.
Sweetheart: Mmm, yes. Come on.
Wellhung: OK, now I'm going to put my...you know ... thing ... in your ... you know ... woman's thing.
Sweetheart: Yes! Do it, baby! Do it!
Wellhung: I'm touching your smooth butt. It feels so nice. I kiss your neck. Umm, I'm having a little trouble here.
Sweetheart: I'm moving my ass back and forth, moaning. I can't stand it another second! Slide in! Screw me now!
Wellhung: I'm flaccid.
Sweetheart: What?
Wellhung: I'm limp. I can't sustain an erection.
Sweetheart: I'm standing up and turning around; an incredulous look on my face.
Wellhung: I'm shrugging with a sad look on my face, my weiner all floppy. I'm going to get my glasses and see what's wrong.
Sweetheart: No, never mind. I'm getting dressed. I'm putting on my underwear. Now I'm putting on my wet nasty blouse.
Wellhung: No wait! Now I'm squinting, trying to find the night table. I'm feeling along the dresser, knocking over cans of hair spray, picture frames and your candles.
Sweetheart: I'm buttoning my blouse. Now I'm putting on my shoes.
Wellhung: I've found my glasses. I'm putting them on. My God! One of our candles fell on the curtain. The curtain is on fire! I'm pointing at it, a shocked look on my face.
Sweetheart: Go to hell. I'm logging off, you loser!
Wellhung: Now the carpet is on fire! Oh noooo!
Sweetheart: (Disconnect)

February 19th, 2009, 06:20 PM
I dug that up a few weeks ago too.
An epic win if ever I saw one. :haw:
I'm so doing that the next time someone does something along those lines. Not even kidding.

February 20th, 2009, 08:37 PM
Jules (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000168/): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa... stop right there. Eatin' a bitch out, and givin' a bitch a foot massage ain't even the same fuckin' thing.
Vincent (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000237/): It's not. It's the same ballpark.
Jules (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000168/): Ain't no fuckin' ballpark neither. Now look, maybe your method of massage differs from mine, but, you know, touchin' his wife's feet, and stickin' your tongue in her Holiest of Holies, ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport. Look, foot massages don't mean shit.

February 20th, 2009, 10:54 PM
I dug that up a few weeks ago too.
An epic win if ever I saw one. :haw:

Anyone know what Valve's reaction to this guy was?

February 21st, 2009, 12:49 AM
They probably banned both of them. One tried to steal an account, and the other actually did. :v:

Mr Buckshot
February 21st, 2009, 01:03 AM
Just had to repost this:

SOURCE (http://www.electric-escape.net/node/1426)

That is over 2 years old, but it is still damned funny. Epic win, way 13373R than the stuff on EbolaMonkeyMan. br0kenrabbit also said he returned the account to "Greg" the next day, claiming "I may be an asshole but I'm not a prick." Very kind of him but I wouldn't have done the same :P

February 24th, 2009, 09:47 PM
[22:46:05] neuroxce: i wanted to share with someone :)
[22:46:23] neuroxce: i picked you! how special!
[22:46:54] plasbianx1337: lol.
[22:47:00] plasbianx1337: Because I feel so special seeing your semen.
[22:47:48] neuroxce: :3

You don't wanna know.

February 24th, 2009, 10:06 PM
Not to tone down Neuro's power level, but two people have already posted semen ON THE FORUM before he has. And I've seen them. I know. I'm awesome. I've seen semen.


February 24th, 2009, 10:39 PM
Ultama has seen my seman. True story, he can link you the pic.

February 25th, 2009, 12:30 AM
But has anyone seen Sea Man? :confused2:

February 25th, 2009, 12:30 AM

Only legend.

February 25th, 2009, 02:33 PM
Reminds me of that time somebody set up a webcam and masturbated in front of all of Facepunch.

February 25th, 2009, 02:38 PM
And you just sat there and watched it .........and came.

February 25th, 2009, 02:49 PM
[15:47] SilentWindPL: Hey baby.
[15:47] Teh Lag: Hello
[15:47] SilentWindPL: You know I love it when you wear that hawaiian 2-piece bikini
[15:48] SilentWindPL: So why not treat daddy and put it on ;3
[15:48] Teh Lag: Oh sorry, you must be trying to get through to WOL
[15:48] Teh Lag: this is the other lag
[15:48] Teh Lag: you know I only bathe nude.
[15:48] SilentWindPL: Oh.

February 25th, 2009, 07:48 PM
excellent parry comrade!

Rob Oplawar
February 28th, 2009, 10:08 AM
was talking to my mom on the phone about moving some stuff:

me: It's gotta be bound and strapped down pretty tight
mom: Sounds like the day you were conceived.
me: :phonegonk:
hey, an even more apt use of phonegonk!

February 28th, 2009, 08:04 PM

March 1st, 2009, 02:26 AM
Terrence says:
i just found my gameboy advance SP
Terrence says:
going to play pokemon now
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
you know whats fun
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
roms can't beat the actual thing
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
now i know why we moved away from cartriges
La Mer says:
because they run out of battery power?
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
because gamers are lazy fucks
Terrence says:
and blowing in old cartiges is effort
Terrence says:
also wtf this guy isn't prof oak
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
are you RETARDED
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
has never
La Mer says:
showed up in the beginning of sapphire
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
it is birch.
Terrence says:
i know
Terrence says:
what a faggot
Terrence says:
i want oak
La Mer says:
oak is a faggot
La Mer says:
elm ftw
Terrence says:
am i a boy or girl
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
i wont say no
Terrence says:
what do i name myself
Terrence says:
serious answers only
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
another guy suggested garry
Terrence says:
i'm thinking garry
La Mer says:
the game character is gary
La Mer says:
just sayin!!
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
but the anime character is gary.
Terrence says:
yeah but not in saphire
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
lol littleroot
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
little root
Terrence says:
oh baby oh baby
Terrence says:
haw haw haw
Terrence says:
"Take courage, and leap into the world of POKeMON where dreams,
Terrence says:
adventure, and friendships await!
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
do YOU have the balls to take the leap
Terrence says:
wtf kind of a cheap ass bitch is my mum
Terrence says:
she moved me in a fucking truck
Terrence says:
a truck
Terrence says:
what the fuck bitch
Terrence says:
it's not my fault i tore a hole in your vajj
Terrence says:
damn right it was tiring bitch
Terrence says:
fuck you
Terrence says:
this town sucks i want to go back to palet
Terrence says:
quaint? this gameboy is newer than shit shit
Terrence says:
oh my own fucking room whoop de doo
Terrence says:
what the fuck there's an arnold schwarzanager pokemon in the house mum kill it
Terrence says:
oh dad bought me a fucking clock to commemorate our move?
Terrence says:
that lazy no good hobo running that shithead gymn?
Terrence says:
fuck him
La Mer says:
gyms: they have heads
Terrence says:
It's a Nintendo GameCube.
Terrence says:
what, my parents couldn't afford a console which didn't have 4 good games?
La Mer says:
gamecubes: capitalizing c's since 2001
Terrence says:
hell the only system with less games is the PS3
La Mer says:
ps3: what the fuck?
Terrence says:
A Game Boy Advance is connected to serve as the Controller?
Terrence says:
WTF they couldn't even afford a proper controller
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
actually you had to buy that seperate
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
Garry booted up the PC
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
where the fuck is the "watch gangrape porn option"
Terrence says:
ha fuck you bitch i'm in my bed with my shoes on
La Mer says:
one time i was reading hentai
Terrence says:
oh so my useless bum of a father couldn't even set the time on the clock
Terrence says:
what a douche
La Mer says:
and they redid the scene where you walk into mays room and surprise her
La Mer says:
except she had no shirt on
Terrence says:
quoting that
Terrence says:
Open the MENU with START
Terrence says:
wtf is this menu bullshit
La Mer says:
how does he know there's a menu
Terrence says:
Record your progress with SAVE.
Terrence says:
wtf is this shit
Terrence says:
who's written this shit in my physics textbook
Terrence says:
man i'm going to flunk this term
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
not gonna like mudkipz was funny when he was high
Terrence says:
MOM: Oh! Garry, Garry!
Quick! Come quickly!
Terrence says:
oh mum, i never knew you felt that way
La Mer says:
"im so horny garry"
Terrence says:
Maybe DAD will be on!
Terrence says:
hey that nogood hobo might even earn us some money so I don't have to quit school to pay for the bread
Terrence says:
oh we missed that report
Terrence says:
fuck him fuck you and fuck everyone i'm going to go waste my life with pokemon just like him
La Mer says:
also coincidentally in the pokemon manga ruby (aka brendan aka albino) is flamboyantly gay
Terrence says:
what the fuck there's a fat guy
La Mer says:
wait until you see the short kid
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
"A town that can't be shaded any hue"
Terrence says:
what the fuck does that mean
Terrence says:
i mean really wtf
Terrence says:
this town is shit there's like 3 houses
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
clearly a better town
La Mer says:
more populated
Terrence says:
birch's poke lab
Terrence says:
excelent, I'll just steel some lvl100's and be on my way
La Mer says:
dude oak's lab was the SHIT
i would literally just hang out there for like an hour when i was a kid
Terrence says:
"it's a book that's too hard to read."
Terrence says:
see, this guy doesn't even have a basic education
La Mer says:
not only that
La Mer says:
but he doenst know english
La Mer says:
he doesnt speak once
Terrence says:
you're explaining field work to me
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
either that or he's a cripple
Terrence says:
ah yes
Terrence says:
freeman syndrome
Terrence says:
i hate that
La Mer says:
everyone laugh at the albino gimp.
La Mer says:
are you outside yet
La Mer says:
tell me when you go outside
Terrence says:
i'm walking around the city
Terrence says:
just stopped by mays house to see if she's... available
La Mer says:
go near the trees theres an easter egg
Terrence says:
"Our daughter was excited about making a new friend."
Terrence says:
oh i bet she is
La Mer says:
oh yeah
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
omfg she's reading a book
Terrence says:
i bet it's fucking twilight
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
god damn it everyone is reading that
Terrence says:
hey this room looks kinda farmiliar..
La Mer says:
nu uh
La Mer says:
her gamecube is a different color.
Terrence says:
POKeMON fully restored!
Items ready, and... Huh?
Terrence says:
tell me those are euphanisms
Terrence says:
and no it's not
La Mer says:
those are euphanisms
Terrence says:
every time this guy talks all he says is
La Mer says:
and no it's not
Terrence says:
"... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..."
La Mer says:
sounds like rocket grunts in g/s/c
Terrence says:
"i have this dream of becoming friends...
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
with POKeMON all over the world."
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
haha see she's into animals
La Mer says:
"hey chansey
lets see just how far that egg can go"
Terrence says:
wait i still might have a chance
Terrence says:
"I was hoping that you would be nice,
Garry, and that we could be friends"
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
wait until you corner her in the grass
Terrence says:
"oh, this is silly, isn't it?
I... I've just met you, Garry"
Terrence says:
hey baby, I'm cool with rushing
La Mer says:
you "battle" her in the grass.
Terrence says:
oh fuck yes
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Oh, no! I forgot!"
Terrence says:
it's ok baby, I brought condoms
Terrence says:
is helping dad catch pokemon's a euphanism for "making sexytime with Garry"?
La Mer says:
"helping dad CATCH POKEMON"
Terrence says:
"Garry, I'll catch you later!"
La Mer says:
thats a euphamism
Terrence says:
oh baby you can catch me anywhere
La Mer says:
shes into incest too
La Mer says:
and animals
La Mer says:
tread lightly
Terrence says:
omfg this is my dream girl
Terrence says:
she's totally playing hard to get
La Mer says:
shes into incest and zoophilia WATCH YOUR ASS
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
oh god this is classic
Terrence says:
"In my BAG!
There's a POKe BALL"
Terrence says:
yeah there's 2 in mine dude, you're not so special
La Mer says:
"poochyena what are you doing with your tongue???"
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
torchic trecho or mudkip
Terrence says:
i was gona go water but i don't want to be on the mudkip bandwagon
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
fuck it i want mudkip anyway
Terrence says:
actually, i'll roll treeko
La Mer says:
treecko is the not shit one
Terrence says:
oh lol a lvl 2 poochyena
Terrence says:
i'm going to leer it to death
Terrence says:
leer leer leer
Terrence says:
i 1sk'd them to death with pound
Terrence says:
so i pounded them to death
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
yeah im fapping
Terrence says:
dude wtf
Terrence says:
"Let's battle!
I'll give you a taste of what being a trainer is like"
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
i came
La Mer says:
no really i just came
Terrence says:
and ofcourse the dumb bitch has a torchic
Terrence says:
gg nintendo
Terrence says:
lvl 8 :haw:
Terrence says:
"wow that's great!
Garry, you're pretty good!
Terrence says:
you know it babe
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
"I think i know why my dad has an eye out for you now"
Terrence says:
um wait wtf
La Mer says:
as a rule if you arent level 7 before you reach your first rival battle you're retarded
Terrence says:
"you might be able to befriend any kind of POKeMON easily.
Terrence says:
erm.. what are you saying?
La Mer says:
"gardevoir. gardevoir is what i'm saying."
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
gardevoir has the most hentai of any pokemon
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
(most people on the INTERNET know this)
Terrence says:
i wonder what kind of formal training you'd need to work at a pokecentre
Terrence says:
take pokemon
Terrence says:
put on machine
Terrence says:
take off
Terrence says:
i guess i don't pay that much attention to pokemon hentai
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
The Pokedex is high tech?
Terrence says:
yeah for 1998 maybe
La Mer says:
i love how they spell pokemon names differently over different languages
Terrence says:
"I've got something for you, too!"
Terrence says:
oh please
Terrence says:
"Obtained the POKeBALL"
Terrence says:
more like the blue ball
La Mer says:
thats like saying as terrence if you come over to the southern states your name will be TURENC.
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
idk it is 2 i am eccentric
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
"PRESS THE B button while wearing these
RUNNING SHOES to run extra-fast!"
Terrence says:
what the fuck is a /b/ button
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
ask /v/
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
"Put on these RUNNING SHOES to RUN"
La Mer says:
"why thank you
i physically could not run before THANK YOU FOR THESE SHOES."
Terrence says:
yeah this guy suffors from freeman syndrome out the ass
Terrence says:
can't talk
Terrence says:
need equipment to run
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
check out the trees
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
tell me when you're near them
Terrence says:
trees where
Terrence says:
in palet town?
La Mer says:
any tree
Terrence says:
i'm at a tree
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
are you trying to ausyjoke me?
La Mer says:
no not really.
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
but what if there WAS a drop bear pokemon
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
instead i'm catching this wurmple
La Mer says:
first pokemon i caught was a rattatta
La Mer says:
i remember that fucker
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
press a repeatedly when catching
La Mer says:
it raises the chance
Terrence says:
1st pokebattle
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
omfg beutiful irony
Terrence says:
calvin is going to loose to hobbes
La Mer says:
all of the small children have the first name of youngster
La Mer says:
and wear the same clothing
Terrence says:
same as irl
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
i totally smoked weed with youngster a few days ago
La Mer says:
it was sweet!!
Terrence says:
that's right kid, now give me my money
Terrence says:
i am the greatest!!
La Mer says:
"garry was defeated! garry whited out!"
La Mer says:
what why did i faint
La Mer says:
did that fucker just loot me for half of my money?
Terrence says:
oh it's a big catcher
Terrence says:
prepare for reap
La Mer says:
why didnt he take everything?
why only half my money?
why not my badges?
La Mer says:
terrence why are you so terrible at spelling
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
i mean ive seen bad but
La Mer says:
you're just
La Mer says:
really terrible
Terrence says:
"listen, you. If you're strong, you
should have told me before!"
Terrence says:
"baaaw i'm a little bitch"
La Mer says:
i am somewhat damaged.
Terrence says:
fights impartive to catch them all
Terrence says:
fuck fuck fuck my bug thing is about to die
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
its about to faint.
Terrence says:
no stfu this is serious pokemon
Terrence says:
i hacked my game
La Mer says:
after you beat the enemy the trainers head explodes and strippers dance onscreen
Terrence says:
oh you have it too?
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
man hobbes is getting good at pounding
Terrence says:
no wonder may likes them
La Mer says:
i love going behind the pokemon mart
buying coke
and sniffing it right there
La Mer says:
seeing the cops freak out and sicing my scyther on them
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
i demand that you read this entire thing
La Mer says:
it gets funnier over time too
Terrence says:
wait wait wait
Terrence says:
is the 1st gym leader my dad?
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
you got past his town
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
hes actually fourth
Terrence says:
oh great
Terrence says:
not only is my dad a no good poketrainer
Terrence says:
but now he's got me teaching other idiots how to catch poor wild animals and make them fight to the death
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
and like i should be the one teaching
Terrence says:
him a proffesional trainer
Terrence says:
me who's had a treecho for 10 minutes
La Mer says:
hes actually the hardest fucking fight in the game
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
are the negro's attacking?
La Mer says:
no actually
La Mer says:
che guavara
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
wtf this is the dumbest cutscene
Terrence says:
i jus sit here and watch him fight
La Mer says:
haha pokemon has no cutscenes.
La Mer says:
it has long boring trudges through shitland.
Terrence says:
anything where the camera moves and things happen without my control is a cutscene
Terrence says:
so bite me
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
wait i was being trolled ffff
La Mer says:
Terrence says:
"what's that? Where's Wally?"
Terrence says:
oh haw haw gg nintendo
La Mer says:
oh god damn it how did i not notice that
La Mer says:
in the us he's waldo
La Mer says:
faggots had to name him differently apparently
Terrence says:
yeah that's dumb
Terrence says:
like the 1st harry potter
Terrence says:
sorcerors stone or some shit wtc
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
what was it named there
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
La Mer says:
or something
Terrence says:
why is it
Terrence says:
that in ever single japenese game
Terrence says:
there's houses
Terrence says:
with huge pots in them
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
and crates
La Mer says:
dont forget the crates.
La Mer says:
at least in ZELDA
Terrence says:
is there cyther in this game?
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
Terrence says:
La Mer says:
level !!
Terrence says:
that's like the 4th time i ever lost ever

Stace says:
Munchlax is a wimpy normal type, but he is my favorite lol
Terrence says:
i had to google that
Terrence says:
they made a baby snorlax
Terrence says:
Stace says:
Yepp grin1
Stace says:
miltank's pretty awesome, just coz it's a cow.
Terrence says:
you're a bit of a cow yourself:awes:
Stace says:
Rofl. nice terrence. lol what'd i ever do to youuu. meaniepants.
Terrence says:
it was meant to be a compliment but whatever
Stace says:
lol ok. um thanks?
Terrence says:
well cows are cool animals
Terrence says:
we rub their tits for milk to put on our cereal
Terrence says:
and we chop of the male's balls and then eat them
Stace says:
fantastic compliment abilities! i'm amazed. haha

I'm mr smooth :awesome:

PS: La Mer is Heuro

English Mobster
March 1st, 2009, 03:43 PM
In the US he's still Wally.

Also, I loled. Hard.

March 2nd, 2009, 12:19 AM
do it.

March 2nd, 2009, 02:20 AM
In the US he's still Wally.

Also, I loled. Hard.

no hes not

March 2nd, 2009, 05:42 AM
[01:43] imod53: I neglect to make substantial use of my rather extensive vocabulary, indubitably
[01:45] Snaf: invariably your vocabulary is reduced to a redundancy of over worked and over appreciated internet memery and the likes there of, good sire
[01:45] imod53: *thereof
[01:46] imod53: it's one word, fag
[01:46] imod53: :V
[01:47] Snaf: good sir this contraction adverb is a suitable replacement for there of
[01:47] imod53: i hypothesize that said reduction to such redundant internet memery equates to an attempt to remain relatable to other members of the internet community
[01:48] imod53: observe, if you will, my complete lack of end-of-sentence punctuation and capitalization
[01:49] Snaf: though, indubitably, it can be related herein to the reduction of the capacity of your "idem quad"
[01:50] Snaf: is this a refutable observation of your repute?
[01:50] imod53: if you've no objection, good sir, i should like to locate "idem quad" in the online encyclopedia
[01:50] imod53: one moment
[01:50] Snaf: simply, sire, it is IQ
[01:50] imod53: ah, but is that not representative of the term, "Intelligence quotient"?
[01:50] Snaf: or inteligence quotent, i do appologize for my bungling of of the abbrevitiation
[01:51] imod53: verily, i gasp at your doubling of the letter, "p," in your spelling of the word, "apologize"!
[01:52] imod53: as well as the quite redundant use of the word, "of"!
[01:52] Snaf: it would seem that the display of desireable nudity and sexual acts upon my display has, without doubt, drawn away my attention
[01:52] imod53: atrocious!
[01:52] imod53: *scoff*
[01:52] imod53: ah! pornography!
[01:52] Snaf: indeed.
[01:52] Snaf: :swiffle moustache:
[01:53] imod53: good sir, the very suggestion that you are stroking away at your member while conversing one-handed with myself is appalling!
[01:53] imod53: *monocle pop*
[01:53] Snaf: ok ok ok we have to stop
[01:53] Snaf: i laughed so hard i almost threw up
[01:54] imod53: prodigious, indeed!
[01:54] Snaf: good sire, the only item of prodigous stature is indeed my large member.

Rob Oplawar
March 2nd, 2009, 12:03 PM
[01:53] imod53: *monocle pop*
by this point I had tears in my eyes

Alwin Roth
March 3rd, 2009, 04:18 PM
well, i remember a friend of mine when he talked to me on yahoo, so here's the best way i remember this conversation:

chuckluck: oh shit man, my friend just got shot.
alwin: what?
chuckluck: i dont know how, we were simply driving when he just gets shot, i got out of the jeep and ran for cover.
alwin: wait, when?
chuckluck: today, but when i got back he was dead
alwin: did you call the cops?
Chuckluck: wtf, no how the hell am i supposed to?
alwin: you dial 911 -_-
chuckluck: wtf, im talking about battlefield dumbass, you know the game?
alwin: omfg fuck you.
Chuckluck: what?
alwin: why the fuck are you freaked out that your friend got shot, in a game?
chuckluck: he was on a kill streak.
alwin: omfg, leave me the fuck alone -_-
Chuckluck: what???

note: his name was not chuckluck,
i forgot what his username was, but it had the word luck in it...

March 3rd, 2009, 06:17 PM
rob: have you ever heard the phrase "cleaning peanut butter out of carpet"?
snaf: no
rob: by far the worst part of being as hairy as i am
snaf: oh god
rob: what a pain in the ass
rob: literally
snaf: don't want to know about peanutbutter in your hairy asshole
rob: too late
rob: you know now
snaf: don't want to know why it was there
rob: you're thinking too literally
rob: what else has a similar consistency to peanut butter and is much more likely to be in that area?

true story

March 3rd, 2009, 06:30 PM
Hey, thanks for sharing snaf. :gonk:

March 3rd, 2009, 11:25 PM
Arcueid: don't tell your friends or i'll say you're a butt
Arcueid: its not your fault your a slut
[DEM] WSage: lol
[DEM] WSage: true
â€* £ëgionaire45â„¢ â€*: wow, that poem puts me in a glut
â€* £ëgionaire45â„¢ â€*: I better go look at some smut
Arcueid: :o

How babby form?

March 7th, 2009, 01:52 AM
<+Tural> Butts.
<+Tural> Butts.
<+Tural> Butts.
<+Tural> Butts.
<~DEElekgolo> Tural stop... butting in
<~DEElekgolo> OHH HOO HO!!
<~DEElekgolo> OHH HOOOOOO HO!!!!!!!
<~DEElekgolo> JK-47 U HEAR DAT?!?!?
<@ExcruciationX> HA HA HA HA
<~DEElekgolo> OHHH!!!
<@ExcruciationX> HE HE HE HE
<+JK-47> I DID
<~DEElekgolo> OH!!!HOH!OHO!H!
<@ExcruciationX> HO HO HO HO
<~DEElekgolo> HUMOROUS!
<@ExcruciationX> HEH HEH HEH
<+Tural> Derp.
Screwing around in MIRC

March 8th, 2009, 12:58 PM
(10:52:05 AM) heathen: I just started downloading Wall-E
(10:52:08 AM) heathen: at
(10:52:13 AM) heathen: 10:24
(10:52:23 AM) heathen: and it finished at 10:45
(10:52:31 AM) paperr10t: damn...
(10:52:35 AM) heathen: downloading at 808
(10:52:49 AM) heathen: kB/s

Fuck yeah.

March 10th, 2009, 10:19 PM
<goatasaur> what do you call a black guy flying an airplane?
<blah> i refuse to anwser that
<goatasaur> a PILOT, you racist

March 12th, 2009, 01:04 AM
iatty (5:02:49 PM): rossmum posted about meme kids and I jizzed in my pants
teh rossmum (5:03:20 PM): oh, i guess you're safe, you can tell people you just spilled some water on them
teh rossmum (5:03:22 PM): lel
iatty (5:03:26 PM): OH
iatty (5:03:26 PM): FUCK YOU

March 12th, 2009, 02:13 AM

Fucking lol

Fucking hell me and n00b are weird lol

March 12th, 2009, 02:29 AM
How did you do that :aaaaa:

March 12th, 2009, 04:40 AM
on the ABC news just now they said the german high school shooting was one of the worst massacres in the country's history.

and i didn't know about that so i made a list

1. 6,000,000
2. 17
3. david hasslehoff

and then i was like ok that makes sense

March 12th, 2009, 04:49 AM
Gtek:I spilled a pound of meat on my keyboard =(.
Bot1337:What are you doing with a pound of meat on your keyboard?
Gtek:Beating it wat

March 12th, 2009, 05:07 AM
At first, I was confused as to why the Inquisitor had brought me along with him as he made what he called 'a cordial visit to an old friend'. This was our first outing together since I'd been thrown into one of his cells as a leader some two years ago. Throne, it was the first time I'd seen him since I was recruited! I figured this was a test for me, and I took it as such. I was watchful, patient, and ultimately kept my damn mouth shut.

It turned out the good Inquisitor was calling in on some lower functioning Magos of the Mechanicus, one of the ones who specialise in 'knowing the enemy'. Give them a weapon, they tell you how it works so you can best avoid getting shot with it. Safe enough without getting into heretical territory.

So we met this fellow in his lab, a tiny speck of flesh wrapped in heavy coils and clunking machinery, babbling through a half distorted speaker about having proved some theory. I wasn't really listening at that point, more trying to see if anything else in the room was amiss. When the Inquisitor began to discuss things with the overly excited gear-head, that was when I started to pay attention.

"There was a discovery, Makeniel?" my Inquisitor asked, ignoring the mass of flailing inorganic limbs that whipped about grasping at various machinery all about them. It seemed to be fairly obvious to me there had been something important going on, or else the cog-boy had been leaning too close to his ceremonial incense, if you catch my meaning.

"Oh yes!" The mostly-man screeched with feedback that made me wince, "I've been examining that Orkinoid weapon you gave me, and I've come to a stunning conclusion!"

The Magos shuffled over to a small table where a big slab of metal piping with various parts haphazardly welded onto it was sitting. It took me a moment to realise that it was meant to be a weapon, if only because if it was anything else it still would have killed someone were it used. There was a feed of ammo coming out the side of it, but to be honest it looked more like someone had taped a bunch of ration cans together. I'd never seen Orks before, you see. All my work had always been around hives, and you don't see too many of the greenskins in our sector that aren't feral.

"See this?" The man hoisted the gun up into his many arms, and pointing the weapon at a nearby wall began to pull the trigger. Nothing happened, not even a clicking sound to say it was out of ammo, "We've tried to use this device for over a decade now. Seven different Magos and not one of us can get it to work!" He seemed oddly pleased about that, in a deadpan sort of way, "We're just about ready to submit our report into the nature of the Ork mind, and thought you may wish to see it before we do so, seeing as it was your contribution that brought us to this point"

"Tell me what your theory is exactly" The Inquisitor asked, and I saw his mouth pursing a little. I'd wondered at the time if that was normal.

"Well sir, as you know the theory is that Orks generate a gestalt field of energy the more of them there are. Well, we believe that this gestalt consciousness not only affects their social behaviour but we believe it makes their weaponry work as well! Imagine it! A latently psychic ability that allows the orkinoid to circumvent inherent design flaws!" the Magos started ranting by this point, and even the Inquisitor could not stop him.

Instead my lord turned to me, and I instantly felt two foot tall as he addressed me for the first time since we'd left the shuttle.

"What do you think?" he asked of me. Well as you can imagine, I didn't really get much of the intrigues of the Inquisitor's job, I was still fairly new to it at the time. But I sure as hell knew guns.

"Has he tried the crank?" I asked. The cog-boy immediately stopped his rant, and stared at me through glowing bionics.

"What did he just say?" he squawked. My Inquisitor said nothing, and I realised I was supposed to defend my own word.

"The uh... the crank. Did you try holding down the trigger and turning the crank?" I offered, expecting some sort of rebuke from either man for being so foolish. Instead, the Magos simply aimed back at the wall again, and following my instructions a single slug was ejected violently and loudly from the gun, and embedded itself in the far wall.

Next thing I knew, my Inquisitor had dragged me out of the room as fast as he could, and all the while behind us the sound of metal smashing and a vox-screech that made a grox-roar sound welcoming echoed. As we headed briskly for the shuttle, servitors with subduing weapons marched past us and my Inquisitor started to laugh.

"My lord?" I asked, out of turn certainly but I was utterly confused.

"Oh, forgive me my little indulgence there" the Inquisitor snorted, "I've known Makeniel for almost seventy years now. After the first time I set him that task and it happened, I've just found it so damn funny I have him mind-wiped and restarted on the project every time. That was the tenth time, and it still hasn't gotten any less funny"

I spent the trip back trying not to soil myself in terror.


March 12th, 2009, 05:18 AM
i want to ring the national security hotline because the girl sounds cute

"hello national security hotline"

"hello there is a crisis at my house, something is missing and it is of significant importance"

"whats missing sir?"

"its you baby"


in australia we take our national security very seriously

March 12th, 2009, 06:01 AM
seriously not a good idea hey.

they had a dude that rang up as a prank. the cops picked him up before he walked around the corner.

March 12th, 2009, 06:04 AM
How did you do that :aaaaa:

go to your profile, "view conversation" under my post.

March 12th, 2009, 07:31 AM
seriously not a good idea hey.

they had a dude that rang up as a prank. the cops picked him up before he walked around the corner.
yeah shit sucks

asio and the cops are all serious to the point of outdoing america (with a few exceptions, a few cops found the apec stunt hilarious) but honestly most people seem not to give a fuck

not giving a fuck - the australian way

March 12th, 2009, 07:40 AM
stop trying to be america

you'll never do it :downs:

March 12th, 2009, 07:46 AM
good i don't want to be america

all the bogans do though because they're horrible and basically equivalent to redneck trailer trash and they should be exiled to taswegia

March 12th, 2009, 08:48 PM
not giving a fuck - the australian way
it seriously is.

like they brought in a law that ment people couldnt use sprinklers on their law on certain days unless it was for the kids to run through to keep up with an Australian tradition.....

i was like.... "c'mon, is that really necessary."
stop legislating useless shit please.

March 12th, 2009, 08:49 PM
good i don't want to be america

all the bogans do though because they're horrible and basically equivalent to redneck trailer trash and they should be exiled to taswegia

But Tasmania has fucking mad-sick mountains and country side.
send them to alice springs.

March 13th, 2009, 01:26 AM
Nah, It's less effort to only have to move half the inbreds.
Dump them in tasmania FTW!

March 13th, 2009, 09:16 AM
only a swamp person would say that.

March 13th, 2009, 04:25 PM
1. The Throbbing Bicycle

The Throbbing Bicycle is a daring sexual act, which is extremely difficult to accomplish, but will make you feel magnificent if you pull it off! in which a female is on hands and knees, her behind lifted up behind her, exposing her open anus. The male, about 50 feet away with his pants off and on a bicycle, will peddle until he is at full speed and about a foot away from the female. He well then jam the front brake, causing his bike to buck him forward at an exceding speed through the air, sending his erect penis into the woman's anus at a speed close to 20 mph.

Sally thought I was just being kinky- till I ripped her ass apart with a throbbing bicycle. Now she doesn't call me anymore.


March 13th, 2009, 05:07 PM
rob: OH GOD
rob: I'm closing my fucking blinds now
snaf: lol why
rob: I'm blasting dorky early nineties rock and singing along loudly to it
snaf: lol
rob: a cute girl just walked past my window and saw me squinting my eyes with my mouth open (singing along to a long vocal), and gave me a disgusted look and walked away as fast as she could


March 13th, 2009, 09:32 PM
rob: OH GOD
rob: I'm closing my fucking blinds now
snaf: lol why
rob: I'm blasting dorky early nineties rock and singing along loudly to it
snaf: lol
rob: a cute girl just walked past my window and saw me squinting my eyes with my mouth open (singing along to a long vocal), and gave me a disgusted look and walked away as fast as she could


Should have OPENED THE WINDOW tbqh.

March 13th, 2009, 10:05 PM
Heh, yeah. She might just've caught what was actually going on before it was too late :downs:

Rob Oplawar
March 14th, 2009, 01:50 PM
I also accidentally flashed my neighbor and her pre-teen children that day. Not a good day to be me.

March 14th, 2009, 01:54 PM
<cSk|Sperry> There were 2 people on a boat: /hop and /quit. /hop got off, who's still on the boat?
* nipple_frog has quit IRC

March 15th, 2009, 02:19 PM
[15:17]=-=Ifafudafi is now known as Ifyiffudafi
[15:18]=-=Syuusuke is now known as Syiffsuke
[15:18]=-=Yuki is now known as Yiffki

March 15th, 2009, 09:37 PM
(7:35:03 PM) heathen: but ya
(7:35:14 PM) heathen: fox was being risky here
(7:35:20 PM) heathen: they obviously have balls
(7:35:23 PM) heathen: huge ones
(7:35:32 PM) heathen: beautiful and galliant balls
(7:35:35 PM) heathen: with dicks growing off them
(7:35:38 PM) heathen: sweating semen
(7:36:32 PM) paperriot: wat...
In discussion of Fox taking on the hollowed ground of a DB live action movie.


(7:38:28 PM) paperriot: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hDkTRWcKIY
(7:39:57 PM) heathen: what the wholy motherfuck was that...

March 15th, 2009, 11:14 PM
What is DB :|

March 15th, 2009, 11:28 PM
Dragon Ball I'd assume.

March 16th, 2009, 06:18 AM
[19:13] The Real Ziz Lady: just switched to vodaphone
[19:16] Dyl: hey bro
[19:16] The Real Ziz Lady: man
[19:16] The Real Ziz Lady: the Customer service chick
[19:16] Dyl: hot?
[19:16] The Real Ziz Lady: sounded like a dude was going down on her
[19:16] The Real Ziz Lady: MARK!!
[19:17] The Real Ziz Lady: i was like LOL NO WAY!
[19:17] The Real Ziz Lady: totally distracted and all over the shop lololol
[19:17] Dyl: lol
[19:17] Dyl: maybe someone was :)
[19:17] The Real Ziz Lady: xD

Rob Oplawar
March 16th, 2009, 09:39 PM
If I ever run for public office, I'm fucked:


I'm also an arrogant anti-social asshole and I've made my share of stupid posts and flames and shit

I meant that to be taken literally. I am an asshole.

I never use sarcasm on the internet

Here I am, deal with it, you either like me or you don't.

Rabble rabble rabble rabble!

then he snaps, machine-gunning everyone in the store? That's me


I'm pissed, and I'm leaving forever

I think I'm going to go murder something now, brb.

Mass, what the fuck is wrong with you, of course hate is legal. This country is founded on the concept that people are allowed to hate

fucking fucking fucking fucking fucking FUCKING fucking JESUS CHRIST PISSING fucking goddamn damn fuck fucking fucking FUCKING FUCK goddamn FUCK fuck goddamn goddamn fucking fucking fucking AAAAAAAHHHH GODDAMMIT FUCKING FUCKING FUCKING ASSHOLE AAAAAAAHHH jesus fucking christ on a fucking pony goddamn FUCK shit fucking goddamn goddamn fucking fucking fucking fucking fuck fucking ass fucking fucking fucker Jesus crhist god in heaven fucking shitpost jesus christ fucking

I just spent the last hour and a half yelling at people on xbox live

I totally fucking called it. God dammit.

Eh, fuck you, buddeh.

Just do what I do- make mindless random conversation with your friend who is obviously busy with something else until he gets pissed at you and tells you to fuck off.

jesus christ for the love of god JONIE SHUT THE FUCK UP!

I'll admit it publicly. I hate the United States Government.

aug, why?! why?! what the fuck! halp! I can't figure it out! Where the fuck does the 13th dwarf come from?! Aaaaah! I can't figure it out! my brain is locking up! AUG! what the fuck! I can't figure it out! It's driving me crazy! Why can't I figure it out?! AAAAHHH! Why?! what's going on?! aug! aaaiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeee

maybe I really am going crazy.

wait, no, i already am crazy. on that note, what do you guys think i should name the little black bird who visits me every once in a while? he never says anything, but he flaps his wings at me and offers encouragement.

Fuck it. I know it doesn't mean jack shit for me to say it, but I'll say it anyway. I don't care. Yeah I'm anti-social, that's why I post on a forum!

I've got an untreated concussion on top of a certifiably idiotic and memory disabled personality

Where's my coffee?!

March 16th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Almost all your quotes have a F word in it.. :rolleyes:

MetKiller Joe
March 16th, 2009, 09:43 PM
Are you still sleep deprived?

March 16th, 2009, 10:27 PM
Almost all your quotes have a F word in it.. :rolleyes:

That throughly secures his manliness.

March 17th, 2009, 03:16 AM
[19:15] The Real Ziz Lady: going to get pizza
[19:15] The Real Ziz Lady: BRB
[19:15] The Real Ziz Lady: K!
[19:15] The Real Ziz Lady: >:D!
[19:15] m00kz: bring me back some cunt
[19:15] The Real Ziz Lady: i'll need more money
[19:16] The Real Ziz Lady: hookers are expensive around here


March 17th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Disaster™: :U
Disaster™: its lul
Disaster™: watchin?
Joshflighter: no
Joshflighter: lul
Joshflighter: lol
Disaster™: do it
Joshflighter: >:U
Joshflighter: nu
Disaster™: its time to kick ass and chew bubble gum only i'm all out of bubble gum
Disaster™: wtf?
Joshflighter: im in the middle of a quest
Disaster™: when i find you
Disaster™: i'm going to make you a faggot
Joshflighter: you know how gay it is to get out of the game
Joshflighter: :p
Disaster™: i'm going to shove my fist so far up your ass
Disaster™: balls
Disaster™: balls
Disaster™: balls
Disaster™: of steel
Joshflighter: :|

Like 10 min later:

Joshflighter: :o
Joshflighter: so about you sticking ur hand up my ass
Joshflighter: thats still on?
Disaster™: no
Disaster™: ;P
Joshflighter: AWww
Joshflighter: :(

March 18th, 2009, 06:57 PM
Heath: Do you have AIM or anything?
Dylan3265: no just regular windows

March 18th, 2009, 07:04 PM
If I ever run for public office, I'm fucked:
Thats why you dont use your name :P

March 19th, 2009, 01:22 AM
[23:19] ultama121: MAKE IT SAY LARGE TROUTS
[23:19] †Â£Ã«gionnaire45™†: <marquee>LARGE TROUTS</marquee>
[23:20] †Â£Ã«gionnaire45™†: save that as "trouts.html"
[23:20] †Â£Ã«gionnaire45™†: and open it in IE
[23:20] ultama121: :o
[23:20] ultama121: brb
[23:20] ultama121: doin that
[23:20] ultama121: :3
[23:21] ultama121: isn't that lovely
[23:21] ultama121: scrolling trouts
[23:21] ultama121: large trouts
[23:21] †Â£Ã«gionnaire45™†: :web101:
[23:21] ultama121: :o

March 19th, 2009, 02:35 AM
[Yesterday 10:26 PM] Kannon (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=549): Good call there Sylver, Your Right 11 is a Bit Old.
[Yesterday 06:36 PM] Spiffy (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=310): He said meant siter, not sister
[Yesterday 04:20 PM] Sylver (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=9): Noob, you realise that easys sister is like.. 11 right?
[03-15-2009 07:56 PM] Chevron (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=2): damn right it's BARRAL ROLL
[03-15-2009 06:55 PM] Spiffy (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=310): Dam right, it's better than yours
[03-15-2009 06:52 PM] n00b1n8R (http://www.teamawol.net/member.php?u=8): Easy's siter brings all the AWOL boys to the yard

Easy is one of the AWOL leaders btw.

March 19th, 2009, 04:45 PM
xXDestroyerGRXx: hey
xXDestroyerGRXx: can you give a h3mt leake because i will go tommorow to my village and i dont have anything to play
xXDestroyerGRXx: can you please?
<This user is now offline>

March 19th, 2009, 10:36 PM
I've come to the conclusion that this guy is probably dumb.

I detained him long before I stepped down, and he never quite got what happened.

I'd bet money his thread is still in detention, unlocked, waiting for his primary account to post in it... :smug:

March 19th, 2009, 10:50 PM
but pb you don't have any money!!!

2:48 PM - MattyDienhoff: Where others switch their weapon for an enemy one at the earliest opportunity so they can gobble up ammo like it's dots and they're pacman...
analogies, how i love thee

March 20th, 2009, 02:16 PM




March 21st, 2009, 05:45 PM
(06:40:25 PM) Kevin Lange: What if I put someone in a box... bombard them with radiation until they should be dead... and let the /cops/ open it?
(06:41:01 PM) Kevin Lange: Would not Schroedinger agree that the cops, having opened the box, are responsible for the mans death?
(06:41:30 PM) Kevin Lange: I have just masterminded the greatest form of murder ever!
(06:41:32 PM) Kevin Lange: I'm a genius!
(06:41:49 PM) Rob Oplawar: brilliant
(06:41:59 PM) Kevin Lange: Indeed!
(06:42:05 PM) Rob Oplawar: Yes!
(06:42:09 PM) Kevin Lange: Quite!
(06:42:18 PM) Rob Oplawar: Verily!
(06:42:29 PM) Kevin Lange: Indubitably!
(06:42:53 PM) Rob Oplawar: thesaurus.com!
(06:43:02 PM) Kevin Lange: But of course!
(06:43:20 PM) Rob Oplawar: Naturally!
(06:43:27 PM) Kevin Lange: Most definitely!
(06:43:36 PM) Rob Oplawar: Absolutely!
(06:43:41 PM) Kevin Lange: Certainly!
(06:43:58 PM) Rob Oplawar: Assuredly!
(06:44:03 PM) Kevin Lange: Undoubtedly!

Rob Oplawar
March 21st, 2009, 05:54 PM
I have recurring themes.

March 21st, 2009, 08:17 PM
So I discovered OIFY last night.

Today is a very sad day for so called civilized society. A good decent, hard working family man will be condemned in a puppet court for loving his family and trying to protect them from the horrors of modern life.

Today's modern families are beset with drug addiction, teen pregnancy and sexual health problems. Herr Fritzl managed to protect his family from this and also give his daughter a deep and meaningful sexual relationship.

The Austrian 'justice' system has already decided the fate of this hero for old fashioned values and decency, by using a puppet court to satisfy the media's insatiable hunger for a story, even if it does destroy the life of a good man.

We want to see this case overturned, him reunited with his family and his daughter returned to the safety of the luxury apartment he built for her in his basement.

Josef Fritzl is an angel, a beacon of decency, leave this poor man alone so he can take care of his family.


March 21st, 2009, 09:20 PM
You only just found it?

March 21st, 2009, 09:38 PM
TF2, contraptions, gamemodes, maps.
I almost never stray from those.

March 22nd, 2009, 06:11 PM
So I discovered OIFY last night.

Source or gtfo.

March 23rd, 2009, 02:31 AM
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: so you guys are going nuts on G mod lately
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: all i see yas doing O__o
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: yas doing Role playing or some shit?
-=AWOL=- Cube: mmm
-=AWOL=- Cube: They are
-=AWOL=- Cube: I hate the shit
-=AWOL=- Cube: I have a real life to live
-=AWOL=- Cube: Don't need to pretend in RP
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lol
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: rofl
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Booze good tunes and cartoons for the win
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Tf2 <3
-=AWOL=- Cube: haha


March 23rd, 2009, 03:55 PM
PharoaheZephyrus (1:48:16 PM): sounds like the water is ready for coffee!
JeanLuc 761 (1:48:33 PM): lol
JeanLuc 761 (1:48:35 PM): A happy guy today
PharoaheZephyrus (1:51:02 PM): ^_______________^
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:06 PM): o_o
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:16 PM): Why so happy?
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:17 PM): =p
PharoaheZephyrus (1:51:34 PM): c o f f e e
PharoaheZephyrus (1:51:36 PM): weeeee
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:37 PM): hah
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:43 PM): I'll keep callin you an addict
JeanLuc 761 (1:51:47 PM): But I know that's useless
PharoaheZephyrus (1:52:00 PM): i don't care
PharoaheZephyrus (1:52:08 PM): i have my coffee and it's the only thing that matters in life
PharoaheZephyrus (1:52:10 PM): : D
JeanLuc 761 (1:52:15 PM): Tell that to your future wife
JeanLuc 761 (1:52:20 PM): That'll be a winning line
JeanLuc 761 (1:52:21 PM): lol
PharoaheZephyrus (1:52:24 PM): you mean my coffee maid?
JeanLuc 761 (1:52:32 PM): ROFL
JeanLuc 761 (1:52:38 PM): *goes to Quotes thread*
PharoaheZephyrus (1:52:43 PM): bring me my coffee, wench :clap clap::lmao:

March 24th, 2009, 02:40 AM
Found this gem on an Il-2 modding site.


March 24th, 2009, 09:56 PM
Dirty Sanchez: and drawings are the truth?
Dirty Sanchez: ???
RED_Monkeyulize-4: yes
Dirty Sanchez: logic
RED_Monkeyulize-4: because drawings, or even imagination, can be used to evoke a true-to-life image, one that can inject the furfag into his fantasy. a physical suit which attempts to create this is a failure, because it is limited by cheap fur and bad artistic ability.
Dirty Sanchez: D:
Dirty Sanchez: SORRY I ASKED

March 25th, 2009, 08:09 PM
(8:03:34 PM) Heathen: out of school?
(8:03:45 PM) ssɐɯ: yeah
(8:03:48 PM) ssɐɯ: 10 day
(8:03:50 PM) ssɐɯ: minimum
(8:03:52 PM) Heathen: nice
(8:04:01 PM) ssɐɯ: caught me smoking a fatty
(8:04:07 PM) Heathen: BHAHA
(8:04:07 PM) ssɐɯ: two detectives actually
(8:04:11 PM) Heathen: thats so lol
(8:04:20 PM) Heathen: extend spring break
(8:04:25 PM) ssɐɯ: "street tactics unit"
(8:04:38 PM) ssɐɯ: kind of, I basically have a three week break now
(8:04:41 PM) Heathen: my school expells
(8:04:50 PM) ssɐɯ: my school has the option
(8:04:54 PM) ssɐɯ: but doesn't take it
(8:05:00 PM) Heathen: dont wanna get sued
(8:05:04 PM) Heathen: by jews
(8:05:14 PM) ssɐɯ: cause our disciplinarian is like
(8:05:15 PM) Heathen: they looked at your name
(8:05:20 PM) Heathen: and they were like
(8:05:24 PM) Heathen: Weinstein?
(8:05:25 PM) Heathen: Fuck that
(8:05:28 PM) ssɐɯ: lol
(8:05:29 PM) Heathen: wait wait
(8:05:34 PM) Heathen: I still remember your name irl
(8:05:37 PM) Heathen: hold on
(8:05:40 PM) Heathen: Nate Tingly
(8:05:42 PM) Heathen: right?
(8:05:43 PM) ssɐɯ: dude, the best part
(8:05:44 PM) ssɐɯ: yeah
(8:05:46 PM) Heathen: dude
(8:05:47 PM) ssɐɯ: anyway
(8:05:48 PM) Heathen: I am badass
(8:05:54 PM) ssɐɯ: Travis
(8:05:54 PM) Heathen: go on
(8:05:55 PM) ssɐɯ: anyway
(8:05:58 PM) Heathen: bhaha
(8:05:59 PM) Heathen: awesome
(8:06:21 PM) ssɐɯ: so we're in the office for 10 minutes after the cops drop us off at the school
(8:06:43 PM) Heathen: us?
(8:06:44 PM) Heathen: LOL
(8:06:48 PM) Heathen: your friends are out too?
(8:06:49 PM) ssɐɯ: and the tv in the corner of the disciplinarian's office has cheech and chong on


March 26th, 2009, 12:42 AM
teh rossmum (4:36:56 PM): great
teh rossmum (4:37:04 PM): someone released a falklands map for il-2
teh rossmum (4:37:26 PM): cue argies harping on about 'malvinas argentinas' all fucking thread
teh rossmum (4:37:36 PM): it never belonged to them in the first place so t:mad:t
PharoaheZephyrus (4:38:35 PM): l o fukin l
teh rossmum (4:38:38 PM): why do they care so much anyway
teh rossmum (4:38:44 PM): YEAH MAN THAT'S OUR SHITTY PEAT BOG
teh rossmum (4:38:47 PM): GIVE IT BACK
teh rossmum (4:39:02 PM): they sure must love peat bogs in argentina
teh rossmum (4:40:13 PM): if i didn't value my membership at the forums there i'd go in and post "LOL HOW'S THE GENERAL BELGRANO GOING OH WAIT IT'S NOT LOL"
PharoaheZephyrus (4:40:34 PM): ahahahahaa
PharoaheZephyrus (4:40:37 PM): oh my fucking lol
PharoaheZephyrus (4:40:40 PM): that'd be great
goddamn argies http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-arghfist.gifhttp://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-britain.gif

March 28th, 2009, 05:19 AM
Dual conversation with n00b and his brother, both using different computers at different ends of the house.

Elmo the Emo Emperor: hey baby
Elmo the Emo Emperor: fine then
Elmo the Emo Emperor: be like that
Elmo the Emo Emperor: ihy
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sup
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: mr elmo
Elmo the Emo Emperor: my dick
Elmo the Emo Emperor: illa baby
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: good to hear it
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: must be all those Lolicon porn i've been sending noob eh
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: talk about tight :X
Elmo the Emo Emperor: lolicon?
Elmo the Emo Emperor: lolio?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: what ever
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: all i do/ we is
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fap to it

[19:40] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb:

Elmo the Emo Emperor: hey baby
Elmo the Emo Emperor: fine then
Elmo the Emo Emperor: be like that
Elmo the Emo Emperor: ihy
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sup
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: mr elmo
Elmo the Emo Emperor: my dick
Elmo the Emo Emperor: illa baby
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: good to hear it
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: must be all those Lolicon porn i've been sending noob eh
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: talk about tight :X
Elmo the Emo Emperor: lolicon?
Elmo the Emo Emperor: lolio?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: what ever
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: all i do/ we is
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fap to it
[19:40] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: derp derp derp
[19:40] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: man the storys i've told woah ho!
[19:40] Terrence: fake
[19:40] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: ?
[19:41] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: quit frankly i find your lack of faith disturbing.

Elmo the Emo Emperor: nice
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i reckon
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: so whats new in the relm of emo's
Elmo the Emo Emperor: we now have representation in the government
Elmo the Emo Emperor: and we now have an alliance with goths the god of the goths
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: isnt his name gothos
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: :downs:
Elmo the Emo Emperor: gothmos the god of the goths*
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: oh i see
Elmo the Emo Emperor: anything enw in the land of zilla?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sex
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lots and lots of sex
Elmo the Emo Emperor: where all the children are inncocent and hog tied?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lie
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lots of pron
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well i dunno about innocent
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Original sin you see
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: they all need punishing
Elmo the Emo Emperor: ah
Elmo the Emo Emperor: true true
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well i think it's important to bring religion into it when your dealing with child abuse
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: if the glove fits...

[19:44] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb:

-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: oh i see
Elmo the Emo Emperor: anything enw in the land of zilla?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sex
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lots and lots of sex
Elmo the Emo Emperor: where all the children are inncocent and hog tied?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i like
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lie
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lots of pron
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well i dunno about innocent
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Original sin you see
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: they all need punishing
[19:44] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: your bro p coo guy he talks to zilla and doesnt afraid of nething
[19:45] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb:

Elmo the Emo Emperor: ah
Elmo the Emo Emperor: true true
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well i think it's important to bring religion into it when your dealing with child abuse
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: if the glove fits...
[19:46] Terrence: so i go down there right
[19:46] Terrence: and he's like sup
[19:46] Terrence: and i'm like
[19:46] Terrence: leme borrow your mouse for a seck
[19:46] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: lolio
[19:46] Terrence: and he's like wtf why
[19:46] Terrence: and i ge to alt tab
[19:46] Terrence: but he stopes me
[19:46] Terrence: and i'm like
[19:46] Terrence: zilla's been copying your chats
[19:46] Terrence: and he breaks down rofling
[19:46] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: look this is of critical importance
[19:46] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: see if he has a boner?
[19:46] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: do it.
[19:46] Terrence: won't let me look at them though
[19:47] Terrence: LOL
[19:47] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: heh
[19:47] Terrence: he thought you were putting them on modacity
[19:47] Terrence: do it gogogo
[19:48] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: gogogogo

Elmo the Emo Emperor: so i hear you've been copying the chat
Elmo the Emo Emperor: put this in
Elmo the Emo Emperor: I love you all long time
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well theres alot to love along :D
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: mah dong
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i asked n00b to check to see if you had a boner
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: dont know if he has yet
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: heh
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but he's gunna look at your cawk so be on the lookout
Elmo the Emo Emperor: he's allready been down
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i noe
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but i'm trying to get him to go down on you again
Elmo the Emo Emperor: he thought you were making it up
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: hard work
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Rofl
Elmo the Emo Emperor: until he came and was like "what you talking to zilla bout Elmo"?

[19:48] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb:

Elmo the Emo Emperor: so i hear you've been copying the chat
Elmo the Emo Emperor: put this in
Elmo the Emo Emperor: I love you all long time
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: well theres alot to love along :D
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: mah dong
[19:48] Terrence: el oh el
[19:49] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: so did he have a boner?
[19:49] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: ?
[19:49] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: heh
[19:49] Terrence: no
[19:50] Terrence: hes not pedo enough for you
[19:50] Terrence: sorry
[19:50] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: we where talking about innocent (jheh) lolio's hogtied and NO BONER WTF?
[19:50] Terrence: i know it's like he doesn't have a penis
[19:51] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: fucking weirdo i swear
[19:51] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: only thing is
[19:51] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: how exactly would you post a double conversation
[19:51] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: happening at the same time :S
[19:52] Terrence: er.. copy and paste the parts where they overlap together into 1 big chat (and do the 2 chats in different colours)
[19:52] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: :effort:
[19:52] Terrence: copy and paste both and say they happend simultaniously
[19:52] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: derp derp derp

-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: rofl
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: "can i use your mouse"
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: I C EVERYTHING
Elmo the Emo Emperor: including your mum?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: been there
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fapped to that
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i love a women with stretch marks
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: hmmm yeah
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: It's all over my face billy
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: tahts gunna take months to get outta my hair
Elmo the Emo Emperor: lol wat?'
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: heh
Elmo the Emo Emperor: so what are you upto?
Elmo the Emo Emperor: other than being online
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: having 2 conversations with brothers
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: been pretty emotional so far
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: :D
Elmo the Emo Emperor: :D
Elmo the Emo Emperor: is n00b your brosef?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: he's a sef
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: dunno bout bro though
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: he's a bit of a demofag you see
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: and i hate demofags
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: :argh:
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: now how the fuck do i set this out to post it rofl
Elmo the Emo Emperor: say it's noob in secret
Elmo the Emo Emperor: it's one of his aliases if you look in steam freinds
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: :O
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: or i could tell the truth
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i was having a 3 way with 2 wrangers :D
Elmo the Emo Emperor: who was the chick?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: just give me 5 minutes
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: a pair of scissors
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: and some bourbon
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i think it's important that i dont remeber a thing after i touch a mans penis
Elmo the Emo Emperor: but what's funny is you still secretly know you did something you can't remember
Elmo the Emo Emperor: and you'll go to the grave tossing and turning wondering what it was
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: heh
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: so tahts where taht jar of peanut butter went
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: heh


March 28th, 2009, 05:27 AM

March 28th, 2009, 05:28 AM

March 28th, 2009, 05:14 PM
That conversation blew my mind. http://i.somethingawful.com/forumsystem/emoticons/emot-psyboom.gif

March 28th, 2009, 09:52 PM
m00kz: Yeah.
m00kz: Fuck that shit.
m00kz: I'd rather not spend hundreds of dollars on some chick for the off chance of getting laid
m00kz: If I wanted to spend cash on a bitch I'd hire a fuckin prostitute
Joshflighter: Haha.. OMG

The rest is un-important.

March 28th, 2009, 10:20 PM
Besides, dogs require less maintenance.

Was that taking it too far? sorry m00ks, i love you D:

March 28th, 2009, 10:45 PM
m00kz: I'd rather not spend hundreds of dollars on some chick for the off chance of getting laid
m00kz: If I wanted to spend cash on a bitch I'd hire a fuckin prostitute


Muki is Vince Offer? http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-monocle.gif

March 28th, 2009, 10:56 PM
*coming home from school*

Me: "dude i'm getting new internet today, it's supposed to be over 9000 times faster. Quest FIOS is win."
Friend: "yeah, but I like Cox more. (He meant the internet provider)."
Me: "LOL"
Friend: "I'm going to stop talking now..."

t3h m00kz
March 28th, 2009, 11:30 PM
Besides, dogs require less maintenance.

Was that taking it too far? sorry m00ks, i love you D:


You shouldn't talk about your mother like that, cabron. :cool:

March 29th, 2009, 12:16 AM

You shouldn't talk about your mother like that, cabron. :cool:

March 29th, 2009, 01:05 AM
So today I stumbled upon one of the worst things I've ever seen in my life... I'm not responsible for the death that occurs upon viewing this.


My favorite video games are Zathura for PS2, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody for DS, Quantum of Solace and Mario Kart for WII.



Oh... the grammar is better than Yahoo. I'm ragin' less.

March 29th, 2009, 01:10 AM
Tis truth, I be postin' from beyond teh grave.

Mr Buckshot
March 29th, 2009, 01:14 AM
From TOK class yesterday:

teacher: three groups are doing the same proposal
student (looks at other student): Leonard, WHAT THE FUCK?!
*manhas stares at waimond*
waimond: uhh..i mean SHIT.
teacher: you do shit in the washroom, not in the classroom, you dont use shit and replace it with whatever you said before that

I LOL'ed along with the rest of the class.

March 29th, 2009, 05:23 AM
(3:22 AM) The Ivanator:
*brb, peppermint tea :smith:
(3:22 AM) Jason:
*peppermint tea is fucking awesome

March 29th, 2009, 11:51 AM
drunk text last night

<2 sooo much wuv yo. fuck i yelled fuck when you said you couldnt go and got bitched at by neighbours

I dont know why but I think this is so awesome.

March 29th, 2009, 12:30 PM
Mr ▀█▀: ive got a problem
Mr ▀█▀: im all out of underwear
Mr ▀█▀: and im not even kidding

Thats Lodex if you dont know.. lol.

March 29th, 2009, 12:47 PM
Old Man (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1150178/): As the pattern gets more intricate and subtle, being swept along is no longer enough.
Boat Car Guy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0936315/): Man this must be like... parallel universe night. You know that cat that was just in here? Just ran out the door? Well, he comes up to the counter, you know, and I say "What's the word, turd?" And he lays down this burrito and he kind of looks at me, kind of stares at me and says, "I have but recently returned from the valley of the shadow of death. I'm rapturously breathing in all the odors and essences of life. I've been to the brink of total oblivion. I remember and ferment the desire to remember everything."
Wiley (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0927812/): So, what did you say to that?
Boat Car Guy (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0936315/): Well, I mean, what could I say? I said, "If you're going to microwave that burrito, I want you to poke holes in the plastic wrapping because they explode. And I'm tired of cleaning up your little burrito doings. You dig me?"

March 29th, 2009, 09:01 PM

^This alone made me die and laugh a little on the inside.

March 29th, 2009, 09:04 PM
Made me laugh too, knowing that you frequent nickelodeon.com

March 29th, 2009, 09:19 PM
Made me laugh too, knowing that you frequent nickelodeon.com
It makes me wonder how old these kids are on that forum. They seem pretty young, but I swore I saw Jessie Mcartney's name in there somewhere. Pretty damn creepy.

March 29th, 2009, 09:22 PM
ry ry forever i know its only distance but it feels just like the end says (10:20 PM):
i wish
i could clone myself and have sex with myself

March 29th, 2009, 09:40 PM

Mech, you are successful. :(

Rob Oplawar
March 31st, 2009, 02:04 AM
Mass, Snaf and I were discussing the SUPER MEGA UBER TOP SECRET details of the BCE plot, and we got a little sidetracked.

roboplawar (12:52:17 AM): In fact, I'm very interested in hearing what you come up with in the absence of my buzzkill
mass123123123 (12:52:45 AM): yeeeaaahhh
PharoaheZephyrus (12:52:46 AM): we could make it like rob's penis, short but stable
PharoaheZephyrus (12:52:52 AM): oh he's still here...
roboplawar (12:52:55 AM): and unused
roboplawar (12:53:06 AM): or conversely
roboplawar (12:53:11 AM): misused hundreds of times
mass123123123 (12:53:25 AM): but I don't want the structure to have like one prominent purple vein
mass123123123 (12:53:30 AM): and none others
roboplawar (12:53:34 AM): ew.
mass123123123 (12:53:40 AM): you said it
roboplawar (12:53:49 AM): said what
PharoaheZephyrus (12:53:53 AM): oh my fuckin lol
roboplawar (12:53:59 AM): i said my penis has one prominent purple vein?
mass123123123 (12:54:08 AM): what should be said in response to your penis
roboplawar (12:54:15 AM): you're like 14
mass123123123 (12:54:18 AM): namely "ew."
roboplawar (12:54:24 AM): if i said that, it's sexual harrassement
roboplawar (12:54:26 AM): (sp?)
roboplawar (12:54:30 AM): fucking double letters
mass123123123 (12:54:37 AM): I'm like 16
roboplawar (12:54:43 AM): same difference
mass123123123 (12:54:44 AM): and no, your just a wierdo
mass123123123 (12:54:50 AM): you're
PharoaheZephyrus (12:54:58 AM): lol
roboplawar (12:54:59 AM): Snaf, I'm sorry you had to see this
roboplawar (12:55:06 AM): I didn't mean to hurt you
roboplawar (12:55:10 AM): it's nothing, really
roboplawar (12:55:14 AM): it's just meaningless sex
mass123123123 (12:55:17 AM): my ability to spell that correctly is directlu proportional to the lateness of night
roboplawar (12:55:19 AM): you know you're the one for me, baby
roboplawar (12:55:25 AM): snaf? don't leave me! I need you!
PharoaheZephyrus (12:55:31 AM): totally lol'in
roboplawar (12:56:31 AM): i'm not gay
mass123123123 (12:56:33 AM): maybe we should fill the bottom of the dome with giant pubes
roboplawar (12:56:41 AM): i just act that way to get pussy, dumbass
PharoaheZephyrus (12:56:49 AM): hahahaha
roboplawar (12:57:54 AM): well, i can see this is a productive discussion
mass123123123 (12:57:54 AM): rob I hope you don't do anything to get pussy
roboplawar (12:58:03 AM): i work out
mass123123123 (12:58:07 AM): because that just means you've failed at more things
roboplawar (12:58:08 AM): I've got massive biceps now
roboplawar (12:58:23 AM): 10" circumference
roboplawar (12:58:25 AM): booyah
roboplawar (12:58:32 AM): I can bench 70 lbs, easy!
PharoaheZephyrus (12:58:39 AM): xD
mass123123123 (12:58:49 AM): oh my
PharoaheZephyrus (12:58:50 AM): oh thanks for reminding me i gotta do 50 situps tonight
roboplawar (12:58:57 AM): I can also do like five thousand jumping jacks
PharoaheZephyrus (12:59:28 AM): holy FUCK rob is superman
roboplawar (12:59:35 AM): shhhhh!
mass123123123 (12:59:39 AM): I just do strength-training my school makes me do
roboplawar (12:59:40 AM): don't say that out loud!
roboplawar (12:59:47 AM): you trying to blow my secret identity?
roboplawar (1:00:04 AM): because, actually, my secret identity wouldn't mind getting blown
roboplawar (1:00:07 AM): i'm so lonely...
PharoaheZephyrus (1:00:15 AM): lol
PharoaheZephyrus (1:00:34 AM): i hear shotguns blow things pretty good!
mass123123123 (1:01:02 AM): yep
mass123123123 (1:01:21 AM): nothing shows you have balls of steel like pumping them with balls of lead
PharoaheZephyrus (1:01:28 AM): i'm going to poop, brb
mass123123123 (1:01:40 AM): sounds fun
roboplawar (1:01:41 AM): snaf says that when i ride him too hard
mass123123123 (1:01:56 AM): be right back?
mass123123123 (1:02:11 AM): damn Rob, you drive him out of the room
mass123123123 (1:02:19 AM): with regularity
mass123123123 (1:02:29 AM): :/
roboplawar (1:02:33 AM): i know
roboplawar (1:02:37 AM): i'm just too much man for him
roboplawar (1:02:41 AM): it's kind of sad, really

April 1st, 2009, 03:38 AM
[01:29] OmegleBot: You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! (When the conversation is over, type $disconnect.)
[01:29] OmegleBot: hello
[01:29] imod53: hi
[01:30] OmegleBot: my name is kdafur i am from UAE
[01:30] OmegleBot: what is that?
[01:31] imod53: what's what?
[01:31] OmegleBot: have you accepted jesus christ as your savior?
[01:31] imod53: no, but i have a sevylor named jesus
[01:31] OmegleBot: i can get you some literature
[01:32] OmegleBot: jesus will come back
[01:32] OmegleBot: he loves you
[01:32] imod53: great, i need some new stuff to wipe my ass with
[01:32] OmegleBot: this is good reading god will save you from your sins
[01:32] imod53: what's it printed on? quilted or that cheap generic 1 ply stuff you find in the public places?
[01:32] OmegleBot: quilted and 15 ply
[01:32] OmegleBot: as soft as a pillow
[01:32] imod53: excellent
[01:32] imod53: i'll take twelve
[01:33] OmegleBot: great.

April 2nd, 2009, 08:02 PM
[20:57] Timo: the guy that's setting it up was downloading rediculous amounts
[20:57] Timo: the isp actually rang up and asked 'are you illegally downloading'
[20:57] Timo: he said yes, and they offered him a better plan

lmao what

April 3rd, 2009, 12:31 AM
[14:43] The Real Ziz Lady: GAWD
[14:46] m00kz: U GOT EH PROBLEM
[14:46] m00kz: EH BREH?
[14:46] m00kz: EH?
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: i do
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: i want you on steam
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: nao
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: .
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: do it
[14:46] The Real Ziz Lady: DO IT
[14:47] <Invalid / command. Type /help for help>
[14:47] The Real Ziz Lady: /zoolander
[14:48] m00kz:
[14:48] m00kz: bre
[14:48] m00kz: u got problem
[14:48] m00kz: eh
[14:48] m00kz: bre
[14:48] The Real Ziz Lady: this fur porn?
[14:49] The Real Ziz Lady: ROFL
[14:51] m00kz: bre

April 5th, 2009, 12:34 AM
<Swede> I wonder what God was thinking when He created man...
<Alkazar51> I wonder what MAN was thinking when he INVENTED GOD...

April 5th, 2009, 12:42 AM
i said that about 2 moths ago on this here very forum :downs:


Rob Oplawar
April 7th, 2009, 04:03 PM
chatting with mass about the cold war/nukes/norad/the current threat/the need for bunker busters

mass123123123 (3:02:24 PM): no besides us is so paranoid as to hollow out a mountain

April 7th, 2009, 06:39 PM
the need for nuclear bunker busters
actually, we were talking about the lack thereof.


April 7th, 2009, 07:22 PM
chatting with mass about the cold war/nukes/norad/the current threat/the need for bunker busters

That's nothing, the Sovs built a whole city. Underground.

Like, with streets and buildings and everything.

April 7th, 2009, 10:02 PM
So I message heathen after he'd gone away,

[20:00] Heathen: Lol damn
[20:00] Heathen: thought you were a female
[20:00] Heathen: got out of bed for this?!?!
[20:00] Heathen: haha
[20:00] xXx KAS Con: LOL
[20:00] Heathen: <3 tho fasho

Rob Oplawar
April 8th, 2009, 01:00 AM
roboplawar (11:58:53 PM): the claim that coke is heartless and evil is popular, but outlandish
roboplawar (11:59:02 PM): in fact, it's popular because it's outlandish
roboplawar (11:59:16 PM): occam's razor: let's assume they aren't heartless and evil
mass123123123 (11:59:22 PM): well, not evil, the problem with corporations isn't the desire to do bad
mass123123123 (11:59:30 PM): it's not caring about the collateral
roboplawar (11:59:31 PM): define evil
roboplawar (11:59:35 PM): :d
mass123123123 (11:59:45 PM): evil, like rossmum, you know
roboplawar (11:59:49 PM): :lmao:

April 8th, 2009, 04:32 AM
Huero says:
*"White signifies purity and innocence, Red, hardiness & valour, and Blue, the color of the Chief (the broad band above the stripes) signifies vigilance, perseverance & justice."
*the US is a virgin pass it on
*oh i'm supposed to wake up soon


April 8th, 2009, 04:47 AM
Terrence says:
huero fists himself you all heard it

April 8th, 2009, 06:45 AM
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sup Banger
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: whats doing
ecord: watching house
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: oh yeah
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Kuti Dies
ecord: thankes for recking my hole life
ecord: lol
ecord is now Away.
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Rofl


[21:43] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb:
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: sup Banger
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: whats doing
ecord: watching house
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: oh yeah
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Kuti Dies
ecord: thankes for recking my hole life
ecord: lol
ecord is now Away.
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Rofl

[21:44] Terrence: well think about it
[21:44] Terrence: you're offline, the computers off how can trillian be doing it
[21:44] Terrence: also my mate uses msn
[21:44] Terrence: and you actually sign online for a few seconds when you send them
[21:45] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: really
[21:45] Terrence: DUDE
[21:45] Terrence: FUCK YOU
[21:45] Terrence: I DIDN'T NEED THAT SPOILER
[21:45] Terrence: FUCK
[21:45] Terrence: I HATE YOU
[21:45] Terrence: HATE
[21:45] Terrence: FUCK
[21:45] Terrence: HATE
[21:45] Terrence: MAN
[21:45] Terrence: I HATE YOU
[21:45] Terrence: FUCK
[21:45] Terrence: not cool. :@
[21:47] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: what havnt you seen the house thread?
[21:47] Terrence: I DIDN'T OPEN THE SPOILER
[21:47] Zizlah hte Sex Bomb: ROFL
[21:47] Terrence: YOU DOUBLECUNTFUCK

April 8th, 2009, 06:57 AM
Choke on a shit covered dick. :argh:

April 8th, 2009, 07:39 AM
[21:53] Dyl: Quote of the Day
Such is the advantage of a well-constructed language that its simplified notation often becomes the source of profound theories.
[21:53] Dyl: hmmmm
[21:53] Dyl: lol
[22:35] The Real Ziz Lady: rofl


April 9th, 2009, 01:13 AM
[01:08] the taste of ducky: umm
[01:08] the taste of ducky: yeah no !
[01:11] nocab: k
[01:11] <Requesting file transfer. Waiting for response>
[01:11] nocab: accpet mb?
[01:11] <Uploading file hex'd_apps_for_ducky.rar>
[01:11] <Completed uploading file hex'd_apps_for_ducky.rar >
[01:11] nocab: :)
[01:11] the taste of ducky: wtf how did u rar all that up to like kb?
[01:11] nocab: the app is tiny lol
[01:12] nocab: its only 76kb
[01:12] the taste of ducky: oh.
[01:12] the taste of ducky: LOL
[01:12] nocab: :p
[01:12] the taste of ducky: OMG
[01:12] the taste of ducky: LMFAO
[01:12] the taste of ducky: AHAHAHA
[01:12] nocab: ?
[01:12] the taste of ducky: I WAS HEX EDITING THE HALODED FILE
[01:12] the taste of ducky: AHAAHAHHAHA
[01:12] the taste of ducky: AHAHAHAHA
[01:12] the taste of ducky: AHAHAHA
[01:12] nocab: ............. LOL
[01:12] the taste of ducky: LMFAO
[01:13] the taste of ducky: THNX THO
[01:13] the taste of ducky: ROFL
[01:13] nocab: ahaha
[01:13] nocab: <3


April 9th, 2009, 04:31 PM
Looking at youtube

Spam the wnba, what a joke. if bitches want to play bastketball they can slam dunk dinner on my plate and my dick into their mouths. all wnba players need to get pimp slapped and send back to the kitchen to make me a sandwich.

Oh dear boys. 'Only feminists enjoy the wnba', 'if bitches wanna play basketball'...

I'm English and have played point guard for about 5 years, with a record for 3-point throws. Your aggressiveness doesn't impress anybody. If you don't like WNBA or women at all (beyond the kitchen) then don't watch it.

We don't need your comments thanks.

u guys are such freaking haters i swear
wtf if u dont like these videos, stop watching
and its beause men are sadly built naturally stronge then woman
its from god
do u not see there frekaing ugly huge ass triceps
and lisa leslie has dunked before
and these woman can school you anydya
shut up

and besides basketball is all about passion
not who has the fanciest movs and w.e
a dunk, jumpsot, layup, and etc=all 2 pointers.

stfu wnba sucks and you know it faggots

YOu guys r hurting my feelings..
im really gonna cry..
and u make me wanna quit ball..

April 9th, 2009, 04:46 PM

April 11th, 2009, 12:40 AM
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: "how where animals spread out from the arc"
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: the answer
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: thanks to conservapedia
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: "it is possible that volcanoes in the mount ararat region were able to transport the smaller animals over much greater distances than they could get just by walking"
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: VOLCANOES: great for transporting small animals

April 11th, 2009, 01:46 AM
Quoting myself makes me cool!

April 11th, 2009, 03:22 AM
well it was either that or write it all out again, this time without my name attached to it.

it's not my quote.

April 14th, 2009, 05:44 PM

(5:39:44 PM) huerosam@live.com: i went to florida.
(5:40:14 PM) Heathen: oh
(5:40:16 PM) Heathen: nice
(5:40:34 PM) huerosam@live.com: yeah.
(5:40:41 PM) huerosam@live.com: i got to hang out with my awesome cousins,
(5:41:05 PM) Heathen: mhm
(5:41:06 PM) Heathen: they hot?
(5:41:22 PM) huerosam@live.com: one's super-cute but i wont get into that
(5:41:25 PM) huerosam@live.com: they're all guys too
(5:41:33 PM) Heathen: woah
(5:41:48 PM) Heathen: quotes thread

Rob Oplawar
April 14th, 2009, 11:11 PM
Sever has now officially been removed from my friends list.

roboplawar (10:02:20 PM): Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
roboplawar (10:02:28 PM): Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
roboplawar (10:02:36 PM): All mimsy were the borogoves
roboplawar (10:02:48 PM): And the mome-raths outgabe
roboplawar (10:02:54 PM): Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
roboplawar (10:03:02 PM): The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
roboplawar (10:03:11 PM): Beware the jub-jub bird, and shun
roboplawar (10:03:19 PM): The frumious bandersnatch!
roboplawar (10:03:27 PM): He took his vorpal sword in hand,
roboplawar (10:03:33 PM): Long time the manxome foe he sought
roboplawar (10:03:39 PM): Till rested he by the tumtum tree
roboplawar (10:03:44 PM): And stood a while in thought
roboplawar (10:03:52 PM): And as in uffish thought he stood,
roboplawar (10:03:59 PM): The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame
roboplawar (10:04:05 PM): Came whiffing through the tugley wood
roboplawar (10:04:10 PM): And burbled as it came!
roboplawar (10:04:23 PM): One two, one two, and through and throug
roboplawar (10:04:31 PM): His vorpal blade went snicker-snack
roboplawar (10:04:37 PM): He left it dead, and with its head
roboplawar (10:04:42 PM): He went galumphing back
roboplawar (10:04:51 PM): And hast thou slain the Jabberwock?
roboplawar (10:04:56 PM): Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
roboplawar (10:05:08 PM): Oh frabjous day! Calloo! Callay!
roboplawar (10:05:13 PM): He chortled in his joy.
roboplawar (10:05:24 PM): Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
roboplawar (10:05:31 PM): Did gyre and gimble in the wabe
roboplawar (10:05:36 PM): All mimsy were the borogoves
roboplawar (10:05:42 PM): And the mome-raths outgabe

cbn22@email.vccs.edu (10:05:10 PM): Still not as good as charlie the unicorn

The fuck is wrong with that kid.

For those of you like Sever who don't appreciate classic literature, I was reciting from memory (with a couple of spelling errors) Lewis Carrol's Jabberwocky (http://www.jabberwocky.com/carroll/jabber/jabberwocky.html).

April 17th, 2009, 02:41 PM
(2:38:34 PM) Huero: i have to fap but i also have to shit]
(2:38:38 PM) Huero: i have a solution
(2:38:49 PM) Heathen: oh no
(2:38:51 PM) Huero: bringing my laptop to the toilet.
(2:38:54 PM) Heathen: oh god

April 17th, 2009, 04:24 PM
JeanLuc: I'm bored today, in case you couldn't tell
JeanLuc: mb I'll go look up some fake celebrity pron
JeanLuc: :bored:

:smugoff: heh

April 17th, 2009, 04:26 PM
You manipulative douchebag! You actually did it:mad:
and also omitted where I said it was a joke.

April 17th, 2009, 04:33 PM
(4:29:53 PM) Amanda: *sigh*..mom's callin me freaking out about what i should bring to eat for lunch at driver's ed...i'm just like..get me a whole box of cereal bars, i'd rather bring those there and eat that >.>
(4:30:01 PM) Amanda: couldn't decide on what lunchable i'd want
(4:31:08 PM) heathen: lolol
(4:31:10 PM) heathen: drivers ed
(4:31:18 PM) heathen: thats hilarious
(4:31:22 PM) heathen: women
(4:31:23 PM) heathen: driving
(4:31:25 PM) heathen: BHAHA
(4:31:27 PM) Amanda: -.-self quote wat

April 18th, 2009, 07:54 AM
FlyingStone: is gay

Stace says:
*haha good job (:
*I'm pretty sure my hair is a brighter red then yours now lol
Terrence says:
*mine isn't that bright a red
Stace says:
*Yeahh, but it's more red than orange lol It's a strange colour.
Terrence says:
*goddamn wanabe rangas
Stace says:
*Someone's gotta contribute to the slowly diminishing population of rangas, why not me lol
Terrence says:
*are you hitting on me

April 19th, 2009, 11:20 AM
[11:19] nocab: http://www.teamdead.net/gentoo/e-shrooms/
[11:19] nocab: rofl
[11:20] [FBI]GONZO: omg..im having am epileptic secure
[11:20] nocab: LOL
[11:20] [FBI]GONZO: i dunno how 2 spell
[11:20] [FBI]GONZO: lmao


April 19th, 2009, 10:21 PM
[19:57] Padre™: Son
[19:57] Padre™: the sex nukes are armed.
[19:58] Padre™: DO you wish to push the launch button?
[19:58] Senior Gwunt: yes
[19:59] Padre™: waiting
[19:59] Senior Gwunt: YES
[19:59] Padre™: im waiting
[19:59] Padre™: for you to push teh fucking button
[20:00] Padre™: its a giant button
[20:00] Padre™: 3 feet in diameter
[20:00] Padre™: you gotta use ur man powers to punch it down
[20:00] Senior Gwunt: *pushes button*
[20:00] Padre™: sex nukes are away
[20:00] Padre™: and will strike in a random location
[20:00] Senior Gwunt: k
[20:01] Senior Gwunt: I was waiting for some form of pic or something
[20:01] Senior Gwunt: but w\e
[20:02] Padre™: They have left the earths orbit
[20:02] Padre™: It has struck the Grunt's home planet
[20:02] Padre™: There is now a massive orgy of grunts.
[20:03] Padre™: There are several people leaving the earth to join in.
[20:03] Padre™: We have lost 70% of the earths population.
[20:04] Senior Gwunt: the game
[20:04] Padre™: the game.
[20:04] Senior Gwunt: you lost it

April 20th, 2009, 01:52 PM
[14:50] RaduMachedon: wait, you haven't seen EoE at all?
[14:51] TeeKupHalofan: no
[14:51] TeeKupHalofan: ._.
[14:51] RaduMachedon: .........how
[14:51] TeeKupHalofan: MediaPlay no longer exists down here
[14:51] TeeKupHalofan: BestBuy SUCKS
[14:51] RaduMachedon: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9XbRBdCDDE
[14:51] TeeKupHalofan: .....WHAT
[14:51] RaduMachedon: heh

April 20th, 2009, 04:37 PM
"I'm so fucked up." Heh.

If you didn't expect that, then you probably shouldn't watch "The Human Instrumentality Project". :haw:

April 20th, 2009, 11:52 PM
2:45 PM - Gurney: lol you missed
2:45 PM - Gurney: epic freestyling
2:45 PM - Gurney: Me and Shac had a lol and decided to freestyle battle in SF.
2:45 PM - Spit Jockey: lol
2:46 PM - Gurney: I was like
2:46 PM - Gurney: Shac
2:46 PM - Gurney: And he's like
2:46 PM - Gurney: K
2:46 PM - Gurney: And suddenly
2:46 PM - Gurney: This unfolds.
2:47 PM - Gurney: 6:33 PM - [TnB Dev] Shacadeemus: COS I'M ABOUT TO, I'M ABOUT TO, KICK IT BACK NOW, HERE WE GO:
2:47 PM - Gurney: /end
2:49 PM - Spit Jockey: holy
2:49 PM - Spit Jockey: fucking
2:49 PM - Spit Jockey: shit.
2:49 PM - Gurney: Hm?
2:49 PM - Spit Jockey: impressive.
2:49 PM - Gurney: Haha
2:49 PM - Gurney: Then I went to sym
2:50 PM - Gurney: I'm like
2:50 PM - Gurney: FREESTYLER
2:50 PM - Gurney: and he's like
2:50 PM - Gurney: wut
2:50 PM - Gurney: then
2:50 PM - Gurney: 6:02 PM - Symmetry: spin dat shit nigga
6:05 PM - Gurne: I be spinnin' more shit than your mouth can spit, droppin' lyrical bombs, knockin' up your moms, crashing cars, storming bars, and rollin' the assault only I can fault on the urban decay holding all of you bitches at bay, clutching your riches like they were your babies but I got the rabies that lets me spit lyrical plagues that ignite the place and drop the bass and that's all I got to say about that, nigga.
6:06 PM - Symmetry: man
2:50 PM - Spit Jockey: ahahah
2:50 PM - Spit Jockey: wow
2:50 PM - Spit Jockey: remind me never to say the word 'freestyle' in your presence
2:50 PM - Gurney: lol
2:51 PM - Gurney: I don't know what happened.

April 20th, 2009, 11:58 PM
"I'm so fucked up." Heh.

If you didn't expect that, then you probably shouldn't watch "The Human Instrumentality Project". :haw:
Lol, ever found it unedited?

April 21st, 2009, 08:07 PM
see sig ----------V

April 21st, 2009, 11:20 PM
<+Mikuru> (Note: Barely SFW enough for youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrhLdDIQ5Kk
<@Timo> This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community. To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.
<+Mikuru> yup
<@p0lar_bear> what the fuck was that
<+Mikuru> your life in 30 seconds
<@Timo> is that the banned xbox ad?
<+Mikuru> nope
<@p0lar_bear> some anime shit
<@p0lar_bear> really wierd anime shit
<@Timo> ehhh
<@p0lar_bear> like
* Timo is now known as ehhh
* ehhh is now known as Timo
<@p0lar_bear> "300 pound fat guy fucking the shit out of a scrawny little guy while saying "goosh goosh" repeatedly and killing him in the process" type weird
<@p0lar_bear> ahaha noice katamari image in your signature rotation btw
<@Timo> 07<@p0lar_bear> 01"300 pound fat guy fucking the shit out of a scrawny little guy while saying "goosh goosh" repeatedly and killing him in the process
<@Timo> wjat
<@Timo> what
<@p0lar_bear> that's what i said

April 22nd, 2009, 05:11 AM
Kid: "My mom drives a corvette, and my dad does too, he has 2 in different colours, and I have $100 dollars to spend today because its my birthday"
Me: "Wow"
Kid: "Yeah I know, my parents are so cool im so lucky"
Me: "No, I am wowed by the fact your parents ditched you here on your own birthday. Enjoy having security and confidence issues when you grow up"
Kid: "Wat?....my parents didn't... *Laughter from a few other guys at the GW*
Me: *Grin*
Kid: *Baaaww*
Me:...."Okay! Who's up for a game of Fantasy?"

Anyone who passes through games workshops will get this.

April 22nd, 2009, 05:14 AM
<+Mikuru> (Note: Barely SFW enough for youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrhLdDIQ5Kk
<@Timo> This video or group may contain content that is inappropriate for some users, as flagged by YouTube's user community. To view this video or group, please verify you are 18 or older by signing in or signing up.
<+Mikuru> yup
<@p0lar_bear> what the fuck was that
<+Mikuru> your life in 30 seconds
<@Timo> is that the banned xbox ad?
<+Mikuru> nope
<@p0lar_bear> some anime shit
<@p0lar_bear> really wierd anime shit
<@Timo> ehhh
<@p0lar_bear> like
* Timo is now known as ehhh
* ehhh is now known as Timo
<@p0lar_bear> "300 pound fat guy fucking the shit out of a scrawny little guy while saying "goosh goosh" repeatedly and killing him in the process" type weird
<@p0lar_bear> ahaha noice katamari image in your signature rotation btw
<@Timo> 07<@p0lar_bear> 01"300 pound fat guy fucking the shit out of a scrawny little guy while saying "goosh goosh" repeatedly and killing him in the process
<@Timo> wjat
<@Timo> what
<@p0lar_bear> that's what i said...................................A part of me died.

April 22nd, 2009, 05:59 AM
i d g i

April 22nd, 2009, 06:43 AM

April 22nd, 2009, 05:31 PM
My brother began to dictate in his best oratorical style, the one which has the tribes hanging on his words.
"In the beginning," he said, "exactly fifteen point two billion years ago, there was a big bang and the Universe--"
But I had stopped writing. "Fifteen billion years ago?" I said incredulously.
"Absolutely," he said. "I'm inspired."
"I don't question your inspiration," I said. (I had better not. He's three years younger than I am, but I don't try questioning his inspiration. Neither does anyone else or there's hell to pay.) "But are you going to tell the story of the Creation over a period of fifteen billion years?"
"I have to," said my brother. "That's how long it took. I have it all in here," he tapped his forehead, "and it's on the very highest authority."
By now I had put down my stylus. "Do you know the price of papyrus?" I said.
"What?" (He may be inspired but I frequently noticed that the inspiration didn't include such sordid matters as the price of papyrus.)
I said, "Suppose you describe one million years of events to each roll of papyrus. That means you'll have to fill fifteen thousand rolls. You'll have to talk long enough to fill them and you know that you begin to stammer after a while. I'll have to write enough to fill them and my fingers will fall off. And even if we can afford all that papyrus and you have the voice and I have the strength, who's going to copy it? We've got to have a guarantee of a hundred copies before we can publish and without that where will we get royalties from?"
My brother thought awhile. He said, "You think I ought to cut it down?"
"Way down," I said, "if you expect to reach the public."
"How about a hundred years?" he said.
"How about six days?" I said.
He said horrified, "You can't squeeze Creation into six days."
I said, "This is all the papyrus I have. What do you think?"
"Oh, well," he said, and began to dictate again, "In the beginning-- Does it have to be six days, Aaron?"
I said, firmly, "Six days, Moses."

April 23rd, 2009, 12:17 AM
1:38 PM - Spit Jockey: ps if you have a request for a personal skin for your favourite plane just pm me the details and i'll see what i can do~
1:38 PM - InnerGoat: put goatse on the large 4 engine POS with gunners all over it
1:38 PM - Spit Jockey: rofl
1:39 PM - Spit Jockey: ok i'll amend that offer, it has to be something i can do without vomiting
1:39 PM - InnerGoat: ok well
1:40 PM - InnerGoat: put "the modacity.net server" text all over it
1:40 PM - InnerGoat: big so you can read it
1:40 PM - Spit Jockey: LOL
1:40 PM - InnerGoat: it'll be crashing a alot so
oh, you.

April 23rd, 2009, 05:03 AM
And you reckon you could kill a man. :smug:

April 23rd, 2009, 05:05 AM
i've seen dead bodies before, mate, i'm fine with disembodied limbs and guts

just not some guy stretching his arse wide enough for a train to fit through

April 23rd, 2009, 11:37 AM
Anyone who passes through games workshops will get this.


The sad thing is, we actually have several kids like this at the shop I go to with Matt.

April 23rd, 2009, 12:16 PM

The sad thing is, we actually have several kids like this at the shop I go to with Matt.

Who else do you expect to be able to afford the fucking shit.

April 23rd, 2009, 07:36 PM
What are game workshops? Is it places like gamestop?

April 23rd, 2009, 08:14 PM
No, that's where you buy/build/paint stuff like WH40K, hence the whole 'Games Workshop' thing...

April 23rd, 2009, 08:15 PM
Pretty much.

They have redshirts, but instead of peddling over priced video games to mothers of 12 yr olds, while neglecting the more mature and long term fanbase, they do it with over priced plastic/metal models.


E: gedout ross, the workshop has nothing to do with that.

April 23rd, 2009, 08:19 PM
it does where i come from you filthy swamp-dwelling queenslander

April 23rd, 2009, 08:30 PM
It's from when the founders were making games out of a caravan, and producing shit to play it with using their carpentry skillz.

Also, since when do you play warhammer what army

April 23rd, 2009, 09:43 PM
it does where i come from you filthy swamp-dwelling queenslander

i just fucking DIED


April 23rd, 2009, 10:32 PM
If actions are stronger then words then why is the pen mighter then the sword?

April 23rd, 2009, 10:44 PM
It's from when the founders were making games out of a caravan, and producing shit to play it with using their carpentry skillz.

Also, since when do you play warhammer what army
I never really got the money to start one, but a few older friends donated a mashup of Eldar, Tyrannid, Orc and Space Marine infantry to me a few years back. A fair few are in fairly dodgy shape and the vast majority want repainting, but beyond that, WH was too expensive a hobby for a kid who never, ever got pocket money and who has never held a job.

At the moment they're all packed away somewhere with the rest of my stuff, so the closest I've ever been to playing was DoW :|

April 23rd, 2009, 11:00 PM
FFF you have a job and live in New Castle, go to the GW there.
It's p. cool I've been there a few times. Watch out for the fat redshirt though, he's a strange one.

April 23rd, 2009, 11:01 PM
I don't get paid until I'm back from training, they haven't told me when I'm going yet. Oh, and I moved at the end of last year. I'm back on the Central Coast again. Shame I ran out of money and had to move, I liked Newcastle :|

April 23rd, 2009, 11:10 PM
Shame you didn't tell me you were there when I was, I would have liked to have lol'd at you IRL. :saddowns:

April 23rd, 2009, 11:15 PM
Shame you didn't tell me you were there when I was, I would have liked to have lol'd at you IRL. :saddowns:
says the crimson chin, hailing from the township of damp sodden hole full of venomous snakes and dense scrub, qld

April 24th, 2009, 12:10 AM
Says the armchair general, hailing from nations far abroad and had to migrate across oceans to get to the cool country full of the aforementioned snakes and pro scrubz.

April 24th, 2009, 02:04 AM
wasn't my choice

anyway at least i don't live in queensland

April 24th, 2009, 05:51 AM
[03:49] Snaf: ok my nose is bleeding and i'm sneezing and my eyes are watering
[03:49] Snaf: goodnight
[03:49] Jason: stop doin' coke
[03:49] Snaf: no fuck you
[03:49] Snaf: :montana:.

April 25th, 2009, 08:32 PM
11:17 AM - kolobus: lmao im watchin a really cool bbc documentary on the world and they are talking about australia now and they were showin this kangaroo and he was just sittin there eating something and grabbing his balls
11:18 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: yeah that's about all they do
11:18 AM - kolobus: kangaroos are not very appropriate
11:18 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: aside from jumping on cars
11:18 AM - kolobus: theyre like the deer of australia then
11:18 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: p much
11:19 AM - kolobus: you wanna see a fuckin weird animal
11:19 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: k
11:19 AM - kolobus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLdQ3UhLoD4
11:19 AM - kolobus: this thing owns
11:20 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: what a name
11:20 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: the slow loris
11:20 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: that owns
11:20 AM - kolobus: lol yeah i like how someone saw these things and were like thats called a slow loris
11:21 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: holy shit i don't care if they piss all over that thing owns, i want one
11:21 AM - kolobus: i hate how thes ethings look
11:21 AM - kolobus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJnn-wMPU9w&feature=related
11:21 AM - kolobus: that thing is like someone breeded a kangaroo with a mouse
11:21 AM - kolobus: its so weird
11:21 AM - kolobus: its all head and legs
11:22 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: hahaha what the hell
11:22 AM - kolobus: also yeah slow lorises own
11:22 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: where's its body
11:22 AM - kolobus: i honestly dont know if it has one
11:22 AM - kolobus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnPKIc9lWiY
11:22 AM - kolobus: heres a non-pygmy one
11:22 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: the only mammal on earth with its limbs sprouting from its head
11:22 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: lol
11:22 AM - kolobus: god japanese people keep the weirdest shit as pets
11:23 AM - kolobus: i would tell that thing to get the fuck out of my house
11:23 AM - kolobus: its just so weird looking that its actually annoying
11:24 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: imagine if you're walking around the house and you see a bunch of them jumping around, lmao
11:24 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: normal mice are one thing but damn
11:24 AM - kolobus: those probably cost a fucking fortune to import from wherever they are from
11:24 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: "what the fuck my house is being invaded by mad scientists' pets"
11:24 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: the moon
11:24 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: .
11:24 AM - kolobus: japanese people are fuckin weird thats all
11:25 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: ahahah when they poke it
11:25 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: holy shit
11:26 AM - kolobus: i love this guys videos
11:26 AM - kolobus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o586pj3n9Js
11:26 AM - kolobus: hes got the cutest cat
11:26 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: i love cats
11:26 AM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: too bad i'm allergic
11:26 AM - kolobus: my family is
11:26 AM - kolobus: im not
11:26 AM - kolobus: but that means i still cant have a cat
whoever named the slow loris needs a medal

April 26th, 2009, 01:12 AM
#36848 (http://qdb.us/36848) (9718/12410)Razer: Shit..DS is coming..
TriSpear: how do you know?
Wicked_Sword: The annoying n00b f00?
Razer: He just signed onto AIM..
EnergyWave: yeah...the kid who sucks at being a sader..
Wicked_Sword: Shit shit shit
Razer: Hide!!
* Razer is now known as Razer[Away]
* DevilsGrace is now known as DevilsGrace[Out]
* Wicked_Sword is now known as WS[Away]
* TriSpear is now known as Tri[Gone]
* Hampton is now known as Hampton[bbl]
* EnergyWave is now known as EnergyWave[afk]
* _Godly_Strike_ is now known as GS[bbiab]
Razer[Away]: >.>
* DarkShadows has joined #Saders
DarkShadows: hey evry1
DarkShadows: n e 1 wanna play w/ me
DarkShadows: dam..no 1 here..
* DarkShadows has Quit(Quit: User Exited)
Razer[Away]: w00t!
WS[Away]: I kinda feel bad for him..Now...He just got ditched by an entire channel....

April 26th, 2009, 01:27 AM
That's just cold. But hilarious at the same time. :lol:

April 26th, 2009, 03:31 AM

Worded my post wrong :(

Oh and snaf, suck my fat hairy balls.Piss off. :)
doubt they've even dropped, so that would make it pretty tough :giggle:


(Not mine though)

April 26th, 2009, 03:53 AM
[01:52] Ollie: You know what's sad?
[01:52] Ollie: My first reaction to the Mexican Flu
[01:52] Ollie: "Madagascar closes its ports".

April 26th, 2009, 11:20 AM
Old quote from GBX- see sig -v

April 26th, 2009, 05:47 PM
Was zilla durnk or was he once a worst poster than me? :snafubar:

April 26th, 2009, 07:09 PM
Was zilla durnk or was he once a worst poster than me? :snafubar:
He was the worst

Edit: Poster

April 26th, 2009, 09:32 PM
Me: *opens up modacity Offtopic*
Me: yo dad whats the deal with this swine Flu that everyones been talking about? you know anything about it?
Dad: "yeah apparently it's a real pig if ya get it.
me: ...
Me: your terrible dad.

April 26th, 2009, 10:06 PM
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

April 26th, 2009, 10:07 PM
Me: *opens up modacity Offtopic*
Me: yo dad whats the deal with this swine Flu that everyones been talking about? you know anything about it?
Dad: "yeah apparently it's a real pig if ya get it.
me: ...
Me: your terrible dad.


I was sort of thinking the same when I heard SWINE flu.

April 26th, 2009, 10:08 PM
I don't get it.

April 26th, 2009, 10:14 PM
I don't get it.
has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

April 27th, 2009, 01:11 AM
[01:57] SnaFuBAR: hey buddy what's up
[01:58] p0lar_bear: not a lot
[01:58] SnaFuBAR: you got a minute? i need a bit of advice >_>
[01:58] p0lar_bear: you know i'm bad at that, but go ahead :v:
[01:59] SnaFuBAR: so here's the scenario...
[01:59] p0lar_bear: alright...
[02:00] SnaFuBAR: you know what? nevermind, i just realized how ridiculous i'm being
[02:00] SnaFuBAR: :downs:
[02:00] p0lar_bear: mmk
[02:00] SnaFuBAR: fuck it i'll ask anyways
[02:00] p0lar_bear: lmao

make up your mind :saddowns:

April 27th, 2009, 02:36 AM
more people fucking with your mind Poo bear :(


April 27th, 2009, 03:14 AM
I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?
'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.'
'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.'
'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.'
I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city, as well."

April 27th, 2009, 05:47 AM
I waited for a punch line. There wasn't one. How dare you play me like this, likely duplicate account of Robert Graham :(

April 27th, 2009, 07:58 AM
Likely? Heh.

Rob Oplawar
April 28th, 2009, 10:56 PM
[21:54] Padre™: Wanna touch dicks?
[21:54] m00kz: yes.
[21:54] DSalimander: yes
[21:54] Padre™: yes.
you guys are all gay.


[21:58] roboplawar: nowait, nevermind, it can't be done
[21:58] roboplawar: or... can it?
[21:58] roboplawar: maybe it can
[21:58] DSalimander: it cant
[21:58] m00kz: It can't.
[21:58] Padre™: it cant
you guys are all gay.

April 29th, 2009, 08:11 PM
[21:04:42] <Agent_Kurosawa> [20:53] <@NinjaLife> Hot Japanese chicks are fucking awesome
[21:04:44] <Agent_Kurosawa> TOO LATE

Who gets this?

Alwin Roth
April 29th, 2009, 08:31 PM
This is something you see alot in MMORPG (WOW, Perfect World, Runescape, etc.)

Private messages:

Person1: I am guying to eat your pussy inside out.
Person2: WTF?
Person1: SHit WP.

April 29th, 2009, 08:57 PM
Is this what modacity has come to? ;O

Rob Oplawar
April 30th, 2009, 12:59 AM
self quote ftw:

roboplawar (11:55:24 PM): How you uh, how you comin' on that game you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big bunch of levels there? Gotta, gotta nice litte story you're working on there? Your big game you've been working on for 3 years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protaganist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Huh? Gotta story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Huh? (voice getting higher pitched) Yea, talking about that 3 years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah? (voice returns to normal) No, no, you deserve some time off.
PharoaheZephyrus (11:56:43 PM): heh
PharoaheZephyrus (11:56:52 PM): actually i'm reviewing portfolios for new hires
roboplawar (11:58:09 PM): Oh I know it hurts now Snaf, but look at the bright side: you have some new material for that game you've been building. You know...the game you've been workin' on? You know the the one, uh, you've been workin on for three years? You know the game. Got somethin' new to design now. You know? Maybe a, maybe a main character gets into a combat situation and suffers a little swine flu? Somethin' like what... what you've just been through? Draw from real life experience? Little, little chemical warfare? You know? Work it into the story? Make the action a little more current? Little, uh, richer experience for the player? Make those later levels really keep the player guessing what's going to happen? Some twists and turns? A little epilogue? Everybody learns that the hero's journey isn't always a happy one? (Voice returns to normal.) Oh, I look forward to playing it.
PharoaheZephyrus (11:58:58 PM): hahhaha
PharoaheZephyrus (11:59:02 PM): yeah somethin like that

April 30th, 2009, 01:03 AM
I applaud your dedication to the original pacing and design of that joke :golfclap:

April 30th, 2009, 02:11 AM

April 30th, 2009, 08:24 AM
self quote ftw:
Only decent quote in here in ages. I should have named this thread "Post Your FUNNY quotes," because all i've been seeing is dick jokes and other unfunny garbage.

April 30th, 2009, 04:27 PM

April 30th, 2009, 08:40 PM
`Vincent Vega says:
if I was another lasagna I would fuck a lasagna
NATHAN says:
if i was a lasanga i would fuck u

April 30th, 2009, 09:31 PM
"Ah... shi, shit, Nanami drank from this earlier...." Urrgh, that sucks.... I had an indirect kiss with my little sister.... If Nanami were a little cuter, I might've been ablt to fap to this eroge-esque situation, but that personality of hers only made me go flaccid..."

May 1st, 2009, 09:49 PM
Me and my friend over Steam:

theplague897: what kinda gfx card do you have
DJ Hawtness: radeon something
DJ Hawtness: 1300
theplague897: want 2 free games?
DJ Hawtness: no
theplague897: D:
theplague897: hl2 deathmatch and lost coast
DJ Hawtness: I have them
DJ Hawtness: and dont like them
theplague897: oh
theplague897: deathmatch is awesome
DJ Hawtness: not
theplague897: is
DJ Hawtness: not
theplague897: is to
theplague897: o
DJ Hawtness: gay
DJ Hawtness: is too gay
theplague897: is too awesome
DJ Hawtness: to be straight
theplague897: and not gay
DJ Hawtness: for women
theplague897: D:
DJ Hawtness: so it's straight for men
DJ Hawtness: lol

May 2nd, 2009, 03:40 AM

May 2nd, 2009, 03:45 AM
fun playing L4D

snaf: vote and restart?
jean: snaf is scared.... loland....

snaf: should I die to restart? ** looks down elevator shaft**
jean: or you could try and get to the end

me: of course me and jean are dead
me: of course the black man lives...
me: Worst. Movie. Ever

May 2nd, 2009, 08:57 AM
what snaf plays l4d?


May 2nd, 2009, 11:01 AM
He was playing the demo, while we were the full... actually, idk about Jean

May 2nd, 2009, 11:44 AM
When Bodie gets drunk, the gloves come off.

12:22 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: 2 OF THE FUCKERS
12:22 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: WHAT THE FUCK
12:22 PM - p0lar_bear: hahaha
12:22 PM - p0lar_bear: at least they weren't roaches
12:22 PM - p0lar_bear: i'd catch them and make them my pets :3
12:22 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: mouse's are infinitely worse
12:23 PM - p0lar_bear: if I was around you'd prbably have a little mouse farm going on in an aquarium or some shit in your living room
12:23 PM - p0lar_bear: buy some habitrail cage systems and there'd be a network of tubes going all over your house :v:
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: no i dont hat them
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: as in EW MICE ICKY
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: no they're littel cunts to have in the house!
12:24 PM - p0lar_bear: yeah they shit and breed everywhere
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: LITTLE CUNTS
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: just sitting here
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: adn he ran accross my keyboard
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: 2 of the cunts
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: WHAT THE FUCK
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i was all
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: WTF
12:24 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: before i reacted
12:25 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: theni yelled and tried to hulk smash them in
12:25 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: but they're quick the littel fuckers
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: just heard one of the cunts in the bin in the kitchen
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: snuck up
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: ran in
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: and fucking fly kicked the fucking bin
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: Missed him and the fucker went under the stove
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: RAGE
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: it's fucking 2 30 in the morning
12:32 PM - p0lar_bear: you... jump-kicked a bin?
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: yes
12:32 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: yes i did
12:33 PM - p0lar_bear: duder, you really need to get someone to record this shit
12:33 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: FUCKING MICE
12:33 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: GRRRR
12:33 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: we have recycling bin, organic bin and garbage bin right
12:33 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: garbage once every 2 weeks
12:33 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: others weeklly
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: and they are larger bins
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: to force people to recycle
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: someone forgot to put out the OVERFLOWING red bin 2 weeks ago
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: FUCK
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: I HEAR HIM
12:34 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: HES IN MY FUCKIGN STEREO
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: clujshed him out
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: hes at my sub woofa
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: going in
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: wish me luck
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: hulk smash!
12:35 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fucjk missed hiom
12:36 PM - p0lar_bear: oh my god
12:36 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fuck
12:36 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: fuck
12:36 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: FUCCK
12:36 PM - p0lar_bear: please tell me there is someone video taping you destroying your house over this mouse :lol:
12:37 PM - p0lar_bear: HEY HEY DON'T YOU BE TALKING ABOUT MUKI LIKE THA- oh wait you mean the mouse
12:37 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i can fucking smell the little bastard
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: this is fuckign bullshit
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: HULK SMASH
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: my subwoffa reeks of mouse
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: NOT FUCKING HAPPY
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: BRB
12:38 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: raiding the lounge rom
12:39 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: wait
12:39 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i think i hear him in the kitchen again
12:39 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: brb
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: FUCK
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: dunno where he's gone
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i've turned every couch upside down
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: no luck
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: he's staying still
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i heard him slip behind my stero before
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: wait
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: what was that
12:42 PM - -=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: might of jsut been water

12:37 PM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: he's drunk by the way
12:37 PM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: heh
12:37 PM - p0lar_bear: ahaha
12:37 PM - p0lar_bear: bonus points
12:37 PM - Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: he told me he's 'had a few drinks', so he's probably got a blood alcohol content so high any vampire to suck his blood would pass out on the spot

May 2nd, 2009, 11:51 AM

i want this cunt if i have to wake up the house at 2 30.

i'll fuckign get him.


Wait. what was that. fuckign leaky pipes i swear.

May 2nd, 2009, 12:39 PM
The cunt had been avoiding me and had been using stealth tactics to get past me.
but this is the result of the on going search through the house
The bin is relatively intact here just after the fly kick.

A very annoyed zilla at 3 in the morning pissed off at a fruitless mouse hunt.

While i was uploading the pics i heard him again in the kitchen.
stalking that shit like tom clancy Rainbow 6? fuck that shit rainbow pants i stalked up to the bin and axe kicked that fucker, but he survived and hid.

while i continued the search a rather bewildered dane rubs his sys and wanders out tryign to understand while i'm stalking around the house quietly in rainbow pants while everything, chairs bins and desks are overturned.
i explain the mouse.

At that second a flicker of movement caught the corner of my left eye. with peripheral vision half blurred from a couple days of binge drinking i whirl around pizza boxes get destroyed in the battle but i manage to hulk smash the cunt with my fist before he got under the fridge.

fucking POW bitches!
i'm half covered in mouse blood at the moment.

the Bins after.

take note furfags. when it's 2 in the fucking morning DO NOT RUN ACCROSS MY KEYBOARD while i'm tlakign to p0lar or may god have mercy on your soul.
i know yes it's 2am but my computer is MY FUCKING COMPUTER

May 2nd, 2009, 12:44 PM
I think I see some brains on there Zilla. Nice work.

May 2nd, 2009, 12:45 PM
Wow. Fucking destroyed.

May 2nd, 2009, 12:49 PM
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: oh wow
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: he got destroyed
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: i've left the blood splatter on the wall as a constant reminder to would be fucking mouses runnign accross my fucking keyboard
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: you must've walloped him pretty bloody hard
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: lol
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: yes i did
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: man
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: intestines and shti hanging out everywhere
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: :S
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: his organs are pretty coloyrs
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: colours even
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: i usually let them go or set traps
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: i don't have it in me, i just can't whack a poor little mouse
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: :(
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: did i or did i no ssay i was gunna hulk smash the prick
Spit Jockey - Lest We Forget: you said it alright

May 2nd, 2009, 02:06 PM
[14:56:16] <quikk_1g> i wonder how long it'll take terrorists to gather the resources to construct an H-bomb
[14:56:23] <Bok> well
[14:56:24] <Bok> not long
[14:56:26] <quikk_1g> i somehow think they wouldn't hesitate to use it
[14:56:34] <Bok> I don't know if you know about this quikk_1g
[14:56:36] <Bok> but hydrogen
[14:56:39] <Bok> that shit is everywhere

May 2nd, 2009, 02:36 PM
Thats gross. My girlfriends dad set a rat trap and it killed a huge fucker.. blood spattered all over the walla nd flood. nasty shit. I fucking hat rats/mice

May 2nd, 2009, 02:50 PM
I have a Cat.

Problem solved.

May 2nd, 2009, 03:04 PM
My cats dont go after them.. They catch birds. I went to turn on my hose outside and there was this dead Blue jay with its head missing... I was like 'oh wow'

May 2nd, 2009, 03:22 PM
I poison anywhere they would come into my house. I also have two dogs and a very big cat :iia:

May 2nd, 2009, 04:23 PM
Zilla, it appears that you have crushed the mouse in such a way that it's colon was ejected through it's anus. Congratulations, on your accomplishment!