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July 14th, 2009, 11:57 AM
So even if you know fuck all, they just give it to you anyway out of sympathy?

Great! I'm sure we need more barely-qualified morons wrecking everyone else's shit because they got everything on a silver platter!

Holy shit.

When did you come back, and why didn't you tell anyone!?!?!?


July 14th, 2009, 12:01 PM
My internet was busy indulging its craving for phallic meat

July 14th, 2009, 04:13 PM
JeanLuc 761 (1:08:26 PM): haha

"Snafubar" (1:08:40 PM): did the word boobies not make you laugh?

JeanLuc 761 (1:08:46 PM): I was laughing the whole way

"Snafubar" (1:08:59 PM): lol

"Snafubar" (1:09:06 PM): cauze uh, i can keep going

"Snafubar" (1:09:08 PM): and going

"Snafubar" (1:09:08 PM): and going

JeanLuc 761 (1:09:09 PM): :|

JeanLuc 761 (1:09:12 PM): Don't push it

"Snafubar" (1:09:21 PM): i'm like the perverted energizer bunny

"Snafubar" (1:09:24 PM): there's no end

JeanLuc 761 (1:09:30 PM): ...

"Snafubar" (1:09:30 PM): ever

JeanLuc 761 (1:09:31 PM): Quotes thread

JeanLuc 761 (1:09:32 PM): brbOh Snaf :haw:

July 14th, 2009, 05:37 PM
From the Penny Arcade forums

http://forums.penny-arcade.com/clear.gifA guy is getting married, and he's auditioning musicians. After a long day of shitty lounge singers and amateurish string quartets a pianist comes to audition, and without saying a word sits down and plays this beautiful sonata.

The groom is impressed. He asks the pianist what's the name of that piece?

"We did it up the butt in the back of an Arby's."

mildly offended, but still impressed by the musician's virtuosity, the groom says "uhh... well, play me something else"

This time the pianist really outdoes himself. He builds a brilliant romantic crescendo in minor key. The groom is moved, and inquires the name of the second piece

"She said she wanted commitment, so I came in her face"

the groom, disgusted, but unable to end the audition, asks for one more piece.

The piano player really gives it his all this time. Movement, Dynamics, Emotion, he's got it all. Tears are streaming down the groom's face. He cannot speak.

The pianist stands up and says "That' one's called 'She tied me to the bed and then shit on my chest'. Do I have the job?"

The groom composes himself, and hesitantly says "Yeah, you're hired, but if you play at my wedding you cannot talk to anyone the entire night."

The pianist agrees. The wedding day arrives. The ceremony goes beautifully, and many fine guests compliment the groom's choice of this fine young musician.

Later, on his 15-minute break, the pianist approaches the groom.

"Listen man, I've been playing all night, everyone loves it. Especially that hot blonde bridesmaid. She's beautiful. You've gotta let me talk to her.

The groom is aghast. "Absolutely not. You can't talk to anyone."

"Alright then, but then you've gotta let me go in the bathroom and jerk off. I can't take it anymore."

The groom, disgusted, responds, "fine, go do whatever you have to, just don't talk to anyone."

So the pianist goes to jerk one out. His break is almost up by now, though, so he's a little sloppy in the cleanup. Manages to button the pants, but forgets to put his dick back and zip up.

On the way out the bathroom, the beautiful bridesmaid spots him and asks "Excuse me sir, do you know your dick's hanging out and there's cum dripping on your shoe?"

and he says....

Know it? I WROTE it!

July 14th, 2009, 05:39 PM

July 14th, 2009, 05:46 PM
srsly :saddowns:

English Mobster
July 14th, 2009, 05:49 PM

July 14th, 2009, 10:20 PM
unless it was a childhood friend ive known since i was three, the suicide of any of my friends wouldn't really affect me tbh

(i dont have any of those hth)
very very naive of you.

i've been down this road with the exact same road and it fucking broke me to bury a kid a year younger then me.
for no reason.

Theres no logic, it doesnt make sense especially if it catches you off guard.
hearing his mom screaming still haunts me to this day.
Be careful what you say because it has the potential to haunt you for many years to come.

July 15th, 2009, 12:45 AM
Rentafence5: SO
plasbianx1337: SO LIKE
plasbianx1337: I shaved my dick earlier
plasbianx1337: failed miserably doing it
plasbianx1337: i got cut marks all over it
plasbianx1337: and it hurts like fucking hell
Rentafence5: are
Rentafence5: really
Rentafence5: go on
plasbianx1337: seriously
plasbianx1337: im not bullshitting right now
plasbianx1337: i was using an electric razor
Rentafence5: uh huh
plasbianx1337: and i also cut my scrodum
plasbianx1337: it bled
Rentafence5: scrotum*
Rentafence5: So you butchered some meat basically
plasbianx1337: close enough
plasbianx1337: and yes, i guess you could say that
plasbianx1337: I am plasbianx. and i butchered my meat.

July 15th, 2009, 12:47 AM
now you have warrior scars where she can see it.

Chicks dig scars man

July 15th, 2009, 12:50 AM
unless it was a childhood friend ive known since i was three, the suicide of any of my friends wouldn't really affect me tbh

(i dont have any of those hth)
Don't say it until you've actually had it happen, like Bodie said it can really stuff with you. I handle death pretty well, but even I'm not immune to friends suddenly going (as I well found out recently).

July 16th, 2009, 02:18 AM
2:15 - brosef: hi have you seen my new ~sig~
2:15 - brosef: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Sigs/freeemmzee.png
2:16 - Nightlife: YOU R A TRU BRO
2:16 - Nightlife: TRU BRO 2 DA END
2:16 - brosef: WE RIDE 2GETHA
2:16 - brosef: WE DIE 2GETHA
2:16 - Nightlife: WE RIDE HIGH
2:16 - Nightlife: NO LIE
2:16 - Nightlife: YOU KNOW THIS
2:16 - Nightlife: BALLIN~
2:16 - brosef: BROS 4 LYFE

free emmzee t:maddowns:t

July 16th, 2009, 02:28 AM
Rentafence5: SO
plasbianx1337: SO LIKE
plasbianx1337: I shaved my dick earlier
plasbianx1337: failed miserably doing it
plasbianx1337: i got cut marks all over it
plasbianx1337: and it hurts like fucking hell
Rentafence5: are
Rentafence5: really
Rentafence5: go on
plasbianx1337: seriously
plasbianx1337: im not bullshitting right now
plasbianx1337: i was using an electric razor
Rentafence5: uh huh
plasbianx1337: and i also cut my scrodum
plasbianx1337: it bled
Rentafence5: scrotum*
Rentafence5: So you butchered some meat basically
plasbianx1337: close enough
plasbianx1337: and yes, i guess you could say that
plasbianx1337: I am plasbianx. and i butchered my meat.

It starting to scab over. Erections rip them open. It HURTSSSSSSSSSS. :smith:

July 16th, 2009, 02:31 AM
Search the internet for videos on how to shave your ballz correctly. :realsmug:

July 16th, 2009, 03:25 AM
Started by him calling me something on RuneScape, but it bleeps out cuss words

=Σ= ThePlague: what'd you call me?!
(MP)AddoExitium: cunt
=Σ= ThePlague: homo
(MP)AddoExitium: bitch
=Σ= ThePlague: bitch i'm wearing full mystic and a mind shield
(MP)AddoExitium: dont make me get on the lvl 102
=Σ= ThePlague: pssshhh
(MP)AddoExitium: want proof?
=Σ= ThePlague: nope
=Σ= ThePlague: i'm 44 beotch
(MP)AddoExitium: im lvl 53 on this acc, id pwn
(MP)AddoExitium: u
(MP)AddoExitium: sideways
=Σ= ThePlague: 45 magicz
(MP)AddoExitium: only pussies use magic
=Σ= ThePlague: no you
(MP)AddoExitium: no u
=Σ= ThePlague: magic powns
(MP)AddoExitium: pussy
(MP)AddoExitium: PUSSY
=Σ= ThePlague: you wish you could tele
=Σ= ThePlague: to cameltoe
=Σ= ThePlague: I mean camelot
(MP)AddoExitium: lmfao
(MP)AddoExitium: cameltoe can suck my dick
=Σ= ThePlague: mann creame
(MP)AddoExitium: random
(MP)AddoExitium: but ok

July 16th, 2009, 03:28 AM
Started by him calling me something on RuneScape, but it bleeps out cuss words

u douchenut lol

July 16th, 2009, 03:29 AM

July 16th, 2009, 03:34 AM

July 16th, 2009, 08:42 PM
Hey Emmzee's back!

July 16th, 2009, 08:54 PM
Hey Emmzee's back!
I...don't know what to say.

E: wow what's with me and making new pages

July 16th, 2009, 10:37 PM
[19:33] Banana: YOU CANT FUCK WITH ME
[19:33] Banana: IM A FUCKING BANANA
[19:34] * Spartan094 ohdear
[19:34] Orange: what now
[19:34] Orange: woops
[19:34] Banana: Dad?
[19:34] Orange: nope
[19:35] Orange: the water melon is your dad
[19:35] Orange: or the cake
[19:35] Orange: either one is good
[19:35] Banana: FUCK YOU
[19:35] Orange: :#
[19:35] Orange: banna phone?
[19:35] Banana: EVEN BETTER
[19:35] Orange: super banne?
[19:35] Orange: banner
[19:35] Orange: :d
[19:35] Orange: AIDS
[19:36] Banana: no u dumb fuck
[19:36] Banana: bananas cant get aids
[19:36] Banana: why are you talking to me?
[19:36] Banana: bananas dont talk.
[19:36] Banana: fucking weird man
[19:36] Banana: talking to a banana
[19:36] Banana: weirdo.
[19:36] Orange: D:

Me and spartan094 talking.
I'm banana.

July 16th, 2009, 10:41 PM
Orange: AIDS
Banana: no u dumb fuck
Banana: bananas cant get aids
Banana: why are you talking to me?
Banana: bananas dont talk.
Banana: fucking weird man
Banana: talking to a banana
Banana: weirdo.
Orange: D:

July 16th, 2009, 11:34 PM
I...don't know what to say.I'm pretty sure he's talking about Skill, who is not Emmzee. Everyone was joking that he was for a while, though.

July 17th, 2009, 02:36 AM
Agamemnon: iAtty (2:33:09 AM): i have to be up in 6 hours
iAtty (2:33:12 AM): to get a hair cut
iAtty (2:33:15 AM): then drive to my aunts/uncles
Agamemnon v1 (2:33:26 AM): You're getting fucked by the horse again?
iAtty (2:33:32 AM): oh die in a fire
iAtty (2:35:01 AM): uh
iAtty (2:35:06 AM): i haven't seen my cousins for 8 years
iAtty (2:35:08 AM): or my aunt and uncle
iAtty (2:35:20 AM): who are both incredibly succesful
iAtty (2:36:01 AM): i enjoy spending time with them
Agamemnon v1 (2:36:14 AM): Gang bang?
iAtty (2:36:25 AM): oh for fucks sake
iAtty (2:36:25 AM): shut uplol atty

July 17th, 2009, 10:03 AM
I'm pretty sure he's talking about Skill, who is not Emmzee. Everyone was joking that he was for a while, though.

July 17th, 2009, 12:38 PM
drhow: http://www.canada.com/news/Woman+celebrating+birthday+dinner+killed+falling+c oncrete/1798067/story.html
drhow: ouch
ej_olmos: at least the husband can press charges
ej_olmos: since they have concrete evidence
ej_olmos: http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-smugdog.gif

July 18th, 2009, 12:59 PM
[12:55] Spartan094: What would you do if half the worlds populatio
[12:55] Spartan094: became zombies
[12:55] Advancebo™: if u cant beat em
[12:55] Advancebo™: join em
[12:55] Advancebo™: :B
[12:56] Spartan094: :\
[12:56] Spartan094: I would rather keep my brain
[12:56] Advancebo™: but brains are good
[12:56] Advancebo™: D:
[12:56] Advancebo™: juicy
[12:56] Advancebo™: :B
[12:56] Spartan094: a good source of knowledge
[12:56] Spartan094: fuck your orange juice
[12:56] Spartan094: :#
[12:56] Advancebo™: who wants some brain juice
[12:56] Advancebo™: fresh squeezed
[12:56] Advancebo™: and fresh picked


July 18th, 2009, 11:03 PM
22:33:04 Advancebo: when a mommy and daddy love each other
22:33:05 ACoLOL~SeL: hahchchcha
22:33:06 Itszutak: :(
22:33:09 Advancebo: they adopt a baby
22:33:13 Bacon: haha
22:33:15 Itszutak: hah
22:33:18 Ms` Higuy: =(
22:33:19 sever lag: the daddy forgets to pull out
22:33:19 Ms` Higuy was killed by Yokan~ˆ
22:33:21 Advancebo was killed by InnerGoat
22:33:22 Ms` Higuy: no
22:33:24 sever lag: or the condom breaks

22:43:28 Bacon: /b *sel*
22:43:28 ** SERVER ** Banning ACoLOL~SeL
22:43:30 innerduCky: LOL
22:43:31 ACoLOL~SeL quit
22:43:32 Bacon: You and these damn short commands.
22:43:41 Bacon: Honestly, needs more "/ban", et al.
22:43:47 Advancebo was killed by Itszutak
22:43:47 Bacon: Like /teleport and /shortcut
22:43:48 Advancebo: wth
22:43:50 Advancebo: :V
22:43:50 jcap: it's funny when he gets a taste of his own server abuse.

July 19th, 2009, 12:47 AM
[00:18] rook i guess!: so tell me
[00:18] rook i guess!: what's the craziest thing you've done!?
[00:18] =Σ= ThePlague: buttsecks with sel
[00:19] rook i guess!: uhh
[00:19] =Σ= ThePlague: :C
[00:19] =Σ= ThePlague: dont worry though, I was catching
[00:20] rook i guess!: LOL

=Σ= ThePlague (church897): is it weird to have intercourse with yourself while your sleeping?
rook i guess! (rook1337): download that movie to see more!!
=Σ= ThePlague (church897): or is that just self rape
rook i guess! (rook1337): yh
=Σ= ThePlague (church897): because if I cloned myself, then raped myself, would balls touch?
=Σ= ThePlague (church897): since they're mine...
PopeAK49 (studmuffin49): what balls
=Σ= ThePlague (church897): BALLS OF STEEL
PopeAK49 (studmuffin49): lol

July 19th, 2009, 01:02 AM
I trole'd this kid. I knew him a long time ago and he re-added me. He is a douche so I decided to fuck with him.

Bold is my comment and explanation. Underlined is stuff I wanted to point out in the original convo.

〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: yes. or no?
Inferno.hsc: yea
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: so you are my buddy
Inferno.hsc: ?????
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ..><> no.. doesnt ring a bell?
Inferno.hsc: not really
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: did you make DMT air ..
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: hce map >.>
Inferno.hsc: yea
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ok so you are my old buddy
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: from XTB
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: or BxE i ferget witch lol
Inferno.hsc: >_>
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ?
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: why looking that way?
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: what. not happy to see me?
Inferno.hsc: <_<
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: lol im not a bi-polar emo mess anymore
Inferno.hsc: i beg to differ
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: im not im not\
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: (my statuse is cause im hot an sweaty
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: like really
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: my air conditioner is not working so well
Inferno.hsc: trole you say? this is quite the opurtunity )he didnt get that for some reason(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: and a cat wont leave me alone adn i cant open the window
Inferno.hsc: i have no idea who you are
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: really?
Inferno.hsc: well of course not
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: i mean.. we new eachother fer like half a year
Inferno.hsc: i didnt hate you )i really reallly did(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: yes u did
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: what kinda bs is that
Inferno.hsc: who the fuck are you
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: you didnt like me really.. come on .. fish? no.. dont remember me?
Inferno.hsc: idontknowwmpdismalleakwho you are )fucking leaked my map(
Inferno.hsc: sorry my spacebaris jammed )lies(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: its ok
Inferno.hsc: but srsywhareyofckyou
Inferno.hsc: damn spacebar
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: lol
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: you were in XTB right?
Inferno.hsc: no iveneveuracuntheard of that )that one was so obvious *facepalm*(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: really..
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: BxE ?
Inferno.hsc: wut?
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: one of those too..>.>
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: BxE beastes of..something..something..
Inferno.hsc: beasts of enchillion )i was in it(
Inferno.hsc: was never in it
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: really?
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: then how do you know it?
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: was private
Inferno.hsc: ive heard of it
Inferno.hsc: but was never in it
Inferno.hsc: i heard there was some douche in it named fishy or something )the fishy guy is him(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: i know you from one of those clans
Inferno.hsc: a guy was complaining about hi
Inferno.hsc: him
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: YES SEEE IM THAT DOUCHE .. go
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: god..
Inferno.hsc: orly
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: yeah
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: but i know you
Inferno.hsc: inconciveable )srsly that is such a obvious trole thing to say(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: and you knew me
Inferno.hsc: 48151562342 )coincidenec or fate?(
Inferno.hsc: i dont know who you are relaly
Inferno.hsc: you may have me confused with my twin )will he fall for it?(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: twin...
Inferno.hsc: we use the same username
Inferno.hsc: its stupid
Inferno.hsc: but funnyy
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: then that could be it >.> )face palm(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: whats his username ill go bug him then..
Inferno.hsc: i think its like
Inferno.hsc: soulpower89 )one of my IRL freinds usernames i did this because im a dick(
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: but the usernaem is wankzta .. thats the one i know
Inferno.hsc: thats mine
Inferno.hsc: my bros is soulpower89
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ok
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: then.. wtf..
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: how do.. why do my friends ferget me always..
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: you know killerj ?
Inferno.hsc: no
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: yeah figures
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: sigh..ssssiiiiigggghhhhhh
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: well. then ill remove ya... no point in trying fer no reason
Inferno.hsc: k cya later
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: well. if ya ever remember
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: hghghg203 is my username
Inferno.hsc: oh i remember you
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: right after removing you..wow.
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: think your timing could suck more?
Inferno.hsc: i was just trole'n
Inferno.hsc: really thoug
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ........-,- its not funny
Inferno.hsc: add my brother
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: y?
Inferno.hsc: because i have noidea who you are
Inferno.hsc: my brohter probbably does though
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: ..-,-
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: make yur fucking mind up!!
Inferno.hsc: alright
Inferno.hsc: cya later
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: no. its not your brother
〖ノヘ⺋〗Dミâ€*H: u ya dick >.>
Inferno.hsc: aha! but youll never catch me! *jumps out a window* )logs out(This kid is gullible. Really gullible. :ohdear:

July 19th, 2009, 02:18 AM
Double Post!

ShadowSpartan1 (1:15:31 AM): yea, my grandma

infernoxpyro (1:15:36 AM): haha

ShadowSpartan1 (1:15:51 AM): she said I was going to hell because I never go to church

infernoxpyro (1:16:05 AM): im aetheist i think

infernoxpyro (1:16:22 AM): don't really believe in god

ShadowSpartan1 (1:16:37 AM): you should believe in the covenant's religion

infernoxpyro (1:16:51 AM): onward to the great journy my freinds

ShadowSpartan1 (1:16:59 AM): hell yea

ShadowSpartan1 (1:17:12 AM): blow the whole god damn universe up, doesn't that sound like fun?

infernoxpyro (1:17:18 AM): yep

infernoxpyro (1:17:34 AM): and all because we misunderstood aceint techonology

infernoxpyro (1:17:42 AM): we should get better translaters

ShadowSpartan1 (1:17:46 AM): haha

English Mobster
July 19th, 2009, 04:56 PM
[13:53] English Mobster: meh, she's still one of my best friends
[13:53] English Mobster: she looks poor
[13:53] English Mobster: lost both her parents in a house fire
[13:53] English Mobster: etc
[13:53] Heathen: olol.

July 19th, 2009, 05:27 PM


July 19th, 2009, 08:43 PM

where's the love

Rob Oplawar
July 19th, 2009, 10:15 PM
meaningless banter:

(08:09:34 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: All your private messages are now public messages
(08:09:37 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: How do you feal?
(08:09:55 PM) roboplawar: even more exposed than the chick in the picture
(08:09:59 PM) roboplawar: i can't help but wonder
(08:10:19 PM) roboplawar: is that some random photo pulled off the web, or is that literally addressed at me?
(08:10:29 PM) roboplawar: somehow I don't suspect it's the latter...
(08:10:37 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: I hope it's the latter.
(08:10:42 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: Maybe she'll come for me next =D
(08:10:57 PM) roboplawar: we all know you'd turn her down anyway
(08:11:01 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: wut
(08:11:04 PM) roboplawar: you're still holding out for what's-her-face
(08:11:10 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: bite me
(08:11:15 PM) roboplawar: :D
(08:11:24 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: byte me :gnu:
(08:11:38 PM) roboplawar: :U
(08:11:47 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: :smugsome:
(08:11:50 PM) roboplawar: :V
(08:11:54 PM) roboplawar: *nom*
(08:11:58 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: :nom:
(08:12:05 PM) kevin.lange@oasis-games.com: Cogito, ergo nom.
(08:12:12 PM) roboplawar: brilliant
(08:12:23 PM) roboplawar: oh that reminds me, I was going to post in the quotes thread

I was gonna post this:
Just now when I was driving home from the theater with my parents and little brother, some jackass kept weaving in and out of our lane, cutting us off repeatedly, so my mom said "What state is that guy from, 'stupid'?" :lmao:
Really, she's usually much more witty than that.

English Mobster
July 19th, 2009, 10:17 PM

where's the love

July 19th, 2009, 10:17 PM
meaningless banter:
I shall repeat my previous statement.

Byte me :gnu:

July 20th, 2009, 02:02 AM

where's the love
This is a truly great post.

July 21st, 2009, 02:46 AM
=Σ= ThePlague: I just got white stuff all over my shorts and my shirt
=Σ= ThePlague: :(
Brandin917: ewwwwwwww
Brandin917: ...
Brandin917: cum
=Σ= ThePlague: french onion dip...
Brandin917: cum flavored french onion dip
Brandin917: ew
=Σ= ThePlague: its fucking delicions
=Σ= ThePlague: delicious
=Σ= ThePlague: I licked it all up
=Σ= ThePlague: IT ALL
Brandin917: n rubbd it all ovr ur mangina
Brandin917: lol
=Σ= ThePlague: no
=Σ= ThePlague: my camel toe
Brandin917: ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Damn you french onion dip!

July 21st, 2009, 02:55 AM
=Σ= ThePlague: watcha up to 'sides trolen
PopeAK49(PyramidHead): =/ im not trolin
PopeAK49(PyramidHead): lol
PopeAK49(PyramidHead): but nothing really just waiting for something to go down
=Σ= ThePlague: ...
=Σ= ThePlague: stop playing with it then

July 21st, 2009, 03:27 AM
You know, being a part of a Chaos Campaign isn't just one great big conga line of decadence and killing like they probably tell you in the cults. There's lots of long moments where you're sitting in some shattered ruin waiting for the sorcerers to finish divining the next place to move. During these times I try to find whatever books I can and just read a bit, I help it takes my mind off the sounds of the Slaanesh worshippers playing 'Piggy In The Middle' with someone they've caught (in the middle of *what* I won't say). Sometimes you just get propaganda, but occasionally you find something someone has hidden away from all eyes. Heretical stuff.

I found this one book in the city of Majoris Prime, bound in black leather with a big funny looking cross on it. It was full of verses and stories about a single God who did a lot of crazy shit to his followers, then had a son and killed him. It was like reading about Tzeentch without the tentacles.

That was about the time Khârn found me, apparently bored with beating the Slaanesh worshippers with their piggy. He asked me what I was reading, and unable to quite explain it I passed the book to him. The berserker flicked through the first few pages idly, then as though captivated kept flicking through rapidly, head turning as he ran down the pages at lightning speeds as though possessed... I waited for him to say something, but for the longest time he just seemed entranced.

At last he looked up, staring not at me but into the distance as if struck by a revelation. I was scared, more than usual.

"I..." he started, "I have completely forgotten how to read."

Then he dared me to eat the book. A great time was had by all.

July 21st, 2009, 03:45 AM
fucking lol

July 21st, 2009, 07:44 PM
(07:42:36 PM) Kevin Lange: durp
(07:42:40 PM) Rob Oplawar: hurf
That is all.

July 22nd, 2009, 01:37 AM


July 22nd, 2009, 01:44 AM

Man it just gets better.

Go to this post.
I posted something with the name WaRReN.

I am the shittiest alt ever.

July 22nd, 2009, 04:01 PM
I once went on a date with a girl to a Mexican restaurant. We both ordered the Fajitas. The waiter brought our food, and as he set down the plates burned his hand on one of them. He then said:
Be careful, they're hot
To which I replied:
Well, we know that one is hot, but I'm not too sure about the other one
At this point the waiter went on to re-assure me that they were both very hot and that I should be careful, but I just proceeded to say that while we knew about one, but not the other. At this point a look of confusion overtook the waiters face, and it suddenly seened as if he believed me...because he reached out with his other hand and touched the other plate...burning his hand..

E: Thread title is now in keeping with the usual theme :iamafag:

July 22nd, 2009, 04:44 PM
[13:41] ICEE: i almost want to get in an arguement with chains again
[13:41] ICEE: because he just keeps typing
[13:41] ICEE: like i do, but when hes mad its like he doesnt even lookup
[13:41] ICEE: and i have a new strategy for dealing with people who do that
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: everyone just keeps typing
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: its like
[13:42] ICEE: and thats to just keep typing shhhh
[13:42] ICEE: shhhhh
[13:42] ICEE: Shhhhhh
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: they tell me about their lives
[13:42] ICEE: Shhhhhhhhh
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: their cars
[13:42] ICEE: Shhhhhhhhhh
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: show me pictures of cousins
[13:42] ICEE: shhhhhh
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: oh i get it
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: youre a prick
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: lol
[13:42] ICEE: rofl
[13:42] ICEE: <3
[13:42] =Σ= Noel: </3

no offense meant to you chainsy your just the first person i could think of who does that

English Mobster
July 22nd, 2009, 10:55 PM
E: SHIT I WAS MODELING. Thanks a LOT for changing the thread title. :maddowns:

July 23rd, 2009, 09:04 PM
After leaving, and coming back, I find my AIM to have logged me out. I log back in, apologize, and ask Llama what he was typing while I was gone. This is what he copy/pasted:

HCE you can too, but it fucks collision
you can use scenery
yeah, I noticed
z buffered errors
brb- keep typing
siliconmaster482 has gone offline.


July 23rd, 2009, 10:57 PM
[22:53] DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
[22:53] DSalimander: and you dont
[22:53] DSalimander: l o l
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: i have a girlfriend who i kiss and coddle with
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: and you dont
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: l o l
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dontDSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dontDSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] <This user has sent too many messages in a short amount of time>

July 24th, 2009, 12:35 AM
[21:08] <The_Slayer> Everyone can play odst at pax.
[21:08] <The_Slayer> I checked.
[21:08] <The_Slayer> you just gotta wait in a bitch line.
[21:12] <truth> lol
[21:12] <truth> n
[21:12] <truth> adn even if you can
[21:12] <truth> you wont
[21:12] <truth> :>
[21:12] <truth> EVERYONE wants to play halo 3 odst
[21:12] <truth> so
[21:12] <truth> f
[21:12] <truth> :>
[21:12] <truth> imagine that
[21:12] <truth> 7k+ people
[21:12] <truth> using the same xbox controller
[21:12] <truth> i can see why you want to do this.

July 24th, 2009, 01:13 AM
hey lobo youre going to like this one:

[01:10] =Σ= Noel: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v383/cards175/loboaf3.png
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: yeah
[01:10] =Σ= Arby: ?
[01:10] =Σ= Arby: whats that
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: i made you load your internet program
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: just for that
[01:10] =Σ= Arby: uhm
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: ha
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: ha
[01:10] =Σ= Arby: you didnt
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: fuck you
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: let me have my moment
[01:10] =Σ= Noel: :C
[01:10] =Σ= Arby: i was using fire fox atm
[01:11] =Σ= Arby: so it just oppened a new tab
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: FFFF
[01:11] =Σ= Arby: and not a window
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: WELL I OPENED A TAB
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: TAKE THAT
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: BIZNITCH
[01:11] =Σ= Arby: but i closed it
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: WHAT NOW
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: WHAT?
[01:11] =Σ= Arby: i got 3 GBs
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: fucking a
[01:11] =Σ= Arby: lol
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: i still wasted 1.7 kb of it
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: so ha
[01:11] =Σ= Noel: suck it down

July 24th, 2009, 01:22 AM
{CI} F50 NOS: They don't want to learn anything.
Mikuru: Sounds like Americans alright ^__^
Mikuru: lazy fuckers
{CI} F50 NOS: Ungreatful sons of bitches.
{CI} F50 NOS: That includes you.

July 24th, 2009, 07:59 PM
Joshflighter³: I can shut my aimbot when taking a ss too

You heard it here folks. Fear1337 bots.

July 24th, 2009, 08:01 PM
Hey, no fair. I said I dont play halo. >:|

Joshflighter³: I dont play halo

Who ever thinks I bot.. is retarded. I can barely have a positive k/d ration in halo ce. :\

English Mobster
July 24th, 2009, 08:26 PM
I have a negative k/d ratio in pretty much any FPS. :downs:

July 24th, 2009, 08:34 PM
[22:53] DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
[22:53] DSalimander: and you dont
[22:53] DSalimander: l o l
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: i have a girlfriend who i kiss and coddle with
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: and you dont
[22:53] =Σ= Noel: l o l
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dontDSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] DSalimander: DSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dontDSalimander: i have spv2 and mpg3
DSalimander: and you dont
[22:54] <This user has sent too many messages in a short amount of time>
I bet most of the people don't know what mpg3 is. Who's hungry :iamafag:.

July 24th, 2009, 09:37 PM

i just knew snaf was white!
no black man could ever reach moderator status!

July 26th, 2009, 03:16 AM
[OCN] Monkey92: hi veggie
Veggiepuff: its ultama
Veggiepuff: lol
[OCN] Monkey92: yeah i know
Veggiepuff: i'm not just a veggie
[OCN] Monkey92: vegetable?
Veggiepuff: i'm a veggiepuff!
Legionnaire45 has been invited to chat.
Veggiepuff: (C)
[OCN] Monkey92: damn
[OCN] Monkey92: i was gonna use that as my name?
Veggiepuff: :(
Professor V. Agina has changed their name to Veggiepuff.
[OCN] Monkey92: and then you copyrighted it
Veggiepuff (2): SHIT
[OCN] Monkey92: right there
Veggiepuff (2): ILL BE SUED
[OCN] Monkey92: OH
Veggiepuff (2): NOOO
[OCN] Monkey92: SNAP
Veggiepuff: oh oogd
Veggiepuff (2): PLZ DONT SUE
Veggiepuff has changed their name to SexyTime.
Legionnaire45 has been invited to chat.
Veggiepuff (2): haha
Veggiepuff (2): hey
Vagiceps has changed their name to Veggietime.
Veggiepuff has changed their name to Veggietime.
Veggiepuff: what?!?!
Veggietime: :pwn:
Veggiepuff: im the orriginal
AIDS has changed their name to Veggiepuff.
Veggiepuff (1): hi
Veggiepuff (2): orrrrrrrrriginal
Veggietime: hey gayz
SexyTime has changed their name to VEGGIEPUFF.
Veggiepuff has changed their name to Veggiemonkey.
VEGGIEPUFF (3): (I'm like SHIKI)
Veggiemonkey: hai
Veggiepuff has changed their name to Veggietime.
Veggietime (2): vOv
Veggietime: oh god when legion enters chat he won't know who's who
Veggiemonkey: Veggietime (1): oh god when legion enters chat he won't know who's who
Veggiepuff has changed their name to VeggieTime.
VEGGIEPUFF: everyone become Veggiepuff
VeggieTime: better
Veggiemonkey: do it
VEGGIEPUFF: and cum all over me
Veggiemonkey has changed their name to Veggipuff.
VEGGIEPUFF has changed their name to Veggietime.
VeggieTime: i c
VeggieTime: what u did
Veggietime (3): or Veggietime
Veggipuff: NO
VeggieTime: we now need to mix up our avatars
Veggipuff has changed their name to Veggitime.
VeggieTime: :3
Veggietime (3): lol
Veggietime (3): okay
Veggietime (3): hurry
Veggietime (3): WAIT
Veggitime has changed their name to Veggietime.
VeggieTime: http://tinypic.com/
VeggieTime: upload here
Veggietime (4): ok
Veggietime (4): upload it
Veggietime (4): ill upload it
VeggieTime: k
VeggieTime: http://i30.tinypic.com/2rpvbea.png
Veggietime (3): oh, okay
Veggietime (4): thttp://i32.tinypic.com/jz867b.jpg
Veggietime (4): thats mah ava
Veggietime (3): AIDS Avatar
VeggieTime: this is going to be amazing
Veggietime (3): his is a crying bear!
Veggietime (3): jebus
VeggieTime: LOL
Veggietime (4): OH HAI
Veggietime (3): ROFL
Veggietime (2): nice
Veggietime (4): this is awesome
Veggietime (2): woot
Veggiepuff has changed their name to Veggietime.
Veggietime (3): What if Legion... never comes back?
Veggietime: oh god
Veggietime: i'll invite legion
Veggietime (2): this is horrible
Veggietime (4): PARISH THE THOUGHT
Veggietime (3): IM SORRY MASSA
Veggietime (2): jesus >.<
Veggietime (4): so confusin
Veggietime (3): We all say, 'hi'
Veggietime (3): when he comes
Veggietime (4): 3 OF EM
Veggietime (4): IM THE ORIGINAL
Veggietime (3): Hey wait...
Veggietime (3): NO I AM
[clan clan] Selentic has been invited to chat.
Veggietime (3): I AM THE ONE
A Cabbage or Something [reddit] has been invited to chat.
Veggietime: NO ME
Veggietime (2): NO ME
Veggietime disconnected.
Veggietime: NO
Veggietime (3): wat
Veggietime (3): WHICH ONE WAS THAT
Veggietime (3): SHIT
Veggietime entered chat.
Veggietime left chat.
Veggietime: wat
Veggietime has been invited to chat.
Veggietime entered chat.
Veggietime (3): I think thats AIDS
A Cabbage or Something [reddit] entered chat.
Veggietime (4): interwebs went bonkers
Veggietime (2): vOv
Veggietime: sup exam
Veggietime (3): hi
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: whothewhatthe
Veggietime (4): hai
Veggietime: sup
Veggietime (3): soupe
Veggietime (4): soup is yummy
Veggietime: so
Veggietime: how you doin?
Veggietime (4): in my tummy
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: what is this alchemy
Veggietime (3): i casted a spell
Veggietime (4): MAGIC
Veggietime (4): stfu that was me
Veggietime: we are the ones
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: i'm getting the fuck out of here D:
Veggietime (3): lol
Veggietime: YOU ARE BOUND
Veggietime (3): YOU CANT DO IT
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: WRONG
A Cabbage or Something [reddit] left chat.
Veggietime (4): WE WILL FOLLOW YOU
Veggietime (3): BY BODY
Veggietime: rofl
Veggietime (3): ultama
Veggietime (4): win
Veggietime (3): Make a chatroom with him
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby! has been invited to chat.
Veggietime (4): yes?
Veggietime (3): and quickly invite us all
Veggietime (2): hmmm
Veggietime: wait one sec
Veggietime (3): No, not you ultama
Veggietime: i'm getting more victims
Veggietime (3): ultama ultama
Veggietime (3): lol
Veggietime (4): me ultama?
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby! entered chat.
Veggietime (3): no
Veggietime (4): ill invite sel
Veggietime: sup zilla
Veggietime (3): hi
Veggietime (3): Zilla
Veggietime (4): hey zilla
Veggietime (2): sup zilla
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: WUT IS DIS
Veggietime (4): WAZZUP
Veggietime: how you doin man?
Veggietime (3): JEZUS
Veggietime (4): lots man
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: modfagity poadcast
Veggietime (2): :D
Veggietime (4): D:
Veggietime (3): :D
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby!: bi
Veggietime: i bet your confused about this orgy
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby! left chat.
Veggietime: oh godf
Veggietime (3): ROFL
Conscars entered chat.
Veggietime (4): ORGY
Veggietime (2): sup con
Veggietime (3): HI
Veggietime: sup con
Veggietime (3): ORGASMS
Conscars: whoa
Veggietime (3): EVERYWHERE
Veggietime (4): MANY
Veggietime (2): :D
Veggietime (3): TOO MUCH
Conscars: i dont like this
Veggietime: how you doin man?
Veggietime (4): ITS GREEN
Veggietime (3): You love it
Veggietime (2): love it man
Veggietime (3): ITS SOOOO GREEN
Veggietime (2): <3
Veggietime (3): <3
Conscars: i cant take it all
Veggietime (4): IM DROWNIN
Veggietime: i'm the real veggietime
Veggietime: btw
Veggietime (2): NOOOOO
Veggietime (4): IN ALL OF IT
Veggietime (3): Take all the greemen
Veggietime (2): i'm the real ultama
Veggietime (3): GREEN SEMEN (GREEMEN)
Veggietime (3): heh
Veggietime (2): srsly
Veggietime (4): glady
Veggietime (4): asd;lfh
Veggietime: i'm the real llama
Veggietime (3): I'm the real veggietime
Veggietime (3): so fuck all of you.
Conscars: :(
Veggietime (2): vOv
Veggietime: :)
Veggietime (3): I'm the most powerful.
Conscars: yawn
Veggietime (4): im the real aids
Veggietime (3): I'm 3 veggies in one.
Veggietime: no you aren't
Veggietime (3): yeah
Veggietime (3): yeah
Veggietime (3): YEAH
Veggietime: i'm like
Veggietime (2): i'm the real veggie
Veggietime (4): and sanchez and llama
Veggietime: a double veggie
Veggietime (2): srsly
Veggietime (4): master
Conscars: ok enjoy ur veggie orgy
Veggietime (4): Veggietime (1): a double veggie
Veggietime (4): tight fit
Veggietime (3): rofl
Veggietime (2): will do
Conscars left chat.
Veggietime: oh god
Veggietime (3): double venetration?
Veggietime (4): yes
Veggietime (3): Penetration.
Veggietime (3): But Veggie
Veggietime (3): FUCK YEAH
Veggietime (4): basically
Rook (RAGE) has been invited to chat.
Veggietime (4): inorite
Rook (RAGE) entered chat.
Veggietime (3): UP HIGH VEGGIE-BROS'
Veggietime (4): RAGE
Veggietime: hey rook
Veggietime: sup man
Veggietime (4): DOWN LOW
Veggietime (4): STAY DOWN THER
Veggietime (3): Hey Innergoatse!?
Veggietime (4): THERE*
Veggietime (3): WAIT
Veggietime (2): fuck you CN
Veggietime: its Rook guys
Veggietime (3): OH SHIT WERE ALL DID
Rook (RAGE): What the fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Veggietime (3): DEAD
Veggietime: we all know rook
Legionnaire45 entered chat.
Veggietime (3): OH SHIT
Veggietime: sup legion
Veggietime (4): oh hey legion
Veggietime (3): WERE ALL DEAD
Veggietime (3): hi
Veggietime (2): sup
Veggietime (4): wb
Veggietime: bre
Veggietime (4): im the original btw
Veggietime (4): so you dont get confused
Veggietime (2): no me
Veggietime (3): anything happen while you were gone?
Veggietime (4): no me
Veggietime (3): waitno
Veggietime (4): ME
Legionnaire45: for some reason, regardless of resolution and settings, L4D plays at 10 to 15FPS.
Veggietime (3): no me
Veggietime (2): no, ME
[clan clan] Selentic entered chat.
Legionnaire45: :<
Veggietime (3): hi
Veggietime: sup man
Rook (RAGE): um
Veggietime (4): hey sel
Veggietime (2): hi
Veggietime (2): sup
Legionnaire45: hai2u
[clan clan] Selentic: the fuck
Veggietime (3): This is quite the party isn't it?
Veggietime (4): VEGGIE DANCE
Veggietime: we're having quite an orgy
Veggietime (2): ORGY TIME
Veggietime (2): TWINCEST
Veggietime (3): OH YEAHS
Veggietime: you mean mine
Veggietime (3): OH YEAH
[clan clan] Selentic: Veggietime 1 is ultama
Veggietime (3): IM A VEGGIE
[clan clan] Selentic: veggietime 2 is llama
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: e
Veggietime: jf
Veggietime: le
Veggietime: ';fe
Veggietime: 'f
Veggietime: e
Veggietime: hgf
Veggietime: \tjhnyhg
Veggietime: j
Veggietime: hgkj
Veggietime: hk
Veggietime: y
Veggietime: ht
Veggietime: yuj
Veggietime: yhj
Veggietime (3): no
Veggietime: t
Veggietime: jyh
Veggietime: j
Veggietime: rth
Veggietime: ytgh
Veggietime: yt
Veggietime: jkyt
Veggietime: k
Veggietime: yth,
Veggietime: kj
Veggietime: ,j
Veggietime: nm
Veggietime: ghk
Veggietime: gf
Veggietime: ujty
Veggietime: LIES
Veggietime (2): I am me
Veggietime (4): a

[clan clan] Selentic: No idea who 4 is
Veggietime (4): WAT
Veggietime (2): you are me
Veggietime (3): We are all equal veggies
Veggietime: I AM VEGGIE
Rook (RAGE): veggeitime 3 is obama
Veggietime (2): I am everybody
[clan clan] Selentic: and 3 is sexytime
Veggietime (2): no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime (4): all veggies under one veggie
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime: no
Veggietime (4): 2 is aids
Veggietime (2): get it right vOv
Veggietime (4): and also me, since i am aids
Veggietime (4): and monkey
Veggietime (3): wtf
Veggietime (4): AT THE SAME TIME
Veggietime (3): I'm not a number
Veggietime (2): no me
Veggietime (3): faggots
[clan clan] Selentic: 1)Ultama
Veggietime (3): GOSH
Veggietime: f;ljkej[
Veggietime: rfe
Veggietime: gf
Veggietime: ejh
Veggietime: r
Veggietime: jth
Veggietime: jer
Veggietime: hj
[clan clan] Selentic: 2)AIDS
Veggietime (3): apoisjhkvdbkml;'
Veggietime (3): a;s'lkdjkl;sald;
Veggietime (3): a's;dlm';
Veggietime (3): aS?D
Veggietime (3): aS.d
Veggietime (3): asd
Veggietime (3): a
Veggietime (3): sd
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): sa
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): sd
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (2): STOP, DO NOT TROLE
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): sd
[clan clan] Selentic: 3)Sexytime
Veggietime (3): as
Veggietime (3): a
Veggietime (4): a

Veggietime (3): d
Veggietime (2): TROLE
Veggietime (4): a

Veggietime (2): TROLE
Veggietime (3): THANK YOU MONEKY, I MEAN
Veggietime (4): stop it aids
Veggietime (2): TROLE
Veggietime (3): ...
Veggietime (4): srsly
Veggietime (3): FUCK
Veggietime (2): TROLE
Veggietime (4): i mean
Veggietime (4): gah
Veggietime (2): TROLES
Veggietime: ergh
[clan clan] Selentic: trolls
Veggietime (2): TROLES
Veggietime (2): TROLES
[clan clan] Selentic left chat.
Veggietime (2): TROLES
Veggietime (3): fukken drolse
Veggietime (4): oh hey veggi
Rook (RAGE): ok
Veggietime: oh god this is amazing
Zeit Paradox has been invited to chat.
Veggietime: one sec
Veggietime (4): guys i got idea
Zeph entered chat.
Veggietime: HEY SUP
Veggietime (2): oh hey
Veggietime (3): sup man
Veggietime (4): http://i29.tinypic.com/3483nl0.jpg
Veggietime (4): legions
Veggietime (3): hows it been
Veggietime (4): go
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NO
Veggietime (2): NTROLE
Veggietime (2): TROLES IN HERE
Veggietime: ???
Rook (RAGE): sexy mug you got there
Veggietime (2): thanx brayh
Veggietime (2): brah
Legionnaire45 (2): hey guys
Veggietime: oh god yes
Legionnaire45 (2): im the real legion
Veggietime: gimme the avatar
Legionnaire45 (2): http://i29.tinypic.com/3483nl0.jpg
Zeph: but who is the real Veggietime?
Veggietime: ME
Veggietime: I AM
Veggietime (3): stfu Monkey
Veggietime (3): Also, youo may be the most poweful Veggie...
Legionnaire45 (2): no sexy
Legionnaire45 (2): dont be mean
Veggietime (3): I meant
Veggietime (3): fuck
Veggietime (3): ajsbhd,m'
Veggietime (3): ,
Legionnaire45 (2): i am the most powerful
Veggietime (3): I fucked up what I was gonan say
Legionnaire45 (2): srsly man
Veggiepuff has changed their name to Legionnaire45.
Veggietime has changed their name to Legionnaire45.
Rook (RAGE): yeah look at you
Legionnaire45 (2): ultama change your ava
Legionnaire45 (2): http://i29.tinypic.com/3483nl0.jpg
Legionnaire45: sorry about the haze
Legionnaire45: i'm the real legion
Legionnaire45: and i hate l4d
Legionnaire45 (2): no
Legionnaire45 (2): i am
Legionnaire45 (2): and l4d is win
Veggietime has changed their name to Legionnaire45.
Legionnaire45: fuck you kid
Veggietime has changed their name to Legionnaire45.
Legionnaire45 (4): what the fuck
Legionnaire45 (2): yaya
Legionnaire45: you're just a kid
Legionnaire45 (5): sup
Legionnaire45 (4): so many kittie
Legionnaire45 (4): s
Legionnaire45 (2): this should be fun
Legionnaire45 (2): kitties ftw
Legionnaire45 (4): mew
Legionnaire45 (4): I'm the real Legion
Legionnaire45 disconnected.
Legionnaire45 (4): see
Legionnaire45 (2): pew pew power
Legionnaire45 (4): I mew
Legionnaire45: well there's a hell of a lot of legions
Legionnaire45 (4): mew
Legionnaire45 (4): meow
Legionnaire45: oh no
Legionnaire45 (4): mew
Legionnaire45: we losta legion
Legionnaire45 (4): mew
Legionnaire45: D:
Legionnaire45 (4): LEGION DOWN
Legionnaire45 (4): LEGION DOWN
Legionnaire45: PREPARE BACKUP
Legionnaire45 (2): ill reinvite my alter ego aids again
2- D entered chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): hold on
Legionnaire45 (4): sup man
Legionnaire45: sup
Legionnaire45 (2): steam screwd u
Legionnaire45 entered chat.
2- D: lol what
Legionnaire45: so
Legionnaire45 (5): :D
Legionnaire45 (2): hai 2-d
Legionnaire45 (4): hows it hangin'
Legionnaire45 (2): LOWER
Legionnaire45 (5): not much
Legionnaire45 (2): YAY
Legionnaire45: i hate l4d so i'm really legion
2- D: steam scewed me?
Legionnaire45 (4): Naw,
Legionnaire45 (2): it did eh?
Legionnaire45 (4): You just took too much crack
Legionnaire45 (2): pics
Legionnaire45 (5): I AM LEGION
Legionnaire45 (4): wayyyy too much
2- D left chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): DUDE NO WAY
Legionnaire45: :(
Legionnaire45 (4): rofl
Legionnaire45 (2): snap
OmegaDragon has been invited to chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): my roflcopter goes soi soi soi soi
Legionnaire45: oh my god
Legionnaire45: a monster
Legionnaire45: we've
Legionnaire45 (4): we voice chattin'?
Legionnaire45: created one...
Legionnaire45 (2): hell ya
pharoahezephyrus has been invited to chat.
OmegaDragon entered chat.
pharoahezephyrus entered chat.
Legionnaire45: sup
Legionnaire45 (5): sup
Conscars entered chat.
Legionnaire45: sup
Legionnaire45: welp?
pharoahezephyrus disconnected.
Conscars disconnected.
Legionnaire45: wat
Legionnaire45 (4): Who the fuck am I voice chatting with.
Legionnaire45 (4): lol
Legionnaire45 (2): me
Legionnaire45 (2): aids
Legionnaire45: what the fuck
Legionnaire45 (5): hai
Legionnaire45 (5): meow
Legionnaire45 (5): no
Legionnaire45 (4): fukken playin' music through a shitty mic
Legionnaire45: so i like cats
Legionnaire45: and like l4d
Legionnaire45: and ffvii
Legionnaire45 (2): should be better
Legionnaire45 (2): im playin it through system mixer
Legionnaire45 (2): not through mic
Legionnaire45 (4): turn it off
Legionnaire45 (4): can't hear anything
Legionnaire45 (2): k
Legionnaire45 (4): :<
Rook (RAGE): imn playing threw mike cos im kewl
Legionnaire45: thanks meng
brosef entered chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): WOWOWOW
Legionnaire45 (2): AHAHAHA
Legionnaire45 (5): FUCK cn IS HERE
Legionnaire45 (2): CUTE CUTE
brosef: L@@K at dose fuckin legionnaires
Legionnaire45 (5): CN = GET OUT
Legionnaire45: wat
Legionnaire45 (5): BAN
Legionnaire45 (2): FINGERS
Legionnaire45 (2): SNAP EM
Legionnaire45: CN is bre
Legionnaire45 (2): HANGIN ON MAH LEAD
Legionnaire45 (2): DANCIN
Zeph: cn#s best #s
Legionnaire45 (2): DANCIN
Legionnaire45 (2): THE NIGHT AWAY
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby! entered chat.
brosef: hey ultama you are a butte
Legionnaire45: sup
Rook (RAGE): oh god.
Legionnaire45 (2): join voice chat
Legionnaire45 (5): sup zilla
Legionnaire45 (2): DO IT
Legionnaire45 (2): join join join
Legionnaire45: heh
Zeph: this chat is gayer than me
-=AWOL=- Zilla baby! disconnected.
Legionnaire45 (2): thats pretty hard
Legionnaire45 (5): hard to believe
Legionnaire45 (4): Turn off the sounnnnnnnnnnddddddddd
Legionnaire45 (2): ok
brosef: wtc
brosef: hello zpeh
Zeph: www.gofuckyourselfanddie.com (http://www.gofuckyourselfanddie.com)
Legionnaire45 (2): lawl
Zeph: aww :(
Zeph: I expected better
brosef: hey zeph guess what zilla is doing the ~podcast~ for ~modacity~
Legionnaire45 (4): Monkey, you still playin' shit through the Steam mixer thing?
Legionnaire45 (2): no
Legionnaire45 (4): I can't hear anything
Legionnaire45 (4): Cept music
Legionnaire45 (4): Shitty quality
Legionnaire45 (4): Can anyone else hear anything?
Rook (RAGE): good
Legionnaire45 (2): awesome quality
Legionnaire45 (2): foo
Legionnaire45: QUALITY
Legionnaire45 (4): asd
Legionnaire45 (2): ill turn it down a bit
Legionnaire45 (4): no turn it off
brosef: I can't hear anything :derf:
Legionnaire45 (4): me neither.
Legionnaire45 (4): Its not coming out as music
Legionnaire45: that's cause rook is BLASTING SHITE
Legionnaire45 (4): more just
Legionnaire45 (4): DEMONIC SOUND
Zeph: good luck. there was jack shit to talk about then and according to my situation graphs there's fedinitely hmm going on
OmegaDragon left chat.
Legionnaire45: doop
brosef: doot
Legionnaire45: oh nose you know who this is :<
Legionnaire45 (4): shv dnf,;'
Rook (RAGE): me
Legionnaire45 (4): okay, whoever is fukken playing music needs to turn it off.
Legionnaire45: defintely greatest chat
Legionnaire45 (2): chat needs more legion
Legionnaire45 (2): i dont hear music
Legionnaire45 (4): What the fuck?
Rook (RAGE): is someone actually talking
Legionnaire45 (2): Legionnaire45 (3): defintely greatest chat
Rook (RAGE): sorry cant hear that over my music
Legionnaire45 (2): thanks bro
Legionnaire45 (4): Is there still music?
Legionnaire45 (2): i dont think so
Legionnaire45 (4): How bout now?
Legionnaire45 (2): nope
Legionnaire45 (4): You guys don't hear music...?
Legionnaire45 (2): no
Legionnaire45 (2): ...
Legionnaire45 (4): Are you fucking with me?
Legionnaire45 (2): oh snap
Zeph: legion,
Legionnaire45 (4): yeah?
Legionnaire45 (2): sorry, im not playing it but it seems to be lagging
Legionnaire45: yea duder?
Legionnaire45 (2): brb
Legionnaire45 (4): Leave hcat for a second
Legionnaire45 left chat.
Legionnaire45 has been invited to chat.
brosef: hello zeph lost any good carriers lately
Legionnaire45 entered chat.
brosef: :derf:
Legionnaire45 (2): work?
Legionnaire45 (4): Its still playing...
Legionnaire45: erk
Legionnaire45 (4): what the...?
Legionnaire45 (2): odd
Legionnaire45: rook is playing it,
Legionnaire45 (2): was it playing while i was gone?
Legionnaire45 (2): but i dont hear it
Legionnaire45 (4): Wierd...
Legionnaire45 (2): ok i see the meter but i dont hear anything...
Legionnaire45 (4): re invite me
Legionnaire45 (2): wait waiit
Legionnaire45 left chat.
Legionnaire45 has been invited to chat.
Legionnaire45 entered chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): work?
Legionnaire45 (2): i think rook is playing it
Legionnaire45: :U
Legionnaire45: you just figured that out?
Legionnaire45 (4): ihqvsad
Legionnaire45 (2): i cant hear anything, so yes
Legionnaire45: doop
Legionnaire45 (2): he got out of his game
Legionnaire45 (2): the orig
Rook (RAGE): ok have fun with this circle jerk i need some food
Legionnaire45 (4): I am the orig
Legionnaire45: :o
Legionnaire45 (2): :O
Legionnaire45 (2): noooooo
Legionnaire45 (4): Well, this Voice Chat is fukken up for me.
brosef: : |
Legionnaire45 (4): Yeah, sorry brosef
Legionnaire45 (4): I'm so sorry
Legionnaire45 (4): ;_;
Legionnaire45 (1): figured out my problem :3
Legionnaire45 (2): audio just suddenly kicked in
Legionnaire45 (1): I had it in "stealth mode"
Legionnaire45 (2): wierd
Legionnaire45 (5): how do I mic spam >.<
Legionnaire45 (1): so it was running off the 9400M
Legionnaire45 (4): You hear music now?
Legionnaire45 (1): rofl
Legionnaire45 (2): ill never show you
Legionnaire45 (1): wait wat
Legionnaire45 (1): WAT
Legionnaire45 (5): do you hear that?
Legionnaire45 (1): what the fuck is going on
Legionnaire45 (1): why is everyone me D:
Legionnaire45 (5): hear that?
Legionnaire45 (1): :<
Legionnaire45: you mean me
Legionnaire45 (1): oh god
Legionnaire45 (1): my identity has been toled
Legionnaire45 (1): stoled*
Legionnaire45: life alert
Legionnaire45: use it
Legionnaire45 (2): this is lame
Legionnaire45 (2): ok
Legionnaire45 (1): I go play with my laptop for 10 minutes and everybody steals my ID
Legionnaire45 (2): i hear music now
Legionnaire45 (2): who is that?
Legionnaire45 (1): :<
Legionnaire45 (1): hmph
Legionnaire45 (1): fine then
Legionnaire45 (1): AND MY AVATAR
Legionnaire45 (2): haha legion
Legionnaire45 (1): POOR SMOKEY <3
Legionnaire45 (2): no im not
Legionnaire45 (4): oh god
Legionnaire45 (2): WHAT
brosef: talk about 0wned
Rook (RAGE): sorry
Rook (RAGE): thought i was in the bathroom
Legionnaire45 (2): do you have a loo in your computer room?
brosef: ummm cn is my slave name
Legionnaire45 (2): o
brosef: you will address me as "brosef"
Legionnaire45 (2): everyone should pose as me now
Legionnaire45 (2): for lulz
Legionnaire45 (2): yes
Legionnaire45 (2): you want to
Legionnaire45: no
Legionnaire45: no
Legionnaire45 (2): yes you do
Legionnaire45: no
Legionnaire45: no
Legionnaire45 (2): 2 is awesome you mean
Legionnaire45 (2): because monkey = awesome
Legionnaire45 (2): obviously
Legionnaire45 (2): or awesome monkey
Legionnaire45 (2): either way
Legionnaire45 (2): same thing
Legionnaire45 (2): possibly
Legionnaire45 (2): OR I COULD BE FAKING IT
Legionnaire45 (2): faking mic have
Legionnaire45 (2): legion is in
Legionnaire45 (2): he just left game
Rook (RAGE): someone invite Atty
brosef: he is doing ~podacity~
Rook (RAGE): i would like to f0rmaly aploigiveze for may actions
brosef: he is talking about serious forums on the serious internet ok
Rook (RAGE): ok sorry :(
Rook (RAGE): this sounds great btw
Legionnaire45 (4): i came
Legionnaire45 (2): this is the greatest lulz ive had in foreva
brosef: this 0wns.
Legionnaire45 (5): much like me
Rook (RAGE): spongebob ok
Legionnaire45 (5): and unlike you
Legionnaire45 (1): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w1WgbfyDZwA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fencyclopediadramatica.com%2FSpen gbab&feature=player_embedded
Turles (RAGE) entered chat.
Legionnaire45 (4): sup man
Legionnaire45 (1): wat
Legionnaire45 (2): sup man
Legionnaire45 (1): wat
Legionnaire45: sup
Legionnaire45 (1): wat
brosef: this owns.
Legionnaire45: rave party in here
brosef: literally.
Legionnaire45 (1): no
Legionnaire45: irl?
Rook (RAGE): yea
Legionnaire45 (1): no rave
Legionnaire45 (5): can you hear?
brosef: im literally raving irl.
Turles (RAGE) disconnected.
Legionnaire45 (2): sailor man
Legionnaire45: noice
Rook (RAGE): i set my chair aside
Rook (RAGE): and started doing the worm
Legionnaire45 (2): aids is failing
Legionnaire45 (4): I just started Masturbating.
«¦HG¦»DEElekgolo|A| has been invited to chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): i can bet
Rook (RAGE): do you have my facebook page up #4?
Legionnaire45 (4): BABY BABOON
Legionnaire45 (4): BABY BABOOB
Legionnaire45 (2): WERE ALL LEGION
Legionnaire45 (2): take your shenanigans outside this chat
Legionnaire45: :(
Legionnaire45 (4): Rook, play the Narwhal song at least.
Legionnaire45: :O
Legionnaire45 (2): thats me btw
Legionnaire45 (2): monkey
Legionnaire45 (2): rook dun have the epic
Legionnaire45 (4): ojaihgcs bd,
Legionnaire45 (4): amnit
Legionnaire45 (4): I thought this was Rook all along.
Elmo the Emo Emperor has been invited to chat.
Legionnaire45 (2): nopers
Legionnaire45 (4): damners
Legionnaire45 (2): lawl
Legionnaire45 (2): gj
Rook (RAGE): (( I onnly play good music ))
Legionnaire45 (2): ill stop it
Legionnaire45 (2): im causing that btw
Legionnaire45 (2): god
Legionnaire45 (2): good*
[StayingGold]Caboose Jr has been invited to chat.
Rook (RAGE): ok
Timo entered chat.
Legionnaire45 (4): Oh come on, at leaast play the ORIGINAL ONE
Legionnaire45: sup
Legionnaire45 (4): also sup man
Timo: umm
Legionnaire45: legion here
Timo: my mic stopped working ?
Legionnaire45 (4): Do not spam for a sec.
Legionnaire45 (2): hey timo
Legionnaire45: quite a cool legion day
Legionnaire45 (2): join join
Legionnaire45 (4): Don't spam for a minute
Legionnaire45 (2): join teh voice
Legionnaire45 (4): aojishbv d,.
Legionnaire45 (4): ,
Legionnaire45 (2): k
Legionnaire45 (2): very
Legionnaire45 (2): kinda windy though
Legionnaire45 (2): kinda like in a canyon
Legionnaire45 (2): or a cave canyon
Rook (RAGE): nice mic spam guys
Timo: god what is that sound
Legionnaire45 (2): OH WAIT ITS COMING BACK
Legionnaire45 (2): LOUDER AND LOUDER
Timo: how it legionnaire here 5 times
Legionnaire45 (2): oh its going away
Legionnaire45: legionnaire is cool????
Legionnaire45 (2): WTF ITS COMING BACK
Legionnaire45 (1): help
Legionnaire45 (1): me
Legionnaire45 (1): please
Legionnaire45 (1): ...please...
Timo: ..
Legionnaire45 (4): MONKEY
Legionnaire45 (4): NO
Legionnaire45 (2): HUH?
Legionnaire45 (2): wat
Legionnaire45 (2): come back in original legion
Rook (RAGE): hes mkaing his laptop shiney quit bugging him
Legionnaire45 (4): one secks
Legionnaire45 (2): stop your nerdy laptop
Legionnaire45 (2): nerdy nerdy
Legionnaire45 (1): I am here
Timo: This is why I don't wear headphones
Legionnaire45 (1): I can make it strobe like a mother fucking UFO
Legionnaire45 (2): oh yeah
Legionnaire45 (2): i think it said "really white and FURRY"
Legionnaire45 (2): JUST LIKE AIDS
Legionnaire45 (2): inorite
Legionnaire45 (1): wat
Legionnaire45 (2): oh snap
Rook (RAGE): ok i got a ?
Legionnaire45 (5): can you hear my spam??????????????????
Timo: ehhhhhhhhhhh
Legionnaire45 (1): meow
Rook (RAGE): how many legionnaire45's does it take to catch a case of the slip dick
Legionnaire45 (1): war of the worlds chicken
Legionnaire45 (2): OMG
Timo: I'm so confused
Legionnaire45 (1): 1
Timo: right now
Legionnaire45 (2): SO WINDY OUTSIDE
Legionnaire45 (2): oh
Legionnaire45 (5): OVERDRIVE
Legionnaire45 (1): I dont even know who I am
Legionnaire45 (2): your right
Legionnaire45 (2): yes it does
Legionnaire45 (2): ask science
Legionnaire45 (2): public school
Legionnaire45 (2): yes it is
Legionnaire45 (2): dont lie
Rook (RAGE): modaceety totally needs a chat box up at the top of the forums, such a swell idea
Timo: when does this podcast happen?
Legionnaire45 has changed their name to £egionnaire45.
Legionnaire45 (2): sandwich
Rook (RAGE): now im guessing
Rook (RAGE): ?
£egionnaire45: mew
brosef left chat.
£egionnaire45 (2): hai
£egionnaire45 (1): ...fuck
Zeph left chat.
Veggietime has changed their name to £egionnaire45.
Legionnaire45 has changed their name to £egionnaire45.
£egionnaire45 (1): uh roah
Timo left chat.
£egionnaire45 (1): haha you all have alt text in your name what a bunch of merry faggots
£egionnaire45 (2): haha
Rook (RAGE) has changed their name to drop dead, prick.
£egionnaire45 (2): were all faggots
£egionnaire45 (1): <3
£egionnaire45 (2): ORGY
drop dead, prick: ok
drop dead, prick: you legion ppl
drop dead, prick: can have
drop dead, prick: that orgy
drop dead, prick: bb
drop dead, prick left chat.
£egionnaire45 (2): cant wait

Long ass. But quite a strange trole if you're willing to skim through a portion of it.

July 26th, 2009, 04:56 AM

It was nice talking to you Legionnaire45

July 26th, 2009, 05:56 AM

July 26th, 2009, 06:30 AM
#739936 (http://bash.org/?739936) + (http://bash.org/?le=47e13a87b7ee8bec64a423201dc660b2&rox=739936)(4134)- (http://bash.org/?le=47e13a87b7ee8bec64a423201dc660b2&sox=739936) [X] (http://bash.org/?le=47e13a87b7ee8bec64a423201dc660b2&sux=739936)
<Turkeyslam> oh man I saw pure gold at lunch, I was sitting near this group of black guys at a table and they all had tucked in shirts and shit, looked educated, I think they were studying calculus or some shit
<Turkeyslam> and across from there, there was another table with a bunch of white guys, all ghetto looking, three of them wore fucking grills, sagging pants, and one was playing some 50 cent ringtone or some shit
<Turkeyslam> going "yeah boiiii"
<Turkeyslam> and one of the black guys in the table next to me muttered "fucking niggers"
<Turkeyslam> I choked on my fucking jolt cola

July 26th, 2009, 07:09 AM
fucking lol

July 26th, 2009, 12:35 PM
(12:30:13 PM) Rob Oplawar: oh my god, dude
(12:30:18 PM) Rob Oplawar: that concert was fucking amazing
(12:30:28 PM) Rob Oplawar: those guys are insanely talented
(12:30:35 PM) Admiral Bacon: oh my god, dude
(12:30:39 PM) Admiral Bacon: that Podacity recording was fucking amazing
(12:30:47 PM) Admiral Bacon: those guys are insanely talented
(12:31:20 PM) Rob Oplawar: ...Rob doesn't understand the awesomeness of the Podacity.

July 26th, 2009, 05:00 PM
[13:58] Jason: how do you have more posts than ross, what is this alchemy
[13:58] kornman00: oh snap! post audit *runs away*
[13:59] Jason: ಠ_ಠಠ_ಠ

July 26th, 2009, 10:30 PM
Could be something to do with the bit where I was banned for several months, and then my internet conked out for another month or two after that

July 26th, 2009, 10:56 PM
[20:53] HDoan (halodoan): I dont model much
[20:54] Epic Floyd Guy (stfloyd101): Oh ok hold on lemme go get a more professional description
[20:54] <E-dictator onotix (anonymous305) (Power User) has entered the room>
[20:54] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): fuck man
[20:54] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): y u so sexy
[20:54] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): oh..
[20:54] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): wrong chat
[20:54] Epic Floyd Guy (stfloyd101): lawl
[20:55] HDoan (halodoan): quoting that
[20:55] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): lol
[20:55] E-dictator onotix (anonymous305): DO IT

July 26th, 2009, 10:58 PM

i just knew snaf was white!
no black man could ever reach moderator status!

(4:39:45 AM) English Mobster: then i moved and decided to fuck my mom and live with my dad

Pyong Kawaguchi
July 27th, 2009, 01:00 PM
[12:57:46 PM] Pyong: lol
[12:57:49 PM] Pyong: \whoar
[12:57:58 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \boar
[12:58:04 PM] Pyong: \fag
[12:58:08 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \hag
[12:58:14 PM] Pyong: \skank
[12:58:26 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \bank
[12:58:34 PM] Pyong: \cunt
[12:58:41 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \bLunt
[12:58:48 PM] Pyong: \tard
[12:58:57 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \lard
[12:59:04 PM] Pyong: \nub
[12:59:09 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \flub
[12:59:11 PM] Pyong: \orange
[12:59:16 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \doorhinge
[12:59:19 PM] Pyong: \wtf
[12:59:37 PM] Pyong: lol
[12:59:37 PM] Anthony Sciutto: I
[12:59:41 PM] Pyong: \dicks
[12:59:42 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \???
[12:59:51 PM] Anthony Sciutto: \licks

July 27th, 2009, 03:34 PM
I stand by it.

July 28th, 2009, 01:05 AM
verde shrimp > pretty glad i'm not in -v-
Brutere > I'm pretty sure its not ''-v-'' but it is ''- V -''
Brutere > see, I can be a douche
verde shrimp > yes, the spaces are very important
verde shrimp > it is the only space you will own soo


July 29th, 2009, 02:30 AM
I roll up to a red light second behind a soccer mom from h**l ,in the SUV ,talking on the cell phone and touching up her makeup in the rear view mirror .
The light turns green , she readjusts the rear view mirror as she starts to move forward and sees me , on a KZ1000 Police , dynamites the brakes in the middle of the intersection and puts her seat belt on . I almost collected her bumper , leaving only a small rubber smear .
Yes there is more . facing us at the light is one of the county's finest who does a u turn behind me and lights me up . As I look behind me the woman again dynamites the brakes , this time I do touch her bumper solidly (still no damage to the bike) and the county cop rear ends me just hard enough to push me into the soccer mom's bumper the third time .
The cop barely pauses long enough to ask if I'm ok on his way to the soccer mom's SUV where he gets her paper and starts to walk back to his unit . The soccer mom struts back to me still on the phone to get my license number and keeps repeating it on the phone . Now it gets real deep . She is on the phone to 911 reporting a hit and run by a motorcycle , mine ?! As the cop returns she demands into the phone that I be arrested for repeatedly rear ending her SUV and I would have run if the cop wasn't there . At this point the cop answers his hand held radio and begins to make sense of all of this . The cop starts writing first one citation then another and another as the woman continues her demands on the phone . Finally the cop attempts once , twice , three times to get the woman's attention . "Can't you see I'm on the phone !" she shouts at the cop . "M'am if you do not hang up the phone now I will be forced to take action " says the cop . That did it . He then asked her to sign the citations for reckless driving , failure to wear a seat belt and talking on the phone while in control of a moving vehicle with out a hands free device (a recent and confusing law here ) . She of course starts screaming at the cop . "I'm not going to sign anything without my lawyer present" she says . In a near whisper the cop says to me as he walks toward the woman "just what I've been waiting for" . Our soccer mom adds resisting arrest and assaulting an officer to the list on the way to the back seat of the cop car .
No we're not done yet . The cop apologizes for lighting me up when he should have passed me before turning on the lights and siren . he asks me if he could please write me an equipment violation for a tail light that he will later admit could have happened when bumped into me . I get it and accept , adding that if it was in his power to tell me when this woman was being arraigned I'd like to be there . I realize having to fight this woman to the ground and all the way back to the car is going to need a witness and tell him so . The cop looks visibly relieved as we wait for a tow truck for the SUV .
No , we're not done yet . The tow truck arrives with another unit as back up and traffic control . As the tow truck begins to hook the car a man stops and jumps out of a car he thought he had put in park demanding that the SUV and woman in the back of the first car be released immediately , as his not in park car continues into the second cop car .
These two are cut from the same cloth . The now identified husband ends up in the back of a third car . DUI , resisting arrest , assaulting an officer , reckless endangerment and whatever else .
No , not yet . Still at the same intersection the husbands car and the second unit have been removed and all that is left is the tow truck driver finishing his statement stemming from the husbands assault on him . The cop tells me it probably isn't necessary to write me a violation for my non damaged tail light as the tow truck driver starts out into traffic . Before the tow truck driver can get up to speed a woman , in an SUV , with out a seat belt ,on the telephone, rear ends the soccer mom's SUV being towed not 50 feet from where the cop and I are standing.
Almost done . Aid units are dispatched and arrive for the woman's head injuries and as she is being loaded into the aid unit all she wants to know is where her cell phone is .
OK , last bit . The scene is finally cleared of all vehicles and participants except the cop and I who are now on a first name basis . As we are pulling away we both hear the screech of rubber back at the intersection . There isn't the usual accompanying crash but I notice that the cop never looked back as he pulled away .
I really don't know that it belongs here . I don't really think there is a moral to all of this other than It used to be the little old lady peeking out from between the steering wheel and the dash going 20 mph under the speed limit that scared me. Now and forever it's the cell phone talking , SUV driving , makeup fixing , soccer mom from h**l that scares the daylights out of me .


July 29th, 2009, 02:43 AM
Wow. Just... wow.

Mate's reaction:

Holy shit on a shingle

July 29th, 2009, 03:12 AM
I can't stop laughing.

That is the most awesome story I have ever read.

July 29th, 2009, 07:39 AM
Giant Boner Mod: 4:33 AM - 02sheslop: AaAAAhh sa is down!!
4:33 AM - 02sheslop: what am i to do
4:34 AM - 02sheslop: hey kolobus
4:34 AM - Giant Boner Mod: its a sign
4:34 AM - Giant Boner Mod: stop posting

July 29th, 2009, 07:56 AM
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
holly shit
you know what i just realized
aerowyn is a typical women
her avatar
pharoahezephyrus says:
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
she's been on teh phone FOR OVER 6 MONTHS
pharoahezephyrus says:
oh god, Zilla, post that shit

July 29th, 2009, 10:29 AM
woah what’s up with the sudden thousands of views?

(http://www.theanimereality.com/2009/05/05/about-me/#comment-419) we tattooed the URL above your mother’s vagina

(http://www.theanimereality.com/2009/05/05/about-me/#comment-424) d-damn…


July 29th, 2009, 10:25 PM
Agamemnon: iAtty (9:39:03 PM): ugh
iAtty (9:39:12 PM): i've evolved to a poin where i cant wear clothes anymore
iAtty (9:39:13 PM): in bed
iAtty (9:39:20 PM): my sheets are far too comfortable to lay clothes
iAtty (9:39:23 PM): my penis feels alive
ross: lmao
Agamemnon: Agamemnon v1 (9:41:22 PM): you finally grew into it then
Agamemnon: Agamemnon v1 (9:41:32 PM): wow, we must mark this occasion
Agamemnon v1 (9:41:39 PM): Alex enters womanhood
Agamemnon: iAtty (9:21:42 PM): UGH
iAtty (9:21:45 PM): im sore
Agamemnon v1 (9:22:09 PM): a horse's penis will do that to your ass

July 31st, 2009, 08:43 PM
avian girth: bastinka tha rasta
avian girth: quit smokin
avian girth: so much
avian girth: u makin me high too dawg
avian girth: yo put that shit out somebodys commin
avian girth: oh it was jsut ur dog its good man
avian girth: here pass me that
Bastinka is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Bastinka: ?
Bastinka: lmfao

avian girth = Flying Rooster

July 31st, 2009, 08:55 PM
he responded 2 hours later :v:

July 31st, 2009, 09:50 PM
<3 My babe roostah

August 1st, 2009, 02:04 AM
We interrupt this thread to BLOW YOUR MIIIIIND:

[01:58] jcap: murrrrrrr

Site is run by a yiffing furfag.

You can all go home now. :smithicide:

t3h m00kz
August 1st, 2009, 02:10 AM
oh god I knew it all along

August 1st, 2009, 05:25 PM
Joshflighter says:

what makes a man have talent compared to someone else that is doing the same kind of trait as he?
Who has the right to judge someone, because they are better?
or is it ego and arogance that leads us to be greater?

Tyrel says:
woah woah dont get all philosophical on me
you know how i like it

Joshflighter says:
in the ass?

Tyrel says:


Joshflighter says:

Tyrel says:
just because

Joshflighter says:
oh, this is going on modacity

Tyrel says:
i sucked your penis last night
doesnt mean i like it in the ass

Joshflighter says:

Tyrel says:

Joshflighter says:
No you didnt

Tyrel says:
if you post that first part
im posting this second part
god dammit josh
we are supposed to be like brothers
brothers dont tell other people when they suck eachothers dicks

Joshflighter says:
brothers dont suck each others dick WTF?????

Tyrel says:
whats next?
you gonna tell people
how we rubbed our dicks together

Joshflighter says:
alrighty, im officaily mind fucked

Tyrel says:
this is something
we keep between ourselves

Joshflighter says:
your funny as fuck
or scarry

Tyrel says:
who is funny here josh
come on relax
lets rub dicks
your religion
can wait

Joshflighter says:
I wanna post this
but im not gay
so D:

Tyrel says:
post it

Joshflighter says:
you made me too.. lmao

Tyrel says:
no dont

FlyinRooster.. is.. you make your own conclusions.

August 1st, 2009, 05:29 PM
wow without the smilies i look like a fag

August 1st, 2009, 05:34 PM
wow without the smilies i look like a fag

Who said ur not? :realsmug:

August 1st, 2009, 08:29 PM
[20:21] dӔd: yar har har!
[20:21] Frostbeard the pirate: ahoy son, ye got ary reason fer commin aboard mah ship?
[20:22] dӔd: I like y'er name! Ar I suck at bein' a pirate!
[20:23] Frostbeard the pirate: ah but indeed yeh do son. Yeh best be gittin along before the anchor goes, or ye may find yehrself living the pirate life in ways yeh never imagined
[20:24] dӔd: This is so going on the Funny Random thread
[20:25] Frostbeard the pirate: heh, the wind be pickin up. I best be sailin east afore the coats catch mah scent. I take mah leave now laddie
[20:26] Frostbeard the pirate: and don cha dare step afoot my vessel agin
[20:26] dӔd: Even if it's a Halo Question?
[20:26] dӔd: :D
[20:26] Frostbeard the pirate: heh
[20:27] Frostbeard the pirate: yehll ave more luck wit a message ina bottle an you would with me lad
[20:27] Frostbeard the pirate: begone afore i draw yeh in two.
[20:28] dӔd: okay.


August 1st, 2009, 11:26 PM
Bastinka: EY!
Bastinka: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=12903&page=84
Bastinka: I thought you were my lover :(
flyinrooster: im sorry babe ill stick wit u 4ever
Bastinka: Then you go off flaunting your perfectly rounded ass for josh to insert his dripping wet dick into?
Bastinka: You're sick man.
Bastinka: And I know you know it.
flyinrooster: i do
flyinrooster: but
flyinrooster: some weed
flyinrooster: could solve all of this
flyinrooster: relax babe
flyinrooster: take a puff and show ur stuff
flyinrooster: to me
Bastinka: I haven't smoked in ages!!!
flyinrooster: ohh
flyinrooster: sorry!
Bastinka: Well like
Bastinka: 5 days..
flyinrooster: 5
flyinrooster: days
Bastinka: yeah
flyinrooster: boy
flyinrooster: BOY
flyinrooster: U LISTENIN OT ME
flyinrooster: GOOD
flyinrooster: SHUT UR TRAP
flyinrooster: oh wait
flyinrooster: did i hurt u
flyinrooster: sry babe
flyinrooster: i was just doin dramatic speech
flyinrooster: it usually gets u up quicker than cold water on a sleeping dog
Bastinka: :'(
Bastinka: Great
Bastinka: Now I need to run down to Shaws, and buy a whole new tube of anal nitrate.
flyinrooster: ugh~
flyinrooster: hate dat
Bastinka: You better not post this.
Bastinka: And by that I mean you better.
flyinrooster: why
flyinrooster: would i post this
Bastinka: Cuz..
Bastinka: I thought we hd something special? :3
Bastinka: 8====D ~~ O:<
flyinrooster: woah is that a little sperms head
flyinrooster: how cute
flyinrooster: juss like
flyinrooster: his pappy
flyinrooster: baby why dont u just lie down
flyinrooster: and
flyinrooster: let me do all da work tonight
flyinrooster: u try so hard
flyinrooster: all the time
flyinrooster: u deserve a break
Bastinka: Lmfao
Bastinka: That was gay beyond my comprehension.
flyinrooster: yeah i know right
flyinrooster: im fucked
flyinrooster: in da head
flyinrooster: and ur taking advantage of me
flyinrooster: this
flyinrooster: why this is
Bastinka: ?
flyinrooster: ITS RAPE
Bastinka: Baby
Bastinka: You lost me at hello.

August 3rd, 2009, 03:31 PM
Flyinrooster is a perverted man/woman/thing. :(

August 4th, 2009, 12:11 AM
kolobus: lmao arnold swarzhenegger is campaigning agaisnt violent media
kolobus: the guy is like if violent media could become a person
ily irony

August 4th, 2009, 01:06 AM
editing is for big gay babbies

iAtty (3:04:29 PM): how do you tell if an atty spilled water on his lap or came/
teh rossmum (3:04:32 PM): pretending your problems are someone else's won't help you.
iAtty (3:04:54 PM): HOW DO YOU TELL
teh rossmum (3:05:31 PM): you don't, it's basically the same thing
iAtty (3:05:36 PM): no
iAtty (3:05:37 PM): time
iAtty (3:05:41 PM): it takes longer for water to spill
iAtty (3:05:46 PM): then it does for an atty to cum

August 4th, 2009, 04:09 PM
[14:06] HDoan: Yo homes
[14:06] HDoan: im pregnant
[14:06] Ki11a_FTWâ„¢[FBI]: that sucks
[14:06] HDoan: From a black chick
[14:06] HDoan: and by black chick I mean you
[14:06] Ki11a_FTWâ„¢[FBI]: :|
[14:07] Ki11a_FTWâ„¢[FBI]: srry but im a white male
[14:07] HDoan: thats not that you showed me last night
[14:07] Ki11a_FTWâ„¢[FBI]: you damn not forget it either
I didn't know he swung that way.

August 4th, 2009, 04:45 PM
It's just a long image.

August 4th, 2009, 07:38 PM
My job is so fucking unbelievable. I'll try to sum it up by first telling you about the folks I work with:
First, there is this supermodel wanna-be chick. Yeah, okay, she is pretty hot, but damn is she completely useless. The girl is constantly fixing her hair or putting on makeup. She is extremely self-centered and has never once considered the needs or wants of anyone but herself. She is as dumb as a box of rocks, and I still find it surprising that she has enough brain power to continue to breath.
The next chick is completely the opposite. She might even be one of the smartest people on the planet. Her career oppertunities are endless, and yet she is here with us. She is a zero on a scale of 1 to 10. I'm not sure she even showers, much less shaves her "womanly" parts. I think she might be a lesbian, because every time we drive by the hardware store, she moans like a cat in heat.
But the jewel of the crowd has got to be the fucking stoner. And this guy is more than just your average pothead. In fact, he is baked before he comes to work, during work, and I'm sure after work. He probably hasn't been sober anytime in the last ten years, and he's only 22. He dresses like a beatnik throwback from the 1960's, and to make things worse, he brings his big fucking dog to work. Every fucking day I have to look at this huge Great Dane walk around half-stoned from the second-hand smoke. Hell, sometimes I even think it's trying to talk with its constant bellowing. Also, both of them are constantly hungry, requiring multiple stops to McDonalds and Burger King, every single fucking day.
Anyway, I drive these fucktards around in my van and we solve mysteries and shit..

August 4th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Scooby Doo, man it took me a second to get that reference.

August 4th, 2009, 08:27 PM
Lol. That was good. Didn't clue in until near the end. X3

August 4th, 2009, 10:33 PM
Who's the guy speaking, I forgot his name.

August 5th, 2009, 03:17 AM
Do you roll your own tampons, you barely breathing human douche?
i almost pissed myself

August 5th, 2009, 05:59 AM
Who's the guy speaking, I forgot his name.


August 5th, 2009, 07:25 AM
I feel bad that I didn't pick up on it until the last line. :saddowns:

English Mobster
August 5th, 2009, 02:57 PM
Same here.
I read it and I was like "OHHHHHHHHHHH." :downs:

August 5th, 2009, 10:22 PM
Stranger: Hey
You: Dansa med oss
Klappa era händer
Gjör so vi gjör
Ta negra steg at vänster
Lyssna och lar
Miss inte chansen
Nu ar vi har med Caramelldansen!
Stranger: Hmmm
Stranger: I see, are you sure about this/
You: Very.
Stranger: Ok, then becareful
You: Vi undrarar ni redo alt vara med
Armarna upp nu ska ni fa se
Kom igjen
Hvem som helst kan vara med
So ror pa era fotter
Och vicka era hofter
Gjör som vi
Till denna melodi
Stranger: lol ur funnay
You: No, the English lyrics to this song are funny.
Stranger: Newgrounds is funnay too
You: True.
You: Haven't been there in a while.
You: Also, new message from /b/: A wild Abra has appeared!
Stranger: Pickachu uses thunderbolt
Stranger: Super effective
You: Abra uses teleport!
Stranger: It failed
You: Abra is confused.
Stranger: Stranger steals 400$ from you
You: Abra, return!
You: Pedobear, I choose you!
You: ..._,,-~’’’¯¯¯’’~-,,
....................,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,-,,_ ; ;’’-,..................................._,,,- ,,_
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............................................ ................’-, ; ; ;,,-~’’’ , ,|, |
............................................ ...................’’~-‘’_ , , ,,’,_/–
Stranger: Stranger uses anhero
You: Pedobear uses sex-with-minors
Stranger: Chris hansen has interuppted
You: ……………………………„„-^*''''*^~^*'''*^-„„
…………………………../::::::::/::-~~-„„::-„::'\::|„„-*' . . . . *-„::::„„„-~^:::|
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…………………………..\:::'| . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \:::~-„„„:|
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……………………………...-| . „„-~~~~-„ . . . . „-*„-^*''o¯¯'''''*' . . . \:/ / . | |
……………………………...'\| .*^^*'''¯o¯'''*-„ . . . ,''*^~~^*'' . . . . . . | .\*-„ '|
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………………………………...| . . . . . . .„- ' . . . .*^„ . . . . . . . . . . '|*^*' I'm Chris Hansen with Dateline NBC..
…………………………………*-„ . . . . . \„-„„_„„-^^-* . . . . . . . . . . .'| ........Why don't you have a seat over there
……………………………………\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '|
…………………………………….'\ . . . „„_„„-~--~^*''''''. . . . . . . . . / .\
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You: Oh shit!
Stranger: Meme battle eh?
Stranger: A wild Desu appears!
You: Pedobear, return!
You: Popotan dancing girls, I choose you!
Stranger: Desu uses termites in butthole!
You: Popotan dancing girls used Caramelldansen! http://halo.phpwnage.com/linux/cd.htm
Stranger: Desu is not amused!
You: Popotan girls, return! Monkey-in-closet, I choose you!
You: . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...|... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .._,,-~~~-,-,,_
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...|... ... ... ,,---,,_... ...,-~",-":__-,: : :"-,:::"'~,,
.,,-~~--,, ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...|... ... ,~": : --,,:"~,,-"::::/:,-". . ."'~-,,: \,::::_,,"~-,, NO U
/: : : : : : :"'~-,,... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... |... ... /: : : : :~"'\,: \::__/:|o--,,. . . . .\,: ¯¯: : : : : :"-,
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.'~,: : : : : : : : : : : : :"'~-,,_... ... ... ... ...|... ... .."-,_: ,-" : : : : : : : : : : : "~,--~": : (o~--,,_. . |:|
... ."'~-,,: : : : : : : : : : : : :"-,~--,... ... ... |... ... ... ...,/: : : : : : ,,--,-,~-,,: : :"~-,,: : :"~,___:"-/,/__
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... ... ..\, : : : : : ,/ : : : : : : :|: : : ,/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"\: "-,,___,\,/___,,\/___. |,-". |. . . ,/.|: |,~"
... ... ... ",-,,,__/: : : : : : :,/,_~"-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::"-,,____,, : : : : : : : : : "'~,,,/.,,~". ,/: /
... ... ... /: : : : :"-,,___,,-": : ,"-,-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'\: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : "-"__,-":,-"
... ... ... '\,_: : : : : : /-,,___,,"~-----~~~~,~---,,__::::::::::::::::::::::|: : : : : __,,--~"~,,___,,-"
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... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .|::::::::::::::::::::::::::::,,": : : : : : : : : : : |:::::"-,,
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .|:::::::::::::::::::::::,,-": : : : : : : : : : : : :,|:::::::::"-,
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .|::::::::::_,,,--~~": : : : : : : : : : : : : : :,/::::::::::::::\,
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... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .|: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :,-,"::::::::::::::::::::::\
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... |: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : _,,~"L1'\,::::::::::::::::::::::\
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... |: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :,,-"... ... ... .\:::::::::::::::::::::::\
Stranger: Chris Griffin is evolving!!
You: Chris Griffin evolved into Peter Griffin!
Stranger: Heh heh heh heh!
You: Peter Griffin uses Retardation.
You: It's not very effective.
Stranger: Stranger uses anhero!
Stranger: You win!
Stranger: You're winner
You: Not so fast!
You: Rick Astley, I choose you!
Stranger: Oh!
You: Rick Astley uses Meme Party!
Stranger: Stranger will never give this one up!
You: Rick Astleys sings a smooth 80's rock melody!
Stranger: Stranger is duped!
You: Stranger's browser is now stuck in a loop.
Stranger: Stranger lols
You: Rick, return! Go dancing '90s 3d animation baby!
Stranger: Stranger gives props
You: Dancing '90s 3d animation baby uses annoying waste of email quota!
Stranger: and makes out with you on live TV
You: But in today's world of massive email quotas, it's not very effective...
Stranger: Stranger doesn't know that! Shhhhhhh...
You: Dancing '90s 3d animation baby, return!
You: Vegita, go!
You: Vegita used Power Level!
You: It's over 9000!
Stranger: WHAT?!? 9000?!?
Stranger: Banryu!!!!!!!!
You: Vegita, return!
You: Oh noes, I'm all out of mememon!
Stranger: Shit I'm all out of pokeballs!
You: A wild Anon appeared!
Stranger: Stranger asks you for a smoke.
You: Anon uses Guy Fawkes mask!
You: A wild domokun appeared!
Stranger: Stranger is comfused
Stranger: ....
You: Domokun stepped on a kitty!
Stranger: NEDM
You: Domokun is confused! http://images.wikia.com/uncyclopedia/images/7/70/DOMOKUN.gif
Stranger: lololo
You: Domokun hurt itself in confusion.
You: Domokun fainted.
Stranger: Stranger fainted
Stranger: You win
You: Magikarp, I choose you!
Stranger: Hmmmm
You: Magikarp, use dick attack!
Stranger: Shark, I choose you!!!
Stranger: Suck his diiiiick!
You: Magikarp used SMD.
You: Stranger came!
Stranger: You came!
You: Magikarp used BILLY MAYS
Stranger: Shark uses airplane!
You: Magikarp has a serious internal injury!
You: The doctors have failed to find it!
You: Magikarp fainted in in his sleep!
Stranger: Noooo!
You: The world mourns the loss of Magikarp...
Stranger: Fawcett I choose you!
You: And then Magikarp returns from the grave for JUPITER JACK
Stranger: use butt cancer!
You: A wild MJ appeared!
You: MJ used Moonwalk!
You: MJ is a Smooth Criminal
You: MJ used Skin Disorder!
You: MJ is confused!
Stranger: Child I choose you!
You: He hurt himself in his confusion...
You: MJ used Theme Park!
Stranger: Home alone!
You: MJ is confused!
You: He hurt himself in his confusion...
You: Wild God appeared!
You: God uses Heart Attack!
Stranger: MJ uses crotch abuse!
Stranger: MJ faints!
You: MJ fainted!
Stranger: :O
Stranger: Noooo
Stranger: Pedobear mourns
You: MJ is now a ghost.
Stranger: Home alone fleed
You: ..._,,-~’’’¯¯¯’’~-,,
....................,-‘’ ; ; ;_,,-,,_ ; ;’’-,..................................._,,,- ,,_
...................,’ ; ; ;,-‘ , , , , , ‘-, ; ;’-,,,,-~~’’’’’’~–,,,_.....,,-~’’ ; ; ; ;__;’-,
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...................’, ; ; ‘-, ,-~’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’-, , , , , ,’ ; |
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....................,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;__ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,’
..................,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,-‘’¯: : ’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _ ; ; ; ; ;’,
.................,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;| : : : : : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,-‘’¯: ¯’’-, ; ; ;’,
................,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,_: : _,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; | : : : : : ; ; ; |
...............,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ¯¯ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’-,,_ : :,-‘ ; ; ; ;|
..............,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ,,-~’’ , , , , ,,,-~~-, , , , _ ; ; ;¯¯ ; ; ; ; ;|
..............,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;,’ , , , , , , ,( : : : : , , , ,’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;|
..........,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’, , , , , , , , ,’~-~’’ , , , , , ,’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’,
.......,-‘’ ; _, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘’~-,,,,–~~’’’¯’’’~-,,_ , ,_,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘,
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..........,’ ; ;,-, ; ;, ; ; ;, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘, ; ;’, . . . . .,’ ;,’ ; ; ; ;, ; ; ;,’-, ; ;,’ ‘’~–‘’’
.........,’-~’ ,-‘-~’’ ‘, ,-‘ ‘, ,,- ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘, ; ; ‘~-,,,-‘’ ; ,’ ; ; ; ; ‘, ;,-‘’ ; ‘, ,-‘,
..........,-‘’ ; ; ; ; ; ‘’ ; ; ;’’ ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘’-,,_ ; ; ; _,-‘ ; ; ; ; ; ;’-‘’ ; ; ; ‘’ ; ;’-,
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............................................ .......’’-,, ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;’’~-,,
............................................ ............’’-, ; ; ; ; ; ,,_ ; ;’-,’’-,
............................................ ...............’, ; ; ; ; ; ; ‘-,__,–.
............................................ ................’-, ; ; ;,,-~’’’ , ,|, |
............................................ ...................’’~-‘’_ , , ,,’,_/–
A wild Pedobear has appeared!
You: Pedobear uses Meme Assault!
You: All your base are belong to Pedobear!
Stranger: Stranger gets cancer!
Stranger: Stranger faints...
Stranger: You, are the winner
Stranger: ...................
You: Pedobear dances his victory dance!
You: http://halo.phpwnage.com/linux/cd.htm
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Imma go watch rozen maiden now, bai
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

August 5th, 2009, 10:30 PM
Do you roll your own tampons, you barely breathing human douche?

i almost pissed myself


August 5th, 2009, 10:35 PM
fff rep spreading. :saddowns:

Also how the crap did that happen? I can't seem to get any good ones and I've been doing it for the last hour or so.

August 5th, 2009, 11:13 PM
There are plenty of other coffins I wouldn't be caught dead in, but this one more than does the trick. I wouldn't give this coffin up over my dead body.


August 6th, 2009, 02:29 AM
[15:22] SnaFuBAR: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0hMHBVEUeg&feature=related o hay it is a me.

August 6th, 2009, 02:43 AM
Kolby and I were playing DH while on Skype, the only populated server was on literally the worst fucking map I have ever seen in my life


A whole stack of other goons were ragging on it too, although I lack screens

Kolby also stated that 'nevermind the Holocaust, this map is the true evil of Hitler' at which point I almost pissed myself

August 6th, 2009, 03:37 AM

Cut down to only the relevant posts, due to very active thread. Maybe it's just late, but I seem to be laughing at a great many things.

Or it's because I like to read posts in funny voices.

August 6th, 2009, 05:00 AM

August 6th, 2009, 12:43 PM
ross: you know what really, really fucks me off
Sif: Hrm?
ross: when people say "i could care less"
ross: uh
ross: that suggests that you DO care
Sif: 'yet you're talking aboutit'
ross: the phrase is "i COULDN'T care less
ross: "
ross: implying there is nothing in the world you give less of a fuck about
ross: "i could care less" implies there's plenty in the world you give less of a fuck about and is, therefore, totally redundant
ross: yet somehow at least 80% of people i speak to seem to say they COULD care less
ross: how the fuck do you mess something that simple up
ross: it staggers the mind
i seem to recall several of you cunts being guilty of this at some point or another

August 6th, 2009, 01:37 PM
i seem to recall several of you cunts being guilty of this at some point or another

i COULDN'T care less

August 6th, 2009, 01:51 PM
It seems you could care less Ross.

August 6th, 2009, 09:17 PM
har har

Rob Oplawar
August 8th, 2009, 04:06 PM
Today I bought a new electric toothbrush to replace the old grimy one I've had for 5 years (gross). As I swapped them out, I found the words "Upgrade Complete!" leaving my mouth in my best Protoss voice. Good god, I am such a nerd.

August 8th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Today I bought a new electric toothbrush to replace the old grimy one I've had for 5 years (gross). As I swapped them out, I found the words "Upgrade Complete!" leaving my mouth in my best Protoss voice. Good god, I am such a nerd.


But seriously, win.

August 8th, 2009, 07:19 PM
i seem to recall several of you cunts being guilty of this at some point or another
I'd been saying "couldn't" for years, then with everyone seeming to say "could", I honestly thought I'd missed something out in englishstructure101. :ugh:

August 8th, 2009, 11:43 PM
Why can't we stick with "I don't care"?

August 9th, 2009, 02:14 AM
Discussing the GI Joe movie in relation to the new Halo movie possibility. Bear with it, it gets funny.

thejuicyllama (2:05:24 AM): I went and saw G I Joe

siliconmaster482 (2:05:25 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:05:27 AM): it was horrible

thejuicyllama (2:05:28 AM): lol

siliconmaster482 (2:05:29 AM): lmao

thejuicyllama (2:05:33 AM): as expected

thejuicyllama (2:05:40 AM): some friends were fans of the series as kids though

thejuicyllama (2:05:43 AM): so... yar

siliconmaster482 (2:05:47 AM): heh

siliconmaster482 (2:05:50 AM): what was bad about it?

thejuicyllama (2:06:03 AM): the story, CG, compositing

thejuicyllama (2:06:06 AM): the CG

thejuicyllama (2:06:09 AM): CG

siliconmaster482 (2:06:09 AM): I'm trying to take into account that the same script writer did the new halo script

thejuicyllama (2:06:11 AM): CG

thejuicyllama (2:06:13 AM): hahahaha

siliconmaster482 (2:06:16 AM): hahaha

thejuicyllama (2:06:26 AM): the story for G I Joe was terrible too

siliconmaster482 (2:06:30 AM): oh god

thejuicyllama (2:06:33 AM): it was good for the first hour

thejuicyllama (2:06:41 AM): then they did the stupidest fucking thing ever

siliconmaster482 (2:06:42 AM): ?

thejuicyllama (2:07:06 AM): well the main guy is all boo hoo over losing his girl 4 years ago

thejuicyllama (2:07:18 AM): and it just happens that they end up on opposing forces

thejuicyllama (2:07:28 AM): he's a Joe, she's... the other one

siliconmaster482 (2:07:34 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:07:44 AM): and they're fighting all throughout the movie

thejuicyllama (2:07:54 AM): like... physically

thejuicyllama (2:07:54 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:08:14 AM): then at the end the guy is getting the shit kicked out of him by some other guys while he's handcuffed and such

thejuicyllama (2:08:25 AM): and she's flashing back to like... all the happy moments they had together

thejuicyllama (2:08:42 AM): and they end up falling back in love like... four minutes after trying to kill each other

thejuicyllama (2:08:46 AM): it's just dumb as fuck

siliconmaster482 (2:08:47 AM): o_o

siliconmaster482 (2:08:52 AM): oh dear.

thejuicyllama (2:08:59 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:09:05 AM): other than that though

thejuicyllama (2:09:13 AM): the story was actually a lot better than I was expecting

siliconmaster482 (2:09:21 AM): ok, first good thing you've said so far

siliconmaster482 (2:09:22 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:09:25 AM): the ninja characters had decent character development and such

siliconmaster482 (2:09:49 AM): and since Halo doesn't have a real love story or anything, there won't be all that much to screw up

siliconmaster482 (2:09:52 AM): lol

thejuicyllama (2:09:57 AM): cortana

thejuicyllama (2:09:58 AM): somehow

thejuicyllama (2:10:02 AM): <3

siliconmaster482 (2:10:09 AM): I was trying not to think about that plot point.

thejuicyllama (2:10:11 AM): or that elite from the end of H1 legendary

siliconmaster482 (2:10:15 AM): LOL

thejuicyllama (2:10:17 AM): and Johnson

thejuicyllama (2:10:27 AM): there's always that

siliconmaster482 (2:10:33 AM): Modacity quotes thread

siliconmaster482 (2:10:36 AM): nao.

Rob Oplawar
August 9th, 2009, 01:15 PM
It's funny you mention it. I was just thinking, if the guy who wrote the script for GI Joe wrote the script for the Halo movie then...
Oh shi- This is it, baby. Hold me. :(

August 10th, 2009, 01:34 AM
[22:31] =Σ= Donut: its not that im anti female or anything either
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: it just seems that back when the males played the main parts things wernt as bad
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: the country wasnt in a state of disrepair
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: drunk driving wasnt causing as many deaths
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: we didnt have a black president
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: we were actually winning wars
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: etc...
[22:32] =Σ= Donut: i think this is a massive bitch slap from karma
[22:33] ICEE: so the theoretical idea of a female protagonist is dooming america?
[22:33] =Σ= Donut: yes

August 11th, 2009, 02:52 AM
i typed "hypoglycemia" into urban dictionary. this was the 3rd result:

3. (http://sodomy-street.urbanup.com/1230936) Sodomy Street (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Sodomy%20Street&defid=1230936) 54 up (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:void%280%29), 11 down (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:void%280%29) http://static3.urbandictionary.com/images/thumbsup.gif?1249254831 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:void%280%29) http://static2.urbandictionary.com/images/thumbsdown.gif?1249254831 (http://javascript%3Cb%3E%3C/b%3E:void%280%29)
The "alternate lifestyle" children's television show. Did you ever wonder what those cute, adorable characters from Sesame Street are doing today? They're still on Sodomy Street.

While always denying he ever had a gay relationship with his long time friend Ernie, the rumors of Bert's orientation boiled to a head after the 1998 season. After suffering years of controversy, rumor and speculation, Bert finally came out of the closet and left Sesame Street early in 1999. Two years of relative obscurity followed. An autobiography was said to be in the works. Bert gravitated first to London's trendy Soho district and was once observed near a seedy gay porn shop. Bert was photographed by the press at the 2000 Disneyland "Gay-Day" celebration. In July 2001, Bert was found bludgeoned to death in a porta-potty near San Francisco's Haight-Asbury district after allegedly soliciting sex from a nearby construction worker. His cremated remains are scheduled to be launched into outer space with the resumption of NASA's Space Shuttle service in 2005.

In an effort to control their son's hyperactivity, Elmo's parents instituted a high dosage regimen of Ridalyn in the fall of 2003 at the behest of his school teacher. An unfortunate drug interaction ensued which brought on severe seizures. The source of the mysterious drug interaction came to light only after extensive tests showed Elmo's sustained use of LSD while on the set on Sesame Street. The unfortunate hallucinogenic drug habit had gone unchecked for years despite ominous signs on the "Elmo's World" sequences such as a walking end table, talking window shade and psychadelic home furniture. After months of suffering in a nearly catatonic, comatose state, Elmo recovered sufficiently to be placed in a juvenile detox program early in 2004. Long term brain damage was manifest in several serious sexual assault incidents in the hospital's detox program, and Elmo has been institutionalized in an undisclosed location ever since. A PBS documentary segment featuring Elmo was recently canceled after mental health advocates protested a planned scene showing a heavily sedated Elmo in a straight jacket drooling uncontrollably, shouting "Mister Noodle" in a loud voice. Ebay recently rejected the efforts of Sesame Street producers to put Elmo's former house up for bids in an auction.

Cookie Monster:
The adorable blue over-eater was initially diagnosed with bulimia early in the 2001 season. This diagnosis masked underlying problems which became evident when Cookie lost 80% of his vision after severe hypoglycemia brought on glaucoma. This was all a direct result of Cookie's chronic over-indulgence in a heavily sugar laced diet. The vision loss was unfortunate as clear symptoms persisted for years. Cookie's detached retinas should have been diagnosed much earlier as it frequently caused his pupils to violently rotate round and round on the set. Never the less, Cookie finally received proper treatment in a New York veteran's hospital (Cookie is a veteran, having served in a stateside army kitchen during the Vietnam conflict). Cookie's metabolic imbalance and hormonal deficiency (which is blamed for his uncontrollable appetite) has been addressed through a rigid regimen of therapeutic drugs following surgery to remove a goiter in his hypothalamus. Cookie was making a comeback to the limelight with a renewed involvement in an obscure orthodox church based on the defunct "PTL Ministry" of the once infamous Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Unfortunately, he was recently ejected from the church after several episodes of misconduct whereby Cookie would run to the altar in the middle of a services and grab the chalice screaming, "COOKEEEEEE!" He would proceed to dump the chalice into his mouth scattering half-chewed hosts all over the congregation.

Big Bird:
Big Bird was briefly arrested in a raid on an illegal overnight porn / prostitution theater in the Bronx in the winter of 2000. He proclaimed his innocence by stating "I don't think we're on Sesame Street anymore." Long known for his heavy drinking, his breath was allegedly heavy with the scent of fermented bird seed that night. Witnesses stated he was interrupting a live sex act on stage by repeatedly asking theater patrons, "Have you seen Ernie?" Despite the fact that no charges were filed, Big Bird resigned from Sesame Street two months later- his reputation irreparably ruined by the speculations of paparazzi. He now lives a secluded life on a vast mayonnaise farm in rural Manitoba and undergoes gene replacement therapy in an effort to deal with his ongoing overactive thyroid.

Count VonCount:
The Count- long famous for counting everything- had severely dehydrated and exhausted himself in 1998 while attempting to count the atoms in his left hand. Tirelessly forgoing meals, drink and sleep for days in a row, he passed out in a delusional state after attaining exponential notation. The reclusive Count was rushed to the hospital where it was further determined he had sustained several bites from a rabid bat. It was at this time he began to seek psychiatric counseling to deal with his obsessive-compulsive disorder. In 2003 upon attempting to purchase an airline ticket to "Transylvania", the Transportation Security Administration placed the Count on the "No Fly" list and he was apparently under FBI and CIA scrutiny. A subsequent raid on his mansion by the ATF, FBI, TSA, INS, CIA, SSA, UPS and the Boy Scouts was conducted. A device resembling a theater organ was seized- apparently a weapon of mass destruction. Currently the Count is detained at Camp X-Ray awaiting trial.

Having survived the many rumors of his gay relationship with his long-standing live-in friend Bert, Ernie left Sesame Street late in 1999 to work for a firm in Hoboken, NJ which manufactures dance floor sawdust. Thrice divorced, he never strays far from his extensive security detail stating, "I value my (expletive deleted) privacy. That damn bird continues to go on those (expletive deleted) journeys to find me to this very (expletive deleted) day." Ernie has been active in the NRA and is said to be a close friend of actor Robert Blake. Ernie recently made news with his fundraising efforts to erect a statue in Washington D.C. curiously dedicated to Wroclaw Staniskowski, an obscure 19th century Polish diplomat.

Porn star popular in the Netherlands.

The lovable traveling monster was written off Sesame Street in the winter of 2001 after his untimely death (the show wrote him off in a "Super Grover" episode involving an accident whereby he crash landed into a high voltage substation). While his actual death was technically ruled a pedestrian accident (he was hit by a commuter train in October 2001), speculation abounds that Grover's demise was actually a suicide. These rumors were fueled after Grover's years of anti-depressant medication use came to light. The drugs ostensibly were used to deal with his wide mood swings. Rumored to be manic-depressive for years, Grover subsidized his many chronic globe-trotting vacations through heavy investments in the stocks of his long standing friend, Martha Stewart as well as Enron stock options.

Oscar the Grouch:
Arrested on a public indecency charge in 1998, he claimed he only solicited the undercover policewoman prostitute "to talk trash". The event was quietly dismissed on a technicality and Oscar continued on Sesame Street until an online porn sting netted him in 2001 for peddling online garbage. While extensive use of rotten attorneys got him out of the can on reduced charges, Oscar left the Sesame Street set that same year and is said to be working with long-standing friends, Larry Flynt and Pee Wee Herman star Paul Reuben on a children's movie supposedly titled, "You're Screwed Up and That's Ok".
It's no wonder why Frank turned out to be such a fucked up individual. His parents did LSD before he was born and after he was born, he watched Sodomy Street every day.

i had to take several breaks to avoid collapsing a lung

August 11th, 2009, 02:59 AM
donut I hope you were joking on all those points...

August 11th, 2009, 11:34 AM
ingame right now so fuck cropping this down

butts: raaiiiiiin in the valley
butts: ross!!
butts: god
ross: hey
butts: hello
butts: what time is it there
ross: ~arma 2~
ross: 1:24am
butts: my neck hurts helap
ross: cod2 smoke
ross: holy fuck
butts: it owns
butts: volumetric smoke owns
butts: every game should use volumetric smoke
ross: everyone just stops firing and starts beating the shit out of each other
butts: basically
butts: the only other game i know of that has volumetric smoke is clear sky
butts: and clear sky also owns!! coincedence???? i think not
ross: iirc the source engine has it but it's not utilised often if at all
butts: the source engine smoke is pretty poor
ross: more for dust than actual smoke
ross: but i could be wrong
ross: and probably am
butts: ive literally never seen dust in any source game
ross: i wonder if vma has open slots~~~
ross: i have
ross: but i notice the obscure stuff like that
butts: then again im blind
ross: lol
butts: if i sit more than 3 feet away from my monitor i cant see it
butts: for the blurry mess before me is no longer a monitor
ross: noooo vma is empty
butts: owned
butts: australian owned
ross: aef public arma2
butts: give me a minute god!! what are you my mom or something
ross: yes
ross: i was going to wait until you were 18 to tell you
butts: wa wa we wa
ross: i'm sorry
ross: it was for the best
butts: owned my mom doesnt call me -omitted-
butts: check yoself before you wreck yoself
ross: ouch
ross: welp arma 2 still has horrible netcode lol
butts: expecting bohemia to fix their game is like expecting the sun to fly down to earth and become the next president
ross: lmao
butts: speaking of well made games ofp2 looks ownage they showed a new trailer w/ tons of gameplay in hardcore mode that literally takes away everything except your map so you have no hud etc
butts: you only have your guns and stuff and a map
butts: it looks really good
butts: the graphics are really good
butts: and the sound design is fantastic
ross: sweet
ross: hurry up and join
ross: ~~~
butts: never

August 11th, 2009, 03:54 PM
br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
good evening

br0kenrabbit says:
What's ip?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
my name is greg a member of the valve online Support team

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
yes :)

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we logged multiple ips from your account and ned to verifi your information

br0kenrabbit says:
My information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
we believe someone may have stolen your account mmmm you havent shared youre account infomation with anyone have you?

br0kenrabbit says:
No. I don't even have it written down.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
hmmm maybe a keylogger on you r PC then maybe you need a format?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
if you can verify your account information to me i can insure that only your ip have access to it Its a new security feature were trying because this happens so muchlogin names and passwords aint safe anymroe You know. L:)

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dont worry this connect it secure

br0kenrabbit says:
Can I be honest with you, Greg?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Look, I don't know how you go this MSN account name, don't really care, either.

br0kenrabbit says:
Unlike you, I DO work for Valve. Trace my ip and you'll see.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Trace it.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Start/run/cmd type Tracert and then my IP address and hit enter.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
oh k

br0kenrabbit says:
As an employee, I know that Valve employees will NEVER contact users over MSN. I also know a valve employee will NEVER ask a user for his/her username and password.

br0kenrabbit says:
I'm putting a temporary hold on your Steam account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Have you read the ToS?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
terms of service

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Greg, this is a serious infraction against the Tos. You are at risk of losing your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I just told you why

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I need some information from you if you want me to unlock you account. I'm going to write you up but I will only suspend you account for three days, since this is your first infraction, okay?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
First, what is the name the account is registered to. Not the user name, the persons real name who created the account. This is for verification purposes.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
xxxxx xxxxxxx

br0kenrabbit says:
Is this you?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Are you the only user of this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay, and what is the username

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I see you have purchased a few of our games, thank you. :)

Greg_ValveOLS says:
some. dude

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Do you always log on from the same IP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
And who is your internet providers, your ISP?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Thank you. One moment, please, let me verify this information.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
am i gonna be bale to play 2nite?

br0kenrabbit says:
What is your city of residence?

br0kenrabbit says:
That depends on if you cooperate. You're doing fine so far.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. And what is the password associated with this account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Do not try to log into steam. If you are connected now you need to log off.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
So I can update your account.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
can I play 2 nite

Greg_ValveOLS says:
clan fight

Greg_ValveOLS says:
wont win without me heh

br0kenrabbit says:
Heh. You'll have to wait a few minutes. Are you logged off?

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Okay. Give me just a moment.

br0kenrabbit says:
Try to log in now.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
It says login failed wtf wtf!!@?

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
did u ban me???????????>WHY

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Valve will never ask for your username and password.

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
I don't work for Valve dude, but you just got pwnt.

Greg_ValveOLS says:
omg dude wtf why?

br0kenrabbit says:
Why were you trying to steal my account?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i wanst

br0kenrabbit says:
Then why were you asking for my information?

Greg_ValveOLS says:
i was just making a joke but not cerious honest dude just give
my acount back pllllleeease i'm only 13 and save d up for like a year to buy it

br0kenrabbit says:

Greg_ValveOLS says:
dude pleas

Greg_ValveOLS says:

br0kenrabbit says:
Go mow some yards, bitch.
So pro

August 11th, 2009, 08:21 PM
(08:18:02 PM) Rob Oplawar: totally missing the point of the exercise
(08:18:36 PM) Kevin Lange: No, I exploited the rules.
(08:18:48 PM) Rob Oplawar: yeah, it's not about exploiting the rules, dude
(08:18:50 PM) Kevin Lange: I still think "touch quine.py && python quine.py" is the best.
(08:18:56 PM) Rob Oplawar: it's about exploiting the language
(08:19:02 PM) Kevin Lange: I exploited your mother.
(08:19:08 PM) Rob Oplawar: :< I exploited his mother.

English Mobster
August 11th, 2009, 09:03 PM
So pro
Pretty old, but still funny.
I believe he did give the guy back his account after 3 weeks or so, then reported him to Valve, resulting in him getting perma'd by a REAL Valve employee.

Alwin Roth
August 11th, 2009, 09:08 PM
alwinroth: Did you see that ninja assassin trailer? it's so bad-ass
Censoredname: yeah, it's pretty old dude...
alwinroth: err... just came out about an hour ago..
Censoredname has logged off.

Fucking idiots -_-
This was in a clan chat during Runescape... yes... I play that game...

August 12th, 2009, 03:04 PM
[11:54:05] FlamingRain has a working comp!: i like animating on one screen
[11:54:09] FlamingRain has a working comp!: and IMing on the other
[11:54:15] Pyong: or texturing on another :P
[11:54:17] FlamingRain has a working comp!: lol
[11:54:20] FlamingRain has a working comp!: that works too
[11:54:22] Pyong: :P
[11:54:26] FlamingRain has a working comp!: have photoshop on one screen
[11:54:28] FlamingRain has a working comp!: model on the other
[11:54:53] Pyong: or pron
[11:55:05] Pyong: lol
[11:55:09] FlamingRain has a working comp!: yeah
[11:55:10] FlamingRain has a working comp!: lol
[11:55:10] FlamingRain has a working comp!: or
[11:55:14] FlamingRain has a working comp!: model on one side
[11:55:19] FlamingRain has a working comp!: unwrapping on the other
[11:55:26] Pyong: boob references on one screen
[11:55:29] Pyong: modeling on the other
[11:55:32] Pyong: lol
[11:56:28] FlamingRain has a working comp!: lmfao
[11:56:33] FlamingRain has a working comp!: quotes thread'd

August 13th, 2009, 01:24 AM
Double postin keepin this thread alive

[22:22:17] Zetsuei540: wow
[22:22:19] Zetsuei540: that was awful
[22:22:23] FlaminGrain231: lol
[22:22:25] Zetsuei540: and im going to describe it to you
[22:22:27] FlaminGrain231: haha
[22:22:34] Zetsuei540: possibly the worst diarhea ive ever had
[22:22:36] FlaminGrain231: describe it to my mic
[22:22:41] Zetsuei540: i felt like i was going to puke the whole time
[22:22:46] Zetsuei540: it just keep getting runnier
[22:22:48] Zetsuei540: and runnier
[22:22:53] Zetsuei540: until liquid was coming out of my ass
[22:22:57] FlaminGrain231: LMAO
[22:22:59] FlaminGrain231: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAA
[22:23:03] Zetsuei540: what the fuck did i eat
[22:23:15] FlaminGrain231: you turned into a girl
[22:23:17] Zetsuei540: i hope you never have to experience that
[22:23:21] Zetsuei540: or anyone for that matter
[22:23:28] Zetsuei540: oh no, it was brown liquid
[22:23:32] FlaminGrain231: heh
[22:23:32] Zetsuei540: kinda like muddy water
[22:23:34] FlaminGrain231: lmao
[22:23:38] FlaminGrain231: quotes thread'd

August 13th, 2009, 07:15 AM
thats not particularly funny :/

more wit people!

August 13th, 2009, 05:01 PM
[16:56] teh lag: yeah I infracted you because you were helping out

Llama Juice
August 14th, 2009, 07:09 AM
At school we were doing this team building communication exercise thing where there was a "minefield" that we had to guide our blindfolded partners through. The last person had to go through without any help from anyone and still be blindfolded. My friend slapped him on the back and said "Looks like you're going in for a dry run."

I had to throw the much needed "That's what she said" in there.

After everyone stopped laughing My female teacher came back with "Well then you're not doing it right."

It was golden.

August 14th, 2009, 12:01 PM
I am lying in bed, and my cat is on top, and when he moves his paws he gives a pro dick massage mmmm.


August 14th, 2009, 12:11 PM
That's hot.

August 14th, 2009, 12:16 PM
Oh, Rob, you so funny.

(12:14:44 PM) Rob Oplawar: oh god dammit
(12:14:52 PM) Rob Oplawar: maybe it's just my subconscious manifesting itself, but I always seem to accidentally make these horrible innuendos when talking to my gay friends
(12:14:56 PM) Rob Oplawar: I just asked my best friend, who is gay, "How are things on your end?"
(12:15:02 PM) Rob Oplawar: and then I immediately went >.<

August 15th, 2009, 11:09 PM
[7/25/2009 11:48:33 PM] Scott Davis: We might have to come up with a scheme to get Bod fired from his job
[7/25/2009 11:48:41 PM] Scott Davis: so that we can record this show at a better time
[7/25/2009 11:48:55 PM] flibitijibibo: bod has a job?
[7/25/2009 11:49:14 PM] Scott Davis: I believe that is why he can't do this why we are actually half awake
[7/25/2009 11:49:24 PM] Scott Davis: while*
[7/25/2009 11:49:51 PM] Scott Davis: Ah, who cares
[7/25/2009 11:50:25 PM] Scott Davis: Speaking of Bod, I found out today that we live in Sister Cities
[7/25/2009 11:50:49 PM] Scott Davis: As in, some cities have a program where they become sister cities to a city in another nation
[7/25/2009 11:51:25 PM] Scott Davis: Lismore Australia and Eau Claire Wisconsin are sister cities
[7/25/2009 11:51:34 PM] Scott Davis: I can't believe I just found this out
[7/25/2009 11:52:34 PM] flibitijibibo: do it
[7/25/2009 11:52:52 PM] flibitijibibo: and get a bat to hit bod with for not getting a good mic
[7/25/2009 11:53:25 PM] Scott Davis: These sister cities are for educational purposes only
[7/25/2009 11:53:34 PM] flibitijibibo: that'll learn him
[7/25/2009 11:53:47 PM] Scott Davis: i c wat u did thar

Flibit, if you are wondering where I got this Convo, this was back when we were about to record Episode 2. I was going through my old Skype Convos, and decided to post this one.

August 15th, 2009, 11:52 PM
: wat is it
: about
Kurdyâ„¢: u dont know?
Kurdyâ„¢: how is that possible
Kurdyâ„¢: watch the movie
Kurdyâ„¢: now
Kurdyâ„¢: do it
Kurdyâ„¢: the movie is amazing
Kurdyâ„¢: but this is the first time ive watched the series
: no
: fuck that
: tell me
: first
Kurdyâ„¢: no
Kurdyâ„¢: i will not
: im not falling for that again
: not watching
: never then

DEE has never seen firefly.

August 15th, 2009, 11:53 PM
Hey fuck you man.

August 15th, 2009, 11:55 PM
Hey fuck you man.
The movie/series is one of about three total movies that can be described solely by the word "awesome".

August 16th, 2009, 12:00 AM
DEEsemifag: k ill watch it :/

August 16th, 2009, 12:01 AM
Ive never seen it either.

August 16th, 2009, 12:02 AM
DEE has never seen firefly.


The movie/series is one of about three total movies that can be described solely by the word "awesome".


August 16th, 2009, 01:11 AM
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: like I was saying
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: :|
Henchmen #21: :)
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: like I was saying
Henchmen #21: whas&
Henchmen #21: :)
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: I made him belive that there was a absloute value to a negative number
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: by convincing him that absolute values were how far away something was from zero
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: in front of the principle
Henchmen #21: lol
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: when I barely knew english
Henchmen #21: looooooooooooooooolll
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: his dumbass was slowly replaced by a student teacher
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: I lol'd
Henchmen #21: but dude
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: and from there on I would use that as a way to threaten teachers
Henchmen #21: absolute values do have negative numbers
Henchmen #21: :|
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: Negative numbers do have absolute values*
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: 6-5
Henchmen #21: still
Henchmen #21: negative numbers do have absolute values
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: well then hes stupid for saying they dont
Henchmen #21: yeah
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: either way hes fired
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: and I would tell teachers
Henchmen #21: oh dude
Henchmen #21: guess what?
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: hey ill get you ass fierd to if you dont rig this test
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: I beat the system
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: and yhea I know
Henchmen #21: im smarter then you and you're teacher!! i jsut convinced you what you convinced your teacher that was wrong!
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: no
Henchmen #21: 6-10
Henchmen #21: quotes
Henchmen #21: go go
CLSGRNT.gbxmodel: I made you think that you thought you had fooled me

August 16th, 2009, 01:13 AM

August 16th, 2009, 01:33 AM
siliconmaster482 (1:09:24 AM): k, adjusted

siliconmaster482 (1:09:32 AM): now the spire is completely in the glass

siliconmaster482 (1:10:22 AM): :/

ShadowSpartan1 (1:10:57 AM): still though, why would they have glass there

siliconmaster482 (1:11:15 AM): because you didn't like it without the glass

siliconmaster482 (1:11:17 AM): :3

siliconmaster482 (1:11:41 AM): they're very user-oriented chaps, the forerunners they are

siliconmaster482 (1:12:12 AM): go take a look: "how is my building- fixmyforerunner.org"

ShadowSpartan1 (1:12:54 AM): lmao


August 16th, 2009, 10:04 PM
#739375 +(2188)- [X]
<Tostitos> i like my women the way i like my coffee
<Jet> Ground up and in the freezer?
<SteveTheImpermeableHamster> full of your cream?
<mistik> hawt?
<Dokterrock> What, tied up in a sack and thrown over the back of a burro?
<RaMTuFF> quiet ?
<Jet>: Colombian?
<Aimee> hot?
<Jet> From McDonalds?
<djswift2k3> Black?
<SteveTheImpermeableHamster> in a cup?
<Jet> Spilt all over your lap?
<Aimee> cheap?
<whiteboihere> strong and black?/
<Tostitos> i hate you allAh, Bash...

August 16th, 2009, 11:52 PM

The mind games are gettin to ya. Don't talk to chains he'll mind fuck ya. :v:

August 17th, 2009, 07:41 AM
(AoG) Rook: who puts vinegar on fish and chips
(AoG) Rook: only the english!
[HIV]zero | acbluflame: I don't :O
(AoG) Rook: by the way
(AoG) Rook: I get chicken instead of the fish lol
(AoG) Rook: fuck fish
[HIV]zero | acbluflame: you black?

Rob Oplawar
August 17th, 2009, 03:47 PM
Just saw this on facebook:

August 18th, 2009, 03:40 AM
Do you want to feel SO VERY HERETICAL?
Try Obliterators!
Heavy Support Options for people who need GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF HEAVY WEAPONS!

With heavy weapons like MULTI MELTAS!
Fuck your armour! It's like slapping an Eldar with a DAEMON WEAPON!
Sound the alarm, you're going to be doing UNCOMFORTABLE AMOUNTS OF UNSAVEABLE WOUNDS!

What's that? You want small blast markers? Well how about PLASMA CANNONS!
Made with REAL 'Gets hot!' DISADVANTAGES!

You'll be good at it!
It's a Heavy Support choice of power!

These aren't your CHAOS Marines!
These are mutating heavy weapon warp spawn!



You'll be so shooty that Orks will be like
'Oi! Dis gitz got too much Dakka!'
And you'll be like 'Fuck you!' and hit them in the Front Armour with your fleshy growth mutant weapons!

You'll have so much firepower
Just shooting ALL THE TIME!

HQ Obliterators Elite Obliterators Troop Obliterators Fast Attack Obliterators Heavy Support Obliterators with ANY WEAPON YOU WANT!
You'll have so many LASCA-

Give LASCANNONS to your Cultists and they'll be GOOD AT SHOOTING!
Make your Cultists shoot ABNORMALLY WELL!
They'll shoot as well as TAU!
People will watch them shoot and think they're TAU!
They'll fight as well as TAU!
Against actual TAU!
And it'll be a draw and they'll get assimilated for THE GREATER GOOD!

Hey! Go with a sure thing! Don't gamble on your 'Get's Hot!' rolls!

The Heavy Support choice that will make you
I love you /tg/

August 18th, 2009, 03:44 AM
Basically, you only really need to read the bear-related posts, I'm just too lazy to re-arrange a thread this big.


E: Gah, just realized none of the images are there, all you need to know is that the OP's image was this (http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs32/f/2008/209/2/f/Bear_Pope__by_apiphile.jpg).

August 18th, 2009, 05:58 PM

August 18th, 2009, 05:58 PM
Already posted.

August 18th, 2009, 05:59 PM
wrong thread bro

August 19th, 2009, 01:11 AM
(AoG) Rook: who puts vinegar on fish and chips
(AoG) Rook: only the english!
[HIV]zero | acbluflame: I don't :O
(AoG) Rook: by the way
(AoG) Rook: I get chicken instead of the fish lol
(AoG) Rook: fuck fish
[HIV]zero | acbluflame: you black?

oh my god when I'm in germany I go to this place called nordsee, best fish and chips ever...

August 19th, 2009, 12:44 PM
Rhode Islander Lyncher: Fuck dude
=Σ= Guidario: i caught a botter
=Σ= Guidario: lol
Rhode Islander Lyncher: i am like
Rhode Islander Lyncher: stunned
Rhode Islander Lyncher: have you ever tried mastuirbating while drinking an energy drink?
=Σ= Guidario: no
Rhode Islander Lyncher: its like amazing
=Σ= Guidario: one of the few things i havent tried
Rhode Islander Lyncher: i just fapped for 50 minutes straight non stop full speed
Rhode Islander Lyncher: holy shit
Rhode Islander Lyncher: was amazing
Rhode Islander Lyncher: but FUCK I HAVE CARPET BURN
Rhode Islander Lyncher: like my cock is dead now
Rhode Islander Lyncher: i just tried flexing it
Rhode Islander Lyncher: i think a piece fell off
Rhode Islander Lyncher: :(
=Σ= Guidario: ROFL
Rhode Islander Lyncher: is skeet supposed to lgow green?
=Σ= Guidario: omfg
=Σ= Guidario: that happened to you too?
Rhode Islander Lyncher: lol
Rhode Islander Lyncher: at least its not blood
Rhode Islander Lyncher: :X
=Σ= Guidario: oh fuck
Rhode Islander Lyncher: lol

Rhode islander lyncher- chains
Guido fuck- donut

Rob Oplawar
August 19th, 2009, 02:26 PM
Ok, I admit it, I laughed.

August 19th, 2009, 06:47 PM
Well you know what they say about black guys :q:

August 19th, 2009, 06:56 PM
It took... 20 years to collect that much, and you use it as lube?

August 20th, 2009, 12:21 AM
Continuation of what chains posted

[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: im sorry im a bit tipsy
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and not from beer dude
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: power bar
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: decided to make thier shit more insane
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: what they did
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: was get the caffiene ammount of 2 cups of coffee
[00:06] Rhode Islander Lyncher: electolytes of a gatorade bottle
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and all this other shit
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: compress it into a fucking gel packet
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and put it in boxes of 50
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and ship them out
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i want to stay up late but i spritned 4 miles
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: chugged one
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i cant sit still
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: everything is like vibrating
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: in a non kinky way
[00:07] Rhode Islander Lyncher: its amazing
[00:08] =Σ= Guidario: ok
[00:08] =Σ= Guidario: remeber what you told me about energy drinks
[00:08] Rhode Islander Lyncher: yes
[00:08] =Σ= Guidario: fap now
[00:08] Rhode Islander Lyncher: dude the thing is like a burnt nub
[00:08] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i have to walk like ive been fucked sideways by a horse
[00:09] Rhode Islander Lyncher: idk if ill be bale to fap for 3 weeks
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: oh dude
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: this reminds me
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: speaking of tipsy
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: last night i got wasted
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: like vodka mixed with coke 2 bottles wasted
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well one bottole mixed with coke
[00:10] Rhode Islander Lyncher: like coca cola
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: anyways the other one i drank using beer as a fucking chaser
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: anyways im smashed
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and i ate bbq wings
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well i had to take ahuge shit
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well i go in there and its god awful
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: burning my ass hole and shit
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well i get up and its fuckng steaming from the toilet
[00:11] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well when im drunk i have shit memory
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i did want to see it so i jsut slammed the lid shut
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: then i jsut fucking walked off, forgetting to flush
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: no see, its gone
[00:12] =Σ= Guidario: omfg
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well i come back about anh our later to piss and still smashed as ever
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: and i reach to open the lid
[00:12] Rhode Islander Lyncher: all i feel is heat generating from the lid
[00:13] =Σ= Guidario: dude holy shit lol
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well for some odd reason this sets me into a fucking nostalgic mud slide back to when i wa sin pre school and the teacher is yelling about how when a door knob is hot, it means theres a fir eon the other side and to run
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: well i apply this to the toilet
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i scream like a little bitch and sprint to the phone and call 911
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: yelling theres a fire in my house
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: :(
[00:13] Rhode Islander Lyncher: firemen come
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i point to toilet
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: they leave
[00:14] =Σ= Guidario: ROFL OMG
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i wake up with hangover
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i know anytime now i am going to be boned with a huge fucking fine
[00:14] =Σ= Guidario: holy shit was this a dream or did this shit happen
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: i just wonder why im not in jail
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: :(
[00:14] =Σ= Guidario: this belongs on modacity
[00:14] =Σ= Guidario: do you agree?
[00:14] Rhode Islander Lyncher: yes

August 21st, 2009, 10:13 PM
Back in the day me and my buddy used to break into people's houses when they were out on vacation. I wasn't exactly what you would call an upstanding citizen back then, but I've put that part of my life behind me. Anyway, one day I'm checking out this one house that's supposed to be empty. Figured we'd case the joint and come back at night. Then I hear someone inside. Sounds like an old timey gangster guy, but he means business cause next thing I know there's machine gun fire inside the house. So I hit the deck and bust outta there quick. Scared the shit outta me. Later I found out that it was just a kid with a VCR and some fireworks. We went back to the house later, but that's a whole other story....

August 23rd, 2009, 12:42 AM
[»ШМ«]Kurdyâ„¢: http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y176/ryujin356/japan.jpg
[»ШМ«]Kurdyâ„¢: those are men???
[»ШМ«]: yes
[»ШМ«]: ..
[»ШМ«]: why was japan back then so bad ass
[»ШМ«]Kurdyâ„¢: ye
[»ШМ«]: and now they look like chicks with Blue steel?
[»ШМ«]Kurdyâ„¢: but now dey all just sum gayos

August 23rd, 2009, 08:40 PM
"Snafubar" (8:36:15 PM): i was at home one day"Snafubar" (8:36:19 PM): and it is fucking POURING

"Snafubar" (8:36:25 PM): high wind, rain

"Snafubar" (8:36:30 PM): and i call my ex and i'm all

"Snafubar" (8:36:38 PM): ISN'T THIS RAIN NICE http://www.modacity.net/forums/aolbart:/1024/id/2B00001C91/3A2D44

"Snafubar" (8:36:45 PM): and she's all "what rain??"

"Snafubar" (8:36:50 PM): she lived 4 miles away

JeanLuc 761 (8:36:57 PM): lol

"Snafubar" (8:37:02 PM): it was clear skies for her

JeanLuc 761 (8:37:07 PM): we've had times where it rains in the front yard, and doesn't in the back yard

JeanLuc 761 (8:37:10 PM): We're like "lolwut?"

"Snafubar" (8:37:13 PM): lol

JeanLuc 761 (8:37:29 PM): Fucking yardist rain, I'm telling you

JeanLuc 761 (8:37:34 PM): *corny jokes!*

"Snafubar" (8:37:58 PM): lol

"Snafubar" (8:38:15 PM): your backyard grass must've been a little...brown

JeanLuc 761 (8:38:24 PM): ...oh shit

JeanLuc 761 (8:38:28 PM): :caruso:This is the kind of stuff we talk about.

August 23rd, 2009, 10:21 PM
[22:16] ICEE: whoah
[22:16] ICEE: i found him again
[22:16] =Σ= Guidario: um...
[22:16] =Σ= Guidario: oh shit
[22:16] =Σ= Guidario: i think i know who youre talking about
[22:16] =Σ= Guidario: hes been stalking you for a while now?
[22:16] <This user is now offline>

WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO? i dont know whether to call in an amber alert or not

August 23rd, 2009, 10:24 PM
im an adult, you jackass

August 23rd, 2009, 10:27 PM
wha... youre an... AND YOU LET ME SHARE A BED WITH YOU :gonk:?

August 24th, 2009, 05:51 PM
[03:10] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: what you should do for your test maps is make a script you can run while in devmode
[03:10] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: that respawns all of the bipeds
[03:10] m00kz.weapon: hahaha yeah
[03:10] m00kz.weapon: really
[03:10] m00kz.weapon: I'm fucking failure at scripting though
[03:10] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: it's a easy script
[03:11] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: name all of your bipeds
[03:11] m00kz.weapon: Yeah
[03:11] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: and then make a script that does an (object_create_anew) for each one
[03:46] m00kz.weapon: dude this script rocks
[03:46] m00kz.weapon: thx brosef.
[03:46] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: yeah all you need is more elites and you'd never need a reason to leave the map again
[03:46] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: :realsmug:
[03:46] m00kz.weapon: god
[03:46] m00kz.weapon: don't tempt me


August 24th, 2009, 10:28 PM

August 25th, 2009, 12:24 AM
In the random category:

(10:25:44 PM) Kevin Lange: I have two classes with this guy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Lynn
(10:27:09 PM) Siliconmaster482: ccool
(10:27:09 PM) Siliconmaster482: *cool
(10:27:37 PM) Kevin Lange: Despite how much every employee at Cisco probably hates him, he's a great guy.
(10:28:08 PM) Kevin Lange: I took the current photo on the Wikipedia article as a joke.
(10:28:34 PM) Siliconmaster482: lmao
(10:29:45 PM) Kevin Lange: And completely reformatted the page...
(10:29:52 PM) Kevin Lange: And added the note that he's currently at UIUC...
(10:30:09 PM) Siliconmaster482: nice work
(10:30:32 PM) Kevin Lange: If you go the edit right before OasisGames started touching it, you'll see how I've made it much better.
(10:31:11 PM) Kevin Lange: Anyway, yeah, the picture joke...
(10:31:20 PM) Kevin Lange: Or rather, here's the complete story:
(10:31:51 PM) Kevin Lange: I'm walking out of an introduction to computer science at UIUC meeting at the Siebel Center (look it up if you want, I'll just say "it's THE CS building at UIUC")...
(10:33:03 PM) Kevin Lange: There's food, drink, etc., but I'm not hungry - and now thank god I never went to get food or this probably wouldn't have happened - so I walk to the end of the room closest to the ACM room (because I'm going to join the ACM), guy sits down next to me, no idea who he is, but he obviously looks a little older...
(10:33:32 PM) Kevin Lange: ACM guys get invited to join the party, sit down at the table...
(10:33:54 PM) Kevin Lange: (because it's closest)
(10:34:34 PM) Kevin Lange: We start talking, they ask where we're all from (there was one other person at the table, someone from my res. hall), and we get through some basic introductions, and they get to Mike, and he's like "Google Michael Hall"
(10:34:46 PM) Siliconmaster482: haha
(10:34:53 PM) Kevin Lange: And they're like, what? And he shows them his name tag.
(10:35:06 PM) Kevin Lange: No one really knows who he is still, it's not so much a name thing rather it's the event itself that was famous...
(10:35:12 PM) Kevin Lange: But we all have iphones.
(10:35:13 PM) Siliconmaster482: heh
(10:35:17 PM) Siliconmaster482: LOL
(10:35:20 PM) Kevin Lange: So we google, hop on Wikipedia...
(10:35:23 PM) Kevin Lange: And holy shit look at this guy.
(10:35:51 PM) Kevin Lange: First thing we did after figuring out how awesome this guy was start critiquing the shitpoor things on his wiki entry (Because people do stupid things there).
(10:36:22 PM) Kevin Lange: I made the sarcastic comic "nice picture" - because we all know pictures on wikipedia are rarely good. I think Linus Torvalds is the only good picture I've seen on Wikipedia...
(10:36:40 PM) Kevin Lange: He says "Not really, it's terrible" and I'm like "Let's replace it.", and he's like "ha, sure."
(10:36:48 PM) Siliconmaster482: haha
(10:36:56 PM) Kevin Lange: So he stands up, I take a picture, tweet it, pull out my netbook and upload it to wikipedia.
(10:37:22 PM) Siliconmaster482: noice
(10:37:23 PM) Kevin Lange: Then came this three hour discussion about all sorts of things, starting with his life story.
(10:38:17 PM) Kevin Lange: Then we moved into the ACM room, and he started talking about stupid things people do in computing (it started out as a discussion on the ACM's OS project, then turned into how documentation sucks, specifications are never properly implemented, etc... then went into how he used to screw people over who were asking homework questions in IRC channels back in the day...)
(10:38:47 PM) Kevin Lange: Unfortunately, I had to leave, it was getting late and I had class early in the morning today...
(10:39:07 PM) Kevin Lange: Get back to my dorm, revamped the wikipage because I was bored... went to sleep, etc. etc...
(10:39:47 PM) Kevin Lange: Walk down to the Siebel Center for my first class... sit down at a table that was left out from the party the night before (I was a half hour early), went on digg, slashdot, etc...
(10:39:59 PM) Kevin Lange: Guess who's at the coffee shop right behind me?
(10:40:40 PM) Kevin Lange: Mike Lynn. Sits down next to me. Small talk, "which class are you here for" "CS173" "Oh, same here."... we walk in, walk up to the front row and sit there.
(10:40:43 PM) Kevin Lange: Class, etc. blah blah.
(10:41:18 PM) Siliconmaster482: lol
(10:41:31 PM) Kevin Lange: Right before the next class he's like "You're not by any chance in CS231 are you?" "Yeah." - we sit there for the next class.
(10:41:51 PM) Kevin Lange: So, yeah, I have two lectures in a row with him on monday and wednesday and one on friday.
(10:42:00 PM) Kevin Lange: This definitely boosts my hacker cred.
(10:42:09 PM) Kevin Lange: I'll be "good friends" with him by the end of the semester.
(10:42:27 PM) Siliconmaster482: niiiiice

August 25th, 2009, 01:26 AM
(11:13:49 PM) BobtheGreatII: http://www.engadget.com/2009/08/24/apple-enlists-david-puddy-to-take-on-the-laptop-hunters/#continued
(11:13:52 PM) BobtheGreatII: seriously
(11:14:01 PM) BobtheGreatII: the Mac ads are starting to drive me nuts
(11:14:17 PM) BobtheGreatII: And it's making me crazy that people are dumb enough to believe this garbage
(11:14:29 PM) BobtheGreatII: Yes. There are Viruses out there.
(11:14:40 PM) BobtheGreatII: Are you going to get one by buying a PC?
(11:14:41 PM) BobtheGreatII: No
(11:14:44 PM) BobtheGreatII: Ugh
(11:15:20 PM) BobtheGreatII: I've had a PC for nearly 12 years, and I've only gotten 3 Viruses, all because I downloaded bad Torrents.
(11:15:22 PM) oasisgamescom: This is why I use Linux. Because both of you guys are idiots :awesome:

Bleh. :maddowns:

August 27th, 2009, 01:33 PM
wasn't sure whether to dump this here or the ownage thread, went with here

cb the polarbear (3:25:59 AM): ross
cb the polarbear (3:26:01 AM): i think
cb the polarbear (3:26:06 AM): we, as a community
cb the polarbear (3:26:09 AM): got fucking trolled
cb the polarbear (3:26:11 AM): hardcore
teh rossmum (3:26:13 AM): 0wned
cb the polarbear (3:26:34 AM): so i'm talking to RG over xfire...
teh rossmum (3:26:40 AM): i love how i take bullshit seriously and laugh off seriously bad shit going down
cb the polarbear (3:26:48 AM): lol
teh rossmum (3:26:51 AM): SO THREADS ARE EVIL
teh rossmum (3:26:58 AM): meanwhile, modacity gets owned
cb the polarbear (3:26:59 AM): [13:12] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: okay. well, you've been doing fine so far except for that one instance in bodzilla's visitor messages
[13:13] DJ iTails: ?
[13:14] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: but, there's one thing i didn't consider when letting you back into the forums, and that's how apparently 90% of the community hates your existence.
[13:14] DJ iTails: thats great and all, but i've moved on
[13:14] DJ iTails: I could care less about the community at modacity. I found a new one.
[13:15] DJ iTails: The internet is the internet to me. No use crying about a forum that doesnt like you.
[13:15] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: well, in that case...
[13:16] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: thing is, i've been getting a fuckton of criticism for not banning you on sight.
[13:16] DJ iTails: I've already been banned.
[13:16] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: i'm trying to get people to leave you al- wait what
[13:16] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: when did this happen?
[13:17] DJ iTails: Everytime I go there, I get the "hit the road jack" song.
[13:17] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: uhhh
[13:17] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: [13:16] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: when did this happen?
[13:17] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: you were posting just fine yesterday
[13:17] DJ iTails: I never posted yesterday...
[13:17] DJ iTails: I've been posting here http://www.opencarnage.com/

[13:17] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: ?
[13:17] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: what the hell
[13:17] DJ iTails: check the IP's, because I know for sure thats not me
[13:18] DJ iTails: DEE was asking the same thing.
[13:18] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: you were in my profile yesterday early morning, 1:55AM
[13:19] DJ iTails: someone must have logged into my account then
[13:19] DJ iTails: I havent been to modacity in ages
[13:19] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: ...wait a fucking minute
[13:20] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: Didn't you register Dotkito92?
[13:20] DJ iTails: no
[13:20] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: .......
[13:20] p0lar.unit_hud_interface: WHAT THE FUCK
[13:20] DJ iTails: my current address is <snip>, thats the one i've had since i went there i think
[13:20] DJ iTails: the only username I use is iTails
[13:21] DJ iTails: Dotkito was back in the day over Xbox live
[13:21] DJ iTails: and halomaps.
cb the polarbear (3:27:28 AM): i know you don't trust him one bit, but
teh rossmum (3:27:44 AM): LOL
teh rossmum (3:27:49 AM): HOLY MOTHER OF FUCK
cb the polarbear (3:27:50 AM): if RG and Dotkito92 were the same person, that conversation wouldn't be happening
teh rossmum (3:27:52 AM): TROLLED SON
teh rossmum (3:27:53 AM): TROLLED
teh rossmum (3:27:54 AM): TROLLED
cb the polarbear (3:27:58 AM): We
cb the polarbear (3:28:00 AM): have been
teh rossmum (3:28:00 AM): I WISH I WAS THE ONE WHO DID THIS
cb the polarbear (3:28:01 AM): owned
cb the polarbear (3:28:02 AM): hardcore
teh rossmum (3:28:05 AM): THIS IS A FUCKIN MASTERSTROKE
teh rossmum (3:28:25 AM): holy living fuck
teh rossmum (3:28:42 AM): i can't even think of an appropriate adjective to couple with '0wned'
teh rossmum (3:28:53 AM): can't even think of an appropriate intensifier...
cb the polarbear (3:28:57 AM): fawkin' 0wned?
teh rossmum (3:29:00 AM): even by beloved fuck has failed me...
teh rossmum (3:29:09 AM): it just doesn't even begin to cover it...
teh rossmum (3:30:42 AM): oh my god
teh rossmum (3:30:46 AM): holy fuck
teh rossmum (3:30:47 AM): i
teh rossmum (3:30:48 AM): wow
teh rossmum (3:30:54 AM): whoever did this needs a medal

please let this be legit :allears:

August 27th, 2009, 04:59 PM
thats for teh lulz right thar right thar

English Mobster
August 29th, 2009, 01:34 AM
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: an ant was walking on my touchpad
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: and making my mouse move
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: then it climbed onto the keyboard
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: and proceeded to get directly underneath my finger as i hit enter
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: and i didnt kill it, but it became mentally retarded
[20:29] ultama.pk3: poor ant rofl
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: and fell underneath my shift key
[20:29] Abominable Snow Mobster: AND NOW ITS DEAD

Self-quoting FTW.

August 29th, 2009, 01:16 PM
[13:07] [»ШМ«]Advancebo: tell him i like dick

advancebo likes the dick :o

August 29th, 2009, 01:27 PM
[13:07] [»ШМ«]Advancebo: tell him i like dick

advancebo likes the dick :o

Its just onotix being a retard

Conversation started between [»ШМ«]Advancebo and [»ШМ«]Θ: Sat, Aug 29 13:07:27 2009
[13:07] [»ШМ«]Θ: [13:06] Zteam: tell adfagbo to unblock me and that im sorry for hurting his cmt fan boy feelings
[13:07] [»ШМ«]Advancebo: tell him idc
[13:08] [»ШМ«]Θ: [13:08] Zteam: lol wut
[13:08] Zteam: HEY ITS Zteam here

theres the true chat log.

August 29th, 2009, 02:47 PM
Well you know what they say about black guys :q:
thats why he didnt know if it was a good thing or a bad thing :downs:

August 29th, 2009, 02:57 PM
This is the kind of stuff we talk about.
you used an :emote: in an IM conversation?


August 29th, 2009, 03:20 PM
you used an :emote: in an IM conversation?


What? I do it all the time. :downs:

August 29th, 2009, 03:58 PM
yeah me too

August 29th, 2009, 04:22 PM
Fuck, I've got the SA emot pack for trillian.

August 29th, 2009, 06:40 PM
Gagonshaft: Goodnight cass
`CaSs!: lol
Gagonshaft: tell me a bedtime story
`CaSs!: really?
`CaSs!: once upon a time cass was playing poker
`CaSs!: hes got a pair of aces
Gagonshaft: were the aces black
`CaSs!: one red one black
Gagonshaft: this is a good story
Gagonshaft: so im assuming the white ace came in and took land from the reds and enslaved the blacks to work on it
`CaSs!: duh
`CaSs!: i lost that hand btw
Gagonshaft: yeah u ussually cant win being red or black

I go to bed at fucking 6:30 pm so what.

August 29th, 2009, 07:08 PM
Me: So it's my friends birthday
Friend: And you forgot
Friend: You dick
Me:I told him "Congratulations on surviving another year post vaginal ejection with disgusting fluids and a sack following after"
Me:Another one of my friends said "Wow, now how do you think he feels on his birthday?"
Me:It was at this moment I remember his mother is deadComplete lapse in judgement when I saw an opportune time to use quotes off of Modacity :ohdear:

August 30th, 2009, 04:08 AM
I also believe in God because God is real. The Bible is real, the Bible tells me God is real. The Bible is The Truth because it says so in The Real Bible.

WOW, the irony. lololol (http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showpost.php?p=221983&postcount=9)

August 30th, 2009, 04:39 AM
WOW, the irony. lololol (http://www.landoverbaptist.net/showpost.php?p=221983&postcount=9)

I wonder how they handle other religions...

e:holy crap what is that thread i dont even

August 30th, 2009, 05:05 AM
10300 posts ?????

these people are dedicated.

August 30th, 2009, 06:49 AM
10300 posts ?????

these people are dedicated.
How's making sure your gf doesn't kill herself working for you? :p

August 30th, 2009, 03:10 PM
Theres a guy with 32,000+

August 30th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Sm482: I'm going through school papers and stuff from last year, seeing if I can salvage notebooks for the upcoming school year
Sm482: and I get to some notes about presentations
Sm482: step 1: pick a topic
Sm482: step 2: analyze the audience
Sm482: step 3: shift the topic so it fits with the analysis
Sm482: and so on
Sm482: then I get to the bottom:
Sm482: step 10: ?
Sm482: step 11: profit
Sm482: I've never laughed so hard at my own notes
Sm482: I must have been reeealy bored that day
Лорд вон Крупп: Lol.


August 30th, 2009, 04:00 PM

September 1st, 2009, 08:51 PM
Nightlife: If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so i can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. yea you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but i bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this.Don't want anymore problems....didn't think so faggots. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin pieces of unpatriotic SHIT.
Северный ветер: i'd expect him to be able to spell CORPS right at least
Северный ветер: what a fuckin poser
Северный ветер: where is this
Nightlife: gorilla warfare
Северный ветер: tell him your soldier friend thinks he's a fucking posing retard and he's welcome to try and square up to a real soldier anytime
Nightlife: oh its just some guy responding to someone telling him huntsman has no skill
Северный ветер: tell him anyway
Северный ветер: additionally ask him his unit and mos, see if he can even name one
Nightlife: I don't know man!!!!!
Nightlife: he knows the guy who created google maps!!!
Nightlife: he could find my address!
Северный ветер: the london sewers are less full of shit than this scrub
posers are literally the lowest form of scum

September 2nd, 2009, 01:45 AM
The huntsman is still a terrible weapon though.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:13 AM
The huntsman is still a terrible weapon though.

September 2nd, 2009, 02:59 AM
The huntsman is still a terrible weapon though.

Have you ever played with it ever? ever? it is amazing for ridding yourself of heavies and soldiers and sentries. The only time I prefer the sniper rifle is when dealing with other snipers or scouts or disarming sticky bombs.

September 2nd, 2009, 03:14 AM
Have you ever played with it ever? ever? it is amazing for ridding yourself of heavies and soldiers and sentries. The only time I prefer the sniper rifle is when dealing with other snipers or scouts or disarming sticky bombs.

A charged sniper headshot can kill a heavy (not overhealed) and a soldier. What are you getting at?

September 2nd, 2009, 03:22 AM
Disagreed.The amount of spam it gets makes me want to just play another game (partly why I havn't really played TF2 in a month or two so it may have died down since the SvS update).

September 2nd, 2009, 03:37 AM
A charged sniper headshot can kill a heavy (not overhealed) and a soldier. What are you getting at?
If I have to fight in a midrange environment, I use the huntsman. The sniper rifle doesn't cut it at that distance, and the SMG is hardly a main weapon. Plus, I usually carry jarate anyway.

September 2nd, 2009, 07:26 AM
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
hey man
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
a guy with a knife an his freind tryed car jacking me
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
ya speed off into the distance
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
i droped clutch and took off
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
where ya at a red light or something?
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
car jacking? its called browns plains rentals we try, you die says:
im alive

talking with my little bro, love his name xD

September 2nd, 2009, 07:46 AM
might as well double post :D

rubet says:
ok im starting to fall asleep at the puta
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
rubet says:
that means its time to gooooooooooooo
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
rubet says:
aww poor abay
fuk i cant even splee babay
*spell baby
ah geez
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
rubet says:
hahahahah yep
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
i need that vagina all rested and relaxed!
rubet says:
wanna come?
~ Zizlah teh sex god ~ says:
i'm cumming already baby
rubet says:
night sexy

Gf's, she's the medic to my heavy weapon <3

September 2nd, 2009, 10:36 PM
idk about you, but it's funny to me:

[19:21] Gamma927: lolfreshmen
[19:21] Gamma927: they were complaining about swimming
[19:21] Gamma927: they were like
[19:21] Gamma927: OMG
[19:21] Gamma927: WE HAZ TO SWIM
[19:21] Gamma927: TO CHANGE INTO SHORTS
[19:21] Gamma927: and like
[19:21] Elefant: i remember swimming
[19:21] Gamma927: all the sophmores were like
[19:21] Gamma927: LET'S STARE AT THE FRESMEN
[19:22] Elefant: lmao
[19:22] Gamma927: so taht they got really nervous

[19:24] Elefant: oh
[19:24] Elefant: right
[19:24] Elefant: my english teacher is teh shitz
[19:24] Elefant: he told us this story
[19:24] Elefant: about when he went to spain
[19:25] Elefant: and they saw the only albino gorilla in existence
[19:25] Elefant: and like
[19:25] Elefant: the gorilla threw shit at them
[19:25] Elefant: and it splattered against the glass cage
[19:25] Elefant: then
[19:25] Elefant: he shit again
[19:25] Elefant: and did a hand stand
[19:25] Elefant: and ate it
[19:25] Elefant: so then
[19:25] Elefant: this other gorilla came over
[19:25] Elefant: shit
[19:25] Elefant: ate it
[19:25] Elefant: threw it up
[19:25] Elefant: ate it
[19:25] Elefant: threw it up
[19:25] Elefant: ate it
[19:25] Gamma927: :<
[19:25] Elefant: threw it up
[19:25] Elefant: and then threw it at the albino one
[19:26] Elefant: then licked his fingers
[19:26] Elefant: so then
[19:26] Elefant: all the other gorillas
[19:26] Elefant: came over
[19:26] Elefant: and had like
[19:26] Elefant: a war
[19:26] Elefant: rofl
[19:26] Gamma927: o.O
[19:26] Elefant: i'd hate to be the janitor
[19:26] Elefant: D:

Rob Oplawar
September 3rd, 2009, 02:21 PM
Sounds like a summary of every web forum.

*shits on, eats, and then vomits up your post*

September 3rd, 2009, 11:36 PM
tvtyrant: *Walks in* "I thought I told you to gtfo my house!!!!!!!" *Donut runs*
=Σ= Haybot: rofl yeah i can see that happening
tvtyrant: Or you can put on your epic battle theme
=Σ= Haybot: i could
tvtyrant: And fuck some shit up
=Σ= Haybot: with the robe
tvtyrant: Literally
tvtyrant: Have sex with her dad
tvtyrant: Thats the secret of getting in
=Σ= Haybot: mmmm
=Σ= Haybot: or well
=Σ= Haybot: what i meant to say was
=Σ= Haybot: no
tvtyrant: O rly?
=Σ= Haybot: but it came out as a sexual moan
=Σ= Haybot: idk why
tvtyrant: How do you think his wife got in?

September 4th, 2009, 07:31 PM
Hunter (martynball): Whats backburner do?
[»ШМ«]Advancebo (advancebo): its a particle thing i believ

September 4th, 2009, 07:31 PM
so? i confused afterburn with backburner.

September 5th, 2009, 06:42 AM
Hunter (martynball): Whats backburner do?

The worst weapon ever made for terrible pyros. :realsmug:

September 5th, 2009, 06:04 PM
The worst weapon ever made for terrible pyros. :realsmug:
What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the hundred crits i'm getting on the cart pushers. :haw:

Rob Oplawar
September 6th, 2009, 04:51 PM
Story of my rife.

September 6th, 2009, 05:39 PM
I'm not here right now

Pyong Kawaguchi
September 6th, 2009, 09:18 PM
Stranger: asl big boi?
You: Im a guy
Stranger: well hii :)
Stranger: whats your name??
You: John
You: yours?
Stranger: hi john :)
You: Hi
Stranger: im abby
You: hai
Stranger: how old are you??
You: 15
You: also
Stranger: ohh nice im 20
Your conversational partner has disconnected

September 7th, 2009, 05:30 PM
[13:02] Gamma927: guess what
[13:02] Gamma927: you'll never believe this
[13:02] Gamma927: are you ther?
[13:08] Elefant: wat
[13:08] Elefant: wat will i not believe
[13:08] Gamma927: zteam's releasing their first h3 map in august
[13:08] Elefant: zomg
[13:08] Elefant: :awesome:
[13:08] Gamma927: wait
[13:09] Gamma927: so you believe it?
[13:09] Gamma927: cuz it's obviously a lie
[13:09] Gamma927: :|
[13:09] Elefant: :\
[13:09] Elefant: fack u
[13:09] Elefant: >:C
[13:09] Gamma927: lol
lol I got owned.

Llama Juice
September 11th, 2009, 10:36 AM
A friend was asking me for woman advice, he went to an all guy Highschool and so now that he's in college he's all sorts of WTF DO I DO.

I was telling him what i have picked up over the years and such, and then was like "I'll tell you what NOT to do." I looked over at my roommate and his girlfriend. "When Rozio (the girl) first started coming over.. one of the first times she was here... she jumped in your bed and started rolling around in your sheets exclaiming about how comfortable they are. Now... I know that if a girl jumped in my bed and did that... I'd be getting laid that night.... instead what'd you do? You bragged about the thread count in your sheets."

September 11th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I was looking at the reviews for a Logitech MX518 mouse, when I come across this:

Pros: This mouse owns hardkore. I pwn noobs all day in Quake live and then i'm like lol nuub. I own3d you with my new mouse.
Cons: None
Other Thoughts: Wow is a casual mmo that requires no skill. Please bring back EQ

Rob Oplawar
September 11th, 2009, 07:27 PM
I loled

September 11th, 2009, 10:40 PM
So Han’s walking down the halls of Bespin with his old friend Lando. Leia’s there, and lookin’ good. Han thinks he’s off to dinner - maybe some wine, a little flirting, and then back to the ol’ guest quarters with Her Hotness.
But the door opens, and there’s Darth Vader.
Han doesn’t look incredulously at Lando; he doesn’t duck or run away.
What does Han do?
He starts shooting at the motherfucker.
He starts shooting.
Be like Han.

September 12th, 2009, 03:04 AM

dont watch the video, look at the comments. click show all comments and watch as it evolves from me correcting somebody into a homosexuality discussion. believe in youtube stupidity. believe

and respond for luls if youre really motivated

September 12th, 2009, 03:07 AM
I wasn't the one who totally just thumbs up'd all your comments and thumbs down'd the other people's...I swear it was totally me

September 12th, 2009, 12:55 PM
Abominable Snow Mobster: so, i went and saw gi joe with my new gf last night
Abominable Snow Mobster: and every time something blew up
Abominable Snow Mobster: she giggled
Abominable Snow Mobster: GIGGLED.
Abominable Snow Mobster: i think i love this girl.

September 12th, 2009, 09:19 PM
(08:09:06 PM) Rob Oplawar: wtf
(08:09:08 PM) Rob Oplawar: i just saw a japanese commercial that could only be described as...
(08:09:11 PM) Rob Oplawar: normal
(08:09:43 PM) Rob Oplawar: i don't know what to make of this
(08:09:52 PM) Rob Oplawar: japanese commercials are normal
(08:10:02 PM) Rob Oplawar: and now american commercials are weird as fuck
(08:10:12 PM) Rob Oplawar: a wad of cash with eyeballs...
(08:10:56 PM) Kevin Lange: find it on youtube
(08:11:01 PM) Kevin Lange: and show it to me
(08:11:10 PM) Rob Oplawar: it was in japanese
(08:11:16 PM) Rob Oplawar: i don't know how to enter the search terms
(08:11:19 PM) Rob Oplawar: <_>
(08:11:26 PM) Kevin Lange: ...
(08:11:27 PM) Kevin Lange: bastard
(08:11:52 PM) Rob Oplawar: wait
(08:11:56 PM) Rob Oplawar: i think it may be korean
(08:12:10 PM) Kevin Lange: Did you see any hangul?
(08:12:18 PM) Rob Oplawar: is tudou korean or japanese?
(08:12:33 PM) Kevin Lange: chinese
(08:12:34 PM) Rob Oplawar: the characters look like they might be korean
(08:12:34 PM) Kevin Lange: durf
(08:12:38 PM) Rob Oplawar: oh
(08:12:39 PM) Kevin Lange: Tudou is CHINESE
(08:12:41 PM) Rob Oplawar: man
(08:12:42 PM) Rob Oplawar: i suck at this
(08:12:48 PM) Rob Oplawar: asians all look the same to me
(08:12:51 PM) Rob Oplawar: and their writing
(08:12:53 PM) Kevin Lange: omfg
(08:13:07 PM) Kevin Lange: Let me introduce you to Bacon's Guide to Differentiating Asian Typesets
(08:13:17 PM) Kevin Lange: There are four basic character types in the East Asian world:
(08:13:20 PM) Kevin Lange: - Katakana
(08:13:21 PM) Rob Oplawar: i see
(08:13:22 PM) Kevin Lange: - Hiragana
(08:13:24 PM) Kevin Lange: - Kanji
(08:13:25 PM) Kevin Lange: - Hangul
(08:13:28 PM) Rob Oplawar: squiggles arranged in blocks
(08:13:30 PM) Kevin Lange: Japan has the first three.
(08:13:37 PM) Kevin Lange: China has (and invented) Kanji.
(08:13:40 PM) Kevin Lange: And Korea uses Hangul.
(08:13:40 PM) Rob Oplawar: and as for asians themselves
(08:13:49 PM) Rob Oplawar: short black-haired people with squinty eyes
(08:13:52 PM) Kevin Lange: Katakana and Hiragana are used almost interchangeably to represent the same sounds.
(08:14:05 PM) Rob Oplawar: i'm bored now
(08:14:07 PM) Kevin Lange: They are phonetic letters and come in simple shapes.
(08:14:10 PM) Rob Oplawar: i'ma go back to watching st tng
(08:14:16 PM) Kevin Lange: Hiragana are curvy and based on very simplified Kanji.
(08:14:23 PM) Kevin Lange: Katakana are blocky, and simpler.
(08:14:53 PM) Kevin Lange: Kanji is very condensed, very complex figures ranging from just a dash -- (the number one) to 50-stroke abominations.
(08:15:10 PM) Kevin Lange: If you see lots of simple blocky or curvy lettering, it's Japanese.
(08:15:36 PM) Kevin Lange: If you see only complex figures (with the exception of the simple kanji figures like the numbers), then it's Chinese.
(08:15:40 PM) Kevin Lange: Hangul is special.
(08:15:49 PM) Kevin Lange: Hangul is much more like Latin, but it's arranged differently.
(08:16:04 PM) Kevin Lange: Hangul is used in blocks of four, read upper-left, upper-right, lower-left, lower-right.
(08:16:33 PM) Kevin Lange: (for the record, all east asian languages are left-to-right, top-to-bottom as of twenty years ago)
(08:16:45 PM) Kevin Lange: (Classical Chinese as well as signs may be read top-to-bottom, right-to-left, however).
(08:16:53 PM) Rob Oplawar: tl;dr
(08:16:56 PM) Kevin Lange: Hangul consists of simple block figures arranged in the four-corner pattern.
(08:17:08 PM) Kevin Lange: The most identifying Hangul character is a circle.
(08:17:17 PM) Kevin Lange: This is because none of the other character sets use circles.
(08:17:40 PM) Rob Oplawar: having fun talking to yourself?
(08:17:43 PM) Rob Oplawar: i'm not reading it
(08:17:49 PM) Kevin Lange: The circle is also part of common phonetics, so given a regular portion of text, you should be able to find at least one.
(08:18:08 PM) Kevin Lange: Even if you can't comprehend the four-corner block pattern, if you find a circle, it's Korean.
(08:18:23 PM) Kevin Lange: So there you have it.

And no, I didn't copy-paste any of my Guide to Differentiating Asian Typesets.

September 12th, 2009, 10:01 PM
What was that? I can't hear you over the sound of the hundred crits i'm getting on the cart pushers. :haw:

whats that, I cant hear you because you got hit by that rocket, and are alone because you cant extinguish your teammates.

September 12th, 2009, 10:37 PM
whats that, I cant hear you because you got hit by that rocket, and are alone because you cant extinguish your teammates.
If you're getting taken down at range, you're playing pyro wrong.
And I've never seen anybody use the airblast to put people out vOv

English Mobster
September 13th, 2009, 12:53 AM
I use it to put people around me out.

September 13th, 2009, 12:55 AM
A friend was asking me for woman advice, he went to an all guy Highschool and so now that he's in college he's all sorts of WTF DO I DO.

I was telling him what i have picked up over the years and such, and then was like "I'll tell you what NOT to do." I looked over at my roommate and his girlfriend. "When Rozio (the girl) first started coming over.. one of the first times she was here... she jumped in your bed and started rolling around in your sheets exclaiming about how comfortable they are. Now... I know that if a girl jumped in my bed and did that... I'd be getting laid that night.... instead what'd you do? You bragged about the thread count in your sheets."

God in heaven, that is beautiful.

September 13th, 2009, 01:19 AM
If you're getting taken down at range, you're playing pyro wrong.
And I've never seen anybody use the airblast to put people out vOv

Pssh, if you cant deflect a rocket at a soldier at point blank range you are playing pyro wrong, which you cant with your backburner.

September 13th, 2009, 01:56 AM
Pssh, if you cant deflect a rocket at a soldier at point blank range you are playing pyro wrong, which you cant with your backburner.
I spose I'm just too oldschool to need your post pyro-update trainerwheels.
basically, I can see why people like the airblast but the krits work better for my playstyle vOv

September 13th, 2009, 02:21 AM
yeh, I never realized how much of the stuff now wasn't there before.

The game was so different.

September 13th, 2009, 11:49 AM
So this is what goes on in those chats when I'm gone:

[20:50] Gamma927: wher r elefant
[20:50] Mythril: um
[20:50] Mythril: um
[20:50] Mythril: getting laid?
[21:37] Gamma927: how long does it take
[21:37] Gamma927: for elefant to get laid
[21:37] Gamma927: :V
[21:37] Mythril: :C
[21:38] Mythril: he's got a lot of stamina
[21:38] Mythril: I know from experience
[21:38] Mythril: :shifty:
Conversation ended: Sat, Sep 12 21:48:13 2009
Conversation started between Gamma927 and Mythril: Sat, Sep 12 21:50:10 2009
[21:50] Mythril: the great and almighty has returned
[21:50] Gamma927: me?
[21:50] Gamma927: i'm back?
[21:50] Mythril: Would you like to see the revelant data>
[21:50] Gamma927: or elefant
[21:50] Gamma927: faget
[21:50] Gamma927: elefant isn't responding
[21:50] Mythril: yhea I know
[21:50] Mythril: :C
[21:50] Mythril: I mean
[21:50] Mythril: he sure has a long endurance

Her name's Jennifer hth.
This is probably only gonna be funny to me Myth and Gamma though :p

September 13th, 2009, 07:31 PM
If you're getting taken down at range, you're playing pyro wrong.
And I've never seen anybody use the airblast to put people out vOv

I do it all the time. I use it to deflect rockets, move stickies, push the scary people away, sometimes even reflect arrows. Backburner fails unless your defending a payload, but even then I'd rather use the spy's butterfly knife.

September 13th, 2009, 09:20 PM
(08:10:26 PM) TJ Fadness: It sucks to be a "TJ"(2 letter name) on the internet...
(08:10:49 PM) TJ Fadness: It's always "Must be at least 3 characters", "Must be at least 4 characters", or "That name is already taken"...
(08:11:10 PM) TJ Fadness: What sucks more is that if I ever decide to use "Tod", then I'll still be screwed most of the time.
(08:11:16 PM) TJ Fadness: ,_,
(08:11:44 PM) Kevin Lange: Well, at least you're the first result for your name on Google.
(08:12:41 PM) TJ Fadness: "TJ Fadness"? I'm pretty sure I'm the only TJ Fadness on the face of the planet.
(08:12:54 PM) Kevin Lange: lol
(08:12:59 PM) Kevin Lange: I'm sure as hell not the only Kevin Lange on the planet.
(08:13:07 PM) TJ Fadness: As we discussed yesturday
(08:13:10 PM) Kevin Lange: There's a famous photographer, a hockey player, and numerous others...
(08:13:19 PM) TJ Fadness: Yup
(08:13:28 PM) TJ Fadness: Do you know the origins of "Lange"?
(08:13:52 PM) TJ Fadness: Cause "Fadness" is based off of the Fadness Farm in Norway
(08:14:11 PM) TJ Fadness: When my family moved over here, they dropped their real last names and took the name of the Farm...
(08:14:20 PM) TJ Fadness: Note the S on names.
(08:14:25 PM) TJ Fadness: there were multiple families
(08:15:22 PM) Kevin Lange: lange is german
(08:15:24 PM) Kevin Lange: it means long
(08:15:33 PM) TJ Fadness: I'm assuming you were looking that up just now?
(08:15:43 PM) Kevin Lange: No
(08:15:44 PM) Kevin Lange: I know it.
(08:15:47 PM) TJ Fadness: Suuure.
(08:15:51 PM) Kevin Lange: I was reading a forum page
(08:15:57 PM) Kevin Lange: someone getting ripped off on paypal
(08:15:59 PM) TJ Fadness: Suure.
(08:16:02 PM) Kevin Lange: trying to get their money back.
(08:16:04 PM) TJ Fadness: Sure.
(08:16:10 PM) Kevin Lange: fuck you man, I know what my name means.
(08:16:12 PM) TJ Fadness: Ok.
(08:16:12 PM) Kevin Lange: I make jokes about it
(08:16:19 PM) TJ Fadness: :\
(08:16:20 PM) Kevin Lange: Because my middle name is DICK
(08:16:22 PM) Kevin Lange: DICK LONG
(08:16:23 PM) TJ Fadness: Please don't sh--
(08:16:23 PM) Kevin Lange: LONG DICK
(08:16:26 PM) Kevin Lange: IT'S FUNNY
(08:16:27 PM) TJ Fadness: DAMN YOU
(08:16:29 PM) TJ Fadness: YOU FUCKER
(08:16:51 PM) Kevin Lange: Kevin Richard Lange
(08:17:02 PM) TJ Fadness: :gonk:
(08:17:12 PM) Kevin Lange: Named after my grandfather, Dick.
(08:17:53 PM) TJ Fadness: You...
(08:17:56 PM) TJ Fadness: Son of a bitch...
(08:17:59 PM) TJ Fadness: I can't remove the image
(08:18:18 PM) TJ Fadness: GOD
(08:18:50 PM) Kevin Lange: OWNED
(08:18:55 PM) TJ Fadness: NO
(08:18:56 PM) TJ Fadness: DAMn

TJ Fadness = tj117

September 13th, 2009, 09:22 PM

The picture.. it won't go away...

September 13th, 2009, 10:20 PM
Bacon, I know one of the guys relatives. She is in my Physics class, and has been in several of my classes over the years.

Tess Fadness.

September 13th, 2009, 10:40 PM
Bacon, I know one of the guys relatives. She is in my Physics class, and has been in several of my classes over the years.

Tess Fadness.

Are you sure?


One of those three?

PS: I am TJ Fadness...

edit: I found that on this twitter (http://twitter.com/tessfadness) btw...

@erinknapp (http://twitter.com/erinknapp) yayy tonight was fun! wizards of waverly place the movie & jonas = a grrrrreat night! love youuuu:)

God please don't make me be related to her.

September 13th, 2009, 10:44 PM
One on the left.

September 13th, 2009, 10:47 PM
Oh, damn.

September 13th, 2009, 10:51 PM
I guess it really is a small world.

September 13th, 2009, 10:57 PM
Let's just hope there's no relation.

September 13th, 2009, 11:02 PM
<This user is now online>
Abominable Snow Mobster: well. apparently i am good at this.
FRain.actor_variant: hm?
Abominable Snow Mobster: Jemady says (7:38 PM):
Abominable Snow Mobster: she's into the role-playing fantasy stuff. ive been learning the ropes, but its never gotten into anything sexual, and ive been sucking at it
Abominable Snow Mobster: but just now, it got to some smexy roleplaying... and im apparently the best at it.
Abominable Snow Mobster: and i am litterally a n00b who has no clue what the fuck hes doing
Abominable Snow Mobster: 'course... she doesnt quite know ive had some "experience" in the field and knows what feels good to a girl and what doesnt
Abominable Snow Mobster: im just suprised im good at this.
Abominable Snow Mobster: lol


Abominable Snow Mobster: AHHAHAHAA
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: rofl
FRain.actor_variant: OH MAN
Abominable Snow Mobster: HOLY SHIT
FRain.actor_variant: I CANT BREATH
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: LOL
FRain.actor_variant: HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
FRain.actor_variant: A
FRain.actor_variant: F
FRain.actor_variant: DF
FRain.actor_variant: DSA
FRain.actor_variant: F
Abominable Snow Mobster: OH CHRIST IM CRYING
Abominable Snow Mobster: im good at this
* Abominable Snow Mobster is a studmuffin.

English Mobster
September 13th, 2009, 11:04 PM

September 14th, 2009, 09:57 PM

all the comments.

September 14th, 2009, 09:59 PM
I haven't seen such a liberal use of the word nigger since Huckleberry Finn.

September 14th, 2009, 10:02 PM
Those comments are 50x worse than what Kanye did.

September 14th, 2009, 10:59 PM
Kanye west is the EPITOME of what today's standards define as a: NIGGER. An arrogant fool high off his success thinks he can steal the limelight from anyone, let alone an innocent 19 year old girl. This should be the start of a white uprising against the oppression of the black race. You got your freedom you dumb mutts, now you've gone too far.


September 14th, 2009, 11:12 PM
A boy is doing poorly in school and is at risk of failing.
The father see's the boys report card and tells him "Son, if you can get your grades up to an A+ then I will buy you anything that you want."

The boy accepted his challange and brought his grades up.

At the end of the school year the dad honors is promise and asked the boy what he wanted. "A bag of golf balls" the boy said.

The dad wondered why he wanted golf balls but went to go by them anyways.

The next year came and the boy kept up his end of the bargain.
Again the boy asked for golf balls.

The same thing went on for about 7 more years untill the boy turned 18.

The dad takes the boy out for a nice dinner to celebrate graduating from highschool with straight A's.

The father tells the boy "How about this, instead of buying you bags of golf balls I'm going to buy you a new car."
The boy insist upon golf balls and the father insist upon a new car.
"You've been asking for golf balls the past 7 years. Ask for something different."

The boy gets angry and walks out of the resteruant and heads to the car when a truck sped by and hit the boy.

The father rushes out of the resturant and hold the boy in his arms and tells him he loves him dearly and says he is sorry for what he had said.

"I have just one question, son" said the father. What did you want with all those golf balls?

The boy opens his mouth and dies.


September 15th, 2009, 01:02 AM
idgi unless he's usign them as anal beads or someshit

September 15th, 2009, 01:05 AM
first thing i've heard from dano since he moved out like 2-3 months ago

dano555666: oi bodie, im at work right now, but i just got sent this very important link, concerning anyone in australia. http://www.public.health.wa.gov.au/cproot/2487/2/Training%20PowerpointPanvax.pdf skim through that when you have the chance.... no one outside the health department is supposed to see that, so its good to have some info ;l
dano555666: hows shit btw

September 15th, 2009, 01:05 AM
That's just depressing... and doesn't make much sense.

@annhilation not bod lol

...but that's pretty :smith: too Bod.

Rob Oplawar
September 15th, 2009, 01:12 AM

I think that joke is similar in nature to the one about Purple Majesty (the one whose punch line is "there is no punch line")

September 15th, 2009, 01:14 AM
that's the point, he was about to reveal what he was doing with the balls but he died before he could say anything.

September 15th, 2009, 01:14 AM
first thing i've heard from dano since he moved out like 2-3 months ago

Just remind him that it's past August and we're still very much alive. :smug:

September 15th, 2009, 03:04 AM
[00:01] J. Oliver Judd III: you know the one about making the horse in the bar laugh and cry?
[00:01] iMod53: nope
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: Guy walks into a bar and sees a jar full of cash on the table
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: er
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: on the bar
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: asks what it's for
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: Bartender says if you put in $20, and you can make the horse out back laugh, you win the jar
[00:02] J. Oliver Judd III: Guy drops in a Jackson, walks out back, and walks back in 10 seconds later
[00:03] J. Oliver Judd III: the laughter can be heard easily from inside
[00:03] J. Oliver Judd III: the horse is cracking up
[00:03] J. Oliver Judd III: The bartender says "Damn, that was good. If you can make him cry, all your drinks are on the house tonight"
[00:03] J. Oliver Judd III: Guy walks out, comes back in 5 minutes later, and the horse is sobbing
[00:03] J. Oliver Judd III: Bartender says "alright, you win, but how'd you do it?"
[00:04] J. Oliver Judd III: "First I told him my dick was bigger than his. Then I proved it.".

September 15th, 2009, 07:59 AM
Round end for WG2:

Halls of Fame and Shame

Conqueror (Most attacks won): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/71097.png #71097) Ares (With 346)
Shameful Leader (Most attacks lost): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/71097.png #71097) Ares (With 346)

Great wall of China (Most defends won): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/noflag.png #71648) Bounty Hunter (With 195)
Leader of France (Most defends lost): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/69340.png #69340) christmas land (With 314)

Missile freak (Most successful missile launches): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/69816.png #69816) LOKI (With 263)
Made in Korea (Most unsuccesful missile launches): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/66304.png #66304) ~Kazzila~ (With 57)

WMD Expert (Most successful missile defends): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/36440.png #36440) Novacastria (With 37)
WMD - Wimpy Missile Defense (Most unsuccesful missile defends): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/noflag.png #68758) phi sigma kappa (With 184)

007 (Most successful spy ops): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/61758.png #61758) deadalus (With 1551)
000 (Most unsuccesful spy ops): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/63648.png #63648) kimbo slice (With 310)

Conspiracy Theorist (Most successful spy defends): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/71097.png #71097) Ares (With 126)
Open borders (Most unsuccesful spy defends): http://www.wargames2.net/Flags/66304.png #66304) ~Kazzila~ (With 823)I had a bit of a lol

September 15th, 2009, 08:12 AM

I thought that was going somewhere that I was going to have to pat you on the back...and then I read "she is into roleplaying and stuff"