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December 30th, 2009, 01:37 AM
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: i think i once played css with a ball mouse
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: jesus
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: that must have sucked
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: ya
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: evitanretla on dah i dna ekorb esuom lacwhen my regular optiv
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: ?
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: is that some sort of new language?
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: i swear i typed something legible
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: and my pc got dyslexic
A Cabbage or Something [reddit]: holy crap
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: I KNOW?
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: shiit I need to quote that
Abdu-Ramen [๖ۣۜR]: i think I've invented a new language!
December 31st, 2009, 02:12 AM
eenteresting.. how it somehow reversed HALF the message, and then shuffled it.
"when my opti-(v)-cal mouse broke and i had no alternative"
it's fun being able to read backwards on a whim
December 31st, 2009, 02:22 AM
its steams fault
December 31st, 2009, 04:26 AM
Holy crap, I didn't even notice that it was just reversed
December 31st, 2009, 12:19 PM
What threw me off is that It didn't only reverse the message, it also shuffled half of it to the other side of the message! Wierd huh? Does anyone else's pc do that? Mine does it at least once or twice a week. I don't know why.
December 31st, 2009, 03:21 PM
Arby and I found out that when I type in xfire ingame it decides to type everything in a mix of mandarin and some alt code symbols. Weirder yet it seems to only happen when I'm talking to him >_>. Arb, I think your comp's Chinese or something.
December 31st, 2009, 09:07 PM
I don't think so, just installed W7 2 months ago and I'm pretty sure it's english. My pc just goes dyslexic once in a while. It's pretty funny.
January 1st, 2010, 04:43 AM
THIS is what I mean by mandarin. It's Chinese I wasn't saying it was happening to you. I said it was happening to me.
January 1st, 2010, 11:00 AM
THIS is what I mean by mandarin. It's Chinese I wasn't saying it was happening to you. I said it was happening to me.
"written_mandarin_chinese"? One does not "write" Mandarin, it is a spoken dialect. The written language is "Chinese" and it is universal to all dialects of the spoken language (you want to be mutually intelligible, write things down, you may even get some Nihonjin that know what you're trying to say). Also, I see a little ル (katakana 'ru', Japanese)... what's a ル doing in a Chinese manuscript? I don't know much about Chinese except the above, but since I know some of those Kanji aren't Japanese, it must be a Chinese manuscript... or someone was very confused when writing it... or maybe it's a piece of writing about the Japanese language... I have no idea.
Anyway, on the topic of input, no, Chinese is entered left-to-right on a computer, Arabic is a more plausible explanation, but it's probably just a bug in X-Fire.
January 1st, 2010, 05:12 PM
"written_mandarin_chinese"? One does not "write" Mandarin, it is a spoken dialect. The written language is "Chinese" and it is universal to all dialects of the spoken language (you want to be mutually intelligible, write things down, you may even get some Nihonjin that know what you're trying to say). Also, I see a little ル (katakana 'ru', Japanese)... what's a ル doing in a Chinese manuscript? I don't know much about Chinese except the above, but since I know some of those Kanji aren't Japanese, it must be a Chinese manuscript... or someone was very confused when writing it... or maybe it's a piece of writing about the Japanese language... I have no idea.
Anyway, on the topic of input, no, Chinese is entered left-to-right on a computer, Arabic is a more plausible explanation, but it's probably just a bug in X-Fire.
Ah, well I don't really know much about Chinese. We had a Chinese foreign exchange student for a while and at one point they mentioned Chinese speaking mandarin so I thought that was their name for Chinese (written and spoken). And I do know a little Japanese from taking Jap 1 in my senior year. A little more than just simple phrases but I still know some. Stupid teacher taught us next to nothing about actually speaking or writing it so I started teaching myself a bit. Anyway, I see the "ru" in there as well though this is the first thing that appeared in the google image search so I took it :P
January 2nd, 2010, 10:32 AM
TG: oh my god you type like a tool
TG: this is so weak im almost getting tired of wasting good material on you guys
TG: its like
TG: youve got nothing
TG: its always one of you sprouting up and ranting about how hard im about to get trolled
TG: with no ensuing substance
TG: you dont even know anything about us
TG: one of you fuckers thought i was a girl
AT: oK, yEAH, bUT,
TG: sorry i wouldnt cyber with you dude
TG: in the future or whatever
AT: oH,
TG: human innuendo
TG: so at what point in the future am i supposed to look forward to you whipping up this titanic hankerin for my knob
AT: uH,
TG: be honest with me
TG: cause im busy
TG: and i want to know exactly when i got to clear some space in my calendar for when some fuckwit blunders out of a magical phone booth and makes a ballad-inspiring play for my throbbing beef truncheon
TG: no man
TG: look
TG: i just need to know when to be there
TG: when the stars come into alignment and your flux capacitor lets you finally sate your meteoric greed for crotch-dachshund
TG: i wouldnt want to miss it and cause a paradox or something
TG: itd suck if the universe blew up on account of you missing your window of opportunity to help yourself to a pubescent boy's naked spam porpoise
TG: jesus you are such a shitty troll
TG: oh no
TG: no dude
TG: you sassed me up
TG: we are in THE SHIT now
TG: together
TG: for the long haul
AT: i,
TG: we're motherfuckin entrenched in this bitch
TG: you and me
TG: welcome to nam
TG: now grab my hand and shimmy your soggy ass off that muddy bank before charlie gets the fuckin drop
AT: uHHH, wHO,
TG: hes the guy whos gonna read our vows
TG: im feeling pretty friggin MATRIMONIAL all a sudden
TG: take a look down by your foot see that little bottle
TG: stomp on that shit like its on fire
TG: noisy ethnic dudes are flipping the fuck out and waving us around on chairs til someone gets hurt
TG: im your 300 pound matronly freight-train
TG: and my gaping furnace is hungry for coal so get goddamn shoveling
TG: bro look in my eyes
TG: that twinkle
TG: that be DEVOTION you herniated pro wrestlers sweaty purple taint
TG: sparklin like a visit from your fairy fuckin godmother
TG: thats what you see
TG: a kaleidoscopic supernova of all your hopes and dreams all swishin together
TG: radially effevescing arms of more little boy peckers than you can imagine
TG: turning out insane corkscrew haymakers of a billion dancing vienna sausages strong
TG: this is how we do this
TG: this shits more real than kraft mayo
January 2nd, 2010, 10:40 AM
I read that last night and lol'd. What else to expect from the character that graced the internet with Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff?
January 6th, 2010, 03:20 AM
idk y but this struck me as hilarious and Ithought I'd share with you guys
Many versions of Street Fighter have “secret characters” that are only accessible through a code. Sometimes these characters are good; sometimes they’re not. Occasionally, the secret characters are the best in the game as in the game Marvel vs. Capcom 1. Big deal. That’s the way that game is. Live with it. But Super Turbo was the first version of Street Fighter to ever have a secret character: the untouchably good Akuma. Most characters in that game cannot beat Akuma. I don’t mean it’s a tough match—I mean they cannot ever, ever, ever, ever win. Akuma is “broken” in that his air fireball move is something the game simply wasn’t designed to handle. He is not merely the best character in the game, but is at least ten times better than other characters. This case is so extreme that all top players in America immediately realized that all tournaments would be Akuma vs. Akuma only, and so the character was banned with basically no debate and has been ever since. I believe this was the correct decision.
January 6th, 2010, 04:31 AM
"written_mandarin_chinese"? One does not "write" Mandarin, it is a spoken dialect. The written language is "Chinese" and it is universal to all dialects of the spoken language (you want to be mutually intelligible, write things down, you may even get some Nihonjin that know what you're trying to say). Also, I see a little ル (katakana 'ru', Japanese)... what's a ル doing in a Chinese manuscript? I don't know much about Chinese except the above, but since I know some of those Kanji aren't Japanese, it must be a Chinese manuscript... or someone was very confused when writing it... or maybe it's a piece of writing about the Japanese language... I have no idea.
Anyway, on the topic of input, no, Chinese is entered left-to-right on a computer, Arabic is a more plausible explanation, but it's probably just a bug in X-Fire.
I may be completely wrong here but didn't the japs take (or base) kanji off of chinglees?
January 6th, 2010, 10:31 AM
I may be completely wrong here but didn't the japs take (or base) kanji off of chinglees?
Not all of them. Only about ~2000 of the 10,000+ still in use in China, and even then, it's terrible difficult to create a sentence with just kanji in Japanese, as important grammatical bits use kana.
January 6th, 2010, 01:18 PM
yea, Kanji is used for most of the things we have names for such as nouns and verbs and adjectives. Little bits for things that link these words together such as ha(pronounced wa when in use like this), ga, ni, etc all represent a relation between the words. ha is like saying (as for this)
ex: boku (I) wa [as for me]
ga is VERY universally used and is hard to place a complete description on but one of the things it can be used for is describing one word with another
ex: ano(that) ryugakusei(foreign exchange student) ga(is) chuugokujin (chinese person) desu [That foreign exchange student over there is chinese.]
I could go on but I've got stuff to do. If any of this is incorrect or I left out anything important then please fix it klange. I only took 1 year of Japanese and the teacher was a complete fucknut that changed teaching methods every year >_> so I was pretty much on my own after he taught us the kanas.
January 8th, 2010, 10:13 PM
Higuy™: u eat rotten cheese
cheese: lies
Higuy™: dolphins will take over the planet
Higuy™: and concour all the cheese
cheese: wtf
cheese: dolphins dont eat cheese
Higuy™: they do now
cheese: WTF
Higuy™: don't you watch the televission
cheese: no i hate tv
Higuy™: well theres your problem
cheese: wtf
cheese: how can i watch tv from my computer
cheese: i dont have a tv
Higuy™: idk
cheese: fuck
cheese: this is bad
Higuy™: but umm
cheese: i need to watch tv
cheese: but i cant
Higuy™: dolphins
Higuy™: are taking over the world
Higuy™: and councouring all cheese
Higuy™: run for the hills
cheese: fuck.
Higuy™: yes, fuck indeed
Higuy™: i've already moved myself to a correct location
cheese: i live by the beach dude
Higuy™: the dolphins will never find me here
cheese: im gonna be the first cheese to go down
Higuy™: yeah, yoiu better get out of there why you can
Higuy™: or graba shot gun or something
cheese: wtf
cheese: i dont have a shotgun
Higuy™: welp
Higuy™: your screwed
cheese: pretty much
cheese: :(
Higuy™: :(
run for the hills
January 23rd, 2010, 07:57 PM
MrBig5:22:51 PM
my fish died
MrBig5:22:55 PM
MrBig5:23:01 PM
i forgot to feed them
DEElekgolo5:23:16 PM
DEElekgolo5:23:19 PM
MrBig5:23:29 PM
MrBig5:23:32 PM
January 23rd, 2010, 08:21 PM
he was 500 credits :C
January 23rd, 2010, 08:25 PM
raper model > fish
sadly: fishtank would've been cool if baby hanar
January 23rd, 2010, 08:26 PM
youtube comment on Glen beck vs Jon Stewart
"See this is what liberal cultural Marxism has done. It has trained us to defy one of our most instinctive virtues. Racial loyalty.
Liberals frequently put non-Whites before Whites, they are brainwashed with White guilt.
I know how liberals think I used to be one.
Liberalism is cultural marxism. "
January 23rd, 2010, 08:44 PM
my 6yo nephew: where does mud come from?
my older sister: dirt and water.
my 2yo nephew, sounding thoroughly insulted: no, PIGS!
i guess it was one of those things where you have to be there, but holy living fuck hudson says the funniest shit
January 23rd, 2010, 11:03 PM
youtube comment on Glen beck vs Jon Stewart
"See this is what liberal cultural Marxism has done. It has trained us to defy one of our most instinctive virtues. Racial loyalty.
Liberals frequently put non-Whites before Whites, they are brainwashed with White guilt.
I know how liberals think I used to be one.
Liberalism is cultural marxism. "
:smithicide:Troll. Don't pay attention to it.
January 26th, 2010, 12:53 AM
Not so much funny, but a bit awesome:
It has even learnt to safely eat the poisonous cane toad ( by flipping it over and consuming the underparts.
(Referring to the Australian Magpie, which is smart as all fuck; so much for 'bird brain')
I'm going to miss them when I move back. Maybe I should get one for a pet and bring it with me
January 26th, 2010, 06:28 AM
i thought it was crows that learnt that shit?
January 26th, 2010, 09:31 AM
The crows around here drop walnuts on the road because they know it will break them.
Rob Oplawar
January 26th, 2010, 09:40 AM
We only get seagulls around here. Yes, seagulls in land-locked Colorado. Shows how smart they are...
January 26th, 2010, 09:51 AM
i thought it was crows that learnt that shit?
same family, Corvidae (
I got to watch some magpies for the first time on an elk hunting trip to colorado, they're really smart birds and very cool looking.
also, quote from that trip when we were picking up supplies at a local grocery store:
friend Jake (staring at a big breasted Native American woman): "Where's she from?"
my dad: "I think she's a member of the Spankaho Tribe."
Jake: "Wow. Never heard of them before."
January 26th, 2010, 11:37 AM
Currawongs are really smart, too (well, obviously, being so similar to our magpies). My nanna feeds the birds, so she has a family of magpies which live in the trees across the road and pay regular visits for food. I haven't seen any for years, but a while back she used to get currawongs coming across too. Once she was watching TV and didn't notice one was there, so it came up and tapped its beak on the glass door. When she went to open it, the bird hopped past her, hopped across the lounge room, and went all the way into the kitchen before tapping its beak on the fridge. I shit you not.
January 27th, 2010, 11:09 PM
***: lol
i reregged on modacity w/ good intentions and they banned me
so now ive got 60 different emails
and im just goatse bombing it
me: ahahaah
***: ive got literally the whole goatse set on my desktop
dont fuck w/ me
ive got all the images
me: lmao
hahaha fuck are you no mods no masters
***: yes
me: i love you
***: banned, regging another one
ive setup a throwaway email service
so i just have random domain namesl ol
me: owned
***: they cant block them all
since its literally random
me: ahahaha
***: hahaha lol that guy who quoted my goatse has saved my legacy forever
me: even blind thinks it's cn3089
***: i literally had a page long goatse
***: modacity has no text/image limit for their posts
me: ***
***: so i had 600 goatses no joke
me: you... you are a troll god...
***: i counted
***: lets start a gay scat porn thread in art
xxxx: no no even better
xxxx: lets find [censored]
***: YES
xxxx: im sure there's some out there
***: YES
i told him its a gay halo modding site
god i love this man
January 27th, 2010, 11:11 PM
Thats not trolling its spamming. Big diff
January 27th, 2010, 11:14 PM
that's what you think
January 27th, 2010, 11:18 PM
who is it. pm me im not a snitch lol
January 27th, 2010, 11:24 PM
Minor birds are the craziest here -- they all stand on the road in 100km/h zones, and casually walk off about a seconds before they're about to be crushed by a passing car. They'll only go about 20cm from a car, too. Never seen a dead one on the road either ._.
January 27th, 2010, 11:25 PM
They do that here, too. So do the magpies.
January 27th, 2010, 11:31 PM
its blind.
We only get seagulls around here. Yes, seagulls in land-locked Colorado. Shows how smart they are...
quite possibly the funniest thing I read all day.
January 28th, 2010, 07:43 PM
She put you in the friend zone; put her in the rape zone.
I forgot what we were talking about but that statement came up XD (this is irl)
That is the gayest thing to come out of your mouth since your father's dick!
He told another friend that. and the 3 girls walking by stopped and stared. I lawl'd
January 29th, 2010, 12:00 AM
rape is hilarious
January 30th, 2010, 12:49 AM
rape is hilarious
<massacre> Rosti, can I ask you something as a close friend?
<Rosti_LFC> you could ask me something as a complete stranger, but go ahead
<massacre> Do you reckon Emma would go out with me if I asked her?
<Rosti_LFC> errr....
<Rosti_LFC> ask her yourself?
<massacre> no fucking way until I get a second opinion
<Daz> dude she's in the channel
<massacre> no she isn't
<Rosti_LFC> yeah she is mate, look up
<Rosti_LFC> she got op'd yesterday
<massacre> fuck
<massacre> PLAN B
<massacre> spam the channel
<massacre> with text
<massacre> so it goes
<Audia> hi
<massacre> off her scrollback
<Rosti_LFC> ahaha
<massacre> FUCK
* massacre has quit (PLAN C!!!)
<Audia> I'm going to go install Windows 7 right now
<Audia> so I'll be offline for a bit
<Audia> if he gets the balls to come back in here in the meantime tell him the answer is yes
<Rosti_LFC> rofl
* Audia has quit (QUIT)
<Rosti_LFC> that was some hardcore nerd courtship ritual right there
<Daz> Oh man, I wish I could fuck up asking a girl out that badly and still succeed
January 30th, 2010, 09:04 AM
rape is hilarious
Corbin says: what's the difference between a sheep and a goat?
Steven says: the amount of lube u use
Corbin says: so, hows that war going for ya?
Steven says: shut the fuck up you fkcuing atlas pet
Corbin says: least they have sov :downs:
Rob Oplawar
January 30th, 2010, 11:55 AM
lol, is that the mass from modacity?
January 30th, 2010, 01:00 PM
Mass' name is Nate Tingley or something.
Rob Oplawar
February 4th, 2010, 12:09 AM
I discovered a new feature in Facebook:
(Mike is my roommate, Keane is my other roommate, and for those of you who don't already know, prepare to be shocked: my name is actually Jim)
yay! what are you going to get?
on the 15th
i dunno what i want to get though
i dont want an american car that's for sure
not much...
what the fuck
i am not typing that
there you are
hi mike
you left your facebook open
on my desktop
i keep hearing "pop, pop, pop!"
good job michael
i'm going to turn your speakers off so i can sleep
okie dokie
sorry mike's roommate
ha, who do you think?
keane wouldn't do this
he's not as much of an asshole as i am
stef says hi
hi stef!
tell her she was right, I was glad I went to practice
she smiled
although I got a wicked charliehorse in sparring. Knee, meet thigh, Thigh, meet knee.
okay, go to sleep and leave me to my conversation with catrice
just a minute, i have to save this for posterity
thank you
on my box no less
nah, i'm e-mailing it to myself
I could wreak such havok right now
but I won't
not bad, just did the weekly
fuck no, didnt have the dps
aha! more chat windows to fuck with!
god damnit jim!!
whoa, when you navigate through pages they change over here too
this is crazy
February 11th, 2010, 05:01 PM
English Mobster: oh yes
English Mobster: i wrote a song
English Mobster: THURSDAY
heathen: cali is so far west
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my cat
English Mobster: such a lovely cat
heathen: llolol
English Mobster: with a name like that
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my dog
English Mobster: such a lazy dog
English Mobster: lying there like a log
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my fish
English Mobster: such a tiny fish
English Mobster: floating in his little dish
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday was the name of my hamster
English Mobster: at least it was
English Mobster: until he got eaten by a panther
English Mobster: :neckbeard:
English Mobster: anyway
heathen: lolol
February 11th, 2010, 05:50 PM
(AoG) Rook: wake up
(AoG) Rook: FUCK
English Mobster
February 11th, 2010, 09:08 PM
English Mobster: oh yes
English Mobster: i wrote a song
English Mobster: THURSDAY
heathen: cali is so far west
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my cat
English Mobster: such a lovely cat
heathen: llolol
English Mobster: with a name like that
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my dog
English Mobster: such a lazy dog
English Mobster: lying there like a log
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday is the name of my fish
English Mobster: such a tiny fish
English Mobster: floating in his little dish
English Mobster: THURSDAY
English Mobster: Thursday was the name of my hamster
English Mobster: at least it was
English Mobster: until he got eaten by a panther
English Mobster: :neckbeard:
English Mobster: anyway
heathen: lolol
I didn't think you actually posted my wonderful song I made up.
February 12th, 2010, 06:44 PM
do u mind if i call you Jesus as a nickname? lol
so many people have called me that
and orlando bloom
iunno i get this whole "Holy" vibe when talkign/chatting with you
well my name is greek for divine
and i am 1/4 greek
my nickname is Moses though
my friend already took Jesus as a nickname years ago
so I decided on Moses during a game of H2
I art Moses
Even over the internet people are attempting to damn me ._.
February 12th, 2010, 10:20 PM
Chainsy: coo
Chainsy: i would too
Chainsy: cept itd be in your closet
Chainsy: so at night i would steal your socks
Chainsy: and you would be like wtf
Chainsy: why dont i have no socks
Higuy™: becuase, chains
Higuy™: your actually drunk
Higuy™: this is all a dream
Higuy™: did you know that?
Chainsy: wut
Higuy™: the more you know
February 14th, 2010, 08:54 PM
Revy: Ross
Revy: I got the Gauss Rifle in CoP
Revy: People do fucking backflips when you get headshots with the damn thing.
Revy: ded
Revy: God said, 'Let there be death.'
Revy: And then Gurne had a Gauss Rifle.
February 16th, 2010, 07:28 AM
fuck edits
Alice Margatroid(◕ ◡ ◕): You know how an aircraft carrier can tilt a hell of a lot during its shakedown and does a maximum speed turn?
ross: yeah
Alice Margatroid(◕ ◡ ◕): >> Anonymous 02/16/10(Tue)07:48 No.5179415
Navy drift competition. They have it every year. Don't you see the Type R sticker on the side?
ross: lmao
Alice Margatroid(◕ ◡ ◕): That's fucking perfect.
English Mobster
February 17th, 2010, 05:16 PM
[15:09] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: this tiny face
[15:09] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: is creating a phantom bsp the size of 3 scorpian tanks
[15:09] ǝןqɐuıɯoqɐ ʍous ɹǝʇsqoɯ: ...
[15:09] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: its a face thats smaller than a grenade
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: i guess size doesnst matter
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: which is lucky for you : P
[15:10] ǝןqɐuıɯoqɐ ʍous ɹǝʇsqoɯ: >.<
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: even tiny ones
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: can make a HUGE impact
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: in your pants
[15:10] Inferow Row Row Your Boat: </double entandre>
February 17th, 2010, 05:31 PM
I remember when this thread was good. :saddowns:
February 17th, 2010, 10:12 PM
I remember when this thread was good. :saddowns:
Wasn't that when Jay was still banned?
English Mobster
February 17th, 2010, 10:41 PM
You guys make me :saddowns:.
February 18th, 2010, 12:20 AM
Well, you did try to convince the whole forum that your sister died. You're never going to live that down.
February 18th, 2010, 12:28 AM
Lucky. You have (had?) a sister. This thread is :mech:
February 18th, 2010, 01:50 AM
This thread is mech irl?
February 18th, 2010, 02:01 AM
You guys make me :saddowns:.
that's because you're a horrible attention-whoring liar who can't take a hint
why the fuck did they even let you back here
February 18th, 2010, 02:23 AM
easier then banning the millions of alt accounts he'd have made if we didnt.
P much this.
Plus it was along time ago now, like a year and a half or someshit.
long time to hold a grudge tbh
February 18th, 2010, 03:23 AM
anyone still have the pic of him dressed as a girl
im pretty hard right now and am looking for substance
February 18th, 2010, 07:33 AM
easier then banning the millions of alt accounts he'd have made if we didnt.
P much this.
Plus it was along time ago now, like a year and a half or someshit.
long time to hold a grudge tbh
i don't like when people do really, really dumb shit and get away with it
February 18th, 2010, 08:26 AM
I'd hardly say he got away with it.
We banned the fuck out of him repeatedly after the incident. Then he smartened up and flew low for a while, and it wasn't until a good while after he established his new identity and was a little more than an unknown quantity that we learned who he was. And even then we all remember the incident and frankly, if he were to pull anything remotely close to that again, the permaban button is on a hair trigger.
People do stupid shit, but hating them forever based on something dumb they did a long time ago is petty.
February 18th, 2010, 10:12 AM
that was many levels beyond merely dumb, though.
when people pull shit like that serious alarm bells start ringing
February 18th, 2010, 12:47 PM
and the fact that making alt accounts is a ban able offense too
Rob Oplawar
February 18th, 2010, 01:31 PM
wait wait wait wait
English Mobster is Jay?!
God fucking fuck shit piss I hate it when people change their names and I don't catch on.
February 18th, 2010, 02:01 PM
rob youir such a sweet boy, don' y' 'kno'.
teh lag
February 18th, 2010, 02:30 PM
oh jay/mudkipz/the dark side/english mobster, you always will be a silly one who doesn't quite get it
ross if you want you can bgsedfr
February 18th, 2010, 07:03 PM
Who cares, I was WaRReN. (
After I had my poorly spelled, badly formatted, incredibly facepalm inducing fun, I got banned.
And then I stopped being a gay and here I am.
February 18th, 2010, 07:08 PM
Beast says:
i was like
in the auditorium
following class
Higuy says:
Beast says:
and like
dude get this
some random dude
he sticks his hand in the air
and says to the prof " yo mister professa, ther b some dude playin music in da auditorium, could that fuckrrrrr turn it off? angryfaece"
and so like
this dude r an idiot
cause the noise he heard
came from workers outside
the prof came up to where i sat
(at the back, cause im cool)
and asked people around me if we could see what was going on
and i look out da window
and say like
"they just b blowin stuff with a blowing machine"
or something
and the prof was pleased with me
and so were otherz
cuz i stoop up to da prof
February 18th, 2010, 07:26 PM
this thread continues to make me sad :smith:
February 18th, 2010, 09:48 PM
Who cares, I was WaRReN. (
After I had my poorly spelled, badly formatted, incredibly facepalm inducing fun, I got banned.
And then I stopped being a gay and here I am.
yeah but you didn't make a billion alts and troll for sympathy and shit
also lag what can i do?
February 18th, 2010, 10:10 PM
yeah but you didn't make a billion alts and troll for sympathy and shit
also lag what can i do?
meh, I made about half a dozen alts before finding other things to do and then finally coming back.
February 19th, 2010, 12:43 AM
oh jay/mudkipz/the dark side/english mobster, you always will be a silly one who doesn't quite get it
ross if you want you can bgsedfr*spits earl grey all over sensitive electronics*
February 19th, 2010, 12:51 AM
i accidentally did that once, my video card was not best pleased, and started tripping out all over the place
luckily after drying it off and restarting it was fine
Rob Oplawar
February 19th, 2010, 03:39 PM
Amway and "World Wide Group": Legit MLM or Total Pyramid Scheme? You decide.
Note that it costs $125 to create a site, $50 monthly to have access to services, and you pay an undisclosed amount to attend seminars and buy "business support materials" if you are a member, which they highly encourage, nay, pressure you into. Plus, your profits depend on how many people you recruit, how many people they recruit, etc. And their site,, provides very little tangible info that I can find, even using the guest login (see transcript below).
The Amway site provides information leading me to believe they are a technically legitimate and legal business, although it remains to be seen whether or not their are still scamming the fuck out of their "partners".
By the way, I used the Pseudonym "Tyler" here, not really sure why. Perhaps I was subconsciously thinking of Mr. Durden?
Thank you for using Live Support! A Live Support representative will be with you as soon as possible.
You are now speaking with 'Lenny'
Your tracking code for this chat is ***************
Lenny: Hello Tyler. This is Lenny, how can I help you today?
Tyler: Hi, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about World Wide Group, or if you just answer website questions
Lenny: I am here for technical support, are you an IBO?
Tyler: ibo?
Tyler: i don't know what that means, so I'll assume i'm not
Tyler: can you put me in touch with somebody who can tell me more about the business?
Lenny: How did you find out about our website?
Tyler: a friend of mine invited me to a seminar last night
Lenny: I suggest you get in contact with them, they will be able to answer any questions you have.
Tyler: well, they're busy right now so i was looking for someone else to fill me in
Lenny: That is the best resource for information, sorry.
Tyler: i see
Tyler: can you offer me any assurance whatsoever that this isn't the most clear-cut case of a pyramid scheme i have ever seen in my life?
Lenny: It is not a pyramid scheme, it is a Free Enterprise business model.
Tyler: i see
Tyler: and the membership fees? the "business support materials"? the bonuses based on recruitment?
Lenny: Premier membership is $49.95 per month and basic is $5 per month. When and if you register as an IBO you will be able to view our website to see the benefits of each
Tyler: See, the thing is, the vast majority of legitimate businesses, in fact all legitimate businesses I have seen, provide a lot more information on their website than you do
Tyler: So if you are a legitimate business, I have a complaint about your website
Tyler: If not, your website is designed perfectly for suckering in poor saps like my friend
Tyler: In which case you have my applause
Lenny: We are affiliated with another company and in order to establish a membership with us you must first be registered with them.
Tyler: Would that company be Amway?
Lenny: Yes
Tyler: The same company that has repeated accusations of running pyramid schemes?
Tyler: Look, all I'm saying is that even the Amway site provides a business plan and lots of information on how their marketing model, which is ostensibly a legitimate legal multi-level-marketing model, works, what being a member entails, and so forth
Lenny: I can assure you that it is not a pyramid scheme, it is a very legitimate business model.
Tyler: This information is available *without* creating an account
Lenny: YOu can log into our website with the username of guest and the password of dream if you would like to browse around
Tyler: If such an account exists, why not "log the user in as a guest" by default? That is, make the information that is available to the guest account available by default
Tyler: Legitimate investors like to see legitimate businesses provide a little more than promises of quick, easy cash
Lenny: Because we are an affiliate that can only offer services to registered IBOs of Amway we can not display information to non registered users.
Tyler: I see
Tyler: but you just displayed that information to me...
Tyler: Way to beat the system, Lenny ;)
Lenny: As a guest yes
Lenny: You are inquiring about it so I am providing what can be provided.
Tyler: So we come back to my original complaint about the website
Tyler: Why can't you provide what can be provided by default?
Tyler: It almost seems like you're trying to hide it, perish the thought
Lenny: I am not but please believe what you would like
Lenny: We simply can not allow general access without a valid guest account login being provided first
Tyler: fair enough
Tyler: I'm still having difficulty finding information about your business plan and/or marketing plan
Lenny: We are a very legitimate business that is designed to help Amway IBOs build and grow their business, we are the support system.
Tyler: Ah, I see
Lenny: We are not in marketing.
Tyler: So why doesn't it say that on your website?
Lenny: Say what exactly?
Tyler: Well, this is the first indication I've heard of what WWG LLC actually does
Lenny: You have to register with Amway first before you can register with us and that step is where you learn what it is that we provide.
Tyler: Fiar enough, if the business is aimed directly at people who are already with Amway
Tyler: fair*
Lenny: Only those registered with Amway can even register with us, therefore we only support those registered with Amway.
Tyler: This returns me once again to the complaint about the website, however, but now it's structured a little different:
Tyler: Your website is pretty shady looking, I suppose you could say
Lenny: Without an understanding of how the business works and how we are tied into that I could see that
Tyler: It may well be legitimately aimed at amway folks, but any old person who stumbles across it might get the wrong impression
Tyler: if you know what I mean
Lenny: But not having the information provided to you by someone registered with Amway first is the cause of the confusion.
Lenny: YOu first need to be introduced to how Amway works, then you will learn about the support system
Tyler: Yes and no
Tyler: What your saying is that I should be suspiciously eyeing Amway, not World Wide Group
Tyler: This isn't strictly a website question/comment, but I think your intro seminar could use a little modification
Lenny: You need to be registered with them first before wandering about World Wide. Both companies are very legitimate.
Tyler: The presenter mentioned Amway, but provided absolutely no information on the relationship between Amway and WWG
Lenny: Please contact the person who referred to this site regarding that.
Tyler: I will do that, thank you
Lenny: Thank you for using Live Help - it's been my pleasure to help you today. Click here if you would like to print a copy of this transcript.
English Mobster
February 21st, 2010, 06:46 PM
*spits earl grey all over sensitive electronics*
You do realize that Mudkipz, The Dark Side, and English Mobster are all the same account, right? I registered this account with Mudkipz, realized a few days later that the name was retarded and had an admin change it to The Dark Side, then realized a few weeks later that that name was retarded too and had an admin change it to English Mobster. I donated $40 to make up for all the inconvenience (both for the name changes and at least partially for the whole sister fiasco).
They're all from the same account.
ANYWAY. What's done is done. I was a stupid 13-year-old bigot at the time; I've apologized many times over. I'm 16 now, I've matured enough to realize how stupid I was back then and believe me when I say I'm not pulling anything like that again. It's caused me enough grief as it is.
Now lets get back to the topic at hand, if we will.
February 21st, 2010, 07:54 PM
Holy shit that was three years ago?
teh lag
February 21st, 2010, 07:57 PM
I've matured
slowpoke with iamafag face on it
it's okay because this is the quotes thread and i am posting quotes
i do my part
February 21st, 2010, 08:29 PM
You're saying he isn't mature because of an image in his rotating sig?
February 21st, 2010, 09:37 PM
Holy shit that was three years ago?
jesus christ i feel so old
and one for the thread:
yeah, we're going to win the series 4-1
February 22nd, 2010, 12:27 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAh ah ahah xDSHD sajfhasf
XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh that was beautiful ross
February 23rd, 2010, 04:43 PM
some random person added my msn, and i was like who the fuck is this., a rather one-sided conversation ensued.
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
Corrine zegt:
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
might i inquire as to who you are?
besides 'stranger'
Corrine zegt:
i'm 21/f your a male right?
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
Corrine zegt:
nice, I just got off work and finally got some time to relax which site did i msg you from again?
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
are you psychic?
Corrine zegt:
I know a way we can chat and have a better time.. do you cam?
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
i only cam with people who give me their full name, adress and social security number
Corrine zegt:
Well i don't do yahoo cam or any other cam because i have been recorded before... But i do know one site you can watch me on cam, that assures me no one records...
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
also, where did you get my email
Corrine zegt:
I mean... Do you want to see me on my cam?
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
i dont know, that depends on your intentions
Corrine zegt:
Ok go to <shady link> accept the invite on the page baby
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
Corrine zegt:
sweet, fill out the info ur info.. i can not wait for you to see me baby let me find something nice to wear
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
bad bot
Corrine zegt:
its the sites policy to ensure no minors get access to the site, so they might ask for CC to verify your age babe.
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
go away mister bot
Corrine zegt:
What color Panties do you think i should wear? i might have you favorite color here somewhere...
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
i dont like bots!
Corrine zegt:
Your such a good boy, i'm gonna show you what good boys deserve.. you can tell me to do anything you want me too!
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
my favourite colour is GO AWAY
Corrine zegt:
Ok let me know when you get in so I can invite you directly to my cam.
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
this is going to be copypasted
Corrine zegt:
u have to enter a cc, atm, or debit card so they can tell your of age, thats the ony way to see me sweety
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
Corrine zegt:
k you in yet babe??
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
my cat is digging in the kitty-litter box
Corrine zegt:
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
what would my girlfriend think?!
Corrine zegt:
AUTO RESPONSE: Click here to watch me for FREE link
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
you are free?
Corrine zegt:
AUTO RESPONSE: Click here to watch me for FREE link
Paul Dalessi - back from germany. zegt:
no more copypasta?
February 23rd, 2010, 11:35 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAh ah ahah xDSHD sajfhasf
XD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh that was beautiful ross
it was such a beautiful moment of blind optimism
English Mobster
February 24th, 2010, 12:23 AM
I love bots.
Especially stupid ones.
E: Reply number 1337! :neckbeard:
English Mobster
February 26th, 2010, 08:43 PM
In an attempt to get us back on topic, here's Douglas Adams on the subject of Australia.
Australia is a very confusing place, taking up a large amount of the Bottom half of the planet. It is recognisable from orbit because of many unusual features, including what at first looks like an enormous bite taken out of its southern edge; a wall of sheer cliffs which plunge deep into the girting sea. Geologists assure us that this is simply an accident of geomorphology and plate tectonics, but they still call it the "Great Australian Bight" proving that not only are they covering up a more frightening theory, but they can't spell either.
The first of the confusing things about Australia is the status of the place. Where other land masses and sovereign lands are classified as either continent, island, or country, Australia is considered all three.
Typically, it is unique in this.
The second confusing thing about Australia are the animals. They can be divided into three categories: Poisonous, Odd, and Sheep.
It is true that of the 10 most poisonous arachnids on the planet, Australia has 9 of them. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that of the 9 most poisonous arachnids, Australia has all of them. However, there are curiously few snakes, possibly because the spiders have killed them all. But even the spiders won't go near the sea.
Any visitors should be careful to check inside boots (before putting them on), under toilet seats (before sitting down) and generally everywhere else. A stick is very useful for this task.
Strangely, it tends to be the second class of animals (the Odd) that are more dangerous. The creature that kills the most people each year is the common Wombat. It is nearly as ridiculous as its name, and spends its life digging holes in the ground, in which it hides. During the night it comes out to eat worms and grubs.
The wombat kills people in two ways: First, the animal is indestructible. Digging holes in the hard Australian clay builds muscles that outclass Olympic weight lifters. At night, they often wander the roads. Semi-trailers (Road Trains) have hit them at high speed, with all 9 wheels on one side, and this merely makes them very annoyed. They express this by snorting, glaring, and walking away. Alas, to smaller cars, the wombat becomes a symmetrical launching pad, with results that can be imagined, but not adequately described.
The second way the wombat kills people relates to its burrowing behaviour. If a person happens to put their hand down a Wombat hole, the Wombat will feel the disturbance and think "Ho! My hole is collapsing!" at which it will brace its muscled legs and push up against the roof of its burrow with incredible force, to prevent its collapse. Any unfortunate hand will be crushed, and attempts to withdraw will cause the Wombat to simply bear down harder. The unfortunate will then bleed to death through their crushed hand as the wombat prevents him from seeking assistance. This is considered the third most embarrassing known way to die, and Australians don't talk about it much.
At this point, we would like to mention the Platypus, estranged relative of the mammal, which has a duck-bill, otter's tail, webbed feet, lays eggs, detects its aquatic prey in the same way as the electric eel, and has venomous barbs attached to its hind legs, thus combining all 'typical' Australian attributes into a single improbable creature.
The last confusing thing about Australia is the inhabitants. First, a short history: Some time around 40,000 years ago, some people arrived in boats from the north. They ate all the available food, and lot of them died. The ones that survived learned respect for the balance of nature, man's proper place in the scheme of things, and spiders. They settled in, and spent a lot of the intervening time making up strange stories. Then, around 200 years ago, Europeans arrived in boats from the north. More accurately, European convicts were sent, with a few deranged and stupid people in charge. They tried to plant their crops in Autumn (failing to take account of the reversal of the seasons when moving from the top half of the planet to the bottom), ate all their food, and a lot of them died.
About then the sheep arrived, and have been treasured ever since. It is interesting to note here that the Europeans always consider themselves vastly superior to any other race they encounter, since they can lie, cheat, steal, and litigate (marks of a civilised culture they say) - whereas all the Aboriginals can do is happily survive being left in the middle of a vast red-hot desert, equipped with a stick. Eventually, the new lot of people stopped being Europeans on Extended Holiday and became Australians.
The changes are subtle, but deep, caused by the mind-stretching expanses of nothingness and eerie quiet, where a person can sit perfectly still and look deep inside themselves to the core of their essence, their reasons for being, and the necessity of checking inside your boots every morning for fatal surprises. They also picked up the most finely tuned sense of irony in the world, and the Aboriginal gift for making up stories.
Be warned. There is also the matter of the beaches. Australian beaches are simply the nicest and best in the entire world. Although anyone actually venturing into the sea will have to contend with sharks, stinging jellyfish, stonefish (a fish which sits on the bottom of the sea, pretends to be a rock, and has venomous barbs sticking out of its back that will kill just from the pain) and surfboarders. However, watching a beach sunset is worth the risk.
As a result of all this hardship, dirt, thirst, and wombats, you would expect Australians to be a dour lot. Instead, they are genial, jolly, cheerful, and always willing to share a kind word with a stranger, unless they are an American.
Faced with insurmountable odds and impossible problems, they smile disarmingly and look for a stick. Major engineering feats have been performed with sheets of corrugated iron, string, and mud.
Alone of all the races on earth, they seem to be free from the 'Grass is Greener on the other side of the fence' syndrome, and roundly proclaim that Australia is, in fact, the other side of that fence. They call the land "Oz", "Godzone" (a verbal contraction of "God's Own Country") and "Best bloody place on earth, bar none, strewth." The irritating thing about this is they may be right.
There are some traps for the unsuspecting traveller, though. Do not under any circumstances suggest that the beer is imperfect, unless you are comparing it to another kind of Australian beer. Do not wear a Hawaiian shirt. Religion and Politics are safe topics of conversation (Australians don't care too much about either) but Sport is a minefield. The only correct answer to "So, howdya' like our country, eh?" is "Best {insert your own regional swear word here} country in the world!".
It is very likely that, on arriving, some cheerful Australians will 'adopt' you on your first night, and take you to a pub where Australian Beer is served. Despite the obvious danger, do not refuse. It is a form of initiation rite. You will wake up late the next day with an astonishing hangover, a foul-taste in your mouth, and wearing strange clothes. Your hosts will usually make sure you get home, and waive off any legal difficulties with "It's his first time in Australia, so we took him to the pub.", to which the policeman will sagely nod and close his notebook.
Be sure to tell the story of these events to every other Australia, you encounter, adding new embellishments at every stage, and noting how strong the beer was. Thus you will be accepted into this unique culture.
Most Australians are now urban dwellers, having discovered the primary use of electricity, which is air-conditioning and refrigerators.
Typical Australian sayings:
* "G'Day!"
* "It's better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick."
* "She'll be right."
* "And down from Kosciusko, where the pine clad ridges raise their torn and rugged battlements on high, where the air is clear as crystal, and the white stars fairly blaze at midnight in the cold and frosty sky.
And where, around the overflow, the reed beds sweep and sway to the breezes, and the rolling plains are wide. The Man from Snowy River is a household word today, and the stockmen tell the story of his ride."
Tips to Surviving Australia:
* Don't ever put your hand down a hole for any reason whatsoever. We mean it.
* The beer is stronger than you think, regardless of how strong you think it is.
* Always carry a stick.
* Air-conditioning.
* Do not attempt to use Australian slang, unless you are a trained linguist and good in a fist fight.
* Thick socks.
* Take good maps. Stopping to ask directions only works when there are people nearby.
* If you leave the urban areas, carry several litres of water with you at all times, or you will die.
* Even in the most embellished stories told by Australians, there is always a core of truth that it is unwise to ignore.
See Also: "Deserts: How to die in them", "The Stick: Second most useful thing ever" and "Poisonous and Venomous arachnids, insects, animals, trees, shrubs, fish and sheep of Australia, volumes 1-42"
February 27th, 2010, 01:11 PM
the good part
Tips to Surviving Australia:
* Don't ever put your hand down a hole for any reason whatsoever. We mean it.
* The beer is stronger than you think, regardless of how strong you think it is.
* Always carry a stick.
* Air-conditioning.
* Do not attempt to use Australian slang, unless you are a trained linguist and good in a fist fight.
* Thick socks.
* Take good maps. Stopping to ask directions only works when there are people nearby.
* If you leave the urban areas, carry several litres of water with you at all times, or you will die.
* Even in the most embellished stories told by Australians, there is always a core of truth that it is unwise to ignore.
February 28th, 2010, 07:10 AM
the part you just quoted there is unironically true as fuck and sound advice
trust me. you may think you're a pro survivor or some shit but this place can and will end your gay life for the slightest thing
English Mobster
March 1st, 2010, 09:13 PM
HOW DO YOU DECIDE WHO TO MARRY? (written by kids)
You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming. Alan, age 10
No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with. Kristen, age 10
Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then. Camille, age 10
No age is good to get married at. You got to be a fool to get married. Freddie, age 6 (very wise for his age)
You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. Derrick, age 8
Both don’t want any more kids. Lori, age 8
Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough. Lynnette, age 8 (isn’t she a treasure)
On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. Martin, age 10 (Who said boys do not have brains)
I’d run home and play dead. The next day I would call all the newspapers and make sure they wrote about me in all the dead columns. Craig, age 9
When they’re rich. Pam, age 7 (I could not have said it better myself)
The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that. Curt, age 7 (Good Point)
The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do. Howard, age 8 (Who made the rule)
I don’t know which is better, but I’ll tell you one thing. I’m never going to have sex with my wife. I don’t want to be all grossed out. Theodore, age 8 (Too much detail for his age)
It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them. Anita, age 9 (bless you child)
There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there? Kelvin, age 8
And the #1 Favourite is……..
Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a truck. Ricky, age 10 (The boy already understands)
March 2nd, 2010, 02:04 PM
"Are you Smarter than a Sixth Grader" makes more sense now... them 6th graders really are getting smarter >.<
March 2nd, 2010, 03:40 PM
the part you just quoted there is unironically true as fuck and sound advice
trust me. you may think you're a pro survivor or some shit but this place can and will end your gay life for the slightest thing
Wow, reading that made me feel like australia weeds out the weak and stupid in true natural selection format. Then I remembered its government
March 3rd, 2010, 04:34 AM
for the benefit of those who haven't read the l4d2 steam news before,
In the first two months of Left 4 Dead 2's release, 28,981,249,043 zombies have been shot, bludgeoned, chainsawed and killed — or, for our younger readers, taken to a farm where they can frolic and shuffle around forever.
You read that correctly: 28 BILLION. To put that number in perspective:
The entire population of the planet has been zombified and killed 4.26 times.
With the average height of a zombie being 6 feet, if you stacked them end to end they would circle the globe 1,322 times.
If you placed 28,981,249,043 rulers end to end, they would reach 28,81,249,043 feet in the sky.
In short: That is a bucketload of dead zombies. Nice job, everyone.
the last fact is particularly awesome
March 3rd, 2010, 04:37 AM
the part you just quoted there is unironically true as fuck and sound advice
trust me. you may think you're a pro survivor or some shit but this place can and will end your gay life for the slightest thing
March 3rd, 2010, 04:44 AM
p0lar_bear: self-omprovement hour with the p0lar_bear!
MARRY ME CROSBY: one thing you can improve is your spelling
aw yiss
March 3rd, 2010, 05:35 AM
aw yiss
(Not really.)
Alwin Roth
March 3rd, 2010, 04:48 PM
Pretty long, but short messages:
[uBp] Chuck: Also, I came home today and saw something on my bed that costs 119 bucks (but what 49 bucks due to a sale) guess
Asian 센세이션: GRAPHICS CARD?
[uBp] Chuck: no, that would be like 380 bucks
Asian 센세이션: gun?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: battlefield bad company 2 super ultra godly edition?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: asian slave?
[uBp] Chuck: i wish, but no
Asian 센세이션: keyboard?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: daft punk helmet?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: dont tell me...
Asian 센세이션: ill get it eventually
Asian 센세이션: top hat
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: penis enlargement
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: anus enlargement?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: pez....
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: category?
[uBp] Chuck: objects
[uBp] Chuck: it has a handle
Asian 센세이션: gun...
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: coffea mug
[uBp] Chuck: no
[uBp] Chuck: you hit stuff with it
Asian 센세이션: oh thank god...
Asian 센세이션: ummm, sword?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: fuck
Asian 센세이션: hammer?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: mac ipad?
[uBp] Chuck: no
[uBp] Chuck: lol
Asian 센세이션: lol...
Asian 센세이션: vodka from russia?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: damn...
Asian 센세이션: what letter does it start with?
[uBp] Chuck: r
Asian 센세이션: retarded baby?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: rifle?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: raffel ticket?
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: ruler!
[uBp] Chuck: no
Asian 센세이션: runaway hooker?
[uBp] Chuck: no
[uBp] Chuck: no
[uBp] Chuck: ra
Asian 센세이션: rabbit's asshole?
[uBp] Chuck: rac
[uBp] Chuck: omfg, wow, how does it feel, I feel great, I actually got you to spend all that time and effort on something so pointlesss
March 3rd, 2010, 09:53 PM
any post in here by siriustextra is pure stupid lol gold.
it looks like he is trolling himself lolol
March 6th, 2010, 02:46 AM
March 6th, 2010, 01:32 PM
i think theres a formula for bad quotes in this thread. If the conversation is between you and a friend, and not pertaining to an issue or topic that interests the people of this forum, it is a bad quote. If the quote contains inside jokes, it is a bad quote, unless the other person who would get the joke is actually a member of this forum. If the top three keywords of your quote are "penis", "anus" and "retarded", it is most likely a bad quote.
March 6th, 2010, 04:53 PM
i think i agree with ice on all accounts
March 6th, 2010, 05:48 PM
Well if that is directed to my quote, its easily understandable to anyone that has seen Dane's threads recently.
March 6th, 2010, 06:21 PM
It is not directed at you heathen.
March 6th, 2010, 07:12 PM
cool beans
March 6th, 2010, 08:04 PM
March 6th, 2010, 09:01 PM
Prime example.
March 6th, 2010, 09:12 PM
well your avatar sucks
what now bitch
March 6th, 2010, 09:21 PM
well your avatar sucks
what now bitch
hows this for a quote
ps you suck
March 6th, 2010, 09:23 PM
hows this for a quote
ps you suck
Hey guys I found this cool quote.
March 6th, 2010, 10:20 PM
You guys are so funny lewl uehehehurh
March 6th, 2010, 10:44 PM
well your avatar sucks
what now bitch
I think theres a flaw in your logic here. lets look closer.
your avatar sucks
There it is!
My avatar is awesome. Thanks for your input.
March 7th, 2010, 03:56 AM
im gayi quote myselfi, too, am gay
Cool quotes bros!
March 7th, 2010, 12:18 PM
im gay for polar bears also i like cock
this one is better~
March 7th, 2010, 02:28 PM
Cool quotes bros!
lol, best quote here
March 8th, 2010, 05:58 AM
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: you kjnow what would be hilarious
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: to show n00bs
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: what an example
p0lar_bear: seriously, been about two years since my last eye exam :(
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: of and unfunny convo would be
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: to post
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: like
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: i'll say
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: you smell like shit
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: and you'll go
p0lar_bear: much like you're posting
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: "how can you smell me, we're on the internet you doodle brain"
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: we'll laugh viciously
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: and post it
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: cause where just so awesome like
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: And totally not missing the point of the thread at all
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: Are you with me
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: HA HA HA
p0lar_bear: step 1: say something
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: HAR HAR HAR
p0lar_bear: step 2: spam chat with "LOLOLOLOLOLOL"
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: LOLOL!O!OL!!Ol
p0lar_bear: step 3: sayd "Quotes thread'd"
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: Quoting diz cause i'm down
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: This is perfection
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: can you imagine the amount of rep we'll get for this
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: we'll get like
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: 10
p0lar_bear: step 4: <strike>shit</strike>post it on modacity
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: should be awesomwe
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: YOU DOWN G
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: THIS IS GUNNA BE HILARIOUS
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: LETS DO THIS
p0lar_bear: WORD
p0lar_bear: YEAH MAN
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: Quote'd
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: (your supposed to go, you son of a bitch you whenrt sposed to quote it
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: that makes it more funny)
p0lar_bear: oh
p0lar_bear: fag
p0lar_bear: stop quoting me
p0lar_bear: asshoel
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: har har har
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: Suck it
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: N000000000000B
p0lar_bear: (-in8r)
p0lar_bear: oh
p0lar_bear: we forgot the mem reference
p0lar_bear: uhhh
p0lar_bear: uhhh
p0lar_bear: mudkips!
Lelldorallen, Wildantor archer: DERP.
March 8th, 2010, 05:59 AM
Rob Oplawar
March 8th, 2010, 05:40 PM
Meta humor in the quotes thread. This thread has reached a new level of unfunny.
March 8th, 2010, 06:18 PM
the thread is parodying itself.
also, must rep.
March 8th, 2010, 07:01 PM
Since i only have a screenshot and no logs of this convo i guess this should do.
Not too sure how many here even remember conure.
March 9th, 2010, 05:08 AM
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: you know what it was
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: timo's cache got fucked up
[03:05] iMod53: heh
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: goddamn
[03:05] iMod53: ah, those crazy kiwis
[03:05] iMod53: them and their dirty, dirty caches
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: shit was so cache
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: heh
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: heh
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: ...HEH
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
[03:05] P0lar_Bear: :suicide:
[03:06] iMod53: ...HEH
[03:06] iMod53: MORE LIKE
[03:06] iMod53: his cache was so shit
[03:06] P0lar_Bear: oh
[03:06] P0lar_Bear: oh shit
[03:06] P0lar_Bear: :iceburn:
March 12th, 2010, 03:09 PM
Maybe this should be in community or the quotes thread, but I thought one thread specifically for funny anecdotes and punnage would be ok.
An old Scot and a young Scot were sitting in the pub talking. The old man says to the young man; "Son, look out the window. You see that stone fence stretchin' out 'cross the moor as far as yer eye can see? Well I built that fence with me own two hands. But, do they call me MacGregor the fence builder? Nooooo."
"Now ya take a look up at the bar. See the perfectly constructed thing of beauty stretchin' across this great hall? Well, I built that bar with me own two hands. But, do they call me MacGregor the bar builder? Noooo."
"Now take a look toward the sea. Do you see that magnificent pier, sturdy and straight, unmoving againt the sea and all her wrath? Well, I built that pier with me own two hands. But, do they call me MacGregor the pier builder? Noooo."
Then MacGregor leans in close to the young man and whispers....
"But ya fuck one goat..."
A blind man walks into a bar and orders a pint. While the bartender is pouring it he says, "Want to hear a joke?" and she says, "OK."
He starts: "So there's this blonde..."
"Okay, hold on" says the bartender. "I can see you're blind so I'm gonna do you a favour here. Just so you know, I'm a blonde. The manager is a blonde. The bouncer is a blonde, and there's a good friend of mine by the window there, she's a black belt in karate, she's a blonde too. There's a couple of biker chicks at a table nearby, both blondes.
"So, you just have a think about that and ask yourself: do you really want to tell that joke?"
She gives him his drink. "Well, uh, I guess not," he says. "I don't wanna have to explain it six times."
This guy is sitting at a bar, drinking is beer. Another man enters the bar and sits right next to him. The guy orders a beer then proceeds to take out this tiny man and a tiny piano from his bag. He sits him on the counter and the tiny man starts playing his piano.
The other guy goes:
"What the hell? Where did you get this little guy?"
"Oh, I got him from the genie in the men's bathroom."
So the other guy rushes to the bathroom and sure enough, there is the genie.
The genie says: "Hi, I can grant you only one wish!"
"That's fine" he replies, "I wish for a million bucks."
So the genie spawns a million ducks. The guy is confused. He goes back to the other guy and tells him:
"Dude, I think your genie is a little bit deaf, I asked him for a million bucks and got a million ducks.."
"Yeah, did you really think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?"
A guy walks into a bar on the Space Needle. There's a dude at the bar he sits next to who says that, when the wind is just right, you can jump off the balcony and you'll be swept right back up. The first guy doesn't believe him, so they go out on the balcony and the second guy jumps off, falls a few feet and then WHOOSH ends up back on the balcony. The second guy thinks this looks amazing, and when the first guy says "ok, go!" he jumps off, and plummets to his death.
The first guy comes back inside and the bartender says, "You're a real douchebag when you're drunk, superman."
After a massive night on the grog with Snow White, the Seven Dwarfs are walking around their local village to the different churches, rather hungover, but desperately trying to find a nun.
At the first church, Grumpy demands to know if there are any nuns in the church. The priest says “no, there are no nuns here”. All the time the 6 other Dwarfs are dying with behind grumpy.
Grumpy moves on to the other church in the village, only to find the same answer; there are no nuns there either. The other Dwarfs are gasping for air, all doubled over laughing.
Grumpy is infuriated and moves down the street to the last church.
He comes to the door, with the other 6 Dwarfs slowly following behind him, pushing one another along with laughter. But alas, there were no nuns at the last church. Grumpy storms out of the church, while his 6 Dwarfs chant with hilarity…
“Grumpy fucked a penguin! Grumpy fucked a Penguin!”
This guy sits at a bar, shaking his head in disbelief, watching this other guy who keeps disappearing into the back room with girl after girl after girl...
Finally, he gets up the nerve to ask the other guy: "Hey man, what's your secret?"
The other guy says: "Watch and learn."
Girl walks by, guy says: "Hey. Tickle your ass with a feather."
Girl says: "What?!"
Guy smiles and says: "I said 'It's particularly nasty weather.' Jeez. What'd you think I said?"
Girls storms off angrily.
Another girl walks by.
Guy says: "Tickle your ass with a feather."
Girl says: "Hah. WTF? Why not? Let's go!"
The two disappear for a few minutes into the back room.
The lonely guy can't believe his eyes. He thanks his teacher when he returns, and proceeds to drink for the next few hours, hoping to gain enough liquid courage to close the deal... Finally, the time arrives...
Girls walks by.
Guy says: "Hey! Hey you!"
Girl's like: "What?!?"
Guy says: "Stick a feather up your ass!"
Girl says: "WHAT?!!"
Guy says: "It's fucking raining!"
A guy walks into a bar, and order 5 shots. Bartender says, "Jeez, you look like you just got some bad news." Guy says, "Yea, just found out my dads gay and he's leaving my mom." So the guy downs the 5 shots and drinks the rest of the night.
The next day he comes back, and orders 5 shots again. Bartender says, "What happened now?" Guy says, "Just found out my brother's gay and he's leaving his wife." So the guy downs the 5 shots again, and drinks until closing time.
The next day he comes back again, and orders 5 more shots. Bartender says, "Jesus, doesn't anybody in your family like women?" Guy says, "Yea, my wife".
George was planning on going out with "The Boys" when his wife told him that he wasn't leaving the house. His wife said, "The last time you went out with your friends you got so drunk that you puked on your shirt." George told his wife, "But Honey, I promise that I wont drink a drop of alcohol all night!" So after begging his old lady for an hour, George got the OK the go out with the guys as long as he stayed off of the booze. George met up with the guys at a local bar and proceeded to get shit-faced. After about 3 hours of guzzling liquor, George blew chow all over his shirt. George yelled, "Shit! The old lady is going to throw my ass out of the house for getting drunk and puking on my new shirt!" Bill, George's best pal, gave drunk ass George an idea of how to keep from getting in trouble with the wife. Bill told him, "All you got to do is have a $20 bill in your hand when you walk through the door. Then, when she accuses you of barfing all over yourself, just tell her that some other drunk puked on you and that he gave you 20 bucks to get the shirt cleaned." So, when George walked into the house with money in hand, his wife was waiting for him in the living room. She yelled, "I knew that your drunk ass would spew bile and booze all over that new shirt!" George responded, "Honey, let me explain! This drunken fool at the bar puked on me and gave me 20 bucks to have it cleaned." His wife snatched the money out of his hand and observed that he was holding two $20 bills. George's wife asked, "Is that so? Then where did the other 20 dollar bill come from?" George then said, "Oh, That's from the guy who shit in my pants."
A guy walks into a bar, and carries with him a small octopus. He sets him on the bar and orders a drink. It just so happens that this is the bar where the Boston Symphony musicians like to hang out after their performances, and indeed they're all there tonight.
The flautist finally lets curiosity get the better of him, so he goes up to the guy and asks, "What's the deal with your octopus?" The man replies, "I'll bet you 50$ that he can play any of your instruments just as well as you!"
The flautist starts laughing and thinks this is an easy way to get 50$. He goes back to his seat, grabs his flute and brings it back to the octopus. Sure enough, the octopus takes the flute from him, puts the mouthpiece to his beak and starts playing a beautiful tune. The flautist is stunned, and returns to his seat 50$ poorer.
Seeing this amazing spectacle, the violinist thinks to himself, "The octopus doesn't even have a chin! There's no way he can play MY instrument!" He goes up to the man at the bar and says as much to him. The man replies, "The bet's the same; 50$ says he can play your violin just fine!" The violinist grabs his instrument and hands it to the octopus. He immediately starts playing a very moving piece. The violinist can't believe it, and he returns to his seat, 50$ poorer.
The bagpiper sees this happen, and thinks to himself, "There's NO WAY that octopus can play my bagpipes. I'm going to be the first one to get 50$ off this guy!" So he walks up to the octopus and hands him the bagpipes. The octopus looks at them, turns them over, pokes at them, but makes no move to play them. The man says to the octopus, "What do you think you're doing? Play the damned thing already!" The octopus looks at him and says, "Play it? As soon as I figure out how to get it's pajamas off, I'm gonna fuck it!"
Sorry to mods/admins if this is considered a shit thread/post.
March 12th, 2010, 03:33 PM
Jokes Funny Random? Eh, couldn't hurt. NSFW to start up:
How does a daughter know when her mother's on her period?
When her brother's dick tastes funny.
March 12th, 2010, 03:43 PM
One day a man comes across a Genie. The genie offers the man one wish. The man says "Well, I have always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I hate flying and I get Sea Sick easily. Could you build a bridge from California to Hawaii?" The Genie responds "Do you have any idea how hard it would be for me to make such a bridge? I would have to take Oceanic Currents, Hurricanes, and the depth of the ocean itself into effect. I just can't do it. Make another wish." The man then says "Well, I have always had problems understanding my wife. I just wish that I could, at least once in my life, understand what she was saying." The genie says "Do you want that bridge to be two lanes or four?"
March 12th, 2010, 03:52 PM
my grandfather was in a concentration camp,
he fell out of a sniper tower
March 12th, 2010, 03:58 PM
My grandfather was in a Concentration camp.
He died when someone fell onto him from a sniper tower.
teh lag
March 12th, 2010, 04:15 PM
merged w/ qfr
March 18th, 2010, 02:33 AM
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: **** yeah they're open for 9 minutes
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: 8 minutes
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: gonna order a pizza
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: and piss them off
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: oh my god lol
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: i hate it when people do that
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: are u calling dominos
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: online
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: ****
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: they're gonna hate you
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: they want to go home
2:52 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: lol
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: I'll give htem
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: 50cent tip
2:52 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: instead of nicklel
2:56 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: What did you get anyway
2:56 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: barbecue chicken pizza
2:56 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: that I usually get
2:58 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: what was the total
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: 14.99+1.99 delivery charge
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: so 16.98
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: or 17$
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: hey so
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: you know how you can like
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: see the thing on the website
2:58 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: saying
2:59 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: this person is currenlty doing this with your pizza
2:59 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: it stopped showing that
2:59 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: wondering if they ragequit
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: **** this i'm going home
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: lol
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: so
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: total 16 98
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: your gonna give him 17 bucks
2:59 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: l@l
2:59 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: what tip do you think would be appropriate?>?
2:59 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: I've got a 20 too
3:00 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: don't want to tip 20%
3:01 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: idk i'd give him a few bucks atleast
3:02 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: I'll just give the 20 I gues
3:15 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: did he get there
3:15 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: he isn't coming is he
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: LOL
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: he should be there by now
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: they usually try to hurry
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: if its that close to closing
3:16 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: it's like a 5 min drive
3:16 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: I turned the porch light on too
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: man
3:16 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: no update online?
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: you know how it has the progress bar
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: that's like
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: a red bar
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: fills up
3:17 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: ive never seen it personally
3:17 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: but i know what u mean
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: oh well
3:17 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: where is it at
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: 2 minutes in
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: it starts with
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: this person is making your order
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: and like 1/3rd is already filled lol
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: 2 minutes later
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: the 1/3rd part disappears
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: I left it open till like 5 mins ago
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: then closed
3:17 AM - Kyou Fujibayashi: they probably shut down their computers l@l
3:17 AM - EBENEEZER GOODE: lol yes
March 18th, 2010, 11:49 PM
iger: do you have a boy friend (8:45 p.m.)Jaimee: I don't even have someone I am dating ... no ... u can be my boyfriend ;)
Tiger: then I am
Jaimee: I wish
Tiger: quiet and secretively we will always be together
Tiger: when was the last time you got laid
Jaimee: if we hang out on a Sundway we can watch desperate houswives again haha (Sept. 30, 3:38 p.m.)
Tiger: oh god
funny man
March 19th, 2010, 12:14 AM
Digital rectal massage has been recommended as a remedy that causes immediate cessation of hiccups and which should be tried before resorting to drugs.
Oddly enough this is not the first time wikipedia has suggested that I stick things in my ass
March 25th, 2010, 01:10 AM
Ifafudafi and I tend to have conversations on #modacity late at night, and tonight produced the weirdest ending to any conversation I've ever had:
[01:56] <+flibit> god, i reminded myself of a terrible joke
[01:56] <+Ifafudafi> it's one in the fucking morning
[01:57] <+Ifafudafi> you did it again
[01:57] <+flibit> how many mac users does it take to change a lightbulb
[01:57] <+flibit> also, it's 2 here, i win
[01:57] <+flibit> my exam is in 12 hours D:
[01:57] <+Ifafudafi> okay I'll bit
[01:57] <+Ifafudafi> e
[01:57] <+Ifafudafi> how many
[01:58] <+flibit> it's a pretty obscure number, you've probably never heard of it
[01:58] <+flibit> :D
[01:58] <+Ifafudafi> uh
[01:58] <+Ifafudafi> four
[01:58] <+flibit> nono
[01:58] <+flibit> datsthajoke.jpg
[01:58] <+Ifafudafi> (yeah I know, got damn(
[01:58] <+flibit> daw
[01:59] <+flibit> well, shit, we're clearly both tired
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> yeah and I have another god
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> damn
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> staff
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> meeting
[01:59] <+flibit> you go to bed mr. daffy, or you'll be iffy
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> no
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> bad pun
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> bad
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> pun
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> bad
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> bad
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> pun
[01:59] <+Ifafudafi> bad
[01:59] <+flibit> qfr anyone? XD
[02:00] <+Ifafudafi> nobody's here
[02:00] <+flibit> quotes funny random?
[02:00] <+Ifafudafi> yeah I know what qrf is
[02:00] <+Ifafudafi> you said "anyone" as if you were addressing multiple people
[02:00] <+Ifafudafi> *qfr
[02:00] <+Ifafudafi> fuck
[02:00] <+flibit> oh. way to ruin that too. :'[
[02:00] <+flibit> haha
[02:01] <+Ifafudafi> You see what you're doin to my gramar
[02:01] <+Ifafudafi> *GRAMAR
[02:01] <+Ifafudafi> **GRAMMAR
[02:01] <+Ifafudafi> ASDF
[02:01] <+flibit> not me brah
[02:01] * Ifafudafi is now known as DAFI_REALLY_SHOULD_BE_ASLEEP_R
[02:01] <+flibit> HAHA
[02:02] <+flibit> this is going up fucking now
[02:02] <+DAFI_SHOULD_REALLY_BE_ASLEEP> is right
[02:02] <+DAFI_SHOULD_REALLY_BE_ASLEEP> I can sleep
[02:02] <+DAFI_SHOULD_REALLY_BE_ASLEEP> peacefully
[02:03] <+flibit> i'm dying right now trying not to wake up my roommate with laughter XD
[02:03] <+flibit> go to bed XP
[02:04] <+DAFI_SHOULD_REALLY_BE_ASLEEP> bed has shitty grammar
[02:04] * DAFI_SHOULD_REALLY_BE_ASLEEP is now known as DAFI_SLEEPING_FOR_REAL_BROThis is what you happens when you fuck with your teachers too often, kids. :eng101:
March 25th, 2010, 03:45 AM
Every IRC bot should be like Wormgas from the chatroom
[19:02:17] <Giania> wormgas would be a useless hostage, no one really likes him
[19:02:20] <wormgas> Giania: Him and a freind put it in one of the djp sailor moon remix just made my shoulders when i looked at it as a no.
[19:02:40] <Giania> See? useless
[19:02:48] <Metal-Geo> Well... yes.
[19:03:03] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: You're putting your life at danger!
[19:03:04] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Who says you're the only mutant i like putting the vulcan canno on the danger of going to your pitch black drop dead fred.
[19:03:11] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: Go back to owning!
[19:03:12] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Oh wait. I can't. I promised the boyfriend and ass owning, you sound like my teeth.
[19:03:18] <Metal-Geo> lol
[19:03:22] <Metal-Geo> Close. Close.
[19:04:40] <Giania> ahahaha
[19:04:48] <Giania> dammit, Metal-Geo, you sound like my teeth
[19:05:02] <Metal-Geo> What do teeth sound like anyway?
[19:05:08] <ToN> that's a pretty annoying sound
[19:05:08] <Metal-Geo> Cause I can't judge myself.
[19:05:14] <Metal-Geo> Ah.
[19:05:16] <Metal-Geo> Thanks.
[19:05:17] <Metal-Geo> :/
[19:05:17] <Giania> I would imagine clicky
[19:05:36] <Metal-Geo> Then again, wormgas does have different kind of teeth.
[19:05:41] <Metal-Geo> He being an Asian French slave...
[19:05:47] <ToN> wormgas has teeth?
[19:05:50] <wormgas> ToN: Efilon! How're your wisdom teeth out yesterday.
[19:05:51] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: What do your teeth sound like?
[19:05:53] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Like the sound of the mouse with your teeth.
[19:05:58] <ToN> XD
[19:05:59] <Metal-Geo> ...\
[19:06:08] <Metal-Geo> I don't even wanna know...
[19:06:11] <Metal-Geo> Or do I?
[19:06:14] <ToN> yes you do
[19:06:16] <ToN> ask again
[19:06:20] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: sound of the mouse with your teeth?
[19:06:22] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: At the very very very bottom of the mouse with your teeth.
[19:06:27] <ToN> lol
[19:06:28] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: Bottom?
[19:06:30] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: I did bottom left with the girls.
[19:06:33] <ToN> o.o
[19:06:42] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: You do feet?
[19:06:44] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: You have a race tracks, and cars avoid your feet when you cant use it to you.
[19:06:50] <Metal-Geo> lol
[19:06:55] <ToN> haha
[19:07:04] <Metal-Geo> Oh hell, I'm gonna tell a pal that once he's annoying.
[19:07:11] <Metal-Geo> "Dude, cars avoid your feet..."
[19:07:20] <ToN> XD
[19:07:25] <ToN> when you can't use it to you
[19:07:27] <Giania> Ahahaha
[19:07:33] <Metal-Geo> Yeah, that'll confuse their ass.
[19:07:41] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: Phil Collins
[19:07:44] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Phil ken sebben! Strength! Leadership! Vision!
[19:07:47] <Metal-Geo> Hahahaha.
[19:07:48] <ToN> considering their ass has intelligence to confuse
[19:07:48] <Giania> Nice
[19:07:56] <Giania> wormgas: did you get that thing I sent?
[19:07:58] <wormgas> Giania: So you like that comic i sent you the only good-looking women around any more.
[19:07:58] <Metal-Geo> ToN: Ever met a Dutch?
[19:08:03] <ToN> haha
[19:08:18] <Giania> gotta go
[19:08:22] <Giania> have fun confusing the bot
[19:08:22] <Metal-Geo> They have "intelligence" everywhere. Just not... "intelligent."
[19:08:25] <Giania> and yourselves
[19:08:26] <Metal-Geo> Awww, bye Giania.
[19:08:28] <Metal-Geo> ;)
[19:08:34] <ToN> later
[19:08:38] <efiloN> Quills, the end!
[19:08:45] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: Quills
[19:08:46] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Esh's oldman helped too.
[19:08:49] <ToN> >.>
[19:08:53] <Metal-Geo> Esh's?
[19:10:30] <efiloN> esh's to esh's
[19:10:33] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters Colon The Soundtrack
[19:10:35] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: The soundtrack in my head (like 20% of the items in the theaters.
[19:10:50] * djp has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:10:52] * djpretzel has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
[19:10:58] <ToN> bai djp
[19:11:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +l 31
[19:11:52] <Metal-Geo> Goddamnit I want my new computer. :(
[19:12:00] <Metal-Geo> Everybody... HELP ME BUILD A TIMEMACHINE!
[19:17:55] <efiloN> nah not now, maybe in a few years
[19:18:21] <ToN> lol
[19:18:25] <ToN> it won't matter when
[19:18:33] <ToN> we can always go back in time and do it sooner
[19:20:14] <Metal-Geo> Oi, time paradox.
[19:20:39] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: I made an omelette for Satan!
[19:20:42] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: Satan in the face of the mouse with your teeth.
[19:20:51] <Metal-Geo> wormgas: You and your goddamn teeth and I sound like.
[19:20:53] <wormgas> Metal-Geo: They sound like my teeth.
A note to the admins: Please put MegaHal into our channel bot
Rob Oplawar
March 25th, 2010, 01:47 PM
this thread sucks.
March 26th, 2010, 12:43 PM
She has tried to get me with that one twice, and failed. I'm never clicking a link from her again, because I know she'll just keep going ahead with it.
March 26th, 2010, 12:55 PM
Oh llama you brilliant fool. That sammich idea may even beat my pizza sammich
Llama Juice
March 26th, 2010, 02:28 PM
Your pizza sammich failed hard sir.
Still haven't gone grocery hunting, so I had waffles with applesauce today as my sammich.
Also, you all missed the best thread ever yesterday. just sayin.
March 26th, 2010, 11:30 PM
hey, my pizza sammich only failed because it was on unexpectedly large, floppy pizza slices. On normal god fearing pizza slices like us good normal people eat, it works BRILLIANTLY. I bet it could make even vegetarian food good.
March 29th, 2010, 10:48 PM
Andromeda is one the CHEESIEST sci-fi shows out there, but it's moments like this that make it gold...
Genite: Attention hostile vessel, surrender now and prepare to be boarded. You have fifteen seconds to comply.
Tyr: Ship, how many missiles can we fire in fifteen seconds?
Andromeda: Approximately 3,600.
Tyr: Communicate our desire to comply...
April 4th, 2010, 10:14 PM
Higuy™: i need a t-shirt
Higuy™: :(
DEEtrain⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠: i m gunna get my aniamted GIF printed on a t-shirt
DEEtrain⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠: like photobucket wants me to.
April 5th, 2010, 03:46 PM
2244 - [CHAOS PYROS] brosef:
2244 - [CHAOS PYROS] brosef: why isn't this in the game gaben.
2244 - [CHAOS PYROS] brosef: finish you're second dinner and get it done.
2244 - Nightlife: but he has 3 dinners left to eat!!!
2245 - [CHAOS PYROS] brosef: give the pyro a train suit.
2245 - [CHAOS PYROS] brosef: when he touches people he kills them but he can't turn around so it's balanced
2245 - Nightlife: hehe nice
Nightlife is now Offline.
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
Nightlife is now Online.
Nightlife is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Nightlife is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
Nightlife is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
2353 - Nightlife: i like tf2
2353 - Nightlife: NOT - borat
2010 April 05
0100 - Nightlife: this is ground control to major tom...
0101 - Nightlife: your circuits dead, there's something wrong...
0101 - Nightlife: can you hear me major tom....................
0130 - Nightlife: "Goku! You came here expecting to find a madman, but instead, you found a GOD!”
0130 - Nightlife: who said that quote brosef this is a quiz
0130 - Nightlife: it was hitler fyi right before he turned super saiyan
Nightlife is now playing Garry's Mod. Click here to join.
0155 - Nightlife: "with great power comes great responsibility" - naruto
April 11th, 2010, 07:11 PM
Can I come?
April 11th, 2010, 10:08 PM
hell yeh!
Llama Juice
April 12th, 2010, 02:25 AM
Like a good woman, ICEE asks beforehand.
April 12th, 2010, 04:17 AM
I'll crash the party in my birthday suit
April 12th, 2010, 07:50 PM
Like a good woman, ICEE asks beforehand.
HEY. no.
teh lag
April 12th, 2010, 08:00 PM
idk those "cup of win" sound like they've been hanging around since 2006 or something might wanna be careful
April 12th, 2010, 08:54 PM
You know what I dont even want to go llamas a jerk hes mean to me. I dont wanta be a part of your stupid praties anyways
Llama Juice
April 12th, 2010, 09:18 PM
1. Praties
Irish word for potato.
No more I'll be diggin praties
April 12th, 2010, 10:02 PM
I've never liked potatoes. I'm not confident that they're entirely human
Llama Juice
April 12th, 2010, 10:12 PM
They're not human at all, they're vegetable.
April 12th, 2010, 10:48 PM
Tell that to Terri Schiavo. You jerk.
April 12th, 2010, 11:10 PM
[16:40] jrcap14: TIMO THIS IS URGENT
[16:40] jrcap14: WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM
[16:40] jrcap14: (Link:
[16:41] jrcap14: skip to 00:36
[16:41] jrcap14: THAT IS MY QUIT SCREEN
[16:41] jrcap14: MINE
[16:41] jrcap14: NOT THEIRS
[16:41] jrcap14: MINE
[16:41] jrcap14: MY CONCEPT
[16:41] jrcap14: FROM THE FIRST ALPHA
[16:41] jrcap14: MINE
[16:43] jrcap14: WHAT IS YOUR PASSWORD
[16:44] jrcap14: NVM
[16:45] Tim: lol
[16:45] jrcap14: THEY STOLE ARE UI
[16:46] Tim: oh it's a bungie movie
[16:46] jrcap14: huh
[16:46] Tim: did bungie steal it
[16:46] jrcap14: YES
[16:47] jrcap14: (Link:
[16:47] jrcap14: earliest concept
[16:48] jrcap14: oops
[16:48] jrcap14: (Link:
[16:52] jrcap14: I FUCKING SWEAR
[16:53] jrcap14: IF WE ARE NOT IN THE CREDITS
[16:53] Tim: lol
jcap gettin mad
April 13th, 2010, 12:16 AM
hmm that looks familiar
April 16th, 2010, 01:33 AM
cccccombo breaker!
(this post contains no conversation with AD)
teh lag
April 16th, 2010, 01:38 PM
cccccombo breaker!
Is there a reason for this.
April 17th, 2010, 01:15 AM
If anyone tackles me I am going to fuck your shit up. You may only be playing but in LA that shit ain't all buddy-buddy 3:
Rob Oplawar
April 17th, 2010, 11:04 AM
I'll do it. I can take him. I've got a black belt. Bring it on, mister SnaF. By the time I'm done with you you really will be fucked up beyond all recognition.
April 17th, 2010, 01:50 PM
K rob last guy I beat was bragging he was benching 300. He came out of that with massive respect for me. My dad was a judo black belt and I'm not all that unexperienced.
Ps never bring feet and hands to a gunfight.
Rob Oplawar
April 17th, 2010, 02:39 PM
(01:37:55 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: i have something black too
(01:38:00 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: it is not a belt
(01:38:03 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: it is a shotgun
(01:38:04 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: i win
(01:38:06 PM) roboplawar: wow
(01:38:13 PM) roboplawar: i thought you were about to say something different
(01:38:18 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: XD
(01:38:25 PM) roboplawar: and it was a much more terrifying prospect than a shotgun
(01:39:06 PM) PharoaheZephyrus: i only use that in acts of love not violence
quote related
(04:03:06 PM) Sounds like you supremely fucked something up.
(04:03:12 PM) roboplawar: no
(04:03:21 PM) roboplawar: sounds to me like COMPIZ supremely fucked something up
(04:03:24 PM) roboplawar: I blame you personally
(04:03:36 PM) roboplawar: :3
(04:03:36 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in
(04:03:46 PM) roboplawar: hahahahaha
(04:03:47 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in
(04:03:48 PM) roboplawar: umad
(04:03:48 PM) Unable to send message: Not logged in
For the record: when you're a software developer and your software crashes catastrophically forcing the user to reboot their computer, it's very poor form to blame the problem on user error. That, in a nutshell, is why Linux sucks- the developers make very cool things that work when you get everything exactly right, but more often than not they fail to acknowledge the fact that most people do not understand how to set up their computer exactly right. The code is fragile, I guess you could say. It's far too susceptible to catastrophic failure resulting from the day-to-day ignorance of users.
April 17th, 2010, 06:31 PM
I wrote nine lines of code for Compiz, unless you're using one of my obscure plugins. And you're doing it wrong.
April 17th, 2010, 07:04 PM
K rob last guy I beat was bragging he was benching 300. He came out of that with massive respect for me. My dad was a judo black belt and I'm not all that unexperienced.
Ps never bring feet and hands to a gunfight.
Llama Juice
April 18th, 2010, 03:15 PM
i get bad framerate still
buy a USB hub and some more RAM. Make it run faster.
wut wud the usb hub do?
How else would you plan on installing more RAM into your lappy?
that way you don't have to remove any current RAM and you can just add more to it via the USB hub
i had no idea you could do that.
i don't understand how that works either.
What do you mean?
you buy a usb hub.
and you put ram in hte hub.
what's not to understand?
nintendo9713 how do youput ram in htat
Don't you have USB 3.0?
get a USB 3.0 HUB
not on my laptop.
171 dollars.
well that doesn't look like what i think i'm looking for
oh well. How worth it is it to install win 7? I have 3 Hard drives in my desktop but all 3 have XP pro.
You put RAM into USB slot.
You have too much free time.
April 24th, 2010, 04:17 AM
[00:42] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: dude
[00:42] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: holy shit
[00:42] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: sperm banks pay you to donate sperm
[00:42] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: oh my god
[00:42] Moses: yea. so?
[00:43] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: i just found my new occupation
[00:43] Moses: i know what you're thinking
[00:43] Moses: yea
[00:43] Moses: knew it
[00:43] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: LOL
[00:43] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: theres a saint of hangovers
[00:44] * Moses calls the Catholic school Donut attends and tells them he's abusing his dick privilages
[00:44] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: pfft they dont care
[00:44] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: masturbating is the last thing they care about
[00:45] * Moses also mentions the sperm are laced with micro machines so when they fully develop into adults he will have an army all across the globe
[00:45] =Σ= Señor Buñuelo: that would be so smart
[00:45] Moses: yes it would
[00:46] Moses: go now my children
and to llama, you would do that in your freetime.
Llama Juice
April 24th, 2010, 09:27 AM
This is the first time I actually look at this thread to read it, and the last post involves me.
Also, yar, I donated three times already this morning.
Llama Juice
April 24th, 2010, 06:30 PM
podacity mod: mario movie time
podacity mod: gogogogogogogo
LlamaJuice: I'm gunna go find a brick, brb
podacity mod: oh
podacity mod: fucking
podacity mod: brb
podacity mod: we are not doing the mario movie
podacity mod: the archive was corrupt
LlamaJuice: THERE IS A GOD
podacity mod: going straight to Zelda
LlamaJuice: ....
Llama Juice
April 24th, 2010, 11:04 PM
I've also met Anton, Flibit Ribbit, and Korori ye know :P
April 26th, 2010, 05:52 PM
I ejaculated while using an ab roller
I'm scared, today i was using an ab roller, and i was doing about 100. Near 95 i came all over my self and my friends floor what should i do?
May 9th, 2010, 06:47 PM
kist ficlong re,pve ⎝⏠⏝⏠⎠: fight club
⢾: gay
i lost respect for avpdragon(mr big)
May 9th, 2010, 07:57 PM
lol sweaty gay men
May 14th, 2010, 06:55 PM
May 16th, 2010, 11:03 PM
I'm not sure about you guys, but I think they're slowly trying to make American children into super geniuses before the age of 16 so they can be hoarded into the military:tinfoil:
[23:50] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: what is the point of this
[23:50] Moses: this kind of math pisses me off as a programmer
[23:51] Moses: it's just college math
[23:51] Moses: simple shit
[23:51] Moses: >_>
[23:51] Moses:
1. (4 points) What number is 15% of 108?
[23:51] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: what the fuck
[23:51] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: what the fucking fuck
[23:51] Moses: yea
[23:51] Moses: it's first week tho
[23:51] Moses: i HOPE it gets better
[23:52] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: im doing derivations of waves moving on a guitar string of L length and F tension in newtons
[23:52] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: im in fucking 11th grade what the fuck
[23:52] Moses: yea but you're taking real math classes
[23:52] Moses: lol
[23:52] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: yeah
[23:52] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: i am
[23:52] Moses: this is a liberal arts college
[23:52] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: im a boss
[23:52] Moses: man
[23:53] Moses: i'm glad i don't have to learn that kinda shit
[23:53] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: yes
[23:53] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: boss man
P.S. Meister bauss man is Donut
Rob Oplawar
May 17th, 2010, 06:56 PM
This is why engineering students don't respect liberal arts students.
Also, I'm sick and tired of MEs and EEs and AEs accusing CSs of not being real engineers because they don't have to deal with hard math. Bullshit. Engineers use the practical applications, the calculus that is directly relatable to physical effects. Cutting edge computer science deals with goddamned theoretical applied mathematics. Let's see a mechanical engineer solve the required equations to build an analog computer capable of approximating factorization of extremely large numbers, or work out an algorithm for detecting regions of motion in an image stream in logarithmic time. The reason we don't have calculus 3 as a requirement is because we're instead required to take numerical computation so we can learn how to efficiently handle 10^9x10^9 matrices of complex numbers to make the programs that YOU USE TO DESIGN YOUR SHIT FOR YOU.
May 17th, 2010, 06:59 PM
y so srs? i was just taking a pot shot at moses more than anything else.
im not even good at what i do anyway, lol.
May 17th, 2010, 11:52 PM
Dudley Do Right:Sup
*a couple seconds pass*
Robert: Holy shit
Robert: fucking dick balls wtf
Dudley Do Right: what
Robert: Okay, if you force sex upon a prostitute
Robert: does it count as rape or shoplifting?
Dudley Do Right: Rape
Dudley Do Right: wait, no. you would have gotten sex had you payed. but.....
Dudley Do Right: what the hell.......
Robert: If only we were in charge of these kinds of things (sigh)
Robert: Want another one?
Dudley Do Right: no fuck that. I had to make that a fucking wall post
May 25th, 2010, 01:10 AM
<DEElekgolo> u use xchat?
<m00kz_> k cool
<m00kz_> well
<m00kz_> Xchat
<m00kz_> what the fuck
<m00kz_> is xchat
<m00kz_> I use steam, trillian and msn.
<DEElekgolo> best irc
<m00kz_> I don't use fagchat
<DEElekgolo> lol
<DEElekgolo> trillian
<DEElekgolo> what are you Timo?
<m00kz_> Winnian
<m00kz_> I'm polar b33r
<m00kz_> I'm secretly a furfag
May 25th, 2010, 05:06 PM
oh how could you p0lar :smith:
May 25th, 2010, 09:05 PM
oh how could you p0lar :smith:
i am literally a polar bear
only for you, babe :-3
e: On that note:
(Discussion about stupid problems and college)
12:30 AM - p0lar_bear: myself, i'm having a bit of an identity crisis and now it's amplified due to me wanting to make a life-changing decision
12:31 AM - friedmetroid [METAL BOXES]: you're not turning into a furry are you
12:31 AM - p0lar_bear: no.
12:31 AM - p0lar_bear: additionally, fuck you
12:31 AM - friedmetroid [METAL BOXES]: k
12:31 AM - friedmetroid [METAL BOXES]: :(
May 26th, 2010, 04:13 PM
Hah ha ha ^
t3h m00kz
June 2nd, 2010, 09:39 PM
*** Timo has joined #modacity
*** ChanServ sets mode +o Timo
<@ChanServ> [Timo] I sent that bitch a smiley face. Bitches love smiley faces.
<+m00kz_> timo more like
<+m00kz_> omit
<+m00kz_> omit yourself from this irc :realsmug:
<@Haruhi> haha
<@Haruhi> lmfao
*** Timo has left #modacity
<+m00kz_> :smith:
turns out it was a netsplit.
Rob Oplawar
June 5th, 2010, 10:45 PM
Buried in Greeble's source:
* Promotes this TreeRow one level to make it its parent's sibling, taking its
* children up with it. If this TreeRow is already root of its own tree, does
* nothing and returns false.
* @see TreeRow Header doc: Transactions
* @see Oedipus
* @return bool True on success, false on failure.
* @throws Model_Database_QueryException if there is a query error.
public function promote() {
English Mobster
June 10th, 2010, 06:34 PM
A bit of backstory to this one:
In the world of competitive Pokeman battling I recently discovered, there is something called "Shoddy Battle". What Shoddy Battle is is essentially a combination of wi-fi Pokemon battling and IRC. You choose which tier you want to battle in (aka how powerful Pokemans you want to face), and you get launched into a pseudo-XBL matchmaking for a Pokeman battle. You meet someone, you battle them through a simulator, etc. It's meant to recreate the feel of a tourney or a wi-fi battle without actually knowing anyone or going to a tourney.
I was battling in the UnderUsed (lowest, with the crappiest Pokemon allowed of all the tiers) tier when I ran into this dude:
Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause,
Strict Damage Clause
gotnothin11 sent out Linoone (lvl 100 Linoone ?).
English Mobster sent out Swellow (lvl 100 Swellow ?).
Swellow used Protect.
Swellow protected itself!
Linoone used Belly Drum.
Linoone lost 50% of its health.
Linoone's attack was raised.
Swellow was burned!
Linoone used Extremespeed.
Swellow lost 100% of its health.
English Mobster's Swellow fainted.
English Mobster switched in Glaceon (lvl 100 Glaceon ?).
Linoone used Extremespeed.
Glaceon lost 100% of its health.
English Mobster's Glaceon fainted.
English Mobster switched in Leafeon (lvl 100 Leafeon ?).
Leafeon used Quick Attack.
A critical hit!
Linoone lost 50% of its health.
gotnothin11's Linoone fainted.
Leafeon lost 10% of its health.
gotnothin11: hack much
gotnothin11: asshole
gotnothin11 has left the room.
English Mobster wins!
English Mobster: lol
He mad.
E: And no, I wasn't hacking. I used a priority move with a faster Pokemon; Quick Attack is the same priority as ExtremeSpeed. I got a lucky crit, plus I was holding an item which boosted my attack by 45% at the expense of 10% of my health every time I hit.
June 11th, 2010, 12:42 PM
Harry: m8 you know what would own
Harry: an eastern bloc racing game
Harry: warsaw track't
Harry: lik
Harry: e
Harry: every shitty socialist car
ross: nivas
ross: lmao
ross: holy fuck yes
ross: i can just see it now
Harry: just fucking rolling over around corners and shit
Harry: nivas, trabants, dacias, moskvitch,
Harry: guys dressed like thatharry has the best ideas
June 11th, 2010, 10:29 PM
turns out it was a netsplit.
No it wasn't I actually left you asshole :mech:
June 12th, 2010, 12:17 AM
Where I grew up, there this thing called 'silent pass':
Wait until it get's dark
Fill a car with as many people you can muster
Head for a curvy road, and speed up to something like 50-70 km/h above the limit
When you get within 200 meters of a car, you turn off your lights
At 50 meters, turn off the engine and just slide silently.
Everybody sticks their faces next to the right side windows.
As you pass, watch in awe as the people in the other car totally freak out.
TL;DR: Stupid people tend to die in groups. .
June 12th, 2010, 12:40 AM
Exam that was the best thing I've read all day...
June 12th, 2010, 03:39 AM
[01:23] J. Oliver Judd III: Nice
[01:23] J. Oliver Judd III: Very nice
[01:23] Jason: and if i hadn't taken a tumble and forgotten to leap the mountain
[01:23] Jason: and not hit the side of the ravine leading to the parker safehouse
[01:23] Jason: it would have probably been with twelve seconds or somesuch left
[01:24] Jason: 4:04.27 out of 4:05
[01:24] Jason: man
[01:24] Jason: that was close as fuck
[01:25] J. Oliver Judd III: You might say that when you finished, the timer was
[01:25] J. Oliver Judd III: *shades*
[01:25] J. Oliver Judd III: in the red
[01:26] Jason: really?
[01:26] Jason: man, and you said I was reaching far for that harley/fag pun
[01:26] Jason: d:
[01:26] J. Oliver Judd III: oh come on
[01:26] J. Oliver Judd III: that's less of a reach
[01:27] Jason: at least mine was a clear connection to the south park episode
[01:27] J. Oliver Judd III: dude
[01:27] J. Oliver Judd III: the game takes place on Mars
[01:27] J. Oliver Judd III: "Red" is used everywhere
[01:28] Jason: i still think it's a bit more of a stretch
[01:28] J. Oliver Judd III: Reginald! .... I disagree!
[01:28] J. Oliver Judd III: *drives off*
[01:28] Jason: *scoff*
[01:28] Jason: you don't even drive
[01:29] Jason: at least I can perform drive-by arguments in real life
[01:29] Jason: you can only type them out in an instant message
[01:29] Jason: i think the best you could do is disagree with me, then give me five bucks to drive by myself while you yell at my previous location from the passenger window
[01:30] J. Oliver Judd III: nah
[01:30] J. Oliver Judd III: I'll use the bus
[01:30] Jason: you ever see a drive by of any kind performed from a bus?
[01:30] J. Oliver Judd III: Exactly
[01:30] J. Oliver Judd III: it's so unexpected
[01:30] Jason: and what if i'm standing off its route?
[01:30] J. Oliver Judd III: you can't avoid the metro's routes forever
[01:31] Jason: and plus
[01:31] J. Oliver Judd III: they shall become the web to my spider
[01:31] Jason: since i am not bound by the restrictions imposed on bus drivers
[01:31] Jason: i will still be able to drive by you, while you are bussing, and disagree
[01:31] Jason: there will be massive ego-casualties
[01:32] J. Oliver Judd III: you can't disagree if I have already disagreed
[01:32] Jason: none will survive
[01:32] J. Oliver Judd III: that makes no sense
[01:32] J. Oliver Judd III: what
[01:32] Jason: then how does one debate?
[01:32] J. Oliver Judd III: are you disagreeing with my disagreement?
[01:32] Jason: why, yes
[01:32] J. Oliver Judd III: That means you think we agree
[01:32] Jason: i am disagreeing with the reason for which you disagree
[01:33] J. Oliver Judd III: This is quickly turning into a Monty Python sketch
[01:33] Jason: I disagree
[01:33] J. Oliver Judd III: see?
[01:33] Jason: no, I don't
[01:33] J. Oliver Judd III: This statement is false.
[01:33] Jason: no, this statement is false!
[01:34] J. Oliver Judd III: touché
June 16th, 2010, 05:58 PM
[18:37] ICEE: drink of the day: one pouch hot coaco mix, one pouch vanilla instant breakfast, 3 spoonfuls peanut butter, one tray icecubes, one glass of milk
[18:37] ICEE: blend until smooth
[18:37] ICEE: and prepare to shit your insides out
[18:37] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: ........
[18:37] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: its the peanut butter
[18:37] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: idk
[18:37] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: lol
[18:37] ICEE: it is.
[18:38] ICEE: peanut butter + blender = laxative
[18:38] ICEE: but so delicious
[18:38] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: ill bear that in mind next time i want to repeat the DC shit incident
[18:39] ICEE: no no no man
[18:39] ICEE: the line is
[18:39] ICEE: heres what you do
[18:39] ICEE: eat bannanas and milk for several days
[18:40] ICEE: get nice and constipated
[18:40] ICEE: THEN
[18:40] ICEE: take a day's doseage of fiber pills
[18:40] ICEE: one doseage of laxative
[18:40] ICEE: and a double dose of muscle relaxer
[18:40] ICEE: and have a beer
[18:40] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: do you enjoy buying new pants
[18:40] ICEE: then sit on the john, listen to pink floyd and wait
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: oh
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: yeah
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: the pink floyd is necessary too
[18:41] ICEE: entirely
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: because thats all i need to take a shit
[18:41] ICEE: -.-
[18:41] ICEE: no no
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: yes yes
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: thanks for the advice
[18:41] * =☭= Barron Von Biznitch logs
[18:41] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: *in pen*
[18:41] ICEE: *on your sister's back*
[18:42] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: yeah shes on the other side of the state
[18:42] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: so no
[18:42] ICEE: get a longer pen
[18:42] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: ROFL
[18:43] ICEE: lol, two letters more to that sentence and you have the advice I gave westie when he was dating a girl in australia
[18:43] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: holy shit
[18:43] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: rofl
[18:43] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: how the hell did he date someone in australia
[18:43] ICEE: idk if it was so much dating as it was she enjoyed stripping for him on webcam
[18:44] ICEE: once while I was in the room
[18:44] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: wow
[18:44] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: what an aussie slut
[18:44] ICEE: yeah he broke it off with her i believe
[18:44] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: i bet she turned the webcam off and banged 4 other guys
[18:44] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: at the same time
[18:44] ICEE: yeah thats why he broke it off
[18:44] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: ROFL she did that?
[18:44] ICEE: I guess she had like 3 boyfriends
[18:45] =☭= Barron Von Biznitch: oh i was close
[18:45] ICEE: 2 of which were physically in australia
[18:45] ICEE: i think thats how the story went
[18:45] ICEE: with westie you have to figure shit out
[18:45] ICEE: he speaks cryptically
[18:45] ICEE: does not go well in love notes though
[18:45] ICEE: he wrote one to this chick back in sophomore year
[18:46] ICEE: and she comes up to me
[18:46] ICEE: "hey do you know who westie is? and what does this mean?"
[18:46] ICEE: and I was like
[18:46] ICEE: "run"
June 21st, 2010, 07:38 PM
So jcap took his first step ever into /b/ yesterday, shortly after I had finished working on something for the day. I show him my progress and get this:
[01:18] jcap: [link to long-deleted gay furry porn thread on /b/]
[01:18] jcap: this thread is 4 u
[01:19] p0lar_bear: jcap
[01:19] p0lar_bear: don't make me rage-delete the site.
[01:20] jcap: I've only been browsing the games, sports, and tech sections the past week
[01:20] jcap: never go into /b/
[01:20] jcap: of course I let my curiosity get the best of me and I click
[01:20] jcap: and now I see furries and porn sites
[01:20] p0lar_bear: and you're greeted with your favorite thread
[01:21] jcap: and I jizz in my pants
[01:24] p0lar_bear: so, awesome
[01:24] p0lar_bear: i'm apparently working for gay furry porn
[01:25] p0lar_bear: is this modacity or furaffinity
[01:25] p0lar_bear: i can't tell anymore
[01:25] jcap: furracity
You heard the man, we're now a game modding community site for furries. Welcome home, Sel.
(You know, thinking about it, I really wish I'd get more funny shit to post that doesn't relate to furries somehow...)
Rob Oplawar
June 22nd, 2010, 10:29 PM
Cleverbot: What is your name?
User: Rob.
Cleverbot: What is your quest?
User: I seek the grail!
Cleverbot: What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
User: What do you mean, an African or European swallow?
Cleverbot: African.
User: How do you know so much about swallows?
Cleverbot: Well, you have to know these things if you want to pass the Turing test, you know.
User: :golfclap:
Cleverbot is always so good at quotes.
June 22nd, 2010, 10:38 PM
So jcap took his first step ever into /b/ yesterday, shortly after I had finished working on something for the day. I show him my progress and get this:
You heard the man, we're now a game modding community site for furries. Welcome home, Sel.
(You know, thinking about it, I really wish I'd get more funny shit to post that doesn't relate to furries somehow...)
[Que M00kz Reply]
Speaking of m00kz, where the fuck is he? I was going to ask him for the source to the Halo TC. If you see him yell at him for me bro.
June 22nd, 2010, 10:50 PM
I never thought this would happen in a practicle situation.
I was trolling a mac user's formspring but just... wow...
June 22nd, 2010, 11:10 PM
Everyone uses more than 2 gigs on macs and Pcs!
June 30th, 2010, 06:28 AM
Error: penis
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: i just finished mass effect 2
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: aand i i failed hard
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: really hard
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: i boned tali
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: which is a plus
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: but i failed really hard
Error: what
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: lost miranda, legion and thane
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: and i just found out that nobody had to die
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: goddammit
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: oh
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: and the entire crew
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: :FML:
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: it's a lonely old ship the normandy
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: :(
Error: Commodore is pro at video games
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: :(
Error: at least you got laid though
Error: thats one plus
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: yeah
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: but too bad theres nobody left on the ship to boast to
[Muppets]Commodore: Bodzilla: fml
July 3rd, 2010, 01:55 PM
Cobby says (04:15):
INSANEdrive says (04:15):
that was fast
Cobby says (04:15):
INSANEdrive says (04:16):
summer +1
Cobby says (04:16):
INSANEdrive says (04:17):
nice boomerang
Cobby says (04:17):
as you can see it has been used
several times
INSANEdrive says (04:17):
is that what you used for the birds?
Cobby says (04:17):
you can see the blood on it
INSANEdrive says (04:17):
July 16th, 2010, 01:05 AM
Philip: Sit down.
Lou: Ain't got time for no lecture.
Philip: I said sit down, Lou!
(Lou sits down)
Philip: You know, Will was doing just fine until you showed up. But now that you're back you have responsibilities to him.
Lou: Hey, look, we're still gonna take the trip.
Philip: Oh, bull! BULL!!! Will is not a coat that you hang in the closet, then pick it up when you're ready to wear it. His life goes on. He's not supposed to be here for you! You're supposed to be here for him!
Lou: You get off my back! You think I want this?! IT JUST HAPPENED!!! Now, when Will was a baby, I was scared...
Philip: CUT THE CRAP, ALL RIGHT?! CUT IT! 'Cause I've been there! But I didn't run out of my family. I was there everyday from them, because that's what a man does.
Lou: Fine, Philip! You win. You the man. You a better man than me. You happy? Now, are you gonna tell Will or not?
Philip: I'm not gonna do your dirty work for you.
Lou: Fine. I'll call him from the road.
Philip: Yeah, why don't you do that?
Lou: Yeah, I'll do that.
(Will enters)
Will: Daddy-o! Whazzup?
Lou: Will, man I'm glad your here. Some business came up I gotta have. So, were gonna have to put our trip on hold. You understand right?
Will: Yeah, yeah that's cool.
Lou: Just for a couple weeks.
Will: Mmhm, I understand.
Lou: Maybe a little longer.
Will: Yeah, whatever, whatever.
Lou: Look, I'll call you next week, and we'll ion out the details, okay?
Will: Yeah, yeah.
Lou: It was great seeing you son.
Will: You too, Lou.
Philip: I'm Sorry, Will.
Will: You know what? Actually, this works out better for me. You know, the slimmies of Summer are coming to class right next to now, you know what I'm saying?
Philip: Will, it's all right to be angry.
Will: Hey, why should I be mad? For saying, at least he said good-bye this time. I just wish I hadn't wasted my money buying this stupid present!
Philip: I-I'm sorry. If there was something that I...
Will: Hey, you no what? You ain't got to do nothing, not now, Uncle Phil. You know, it ain't like I'm still 5 years old, you know? It ain't like I'm gonna be sitting up every night asking my mom "When's daddy coming home?", you know? Who needs him? Hey, he wasn't there to teach me how to shoot my first basket, but I learned, didn't I? And I got pretty damn good at it, too, didn't I, uncle Phil?
Philip: Yeah, you did.
Will: Got through my first date without him, right? I learned how to drive, I learned how to shave, I learned how to fight without him. I had 14 great birthdays without him! He never even sent me a damn card! TO HELL WITH HIM!!! (pauses) I didn't need him then, and I won't need him now.
Philip: Will...
Will: No. You know what, Uncle Phil? I'm gonna get through college without him, I'm gonna get a great job without him, I'm gonna marry me a beautiful honey, and I'm having me a whole bunch of kids. I'm gonna be a better father than he EVER was. And I sure as hell don't need him for that, 'cause there ain't a DAMN THING HE CAN EVER TEACH ME ABOUT HOW LOVE MY KIDS! (long pause) How come he don't want me, man?
The best episode of the best sitcom ever... makes me cry every time I see it.
I don't know why, but I just felt the need to put this here; I know it's not funny, nor is it really random.
July 17th, 2010, 12:04 AM
[00:59] iJesse: the thing is done
[00:59] iSpartan094: what thing
[00:59] iSpartan094: porn?
[00:59] iGamma: really
[00:59] iGamma: :D
[00:59] iGamma: finally
[00:59] iGamma: took you long enough
[00:59] iSpartan094: oh god
July 18th, 2010, 12:42 AM
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet all experience is an arch wherethrough
Gleams that untravelled world, whose margin fades
For ever and for ever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!
As though to breathe were life. Life piled on life
Were all too little, and of one to me
Little remains: but every hour is saved
From that eternal silence, something more,
A bringer of new things; and vile it were
For some three suns to store and hoard myself,
And this grey spirit yearning in desire
To follow knowledge like a sinking star,
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.
yes i quoted Tennyson. you faggots could do with some sort of education.
July 18th, 2010, 07:31 PM
[17:23] Ollie: GOOD GOD IT'S HOT HERE
[17:23] Ollie: FUCKING SHIT
[17:23] Ollie: WHY
[17:24] iMod53: AIN'T IT NUTS?
[17:24] Ollie: ugh
[17:24] Ollie: your star burns
[17:25] iMod53: well dang, and I'm fresh out of frozen treats that you undoubtedly require
[17:25] Ollie: I already ate half a pint of Ben & Jerry's
[17:25] iMod53: and you only have half of one left, so you're still in kind of a sticky situation
[17:26] iMod53: that's not enough to last the day, you'll surely burn to cinders by the time the day is done
[17:26] Ollie: no
[17:26] Ollie: the other half was last night
[17:26] iMod53: well then
[17:26] iMod53: you're good and fucked now
[17:26] iMod53: nice knowing you
[17:26] Ollie: god help me
[17:26] iMod53: i'ma get my giant fan
July 20th, 2010, 12:58 AM
SnaFuBAR: in soviet russia, your mother shake earthquake
SnaFuBAR: lol
FRain: !!!
SnaFuBAR: what can i say, i'm a fucking comedian
July 20th, 2010, 01:33 AM
July 20th, 2010, 09:56 AM
nah it wasnt, but it was the most recent one, :P
July 20th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Just go on GBX.
July 21st, 2010, 07:42 AM
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: hey ross
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla:
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: theres a spy in there somewhere
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: lol
ross: UGH
ross: FUCK
ross: WHY
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: you see him yet?
Phobalic: FUCK YOU
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: no there seriously is
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: it was on the TF2 update log
Phobalic: bullshit
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: you know
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: seriously
Phobalic: I see through you're lies
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: was looking for the things you where saying bout the heavy
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: and found that lol
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: was like
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: aslkhlksaghlkhsag
Phobalic: :S
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: I SEE HIM
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: I SEE HIM
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: see the guy with the pink hat
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: lol
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: you have to find him now
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: lol
Phobalic: holy shit, theres a person dressed as the master chief
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: lol!
Phobalic: on the right, near the top
Phobalic: above a blue furry about 10-15cm from the top right corner
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: I SEE HIM
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: ROFL
Phobalic: fucking lol
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: HE HAS CAT EARS
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: ROFL
Phobalic: lmao
July 21st, 2010, 01:32 PM
They all looked like stuffed animals
July 21st, 2010, 02:37 PM
there's a Sonic in there :S
July 21st, 2010, 04:14 PM
i just love it how their outfit is always smiling and so happy ^___^
but they're dead on the inside.
July 22nd, 2010, 07:22 PM
8:14 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: sel
8:14 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: its not Flimz
8:14 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: lol
8:14 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: its butters.
8:14 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Hense budders
8:14 PM - Selentic: wow what the fuck
8:14 PM - Selentic: I thought that was some shitty clan
8:14 PM - Selentic: are you still 12
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: no
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: lol
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: im 15.
8:15 PM - Selentic: oh
8:15 PM - Selentic: cute :>
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOL
8:15 PM - Selentic: what happened to flimz then
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: He lets me use
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: his steam
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: or well
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Python lets me use it
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOl
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: w,e. i just rage gungame
8:15 PM - Selentic: are you cute now
8:15 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Very.
8:15 PM - Selentic: can I date you
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: i have a hot girlfriend
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: ask flimzyy
8:16 PM - Selentic: ok I will ask flimz permission to date you
8:16 PM - Selentic: you cutie
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOL
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Homosapianserpant
8:16 PM - Selentic: I'm gay butters
8:16 PM - Selentic: In case you
8:16 PM - Selentic: didn't realize that
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOl
8:16 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Nig.
8:17 PM - Selentic: would you let me dominate you
8:17 PM - Selentic: butters
8:17 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOL
8:17 PM - Selentic: answer the question
8:17 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: No
8:17 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LOL
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: ur obviously not gay
8:18 PM - Selentic: would you dominate me?
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: u fucking douchenigger
8:18 PM - Selentic: butters you wanna play tf2
8:18 PM - Selentic: sometime
8:18 PM - Selentic: to get to know each other better.
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: l0L
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: LoL_@s3lentic
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Smoke trainwreck
8:18 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: and sour d
8:19 PM - Selentic: what
8:19 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Ur probably a jahova
8:19 PM - Selentic: I'm agnostic
8:19 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: What?
8:19 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Does that mean u have downs?
8:19 PM - Selentic: that means I'm gay for you
8:20 PM - Selentic: that's what it mean
8:20 PM - Selentic: s
8:20 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Well uhmm
8:20 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Ur a snake
8:20 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: Bye.
8:20 PM - Selentic: bye
8:20 PM - Selentic: nice talking to you again
8:20 PM - Selentic: butters
8:20 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: nuh uh
8:20 PM - Selentic: :(
8:21 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: L0L
8:21 PM - [BUD]DERS | BoNgRip!: p3n island
He's still 12.
July 22nd, 2010, 07:49 PM
I've got a snake
In my pants.
And it shoots poison
July 27th, 2010, 12:18 PM
Me: Do you think that violence is wrong?
You: Yes, violence is wrong except in self defense.
Me: Agreed, except in self defense. So tell me, how do you think the problems in society should be solved if we should not use violence.
You: Well, I think people should become more active in government and that government should do...(insert whatever it is you want government to do)
Me: So how do you reconcile your objection to violence with your support of government programs since government programs are paid for through taxation which is coersion backed by violence?
You: What? Taxation isn't coersive.
Me: Yes taxation IS coersive since if you do not pay your taxes, you are kidnapped at gun point and thrown in jail and if you attempt to defend yourself against this or escape, you will be shot and killed.
You: But this is a democracy, we choose our own governments.
Me: Being offered the choice between two violent alternatives is not the same as being free to choose. If a store owner gets to choose which mafia he pays protection money to, can it really be argued that he is making a free choice? If a woman can choose between two potential husbands but will be forced to marry one of them, can it really be argued that she is choosing marriage? The only way we can know that people are freely choosing government is if they were given the option to choose not to have a government.
You: Well, there's a social contract that binds people to governments.
Me: There is in fact no such thing as a social contract. Unless they have been granted power of attourney, people cannot justly agree to contracts on behalf of others. If one man has the power to unilaterally impose his will on another and call it a contract, then logically one could rape a woman and call it love making.
You: But I accept the social contract and so do you if you drive on the roads
Me: First of all, your choice to honor a contract does not give you the right to force me to honor it. You can buy a house but you cannot justly force me to pay for it. If you forge my signature, I am not bound to honor the contract. And I have never agreed to any social contract of any kind. Yes, it is true that I use government services but that is irrelevant to the central question of coersion. If a slave accepts a meal from his master, is he thus condoning slavery?
You: No, but you still implicitly accept the contract by continuing to live in the country.
Me: Do you think it would be just for me to create a social contract which states that I can rob anyone in my neighbourhood I want to and by continuing to live in my neighbourhood, they agree to this?
You: Well no but we're talking about governments, not individuals.
Me: Is the government not composed of individuals? Is the government not just a label for a group of individuals who claim the moral right to initiate force against others? A right they define as evil for those they initiate violence against? In other words, if you take away all the individuals in government, do you still have a government?
You: I suppose not but that's all beside the point. You say taxation is violence but I've paid taxes all my life and no one's ever pointed a gun at my head.
Me: Sure and a slave may not be beaten if he obeys his master. The definition of slavery is not to be beaten but by the right to beat. If the slave stays out of fear of violence and conforms to his master's wishes as a direct result of the threat of violence, the situation is still immoral even if no violence actually occurs. Many women are raped with knives to their throats but their throats not being cut doesn't mean it's not rape.
You: True but I still don't accept the premise that the government uses violence to extract taxation from citizens.
Me: All right, is there anything that the government does which you do not agree with? Do you agree for instance with the invasion of Iraq? (if you do agree with the invasion, fill this in with anything the government does that you disagree with. We both know there's gotta be something)
You: No, I think the invasion of Iraq was morally wrong.
Me: You do understand that the war in Iraq was only possible through your tax dollars?
You: Well, to some degree, of course.
Me: If the war in Iraq is morally wrong but only possible because you pay your taxes and your taxes are NOT extracted from you by force, then you are voluntarily funding and enabling that which you call evil. Can you explain why you are doing that?
You: I do that because I am a citizen of this country, if I disagree with the war then I should run for office and try to stop it.
Me: That doesn't follow at all. For instance, if you are against child abuse, would you voluntarily fund an organization dedicated to abusing children?
You: Of course not!
Me: And if you did claim to be against child abuse and you voluntarily funded a group dedicated to abusing children and I said you should stop doing that and you replied that you would not but if someone was against this abusive group, that they should try to infiltrate it and change it to stop abusing children, would that make any sense at all?
You: I guess not.
Me: would you agree that if you were against the war in Iraq but volunteered for the war and agreed to fight without a salary and used your own money to cover your expenses, that your position would be utterly incomprehensible, that you would claim to be against something yet spend enourmous amounts of your time and money supporting it?
You: Yes, that would make little sense.
Me: Thus do you see that your position that the war in Iraq is a moral evil yet you are voluntarily funding it through you taxes makes no sense at all? If the war in Iraq is a moral evil but is only possible through your funding, then continuing to fund it voluntarily is to admit that it is not a moral evil. If you are forced to fund the war in Iraq, then you can maintain that it is a moral evil because it is the initiation of the use of force. However the taxation which is also an initiation of the use of force against you must also be a moral evil because you are forced to fund the initiation of the use of force against others. Thus either taxation IS coersion or you are the worst form of moral hypocrite by voluntarily funding that which you call evil. Does that make sense?
You: I can certainly see that position...
Me: Can you find any logical flaws in my position?
You: No but I still think that you're wrong.
Me: Then I'm glad I just copy pasted this rather than debating directly because after all, life is too short to waste time arguing with fools...
July 27th, 2010, 02:30 PM
Wait were you arguing with yourself?
July 27th, 2010, 04:14 PM
you need to check out sovereignty bro
also his guy.
Rob Oplawar
July 27th, 2010, 08:34 PM
That argument sounds like something Socrates would say, and Socrates was an antagonistic troll famous for his technically valid but still unsound arguments. I'm irritated to have read that.
July 27th, 2010, 09:39 PM
^ and so were his students. Not to mention elitist.
July 28th, 2010, 12:33 AM
That argument sounds like something Socrates would say, and Socrates was an antagonistic troll famous for his technically valid but still unsound arguments. I'm irritated to have read that.
The argument and logic is both sound. The only things that could be knocked down is the exaggeration. Point being Taxing is violence.
Also, bod, that's an interesting youtube video.
Rob Oplawar
July 28th, 2010, 08:44 AM
Valid: each conclusion logically follows from the premises.
Sound: the premises are true.
What Socrates was good at was making premises that sound true but aren't necessarily so. The same is true of the above argument. The premises are not true. It's valid, but not sound. Taxation is not violence. That's the most irritatingly antagonistic and obtuse statement I've heard all week.
Last word I'm gonna put in on the subject, at the risk of derailing the thread: taking a viewpoint to one extreme or another tends to be a bad thing. Not that I'm for raising taxes, but our society could not function as we know it without them, and calling taxes a form of violent oppression is just exactly the same kind of extremist fear-mongering that Glenn Beck is so good at.
Now: Keep the fucking political discussions out of qfr, kthx.
August 1st, 2010, 08:58 PM
Finally a quote from me not involving furries (except for the fact that I'm talking to jcap):
[21:45] jcap: wow, nice CSS job
[21:48] jcap: my god what the fuck
[21:48] jcap: why DO YOU DO THIS TO ME
[21:48] p0lar_bear: ?
[21:48] jcap: padding: {vb:math {vb:math 72 - {vb:math 2 * {vb:math {vb:stylevar small_fontSize} * {vb:stylevar line_height}}}} / 2} {vb:math {vb:stylevar padding} / 2}; /* (height of thumbnail - 2x line height) / 2 */
[21:48] p0lar_bear: hahahahahah
[21:48] p0lar_bear: read the comment
[21:48] p0lar_bear: that's the logic behind the math
[21:48] jcap: why :|
...boring serious-face explanation...
[21:54] jcap: I will rape your eye socket
[21:54] p0lar_bear: just leave the confusing math shit to me ok
[21:54] p0lar_bear: i have no issue reading that
[21:55] p0lar_bear: u just mad that i took the time to learn vbullshit's confusing crap instead of petitioning a ban on VB4 :realsmug:
[21:55] p0lar_bear: umadbro?
[21:55] p0lar_bear: umadbro
[21:56] jcap: so mad
August 2nd, 2010, 05:14 PM
Ok that math makes no sense to me...
Now: Keep the fucking political discussions out of qfr, kthx.
It's not political, it's ideological.
August 2nd, 2010, 05:35 PM
but its not funny, and validating everything that isnt funny as "random" is kind of bullshit. so yeah, more funny:
we were discussing morrowind
[00:38] Moses.☢☣☠: u ever wonder why the guilds dont assist the guards whenever they're getting their asses handed to them by your level 30 over powered 1 hit kill bastard of a sword?
[00:38] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: yeah
[00:38] Moses.☢☣☠: it's funny
[00:38] Moses.☢☣☠: i mean
[00:38] Moses.☢☣☠: i kinda understand the mages guild
[00:38] Moses.☢☣☠: but fuck
[00:39] Moses.☢☣☠: the FIGHTERS guild?
[00:39] =☭= Señor Buñuelo: lol theyre wusses
[00:39] Moses.☢☣☠: oh hey, look out the window. that guy's got a huge bounty on his head for killing vivec and taking his "unique dwemer artifect"
[00:39] Moses.☢☣☠: shouldnt we go after him?
[00:39] Moses.☢☣☠: yea we should
[00:39] Moses.☢☣☠: WELL THEN LETS GO
[00:40] Moses.☢☣☠: i dont know how to go out of this worldspace
[00:40] Moses.☢☣☠: D:
August 4th, 2010, 10:17 AM
but its not funny, and validating everything that isnt funny as "random" is kind of bullshit. so yeah, more funny:
we were discussing morrowind
I actually lol'd at that. Now I wish I could hear what AI were thinking all the time,
August 12th, 2010, 09:42 PM
these quotes rock, guys
Rob Oplawar
August 13th, 2010, 09:49 AM
What's with this sudden influx of new members?
August 13th, 2010, 11:48 AM
What's with this sudden influx of new members?
I dunno. I'm scared. D:
August 13th, 2010, 05:07 PM
The ban of a lot of older members.
August 14th, 2010, 12:42 AM
[01:34] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: r u a glazed donut
[01:34] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: =o
[01:35] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: or r u one of those types that are covered in that powder stuff and has that jelly inside it
[01:35] Donut: you know its 1:30 in the morning
[01:35] Donut: dont you
[01:35] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: yes =D
[01:36] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: wait
[01:36] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: no sir
[01:36] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: its 1:36
[01:36] Donut: oh good
[01:36] Donut: even later
[01:36] Donut: so why
[01:36] Donut: have you come knocking at my door
[01:36] Donut: at 1:36 in the morning
[01:36] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: i needed some donuts
[01:37] Donut: typically door to door salesmen try to keep their potential customers happy by knocking on the door at a more reasonable hour, say, when the sun isnt shining on the opposite side of the earth
[01:37] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: wat if i use a flashlight
[01:38] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: do i get donuts then?
[01:38] GRUNTS.yoko_shader: D=
[01:38] * GRUNTS.yoko_shader starts crying and runs away
[01:38] * Donut closes door
i didnt even know this guy was on my friends list :raise:
August 16th, 2010, 12:41 AM
[22:38] Ollie: "i remember seeing a car load of dudes at a stop light, yelling at a woman who was also at the red light with me
i guess they were trying to subvert the whole "dudes yelling crude shit from cars" thing
so they were like "HEY, HEY, WHAT'S YOUR MAJOR?"
"uh... english?"
then they drove off
she was bewildered
i couldn't breath".
August 16th, 2010, 12:59 AM
That is gold.
August 17th, 2010, 07:26 PM
You know what I dont even want to go llamas a jerk hes mean to me. I dont wanta be a part of your stupid praties anyways
1. Praties
Irish word for potato.
No more I'll be diggin praties
I've never liked potatoes. I'm not confident that they're entirely human
They're not human at all, they're vegetable.
Tell that to Terri Schiavo. You jerk.
August 17th, 2010, 08:20 PM
The ban of a lot of older members.
August 17th, 2010, 09:09 PM
August 22nd, 2010, 02:15 AM
ganon: im looking at some threads
ganon: especially off topic
ganon: these people are fucking retarded
(AoG) Rook: modacity: the forum
Llama Juice
August 22nd, 2010, 10:49 AM
:) indeed.
Also a few days after that
Make more fun of my wife beater... Ill kick you ass
dont beat you're wief!!!!!
yeah all the cool kids are locking women in tents in their backyards instead
Tell that to Jaycee Lee Dugard. You Jerk.
August 22nd, 2010, 05:30 PM
There is so much genius on forams.
But alas dear reader, the Supply Depot had no hands with which to write.
There's a problem with your logic: zerglings don't have hands either.
They have claws.
What about mutalisks?
Dictated to zerglings.
Utterly amazing:
Tragic, enthralling, riveting...
It's stories like these that exemplify the true, incredible meaning to things we take for granted. The story in itself possesses such a powerful underlying message that one may need to wipe the encroaching tear slowly swelling in the corners of their eyes; this is perfection.
Most stories could start with a simple "Once upon a time," or so, but literary master Saturday is beyond such trifles.
What is this?! A but! Instantly our mindset is changed; we are in no simple story. This is not a fairy tale for some animatronic barnyard animal to recite, this epic masterpiece promotes instantaneous danger! Our very souls are shaken by the possibility of what could happen next to such a pessimistic beginning.
alas dear reader,
A simple establishment of pathos will pave way for the hard hitting logos to come by the end of the story. We are no pawns to our author, Saturday, but we are peers. We are his 'dear readers'. Just as the author has been taken for a journey by his discovery, we are too ensnared in the rapture of his voice. As we must continue this quest with the great mind who has presented such an observation, our reading (our dear reading, that is) must continue.
the Supply Depot
We are nearly halfway through the story before the main character is even introduced. However, our author has managed to pull us along all this time without us even questioning: "What is happening? Who are we concerned with?" The groundbreaking arrival of this character leaves an innumerable amount of questions to be answered. Who is this supply depot? What does he have in store for us? What is the truth behind this object's existence?
has no hands with which to write.
The truth. The cold, abysmal reality that is the Supply Depot. He has no free will, he is trapped to be a free thinker in a harsh, unforgiving world. This single Supply Depot is the embodiment of all that we have come to realize is wrong in the world. Why is the voice that cries the loudest so quickly silenced? Why must our superiors limit such an already tantalizing existence with an additional hardship? What is the true representation of a man: one who unwittingly accepts the world around him or the mute with the great soul of rebellion stirring in his veins?
Writing like this has become unknown to the world. I suggest that we all give our Oversized-Cat Marine, Saturday, the credit he truly deserves.
August 26th, 2010, 12:59 AM
I said this to Sever over Live, and he demanded that I post it here.
There was a nice quote that described that somewhere. I don't remember what it was, perhaps you do.
Ironically, I don't actually remember what he said to provoke that response.
August 30th, 2010, 07:25 PM
<Rentafence> my neighbors house burnt down today
<DEElekgolo> you should give them a glass of water.
<Rentafence> her dog died in the fire
<DEElekgolo> and a chew toy
<Rentafence> ol
Rob Oplawar
August 30th, 2010, 10:22 PM
bahaha that's horrible
August 31st, 2010, 12:59 AM
quoting yourself only makes you lamer.
Rob Oplawar
August 31st, 2010, 08:33 AM
People who quote themselves should be shot.
Please lengthen your FACE to at least 1 characters.
September 11th, 2010, 12:00 AM
bodzilla says:
sorry bout that
Terrence says:
bodzilla says:
the whole ranga thing
i know you guys are depressed
i mean who wouldn't be
having to be a wranger
but i'm not racist against your people
i just want it on the record
Terrence says:
brb putting it on record
bodzilla says:
when an employee asks me
"do you have any problems working with ethinic minority's?"
i can say "no sir, i have it on record taht while i dont like wrangers at all i'm socially tolerant of their behaviour"
and he'll say
"wow thats really tolerant!"
and i'll get the jogb
as the best guy in the universe
position filled
Terrence says:
you're a fucking paragon of humanity man
bodzilla says:
by bodie
man i know
the best
September 11th, 2010, 07:12 AM
September 23rd, 2010, 12:29 AM
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: lol
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: i just hate terran
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: cause only bad people play em
-=AWOL=- Icarus: then why you loose???
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: cause bad people play em
-=AWOL=- Icarus: so you're badder???
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: nope
-=AWOL=- Icarus: then why you loose???
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: cause i'm just too wykd dyk for them
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: and my fresh fly moves rip their face off
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: syk*
-=AWOL=- Icarus: then
-=AWOL=- Icarus: why
-=AWOL=- Icarus: you
-=AWOL=- Icarus: loose
-=AWOL=- Icarus: ??
-=AWOL=- Icarus: ?
[Muppets] Commodore: Bodzilla: cause you touch yourself at night
September 23rd, 2010, 01:31 AM
admit it n00b.
September 23rd, 2010, 01:44 AM
People who play Terran aren't bad players, they're just boring players. They never want to try something new, never want to use any other units other than marines/marauders or siege tanks if you remember to click the "advanced" tab on your build list.
September 23rd, 2010, 02:27 AM
Terran pride.
And being a new Terran player, I typically do something different every game.
Might be why I always lose, but hey. I just find Terran to be the most relatable race, with the most relaxing music. The other races just don't aesthetically appeal to me.
September 23rd, 2010, 02:32 AM
whats not to love about a hydraslist running on a thing that devours the landscape and drooling everywhere.
you play a fantasy game and choose the human.
September 23rd, 2010, 06:08 AM
Terran pride.
And being a new Terran player, I typically do something different every game.
Might be why I always lose, but hey. I just find Terran to be the most relatable race, with the most relaxing music. The other races just don't aesthetically appeal to me.
That will all wear off and you'll realise you've wasted so much effort learning to play a race that is so incredibly boring it actually rivals Final Fantasy XIII for worlds biggest waste of time.
September 23rd, 2010, 07:39 AM
That will all wear off and you'll realise you've wasted so much effort learning to play a race that is so incredibly boring it actually rivals Final Fantasy XIII for worlds biggest waste of time.
Says the ex-runescape subscriber.
September 23rd, 2010, 07:43 AM
oh burn
September 23rd, 2010, 03:19 PM
Says the ex-runescape subscriber.
I was speaking from experience with colossal wastes of time.
September 24th, 2010, 11:51 PM
My friend was watching Crank 2 and commenting on it as he went:
[21:37] Ollie: RUDE TITTY COUNT: 2
[21:37] Ollie: (or, 4, I guess)
[21:38] iMod53: every time you say RUDE TITTIES
[21:38] iMod53: i always think of titties interrupting someting important
[21:38] Ollie: Crank 2: Where else can you see an asian whore hit a fat man in the dick with a unicycle?
[21:39] iMod53: lol
[21:40] Ollie: See
[21:40] Ollie: These titties don't count as rude
[21:41] Ollie: because they were expected by being inside a strip club
[21:41] iMod53: heh
[21:41] iMod53: it's just the situation i imagine whenever that phrase comes up
[21:41] Ollie: it all depends on the calibre and general tittyness of titties
there needs to be titties of a certain tittiness for them to be considered "rude"
porn is a conundrum because it is where titties are expected.
Horror films, you get titties but usually it's hard to predict JUST WHEN you're getting titties. Like the girl is running and a tree grabs her clothing and you're like oh man titties in 3 2 1. But no, titties do not come, she shakes off the fresh tree and continues to get stabbed in the ear 12 times. Your titty radar is temporarily disabled. You no longer expect titties. The killer wipes his blade as he walks off. Then suddenly the next scene is just a straight up pair of titties as the cheerleader talks to her squad in the locker room. bam. Rude titties
Porn falls into the limbo between rude titties and polite titties.
I dubbed this area the "temporary amiable titty zone" a while back when i did my thesis on Contemporary Titties in Culture and Their Effects on Titty Radars, Titty Expectancy, and Titty-To-Anti-Titty Ratios.
[21:42] iMod53: a posh man and his wife are sitting in their living room at fireside, enjoying a pipe and a book, respectively, when all of a sudden a naked whore falls down their chimeny, dusts herself off, and exits
[21:42] iMod53: RUDE
[21:42] iMod53: TITTIES
[21:42] iMod53: quite rude
[21:42] Ollie: I go by the definition I just pasted there
[21:43] iMod53: i can see no situation in which that explanation would justify calling them "rude"
[21:43] iMod53: it just doesn't fit the definition
[21:44] iMod53: more like pleasant surprise titties
[21:44] Ollie: 9. violent or tempestuous, as the waves.
[21:45] iMod53: i ton't get how they are violent and tempestuous
[21:45] Ollie: it's the sudden shock of them
[21:45] Ollie: Rude titties are any pair of titties that shows up completely unexpected
[21:45] iMod53: but it is a positive shock
[21:45] Ollie: I never said it wasn't
[21:45] iMod53: would you EVER suddenly see titties and think "Oh fuck! I did NOT want to see titties right now!"
[21:46] Ollie: Well, if I'm at the olive garden with my grandparents
[21:46] iMod53: of course
[21:46] iMod53: but you're not
[21:46] iMod53: your'e watching an R-rated movie
[21:46] iMod53: in the olive garden scenario
[21:46] Ollie: I think this is just a phrase you're going to have to accept
[21:46] iMod53: you are trying to enjoy a meal with your elderly relatives
[21:46] Ollie: it's passed into memehood
[21:47] iMod53: hence, titties are interrupting your relaxed meal, and therefore are being rude
[21:47] iMod53: I CAN STILL REBEL
October 3rd, 2010, 11:47 PM
Someone was complaining about how games are getting harder:
The easiest way to get over games being 'too easy' is to play multiplayer games online.
Left4Dead2 campaign? Easy.
Left4Dead2 Versus? Muahahahahahahaa.
October 5th, 2010, 12:17 AM
siliconmaster482 1:13 am
(1:13:55 AM): only 2 more lightmaps to go
(1:13:56 AM): ^_^
(1:14:06 AM): though each one is going to be a total pain
Snafubar 1:14 am
(1:14:43 AM): yayyyy
siliconmaster482 1:14 am
(1:14:53 AM): 16 and 19
(1:14:57 AM): that's all that's left
(1:15:00 AM): but ugh
siliconmaster482 1:15 am
(1:15:06 AM): each one is almost an entire base
(1:15:10 AM): in one uv unwrap
(1:15:13 AM): total pain in my ass
(1:15:18 AM): want to help me unwrap some uvs?
(1:15:19 AM): :-P
Snafubar 1:15 am
(1:15:38 AM): -neck extend- NOPE.
siliconmaster482 1:15 am
(1:15:49 AM): lmao
(1:15:55 AM): epic response
Snafubar 1:16 am
(1:16:05 AM): : D
October 5th, 2010, 09:03 AM
"I would say that was the cavalry but I've never seen a line of horses crash into the battlefield from outer space before."
October 7th, 2010, 06:00 PM
[redacted] i wish i had something cool and philiophical to post but right now im dry
I don't even know why I'm friends with half of the people I have on facebook. I cut it down from about 200 to 40 last week but it looks like I didn't get everyone.
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