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October 8th, 2010, 09:29 AM
Selentic: also did you like the drawing !
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: i wanked
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: so hard man
Selentic: =3
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: ross could feel the ground move under his feet
Selentic: oh shikt
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: wit the force i my load ejecting into the atmosphere
Selentic: I should post it on moda
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: super sonic speed
Selentic: and finally get banned
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: also
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: do sonic next
Selentic: since they seem to just infract any drawing
Selentic: regardless of how not sexual it is
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: lol wut?
Selentic: haha
Selentic: I drew this picture of a furry spy and a furry medic
Selentic: and got infracted
Selentic: how ridiculous is that !

alas, 'tis a cruel world bitchez.

October 8th, 2010, 01:39 PM
Selentic: also did you like the drawing !
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: i wanked
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: so hard man
Selentic: =3
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: ross could feel the ground move under his feet
Selentic: oh shikt
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: wit the force i my load ejecting into the atmosphere
Selentic: I should post it on moda
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: super sonic speed
Selentic: and finally get banned
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: also
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: do sonic next
Selentic: since they seem to just infract any drawing
Selentic: regardless of how not sexual it is
[Muppets] Commodore: Yiffzilla: lol wut?
Selentic: haha
Selentic: I drew this picture of a furry spy and a furry medic
Selentic: and got infracted
Selentic: how ridiculous is that !

alas, 'tis a cruel world bitchez.

Perhaps if his furry spy didn't "have a thing" for furry medics, we wouldn't have a thing for fursecution.

October 9th, 2010, 01:33 AM
I knew Sel was trying to get banned. There's no other explanation for his recent antics.

November 15th, 2010, 09:51 AM
15:35 - indestructible Honey badger: how well do you cope with paradoxes?
15:35 - indestructible Honey badger: because theres something i've been thinking about for a long time and so far no one has been able to refute it
15:37 - indestructible Honey badger: one of the laws of physics is every action has an equal and potent reaction
15:37 - indestructible Honey badger: simple cause and effect
15:37 - indestructible Honey badger: there is no such thing as a random outcome, eventualy every combination will have been done and will end up working in a linked cycle
15:38 - indestructible Honey badger: in other words everything repeats given a long enough period of time
15:38 - indestructible Honey badger: everything that has a beginning must have a end
15:38 - indestructible Honey badger: for it would never have begun in the first place
15:39 - indestructible Honey badger: given all of the above and that everything is tied to these very basic laws
15:40 - indestructible Honey badger: then how can freewill effectively exist if everything is determined by above said laws?

Enjoy your mind fuck.:v:

November 15th, 2010, 10:42 AM
What...the...fuck :P Either freewill doesn't exist or some of those theories/laws are wrong, but there's no way of really knowing...damn...

Rob Oplawar
November 15th, 2010, 11:09 AM
You've hit upon one of the great philosophical questions. More simply stated,
If the universe is deterministic, can free will exist?
The answer is: not if there is such a thing as a soul (unexpected outcome!)
Here goes:
If every action is predetermined by the system, then given the state of the entire universe a person's whole life is predetermined. That person still has free will, because they are a part of that system; the thing that is "that person" is a conglomeration of information and laws of interaction, and since that person is a part of the system, that person has influence on the system. Therefore, that person's actions are not predetermined by everything else in the universe; they are predetermined by the whole universe, which includes that person.

But, if the thing that constitutes consciousness is a "soul" which exists outside of the normal laws of physics, then if you also accept determinism free will does not exist, because the soul has no influence on the outcome of events; the universe predetermines that outcome.

So, since we're so attached to the idea of free will, the inclination is to either drop the concept of determinism or drop the concept of the soul. Sadly, most people like the idea of the soul better than the idea of determinism, even though we have much better evidence for exactly the opposite conclusion, that there are no souls and the universe is deterministic.

November 15th, 2010, 12:47 PM
What...the...fuck :P Either freewill doesn't exist or some of those theories/laws are wrong, but there's no way of really knowing...damn...
Depressing isn't it?
The thought of everyone and everything being strung along like puppets in that everything that has ever happened and ever will was determined by past experiences and past events.
The irony of it all is that, these laws give some sense in that if you can understand these laws and are able to see the pattern between all previous events, you could with some accuracy determine future events, AKA pre-cognition, something science has been trying to eradicate for centuries.

You've hit upon one of the great philosophical questions. More simply stated,
If the universe is deterministic, can free will exist?
The answer is: not if there is such a thing as a soul (unexpected outcome!)

So, since we're so attached to the idea of free will, the inclination is to either drop the concept of determinism or drop the concept of the soul. Sadly, most people like the idea of the soul better than the idea of determinism, even though we have much better evidence for exactly the opposite conclusion, that there are no souls and the universe is deterministic.
I actually think if you can see the strings as their being pulled, then you are actually more self aware than if you could not, might make you less happy about your current situation but it might hold some comfort about experiences which may not be the most pleasant of events to experience.
The problem is cause and effect would hold even greater gain because if you could see the unfavourable events coming forth, then you are more inclined to try and avoid and in doing so could possibly end up setting up the event's leading up to said event.

Rob Oplawar
November 15th, 2010, 01:45 PM
Given our best understanding of physics, to be able to *know* the future (the definition of knowing being "to believe without any doubt something that is true") of a person you have to know the complete proper present of that person, that is, the state of the entire universe that can affect that person's future (which is the whole universe, but increasingly further back in time the farther you get from that person). That's called being omniscient. Other than that, you can predict with increasing accuracy, but never with complete certainty.

November 15th, 2010, 03:13 PM
Us getting depressed over not having any free will was predetermined by the universe. The only thing that can save us from the ideas of determinism are the laws of scale: as the size changes so do the laws. Particles smaller than quarks or beings larger than the largest black holes and stars.

Rob Oplawar
November 16th, 2010, 09:11 AM
But don't you see? We're each a part of the universe. By my definition, not only do you have free will (unless you're deluded and think your will is external to the universe) but you also have influence over the entire universe... at least, you have influence over your own proper future.
The universe is the ultimate perpetual motion machine, the ultimate system, the most mind-bogglingly complex and simultaneously simple thing there is, and you're an integral part of it. Of course, you're a minuscule part of it, but that doesn't bother me...
But by the laws of information, that which we designate as "you" has had an effect on the universe that can never be entirely erased, not even by a black hole. You have left your mark on everything around you, and although it may be impossible to find after the fact, it is there and it cannot possibly ever go away, not completely. Plus, since time is an illusion, instead of looking at the end of your life or comparing the inconceivably short amount of time you exist in the universe's history, you can think "right there, some billions of years after the start of it all, what amounts to a point- that is me. Not was; is. Part of the universe. Minuscule, but not insignificant."

e: The above is how I find meaning in life as an atheist. :P

November 16th, 2010, 09:38 AM
But don't you see? We're each a part of the universe. By my definition, not only do you have free will (unless you're deluded and think your will is external to the universe) but you also have influence over the entire universe... at least, you have influence over your own proper future.
The universe is the ultimate perpetual motion machine, the ultimate system, the most mind-bogglingly complex and simultaneously simple thing there is, and you're an integral part of it. Of course, you're a minuscule part of it, but that doesn't bother me...
But by the laws of information, that which we designate as "you" has had an effect on the universe that can never be entirely erased, not even by a black hole. You have left your mark on everything around you, and although it may be impossible to find after the fact, it is there and it cannot possibly ever go away, not completely. Plus, since time is an illusion, instead of looking at the end of your life or comparing the inconceivably short amount of time you exist in the universe's history, you can think "right there, some billions of years after the start of it all, what amounts to a point- that is me. Not was; is. Part of the universe. Minuscule, but not insignificant."

e: The above is how I find meaning in life as an atheist. :P
Good to know I'm not the only one who thinks of life that way, so many times I'm asked how could I have a humorous personality without believing in some divine deity.
Surprisingly enough, it also is what gives me some comfort in knowing there is a finite "end".
No more sadness, no more anger, no more envy.
Which means the choices you make in life have even more value to them.

Rob Oplawar
November 29th, 2010, 03:53 PM
Currently having this exchange at work:

Actionscript: Your program doesn't work!
Me: Ok... can you tell me why?
Actionscript: No!
Me: Hm, well, the error is happening here... let's throw in a try-catch.
Actionscript: Ok! Look, I caught an error!
Me: Great! What's the error code?
Actionscript: 1069!
Me: ... Well, that's not too helpful. What's the error message?
Actionscript: "Error #1069"!
Me: I will destroy you. Google, wanna help me out here?
Google: It means you tried to access a property that does not exist.
Me: Well why didn't you just say so? Sigh, ok, let's print out a stack trace, Actionscript.
Actionscript: Dude, I can't compile that, I don't know what trace_debug is!
Me: For heaven's sake, Actionscript. import global.trace_debug;
Actionscript: Oh. I got an error when printing out the stack trace!
Me: Ugh. Well, what's the error message?
Actionscript: "Error #1009"!
Me: For fuck's sake! Google?
Google: It's essentially the same as 1069.
Me: SERIOUSLY?! Arglblarbl, ok, let's be more deliberate about printing out our stack trace. Actionscript, please pretty-please with cherries on top tell me what the stack trace is.
Actionscript: It's null. :)
Me: SASSAFRASS! Fine. I'll put trace statements in all of my functions.
Actionscript: Dude, I can't compile that, I don't know what trace_debug is!
Java: Oh, by the way, I've decided to run out of memory, and now I'm going to vomit stack traces into the data your application needs to access.
Me: :suicide:


Actionscript: Hi! My name is Actionscript! I'm going to call myself an object-oriented language, but I'm also going to fly in the face of several well-established OO syntax conventions and completely fail at support for interfaces and inheritance!

PHP: Have no fear, PHP is here! Don't mind my horrifically jumbled function space, lack of namespace support, bizarre language bugs and ability to throw exceptions outside of a stack frame.
Greeble: I can help! Just give me a second to boostra-
Oh whoops! I threw an error, but I'm super-good at recovering. See, here I g-
Oh no! The error handler died. Let me just-
Shit, where the hell did I put that file. Just a secon-
Whoa, what the hell kind of error was tha-
Jesus, hang on, I have to log thi-
Apache: Hey, I don't know what you fucktards are doing, but the thread you were running on just hanged itself.

November 29th, 2010, 05:39 PM
I just bought a scarf, on the label is says:
Wash with similar colours
Wash inside out
Do not pile whilst damp
Made in China

No joke, how the heck do you wash a scarf, inside out?

November 30th, 2010, 02:39 AM
I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

November 30th, 2010, 03:00 AM
I laughed at Robs'.

November 30th, 2010, 05:48 AM
Robz was lul

December 21st, 2010, 01:32 AM
So I was playing some Jedi Academy today in the server I frequent, when this guy named 'SEXYLUKE' comes in and starts acting like a tard. He asked for help with saber dueling since he was new, and I tried to help a bit, after which he goes around acting like a tard some more. Hours later I check the forums and find this wall of text.

I'm "Metoer", by the way.

hey everyone im luke im on the sever.

the past few hours i have been tormented severly. It has come to my attention that the server has no regard for people who with high aspiration, and moderate talent.

I no i am not the best player on the server but i am one of the most friendliest, welcomming and talented.

this speech is callled:

This could happen to u!

---------PART ONE: PPL ON THE SERVER------------------

Let me go through the ppl on the server so the mods know who is good and who is not

Metor - he is agreat guy who taught me lots but lately has been acting strange. He said "I am always a dickhead".

Santa - I feel bad because i caleld her gross. she is a very nince member though

Who - Who is a realy big history fan. His favorte person from history is barbarosa.

Justin - my favorite person on the srever because he is funny and fun to play with

Gonzo - Gonzo is a disgusting attitude. He lames. He fights when i am not with a saber and he sends abusive racist messages.

Bardely - Bradley is a very unsopportive person and lately has acted with lots of disregard

Prancer - Prancer is probbly the worst person i have ever encountered. he is rude, unimaginative and lacks a sense of homer.he is the most arrogant person i have met and i wish him ill luck and lots of harm. I severly recommend that he is removed from the server .

-------PART TO: Problems!-----------------------------

not any server is perfect. but this one really isn't. My time on the server has been full of strange abuse.

Problem 1 - a member and metoer were make believing to perform sex acts on me. they said (and if there are kids around please dont show them the screen) "you need to be butt fucked 500 times to be let into the clan).

I later learnt that they did not even intend to allow me into the clan to begin with

Problem 2 - the server is rift with teasing and abuse. as i explained earlier i am not he best playr on the server and i die sometimes. everyime i die they say "ah no suprise there fucking cunt idiot" and other rude words. I apologize for my languege but it must be said in my complaitns.

Problem 3 - arrogance. prancer tries to spek for all the clan. i undersatnd that i shoudl jsut ignore him but his ignorant attitude seeps into my skin and makes it hard to ignore. he is a keen racist and tries to belittle anyone on the server.

Problem 4 - rudeness. prancer a long with other members have been very keen on crushing spirit. anyne with a cheerful attitude is told to "shut up" and they are put on the gruond so they cant move by a mod, then other members pretend to have sex with them. this is wrong

Problem 5 - lameing. I am aware i ahve lamed before and i am deeply sorry. i think that we all need to evalute our selves and be hones. we can all admit to lameing, its what makes us human (or shoudl i say jedi knight palyers!)

however the reel problem is hypocrites. a hypocrite lamer is not good for the server. bradely and gonzo have tred to lame me many, many times and desptie me threatening to clal amy and typing loudly into the chat no one cares. whenever i lame, i am put on the ground to the wills of metoer and his strange ideas of fun.

--------PART THREE: THE SOLUTION-------------------------

this is a five step plan that i think will help the server

1. change ur attitude!

instad of typing abuse to new players, how abut you welcome them? my welcome onto the servber was so rude and offensive it almost made me turn away. buit it didnt. why? because i appreicated people.

I think every new player 2 the server should be greated with a cheerful message that is in tune with world affairs. for example if someone was to join today the server should say

"Hello new membre and merry chirstmas! Only a few moer days to christmas! Enjoy our server and bring along christmas spirit".

Maybe it could also be used to inform new members on news. for example:

"Helllo new member and welcome to PJs server!! North Korea has started firign upon South Korea!!"


this is important! make sure your members are the same! make suer they are all polite!~ 99% of members being polite is not good enough. every1 (and that means U!) has to chip in and be supportivbe. no1 can be lazy. no1 can be arrogant.


everytime you kill a person you should be given 1 rewad (maybe called a "lightsaber dollar")

lightsaber dollars can be used to upgrade the server and equipmetn.


some days 2 lightsaber dollars shoudl be given for a kill. like happy hour in a bar. it is an incentive for new players to join


no plan is worth having unless you can impliment.

---------------PART FOUR: CONCLUSION----------------------------------------------

this is not a nice way to start your first post. or end your first post. but it had to be done. if i am the one who has to say this than so be it. but i think i speak for all of us when i say we as a community can not let this awful operation keep gonig teh way it is.

Thankyou for reading it could happen to u and sorry if my spelling is bad i was in a rush to type this.


btw i also registered the name luke so no1 can imitate me or mock me. p

December 21st, 2010, 03:21 AM
Hump him for me pooky

January 26th, 2011, 04:45 AM
I need more funny qoutes.. Please post your funny qoutes..

January 26th, 2011, 02:20 PM
This man is going into withdrawl, we need a pint bag of funny quotes on drip, stat!

January 27th, 2011, 11:50 AM
Ok, here's a funny quote for all of you. Sorry in advance if it's in bad taste :P :

i have done nothing wrong i only want reech weapons so stop banning me!! plz!!!!!!! :saddowns:

February 7th, 2011, 06:56 AM
5:53 AM - Pyong - Derp Squad -Recruiting: does 4chan have a medicine board or something?
5:53 AM - Xero: why
5:53 AM - Xero: what
5:53 AM - Pyong - Derp Squad -Recruiting: I feel like shit
5:53 AM - Pyong - Derp Squad -Recruiting: lol
5:55 AM - Xero: and you want advice about substances to put in your body from 4CHAN?!
5:55 AM - Xero: are you insane?
5:55 AM - Pyong - Derp Squad -Recruiting: lol

Pyong Kawaguchi
February 7th, 2011, 06:57 AM
I meant for an idea of whats going on
you cut that part out.

February 19th, 2011, 06:06 AM
I can't tell you how many encounters I'd had with the "pretty" boy at my school...

Did your face blushed when you looking their pretty face? LOL :D

February 19th, 2011, 03:37 PM
Teekup is gay, and it's not a punchline. Get used to it.

February 20th, 2011, 11:22 AM
Wow that quote is old. Also your grammar is awful.

February 20th, 2011, 01:23 PM
Here's a random quote from a conversation I've just been having with someone.
I'm trying to find the article the person I was talking to mentioned.

was reading up the news earlier and saw something epic beyond words.
someone was being tried in a courthouse and the judge asked them what their defense was to the charges leveled on them.
the accused asked if the judge was a secular person or religious and then said that if the judge firmly was secular then he had all the evidence to prove he was not guilty.
his arguement was that "if the universe is definitive and every action is made before it is acted on then how could the judge sentence the guy as guilty if the man had no choice in the form of freewill as the universal events preceeding the crime were what lead him to take his actions and were not of his own choosing.
He asked the judge if he could sentence a man by the actions that science could "prove" would have been inevitable simply by following the laws of cause and effect.

February 20th, 2011, 04:08 PM
ThePlague - Derp Squad: I think
ThePlague - Derp Squad: I love you
Captain Donut: you insufferable bitch
Captain Donut: ill strangle you with your own pantyhose
ThePlague - Derp Squad: AND TAKE YOUR HOUSE
Captain Donut: AND ALSO KILL YOU
Captain Donut: fff
Captain Donut: hey
Captain Donut: wanna make up
Captain Donut: and have some sex
Captain Donut: ill kill that bastard
Captain Donut: or
Captain Donut: well
ThePlague - Derp Squad: HIS UNCLE IS A DRUGLORD
Captain Donut: actually
Captain Donut: make me a sandwich and youre free to go
Captain Donut: i just dont care anymore
Captain Donut: because
ThePlague - Derp Squad: I ALREADY KNEW THAT
ThePlague - Derp Squad: SHE'S BARELY 18 FRANK
Captain Donut: GOD
Captain Donut: thats right, your name is marsha now
ThePlague - Derp Squad: WELL HAVE FUN
Captain Donut: god damnit
Captain Donut: just go
Captain Donut: heres some hudreds
Captain Donut: just get out
Captain Donut: imma go to the titty bar
ThePlague - Derp Squad: GOOD RIDDENCE
ThePlague - Derp Squad: oh god this is going in quotes funny random
Captain Donut: not if i get there first
ThePlague - Derp Squad: fff

February 20th, 2011, 04:09 PM
nice defense bro!

February 20th, 2011, 04:44 PM
Reminds me of that one thread. Went into the comedy goldmine of the old podacity 'sodes.

February 20th, 2011, 04:50 PM
Also you grammar is awful.

February 20th, 2011, 11:49 PM
4 in the morning. Shut the fuck up.

March 8th, 2011, 10:25 PM
I have no idea what the context of this conversation was, where it happened, or when exactly. All I know is that it was posted over four years ago in response to someone else. I know it's not from some IRC but screw it I'm posting it.

Well, I am sorry that it bothers you so fungen much if it''ll bother you soo much that why in the hell did you read my post and reply God I really starting to hate ignorant Amercans, they are allways soo mean to peaple no wonder why they the most hated peaple in the world you know what I am sorry and I can't spell an that I am so slow no no, no no no. Why they hell am I even, pothing, this look way they comments are coming from shit on the bottom of my feet but mmmeh, who are you to me but nothing, that's what, nothing, sorry to hear about them towers of yours you sicken, fungen tired of peaple callin me name ok I am going to stop now before I say something that I am going to regret saying.

March 8th, 2011, 11:37 PM

March 22nd, 2011, 07:19 AM
Phobalic: he's getting better though, he's started forge expanding :S (talking about his super new padawan)
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: it's not a forge expansion
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: he's cannon rushing the wrong base
Phobalic: lmao


March 24th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Prepare to have your mind blown.
I'd like to appologise to anyone who has troubles following this.
A discussion I had with someone about the possible up coming Doctor who series.
Both of them.
there's going to be two series, both 7 episodes each.

me says:
me says:
read that

me says:
hold on
we know rassilon and omega were part of the original timelords
Shout says:
me says:
seems there was a third
one that was forgotten
Shout says:
I wish I could watch all of those old episodes. I'm not terribly up on my old Doctor Who as well as I should be
me says:
Shout says:
It appears he's Gallifreyan, but not Timelord?
me says:
seems this third was lost in time that even his name was forgotten and is only known as "the other"
for the important part
one of the founding Triumvirate of Time Lord society after the overthrow of the cult of the Pythia that had, until then, dominated Gallifrey. The other two members of the Triumvirate were Rassilon and Omega.
Of the three, the Other's origins are the most obscure, with the circumstances of his birth and appearance being a mystery. Like Rassilon, various contradictory legends surround the Other, so
simply referred to as "the Other"
hold on whilst i grab the parts that are important
When the Pythia was overthrown, she laid a final curse on Gallifrey that made the population sterile. To ensure the continuation of their race, Rassilon created the Looms, machines that would "weave" new Gallifreyans out of extant genetic material.
tell me if you got that alright

Shout says:
So far so good
me says:
Omega apparently died creating the black hole which provided the raw power needed for time travel, turning the Gallifreyans into Lords of Time. (Some accounts suggest that Rassilon misled Omega into believing he would survive this mission.) Rassilon and the Other were left to pick up the pieces, with Rassilon harnessing the nucleus of the black hole to create the Eye of Harmony and becoming virtua
becoming virtual dictator of Time Lord civilisation. As Rassilon's rule became more oppressive, the Other knew that his own days were numbered.
got that?
Shout says:
me says:
The Other first ensured that his granddaughter Susan (the last child to be naturally born on Gallifrey) was safe, sending her to the spaceport to get off the planet. Then, in a last gesture of defiance against Rassilon's rule, he committed suicide by throwing himself into the Looms, mixing his genetic material into the banks.
let me know whe you've read each section so i dont just spam your msn up
Shout says:
I'm following well, actually
had to read it a few times though
me says:
Eons passed, and the Looms became integrated into the great Houses of Gallifrey. Eventually, a new Cousin was born to the House of Lungbarrow, who would become known as the Doctor. Disenchanted with Time Lord society, the Doctor stole a TARDIS, intending to explore the universe.
we now know the doctors last name
but thats not the important part
impossible as that may be
this is the part that made hairs stand on end
However, inside he discovered that the Hand of Omega, the stellar manipulator Omega had used to create the Eye of Harmony, had followed him on board, somehow recognising inside him one of its creators. Although time travel into Gallifrey's past was strictly forbidden, the Hand overrode the locks that prevented the TARDIS from doing so and took the Doctor back to the Old Time.

The Doctor is a reincarnation of one of the three original Timelords
and susan is the grand daughter of the timelord the doctor was reincarnated out of
Shout says:
So the Other
me says:
is the doctor
but notice how the hand of omega took the doctor back in time to the origins of timelord society
when the first experiments were done
Shout says:
right, I'm trying to follow
me says:
yeah i was thinking wtf my self
There, a year after the Other had vanished into the Looms, the Doctor found Susan wandering the streets of the city — she had never made it to the spaceport. Like the Hand, although the Doctor did not look anything like the Other,
Susan recognised that there was a connection, and when she addressed him as "Grandfather", both of them knew that it was somehow right. The implication was that the Other had been genetically reincarnated as the Doctor, although how much of the Other is in the Doctor and how much he remembers of his past life, if at all, is unclear.
you know what this all means right?
Shout says:
eh, I'm trying to.
The Doctor is an original.. mostly, anyway
me says:
The doctor was the reincarnation of the other and the other was the doctor
Shout says:
wait wait wait, that's complicated.
The Doctor being taken back is a huge time paradox, for one.
Especially during the time where those experiments were even happening.
me says:
yes but if you nail it back, genetics are only genes that can be shared
Shout says:
The Doctor is the Other, but how could the Other be the Doctor?
me says:
the loom creates timelords from a cluster of genes in its banks
galifrey created the doctor
Shout says:
Well he is acknowledged as a "child of galifrey"
me says:
the loom is connected to the galifrayan matrix which is the central computer of the timelord tech
which in it self is sentient
and holds all the knowledge of the timelords
Shout says:
Well, it'd make sense for Omega to be the one that helped the Doctor then
Consider he provided said tech for Rassillion to create the Looms
me says:
think of it this way
originally there were two timelords rassilon and omega
omega gets boned by rassilon and confined to the virtual matrix
the matrix finds out what happened and later on biding its time creates the doctor
omega sends the doctor back so he becomes part of a triuvirate
at this point omega no longer needs to send the doctor back because the hand of omega knows he is a original creator
but in order for the hand to know who the doctor is omega still needs to programme it for the doctors genes
and so avoids the paradox
Shout says:
So what, programs it to respond to Other?
Other = Doctor?
me says:
Shout says:
God that's a huge circle paradox.
me says:
and yet selfsustainable
Shout says:
Yeah, it's interesting
I need to either read those novels or see the original episodes.
me says:
theres also more
there was some question over omegas gender
although omega is often reffered to as him
its never proven
if omega created the doctor, omega would know everything about the doctor
now for a moment we imagine if omega was a woman...with red hair....
Shout says:
Honestly, I don't think the current writers could pull that off. The newer viewers could never comprehend that.
Its taken me years of watching just to know what I know
me says:
you imagine if they did pull that off?
Shout says:
My respect for the current show would skyrocket and I would likely drop out of school to watch Doctor Who
because it would be 'that' entertaining.
me says:
all you would need is for river to say she was omega and had regenerated
Shout says:
But no one would ever know why that's important
me says:
no but they could follow that on in later episodes
slowly building to some sort of climax
Shout says:
what makes you think they would?
I could only see one scenario involving that
They would be trying to end the series by bringing everything Full Circle back to Galifrey
as a revival
me says:
yeah but they could pull some pretty damned epic episodes
story that would be so rich be unwordly for the BBC
Shout says:
I'd like to see it
me says:
they could effectly make it so the timewar which was started by the doctor messing with the daleks origins
the same person who helped bring the timelords into existance also killed them
and so...."The lonely God"
this would also give much greater empathsis on why the daleks fear him so much and why the pandorica alliance built a prison for "the most feared being in the universe"

March 24th, 2011, 01:37 PM
One of these days, you and I are going to be right, Warlord.

March 24th, 2011, 03:00 PM
I'm not gonna read that, cause I really don't wanna know anything having to do with the next series spoiler-wise. I wanna get my mind blown when I watch the episodes :)

March 24th, 2011, 03:18 PM
I'm not gonna read that, cause I really don't wanna know anything having to do with the next series spoiler-wise. I wanna get my mind blown when I watch the episodes :)

No spoilers just alot of back info.

March 24th, 2011, 05:16 PM
What old eps are you referencing about the time-lord origins? I have access to the complete series and I'd like to check them out :o

March 24th, 2011, 05:44 PM
What old eps are you referencing about the time-lord origins? I have access to the complete series and I'd like to check them out :o

The War games had some details, Trial of a Timelord, Omega, Remembrance of the Daleks.
Those just to name a few.
There's some details that are in the older novels, I've got one which was based on the 5th doctor which mentioned about a triumvirate of galifreyans who worked on the first time travel experiments.

March 24th, 2011, 10:59 PM
I was under the impression the books (especially old ones) were noncannon though...

I'll try and grab those eps next time I've got my laptop at uni (DC++ servers ftw)

March 25th, 2011, 04:39 AM
I was under the impression the books (especially old ones) were noncannon though...

I'll try and grab those eps next time I've got my laptop at uni (DC++ servers ftw)

There are many old episodes that no longer exist in video form after there was a fire at the BBC archives.
That's why some books are considered canon and some not.

March 25th, 2011, 07:32 AM
huh. Seems my who-fu is weak.

March 25th, 2011, 11:00 AM
huh. Seems my who-fu is weak.

You shall see the path to enlightenment young padawan.
Remembrance of the Daleks was one of the best Dalek episodes second only to Genesis of the Daleks and Destiny of the Daleks.
What more could you want in a Dalek episode when it has two factions of Daleks with Special Weapons Daleks getting involved and the Hand of Omega.

March 26th, 2011, 03:13 AM
but could they tri force?

March 26th, 2011, 06:45 PM
but could they tri force?

March 27th, 2011, 02:57 AM
We are a herping and derping compliant tournament as per the Herpaderp Act of 1970.

March 29th, 2011, 08:04 AM
Phobalic: was it you that signed me up for bearsnearme.com?
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: what?
Phobalic: someone signed me up to a hairy gay hookup website
Phobalic: BearsNearMe.com
Phobalic: I keep getting emails

Zilla I need to high five you IRL right now.

March 29th, 2011, 10:51 AM

March 29th, 2011, 07:30 PM
There are many old episodes that no longer exist in video form after there was a fire at the BBC archives.
That's why some books are considered canon and some not.
Strangely, while I know nothing of Doctor Who, I believe I heard of a rumor once on Wikipedia that they had found other copies of these episodes. It was there featured article one time and I clicked it because the idea of lost video recordings and knowledge has always interested me.

April 9th, 2011, 05:06 AM

April 9th, 2011, 12:36 PM
Real pros only use the full auto, no recoil laser beams :U

April 9th, 2011, 02:24 PM
Hah I lol'd.

April 13th, 2011, 02:12 AM
Real pros only use the 1911 :mech2:

April 14th, 2011, 04:54 PM
After 20 years of sex in the dark, a wife finds out her Husband used a dildo on her the entire time. Angry she stormed into the living room while he was watching TV with the kids and said: "explain the dildo you bastard!", the husband calmly turned to her and said "explain the kids. bitch..

April 14th, 2011, 05:02 PM
omfg^ :lmao:

April 15th, 2011, 04:26 PM
<Rentafence> what the fuck is a bodega
<Rentafence> thats a corner store
<Jelly> welcome to the bronx motherfucker
<Rentafence> what do you know about amerika
<Jelly> ppl get shot in school and you wear cowboy hats

May 9th, 2011, 05:38 PM
[18:35] Professor Dwood: WELL HOW ABOUT HALO
[18:36] TheFieryScythe: HALO? MOR LIEK GAYLO AMIRITE?
[18:36] Professor Dwood: URITE URITE
[18:36] Professor Dwood: so uh that's why we've both spent like 4+ years on the game rite
[18:37] TheFieryScythe: BECUS WERE GAY
[18:37] TheFieryScythe: FOR HALO
[18:37] Professor Dwood: YE BRO


May 13th, 2011, 01:16 PM
Spoilered because it's rather long. I was playing some Jedi Academy yesterday, just kind of derping around kicking people. Now, the kick in JKA has a short range, freezes you in place, leaves you wide open for attack, and barely does any damage. Its only redeeming quality is that it knocks people down with a successful hit, but even that can be avoided by crouching. However, all that didn't stop one guy from getting extremely mad about it. At the end there is where I challenged him to a duel, then killed him in 2 hits. Go figure, he wasn't even any good.

Unfortunately I only started logging about halfway through, so a good amount of hilarious rage is missing. For readability's sake, I edited out all the console messages and irrelevant killspam.

4:37:13 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: do ett then
4:37:18 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-DO ETT-|-
4:37:19 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: if you actually die to kicks you're bad
4:37:20 PM - L&D was sabered by friedmeator
4:37:22 PM - friedmeator: :C
4:37:27 PM - Zeus, God of Muffins: gf
4:37:27 PM - friedmeator: lol
4:37:55 PM - friedmeator: you were saying.
4:38:07 PM - amRandom was sabered by friedmeator
4:38:14 PM - Eitani: did you know that there's a third blade on staff?
4:38:18 PM - amRandom: YOU THINK THATS GOOD?
4:38:21 PM - amRandom: ROFL WELL SEE
4:38:26 PM - friedmeator: I told you kicking you would be easier with grapple on
4:38:31 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-thi amRandom is bomb-|-
4:38:37 PM - Eitani: its on the hilt...but its small
4:38:41 PM - Eitani: very...small
4:39:15 PM - L&D was sabered by friedmeator
4:40:02 PM - friedmeator: feel better now that you got HP?
4:40:06 PM - friedmeator: hypocrisy is awesome :D
4:40:36 PM - amRandom was thrown to their doom by friedmeator
4:40:38 PM - friedmeator: LOLOL
4:40:38 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-LOL-|-
4:40:39 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: rofl
4:40:47 PM - amRandom: OK STAFF TIME
4:40:50 PM - friedmeator: OKAY
4:40:51 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-DO IT-|-
4:40:55 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: staff = hardest
4:40:56 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: XD
4:41:04 PM - Eitani: whaddya mean staff's hard
4:41:09 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: ITS SO HARD BRAH
4:41:18 PM - friedmeator: please, by all means
4:41:21 PM - friedmeator: try your hardest
4:41:23 PM - Eitani: i could care less about the other weapons in this game..but staff..omg staff
4:41:27 PM - Eitani: thats the easiest
4:41:32 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: sherlock
4:41:34 PM - taemlitre was sabered by amRandom
4:41:34 PM - anon.: duals is the best
4:42:09 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: should I turn flipkicks on too met? =P
4:42:12 PM - friedmeator: :O
4:42:13 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: lolol
4:42:13 PM - amRandom: RROFL HE RUNS FOR SHEILD
4:42:13 PM - friedmeator: yes
4:42:15 PM - friedmeator: !
4:42:21 PM - server: Server Settings Changed : Flipkick - Enabled
4:42:21 PM - Server: jp_allowflipkick changed to 1
4:42:21 PM - Server: jp_cinfo changed to 16467
4:42:27 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: with flipkick on.. oh god who know what he might do
4:42:31 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
4:42:54 PM - L&D was sabered by Organian
4:43:02 PM - amRandom was sabered by taemlitre
4:43:04 PM - friedmeator: lol
4:43:10 PM - amRandom: DUEL ME
4:43:16 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: lol
4:43:20 PM - friedmeator: why would I want to do that?
4:44:24 PM - amRandom was bludgeoned by ^SnowMan
4:44:24 PM - ^SnowMan: amRandom, you have been dominated by the Snow Man.
4:44:26 PM - amRandom: ROFL SO BAD
4:44:28 PM - friedmeator: ofc
4:44:31 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-lol-|-
4:44:35 PM - amRandom: THIS FOOL GETS OWNED
4:44:38 PM - friedmeator: however, unlike you my e peen isn't on the line
4:44:58 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-fried never said he was invincible n00b-|-
4:45:32 PM - amRandom was sabered by [AoF]Ocelots^
4:45:41 PM - server: Server Settings Changed : Flipkick - Disabled
4:45:41 PM - Server: jp_allowflipkick changed to 0
4:45:41 PM - Server: jp_cinfo changed to 16466
4:47:02 PM - amRandom: ROFL HP
4:47:29 PM - amRandom was bludgeoned by friedmeator
4:47:33 PM - friedmeator: :)
4:47:34 PM - Eitani: fighting like lego star wars kids
4:47:38 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-lol-|-
4:47:39 PM - friedmeator: yes
4:47:47 PM - amRandom: SO SAD
4:47:50 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: JA = serious business
4:47:52 PM - friedmeator: ^
4:47:53 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-^-|-
4:47:58 PM - Eitani: JA isnt serious business
4:48:01 PM - Eitani: :<
4:48:06 PM - ^SnowMan: -|-itsabigdeal-|-
4:48:06 PM - friedmeator: :C
4:48:06 PM - amRandom: ROFLLL
4:48:06 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: it totally is!
4:48:08 PM - Eitani: stupid* business :o
4:48:17 PM - amRandom: WHY WOULD YOU RUN FO RHP
4:48:19 PM - friedmeator: let's get mad about starwars
4:48:25 PM - amRandom: WHY WOULD YOU RUN FOR HP
4:48:27 PM - amRandom: TELL ME
4:48:34 PM - friedmeator: ask yourself
4:48:36 PM - amRandom: ROFL NO ANSWER
4:48:37 PM - friedmeator: why you would get so mad
4:48:38 PM - amRandom: ROFLLLLA
4:48:40 PM - friedmeator: and there's your answer
4:48:42 PM - friedmeator: :)
4:48:44 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: lol
4:48:59 PM - [AoF]Ocelots{C}: !
4:49:01 PM - amRandom: HAHAHA
4:49:10 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: dood
4:49:11 PM - friedmeator: I agree, it's pretty damn funny
4:49:39 PM - L&D: .... if u say so
4:49:42 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: !
4:49:43 PM - amRandom: LOL SAD
4:49:44 PM - Padawan: hello
4:49:55 PM - Eitani: the invention of the caps lock
4:49:57 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: thats the most I have ever seen you say L&D
4:49:59 PM - Eitani: worst...ever
4:50:02 PM - friedmeator: his rage is so hard it got L&D to speak, twice!
4:50:37 PM - amRandom: ROFL U WONT
4:50:41 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with friedmeator!
4:51:09 PM - Eitani: i wonder...
4:51:12 PM - friedmeator: can you even strafe?
4:51:14 PM - friedmeator: come on man
4:51:17 PM - amRandom: ROFL ROFL
4:51:24 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: hides in a rofl?
4:51:27 PM - friedmeator: lolwat
4:51:37 PM - amRandom: ROFL ROFL
4:51:39 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: stop hiding in a rofl met
4:51:39 PM - amRandom: SAD SCARED
4:52:12 PM - friedmeator: there's always the pit.
4:52:15 PM - amRandom: THIS SAD GUY HIDES IN DUEL
4:52:47 PM - amRandom: FIGHT YOU GAY MAN
4:52:51 PM - friedmeator: save your strength fool
4:53:08 PM - amRandom: BADDY TAKE ME OUT OF DUEL?
4:53:09 PM - friedmeator: if you can ever hit me, maybe
4:53:18 PM - amRandom: COME HIT ME
4:53:21 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine
4:53:22 PM - amRandom: WELL SEE IF U CAN
4:53:24 PM - amRandom: U TRASH
4:53:28 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: you would have to be away from fried tho
4:53:35 PM - amRandom: K
4:53:39 PM - server: Server Settings Changed : Duel Severing - Enabled
4:53:39 PM - Server: jp_removeDistanceDuelLimit changed to 0
4:53:46 PM - amRandom: GIOGOGOGO
4:53:48 PM - Eitani: :<
4:53:51 PM - The duel has been severed.
4:53:54 PM - amRandom: THANKS
4:53:55 PM - friedmeator: rage quit?
4:53:55 PM - server: Server Settings Changed : Duel Severing - Disabled
4:53:55 PM - Server: jp_removeDistanceDuelLimit changed to 1
4:53:56 PM - friedmeator: :)
4:54:00 PM - amRandom: GAY QUIT?
4:54:01 PM - amRandom: ROFL
4:54:04 PM - amRandom: U HIDE
4:54:10 PM - friedmeator: right in front of your face
4:54:11 PM - amRandom: U QUIT THE DUEL NOT ME
4:54:12 PM - friedmeator: that's good hiding
4:54:14 PM - Eitani: i can sense..so much tension
4:54:18 PM - amRandom: HIDING/ RUNNING
4:54:20 PM - amRandom: SAME SHIT
4:54:21 PM - amRandom: NUB NUB
4:54:25 PM - friedmeator: not running
4:54:27 PM - friedmeator: jumping
4:54:35 PM - amRandom: WITH SABER DOWN RUNNING
4:54:37 PM - amRandom: SAS NUB SHIT
4:54:42 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with L&D!
4:54:43 PM - friedmeator: saber down even!
4:54:46 PM - friedmeator: if only you could hit me :)
4:54:51 PM - amRandom: ATLEAST L&D WILL DUEL
4:54:53 PM - amRandom: U GAY MAN
4:56:02 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
4:56:02 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 92 Health 0 Armor left for winner
4:56:18 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with L&D!
4:57:23 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
4:57:24 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 92 Health 0 Armor left for winner
4:57:25 PM - L&D: gf
4:57:26 PM - amRandom: GF
4:57:30 PM - amRandom: LEMME GET SINGLE PLZ
4:57:39 PM - friedmeator: I thought staff was ur leet ownage weapon?
4:57:41 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: why are you using caps? D=
4:57:47 PM - anon.: staff is the leet ownage weapon
4:57:48 PM - amRandom: FOR KICK ABSUERS YEAH
4:57:50 PM - amRandom: NUB NUB
4:57:51 PM - friedmeator: his shift key is stuck from smashing it so much
4:57:52 PM - Eitani: whats a leet?
4:57:56 PM - Eitani: thought it was elite*
4:58:02 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with L&D!
4:58:03 PM - amRandom: I GOT SINGLE NEXT
4:58:05 PM - friedmeator: it's cool internet slang for hip people
4:58:23 PM - Eitani: lol you young people and your internet slang
4:58:30 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
4:58:30 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 100 Health 19 Armor left for winner
5:00:10 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
5:00:10 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 6 Health 0 Armor left for winner
5:00:11 PM - L&D: gf
5:00:12 PM - amRandom: GF
5:00:19 PM - L&D has become engaged in a duel with amRandom!
5:00:49 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
5:00:49 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 74 Health 0 Armor left for winner
5:00:51 PM - L&D: gf
5:00:51 PM - amRandom: GF
5:00:56 PM - friedmeator: seems like you're mostly losing to L&D
5:01:01 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with L&D!
5:01:02 PM - friedmeator: what happened to all that shit about how he gets rocked
5:01:04 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: L&D BAD
5:01:06 PM - Eitani: L&D...that guys a legend
5:01:15 PM - friedmeator: lol
5:01:21 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
5:01:21 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 100 Health 12 Armor left for winner
5:01:23 PM - L&D: gf
5:01:26 PM - friedmeator: hmm
5:01:27 PM - amRandom: GF
5:01:33 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with L&D!
5:02:18 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
5:02:19 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 100 Health 100 Armor left for winner
5:02:20 PM - L&D: gf
5:02:22 PM - Eitani: whoa
5:02:23 PM - friedmeator: ic
5:02:23 PM - amRandom: GF4W
5:02:25 PM - Eitani: 100/100
5:02:26 PM - Eitani: o.o
5:02:33 PM - Eitani: thats the time to quit :S
5:02:40 PM - amRandom: AIGHT
5:03:38 PM - amRandom was sabered by L&D
5:03:38 PM - L&D has defeated amRandom! ==> 100 Health 30 Armor left for winner
5:03:40 PM - L&D: gf
5:03:40 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: oh boy
5:03:42 PM - amRandom: gf
5:03:48 PM - L&D: ggs
5:03:56 PM - L&D: i'm done duelin
5:04:00 PM - ÀÞøllÿöñ's Þèñìs!: :o
5:04:01 PM - amRandom has become engaged in a duel with friedmeator!
5:04:02 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: my name = im a bad man =(
5:04:09 PM - ÀÞøllÿöñ's Þèñìs!: :D
5:04:20 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: and here I thought my name = my skill on this game
5:04:25 PM - amRandom was sabered by friedmeator
5:04:25 PM - friedmeator has defeated amRandom! ==> 100 Health 20 Armor left for winner
5:04:29 PM - amRandom disconnected
5:04:32 PM - friedmeator: all that shit talking, for that?
5:04:36 PM - friedmeator: lol.
5:05:20 PM - friedmeator: wait
5:05:21 PM - friedmeator: wait
5:05:23 PM - friedmeator: RAGE QUIT?
5:05:25 PM - friedmeator: after that?
5:05:27 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: damnit james
5:05:29 PM - ÀÞøllÿöñ's Þèñìs!: ^_^*LoL*^0^
5:05:31 PM - |JP|BaddyMcBad[PX]: ruining my chase
5:05:33 PM - ÀÞøllÿöñ's Þèñìs!: >:D
5:05:36 PM - Eitani: meator
5:05:42 PM - Eitani: i guess you were his boss fight
5:05:43 PM - friedmeator: oh my god, I'm so saving this

May 13th, 2011, 09:25 PM
That's so jokes. Gets cut down by that L&D dude like 10 times and then rage quits after you do him in once?

May 14th, 2011, 12:02 AM
That's only HALF? My god, fucking try-hard much?

May 14th, 2011, 09:08 PM

May 14th, 2011, 09:48 PM

That had to be the second funniest part of what WE saw. I can't imagine the other half. What's a Roll On Floor Laughing? Is it a magical place?

May 18th, 2011, 03:53 AM

May 18th, 2011, 09:59 AM
Bro, don't pass off your personal issues as "funny quotes" to us. It's unfunny.

I did find this funny, though: "Uninstalling Steam."

This guy. He's sounds condescending as fuck. You both had good points and bad points. Overall point is that you're trying to make a bit of money on the side. To some it seems like a waste of time, especially since you can just get a job and go do it for hard cash. I think what happened is that you snapped. You got too defensive and then he got defensive and the defecation hit the oscillation.

August 12th, 2011, 08:16 PM
Got a visitor message:

I could spend the download link please ui delta halo

August 14th, 2011, 12:53 AM
Got a visitor message:

It's a sign. DO IT!

August 17th, 2011, 09:24 PM
[8:50:36 PM] Hefewy: ...
[8:50:40 PM] Hefewy: I'm no pedophile
[8:50:44 PM] Hefewy: I'm 16...
[8:50:46 PM] Hefewy: >.>
[8:50:47 PM] Hefewy: <.<
[8:51:29 PM] QuickSticks45: we know jake, but just because you're 16 doesn't mean you won't still be considered a pedo
[8:53:00 PM] Dark Halcyon: He's probably one of those "I've considered it but never found the will-power to actually do it despite all these opportunities that are given to me on an open platter" pedos. The ones that creep on children but don't do anything.
[8:53:48 PM] Bret Block: I came in on the wrong part of this...
[8:53:58 PM] Dark Halcyon: Perhaps you have.
[8:54:32 PM] Bret Block: what has jake done this time?
[8:54:55 PM] Dark Halcyon: Not sure. Everyone is speculating that he might be a borderline child-chaser.
[8:55:08 PM] QuickSticks45: we always do because it's funny

Who am I hanging around in this day and age?

August 17th, 2011, 10:30 PM


"It requires a zero point energy module to propel and flux capacitor to steer because it exists in more than 3 dimensions."

Was response to this video:

August 25th, 2011, 05:16 AM
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: wc3 is depressing to look back at
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: as an esport at least
Phobalic: it's a bad game
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: why
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: i always hear that but never why
Phobalic: because I could never play it
5cott: lol
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: ahuh
5cott: by that logic sc2 sucks
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: OH
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith: OH SHIT SON
5cott: because i suck at it
Phobalic: WOW
-=AWOL=- I am n00b1n8R bith rushes to find some ice for that BURN
Phobalic: holy shit scott
Phobalic: why did you back off

No wonder this kid is silver.

August 26th, 2011, 01:59 AM
I can't help it, I'm very intimidating.

August 29th, 2011, 06:51 AM
[8/27/2011 11:50:33 PM] Scootaloo: Start openly exploring Islam around him.[8/27/2011 11:50:53 PM] Dark Halcyon: That's the second time I burst out laughing today.
[8/27/2011 11:50:59 PM] Scootaloo: lol
[8/27/2011 11:52:02 PM] Dark Halcyon: As an average Kansan, he'd probably shoot me.
[8/27/2011 11:52:20 PM] Scootaloo: do it for the lulz
[8/27/2011 11:52:48 PM] Scootaloo: Tell him to come at you, then call him a bro.
[8/27/2011 11:53:20 PM] Dark Halcyon: What have I got to be afraid of? He'll shoot me, I'll go to the hospital, get fixed up, and a week later be all fine.
That's my basic injury routine.
[8/27/2011 11:53:48 PM] Scootaloo: Lol yeah.
[8/27/2011 11:53:57 PM] Scootaloo: I forgot, you can't die
[8/27/2011 11:54:07 PM] Dark Halcyon: So it seems.

August 30th, 2011, 03:47 AM
Neurologicaldisorder: why does everyone disappear
Neurologicaldisorder: in the middle of a onversation
[CHAOS BroS] Commodore: Bodzill is now Offline.


August 30th, 2011, 07:16 AM
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: where's the fun in that
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: if i wanted free wins i'd play the guys in awol
Phobalic: it's like slapping a kid with downs
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: you didn't have a good time in school did you
Phobalic: not really

August 30th, 2011, 07:29 AM
standard zerg counter attack

8:44 PM - -=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: and i'm gay for artosis but the moment i picture him naked..
8:45 PM - Phobalic: ahha
8:45 PM - -=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: like holey fuck i bet he's as scrawny as me under his jacket
8:45 PM - Phobalic: you little people make me laugh
8:45 PM - -=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: we'd be fucking and all anybody would hear is "KLANG KLANG KLANG"

August 30th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Neurologicaldisorder: why does everyone disappear
Neurologicaldisorder: in the middle of a onversation
[CHAOS BroS] Commodore: Bodzill is now Offline.


had thunder that was shaking my house, time to save my precious puter!

August 30th, 2011, 07:10 PM
[7:05:29 PM] QuickSticks45: hey guess what i made
[7:05:36 PM] Dark Halcyon: What did you made?
[7:07:13 PM] QuickSticks45: MUFFFFFFFINS
[7:07:18 PM] Dark Halcyon: FUCK YES!
Muffins are one of my favorite new things in this world. My response is generic.

August 30th, 2011, 07:16 PM
wheres the punchline??????

August 31st, 2011, 06:58 AM
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: but yeah, was huk the deepest p?
Phobalic: I think so
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: christ
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: ~sel was right~
Phobalic: if you ever
Phobalic: ever
Phobalic: EVER
Phobalic: believe that
Phobalic: you have some serious problems
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: lmao
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: chill bro
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: chillax

August 31st, 2011, 07:11 AM

August 31st, 2011, 05:55 PM
Just came across this while browsing the web, and was laughing literally the whole time I read it. For the megaman-illiterate failures out there, it's a review of X6.

"A gross display of ineptitude"

Just looking at production history of Mega Man X6 screams "inept". Just look at all these patently stupid ideas regarding this game:
- The decision to make this game without the series creator Keiji Inafune.
- The decision to rush this game in to the market under year from prior Mega Man X release.
- The decision to not hire competent localisation team, but rather run the game through Babelfish and not proof-reading the result.
- Letting the marketing department publish untrue pre-release hype.
It is like the entire Capcom HQ was suddenly infected with T-virus born in a Resident Evil master disk, turning the entire personnel in to a pack of brain dead zombies.

Like every other Mega Man X game, X goes after 8 bosses (This time, investigators, not mavericks). These investigators reside in 8 "nightmare zones", and player can choose the order in which he defeats them. Player will be awarded with a weapon and technique copied from the investigator upon victory. Also, strange stuff appears in two other Nightmare Zones for no logical reason.

Mega Man X6 features the Nightmare System (the name is very truthful, actually). If you listen to Capcom's marketing buzz, Nightmare System is a "huge advance in random stage design" or something like that. That is not true, but more about the Nightmare System on the gameplay section.

X6 uses the same graphic engine than X4 and X5, so the graphics are mostly good. Unfortunately, the rest of the graphics are bad. For instance, some investigators are made of two or so colours and have about four frames of animation.

For some reason the "Warning" text shown prior fighting a boss and most of Zero's animation are redesigned. How in the name of loving god the developers had the time to alter such small details with such an tight schedule? I want so hard to believe that this game was designed by a team of newbies who have not yet learned to prioritize.

Some of the sound effects have been redesigned as well. While the new sound effects are not necessarily worse, this is an another example of twisted prioritizing.

The music of this game a mixed bag and is actually the best aspect of this disaster. Some of the songs, especially the amazon area and recycle center themes, are excellent. Then there is some corny, yet oddly listenable guilty pleasure (e.g. volcano area and the weapon centre). But there is also some of the most unbelievably corny songs ever committed to optic medium, especially the amazingly cheesy opening J-pop (I'd be rather caught listening to David Hasselhoff than this godawful song).

Because Capcom had such an hurry to cram X6 to western market, the japanese voice acting is left intact. This is not necessarily just a bad thing. While I can't understand the word they are saying, it is easy to hear that they make much more competent job than the (presumably) British voice actors in X4. Of course, in the same time it says Capcom does not care enough to hire competent western voice actors like Cam Clarke or Clancy Brown.

The major selling point and the most hyped feature of Mega Man X6 is the nightmare system, so let's see how it works: let's pretend that i'm going to beat the bolts and screws out of Metal Shark Player just for having such an stupid name. I select Recycle Center, get through the trash compactor and retire the Metal Shark Player. When I'm back at the stage selection screen, I notice that the Central Museum and Weapon Central are red. I go to either one of them and lo: flying metal slabs have became out of nowhere to make my life harder. So, the Nightmare system basically reinvents similar elements from X1 and X3 and makes it illogical and frustrating. Some of the effects include almost total darkness and raining fireballs.

Lets go back to X3 and see how the system worked back then: Let's say that I decide to kick Blast Hornet's sorry bee-hind. Defeating him will reduce the amount of crates in Gravity Beetle's stage, since Gravity Beetle's plane transport supplies from Blast Hornet's armoury to Gravity Beetle's stage. Also, because modified Head Gunners are no longer transported from the armoury, all stages (except Doppler's lab) will have to suffice with substantially worse massproduced Head Gunners. This is way more logical and intuitive than the mess that is Nightmare System.
Oh yeah, about the "random stage design", only one stage in the game actually is generated randomly. However, it is done with most unbelievably stupid way possible: the stage basically is straightforward route, that has totem poles, that teleport the player in to randomly generated part. This is repeated 4 times. Not exactly intuitive, is it?

The other stages are also pretty bad, and totally frustating. One of the worst is the Volcano Area (what's the deal with volcanoes, Capcom? No body likes volcanoes. They are dangerous and ugly, and like to erupt when least expected). Not only the magma there is purple, it is filled with annoying, huge, red donuts. Not far behind comes the Recycle Center. Thrash compactors and conveyor belts are okay elements, but making the entire stage from them is not going to work. Also, the North Pole is very annoying: full of stupid looking avalanches and falling ice cubes. Add slippery floor and walls you can't climb, and you get instant frustration. Also, some of the stages are shortest I've ever seen.

The nightmare stuff is not just limited to stage design, however. There is a new type of enemy called Nightmare. These things can fly and shoot through walls, making this game even more frustrating. Dead nightmares leave soul orbs behind them. If not collected fast enough, these orbs will revive the nightmare. Collecting soul orbs raises your rank and allows you equip more parts.

These parts are got from rescuing Reploids. While this idea sounds nice, it is executed with most idiotic way possible. Some of this Reploids float on freaking thin air, and sometimes you just can't save a Reploid with out losing a life (though rescuing a Reploid awards player with a extra life). Also, nightmare prey on Reploids and turn them to Mavericks. Maverick can not be saved and if you, god forbid, kill an Maverick, s/he never comes back and you will never get the part s/he had.

X6 carries over lots of features from X5, most with out any thought. For example , X starts out with Falcon Armour. The problem is that in X5, X started out with the 4th armour only if you chose X, which resulted as Zero not getting a Z-buster. But since you can only start as X in X6 there is no choice or penalty involved with the Falcon Armour.

Also, you can skip straight to the final levels in X6, but unlike X5, not by meeting your objective, but by looking for a secret area, defeat hidden boss, and get to go in to final levels through a plot device best described as "open invitation from your enemy". Pure genius at work.
Also the armour system returns. X can now get the Blade Armour and Shadow Armour. Blade Armour is basically a Max Armour Lite, as it allows X to air dash vertically and fling waves with the Z-Saber. Shadow Armour is basically Gaia Armour made ninja. However, unlike X5, some armours are required to beat certain stages, so bad choice with a armour means inevitable Game Over.

At least they took the plot of X5 partially to consideration, as X can now use the Z-Saber he got from Zero. It is very limited, however. However, note that I said "partially" as X6 brings Zero back in a way, that could be best described "taking a piss on X5's entire storyline".
As much I want to lambast X6 about bringing Zero back, I must admit the developers hit the head of the nail with Zero's gameplay. Zero can access any weapon and technique at his disposal (except Guard Shell) with simple and easy to remember button combinations. Zero is also more agile than ever and his Z-Buster is actually useful this time.

This game is very frustrating, thanks to the substandard level design. Strangely enough, most bosses of this game require no skill or strategy. There is exceptions, however. Infinity Mijinion is really hard, not because his attacks would be any danger, but because he can produces four clones from himself and his weakness is trash. Gate is also very hard, since he can only be damaged by his own weapons. Imagine a fight from Crash Bandicoot and replace three required hits with 9-14 hits, and you should get the idea. Sigma is really easy for some reason.

A scientist called Gate blah blah blah researches Eurasia's ruins blah blah blah He goes crazy blah blah blah X kicks maverick ass blah blah blah Zero Nightmare blah blah blah High Max blah blah blah Isoc gives press conference blah blah blah 8 Investigators blah blah blah Nightmare Effect blah blah blah X misses Zero blah blah blah Rescue Reploids blah blah blah Alia rambles about her past blah blah blah Sigma returns for no reason and so on.

From the above paragraph you might get the picture I'm too lazy to explain the plot. That couldn't be farther from the truth. That is my best effort, but the plot is incoherent, convoluted, badly translated and full of plot holes and continuity errors, that I simply can't do better.
The translation is really bad, and actually gets worse as the game progresses. The plot would be completely impenetrable even with correct translation anyway, I reckon.

Not only the plot sucks, the characters really stink, too. For some reason, the developers thought they should develop Alia's character. This results as Alia rambling incoherently about her past, which mainly consist of belonging to a cabal of some sort and actually killing all the 8 investigators with her co-conspirators. Not only that this makes Alia unlikable, it does not even work, since there is hardly any personal connection between her and X. Anything she says does not affect how much X trusts her or how he thinks about her. She just talks to herself, hoping somebody pays attention.

The new characters are probably even worse. The leader of the 8 investigators, High Max, actually does not have an coherent personality. Some person might say that e.g. X-hunters, Nightmare Police and similar characters from past games has no personalities either, but they do, even if they are pretty one-dimensional. For example, Agile is an smug french bastard (Agile, Sagesse (Serges) and Violen are french terms for character traits) while Byte is a formal and honourable warrior type. High Max, however, just is some black guy with a jet pack.

His underlings are the most confusing bunch of incoherent lunatics I've ever met. Commander Yammark is obviously schizophrenic and attacks X when he made few totally reasonable questions, raving about not being betrayed. What an ass. Blaze Heatnix obviously suffers from thought disorder, making incoherent, nonsensical statements such as "Brainwashing reploids is boring. Let's fight". And Infinity Mijinion is an antisocial creep. The characters of Metal Gear Solid suddenly look very balanced and stable compared to them.

I probably never have seen character so inconsequential to a story as Isoc. He just is a lackey for Gate who just suddenly is found dead for no reason. Or at least when playing as X. With Zero, he shows lots of interest towards Zero. This have made some people to argue that Isoc is Dr. Wily's incarnation, and this certainly is far more plausible than the ridiculous "Serges is Wily"-theory (C'mon, why would a scientist of (presumably) german descent who is so evil, that he uses a freaking skull as his insignia, would turn in to a (again, presumably) french geezer rambling about prophecies and universal good? Also, Wily probably wouldn't condescend to work with a ex-spy and a guy who's shoe size is bigger than his IQ. And besides, Sigma and Dr. Wily first met during X5, long after X2).

But he still is so utterly inconsequential that removing him completely wouldn't change the story by any way.
Gate himself is not a half-bad character. His expression and glare just scream "insane" and he constantly talks about how his colleagues are jealous bastards, who just can't appreciate his creations. He might a stereotypical "mad scientist", but let's face it, most of the video game characters are stereotypes. He isn't too stellar either, so he really does not save this game's nonsensical plot.

While this game has 3 different endings, most people probably give up half way through the game.

Mega Man X6 is a very rushed game filled with bad ideas and substandard design. While certainly far from the worst platformer ever made, it is still an very unpleasant experience and should only be bought as example of bad game development.
With Mega Man X6, the franchise (quite literally) jumped the shark, and has very little chances of recovery. thankfully, after MMX6 also came Mega Man Zero, while not an excellent game, was followed with better and more thought out sequels.

Reviewer's Score: 5/10, Originally Posted: 08/08/06



September 1st, 2011, 11:14 PM
Καιζερ Ηεινριχ IX: Lol, that 1014 was balls.
Καιζερ Ηεινριχ IX: I sense Freelancer rage.
TeeKup: Oh I will piss him off
Καιζερ Ηεινριχ IX: "Go ahead, call the cops. I don't give a fuck..."
TeeKup: ^
TeeKup: when we get in game your going to see a "HEY FREELANCER TURN THE FUCK AROUND"
TeeKup: followed by a loud *BRACK BRACK BRACK*
Καιζερ Ηεινριχ IX: Make sure you do it with flechettes or slugs.
Καιζερ Ηεινριχ IX: So it's doubly insulting.
TeeKup: flechette
TeeKup: :3

Oh yes, there will be blood.

September 2nd, 2011, 07:34 PM
Fluttershy ♥: hey man
Fluttershy ♥: nice dick
ThePlague: :|
Fluttershy ♥: wanna compare?
ThePlague: nope
Fluttershy ♥: mine is kinda chubby and straight
Fluttershy ♥: there isn't really a tip
Fluttershy ♥: so much as a ridge
Fluttershy ♥: and theres not much of an arc
Fluttershy ♥: you were saying?
Fluttershy ♥: hey buddy
Fluttershy ♥: buddy
ThePlague: :|
Fluttershy ♥: hey buddy
Fluttershy ♥: nice vodka
ThePlague: yep
Fluttershy ♥: brb mac n cheese

September 3rd, 2011, 10:10 AM
Was Freelancer high and drunk?

Oh yes, there will be blood.

Yes there will be when I steal your glory with a canister shell.

September 3rd, 2011, 10:23 AM
Fawk u k. >=(

September 3rd, 2011, 10:39 AM
Then ExAm drops a 500 lb. bomb on the lot of us and doesn't give a fuck if it's friend or foe.

September 3rd, 2011, 11:00 AM
It's actually perfectly reasonable to see ExAm doing that. That's the scary thing.

September 9th, 2011, 10:55 PM
[10:52:05 PM] Hefewy: :/
[10:52:12 PM] Hefewy: I'm chaperoning you guys
[10:52:22 PM] Hefewy: You are too rowdy and immature
[10:52:27 PM] Hefewy: >:c
[10:52:35 PM] Dark Halcyon: *sips tea*
[10:52:39 PM] Dark Halcyon: Indeed.
[10:52:44 PM] Hefewy: Quite.
[10:53:00 PM] Dark Halcyon: Hmm.
A bit more random than funny, but who cares. It amused me.

September 10th, 2011, 12:23 AM
wheres the punchline??????

September 10th, 2011, 12:45 AM
[9/9/2011 2:40:04 PM] snooziedoes: What's up?
[9/9/2011 2:40:57 PM] Scootaloo: Getting ready for our school's first Home game of the football season.
[9/9/2011 2:41:18 PM] RodziR: are you a cheerleader?
[9/9/2011 2:41:26 PM] snooziedoes: lol
[9/9/2011 2:41:38 PM] Scootaloo: YES
[9/9/2011 2:41:44 PM] Scootaloo: I AM A CHEERLEADER
[9/9/2011 2:41:50 PM] Scootaloo: OBVIOUSLY

September 15th, 2011, 07:07 PM
You're ten years old. You'll never be in the single digits again. You are going to grow old and die.

September 15th, 2011, 07:22 PM
Man, just stop posting. Your stuff isn't funny. No offense.

September 16th, 2011, 03:50 AM

September 16th, 2011, 07:33 AM
Man, just stop posting. Your stuff isn't funny. No offense.
Implying that humor is a requirement.
Random posts are random. Deal with it.

September 16th, 2011, 11:48 AM
The thread title does say "Quotes Funny Random." That seems to imply there should be some humor in what you're posting. Otherwise, it's just another thing we look at and say: "well, okay..."

September 16th, 2011, 12:07 PM
We've already had this shit with the PFR thread.
Let's not keep kicking a dead horse

"as I was saying, my naughty friend here is going to kill the first three of you to attack plus the guy behind you, maybe you guys should draw lots or do a quiz to decide who goes first."

September 28th, 2011, 09:04 PM
Compilation of people trash talking bots on my server

17:13 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
18:29 Kill: 2 3 27: Galak killed Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L by MOD_FORCE_DARK
18:32 say: Galak: Meet your new Emperor!
19:30 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
19:36 say: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L : easy
20:26 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
20:57 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
21:00 say: Galak: This cannot be!
21:03 say: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L : more easy
22:31 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
23:23 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
23:47 Kill: 2 3 3: Galak killed Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L by MOD_SABER
23:50 say: Galak: Meet your new Emperor!
24:08 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
24:10 say: Galak: This cannot be!
24:37 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
24:40 say: Galak: This cannot be!
24:41 say: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L : noob
25:12 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER
25:43 Kill: 3 2 3: Bear ^1Master |^7P^1L killed Galak by MOD_SABER

11:37 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
11:53 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
12:13 Kill: 3 2 2: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_MELEE
13:42 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
13:46 say: Chiss: It looks as if I have underestimated you.
13:57 say: ^VVip ^RRex: u caracter?
14:03 say: ^VVip ^RRex: carakter
14:08 Kill: 2 3 3: Chiss killed ^VVip ^RRex by MOD_SABER
14:27 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
14:55 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
15:08 Kill: 3 3 35: ^VVip ^RRex killed ^VVip ^RRex by MOD_SUICIDE
16:09 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER
16:12 say: Chiss: It looks as if I have underestimated you.
16:12 say: ^VVip ^RRex: noob
17:02 Kill: 3 2 3: ^VVip ^RRex killed Chiss by MOD_SABER

13702:4Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13703:1Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13704:0Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13704:2Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13704:3say: Reborn: I shall return, more powerful than before.
13704:5Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13705:5Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13705:5say: Reborn: Don't make me destroy you.
13706:0say: koxu: noob
13707:1Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13707:2say: koxu: ahaaha
13708:4Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13708:4say: Reborn: Don't make me destroy you.
13709:1Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13709:2say: Reborn: I shall return, more powerful than before.
13709:5Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13711:2Kill: 4 1 3: Reborn killed koxu by MOD_SABER
13711:5Kill: 1 4 3: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_SABER
13712:1Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13712:5Kill: 4 1 3: Reborn killed koxu by MOD_SABER
13713:0say: Reborn: It was time you faced your destiny.
13713:0Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13713:3Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK
13713:5Kill: 1 4 27: koxu killed Reborn by MOD_FORCE_DARK

14537:0say: johny017: wahahahahahahhaah
14537:1say: johny017: u noob
14537:5Kill: 2 3 3: Beedo killed johny017 by MOD_SABER
14540:1Kill: 3 2 3: johny017 killed Beedo by MOD_SABER
14540:1say: johny017: noob
14554:5say: johny017: are u is player?
14555:1Kill: 3 2 3: johny017 killed Beedo by MOD_SABER
14556:5say: johny017: noob come here
14556:5say: johny017: noob
14556:5say: johny017: fk u this noo
14556:5say: johny017: noob
14557:4Kill: 2 3 3: Beedo killed johny017 by MOD_SABER

Yeah guys, the one with a name like "Reborn" or "Beedo" who walks around in very preset patterns and repeats the same lines over and over again clearly isn't a bot.

September 29th, 2011, 10:33 AM
Man, just stop posting. Your stuff isn't funny. No offense.

He should cut down to monthly visits,
I'm sure you'd have a problem with that too ;)

October 15th, 2011, 02:45 AM
ThePlague: harry potter isnt harry potter
ThePlague: its porn
Fluttershy ♥: owned
Fluttershy ♥: OWNED
Fluttershy ♥: told you
Fluttershy ♥: I TOLD YOU DOG
Fluttershy ♥: I FUCKIN TOLD YOU
ThePlague: not even decent porn
ThePlague: the vagina is bleeped out
Fluttershy ♥: LMAO

October 15th, 2011, 02:46 AM
Still shows boobs though, and she's an asian :|

October 15th, 2011, 03:17 PM

October 16th, 2011, 04:20 AM

October 16th, 2011, 10:21 AM
It's a good deterrent, but Caps Lock brings up the tactical map for commanders and squad leaders in BF, so it's a no-go.

October 16th, 2011, 11:04 PM
A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus.She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat.This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing,she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.
The case came up in court.
The judge asked the man (about 20 years old)what he had to say for himself.The man replied,'Well your Honor, it was like this:when the lady got on the bus,I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat down under a sign that said,'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned. Then she moved and sat under a sign that said,'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile.Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said,'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself. But, Your Honor, when she moved the fourth timeand sat under a sign that said,'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident!'... I just lost it.'

October 17th, 2011, 12:56 AM
-=AWOL=-LEVEL 85 SKATEPRO XTREME: you seen zilla's map?
Phobalic: not yet
Phobalic: heard about it though
Phobalic: any good?
-=AWOL=-LEVEL 85 SKATEPRO XTREME: there's neutral creep blocking the nat to anybody who isn't z
-=AWOL=-LEVEL 85 SKATEPRO XTREME: but it turns out there's a huge bug
-=AWOL=-LEVEL 85 SKATEPRO XTREME: because despite that bullshit
-=AWOL=-LEVEL 85 SKATEPRO XTREME: z can still lose
Phobalic: lmao

October 27th, 2011, 06:12 AM
-=AWOL=- ANGRY SCV: curious as to how often the average black guy gets called "nigger" and gay guy "faggot" compared to me being called "fucking ranga"
Phobalic: theres a difference
Phobalic: they have a soul
Phobalic: dirty rangas.

October 29th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Digby: this is actually demuslim on a SEA smurf
You: and i'm incontrol
you can tell because i'm in plat
mOOnGLaDe: pretty sure incontrol is plat

October 29th, 2011, 12:47 PM
Playing JK2 with Pooky in a server full of FFAing randoms, and Pooky goes on a high-speed (literally, Rage + Force Speed) killing spree:

p0lar_bear: ffffff SLOW DOWN

October 29th, 2011, 01:43 PM
jetty lite stick.

October 30th, 2011, 03:45 PM
Weirdest computer help thread ever.


October 30th, 2011, 04:13 PM
I can't tell what's worse. Them threatening each other over the internet because of some JK2 scripts in a computer help thread, or us bickering over Johnson's moustache?

October 30th, 2011, 04:15 PM
Well, pretty much the entire JK2 community is constantly trolling, so I wouldn't take anything said there seriously.


November 14th, 2011, 07:04 PM
Zizenstein: just mowed the jungle
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: i don't want to know about your pubes wtf
Zizenstein: no the back lawn
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: dude asshair isn't any cooler

November 14th, 2011, 08:34 PM

November 15th, 2011, 05:48 PM
Goddamit lol. Now the guy next to me at the library is eyeing me funny for laughing.

November 16th, 2011, 08:44 AM
har har

but ass hair is essential, i'd never mow that shit

November 16th, 2011, 03:50 PM
but ass hair is essential, i'd never mow that shit

Proof: *points to Anal Cleanliness thread*

November 25th, 2011, 06:09 AM
This was painful

Zizenstein: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?13689-Building-a-computer-Need-advice-suggestions-Come-here!&p=602934#post602934
Zizenstein: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?13689-Building-a-computer-Need-advice-suggestions-Come-here!&p=602934#post602934
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: buy what phobo baught tbh
Zizenstein: ¿
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: ask phobo
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: cheapest quality mech keyboard on the market afaik
Zizenstein: ¿caTTT
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: asdfasdf
Zizenstein: ffffff
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: vent phobo talk
Zizenstein: NOsouod
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: it's some steelseries mech keyboard that's $95 and apparently really good
Zizenstein: Zizenstein: http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?13689-Building-a-computer-Need-advice-suggestions-Come-here!&p=602934#post602934
Neurol0gical: uh
Neurol0gical: idgi
Zizenstein: ffffffff
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: idgireallytbh
Zizenstein: ὊὯᾲﻓ ﺺﺅ︣ﺬ ﯝ
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: lol
Zizenstein: tart
Zizenstein: progrbm
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: steal your gf's keyboard
Zizenstein: AcccEssorIEs
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: you don't need accessories or shit unless ur bad
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: except maybe sound control
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: but tbh that should be in yoru headphone/speaker
Zizenstein: system TOOLs
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: ???
Zizenstein: stART
Zizenstein: Zizenstein: progrbm
Zizenstein: Zizenstein: AcccEssorIEs
Zizenstein: Zizenstein: system TOOLs
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: what about it
Zizenstein: CHARACTER mAp
Zizenstein: follow
Zizenstein: it how i tYpe
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: lmao ouch
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: i iddnh't even know you could do that
Zizenstein: hELp mE
Zizenstein: ¿ÛÛþﺁﺆﯖﯣ
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: what do you want me to do to help
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: google the keyboard?
Zizenstein: ffffffffff
Zizenstein: YES
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: http://steelseries.com/products/keyboards/steelseries-6gv2
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: p sure this is it
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: yeah this is it
Zizenstein: explain to mod
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: he told me it was $95
Zizenstein: Ã*(
Zizenstein: :(
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: donezors
Zizenstein: FML
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: ?
Zizenstein: slEEP Time LUB U
Zizenstein: BII
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: <33
Zizenstein: 8R:
Zizenstein: R: <33
R: <33
R: <33
R: <33
-=AWOL=- n00b1n8R: lol

December 1st, 2011, 09:44 PM
From Arkham City lol:

Thug 1: "Batman ain't gettin in there. That place is locked down tighter than my mother on prom night"
Thug 2: "What the hell does that mean"
Thug 1: "You don't want to know"
Thug 3: OH NO NO NO I think we all want to hear this"
Thug 1: "No you don't, forget it. We got more important things to do"
< 10 Seconds later
Thug 3: "I think we should pay your mom a visit"
Thug 1: "NO SHUT UP"
Thug 2: "Awww did we hit a raw nerve? Is your mom the neighborhood bike?"
Thug 1: "No, nothing like that. If you must know, she got drunk on prom night and killed her classmates. Butchered them with a potato peeler"
Thug 2 & 3: "WHAT!?!"
Thug 1: "So now we tie her down on prom night just to be sure. You happy?"
Thug 3: "I guess."

December 1st, 2011, 11:57 PM
^ I lol'd, quite a bit.

December 7th, 2011, 03:47 AM
I logged in just in time to catch this gem today

[22:56] <AA@lisianthus> Search Spy is... amazingly entertaining. "Porn". With a capital P. It's not just porn, it's Porn.
[22:58] <AA@lisianthus> Also, it has the highest search count of all the searched terms
[22:58] <AA@lisianthus> "how i met your mother" is a distant second.
[23:00] <Master> yes... porn and skyrim
[23:02] <AA@lisianthus> I actually.... don't... see skyrim O_______________________O
[23:02] <AA@lisianthus> probably because everyone already has it
[23:02] <8Xcpu_gtp> what is search spy?
[23:03] <AA@lisianthus> Interestingly, there are 7 requests for "creampie", but only 2 requests for the much more satisfying "boobs", and a pathetic SINGLE REQUEST for "student sex parties"
[23:04] <AA@lisianthus> Some clients keep track of what the hub is searching for
[23:04] <AA@lisianthus> most notably DC++
[23:04] <8Xcpu_gtp> o ok
[23:05] <8Xcpu_gtp> shakespeer doesnt as far as i know
[23:05] <8Xcpu_gtp> :/
[23:05] <AA@lisianthus> Apparently, kids at RIT like jizz more than titties
[23:05] <AA@lisianthus> *shrug*
E: oh my fucking god the response i got from my friend when i sent this to her

Mariel: *just realized what creampie meant and took it literally*
Donut: ROFL
Donut: omfg
Mariel: "OH my god, I love creampies! <3"
Donut: holy shit
Donut: tears
Donut: they are coming
Mariel: D:
Donut: oh my god
Donut: stop
Donut: stop
Donut: holy fuck
Donut: i am going to collapse a lung
Mariel: I was expecting like, Little Debbie creampies
Mariel: BUT NO

December 7th, 2011, 04:40 AM

December 8th, 2011, 03:33 AM

December 8th, 2011, 04:59 AM
I logged in just in time to catch this gem today

E: oh my fucking god the response i got from my friend when i sent this to her

Running DC++ or something? It was pretty interesting to see the things people used to search at the halls. The word porn alone was generally at least 5 or so times more searched than the second most.

edit:iirc the second most was generally lesbian.

December 8th, 2011, 02:46 PM

December 8th, 2011, 06:26 PM
Running DC++ or something? It was pretty interesting to see the things people used to search at the halls. The word porn alone was generally at least 5 or so times more searched than the second most.

edit:iirc the second most was generally lesbian.
vouching for this~

December 30th, 2011, 04:24 AM
Some amusing ones from the server logs

200:35 Kill: 3 1 34: Judas killed jesus by MOD_FALLING
200:44 say: Judas: gf
200:46 say: Judas: crucified

101:45 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
101:48 say: TheAlkal: cheater
101:52 say: =): no you
102:05 Item: 1 item_shield_lrg_instant
102:08 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
102:11 say: TheAlkal: cheater
102:13 say: =): cheater
102:13 say: TheAlkal: lama
102:15 say: TheAlkal: cheater
102:15 say: =): lama
102:16 say: =): cheater
102:28 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
102:46 say: TheAlkal: CHEAter dont shot and kill hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!
102:50 Item: 1 item_medpac
102:51 say: =): YOU CHEATER
102:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
102:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
103:08 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
103:09 say: =): CHEATER
103:10 say: TheAlkal: lama
103:12 say: TheAlkal: lama
103:17 say: TheAlkal: lamaa
103:20 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
103:21 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
103:39 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
103:44 say: TheAlkal: HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
103:44 say: =): CHEATER
103:45 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
103:46 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
103:46 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
103:47 say: TheAlkal: cheater you are
103:49 say: =): NO YOU ARE
104:06 Kill: 3 2 34: =) killed ^1^!^7G3nix by MOD_FALLING
104:08 say: TheAlkal: I DONT KILL YOu idiot duck cheat lam
104:16 say: =): YES YOU DO
104:19 say: =): HACKER CHEATER
104:23 say: TheAlkal: you are
104:24 Item: 1 item_shield_lrg_instant
104:25 say: =): YOU ARE
104:27 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
104:27 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
104:30 say: TheAlkal: yes you are
104:32 say: =): NO YOU ARE
104:36 say: TheAlkal: yes you are
104:41 Kill: 3 1 3: =) killed TheAlkal by MOD_SABER
104:43 say: =): CHEATER
104:44 say: TheAlkal: Cheater
104:45 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
104:47 say: TheAlkal: lama
104:47 say: =): CHEATER
104:48 say: =): LAMA
104:50 say: TheAlkal: lamaaaaa
104:53 say: TheAlkal: lamaaaaaa
104:57 say: TheAlkal: lamaaaaaaaa
104:58 say: =): NO ENGRISH
104:59 say: =): SORRY
105:00 say: TheAlkal: lamaaaaa
105:01 say: =): CHINESE ONLY
105:23 say: TheAlkal: di to delas s tvou mamou hahah :D
105:28 say: =): NO ENGRISH
105:38 say: TheAlkal: no ses no debil :D
105:44 say: =): CHING TONG
105:46 say: =): TAI LEI
105:46 Item: 1 item_medpac
105:51 say: TheAlkal: en no :D
106:03 say: TheAlkal: debil proste ?D
106:06 say: =): puta
106:09 say: =): ching hong

I DONT KILL YOu idiot duck cheat lam

7532:31say: Umadbro?: rofl easy
7532:56Kill: 2 1 3: Umadbro? killed ^3^6^3Fluttershy by MOD_SABER
7532:59say: Umadbro?: rofl easy
7533:06say: ^3^6^3Fluttershy: roflroflrofl
7533:09say: ^3^6^3Fluttershy: woohoo
7533:15Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
7533:15Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
7533:21Item: 1 item_medpac
7533:24Kill: 1 2 27: ^3^6^3Fluttershy killed Umadbro? by MOD_FORCE_DARK
7533:28say: ^3^6^3Fluttershy: easy
7534:32Kill: 1 2 3: ^3^6^3Fluttershy killed Umadbro? by MOD_SABER
7534:40say: ^3^6^3Fluttershy: easy

Protip: Umadbro? is a bot.

December 30th, 2011, 04:45 AM
105:23 say: TheAlkal: di to delas s tvou mamou hahah :DSounds like some village idiot from the Balkan Peninsula.
Rough translation of that phrase should be (with spelling corrections): you do that with your mom hahah :D

December 30th, 2011, 07:23 AM
You have no idea how hard I lol'd at those pooky.

December 30th, 2011, 09:54 PM
Anyone from Gearbox remember Beavis?

Yeah well earlier I got a message from him over MSN while I was AFK. When I got back I was like "holy crap, it's Beavis!"

...except it wasn't. I picked up quick on it and decided to have a little fun. Normally I block sex bots without a second thought, so I find the hardcoded responses after a certain time to be hilarious.

beavis3@gmail.com: hi wanna see something??;-)
p0lar_bear: uh huh huh huh huh. uhhh... Beavis? Uhh huh huh.
p0lar_bear: Settle down, Beavis. Huh huh huh.
Beavis (MSN): don't take this the wrong way but can i tell you a secret, it has to do with you...
Beavis (MSN): are you sure?
p0lar_bear: uhhhhhhh huh huh huh. Are you like, uhhhh, hitting on me?
p0lar_bear: 'Cause, like, y'know, I'm gonna hafta smack you if you are.
p0lar_bear: Huh huh huh. Dumbass. Huh huh.
Beavis (MSN): okay.. i love u, well not really, its more like a crush and ive never even met you, ive never felt this way about anyone before its embarrassing
Beavis (MSN): thats me in the picture.. i wanna give u a present on webcam im really wet right now and want to do this quick with u
Beavis (MSN): k go to http://bit.ly/usECJJ?c1=mm&c2=2&c3=nc and youll see me warming up for u.... click "accept invite" on the left and once u join & see me we can start to play
p0lar_bear: Dammit, Beavis. That's it, I'm gonna kick your ass!
Beavis (MSN): this is how i pay my bills and i don't fuck my customers but you are making me change my mind

January 1st, 2012, 02:37 AM
I mirror your avatar right now.

January 1st, 2012, 04:15 AM
funniest post all year.

January 6th, 2012, 06:26 PM
[5:50:31 PM] Shigan: Alright assholes and ponies
[5:50:36 PM] Shigan: I'm going have a social life
[5:50:39 PM] Shigan: See yall laters
[5:52:04 PM] Codeman: What a loser
[6:27:48 PM] miami.monster: Masturbating doesn't count as a social life shigan
It really doesn't. I should know.

January 12th, 2012, 07:55 PM
If you take an Oriental person and spin him around several times, does he become disoriented?

January 13th, 2012, 08:30 PM
[21:41:24] <DEElekgolo> http://i.imgur.com/iw6Na.jpg
[21:41:25] <DEElekgolo> mac user
[21:41:45] <Rentafence> i dont think thats actually his dick
[21:41:47] <Rentafence> it looks weird lol
[21:42:00] <DEElekgolo> yea
[21:42:05] <DEElekgolo> dont forget he is covered in shit
[21:42:06] <DEElekgolo> in case you forgot
[21:42:11] <Rentafence> oh
[21:42:11] <Rentafence> lol
[21:44:11] <Futzy> hes wearing a covering on his skin
[21:44:15] <Futzy> so hes not naked
[21:44:18] <Futzy> whats the problem
[21:44:36] <DEElekgolo> fuck
[21:44:38] <DEElekgolo> Futzy, shut up no he isnt
[21:44:42] <DEElekgolo> you guys
[21:44:44] <DEElekgolo> keep making me
[21:44:46] <DEElekgolo> reopen the picture
[21:44:48] <DEElekgolo> shut up


January 20th, 2012, 05:46 PM
buttes: it used to be annoying trying to get them to follow you around, opening up doors for them, and having to deal with them getting constantly killed

now players are the shitty ai teammate who has to follow the real protagonists around, wait for them to open up doors for you, and you can get killed all the time but they never do
buttes: deep post from badgame

Cortexian: I think I found one of the best 4 wheel mechanics in canada
aquila chrysaetos: can he fix your bad driving


January 26th, 2012, 08:24 AM
Generation Y and the Rearing of Children

Denominator Says:
I hope your baby cries the entire time I'm at the zoo.

Null says:

Null says:
She's sleeping right now.

Denominator Says:
Well wake her up.

Null says:
Just a second, I'll shake her vigorously.

Denominator Says:
You might want to drop her too.

Denominator Says:
Got any concrete floors nearby?

Null says:
Yeah, actually.

Null says:
Is it bad if her eyes are now rolled back into her head?

Denominator Says:
No, that just means she's sleeping hard.

Null says:
I hear that babies really like snow as well. It's like being in the womb all over again.

Denominator Says:
No, that's deep water.

Null says:
Snow is just frozen water, same thing.

Null says:
I'll just bury her deeper.

Denominator Says:
And they really really like being wrapped up in tons of blankets.

Denominator Says:
Or cellophane.

Denominator Says:
Whichever's more convenient.

Null says:
Garbage bags are a good substitute as well.

Denominator Says:
And don't forget to leave them near an open fire. They get cold really easily.

Null says:
I hear there's some really good insulation properties in gasoline or something like that. Should I cover her in that as well?

Denominator Says:
Then put her near the fire. She can discover her Jewish ancestry.

Null says:
Good, that will match the numbered tattoo that I gave her.

Null says:
(With a dirty needle, of course)

Null says:
It raises their immune system.

Denominator Says:
I hope you remembered to pierce her nipples with kitchen knives.

Null says:
Haven't heard of that one, I'll have to give it a shot.

Denominator Says:
Use the oldest and dullest knife you own. Sharp things are too dangerous.

Null says:
Yeah, I was going to give her a bottle of tylenol to shake as a rattle, but it said I had to keep the bottle away from children for some reason, so I just dumped the pills out on the floor.

Denominator Says:
You should have just taken a glass bottle and filled it with marbles.

Null says:
Yeah, I hear kids really like marbles.

Null says:
And glass.

Denominator Says:
I trust you've taught her to drive already?

Null says:
I'm going to have to use my wife's car, I tried in my Manual and she couldn't get it in gear. Just putting it into Drive is so much easier.

Denominator Says:
And make sure you leave a brick on the accelerator. She should only need to worry about one pedal at this point.

Null says:

Denominator Says:
And if you ever need to block a trailer in place and don't have blocks, I hear babies make an excellent subsitution.

Null says:
Yeah, I heard that their head is a lot harder for the first few years.

Denominator Says:
You might as well use it for a hammer when you're renovating you basement.

Null says:
When I have another kid, I'll use the new one to beat the older one.

Denominator Says:
Exactly. Who needs a belt when you've got siblings?

Null says:
Because it is a two fold punishment. Physical and Mental. Physical is obivious, but the Mental part, who wants to be over-powered by their younger sibling, its just demoralizing.

Denominator Says:
It can be double fold too. You could spank the older kid with the younger kid, so he has to keep putting his face in her ass.

Null says:
Brings new meaning to the insult "butthead".

Denominator Says:
Then, when you have a third child, you could dual weild them.

Null says:
Like Needlers in Halo 2.

Denominator Says:
I'm not sure your children would be that overpowering though.

Null says:
Depending upon who wields them.

Denominator Says:
Or, with 3 children, you could light them on fire and juggle them. Be the hit of the neighbourhood.

Null says:
I am a pretty good juggler. But after a while my arms get tired and I tend to drop them. It's always disappointing.

Null says:
When I have 4 kids, I can use 3 of them as a barrier for the 4th, to keep him in timeout or something. The hardest thing is getting the first 3 to stay still, but I've found a secret to that. If you hold a pillow over their face for a while, they get so concentrated from the lack of stimulus that they lie completely still.

Denominator Says:
Or you can overstimulate their face and it has the same effect. A baseball bat is usually most effective for this.

Null says:
I was unaware of that trick.

Denominator Says:
I also hear that it is neccessary to "break in" babies, like a baseball glove.

Denominator Says:
You need to kick them around a bit, throw balls at them, and play catch with them before they're useable.

Denominator Says:
It is also recommended to take them out into the wilderness and leave them be for a couple of days to harden them up.

Null says:
And then they learn their survival skills as well. Like what dirt tastes like and how to fend off wolves.

Denominator Says:
And how to hunt. I mean, seriously, who wants a child that can't kill a bear with it's bare hands?

Null says:
Psssh, one bare hand.

Null says:
Or, even just a cold stare.

Denominator Says:
Yeah. The child must be ambidextrous. How else will it survive after you use it to push wood through your table saw?

Null says:
Wait........ babies don't have super regenerative powers to grow back limbs?

Denominator Says:
No, Null. That's why you have multiple babies.

Denominator Says:
I've gotta go now. I'll see you in hell.

January 26th, 2012, 05:40 PM
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: jka is full of fags
Eden . killed Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY by MOD_SABER
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: i tried playing there a few times with icka
Herpaderp : everyone named 420 ORANGE KUSH etc
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: and couldnt get past
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: the unbelivable nerdity
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: i thought this community was bad
FoU # Recon o.O!?: it's something
Herpaderp : well
FoU # Recon o.O!?: I played jka in it's beginnings
FoU # Recon o.O!?: was ok
FoU # Recon o.O!?: but 3 years after
FoU # Recon o.O!?: when I tried again
FoU # Recon o.O!?: I was like wtf
Herpaderp : this community kind of is
Herpaderp : really bad
Herpaderp : lmfao
illusion ~ Faden: lol
illusion ~ Faden: what
Herpaderp : I mean
Herpaderp : I love you guys
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY killed illusion ~ Faden by MOD_FALLING
Herpaderp : but I've seen prison showers
Herpaderp : more welcoming to new people
FoU # Recon o.O!?: hahahahaha
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: yeah well
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: its for their own good
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: the games dead
Kano Wins!...BRUTALITY: and the learning curb is too high


January 26th, 2012, 06:19 PM
That wasn't a very endearing conversation at all for JK2.

January 26th, 2012, 11:22 PM
Are you kidding me? That's as civil as it ever gets on that game o.O

January 26th, 2012, 11:37 PM
⁞⁞iᴣᶳᵏ⁞⁞: piracy is like masturbation: everyone does it, but nobody will admit it

February 12th, 2012, 05:35 PM
TeeKup: hmm
TeeKup: aparently if I manually update the game I wont need the CD
TeeKup: lets try that
Cobby: this a securom issue?
TeeKup: its asking for the disk
TeeKup: and the image the torrent came with
TeeKup: is unrecognized by daemon tools
TeeKup: so im at a dead end
Cobby: tried magic disk?
TeeKup: but apparently a commentor on the bay said if I just update the game i wont need the CD
Cobby: ah
Cobby: OH WOW
Cobby: and the 2012 darwin lemming award goes to:
TeeKup: yeah feel free to post that
Cobby: tee Joshua Kup
Cobby: OH WOW
Cobby: Even the indian gods don't have enough arms to face palm enough
Cobby: ahahaha
TeeKup: LOL

20 seconds in.

February 14th, 2012, 12:22 AM
[1:11:24 AM] ICEE: There has definitely been an increase of
[1:11:32 AM] ICEE: whats the word im looking for here
[1:11:35 AM] ICEE: theatrics
[1:11:40 AM] ICEE: in videogames
[1:12:06 AM] ICEE: producers get their hands on a project and pump it into something so inflated it cant possibly be full of substance
[1:12:11 AM] ICEE: like call of duty
[1:12:15 AM] ICEE: the graphics are decent
[1:12:21 AM] ICEE: the gameplay is terrible
[1:12:26 AM] ICEE: the actual value of the game is nill
[1:12:32 AM] ICEE: because it is the same product repackaged
[1:12:37 AM] ICEE: its like someone sold you a chair
[1:12:44 AM] ICEE: and you sat on that chair for six months
[1:12:52 AM] ICEE: then they sold you that exact same chair again
[1:13:05 AM] ICEE: only this time its painted black and comes in a fucking collectors box
[1:13:27 AM] ICEE: its just as squeaky as it was before
[1:13:34 AM] ICEE: still is not comfortable
[1:13:36 AM] ICEE: and yet
[1:13:38 AM] ICEE: you paid for it
[1:14:08 AM] ICEE: At some point videogames stopped being something that developers sat down and put some actual mental elbow grease into
[1:14:21 AM] ICEE: because they didnt have to to make money
[1:14:40 AM] ICEE: because niggers will buy any game that has guns and knives
[1:14:47 AM] ICEE: its all the niggers fault really
[1:15:07 AM] ICEE: Obviously dont say that in your essay
[1:15:13 AM] ICEE: say "African Americans"

February 14th, 2012, 08:54 AM
I went from :golfclap:

to :lmao:

Reading down the page.

February 25th, 2012, 05:56 PM
BrotherWitch: Can't overclock a sound card, can you?
Made me chuckle.

February 26th, 2012, 06:36 PM
I got 99 problems but a fish 'aint 1.

While having fish for diner.

February 26th, 2012, 06:53 PM
While having fish for dinner.
Fish rocks.

March 1st, 2012, 09:35 PM
What is 14 inches long and makes a women moan all night?

Sudden infant death syndrome.
I'm so ashamed that I laughed at that.

March 6th, 2012, 12:16 AM
friend sent me this

12:31 AM - Loen: i get the feeling cyberpunk is gonna be the next big thing
12:31 AM - Loen: iuno maybe not
12:31 AM - cire992: I could see that
12:32 AM - cire992: or steampunk, the hipsters seem to be into that stuff
12:32 AM - Loen: nah it isn't general enough
12:32 AM - cire992: well, put yourself in the board meeting at activision, Bobby Kotick just asked YOU for the next big push
12:33 AM - Loen: actually
12:33 AM - Loen: it's probably gonna be vietnam lmao
12:33 AM - cire992: you put your chips on cyberpunk?
12:33 AM - cire992: nam?
12:33 AM - Loen: vietnam and cyberpunk
12:33 AM - cire992: hell man, I remember nam. Never left, man
12:33 AM - cire992: Cybernam
12:33 AM - Loen: cybernam lol
12:33 AM - cire992: Bobby Kotick gives you a raise
12:34 AM - cire992: you even came up with a clever buzzword for the presentation to the shareholders, extra credit for you
12:34 AM - cire992: Call of Duty: Almost Post-Modern Warfare X: Cybernam

March 9th, 2012, 03:39 AM
Talking to n00bs GF

BawdZirra: but seriously
BawdZirra: ANY song that you love at absolute maximum volume
BawdZirra: a song that touched your heart at a difficult time
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: >:U
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: they're all girly\taylor swift songs but hahaha
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: i'll do it at maximum volume
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: WHY
BawdZirra: >:U
BawdZirra: because i'm THE EMBODIMENT OF PASSION
BawdZirra: i thought you knew this shit stacey
BawdZirra: god
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: should probably ask terrence lol
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: terrance is the antithesis of passion
BawdZirra: (means he's worse then no passion he's about anti passion)
BawdZirra: maybe some linkin park :S
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: i'm gonna close steam now and play the sims, like a girl. also terrence says he eats other peoples passion to fuel his own.
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R is now Offline.

March 9th, 2012, 03:40 AM
never met a girl so full of such terrible terrible lies

March 9th, 2012, 04:11 AM
never met a girl so full of such terrible terrible lies
Because it was actually Terrence :S

March 9th, 2012, 05:22 AM
Talking to n00bs GF

BawdZirra: but seriously
BawdZirra: ANY song that you love at absolute maximum volume
BawdZirra: a song that touched your heart at a difficult time
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: >:U
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: they're all girly\taylor swift songs but hahaha
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: i'll do it at maximum volume
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: WHY
BawdZirra: >:U
BawdZirra: because i'm THE EMBODIMENT OF PASSION
BawdZirra: i thought you knew this shit stacey
BawdZirra: god
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: should probably ask terrence lol
BawdZirra: TELL ME
BawdZirra: terrance is the antithesis of passion
BawdZirra: (means he's worse then no passion he's about anti passion)
BawdZirra: maybe some linkin park :S
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: i'm gonna close steam now and play the sims, like a girl. also terrence says he eats other peoples passion to fuel his own.
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R is now Offline.I ALMOST forgot that noob's name is Terrence. Thank you for reminding me.

March 9th, 2012, 05:31 AM
BawdZirra: terrance is the antithesis of passion


March 9th, 2012, 03:18 PM
It's times like these I like this community.

March 9th, 2012, 09:13 PM
It's times like these I like this community.

You hate us, otherwise? >:U

March 9th, 2012, 09:19 PM
Callin' YOU OUT n00b!

March 9th, 2012, 09:29 PM

March 9th, 2012, 10:04 PM
you call that passion?


March 9th, 2012, 10:32 PM
You hate us, otherwise? >:U
I come here for the lolz.

March 10th, 2012, 08:53 PM

March 10th, 2012, 08:59 PM
Fucking Aussies

March 10th, 2012, 10:00 PM


March 11th, 2012, 06:20 PM

March 14th, 2012, 06:34 AM
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: omgggg. kill you. it's stacey, shh!
BawdZirra: FFF
BawdZirra: my Crimson chin
BawdZirra: my princess
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: nope, he's beside me actually
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: being whipped, obviously
BawdZirra: next question
BawdZirra: why isnt he doign hte dishes?
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: coz the ecuadorian room-mate already did them (:
BawdZirra: what is this madness
BawdZirra: so what outfit have you dressed terrence in today
BawdZirra: little black number?
BawdZirra: stilletto's
BawdZirra: the usual?
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: fishnets, the works
BawdZirra: what about hair bands?
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: just some sparkly hair clips, nothing over the top (;
-=AWOL=- n ò_ó b1n8R: ur a maget
BawdZirra: thanks babe

March 14th, 2012, 12:33 PM
What the fuck did I just read? :S

March 14th, 2012, 02:01 PM
Australians. :v:

March 14th, 2012, 02:31 PM
Australians. :v:

March 19th, 2012, 05:30 AM
BawdZirra: i figured out hte reason
BawdZirra: for n00bs
BawdZirra: enourmous chin
BawdZirra: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Habsburg_lip#Mandibular_prognathism_.28progenism.2 9
aquila chrysaetos: heh
BawdZirra: turns out
BawdZirra: vlad the impaler had it
BawdZirra: YOU DECIDE.
aquila chrysaetos: hahaha

March 19th, 2012, 08:35 AM
what is the opposites of the following sentence: Always Coming From Take Me Down

March 19th, 2012, 08:44 AM
never going here give you up
close but no cigar mister rick

March 19th, 2012, 08:59 AM
never going here give you up
close but no cigar mister rick
How is here the opposite of from?

March 19th, 2012, 02:18 PM

March 28th, 2012, 09:34 AM


April 8th, 2012, 03:01 PM
Write a resume....get a job.
Make money....Get a woman
Have sex....get a kid
write another resume for a better job so you can pay for all of that....get the job
make more money....have more kids
Wife and kids have all your money...They go on a cruise
get captured by pirates...tortured
released....mental hospital to deal with ordeal
life is never the same...silence

April 15th, 2012, 08:33 PM
Preface: Now see I know that a lot of people here dislike TF2 for various reasons. I however love it and play it most days. One fateful night I got drunk and spent a couple bucks to open one of my crates (Gives you a random item). I just happened to get one of the rarest items in the game, an "unusual hat", which is just a normal hat with particle effects around it. Some people spend like 80 bucks trying to get these things because they're stone cold retarded.

Further preface:My cousin is getting good at the game, and he wanted to get a new shotgun for scout called the soda popper. I decided to surprise him with one, and found a weapon trader on the forums to buy it from. This is how that train derailed

RuneClown2015: Hey, you add me. How may I help you?
Mr. ICEE: Hey there. Do you have a strange soda popper in stock
RuneClown2015: yes
RuneClown2015: offer
Mr. ICEE: umm Im not really sure, strange weapons have such varied prices
Mr. ICEE: what would you expect for it
Mr. ICEE: like 2 rec or something
RuneClown2015: Ehh idk
RuneClown2015: But
RuneClown2015: is your unusual for sale?

--He must have checked my inventory via steam--

Mr. ICEE: No
RuneClown2015: I have 2 unusuals
RuneClown2015: with the same effect
RuneClown2015: I may give it for that
Mr. ICEE: uh
Mr. ICEE: no
RuneClown2015: how much is yours
Mr. ICEE: Not for sale
RuneClown2015: alright
RuneClown2015: how much is it though
RuneClown2015: just wonderin
Mr. ICEE: Christ it is not for sale. I got it from a random crate. I dont even know what it is worth
RuneClown2015: Alright
RuneClown2015: I know it's not for sale lol
RuneClown2015: I was just wondering the price
RuneClown2015: lol
RuneClown2015: nvm
RuneClown2015: anyway
RuneClown2015: let me think
Mr. ICEE: ...
RuneClown2015: on the soda
RuneClown2015: lol
RuneClown2015: Sorry
RuneClown2015: If I'm annoying
RuneClown2015: I'm jsut curious
Mr. ICEE: I do not intend to ever sell it
RuneClown2015: How come
Mr. ICEE: Because I like it
RuneClown2015: Ah
RuneClown2015: Alright
RuneClown2015: Well look at these
Mr. ICEE: anyways the guy who I was buying the popper for just went offline so I dont know if he even wants it
RuneClown2015: please
RuneClown2015: Any of these interest you

--He sends me a trade invite, loaded with unusuals trying to get mine--

Mr. ICEE: Ok I dont want any of them
RuneClown2015: Alright
RuneClown2015: Also
Mr. ICEE: I dont really like unusuals
RuneClown2015: I can give some stranges
RuneClown2015: For yours
RuneClown2015: a lot of em
RuneClown2015: Including soda popper
Mr. ICEE: why does it say you're on "trade probation"
RuneClown2015: I bought a hat
RuneClown2015: by paypal
Mr. ICEE: and im not giving my hat for anything, stranges or otherwise
RuneClown2015: and the guy reported me for no reason
RuneClown2015: and 3 days later
RuneClown2015: i was trade banned
RuneClown2015: but it's okay now
RuneClown2015: I have other hats
RuneClown2015: come on :(
RuneClown2015: Is there anything I can pursuade you with
Mr. ICEE: I think we are definitely done discussing the matter
Mr. ICEE: ill buy a popper from someone else
RuneClown2015: Well
RuneClown2015: sorry
RuneClown2015: :L
RuneClown2015: what was your offer
RuneClown2015: on the popper
RuneClown2015: offer on the popper?

-- I removed him here--

--he re-adds me, I accept--

RuneClown2015: I asked a question :O
Mr. ICEE: No
RuneClown2015: what was your offer
RuneClown2015: on the popper
RuneClown2015: the soda popper
Mr. ICEE: No
RuneClown2015: That's what you're buying right?
RuneClown2015: What are you paying for it
RuneClown2015: lol
RuneClown2015 is now Offline.
--I removed him here--

He tried to add me again too. the hat is a curse.

April 15th, 2012, 09:47 PM
I thought this was pretty clever. Pretty old though.

Professor : You are a Christian, aren’t you, son ?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, you believe in GOD ?

Student : Absolutely, sir.

Professor : Is GOD good ?

Student : Sure.

Professor: Is GOD all powerful ?

Student : Yes.

Professor: My brother died of cancer even though he prayed to GOD to heal him. Most of us would attempt to help others who are ill. But GOD didn’t. How is this GOD good then? Hmm?

(Student was silent.)

Professor: You can’t answer, can you ? Let’s start again, young fella. Is GOD good?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Is satan good ?

Student : No.

Professor: Where does satan come from ?

Student : From … GOD …

Professor: That’s right. Tell me son, is there evil in this world?

Student : Yes.

Professor: Evil is everywhere, isn’t it ? And GOD did make everything. Correct?

Student : Yes.

Professor: So who created evil ?

(Student did not answer.)

Professor: Is there sickness? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All these terrible things exist in the world, don’t they?

Student : Yes, sir.

Professor: So, who created them ?

(Student had no answer.)

Professor: Science says you have 5 Senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. Tell me, son, have you ever seen GOD?

Student : No, sir.

Professor: Tell us if you have ever heard your GOD?

Student : No , sir.

Professor: Have you ever felt your GOD, tasted your GOD, smelt your GOD? Have you ever had any sensory perception of GOD for that matter?

Student : No, sir. I’m afraid I haven’t.

Professor: Yet you still believe in Him?

Student : Yes.

Professor : According to Empirical, Testable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says your GOD doesn’t exist. What do you say to that, son?

Student : Nothing. I only have my faith.

Professor: Yes, faith. And that is the problem Science has.

Student : Professor, is there such a thing as heat?

Professor: Yes.

Student : And is there such a thing as cold?

Professor: Yes.

Student : No, sir. There isn’t.

(The lecture theater became very quiet with this turn of events.)

Student : Sir, you can have lots of heat, even more heat, superheat, mega heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat. But we don’t have anything called cold. We can hit 458 degrees below zero which is no heat, but we can’t go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold. Cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold. Heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it.

(There was pin-drop silence in the lecture theater.)

Student : What about darkness, Professor? Is there such a thing as darkness?

Professor: Yes. What is night if there isn’t darkness?

Student : You’re wrong again, sir. Darkness is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light, flashing light. But if you have no light constantly, you have nothing and its called darkness, isn’t it? In reality, darkness isn’t. If it is, well you would be able to make darkness darker, wouldn’t you?

Professor: So what is the point you are making, young man ?

Student : Sir, my point is your philosophical premise is flawed.

Professor: Flawed ? Can you explain how?

Student : Sir, you are working on the premise of duality. You argue there is life and then there is death, a good GOD and a bad GOD. You are viewing the concept of GOD as something finite, something we can measure. Sir, Science can’t even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism, but has never seen, much less fully understood either one. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.

Death is not the opposite of life: just the absence of it. Now tell me, Professor, do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?

Professor: If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, yes, of course, I do.

Student : Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?

(The Professor shook his head with a smile, beginning to realize where the argument was going.)

Student : Since no one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavor. Are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you not a scientist but a preacher?

(The class was in uproar.)

Student : Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen the Professor’s brain?

(The class broke out into laughter. )

Student : Is there anyone here who has ever heard the Professor’s brain, felt it, touched or smelt it? No one appears to have done so. So, according to the established Rules of Empirical, Stable, Demonstrable Protocol, Science says that you have no brain, sir. With all due respect, sir, how do we then trust your lectures, sir?

(The room was silent. The Professor stared at the student, his face unfathomable.)

Professor: I guess you’ll have to take them on faith, son.

Student : That is it sir … Exactly ! The link between man & GOD is FAITH. That is all that keeps things alive and moving.


By the way, that student was EINSTEIN.

By the way, the professor was wrong about the senses: the 5 senses are simply textbook bullshit, your body actually has hundreds (if not more) senses (though they are debated often). This isn't meant to cause anyone any discomfort by the way, I just thought it was neat.

April 15th, 2012, 09:58 PM
Preface: Now see I know that a lot of people here dislike TF2 for various reasons. I however love it and play it most days. One fateful night I got drunk and spent a couple bucks to open one of my crates (Gives you a random item). I just happened to get one of the rarest items in the game, an "unusual hat", which is just a normal hat with particle effects around it. Some people spend like 80 bucks trying to get these things because they're stone cold retarded.

Further preface:My cousin is getting good at the game, and he wanted to get a new shotgun for scout called the soda popper. I decided to surprise him with one, and found a weapon trader on the forums to buy it from. This is how that train derailed

He tried to add me again too. the hat is a curse.

You may already know but the best place i've found to buy items is www.tf2outpost.com. Almost everyone selling stuff lists their prices too, so you can quickly see what an item sells for if you're worried about getting jew'd out of metal.

April 16th, 2012, 12:47 AM
I dont care about metal. I was buying this thing as a gift anyways. I ended up finding a guy who sold it to me for 1 rec. But thanks anyways, kind of you to try and help.

Also I feel like that entire quote of darkhalo's was fake. No professor would teach that we "evolve from monkeys", because we dont. Humans and monkeys evolved from the same ancestor. Evolution 101

April 16th, 2012, 02:51 AM
yeah, Einsteins perception of god wasn't an invisible powerful man on a cloud in the sky either.

It was a spiritual thing with being connected to the universe. Anyone that quotes shit like "god doesn't roll dice" which is another one they love to pull is missing the context behind the argument and it's intended meaning.

April 16th, 2012, 07:50 AM
Nothing is ever truly random, Eventually you'll run out of combinations and repeat yourself.
If everything is bound by the laws of reality, laws such as newtons law of motion where for each action there is an potent opposite reaction.
If everything is bound by these laws, how does free will exist?
either it doesn't and everything is one giant rube Goldberg or there is still something missing.

You can look at the idea of a God as your typical creator/master, look at it as a spiritual connection binding everything or you can look at it from a logical point of view which is the universe itself.

On topic though, DarkHalo are you aware that conversation never actually took place?

(http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/e/einstein-god.htm)If anyone wants to go toe to toe for a potentially in depth philosophical debate, my Steam is easily available.
Just don't forget to bring the burn ointment.

April 16th, 2012, 10:16 AM
I thought it wasn't entirely legitimate (it is the internet after all). As for the philosophical aspect of the conversation I posted, I just liked the rhetoric of the argument and how it was turned upside down for the side that started the initial argument. Regardless, the religious perception (as in the organization created by societal individuals) of God is relatively distorted either way you look at it.

April 16th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Me: There's an Atlas over here.

*Atlas explodes*

Sever: No that's a steaming pile of hopelessness and broken dreams.

Later on...

*sever explodes from a grenade*

Sever: You know it would have been awesome if that grenade WASN'T there and I weren't a Turian...

The last one was much funny in context, seeing his body fall limp over a guard rail.

April 16th, 2012, 06:36 PM
yeah, Einsteins perception of god wasn't an invisible powerful man on a cloud in the sky either.

It was a spiritual thing with being connected to the universe. Anyone that quotes shit like "god doesn't roll dice" which is another one they love to pull is missing the context behind the argument and it's intended meaning.
If there was a God he'd be spot on though.

Although I have my own doubts either way, and such is the curse of being human.

April 16th, 2012, 10:43 PM
Nothing is ever truly random, Eventually you'll run out of combinations and repeat yourself.
If everything is bound by the laws of reality, laws such as newtons law of motion where for each action there is an potent opposite reaction.
If everything is bound by these laws, how does free will exist?

These premises have nothing to do with the claim. For the argument to work, the premises have to be relative to the prospect of free will, and they are not. They're concerning physics. Your initial statement of "Nothing is ever truly random, Eventually you'll run out of combinations and repeat yourself." also fails to make any sense, because randomness does not imply uniqueness. If you run a random number generator enough times, it will eventually come up with two identical answers. This does not make them "unrandom", it's just a repeated occurrence.

April 19th, 2012, 09:16 PM
VIKTOR EL MARICON GRANDE: you were begging
VIKTOR EL MARICON GRANDE: to put color in your name
[ JS ] VIKTOR [JK]: yeah
Padawan killed (JS) triner (JK) by MOD_SABER
[ JS ] VIKTOR [JK]: yeah
[ JS ] VIKTOR [JK]: u copy
VIKTOR EL MARICON GRANDE: now you're tough?
[ JS ] VIKTOR [JK]: me and yoshi
[ JS ] VIKTOR [JK]: and wolfi
VIKTOR EL MARICON GRANDE: cuz you joined a spic tacular clan?

April 19th, 2012, 10:45 PM
:lol: What a joker.

April 23rd, 2012, 06:11 PM

April 23rd, 2012, 06:41 PM
"I shambled after as I've been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww!'"

April 23rd, 2012, 09:38 PM

April 30th, 2012, 07:46 AM
Sheppard: what does everyone want on their pizza?
Wrex: I'll take a deep dish large pizza with extra cheese, Salarian liver slices.
Mordin: .....
Wrex: What?
Javik: Make that two please.

April 30th, 2012, 01:10 PM
For Code Geass fans, I love youtube comments:

Kallen: Kallen Kouziki has entered the field.
Lancelot: ಠ_ಠ

I laughed hard.

May 3rd, 2012, 08:59 PM
"Trinitrotoluene doesn't care what mood you're in."
-Gordon Freeman

May 8th, 2012, 09:35 AM
Wikileaks To Leak 5000 Open Source Java Projects With All That Private/Final Bullshit Removed (http://steve-yegge.blogspot.com/2010/07/wikileaks-to-leak-5000-open-source-java.html)

this guy should write for the onion

May 8th, 2012, 10:41 AM
Finally, people can see how stupid Java is and stop acting pretentious just because they know a cross-platform scripting language.

May 8th, 2012, 07:08 PM
From the Qwitter at XF.

It's cold
deep inside me
but being around you
gets me all hot and bothered
said the corn dog to the microwave

Wait, it gets worse.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
to have a little fun,
stupid Jill forgot the pill
and now they have a son.

May 10th, 2012, 05:31 PM
This is proof of what can happen if a wife or girlfriend drags her husband or boyfriend along shopping.... This letter was recently sent by Tesco's Head Office to a customer in Oxford, the names of the people involved have been removed or changed for safety reasons: Dear Customer,While we thank you for your valued custom and use of the Tesco Loyalty Card, the Manager of our store in Banbury is considering banning you and your family from shopping with us, unless your husband stops his antics.Below is a list of offences over the past few months all verified by our surveillance cameras:1. June 15: Took 24 boxes of condoms and randomly put them in people's trolleys when they weren't looking.2. July 2: Set all the alarm clocks in Housewares to go off at 5-minute intervals.3. July 7: Made a trail of tomato juice on the floor leading to feminine products aisle.4. July 19: Walked up to an employee and told her in an official tone, "Code 3" in housewares..... and watched what happened.5. August 14: Moved a 'CAUTION - WET FLOOR' sign to a carpeted area.6. September 15: Set up a tent in the outdoor clothing department and told shoppers he'd invite them in if they would bring sausages and a Calor gas stove.7. September 23: When the Deputy Manager asked if she could help him, he began to cry and asked, "Why can't you people just leave me alone?"8. October 4: Looked right into the security camera; used it as amirror, picked his nose, and ate it.9. November 10: While appearing to be choosing kitchen knives in the Housewares aisle asked an assistant if he knew where the antidepressants were.10. December 3: Darted around the store suspiciously, loudly humming the "Mission Impossible" theme.11. December 6: In the kitchenware aisle, practised the "Madonna look" using different size funnels.12. December 18: Hid in a clothing rack and when people browsed, yelled "PICK ME!" "PICK ME!"13. December 21: When an announcement came over the loud speaker, he assumed the foetal position and screamed "NO! NO! It's those voices again."And; last, but not least:14. December 23: Went into a fitting room, shut the door, waited a while; then yelled, very loudly, "There is no toilet paper in here." Yours sincerely,Charles BrowningStore Manager

May 10th, 2012, 05:40 PM
I prefer the original "15 Things To Do At Wal-Mart".

May 16th, 2012, 07:37 AM
ZizLah: i kinda stay outta the strategy section (on TL) for the most part
ZizLah: not alot of thinking in there
ZizLah: just alot of whining

May 22nd, 2012, 02:31 PM
20:23 - Cobby: the blue light does a knightrider thing where it sways back and forth
20:24 - Axial: I wouldn't know the reference.
20:24 - Cobby: you not remember the old TV show called knightrider? black car, has AI in it
20:24 - Cobby: light on front that goes side to side
20:24 - Axial: Nope.
20:25 - Cobby: O.o
20:25 - Axial: I watched G-Force, Centurions, Dexter's Lab, Samurai Jack, Starship Troopers, and Mummies Alive.
20:25 - Axial: And Captain Planet.
20:25 - Axial: And The New Adventures of Johnny Quest.
20:25 - Cobby: http://media.firebox.com/pic/p1963_big.jpg
20:26 - Axial: Nope.
20:26 - Axial: Not ringing any bells.

May 22nd, 2012, 03:26 PM

May 22nd, 2012, 03:43 PM

May 22nd, 2012, 05:34 PM
KITT versus Hal 9000.


May 23rd, 2012, 12:00 AM
This series has the most amazing capacity to cause hilarious drama I've ever seen.

This all started a few months ago, when a guy named Chron (at the time, Padawan) joined my server. He was apparently an old time player who nobody liked due to his aircraft carrier sized ego. When called out, he got ganged by the entire server using stun batons (roughly Doom knuckleduster level melee weapon). Shortly afterward him and some other bad players formed a clan called JS to escape the harassment.

destructed noob: hey pootie was sup dude
destructed noob: n/m whats going on
destructed noob: ehh went to gabbys
destructed noob: got fucking raped
destructed noob: yeah those fags gang
Herpaderp: actually
Herpaderp: it was here
Herpaderp: ^^^
destructed noob: AND
destructed noob: CONFIRMED
destructed noob: LOOL
mortal was sabered by <(IF)> Nagato
<(IF)> Nagato: lolz
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: nagato put him in his place
destructed noob: LOL!
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: since he wont ff me
destructed noob: LOL!
destructed noob: LOL!
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you dont ff
destructed noob: ROFL
destructed noob: ROFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: get off my nuts
destructed noob: ROFL
destructed noob: but anyways
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: pce nerd
<(IF)> Nagato: added to the faggotlist
destructed noob: so remember the lesson
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: pce
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: nerd
destructed noob: if you own someone with an ego
destructed noob: and no skill
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: pce
destructed noob: they may cry so hard
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: nerd
destructed noob: it turns into
destructed noob: a clan
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you talking about gabby
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: or icka?
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: which one
destructed noob: you talking about
destructed noob: d3?
destructed noob: LOL
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: d3 i shit on your face
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: im level 97
Herpaderp: wait what
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]:: what leve are you
destructed noob: VIRGINITY LOL
Herpaderp: wait
Herpaderp: whaaaaaaat
Herpaderp: wait
Herpaderp: WHAT
Herpaderp: DID YOU JUST SAY D3
Herpaderp: LOOOOL
destructed noob: he was talking about his virginity level
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: says the 14 year old kid
destructed noob: UH OH
destructed noob: GOT SLAMMED
destructed noob: TIME TO USE THE AGE CARD
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: hey you should go find hte clitoris
destructed noob: BIG TIME OWNED AGAIN
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: idk where it is
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: help me find it
destructed noob: LOOOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: plz
destructed noob: BAD KID
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: if you my friend
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you would help me find the clit
destructed noob: sure
destructed noob: take your right hand
destructed noob: move it over your belly button
destructed noob: slide down
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and stick it up your ass
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: gg
destructed noob: ROFL
destructed noob: HAD TO CUT ME OFF
destructed noob: BEFORE OWN
destructed noob: LOL!
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: get pre owned
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: before own
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: gg
destructed noob: ADMITTED OWN
Herpaderp: chron
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: precogged
Herpaderp: look
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: GGGGG
Herpaderp: as a friend
Herpaderp: your comebacks
Herpaderp: are quite
Herpaderp: flaccid
Herpaderp: like
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and his are better?
mortal timed out
Herpaderp: you own yourself
Herpaderp: every time
Herpaderp: you type something
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yeah thats it
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats the whole reason
Herpaderp: ims erious
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: whhy i talk
destructed noob: umm
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: to own myself
Herpaderp: you leave yourself open
destructed noob: LOL
Herpaderp: for big
destructed noob: AND AGAIN
Herpaderp: ownage
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: not really
Herpaderp: ok
destructed noob: have you seen his pic?
<(IF)> Nagato renamed to zea
Herpaderp: n
destructed noob: he's a hideous metrosexual stoner
zea renamed to Zea
destructed noob: with gay spikey hair
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats the oldest
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: shit
destructed noob: wearing a wifebeater
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: so old its probably older than you
destructed noob: with no muyscles
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and its not my pic
destructed noob: HE ADMITTEd
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: rofl
destructed noob: IT WAS HIM
destructed noob was sabered by Zea
destructed noob: THEN TRIED TO BACKTRACK
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you wanna see me
destructed noob: YES
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i look like the prisoner
destructed noob: LKOL
Zea was sabered by Herpaderp
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats why i use him
destructed noob: ROFL
destructed noob: NAH
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yeah
destructed noob: LOL
destructed noob: KID IDENTIFIES
destructed noob: HIS FACE
destructed noob: JESUS CHRIST
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i would never contact you
Herpaderp: youknow
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: through any means but this game
Herpaderp: why i use lando
Herpaderp: i look just like lando
destructed noob: OH WAIT
Herpaderp: totally
destructed noob: REVEALED
destructed noob: FOR THE BITCH
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: hey bro
destructed noob: WHINY NOOB
destructed noob: VIRGIN
destructed noob: YOU ARE
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i punched someone in the face at a kegger
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: 2 days ago
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: what have you done
destructed noob: ROFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: played jk2/
Herpaderp: ooooooooooooooooo
destructed noob: NOW HE'S TELLING ME
Herpaderp: he just
Zea was sabered by Zea
destructed noob: THE TOUGH GUY ROUTINE
Herpaderp: fucking called you
Herpaderp: OUT
Herpaderp: omg
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i broke that nerds glasses
Herpaderp: tough
destructed noob: ROOOFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: just like id break yours
Herpaderp: WOW
Herpaderp: GG chron!
destructed noob: LOLOL
Zea: who are zea?
destructed noob: I DONT EVEN
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: the subs in my bmw
destructed noob: HAVE TO SAY ANYTHING
Zea was sabered by <(IF)>Goon
Herpaderp: did u tell him
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: would break your glasses
Herpaderp: 10-0?
destructed noob: KID EMBARASSES
Herpaderp: NERD SCRUB
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: fucking half power
destructed noob: THE SHIT OUT OF HIMSELF
destructed noob: LISTEN TO THE RAGE
Herpaderp: no man
Herpaderp: he'll beat you
Herpaderp: irl
Herpaderp: 10-0
destructed noob: LOL
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: id beat him 1-0
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: cause he wouldnt be alive
Herpaderp: ORLY
destructed noob was sabered by Zea
Herpaderp: IP LOGGED
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: what is my ip
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: tell me
destructed noob: reported to the fbi
Herpaderp: U REALLY
Herpaderp: WANAN KNOW
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: if you get it right
Herpaderp: ??
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i quit
Herpaderp: LIKE FOR REAL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yeah
destructed noob: LOL!
Herpaderp: cause i will
Herpaderp: seriously
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: do it
Herpaderp: ok
Zea was sabered by Zea
Herpaderp: but let me just remind you
Herpaderp: you asked
destructed noob: and said he'd quit
destructed noob: which was just his way out
destructed noob: of verbally bashed
destructed noob was sabered by Zea
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: nope
Herpaderp: LOL
Herpaderp: OK
Herpaderp: how about a test
destructed noob: ANNNNNND
Herpaderp: if i ban the IP
destructed noob: FUCKING GG
Herpaderp: and its U
Herpaderp: gg?
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats my jk2 ip
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: not my real one
destructed noob: RO(FL
destructed noob: ROFL
Herpaderp: loolo
destructed noob: ROFL
Herpaderp: ok
destructed noob: ROFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you cant ddoss that
destructed noob: ROFL
previous message has been repeated 2 timesdestructed noob: ROFL
destructed noob: HES PARANOID NOW
Herpaderp: who said anything aboutddos?
Zea renamed to <(IF)> Nagato
Herpaderp: wow is that another threat?
destructed noob: EXACTLY
Herpaderp: this guy
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: what im saying is
Herpaderp: is so getting reported
Herpaderp: omg
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: the jk2 ip
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: isnt the same
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: as my real ip
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: so gg
destructed noob: LOL
Herpaderp: even assuming
Herpaderp: u use different computers
Herpaderp: it can be traced
Herpaderp: to yourt location
Herpaderp: just sayin
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: trace it
destructed noob: time for call to the fbi
destructed noob: cyber bullying
destructed noob: allegations
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i asked you to tell me what my ip was
Herpaderp: wow chron
destructed noob: not to mention
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and you havent delivered
Herpaderp: cyber
destructed noob: i'm gonna have to call in
Herpaderp: bully
destructed noob: underage drinking
<(IF)> Nagato: ,why?
Herpaderp: i got proof
destructed noob: wait a minute
Herpaderp: of chron
destructed noob: why would a nerd
Herpaderp: threatening violence
destructed noob: be at a kegger
destructed noob: and why were you at
Herpaderp: ???
destructed noob: a nerd kegger?
destructed noob: LOL
Herpaderp: LOL
Herpaderp: youa ctually
destructed noob: MATH SUPERSTARAS
Herpaderp: have a point there
Herpaderp: so chron
<(IF)>Goon: w.e man u have wayy more trolls in js and u will see that soon
destructed noob: was the chess club
Herpaderp: why were you at a kegger
Herpaderp: with nersd?
Herpaderp: nerds even
Herpaderp: ???
destructed noob: throwing its anual bash?
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: id consider myself a nerd if i hadnt won 2 state cups and nationals on my hs soccer team
Herpaderp: ROFL
<(IF)> Nagato: lolz math superstaras
destructed n[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]oob: OK ROFL
: and thats based on the fact
Herpaderp: HS SOCCER
Herpaderp: PRO
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: that i like star wars
Herpaderp: ok
Herpaderp: you got me
Herpaderp: i cant beat
Herpaderp: that
Herpaderp: irl toughness
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yep
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you forgot my bmw
destructed noob: he has all the credentials
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and my drugs
<(IF)>Goon: well ur js now soo
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and my club nights
destructed noob: word yo?
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] was sabered by <(IF)>Goon
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i think
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you havent heard of any of that
destructed noob: so tell me
destructed noob: though
destructed noob: what makes a
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] received a swift kick to the face from <(IF)>Goon
destructed noob: a 160 lb
destructed noob: hideous white nerd
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: what are you doing
destructed noob: smoke weed and think he's black
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] was thrown to their doom by <(IF)>Goon
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: ROFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you think weed
Herpaderp: i think i'm black
Herpaderp: on the internet
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: is for black people
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats fucking funny
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: black people dont even smoke weed
Herpaderp: oh
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: they smoke seeds and stems
Herpaderp: ok
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you retard
destructed noob: ............
Herpaderp: OK
43] destructed noob: i cant handle this LOL
Herpaderp: SHITS
destructed noob: everything is says
<(IF)> Nagato: gtfo?
destructed noob: is more ridiculous
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] was sabered by <(IF)>Goon
destructed noob: than the last
destructed noob: LOL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: jase
destructed noob: he decided
destructed noob: to prove himself
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: what you trying to do
destructed noob: a man
destructed noob: by talking about bashing a kid
destructed noob: in the face
destructed noob: at a keggar
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: he was my age
destructed noob: wow....
<(IF)>Goon: the alliance is broken go home to ur noob js friends
destructed noob: ROFL!@
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] was sabered by <(IF)>Goon
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: really jase
Herpaderp: rofl
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: if you are that immature
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: go fuck yourself
Herpaderp: LOL
Herpaderp: asdkjbvhlaskdjfbvsl;dkfjbvlskdjfbgaag
destructed noob: THIS IS ROFL
<(IF)>Goon: no vooodoo is
destructed noob killed himself
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: am i voodoo
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: ?
Herpaderp: es
<(IF)>Goon: he had to go cow mad disease
Herpaderp: yes
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: ami voodoo
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yes or no
<(IF)>Goon: and go crazy on me
Herpaderp: yes
Herpaderp: STFU
Herpaderp: VOOFOO*
<(IF)>Goon: no but u wanna be with those tools so
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: but yo
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: if you wanna be a bitch
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: i cant forget our past
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and if that means anything to you
<(IF)>Goon: thats because i was the best u ever had
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you would chill out
destructed noob renamed to my work here is done
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: ROFL
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: the best i ever had
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: was my oa clan
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: who raped anyone and everyone
<(IF)>Goon: well thats the past
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: k well
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: yes that is the past
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: elts start a new future
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: with fuck you jase
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: you immature little fuck
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: trying to hunt me
<(IF)>Goon: tell vooodooo to grow up ....
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: just cause i wont join your clan
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: immediately
Herpaderp: what exactly did voodoo say
Herpaderp: ?
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: im done with this jk2 drama
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: pce out nerds
Herpaderp: gf
<(IF)>Goon: he put me in stationary
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: and go fuck yourselves for me
Herpaderp: <3
<(IF)> Nagato: GG <3
<(IF)>Goon: we love u 2 chron
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E] disconnected
<(IF)>Goon: wow
Herpaderp: to answer your question
Herpaderp: yes

May 23rd, 2012, 12:27 AM
is there a tl;dr?

May 23rd, 2012, 12:40 AM
Not really. It's just funny how everything he says is so retarded.

May 25th, 2012, 02:47 PM
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: You should fuck both of them
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: just to mess with him
warlord: lol
warlord: unprotected none the less
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: YES
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: MAKE COBBY BABIES
warlord: nope
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: epic troll job would be epic
warlord: he would freak out "just had a lovely weekend with [name here]" "Dude....you know i fucked her a week ago?....i came hard"
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: All up inside her too
warlord: yeah
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: No rubbers man
warlord: "she was dripping..."
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: Shit was cash
warlord: "she stood up and wouldn't stop dripping for 5 minutes"
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: Posted pics all over 4chan too
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: should have seen the epic thread
warlord: lol
t3hm1ghtyk4m1n4: ^best troll convo ever lol
warlord: and then link to a thread that's been deleted


May 26th, 2012, 02:34 PM
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: thats my jk2 ip
[ JS ] Killa Chron [E]: not my real one

I think this would count as a TL;DR for that chatlog.

Drives a BMW, goes to nerd keg parties, and has a modem dedicated to playing jetty.

July 15th, 2012, 01:30 AM
master plan of electricity generation

killallmkb42s.exe: know what bugs hell out of me
killallmkb42s.exe: the way they block out the mausoleum during victory day parades now
killallmkb42s.exe: not just blocking it with big fuckoff screens
killallmkb42s.exe: but with the russian flag
Harry: lollll
killallmkb42s.exe: ...which is the same as the old imperial one
killallmkb42s.exe: Fuck Putin
killallmkb42s.exe: nationalist cunt
Harry: they should wrap lenin in copper wire
Harry: and put him in a tube shaped magnet
Harry: each time the victory parade is on
Harry: .....wtf kind of field would a tube shaped magnet be
killallmkb42s.exe: 'strange'
Harry: yeah
Harry: they could just put lenins body underneath a big boiler and steam power russia for years
Harry: itd be more efficient than nuclear, just cause of how fuckin angry hed be
killallmkb42s.exe: lmao
killallmkb42s.exe: especially when some asshole company takes control of the grid and charges everyone for it

July 31st, 2012, 02:00 PM

November 28th, 2012, 10:04 PM
I had guns via rcon cheats and was fucking around on my server

I'm 'herpa the admin fag'

869:06 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: how the?
869:12 say: so mean: lol
869:13 say: herpa the admin fag: sorry i hacked the server
869:21 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: u got new mapor something herp

In the past I was running a custom modified version of ffa_bespin on my server. It had a secret area you could get to located through a teleporter off the edge of the map that could only be reached by a very specific jump.

869:27 say: herpa the admin fag: now i must use my godlike powers
869:28 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: u know who i am rightz?
869:31 say: herpa the admin fag: in order to shoot this wall
869:40 say: herpa the admin fag: no idk who you are
869:42 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: its hawk
869:46 say: herpa the admin fag: oh
869:49 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: LOL
869:50 say: herpa the admin fag: then you should know already
869:55 Item: 3 item_medpak_instant
869:56 say: so mean: lol
869:57 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: secret door?
870:00 say: herpa the admin fag: yes
870:01 say: so mean: his infinite pOWER
870:02 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
870:03 say: herpa the admin fag: there's a secret door
870:07 say: herpa the admin fag: hidden somewhere
870:13 say: herpa the admin fag: off the edge of the pit
870:16 say: herpa the admin fag: try to find it
870:22 Item: 1 item_medpak_instant
870:30 say: herpa the admin fag: you remember where it was last time right
870:33 say: herpa the admin fag: same general area
870:33 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: yea
870:33 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
870:34 say: Padawan: a secret door leading to weapon????
870:37 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: LOL
870:38 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: no
870:41 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: lol
870:43 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: secret door leading to shit
870:44 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
870:49 say: Padawan: :(
871:03 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: ROFL
871:06 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
871:07 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
871:07 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: same place?
871:10 say: herpa the admin fag: yeah
871:12 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: ah
871:13 Item: 2 item_medpak_instant
871:14 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: haha
871:16 say: herpa the admin fag: around that area
871:21 say: herpa the admin fag: not exactly the same spot
871:32 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
871:39 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: 3-0
871:43 say: Padawan: now we watch you doom yourself until you give up
871:43 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: LOL
871:47 Kill: 5 3 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Padawan by MOD_FALLING
871:53 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: wut now?
871:53 say: herpa the admin fag: actually he doomed you
871:57 say: Padawan: true
872:00 say: so mean: ROFL
872:02 Item: 4 item_shield_sm_instant
872:03 Item: 4 item_shield_sm_instant
872:03 Item: 4 item_shield_sm_instant
872:05 Item: 2 item_shield_lrg_instant
872:10 Item: 4 item_shield_lrg_instant
872:19 say: Padawan: don't give up, keep looking for the door.
872:23 say: herpa the admin fag: you can do it
872:29 say: herpa the admin fag: it's right there on that tower
872:31 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
872:31 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
872:32 Item: 3 item_shield_sm_instant
872:37 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: well tell me if im heading on the right direction
872:40 say: herpa the admin fag: ok
872:40 Item: 3 item_medpac
872:45 say: herpa the admin fag: little more to the left
872:49 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
872:50 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: k
873:00 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
873:02 say: herpa the admin fag: no no, i said left
873:05 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
873:05 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: lol
873:05 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
873:06 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
873:12 tell: herpa the admin fag to Padawan: askdljfnasl;kdnfalskjnfad
873:29 say: herpa the admin fag: up a bit more
873:30 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
873:39 say: Padawan: you're so close
873:44 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
873:48 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
873:49 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
873:50 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
873:50 say: herpa the admin fag: wait
873:53 say: herpa the admin fag: never mind i was wrong
873:54 Item: 1 item_shield_lrg_instant
873:55 say: herpa the admin fag: it's to the right
873:57 say: herpa the admin fag: sorry
873:57 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: lol
873:57 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
874:07 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
874:12 say: herpa the admin fag: ok now what you need to do is focus
874:24 tell: Possible Force Of Ownage to herpa the admin fag: cant you jsut jump there and show me?
874:25 say: herpa the admin fag: feel the zen
874:27 say: herpa the admin fag: focus your energy
874:36 say: herpa the admin fag: i can't demonstrate or that would ruin everything
874:44 say: herpa the admin fag: you wouldn't feel a proud sense of accomplishment
874:45 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
874:49 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
874:53 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
874:53 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
874:54 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
874:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
874:54 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
875:03 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
875:03 say: herpa the admin fag: almost
875:09 say: herpa the admin fag: you were right on it i saw
875:16 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: dam
875:18 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
875:18 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: i felt it
875:21 say: herpa the admin fag: yea
875:23 say: herpa the admin fag: keep trying
875:29 Kill: 1022 1 32: <world> killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_CRUSH
875:31 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
875:31 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
875:34 Item: 1 item_medpac
875:34 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: is he serious
875:34 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
875:35 Item: 2 item_shield_lrg_instant
875:40 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: LOL
875:42 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: he is
875:48 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: 10-0 bt
875:52 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: HAHA
875:53 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
875:53 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: lol
876:01 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: mentally-owned
876:05 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
876:07 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
876:30 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
876:30 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
876:34 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
876:34 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
876:35 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
876:35 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
876:35 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
876:42 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: -.-
876:44 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
876:45 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: im right on it!!
876:56 say: herpa the admin fag: maybe you need to power up the flux capacitor
876:57 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
877:00 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: um
877:01 say: herpa the admin fag: drink lots of soda
877:07 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
877:08 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: done that already
877:09 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: LOL
877:11 Item: 1 item_shield_lrg_instant
877:12 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
877:12 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
877:13 say: herpa the admin fag: hmm
877:16 say: herpa the admin fag: quite an enigma
877:17 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
877:31 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: just show me where the fuck it is
877:34 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
877:34 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: ik where it is
877:37 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: i jusy cant enter it
877:43 say: herpa the admin fag: you were already on it
877:47 say: herpa the admin fag: what's there for me to show
877:48 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: wont tele me
877:51 say: herpa the admin fag: oh wait, you gotta crouch
877:55 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: -.-
878:01 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: that would have been helpful beofr
878:05 say: herpa the admin fag: yeah sorry
878:05 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
878:13 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
878:13 say: Padawan: lol
878:20 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
878:20 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
878:27 say: Possible Force Of Ownage: almost
878:28 Kill: 5 5 34: Possible Force Of Ownage killed Possible Force Of Ownage by MOD_FALLING
878:38 ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\Lemming\t\0\model\kyle/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4 \c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0

I used rcon to rename him to "Lemming". He still doesn't get it.

878:42 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
878:43 say: Lemming: um
878:45 say: Lemming: lol
878:47 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
878:50 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
878:51 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
878:51 Item: 1 item_shield_lrg_instant
878:51 Item: 2 item_shield_sm_instant
879:01 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
879:17 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
879:28 say: ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth]: what the fucking fuck
879:29 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
879:34 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
879:50 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING


879:50 Kill: 2 1 2: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_MELEE
879:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
879:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
879:54 Item: 1 item_shield_sm_instant
879:55 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
880:04 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
880:13 tell: Lemming to herpa the admin fag: tele im
880:14 tell: Lemming to herpa the admin fag: in
880:15 Kill: 2 1 3: so mean killed ^7^7^1infamous^1^1^7[myth] by MOD_SABER
880:17 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
880:19 Item: 1 item_medpac
880:21 say: so mean: brb
880:23 tell: Lemming to herpa the admin fag: i wanna see u do it
880:24 ClientDisconnect: 1
880:40 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
880:52 Kill: 2 5 2: so mean killed Lemming by MOD_MELEE
880:55 say: so mean: sec
880:56 say: herpa the admin fag: sorry I mean it's an easy jump
880:59 say: herpa the admin fag: you should be able to do it
881:06 say: Lemming: well i can almost go in
881:08 say: Lemming: but it wont tele
881:17 tell: Lemming to herpa the admin fag: whats so worng aobut showing me
881:18 tell: Lemming to herpa the admin fag: lol
881:22 say: herpa the admin fag: you must reach -100 score before it will let you
881:24 say: herpa the admin fag: i forgot
881:27 say: Lemming: no
881:30 say: Lemming: alright
881:32 say: Lemming: stop the troll
881:36 say: herpa the admin fag: yeah it's a script code i put in
881:38 say: Lemming: r u serious or not?>
881:40 say: Lemming: no
881:47 say: Lemming: why dont u have fucking -100
881:51 say: Lemming: right
881:54 say: Lemming: its a troll
881:55 say: Lemming: forget it
881:57 say: herpa the admin fag: i've been here
881:59 say: herpa the admin fag: for a while
882:06 say: herpa the admin fag: i jumped off the edge 100 times before you got here
882:08 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
882:11 say: Lemming: no
882:13 say: Lemming: i said no
882:13 say: herpa the admin fag: then got all that score back killing gran
882:30 say: herpa the admin fag: look, i did it that way to prevent trolls getting the guns
882:33 say: herpa the admin fag: nobody likes trolls
882:38 say: Lemming: well
882:42 say: Lemming: ur being one
882:48 say: Lemming: why the fuck
882:48 say: herpa the admin fag: I'm serious!
882:50 say: Lemming: would you do it
882:52 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
882:57 say: Lemming: right
882:59 say: Lemming: ill do it
883:02 say: herpa the admin fag: ok
883:09 say: Lemming: only cuz i still have spec of trust in u
883:12 say: Padawan: herpa wouldn't lie to you
883:20 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
883:27 say: Lemming: nope
883:30 say: Lemming: its troll =)
883:34 say: herpa the admin fag: you're only -26
883:35 say: herpa the admin fag: :L
883:37 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
883:44 say: Lemming: prove it to me now
883:52 say: Lemming: proff
883:54 say: Lemming: proof
883:55 say: Lemming: wait
883:55 say: herpa the admin fag: i dont feel like killing myself 100 times again
883:57 say: herpa the admin fag: it takes a while
883:58 say: so mean: lol!
883:58 Kill: 5 5 35: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_SUICIDE
883:58 setteam: 5 FREE SPECTATOR
883:58 ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\Lemming\t\3\model\kyle/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4 \c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0
883:58 ClientBegin: 5

He joined spectator for whatever reason, resetting his score.

883:58 say: Padawan: it would be faster for you to prove it, you have a lower score
884:05 say: herpa the admin fag: yeah
884:08 say: so mean: herp is secret pro
884:10 say: Padawan: wow, way to waste all that effort
884:11 say: so mean: so respect him
884:17 Item: 2 item_shield_lrg_instant
884:18 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: you ere the only one here xD
884:24 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: lol
884:38 say: herpa the admin fag: man
884:43 say: herpa the admin fag: now you have to start all over wtf
885:00 say: Lemming: im checking through spec to see what ur saying is true
885:04 say: Lemming: wheres the gun room
885:09 say: herpa the admin fag: through spec?
885:13 say: herpa the admin fag: what do you mean
885:13 say: Lemming: yes
885:20 say: Lemming: i can spec throguh walls
885:25 say: herpa the admin fag: oic
885:27 say: Lemming: now wheres the gun room
885:29 say: herpa the admin fag: well you won't find it
885:31 say: herpa the admin fag: it's too far away
885:32 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: you should like a tele key to the weapons room
885:37 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: and right b4 you fall lol
885:38 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: press it
885:44 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: bind a tele key*
885:47 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: there is no weapons room <_>
885:53 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: or w/e fake him lol
886:05 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
886:13 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: i would if he was ingame still but in spec je
886:17 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: he'll see throug it
886:21 Kill: 3 3 35: Padawan killed Padawan by MOD_SUICIDE
886:21 setteam: 3 FREE SPECTATOR
886:21 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\Padawan\t\3\model\kyle\g_redteam\Empire\g_bluete am\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0
886:21 ClientBegin: 3
886:27 say: herpa the admin fag: so did you find it yet
886:32 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: tell him to come in so he can see closely
886:32 say: Lemming: nope
886:34 say: herpa the admin fag: it's pretty damn far off the map
886:39 say: herpa the admin fag: it will take you a while to find
886:50 say: herpa the admin fag: if you can find it through the void
886:52 say: Lemming: k s\\\i should be able to see it
886:54 setteam: 3 SPECTATOR FREE
886:54 ClientUserinfoChanged: 3 n\Padawan\t\0\model\kyle\g_redteam\Empire\g_bluete am\Rebellion\c1\4\c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0
886:54 ClientBegin: 3
887:00 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
887:01 say: herpa the admin fag: not really
887:04 say: herpa the admin fag: void is glitchy
887:09 say: herpa the admin fag: you can't see it until you're close
887:14 setteam: 5 SPECTATOR FREE
887:14 ClientUserinfoChanged: 5 n\Lemming\t\0\model\kyle/default\g_redteam\Empire\g_blueteam\Rebellion\c1\4 \c2\5\hc\100\w\0\l\0\tt\0\tl\0
887:14 ClientBegin: 5
887:17 say: herpa the admin fag: ok
887:21 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
887:24 say: herpa the admin fag: come here
887:26 say: herpa the admin fag: i demonstrate

I bound a key to teleport (also via rcon) and hit it right as I touched the wall in question.

887:40 say: Lemming: wow
887:41 say: herpa the admin fag: see?
887:44 say: Lemming: i wasnt even in right spoit
887:46 say: Lemming: thank oyu
887:49 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
887:52 say: herpa the admin fag: np
887:54 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
888:05 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: ROFL
888:06 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: good timing
888:07 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
888:09 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: guess he forgot about the score part
888:13 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: lol
888:22 tell: Padawan to herpa the admin fag: do you know who that guy is?
888:23 say: Lemming: oh right
888:24 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
888:24 say: herpa the admin fag: almost
888:25 say: Lemming: u gotta crouch
888:30 say: herpa the admin fag: yeah
888:30 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
888:33 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: it's hawk
888:36 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: ROFL
888:42 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
888:42 say: Lemming: dam
888:54 Item: 3 item_medpac
888:58 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
889:00 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
889:05 say: herpa the admin fag: getting closer
889:13 Item: 2 item_shield_lrg_instant
889:25 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
889:27 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: lol
889:41 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
889:41 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: this is so wrong
889:46 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: ik lol
889:51 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: i renamed him to lemming
889:56 say: Lemming: -.-
889:57 tell: herpa the admin fag to so mean: he doesn't get it i guess
889:57 Kill: 5 5 34: Lemming killed Lemming by MOD_FALLING
889:57 tell: so mean to herpa the admin fag: LoL
889:58 Item: 3 item_shield_lrg_instant
890:05 say: Lemming: im being kicked off
890:10 say: herpa the admin fag: must be a bug
890:15 ClientDisconnect: 5
890:18 say: herpa the admin fag: ROFL
890:20 say: herpa the admin fag: lkmasd;kljvnals;KDNVLASDKJNVALSKDJVNASDV
890:21 say: so mean: haha
890:26 say: so mean: that was...
890:28 say: so mean: just amazing
890:30 Kill: 4 4 34: herpa the admin fag killed herpa the admin fag by MOD_FALLING

November 28th, 2012, 11:15 PM
congratulations to the 1701 Post in this thread, your on global mute cause your a horrible poster. please enjoy the rest of your day.

December 1st, 2012, 05:54 PM
Um... what?

December 1st, 2012, 08:35 PM
When you see a phantom page, for instance this one that said Page 35, yet you couldn't go to it, it's because a user was that horrible at posting that he's on Global mute so no one except admins and mods can see his post.

December 1st, 2012, 10:05 PM
I just assume Bodzilla is drunk all the time.

December 1st, 2012, 10:46 PM
A few years ago you might have been very right about that.

December 4th, 2012, 06:57 PM
There's still some users on global mute :)

December 22nd, 2012, 10:32 PM
At McDonalds.

Worker: What can I get for you today?
Me: Some medium fries and a pack of 8 nuggets.
Worker: You mean McNuggets?
Me: Yeah, but nuggets is the same thing.
Worker: If you look on the sign, the name is McNuggets.
Me: Should I have asked for some McFries too?
Worker: No, they're just fries.
Me: Why?
Worker: Why do you care?
Me: I'm a customer, I deserve to know.
Worker: Well I don't know...
Me: Well unless you can tell me, I will leave this McDonalds with my McMoney and never come back to this McShitHole.

Oh tumblr

December 24th, 2012, 03:13 AM
This is a victory for men everywhere. Ladies, if you want to leave the kitchen and come out into the workplace, don't be surprised if I am sprouting an erection. I am both physically stronger and smarter than you, and although I have the power of an omnipotent and omniscient God on my side, I still cannot not get an erection. You coming to work and expecting me not to get an erection is discriminating against me as a man. After all, if men did not get erections and blast their sperm all over the place, mankind would die. Asking me not to get an erection is like asking a woman not to love couponing. Make sense now?

December 26th, 2012, 05:06 AM
ZizLah: it's impossible to 1v1 you
ZizLah: as a practice thing
ZizLah: cause you just constantly change what your oding


December 26th, 2012, 08:16 AM
you understand the term practice yeah? as in focused practice on singular points of play.

you will never be gosu

December 26th, 2012, 01:46 PM
Bodz just mad because he's a Diamond leaguer being beaten by a Plat leaguer. >:U

I do want to say though, never not play the game for 2 weeks because you decide to play 3 other games. Easy way to get bad and go on a painful losing streak. :|

Though to my credit most of them were Gold leaguers (I'm in Silver).

Relevance because this is SC2:

I lol'd pretty hard.

December 27th, 2012, 08:04 AM
you understand the term practice yeah? as in focused practice on singular points of play.

you will never be gosu
i thought practice meant improving your ability to be good (ie. win) at the game.
seems solid BoX logic is an important part of being good (and you suck at it!)

December 27th, 2012, 09:04 AM
if i wanted to win everything i would of stuck with zerg.

December 27th, 2012, 11:25 AM
if i wanted to win everything i would of stuck with zerg.
So wait, you played as something other than your main and lost against someone who plays as his main? No way you could have lost that one....

December 27th, 2012, 05:14 PM
no i played zerg up untill just before the queen patch which is getting close to a year ago.

i switched because i thought zerg was getting ridiculously easy and overpowered.

December 27th, 2012, 07:53 PM
no i played zerg up untill just before the queen patch which is getting close to a year ago.

i switched because i thought zerg was getting ridiculously easy and overpowered.
Well at least you're right on that. Tbh though, n00b is right. Practice is fair game for any strategy, especially in a series where it changes. You play Terran now right?

December 27th, 2012, 09:27 PM
Practice is about working on elements of the game.

i actually learn more making a custom game by myself and just creating build orders using loading and saving to get it perfect then i do trying something with him cause he just meta games. For instance he knows i CC first everygame with varying degrees of greediness, and to punish that he does things like a warpgate rush and just hopes i dont build a bunker, or things like proxy zealots or 2 gate openings, which mean nothing to me in practice because i want to practice the mid game and late game and strategy, not my micro skills against an early meta-game rush.
On the other hand if i wanted him to 4 gate me i'd ask and practice against that, but seeing as thats not what i'm trying to learn it's wasted time.

get it.

December 27th, 2012, 10:39 PM
Practice is about working on elements of the game.

i actually learn more making a custom game by myself and just creating build orders using loading and saving to get it perfect then i do trying something with him cause he just meta games. For instance he knows i CC first everygame with varying degrees of greediness, and to punish that he does things like a warpgate rush and just hopes i dont build a bunker, or things like proxy zealots or 2 gate openings, which mean nothing to me in practice because i want to practice the mid game and late game and strategy, not my micro skills against an early meta-game rush.
On the other hand if i wanted him to 4 gate me i'd ask and practice against that, but seeing as thats not what i'm trying to learn it's wasted time.

get it.
Oh I see. So n00b knows this and is just being a douche? :P

Stop 2 Proxy gating n00b, it makes Protoss players look like assholes just like Proxy Marauder 2 Rax makes Terran players look like assholes.

Though Bodz, if you know he's trying to do that then you should practice scouting and countering those cheeses. You can't go Macro every game, even if you want to practice it, but forcing him to do the same is a good way to practice Macro.

December 27th, 2012, 10:44 PM
Do you ask him to play a standard strat (not cheese or macro cheese) so you can practice against that or do you ask him to practice with you without specifying?

When someone asks me to practice I always ask what they feel like working on and I try to hit you with it as hard and consistantly as I can. Yes he cheeses, but it's also useful to know what type of plays you flat out die to.

December 27th, 2012, 10:46 PM
if you want to improve on specific elements of the game why don't you fucking ask me to do something specific instead of asking me to play "games".

Any time you've done that, I've been happy to comply. Notice how the other day when I was trying to flesh out airtossVz I kept doing the same thing and asking you to do specific things?

e: hi phobo :3

December 27th, 2012, 11:28 PM
if you want to improve on specific elements of the game why don't you fucking ask me to do something specific instead of asking me to play "games".

Any time you've done that, I've been happy to comply. Notice how the other day when I was trying to flesh out airtossVz I kept doing the same thing and asking you to do specific things?

e: hi phobo :3
This is true of n00b. In my early days, he played Terran against me as Protoss so I could learn to parry early Terran pushes. It's because he kept forcing me to think of how to beat a standard midgame Terran pressure as Protoss (I tried early charge, then HTs) that I ultimately kept playing or watching for ways to deal with it. Now I know that if its incoming then I should stay on 1 Base, FF my ramp, stay on 3 Gate, tech to Colossus, and split his army with FF to do as much as possible. Also, observers are wonderful. Our very few PvPs have also made me a bit more vigilant about Protoss drops and how powerful they are if unscouted or especially if the army is out of position to deal with it.

Currently I am having issues against Protoss 4Gate All-Ins on 1v1 maps (I hate Cloud Kingdom LE because I have bad tendencies on that map) and Stalker-Robo combinations in PvP (Stalker-Immortal and Stalker-Colossus are SO good if you can't react with the right units on time). Zerg is difficult for me right now given there are a lot of ways to defend and harass, making every game a true feat as players get better and better. I held off a Baneling bust relatively easily, but I still lost because I was too timid to expand to my natural (I was ridiculously stupid for that) and gave him long enough to mass Mutas for harassing my two bases at the 25 minute mark. Really bad game for me. Could have severely weakened him at one point too and didn't take the opportunity.

Phobo add me. :( Jasiwel 444

December 28th, 2012, 04:59 PM
phobo doesn't play sc2 any more. also you should _always_ 1gate FE vs terran, you can do it and hold any push with proper scouting and reactionary unit compositions. I've not done any other build for like 1.5 years.

December 28th, 2012, 11:01 PM
phobo doesn't play sc2 any more.

I'll play, just don't expect me to be a useful practice partner, I don't know the current ladder meta and I don't know standard play.

Easier to contact me on steam/skype under Phobalic (for both I think)

February 8th, 2013, 06:52 PM
“Don’t expect your modding progress to be quick and painless, though. “Doing significant work will require patience, because internally we use a 300 core renderfarm for megatexture creation,” id’s John Carmack said on Twitter.
Kaira- says:

Well, that seems pretty abysmal. And when I say abysmal, I mean “who thought this would be a good idea?”

mrmalodor says:

John Carmack, the father of FPS

DrScuttles says:

To be fair, the FPS has two dads. Which is why churches and governments hate them so.


April 4th, 2013, 02:40 PM
Definitely worth the read.