View Full Version : Why are people so uppity about sex?

November 12th, 2008, 11:27 PM
If you came in here expecting tits, please leave.

Okay, is he gone now? Good.

I've been following a trend in modern media (not just vidya) these days. Long story short, fucking seems to be thought to be as harmful to people as violence is. Now, I'm not saying porn is A+; far from it. I'm not wondering why people are upset about that kind of shit. Rather, the more tasteful things (most movie sex scenes, Mass Effect, etc.) get a lot of heat for being a corrupting and evil image, almost to the degree if not more so than blowing heads apart does.

The biggest argument here is that seeing situations such as this may cause kids to engage in sexual acts when they are not prepared. According to most people I ask, this kind of thing gets across a message that sex is safe and has no risks associated, and (most notably) pre-marital sex is fine. While I won't spout my (or others) beliefs on that, I sincerely doubt that anybody who understands what's going on is going to think "Oh, it happened in a movie/game, so it must do that too in real life!" Although that brings me to the "can people distinguish media from real life" debate, which is best saved for another time.

My main issue here isn't so much that people get all jumpy when there's fucking but rather that sex & violence seem to be considered equally offensive and destructive in media. M and R ratings (Or 18+ and MA15+ as the case may be) are doled out not only for excessive violence but also for nudity and sexual implications. Something seems off about that, especially considering one act creates life, while another destroys it.

Now obviously I'm assuming that said media is portraying consensual sex in the missionary position either because two characters geniuinly love each other and/or for the sake of reproduction, both of which are generally considered right, as long as the respective parties are legal. But the point stands nonetheless.

Thoughts? Also try to keep down the shitstorming.

November 12th, 2008, 11:48 PM
I agree. Games get banned with no hope of review out here for sexual content more often than they do for violence (although the OFLC are a bunch of useless, out-of-touch dinosaurs who honestly believe they know what's best for Australians and that only children play games, so as you can imagine they ban a lot). I'd be a damn sight more worried about my kid going out and driving down the sidewalk in a semi than I would about them seeing a sex scene in a game or a movie or something... not that games cause violence anyway, but that's a whole other issue.

Honestly I think people need to screw off and stop trying to ram their own opinions about sex and violence in games, movies, etc. down every one else's throats. If the kids have responsible parents, they will decide what they can handle. If they don't, it'll be no different anyway because those lot usually buy them and expose their kids to it without a second thought.

November 12th, 2008, 11:54 PM
Australia has no R 18+ rating for the vidya but it does for movies. Just putting that out to begin with.

I think you raise an interesting point. I'd never really considered the whole violence vs sex thing as both being equally corrupting influences. Before I read the thread, I would have said that sex is more corrupting than violence (though certainly not to the degree the media portrays it as being).

Now that I've thought about it a bit, I'd still have to say that sex is more corrupting than violence and here's my reasoning:

People experience violence throughout their whole life. I'm not just talking about seeing it in the media (though that certainly has an impact) but rather I'm talking about experiencing it first hand. If you misbehave, your parents (if their any good) are going to teach you not to, one way or the other. A slap on the bum is quite effective for that, and guess what? It's violent!

This then makes people aware from an early age of the effects of violence.

However on the other hand, sex is something you generally don't begin to understand until later in your life (and those who experience it early are invariably scared). It's something that is the basic urge of all life (to reproduce). It's also something that can (if practised irresponsibly) totally fuck up your life forever. No condom? oops preggers/STD's (or STI's if you want to be a politically correct tool). As sex is so common compared to violence, it seems to be much more acceptible and so happens much more often.

Exposing younger people to less sexual content (untill ~14) sounds like a good idea but in practice it never works. I say just keep the system how it is.

What really shits me however, is how the media gets a massive hard on (pun totally intended) for sex gos on celebrities. Hell, celebritie goss in general just makes me want to rage at humanity. Or when they start telling people that X and Y is right but A and B is just fucking disgusting for some arbritrary reason.

E: fuck off ross, I wanted #2

November 13th, 2008, 12:00 AM
People just cry about this stuff because they're too useless to actually take care of their kids. My parents made sure I was clued in on how everything works and that it's not the same as in games right from the start, and I'm not violent and I don't go around trying to fuck as many girls as I can just for the sake of it. Yet another attempt to blame the shortcomings of today's parents on something else, what a surprise.

November 13th, 2008, 12:03 AM
Morals are set by society, there is no set "right" or "wrong". If society thinks sex is harmful, then damn, it must be true! My opinion: If it doesn't directly harm somebody physically or emotionally, it's only wrong if you think it is. That's why I've never bought into crappy Christian morals.

November 13th, 2008, 12:09 AM
i remeber having a convo with dano ages ago about how irratating it is with all the self-imposed propoganda about sex there it.

something along these lines "i dunno man the whole thing just seems off to me, like why cant i just go, "sup, wanna fuck? come back to mine have a bit of fun, try some shit out :D?" without being looked at like a fucking dribbling freak. I dont get it man, i'm having fun, there deffinently having fun >: D and at the end of the day thats all it is, so why do people care so much about what i do?"

November 13th, 2008, 12:12 AM
I agree with the media thing. Sadly, people keep on lapping this "sex in video games ruins our values! :O" bullshit and nothing is going to change. I agree that something like an actual sex simulator (eg. realistic, interactive fucking with force feedback :pervert:) should be kept out of the hands of people under the age of 18 or whatever. However, banning a game outright because someone modeled a nipple onto a character is stupid. If I really wanted to see that shit I could spend 5 seconds on google at the local library and say that I was doing it for "research" purposes. Or better yet, I could find an actual anatomy book. Whatever the method, it is impossible to hide images of genitalia and other private spots from people who are determined enough to find them. For the love of god, the average movie has more detailed sex scenes than most games and you don't see PTAs flipping the fuck out when there are tits shown in those.

I think that censoring games because of this is stupid bullshit pulled by politicians who are blindly reaching out for some controversial issue to push into the limelight to get a few voters. If any of them gave a shit they would have banned dirty scenes in movies, books and the internet as well. They would have demonized the fuck out of anything with even the smallest tit slip.


November 13th, 2008, 12:22 AM
I've been following a trend in modern media (not just vidya) these days. Long story short, fucking seems to be thought to be as harmful to people as violence is.

Interestingly enough, in the wonderful USA, sex in media is looked down upon far more than violence, which I find to be so unbelievably pathetic, that I can qualify it as a de-evolution of our race.

I believe it was in the Funny Pictures thread or something, but there was a comparison image of the ratings on Saw 5 vs Zach and Miri Make a Porno.

Saw 5 had images telling parents to "supervise their children."
Zach and Miri had images forbidding anyone below 17 to see the movie.

Now, lets look at this whole argument from a logical standpoint. Violence is the act of harming another person/animal/etc. Sex is generally the act of reproduction (although we all know there are other reasons ;))

Now, when did it become more socially acceptable to depict the harming of another human being rather than two human beings showing their love for one another? Well, here's where I think America has taken a bad turn.

I love this country, but over the past...I'm gonna say 10-15 years, we have started to become vastly overprotective, parents have assumed less responsibility for their children, and all hazards to children are steadily being removed. Now, this is a very big problem for this country in the long run. If children are not allowed to experience risky behavior, then when they are 18 and are legally independent, they are going to get fucked over by a harsh, cold world that only gives back what you put into it.

I'll give you an example of how I have noticed a decline. When I was in middle school, and even before that, we played all kinds of sports/games in gym. Dodgeball, baseball, soccer, football, you name it. In high school, all of that was completely removed. Wiffleball wasn't even allowed. The reason for this? Someone could get hurt. Well SO FUCKING WHAT? This is life. You live on this planet, you are going to get hurt someday. Part of this comes from our country having way too many lawyers, dropping lawsuits over the biggest bullshit you can imagine, but a lot of this comes from a seemingly American ideal that we have to conceal the truth. As the late George Carlin said, "American language is loaded with euphemisms." and it's true! We hide everything that can be concieved as unpleasant.

Going back to the lawsuits, and how horrible they are, ill give you two examples that show how f***ed up things are.

1) A woman was at McDonalds. She recieved a hot coffee, and out of her own stupidity, she put it between her legs while she drove. She had to make a sudden stop, and her legs reflexively closed, forcing the hot coffee all over her legs. She sued McDonalds for damages, and won, forcing McDonalds to put a warning on their coffee cups denoting that "Coffee is hot."

2) A burglar was attempting to break into a house. He leapt a wall, fell, broke a leg, and sued the owner of the home. He won.

Now, my parents were like Rossmum's. They taught me the difference from fantasy and reality at the age of four (when I played Doom II). Because of this, I have developed strong morals of what is truly right and wrong, while a vast portion of American culture has fallen behind. If this continues in the way I think it's going to continue, the USA may lose some of its standing.

November 13th, 2008, 12:22 AM
I think that censoring games because of this is stupid bullshit pulled by politicians who are blindly reaching out for some controversial issue to push into the limelight to get a few voters. If any of them gave a shit they would have banned dirty scenes in movies, books and the internet as well. They would have demonized the fuck out of anything with even the smallest tit slip
They wouldn't have kids....

1) A woman was at McDonalds. She recieved a hot coffee, and out of her own stupidity, she put it between her legs while she drove. She had to make a sudden stop, and her legs reflexively closed, forcing the hot coffee all over her legs. She sued McDonalds for damages, and won, forcing McDonalds to put a warning on their coffee cups denoting that "Coffee is hot."You don't even know How many times I argued this case. Dumb...ass...bitch

November 13th, 2008, 12:28 AM
well fucking riot in the streets and dont stand for stupidity.


November 13th, 2008, 12:30 AM

I'm gonna quote Carlin again.

"You know what I say? FUCK THE CHILDREN. Fuck them. They're getting entirely too much attention."

Reaper Man
November 13th, 2008, 01:23 AM
Watch the documentary A History of Porn (I think it's called). All will be revealed.

Tl;dr - blame the Victorians.

November 13th, 2008, 01:55 PM
Jean-Luc, its called Zack and Miri make a porno, just fyi.

November 13th, 2008, 05:58 PM
THe UK standard for giving ratings to games (BBFC/PEGI) has only ever banned 2 games. One of them was manhunt. Most game ratings over here arent actually legally bidding, PEGI 12+ means they suggest it is only for people over 12, but you can still buy it if your 5. BBFC however, like 18 and 15 you have to be of age to get them.

We dont really have a problem with sex/violence, we are not prudes you see :) They are considering to change the rating system for games though.

The government is considering teaching sex education to 5 year olds, they are testing it out on a school of 5 year olds now.

The UK has the most teenage pregnancy in the world, it is a HUGE problem. It's societies problem though, the people who are having teenage pregnancies are the chavs, the people on benefits, aka the scum of the world.

November 13th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Here's the problem...

They blame Sex and Violence because it's easier than blaming the economy, education, and healthcare... since if the Government blames those issues, they'd actually need to do something about it.

November 13th, 2008, 11:21 PM
What really pisses me off about Texas, is that Sex Ed. has been completely banned! Sure, the bible teaches people to be pure and not have sex until marriage, but it's human nature to try and reproduce. We could at least tell our kids about protection and what actually will happen if they get too frisky. You know what they do about all the thousands of underage births here? They decide that 16 is a good age to be considered legal. The problem with that is, they're really strict with it. Say for instance if a 15 year old girl was dating a 16 year old boy. The boy can legally get put in prison if they 'fool around' like most teens will do.

Personally, I think it's because everybody is telling us NOT to have sex, when in reality that's what makes us want to do more of it. It's all reverse psychology! Just like if you tell a 5 year old not to touch something like a vase, he's going to fucking touch it unless he's some suck up dick. I know I would have touched it.

November 13th, 2008, 11:51 PM
Religion is the problem full stop.

THINK OF THE CHILDREN by sheltering them and bringing them into a world that they have no understanding of and have been sheltered from their entire lives and then expect them to know the rules and outcomes?

November 14th, 2008, 12:56 AM
Here's the problem...

They blame Sex and Violence because it's easier than blaming the economy, education, and healthcare... since if the Government blames those issues, they'd actually need to do something about it.


Same deal with games; parents blame them because they don't want to accept the fact that they're useless when it comes to raising children.

What really pisses me off about Texas, is that Sex Ed. has been completely banned! Sure, the bible teaches people to be pure and not have sex until marriage, but it's human nature to try and reproduce. We could at least tell our kids about protection and what actually will happen if they get too frisky. You know what they do about all the thousands of underage births here? They decide that 16 is a good age to be considered legal. The problem with that is, they're really strict with it. Say for instance if a 15 year old girl was dating a 16 year old boy. The boy can legally get put in prison if they 'fool around' like most teens will do.

Personally, I think it's because everybody is telling us NOT to have sex, when in reality that's what makes us want to do more of it. It's all reverse psychology! Just like if you tell a 5 year old not to touch something like a vase, he's going to fucking touch it unless he's some suck up dick. I know I would have touched it.
Ex-fucking-actly. Same as alcohol, I've been allowed to drink since I could walk and as a result, it was nothing special to me. I've been drunk all of 2 or 3 times, most of my friends have been perpetually drunk since they were about 16.

If people would stop trying to shelter their children or just let them loose (the two are equally likely to result in the kids turning out bad) and would start actually educating them, there wouldn't be a problem.

And how/why the fuck did they ban sex ed there?

November 14th, 2008, 07:02 PM
"sup, wanna fuck? come back to mine have a bit of fun, try some shit out :D?"
I do that all the time.

However usually I'm with friends and we go and ask random people we see walking on the street similar things. It's all in jest of course, random people walking on the street might have STI's! However, I've always wondered why society frowned upon "casual" sex. Because seriously, sex is fun and feels great, that's the bottom line.

The main problem is that most people will get emotionally attached to their sexual partner, even if they both knew it was "casual" sex. Just Watch the 1st or 2nd season of House MD, where Cameron and Chase get it on.

November 14th, 2008, 07:18 PM
1) A woman was at McDonalds. She recieved a hot coffee, and out of her own stupidity, she put it between her legs while she drove. She had to make a sudden stop, and her legs reflexively closed, forcing the hot coffee all over her legs. She sued McDonalds for damages, and won, forcing McDonalds to put a warning on their coffee cups denoting that "Coffee is hot."
1. She was not even driving, and the car was not in motion.
2. Burn hazards exist food any food over 140 degrees, and coffee is usually served around 140-155 degrees. McDonalds served their coffee at 190 degrees. It caused third-degree burns and she was hospitalized for 8 days.

November 14th, 2008, 07:21 PM
*Feels shame*
I guess I was wrong about that one :saddowns:

November 15th, 2008, 01:40 AM
1. She was not even driving, and the car was not in motion.
2. Burn hazards exist food any food over 140 degrees, and coffee is usually served around 140-155 degrees. McDonalds served their coffee at 190 degrees. It caused third-degree burns and she was hospitalized for 8 days.
...All of which means she still had no valid reason to sue and it's ridiculous that it didn't get thrown out of court. Logic dictates coffee is generally hot and if she's clumsy and managed to spill it all over herself, too fucking bad, that's her fault.

November 17th, 2008, 07:46 PM
I can't abide stupidity. The burglar case is even more outrageous though; the guy was trespassing, among other things.

Ugh, I blame the Puritans, lousy fucks.

Around where I live though, sex is treated more and more casually with each year. Perhaps Virginia is an exception to the rule? I think it's more like the further north you go, the more lax the prudence.

November 17th, 2008, 07:48 PM
I can't abide stupidity. The burglar case is even more outrageous though; the guy was trespassing, among other things.

Ugh, I blame the Puritans, lousy fucks.

Around where I live though, sex is treated more and more casually with each year. Perhaps Virginia is an exception to the rule? I think it's more like the further north you go, the more lax the prudence.
Oh the irony

I don't know why people are so uppity. Its a natural process that creates life?

November 18th, 2008, 10:21 AM


November 18th, 2008, 10:30 AM
Religion is the problem full stop.
Nice try.

I don't know why people are so uppity. Its a natural process that creates life?
The bigger problem that they have with it is that people are using what you describe as a "process that creates life" for purposes other than creating life.

Logic dictates coffee is generally hot and if she's clumsy and managed to spill it all over herself, too fucking bad, that's her fault.
You're forgetting that logic and reason are completely foreign concepts to a majority of humanity.

November 18th, 2008, 12:22 PM
I mostly agree with you there Skill, but a couple points I'd like to discuss. While I don't think religion is 100% of the problem, it definitely contributes by making pre-marital sex into a big "problem" that should be frowned upon...even by people not of that religion!

Secondly, I personally find nothing wrong with people having pre-marital sex for pure fun and enjoyment, but the problem is that the media makes it so publicized as a bad thing, that everyone looks down on it even though a massive amount of the population does it.

And I fully agree with your third point, well said.

November 18th, 2008, 02:13 PM
Nice try.

The bigger problem that they have with it is that people are using what you describe as a "process that creates life" for purposes other than creating life.

You're forgetting that logic and reason are completely foreign concepts to a majority of humanity.
Nice quote farming o/