View Full Version : How do you setup a Trigger Volume to spawn AI?

November 15th, 2008, 08:20 PM
I was wondering how I should go about setting up a Trigger Volume to setup checkpoints and AI. An SP mod level I'm working on is a bit laggy because all of my AI are loaded at once. Thanks for any links or help.

November 15th, 2008, 09:28 PM

November 15th, 2008, 09:54 PM
Now do you have to engulf the area involving the AI that need to be exterminated in the Trigger Volume to achieve the checkpoint?

November 15th, 2008, 11:44 PM
Take a look at HS doc to understand how different commands work. The forums are here for you to go to for help when you can't figure it out, not to spoonfeed you.

November 16th, 2008, 12:03 AM
Take a look at HS doc to understand how different commands work. The forums are here for you to go to for help when you can't figure it out, not to spoonfeed you.
Him asking a simple question that could've taken you 5 seconds to post a link or just not waste any of your time by not posting at all is not spoon feeding him, and I think you should have picked the latter.
Seriously, if you find his question so simple, and beneath you great mighty sir, then how about leave it to someone else and not worthy him of your post?
But just a reminder, 6 months of experience for him, 3 years for you, so yeah...

November 16th, 2008, 01:03 AM
Before the rest of the red rep brigade jumps on me, I did answer his question. HS doc will solve his saving question, and will provide him with answers for any other scripting questions a novice scripter will have.

I only started scripting like mid june, while working 2 jobs and being a full time college student, so it's not rocket science, and I'm defiantly not some super genius who knows everything. Look through HS doc, look at Bungie's scripts, and read the tutorials people have made. If you are still having trouble or a question, then ask here.

You wouldn't ask your teacher for help on something if you never read the book now would you?

November 16th, 2008, 01:08 AM
Ok, good I am glad you explained it, but the red rep brigade was unnecessary and to me shows how your actions are based on little green dots on a screen.
And from that, I can definitely agree with you not being a genius. But still he has less experience and if you had made this post the first one in here, I would have left this entire thing alone, but to be honest you get on my nerves a lot by how you treat "lower" people.
E= Oh look at that, you try to act all mature in public but in the rep area you're as pathetic as I thought you were, really shows even more about your character then I thought.

November 16th, 2008, 03:06 AM
Uh, no. Trigger volumes are what the name suggests: scripts check the volume to see if a specified object is inside it, and when it is, it triggers a reaction.

Read the script, iirc, I left comments in it that explain what each function does.