View Full Version : Germans This needs to stop before it goes TOO FAR
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 12:00 AM
well im sure you all now how utterly stupid german is being with games atm. in saints row people didnt die Dead rising and gears of war failed to be rated and countless
other changes have been made to stop the germans going on another genocide trip but seriously its getting to far.
"To abide with the ultra-strict ratings laws, the Nod suicide bombers erm, won't actually commit suicide. Instead the bomb-strapped Fanatic unit will apparently drop off his package and then scuttle off to safety, leaving the battlefield clear of limbs and nasty terrorist entrails.
Hurrah for pointless, selective censorship! This change won't affect the balance of the game in Germany, as it's "purely an animation change", but still...what a load of rubbish.
March 14th, 2007, 12:12 AM
This stops deranged, delusional racists from going on genocidal power trips how, exactly?
March 14th, 2007, 12:14 AM
This stops deranged, delusional racists from going on genocidal power trips how, exactly?
It doesn't. That's exactly why they are doing this. It's just a lame excuse for "We don't think you should play these games :(:(:(" :-3
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 12:14 AM
i honestly dont know. it truely is pointless just like the actions of one kid allowing video games to be banned or even a video game to influence someones life enough to make them go and kill people :S
March 14th, 2007, 12:16 AM
Don't you just love it when the people creating the laws don't have a clue what they're on about?
A parallel to this would be the Californian definition of an assault rifle (from what I've heard, anyway) - if it has a pistol grip or is painted black, it's an assault rifle.
...Right. Politicians, kindly get a clue.
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 12:18 AM
what as in a gun painted black is a AR or anything painted black is a AR ?
"look mam call the police that man is dirving a assault rifle"
but seriously people in positions of power need to get a grip on reality
March 14th, 2007, 12:23 AM
what as in a gun painted black is a AR or anything painted black is a AR ?
"look mam call the police that man is dirving a assault rifle"
Gun, of course. Still a completely moronic law, since neither of these are compulsory attributes of an assault rifle. The Heckler & Koch G36 is, by California law, an assault rifle; yet the SL8 isn't. What's an SL8?
Why, it's a semi-auto G36 with a grey thumbhole stock and 10-round box magazine. Go figure.
but seriously people in positions of power need to get a grip on reality
It's fun to dream, isn't it?
Seriously though, I see no logic behind this. Playing violent games has absolutely no bearing on one's behaviour... or at least, no more of an effect than violent movies, TV shows, books, or a bad upbringing. Yet only violent games are blamed for violence, thanks to the media and, of course, attention-seeking, hypocritical crackpots like Jack Thompson.
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 12:29 AM
jack tompson ?? who is he
and ye how can he actions of a few. set peoples opinions for many.
which brings me back to a earlier point about 90% of england is very narrow minded and belive all of america to be hugely overweight stupid lay abouts .
March 14th, 2007, 12:37 AM
Gun, of course. Still a completely moronic law, since neither of these are compulsory attributes of an assault rifle. The Heckler & Koch G36 is, by California law, an assault rifle; yet the SL8 isn't. What's an SL8?
Why, it's a semi-auto G36 with a grey thumbhole stock and 10-round box magazine. Go figure.
It's fun to dream, isn't it?
Seriously though, I see no logic behind this. Playing violent games has absolutely no bearing on one's behaviour... or at least, no more of an effect than violent movies, TV shows, books, or a bad upbringing. Yet only violent games are blamed for violence, thanks to the media and, of course, attention-seeking, hypocritical crackpots like Jack Thompson.
sl8 isn't legal in cali. thumbhole stock :wtc:
March 14th, 2007, 12:38 AM
Same here stalker, and pretty much everywhere else I've been. Most Americans I know are great people, though... given bad names because of the redneck morons who go around on youtube posting some of the most revolting discriminatory, ignorant and downright idiotic diatribe I've ever read.
@ snaf: It was last time I checked; albeit a while ago. Evidently it's not now.
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 12:39 AM
100% agree anyway im going to bed now nice chatting with you all
March 14th, 2007, 01:45 AM
I hate those fucking Fanatics anyhow.
March 14th, 2007, 01:48 AM
Heh. I want to play it but my PC would 'asplode :(
Oh, any news on that law they were considering which would mean anyone killing humans in games would be subject to laws as if they'd killed a real person? Because if that's still being considered, Germany's government is beyond help.
March 14th, 2007, 08:18 AM
theres a law in germany about genocide or genocidal content if I remember rightly.
March 14th, 2007, 08:40 AM
Because killing enemy soldiers in a game is really genocide, right? :|
March 14th, 2007, 01:42 PM
Because killing enemy soldiers in a game is really genocide, right? :|It could support brain activity towards genocide and some one might think to try it in real life.
Although I dont agree with that shit, just like the crazy stuff about GTA.
March 14th, 2007, 04:29 PM
theres a law in germany about genocide or genocidal content if I remember rightly.
Everything related to Nazism is banned, punishable by jail time.
March 14th, 2007, 04:34 PM
isn't CryTek, developers of FarCry and Crysis in Germany?
March 14th, 2007, 05:48 PM
which brings me back to a earlier point about 90% of england is very narrow minded and belive all of america to be hugely overweight stupid lay abouts .
The number of adults who are overweight or obese has continued to increase, as shown in Table 1. Currently, 64.5 percent of U.S. adults, age 20 years and older, are overweight and 30.5 percent are obese
Close enough :XD:
March 14th, 2007, 06:21 PM
Because killing enemy soldiers in a game is really genocide, right? :|
if so does that mean rounding up all your wounded soldiers, because they're useless and you're to cheap/lazy to train a medic, and killing them all is genocide?
....>_> ehem...anyway
welcome to reality people...BUT OH NO MY KIDS CAN'T SEE REALISM!
March 14th, 2007, 06:57 PM
man, i thought the germans were climbing up the "awesome" meter
not they just assploded and went down the meter as far as atty with his roosters and donkeys >_>
March 14th, 2007, 07:00 PM
1. Germany has different ratings. There is no 13 or 17 there are only 12,16 and 18.They are WAY more strict then here in America.(For ref. Star War Jedi Academy is 16!)
2.CS:S,Quake 3,Return to Castle Wolfenstein etc the usual crap are prohibited in some "states" (Bundeslaender).In Germany there were many schools where individual students killed many students and teachers.
March 14th, 2007, 07:13 PM
Xetsuei™;36292']It doesn't. That's exactly why they are doing this. It's just a lame excuse for "We don't think you should play these games :(:(:(" :-3
March 14th, 2007, 07:55 PM
1. Germany has different ratings. There is no 13 or 17 there are only 12,16 and 18.They are WAY more strict then here in America.(For ref. Star War Jedi Academy is 16!)
2.CS:S,Quake 3,Return to Castle Wolfenstein etc the usual crap are prohibited in some "states" (Bundeslaender).In Germany there were many schools where individual students killed many students and teachers.
They honestly have to be huffing kittens if they think violence in school is caused by video games. I mean come the fucking fuck hell on, ever since I start playing fucking counter strike I've been a fucking pacifist compared to the fuck I used to be. fucking hell....
anyways, on a serious note US statistics have shown that since the introduction of the Playstation 2 that violent crime rates have actually gone down >_>. Not a valid point though when your dealing with crazy ignorant idiots like Jack Thompson.
March 14th, 2007, 07:57 PM
Playing violent games has absolutely no bearing on one's behaviour... or at least, no more of an effect than violent movies, TV shows, books, or a bad upbringing. Yet only violent games are blamed for violence, thanks to the media and, of course, attention-seeking, hypocritical crackpots like Jack Thompson. the risk of getting butchered by you video gaming psychos.....:D
Movies, books and TV are similar to video games in that they de-sensitise
people to a higher level of what would normally be considered
"unacceptable violence" Video games however, differ in that the player is
taught that violence IS the answer. The player is rewarded by being
allowed to progress from one level to the next, by killing everyone who
gets in their way.
Now while you and I may know this is not applicable in normal society
("normal" being defined as outside any major U.S. city, or small country
currently at war with the U.S. :p ) Subjecting generations of pre-teens to
the same level of violence and reward training, will inevitably come full
circle and bite society on the ass big time at some point.
Personally I think it's too late to stop it now anyway. I really cant see any
way out for a society who's children post videos online of real assaults on
other children, and think this is not only acceptable, but cool.
Our only chance is to keep feeding the little bastards junk food,
so that they'll be too fat to fight, and dead by 30.
March 14th, 2007, 07:57 PM
moderator clean up required.
Net lag caused unintended double post......
March 14th, 2007, 08:19 PM
you can delete it yourself :rolleyes:
i think it's better we play video games. instead of going into murderous killing sprees, we put our frustrations into the games (subconsciously, i doubt anyone goes into CS to be like "ima kill joor terrorists you fuckin barbarians i wanna spill blood).
March 14th, 2007, 09:17 PM
They honestly have to be huffing kittens if they think violence in school is caused by video games. I mean come the fucking fuck hell on, ever since I start playing fucking counter strike I've been a fucking pacifist compared to the fuck I used to be. fucking hell....
anyways, on a serious note US statistics have shown that since the introduction of the Playstation 2 that violent crime rates have actually gone down >_>. Not a valid point though when your dealing with crazy ignorant idiots like Jack Thompson.
Lolz, Kitten Huffing. (
March 14th, 2007, 09:34 PM
stalker 4589
March 14th, 2007, 09:39 PM
back on topic. i dont think that becuase when i kill a ganglord in crackdown. and progress to the next area. that by killing people in life i will recive sum kind of reward that is lunacy. the thing is kids are violent. no many people are normal hippy tree huging fairys and then one day just snap and masacar people. its in you since childhood. i know naturally evil people i dont know the reason why there like that but they are. and the world on a whole needs something to blame this on -video games-.
March 15th, 2007, 03:04 AM
It could support brain activity towards genocide and some one might think to try it in real life.
Although I dont agree with that shit, just like the crazy stuff about GTA.
Anyone who uses that 'defense' is clutching at straws to try and shrug the blame onto someone else, namely gamers. Blaming us for the stupidity of others is just low.
Everything related to Nazism is banned, punishable by jail time.
Yeah... which I find somewhat stupid. It's not as bad as Japan pretending they didn't treat PoWs like shit, but it's close. Hiding the past is not going to stop it happening again, especially since there seem to be more Nazis living in the US and also elsewhere in Europe than there are in Germany.
isn't CryTek, developers of FarCry and Crysis in Germany?
They honestly have to be huffing kittens if they think violence in school is caused by video games. I mean come the fucking fuck hell on, ever since I start playing fucking counter strike I've been a fucking pacifist compared to the fuck I used to be. fucking hell....
anyways, on a serious note US statistics have shown that since the introduction of the Playstation 2 that violent crime rates have actually gone down >_>. Not a valid point though when your dealing with crazy ignorant idiots like Jack Thompson.
Precisely, but oh gosh don't let the truth out, the media spent months of biasing news and ignoring the gamers' side of the story to get the general public to believe that bullshit! :rolleyes: the risk of getting butchered by you video gaming psychos.....:D
Movies, books and TV are similar to video games in that they de-sensitise
people to a higher level of what would normally be considered
"unacceptable violence" Video games however, differ in that the player is
taught that violence IS the answer. The player is rewarded by being
allowed to progress from one level to the next, by killing everyone who
gets in their way.
I disagree. Anyone who seriously thinks like that was unbalanced enough in the first place, it was inevitable whether they played a violent game or not. People like that are on a hair-trigger and, of course, the easiest thing for non-gamers to blame are violent video games! Never mind the fact that the vast majority of them don't have a fucking clue what they're talking about.
Now while you and I may know this is not applicable in normal society
("normal" being defined as outside any major U.S. city, or small country
currently at war with the U.S. :p ) Subjecting generations of pre-teens to
the same level of violence and reward training, will inevitably come full
circle and bite society on the ass big time at some point.
Not nearly as soon as society outcasting a whole generation and telling them that they're brainless monsters, amirite.
Personally I think it's too late to stop it now anyway. I really cant see any
way out for a society who's children post videos online of real assaults on
other children, and think this is not only acceptable, but cool.
Like I said, we have and always have had a word for those people: psychotic. Times change. People don't.
i think it's better we play video games. instead of going into murderous killing sprees, we put our frustrations into the games (subconsciously, i doubt anyone goes into CS to be like "ima kill joor terrorists you fuckin barbarians i wanna spill blood).
Exactly. Gaming is something fun which can help us find friends, de-stress, and vent anger that may have led to some form of abusive behaviour later on.
back on topic. i dont think that becuase when i kill a ganglord in crackdown. and progress to the next area. that by killing people in life i will recive sum kind of reward that is lunacy. the thing is kids are violent. no many people are normal hippy tree huging fairys and then one day just snap and masacar people. its in you since childhood. i know naturally evil people i dont know the reason why there like that but they are. and the world on a whole needs something to blame this on -video games-.
Exactly. Heaven forbid society should ever take the blame for their own problems.
March 15th, 2007, 11:05 AM
You guys need to stop focusing on JUST games. This law is to do with movies, art work, ANY thing is banned.. Games just comes to mind to us because we play games more than we look at art work, surely..
jack tompson ?? who is he
and ye how can he actions of a few. set peoples opinions for many.
which brings me back to a earlier point about 90% of england is very narrow minded and belive all of america to be hugely overweight stupid lay abouts .
narrow minded? Haha sure whatever.
Its been proven several times, americans are hugely overweight.
To American, the people arent fat, because there fat system is different to the rest of the world
Outside US, fat people are considered fat at an even lower level than US..
UK is on the increase of fat people too, why? Because we got the US shit here thats why
Mc D, KFC, Burger King, all came from US what a fucking surprise eh??
Here in UK we only have those outlets they are the major ones, same in US? no..
as you can see, I dont like being called narrow minded.
[Americans] eat more sugar and artificial sweeteners than any other people on earth. Americans also experience more episodes of acute hunger each day than any other people on earth – many people eat 11 times a day. . . . And Americans do less physical work per day than any other nation. We ride more and walk less than other people.
The main problem with these fats is that the human body has almost lost its ability to burn them. Unless one is starving and nearly all glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is burned up, the human body won’t burn these types of fat. Most Americans don’t like feeling starved for hours while their body is burning stored saturated fat. Therefore, they grab something sweet to give them instant energy.
stalker 4589
March 15th, 2007, 03:58 PM
so wait you think all americans are hugely overweight stupid lay abouts. that is narrow minded
March 15th, 2007, 05:47 PM
so wait you think all americans are hugely overweight stupid lay abouts. that is narrow minded
It's not being narrow minded, it's saying the truth. And he didn't say all americans are overweight either.
March 15th, 2007, 07:17 PM
True I didnt say all americans.
64% is a massive high percentage, YOU might not be fat, no one on these forums might be, however there has to be some fat americans some where in america to get that high percentage damn..
March 15th, 2007, 07:39 PM
You guys need to stop focusing on JUST games. This law is to do with movies, art work, ANY thing is banned.. Games just comes to mind to us because we play games more than we look at art work, surely..
narrow minded? Haha sure whatever.
Its been proven several times, americans are hugely overweight.
To American, the people arent fat, because there fat system is different to the rest of the world
Outside US, fat people are considered fat at an even lower level than US..
UK is on the increase of fat people too, why? Because we got the US shit here thats why
Mc D, KFC, Burger King, all came from US what a fucking surprise eh??
Here in UK we only have those outlets they are the major ones, same in US? no..
as you can see, I dont like being called narrow minded.
[Americans] eat more sugar and artificial sweeteners than any other people on earth. Americans also experience more episodes of acute hunger each day than any other people on earth – many people eat 11 times a day. . . . And Americans do less physical work per day than any other nation. We ride more and walk less than other people.
The main problem with these fats is that the human body has almost lost its ability to burn them. Unless one is starving and nearly all glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is burned up, the human body won’t burn these types of fat. Most Americans don’t like feeling starved for hours while their body is burning stored saturated fat. Therefore, they grab something sweet to give them instant energy.
Stop with this anti-American bullshit, 9mm. Please. And if you don't like being called narrow-minded, get used to it.
March 15th, 2007, 07:45 PM
You guys need to stop focusing on JUST games. This law is to do with movies, art work, ANY thing is banned.. Games just comes to mind to us because we play games more than we look at art work, surely..
narrow minded? Haha sure whatever.
Its been proven several times, americans are hugely overweight.
To American, the people arent fat, because there fat system is different to the rest of the world
Outside US, fat people are considered fat at an even lower level than US..
UK is on the increase of fat people too, why? Because we got the US shit here thats why
Mc D, KFC, Burger King, all came from US what a fucking surprise eh??
Here in UK we only have those outlets they are the major ones, same in US? no..
as you can see, I dont like being called narrow minded.
[Americans] eat more sugar and artificial sweeteners than any other people on earth. Americans also experience more episodes of acute hunger each day than any other people on earth – many people eat 11 times a day. . . . And Americans do less physical work per day than any other nation. We ride more and walk less than other people.
The main problem with these fats is that the human body has almost lost its ability to burn them. Unless one is starving and nearly all glycogen (stored carbohydrate) is burned up, the human body won’t burn these types of fat. Most Americans don’t like feeling starved for hours while their body is burning stored saturated fat. Therefore, they grab something sweet to give them instant energy.
Why don't you come here and see for yourself?
I only see about 5 fat people A DAY.
March 15th, 2007, 07:51 PM
Why don't you come here and see for yourself?
I only see about 5 fat people A DAY.
March 15th, 2007, 07:55 PM
I mean seriously, 9mm
Nobody gives a rats ass about your fucking statistics.
Come and see with your own eyes, not some scientists.
March 15th, 2007, 08:01 PM
I don't mind how much they eat or how they look like.:)
I just hate one thing.They waste so much energy.Full Debt but yeah you HAVE to have 500 Horses under your ass.:rolleyes:
Global Warming and they still don't give a shit.:mad:
March 15th, 2007, 08:02 PM
I don't mind how much they eat or how they look like.:)
I just hate one thing.They waste so much energy.Full Debt but yeah you HAVE to have 500 Horses under your ass.:rolleyes:
Global Warming and they still don't give a shit.:mad:
Once again, some of us DO actually care.
Stop making your assumptions that all of us love to kill the earth.
March 15th, 2007, 08:05 PM
There are only 3 really fat people at my school, one is my principle who is shaped like an upside down candy corn, and two of the lunch ladies.
I am 5'10" and only weigh 125lbs, I'm active and play sports. Its mostly people who are adults who eat like crap and let there kids eat like that. I, unlike most people I know, actually eat breakfast. Sure I snack, but I don't go to a fastfood place, I make a plate of nachos or have a bomb pop.
March 15th, 2007, 08:11 PM
Once again, some of us DO actually care.
Stop making your assumptions that all of us love to kill the earth.
America has 3 times for emission then China and China has more then 4 times the population.
There has to be a reason.
March 15th, 2007, 08:13 PM
America has 3 times for emission then China and China has more then 4 times the population.
There has to be a reason.
And who says we're not trying to change? :rolleyes:
March 15th, 2007, 08:15 PM
And who says we're not trying to change? :rolleyes:
I have 2 countries to compare.Compared to Germany,America is doing nothing.
March 15th, 2007, 11:46 PM
Why don't you come here and see for yourself?
I only see about 5 fat people A DAY.
Ditto, and our obesity 'statistics' are similarly overinflated. AND I live right in the centre of one of the most populous regions in Australia.
I don't mind how much they eat or how they look like.:)
I just hate one thing.They waste so much energy.Full Debt but yeah you HAVE to have 500 Horses under your ass.:rolleyes:
Global Warming and they still don't give a shit.:mad:
That's because they aren't as good at designing efficient shit like you Germans. :p
March 16th, 2007, 12:07 AM
I have 2 countries to compare.Compared to Germany,America is doing nothing.
Oh here we go with the "MY country is doing more than YOUR country"
Well guess what?
I don't give a flying fuck! :XD:
March 16th, 2007, 12:11 AM
Guys, grow the fuck up.
All of you.
stalker 4589
March 16th, 2007, 12:58 AM
ohh god this thread has turned into a who is the best country thread :(
March 16th, 2007, 09:35 AM
Pat, alot of that emissions is to fuel cars yes? Because people hate to walk everywhere, probably due to inconvience since USA is massively big, some people cant be fucked to walk because they are so fat though, if you guys had to walk alot more you would have a lower percentage of fat people.
And when I say fat, I dont mean,beer belly, or just a bit fat, im talking about really chubby, unhealthy fat, diabetes, heart problems, less life, ALL of them you have higher risk if your overweight..
And who says we're not trying to change? :rolleyes:The rest of the world, did bush attend the G8 summit? NO, why? probably either doing osme cowboy shit, trying to learn a thing or two, or eating a big mac.
Wasnt USA the first country to have "super size" on the mc d menu? UK never has and never will.
This is the problem with america in general, people are too stubbern and dont lke the harsh reality and wont accept the truth. You need to acecpt the problem before you can start to fix it...
If this was a "best country" thread, then the answer would be Australia..
stalker 4589
March 16th, 2007, 11:34 AM
as a fellow uk member limited. we did have a supersize because thats how big my still fanta was untill the said i wasnt aloud one anymore :S i was well depressed.
Rob Oplawar
March 16th, 2007, 01:52 PM
Wow, Off Topic is right.
But it's alright. I'm not American. I'm Texan. =)
March 16th, 2007, 02:42 PM
Oh here we go with the "MY country is doing more than YOUR country"
Well guess what?
I don't give a flying fuck! :XD:
I live in America so I guess it's not my country against "yours".And if you don't give a fuck you are just like all the other american people.
That's because they aren't as good at designing efficient shit like you Germans. :pI never knew it would be so hard for american to turn their room heating down by 2 Grad Fahrenheit or having only 8 Watt Bulbs instead of 140 ones.
March 17th, 2007, 03:26 AM
Guys, take the "my country beats your country" shit elsewhere...
March 18th, 2007, 02:27 AM
Wow, Off Topic is right.
But it's alright. I'm not American. I'm Texan. =)
Same =D
March 18th, 2007, 06:29 AM
well this is happeneding in aussyland as well i saw a report on ACA taht there trying to ban rock music in pubs because they think it's linked to fights.....
it's happend ing Alice springs now a pub only use's Easy listening.... it's just fuckgin Stupid ..
Edit: the risk of getting butchered by you video gaming psychos.....:D
Movies, books and TV are similar to video games in that they de-sensitise
people to a higher level of what would normally be considered
"unacceptable violence" Video games however, differ in that the player is
taught that violence IS the answer. The player is rewarded by being
allowed to progress from one level to the next, by killing everyone who
gets in their way.
Now while you and I may know this is not applicable in normal society
("normal" being defined as outside any major U.S. city, or small country
currently at war with the U.S. :p ) Subjecting generations of pre-teens to
the same level of violence and reward training, will inevitably come full
circle and bite society on the ass big time at some point.
Personally I think it's too late to stop it now anyway. I really cant see any
way out for a society who's children post videos online of real assaults on
other children, and think this is not only acceptable, but cool.
Our only chance is to keep feeding the little bastards junk food,
so that they'll be too fat to fight, and dead by 30.
I completely agree with the way Ross tore apart your extremely ignorant post.
Restricting PPl's rights will NEVER solve a problem.
your post is not logical. it's posted well and set out well but it just isnt fucking logical.
Because games are not linked to violence
there is millions possibly billions of ppl online everyday playing games, look at starcraft, halo, fucking WoW and any other game thats ever been created. there are billions of ppl who play games all accross the world and strangely there just isnt Billions of hardcore gaming murderers. Show me some statistics that say that 95% of all murders, rapes, assaults are caused by video games or through some other kind of media.
"video games contain violence"
yeah so what? so does life, and any media, music, Tv, advertisement contains violence and we have all experienced some sort of Media in our life. How many ppl have u killed?
of cause video games contain violence but that doesnt mean ppl logically take it into account and think that killing a a person will reward u and take u on to the nxt level in life. it's jsut like saying that PPL believe they can die and come back at the Nxt checkpoint.
"oshit i was shot, dont worry i'm saved at the last check point"
"video games teach that violence is ok". WRONG!
no they dont in a way it's the opposite. it teaches ppl that violence exists and Acknowledging that something exists is necessary for ppl to ACCEPT and move on that violence is a part of life. think about the Shocking treatment Of PoW's by the japanese on australian troops, The Holocaust, or any other genocide that has ever existed.
understanding Violence is the key to keeping it under control.
"But theres proof..... "
well u know wat else theres proof of apparently All music and i mean All music easy listening, jazz, techno, rock, pop, metal and even classical music causes ppl to be evil according to the seven day adventists. it causes ppl to become more aggressive and hostile. Yet these Very same ppl Refuse to accept that there are Rocks that have also been scientifically proven that Predate religion.
it's bullshit biased un-logical fucking narrow minded Ignorance that only causes hype and provides governments and the media a way to control the masses. pointing fingers is just so much easier to do then acknowledging the problem and fix it.
Taking PPL's rights away will never fix the problem it makes it worse because ppl become bound by rules and laws rather then understanding that it isnt ok in the first place. u demolish all self-restraint, responsibility of your own actions by passing laws such as this.
"it's gunna bite the world in the ass"
there are far more rapes, murders and fucking suicides all across the world then wat has ever been linked to video games. and sometimes the authority's Fuck it up and get it backwards.
i heard of a case in the UK which got the game Manhunt banned. apparently a teenager was brutally murdered. the authoritys quickly blamed it on the game Even tho it was The Victim who ownd and played the game, the murderer had never Seen the game before. However that Did not stop the Media running wild and creating hype Blaming the violence on the game which lead to Manhunts original banning.
In australia i saw a shocking news report that the media had made showing clips from soldier of fortune of ppl's legs being blown off and then saying that it was Counterstrike. the most popular game on the internet at that time. They Slanderously used a game with an assload of warnings about the violence it contains and applied it to a much less violent game.
TEEN VIOLENCE HAS RISEN BECAUSE PPL CANNOT DISIPLIN THERE CHILDREN because of the new laws regulations that are being passed which disables a parent to discipline there child.
IN NZ a law (that may or may not have been passed yet) Disables a parent right to spank there children.
Parents cannot discipline there children. no spanking, no smacking, nothing.
How the fuck will that help?
simple it wont.
it makes it a vicous cycle of undisciplined rowdy children who grow up with rules that protect them from ever having to accept the responsibility of there own actions. and u know what will happen nxt generation dont u.
Games are exactly the same takeing ppl's rights away NEVER EVER fix a problem only allowing ppl to explore those avenues and then teaching them
the problems consequences and Morals behind not making those decisions will help. but apparently thats 2 hard so they just take rights away.
video games are not the cause of violence ignorance is and when a person has no means because he's bound by law to not teach himself they will never understand.
how can a person understand that violence is wrong if they have no means to teach themselves?
March 18th, 2007, 08:03 AM
March 18th, 2007, 05:08 PM
There's nothing anyone else really needs to say, except +rep
March 18th, 2007, 11:09 PM
The main reason that Americans eat up huge amounts of fuel is because we have to have these huge ass $50,000 SUVs that have a fuel efficiency of 5 MPG that none of us need. For the most part, Americans think that Oil is some unlimited resource, so for the most part we really only care about how magnificent our houses, cars, etc. are. That in combination with the fact that we are a lazy society makes us a very energy dunce country. Our education system is also far behind most other countries too. Im American btw.
Rob Oplawar
March 19th, 2007, 01:09 AM
A bit off topic, so don't read if you're a topic nazi:
No, it's not fair to generalize and say all Americans are that ignorant. I'd bet a very low percentage of the populous thinks oil is unlimited- thing is, people just don't care. If you're going to say nobody needs a 5 mpg suv (gross exaggeration- hummers get a whole 7mpg =P ), well, what about the mojority of us modders' computers and various other implements of gaming-these devices suck electricity like no other- electricity that comes in very large part from fossil fuels. I'm not saying it isn't a problem, I'm saying most americans feel it isn't their problem, myself included I admit, and I'll bet most if not all of you feel the same way. Sure we feel bad about it, but which of us is going to actively try to prevent consumption of fossil fuels?
Here's the thing about life- it consumes energy. Whether it's using sunlight or burning fossil fuels, life is releasing stored energy, converting complec molecules into less complex ones in the grand scheme of things. Is it necessarily a terrible thing for people to use energy? Of course not.
Right, back on topic:
Politicians just like to have a scapegoat is all. It's a phase like "rock and roll causes teens to be violent"- it'll pass, and there's no way in hell politicians will ever be able to ban videogames altogether. That said, this outcry about violent videogames sure does suck, so somebody better invent some new controversial art form for the politicians to move on to. Anything else I can think of to say has already been said.
March 19th, 2007, 02:39 AM
you know what pisses me off? the anti-gun lobby. now those people are flippant about gun control.
1 of 4 women in the US will be assaulted within her lifetime, yet, the politicians tell us to rely on police, a taser or a can of pepperspray to ward off attackers. would that be such a high number if muggers and rapists didn't know what woman was carrying a concealed firearm? hmmmm NO. every woman has the right to self protection.
10,000 people each year are killed by firearms in the US. well... hardly meaningful when compared to the 2,000,000 people saved each year by armed civilians.
they also think that if everyone was allowed to own/carry a firearm, that we'd all somehow become raging anti-social psychopaths. they'd really love you to believe that. i read an article about one city making it law that each home has a firearm. you know what happened in that city? DRAMATIC drop in robberies. who is gonna break into a house when they know they have an excelent chance of being 12 gauged in the face?
not to mention, drawing a firearm doesn't always mean discharging it.
end result: me getting a firearm because of attempted break-ins, and concealed carry liscence, with Department of Justice certification. Hollowpoints are a sure cure for sociopathy. end game. why trust my life to 2 AA batteries or a can of seasoning??
March 19th, 2007, 02:48 AM
A bit off topic, so don't read if you're a topic nazi:
No, it's not fair to generalize and say all Americans are that ignorant. I'd bet a very low percentage of the populous thinks oil is unlimited- thing is, people just don't care. If you're going to say nobody needs a 5 mpg suv (gross exaggeration- hummers get a whole 7mpg =P ), well, what about the mojority of us modders' computers and various other implements of gaming-these devices suck electricity like no other- electricity that comes in very large part from fossil fuels. I'm not saying it isn't a problem, I'm saying most americans feel it isn't their problem, myself included I admit, and I'll bet most if not all of you feel the same way. Sure we feel bad about it, but which of us is going to actively try to prevent consumption of fossil fuels?
Here's the thing about life- it consumes energy. Whether it's using sunlight or burning fossil fuels, life is releasing stored energy, converting complec molecules into less complex ones in the grand scheme of things. Is it necessarily a terrible thing for people to use energy? Of course not.
Back Off Topic: Hence the punch line "I'm american btw". Im currently in an elective class at my high school about Solar Energy and building solar cars and shit, and we are reading a book called "The End of Oil". Lovely book, teaches a lot about the average american oil consumer. Most people probably don't even realize the amount of energy they are squandering and if they do most of them don't care about the environmental repercussions. A fun fact most Americans don't know is that many different plastics are at least partially based off of Hydrocarbons. AKA no oil, no PCB's, no computers, no Game boys, no shitty plastic rims for your 7 MPG Hummer that you don't need anyway, hell, without plastic almost nothing that the average american takes advantage of every day would exist. Without oil, electricity would be crazily expensive due to the fact that most of our energy comes from Hydrocarbons. Without oil obviously you would not be able to drive your 7 MPG Hummer around anyway. And whether or not the average American Consumer knows that they are squandering a limited resource or not still doesn't change the fact that we use most of the worlds oil.
on topic:
law makers have to find some kind of thing to demonize, and it seems that the video game industry is the perfect scapegoat. Why look at the facts when you can bullshit your way to the top? Classic American politics. The same thing happened around the time rock and roll music came around and probably for the same reason too. Our politicians today really suck.
you know what pisses me off? the anti-gun lobby. now those people are flippant about gun control.
1 of 4 women in the US will be assaulted within her lifetime, yet, the politicians tell us to rely on police, a taser or a can of pepperspray to ward off attackers. would that be such a high number if muggers and rapists didn't know what woman was carrying a concealed firearm? hmmmm NO. every woman has the right to self protection.
10,000 people each year are killed by firearms in the US. well... hardly meaningful when compared to the 2,000,000 people saved each year by armed civilians.
they also think that if everyone was allowed to own/carry a firearm, that we'd all somehow become raging anti-social psychopaths. they'd really love you to believe that. i read an article about one city making it law that each home has a firearm. you know what happened in that city? DRAMATIC drop in robberies. who is gonna break into a house when they know they have an excelent chance of being 12 gauged in the face?
not to mention, drawing a firearm doesn't always mean discharging it.
end result: me getting a firearm because of attempted break-ins, and concealed carry liscence, with Department of Justice certification. Hollowpoints are a sure cure for sociopathy. end game. why trust my life to 2 AA batteries or a can of seasoning??
good points. BUT LOLZ WE WOULD HAVE 11 YEAR OLDS PLAYING COUNTER STRIKE IN REAL LIFE LOLOL. If you can't keep your mudkipz loving kid away from your firearm then they deserve to have their faces blown off. Might pollute the genetic pool.
March 19th, 2007, 02:56 AM
you know what pisses me off? the anti-gun lobby. now those people are flippant about gun control.
1 of 4 women in the US will be assaulted within her lifetime, yet, the politicians tell us to rely on police, a taser or a can of pepperspray to ward off attackers. would that be such a high number if muggers and rapists didn't know what woman was carrying a concealed firearm? hmmmm NO. every woman has the right to self protection.
10,000 people each year are killed by firearms in the US. well... hardly meaningful when compared to the 2,000,000 people saved each year by armed civilians.
they also think that if everyone was allowed to own/carry a firearm, that we'd all somehow become raging anti-social psychopaths. they'd really love you to believe that. i read an article about one city making it law that each home has a firearm. you know what happened in that city? DRAMATIC drop in robberies. who is gonna break into a house when they know they have an excelent chance of being 12 gauged in the face?
not to mention, drawing a firearm doesn't always mean discharging it.
end result: me getting a firearm because of attempted break-ins, and concealed carry liscence, with Department of Justice certification. Hollowpoints are a sure cure for sociopathy. end game. why trust my life to 2 AA batteries or a can of seasoning??
Oh shit, I didn't think it was possible... but for the second time, /thread.
March 19th, 2007, 09:56 AM
We have that problem too snaf, yet its to do with knifes mostly (although we have a gun problem too)
Around London and up north people carry knifes alot, there's few groups of people who will use them and kill people (happened alot lately too) and now people want to and are carrying knifes to protect themselves. It makes sense to want to carry one to protect, however I probably wouldn't use one, just to have it as like "there" to show the other mofo who wants to stab you, that you have one too.
March 19th, 2007, 07:09 PM
the person of adveradge ability has an excelent chance of stabing you if they are within 21 feet of you, even if you've already got a firearm drawn.
solution: step back and sideways and doubletap that mofo's sternum.
March 19th, 2007, 10:07 PM
The main reason that Americans eat up huge amounts of fuel is because we have to have these huge ass $50,000 SUVs that have a fuel efficiency of 5 MPG that none of us need. For the most part, Americans think that Oil is some unlimited resource, so for the most part we really only care about how magnificent our houses, cars, etc. are. That in combination with the fact that we are a lazy society makes us a very energy dunce country. Our education system is also far behind most other countries too. Im American btw.
Hey, I'M American and I think this government fails for the most part. I don't want to go into why. I've always admired Germany and German people, but their stark determination to prevent a resurgence of Nazism has already gone too far. Despite all the controversy about it, the Nazi party DID HAVE some good ideas. These are simply overshadowed in history (and rightfully so) by all the bad ideas. I wish Germany's government would just grow up and move on =\
March 20th, 2007, 12:20 AM
Hey, I'M American and I think this government fails for the most part. I don't want to go into why. I've always admired Germany and German people, but their stark determination to prevent a resurgence of Nazism has already gone too far. Despite all the controversy about it, the Nazi party DID HAVE some good ideas. These are simply overshadowed in history (and rightfully so) by all the bad ideas. I wish Germany's government would just grow up and move on =\
Exactly. Sticking your head into the ground and simply ignoring some terrible event is gullible. While I understand it was a very traumatic time for the German people hiding their past away will simply allow it to happen again. It may not happen in Germany, but it can still happen and instead of working on preventing it they simply hide from it.
Rob Oplawar
March 20th, 2007, 11:32 AM
Hey now, we can't start saying out governments don't work. Our governments work great. Look how good life is for us- abundant food, water, electricity- to the point where a huge part of the economy is spent on entertainment because we've got everything else going that well. It's a sign of how well the US government was planned that it's perfectly well survivng completely corrupt, retarded, dick politicians.
Point of reference:
Zimbabwe's almost comically sad hyperinflation rate reached 1,593 percent in January (the dollars that bought a brick house with pool and tennis court in 1990 would today buy a single brick), but that did not stop President Robert Mugabe from ostentatiously celebrating his 83rd birthday on Feb. 24 at a party estimated to cost the equivalent of about $1.2 million. In early February, the government attempted to halt inflation by passing a law declaring it illegal.
Edit: WACHA! 77 posts! That has 2 7s in it =P
March 20th, 2007, 12:47 PM
"Guys my Kill Death Ratio is fucking own, I've had 0 deaths in real life so far, and 61 kills".
I could see messed up inhibited teens saying it after a school shooting. And I totally agree with you Snaf, to bad carrying firearms in Canada is illegal, I just carry around my Pipeband dirk instead... Its like a 36 cm blade, fun stuff.
March 20th, 2007, 03:06 PM
i live in the country... i dont need to carry around a knife or a weapon. muggins arnt that common where i live
March 20th, 2007, 03:22 PM
well consider yourself lucky. my old neighborhood i got shot at with a tec9 and a 45. two people got shot in broad daylight in a parking lot, and another in the alley.
oh not to mention the FBI raid with m16's on the local target store.
i never leave my house without at least a blade. sometimes 2.
March 20th, 2007, 04:35 PM
Wow, such violent places. I've never seen anybody attack somebody else in public before. I don't really need anything to protect me because the chances of me being attacked are very low.
March 20th, 2007, 11:36 PM
Most trouble we've had in my street was some drunk morons smashing letterboxes about a year ago.
March 21st, 2007, 02:17 AM
Hey now, we can't start saying out governments don't work. Our governments work great. Look how good life is for us- abundant food, water, electricity- to the point where a huge part of the economy is spent on entertainment because we've got everything else going that well. It's a sign of how well the US government was planned that it's perfectly well survivng completely corrupt, retarded, dick politicians.
yes, but at what cost? Right now we could give a fuck about our national fuel emissions. All the American people care about is "how big I can get my house which will consume more electricity then an average town in africa" and "how big my stupidly overbuilt and completely overkill SUV is" instead of thinking about the future. The US government really hasn't done that much to curb this either and the American people probably wouldn't go along with it anyway. However, we aren't the worst offender. China is already pretty bad in terms of pollution and their oil consumption is gaining an amazing amount every day. Right now most of the cares sold in Asia are just re-spun US cars from the 70's and 80's that are very inexpensive but horrifically polluting and inefficient compared to most modern cars. More and more people in China want cars, so not only do we have more inefficient cars but millions more of them being produced. China will soon require more oil then us if this trend keeps up.
March 21st, 2007, 02:44 AM
well consider yourself lucky. my old neighborhood i got shot at with a tec9 and a 45. two people got shot in broad daylight in a parking lot, and another in the alley.
oh not to mention the FBI raid with m16's on the local target store.
i never leave my house without at least a blade. sometimes 2.
that explains so much 0_0
March 21st, 2007, 08:26 AM
well consider yourself lucky. my old neighborhood i got shot at with a tec9 and a 45. two people got shot in broad daylight in a parking lot, and another in the alley.
oh not to mention the FBI raid with m16's on the local target store.
i never leave my house without at least a blade. sometimes 2.
This guy at my school got shivved 4 times during lunch before a cop got there.
March 21st, 2007, 03:25 PM
well consider yourself lucky. my old neighborhood i got shot at with a tec9 and a 45. two people got shot in broad daylight in a parking lot, and another in the alley.
oh not to mention the FBI raid with m16's on the local target store.
i never leave my house without at least a blade. sometimes 2.
Where the fuck do you live?
March 21st, 2007, 07:33 PM
Lets see if we can get this topic back on track and off the subject of fat blokes and xenophobic foriegn poilicies.....
I didnt say anything even remotely about taking your "rights" away, che?
I attempted to explain the differences between immersion in a virtual video
"game world" over other "older" forms of media. Theres not very much
difference anymore between some aspects of gaming online, and the once
high-end tactical video-based simulations that government departments
use in part to condition special police units, or some aspects of armed
forces training.
Another recent development that blurs the lines, is that When you fight
online now, you know you are fighting other "real" people. you can hear
them talking shit to you, getting mad and even making threats. Hasn't
anyone here at one time overplayed a new game to the point where you
lay down to sleep and you can see parts of the game still running in your
minds eye, when your eyes are closed? Everything we do is processed for
useful information. Stressful scenarios that involve the life and death
decisions and the tactics we employed for survival are "learned" for future
use if needed.
Games such as Halo take place in a "comic book" scenario, which makes it
easier to seperate from everyday reality. Other games (mentioning no
names) are deliberately set in realistic urban scenarios and focus on
robbing passers-by, stealing cars and killing police officers. Technology
has WAY outpaced the current level of understanding on what the
potential consequences of a generation of pre and early teens spending
long hours in a urban combat simulation scenario, where the only rule is kill
or be killed, will be.
Ranting that its all bullshit, (sorry but your post WAS a bit ranty....) is in
fact truly bullshit itself. It's ridiculous that the media blame video games
for the normal psychological responses of the human brain, while pumping
out hours of news footage related to murders and rapes on a thirty minute
repeat cycle..
Neither of us, nor anyone on here knows what the effects of an entire
generations online combat conditioning will be twenty years from now.
March 22nd, 2007, 02:08 AM
I stand by my statement that anyone who believes that's the thing to do was already fucked in the head and should never have been exposed to any sort of violence in any form. I highly doubt that a normal person would decide it's OK to kill people because "that's what you do in GTA".
March 22nd, 2007, 03:10 AM
^now thats thinking logically ross ;)
once again u posted well, lay'd it out great and where a hell of alot more coherrant then wat i was.
1. reason for that was because that post was basically taken from me talking to dane about it on xfire. he mentioned your points and i took him too town. ppl can see the difference between a computer and the real world, if we couldnt there would be a hell of alot more murders, rapes, suicides, break ins, shootings in the world. but there isnt.
only ppl with mental problems cant distinguish between the 2 and they are at such an extreme minority that it is of no consequence. it is exactly the same as everything else, Religion for example.
now as for taking my rights away, Your hole idea is taht the only way we could stop these sorts of games being made and exposed to ppl is through legislation, laws and the removal of rights of wat a person can and cannot see.
dont take that away from me, anything that counters, disrupts, removes or neutralises my rights is a threat. and to agree and argue points to have your rights taken away is absolutely shocking and incomprehendable to me.
i see u as a bigger threat then any supernerd with the in-ability to distinguish between the real world and a computer game because your way of thinking is on-par or worse then theirs.
March 22nd, 2007, 08:57 AM
ok, let me clear one minor item up.
I'm posting the opposing view here in an attempt to create an ineresting
topic for once. I'm no more in favour of banning or restricting the
gameplay than you are, (thats not in my posts anywhere). Plus, I did say
I think its too late for that anyway. However, I'm not sure that Gaming is
a right under any existing conventions I can think of. The right to bear
virtual arms maybe? (ammendment petition anyone?)
The concept of "video games" causing normal people to go out and kill
someone does seem pretty laughable, especially if you take something
like, say....Pacman as the game being played. But Pacman was 20 years
ago. Video games aren't treated just as games anymore. Some of them
have become complete Virtual online worlds with their own economies
that even have financial exchanges with the real world. Millions of
virtual citizens are already online at the same time. How ridiculous would it
have been in say, the year 2000, to suggest that in 2007 people would be
spending so much time in an online world, that they lose their place in the
real one, costing them their jobs and homes. Or that someone would play
online for 50 hours straight and die as a direct consequence?
Perhaps the media focus on the potential for violence is an unwitting
distraction for a more serious problem. Maybe, ten years from now the
outcome is not a generation of anti-social combat conditioned NBK's
roaming the streets, maybe we are looking at a future society of
intreverts that only really live their lives in a virtual world, unable to fully
function in the real one. Governments could really screw with you if they
were unseen forces running the virtual worlds......
For me the issue is not one of banning individual games, it's how do we
deal with the much larger issue of technology that is potentially at the
threshold of outstripping human abiility to deal with it.
as for rossmum's idea:
I stand by my statement that anyone who
believes that's the thing to do was already fucked in the head and should
never have been exposed to any sort of violence in any form.
How exactly would we do that? Equip EB stores with a brain scanner and
an interview with an analyst for everyone looking to buy a game with
violent content? how about a DNA reference sample and test for a
predetermined genetic marker? Now that DOES sound like infringement of
individual rights to me.
*Not sure if this topic is going much further, there is no answer to be found here.
Rob Oplawar
March 22nd, 2007, 01:52 PM
Good posts, I like where this is going.
I do agree with the fact that violent videogames are desensitizing players to violence- I use myself as an example. Even 7 years of martial arts training was nothing to the sort of, how do I put it, emotional conditioning of videogames. For years I learned, well, how to beat up and kill attackers in real life, but I still found it unbearable to look at images of any sort of gore. Now, maybe it's just because I'm a lot older now, but I'm also a gamer through and through and gore just doesn't bother me that much any more.
But here's the thing- I'm an adult (well, legally anyway =P), and I can handle violence and what not, and my prior upbringing is much stronger than any effect these games can have on me by now. It's younger kids- pre-teens I'd say, who are most susceptible to "conditioning", and I know there are a lot of high schoolers on these forums, and very recently I was too, so don't take offense to this, but teenagers as well are very susceptible to various pressures to like and support what others like and support. I think this is a main argument of the violence in games is bad crowd, because violent games are popular and are conditioning kids to violence and whatnot, but the thing I'm surprised nobody has mentioned yet (or maybe somebody did and I missed it) is that games like GTA and Crackdown and Gears of War, a violent lot, are all rated mature. Even Halo which is very mild in comparison is rated mature. By law (in the US, anyway) this means retailers are not allowed to sell them to anybody younger than 17. Parents can buy them for their kids, but it's the parents' responsibility to decide what to subject their kids to. Parents don't let their young kids see rated R movies, but my friend's little brother has been playing Grand Theft Auto since he was 5.
This talk of banning games is ridiculous when there is already an established and respected ratings system and laws to support it. Unfortunately the only way to enforce this sort of thing is to offer and enforce penalties against anyone who breaks the rules- I'm talking to retailers, who almost never even check the rating on a game when selling it to a kid, much less ask for ID. And as for parents buying their kids these games, parents need to be more responsible for what their kids are subjected to instead of blaming Canada (anybody who hasn't seen that movie needs to buy it now). Violence is not the fault of the media, or the government, or even the parents- it's the fault of the person committing the violence. Parents, in the position of raising their children, for god's sake, are responsible for bringing up their children so they don't turn out like that. Parents shouldn't be blamed for their kids, but they should be expected to at least try to raise sensible children.
March 22nd, 2007, 08:52 PM
How ridiculous would it
have been in say, the year 2000, to suggest that in 2007 people would be
spending so much time in an online world, that they lose their place in the
real one, costing them their jobs and homes. Or that someone would play
online for 50 hours straight and die as a direct consequence?
The moral of the story is DON'T PLAY FUCKING RPGS
March 22nd, 2007, 09:16 PM
The moral of the story is DON'T PLAY FUCKING RPGS
Don't you mean MMOs? They are the ones that take peoples social lives away.
March 22nd, 2007, 09:39 PM
as for rossmum's idea:
How exactly would we do that? Equip EB stores with a brain scanner and
an interview with an analyst for everyone looking to buy a game with
violent content? how about a DNA reference sample and test for a
predetermined genetic marker? Now that DOES sound like infringement of
individual rights to me.
*Not sure if this topic is going much further, there is no answer to be found here.
Parents need to be more responsible for their children. Not EB. If their kid is a bit on the aggro side, they shouldn't be allowing them to play Doom 3 at age 8.
March 22nd, 2007, 10:11 PM
Don't you mean MMOs? They are the ones that take peoples social lives away.
Not strictly true, Final Fantasy 7 took plenty of lives away and it wasn't an MMO
March 23rd, 2007, 01:16 AM
if a person cannont comprehend the difference between a video game and real life, they should not play them. by making rules and Laws (which is probebly the ONLY thing u could do to monitor the sale of games) u actually have just lost faith in a person conscious thought. They cannot think for themselves and therefore cannont obtain games.
but that leads to a bigger problem because the vast majority of ppl who CAN think, accept and understand the difference between games and real life Never get the chance to learn and understand that.
by making laws for stupid ppl, everybody becomes stupid.
Rob Oplawar
March 23rd, 2007, 03:32 AM
Let's not forget it's still against the law to commit violent acts against other people. And those sort of laws have been around for a very long time. WTF is all this nonsense then about trying to ban something that has been around for 20 years and that some speculate might influence people to do what they've been forbidden to do for thousands of years?
March 23rd, 2007, 06:02 AM
Exactly. Remember what happened during Prohibition? People smuggled in alcohol and become very rich, very quickly. That led to all sorts of problems, especially gangs... and (though I wouldn't say the laws on the following should be changed) now, we see it repeated in drug trafficking.
All they'll do is stop everyone else from enjoying their favourite forms of entertainment, while the psychos can still get their hands on games they shouldn't be playing, movies they shouldn't be watching, and books they shouldn't be reading.
March 23rd, 2007, 08:18 AM
It's the parent's fault. Every time I see a mother buying here 9-year old kid Grand Theft Auto, I cry on the inside. It's idiots like this who are goving a bad name to video games. The game has a Mature rating for a reason. Children should not play it. What's worse is that the parents know what the game's about, they just buy it to stop their child from whining and they're afraid to hit their kid.
Basically, this whole problem could be solved if parents beat their kids more.
March 23rd, 2007, 12:32 PM
Basically, this whole problem could be solved if parents beat their kids more.
Hey, that would make an awesome video game!! :D
March 24th, 2007, 01:03 PM
Basically, this whole problem could be solved if parents beat their kids more.
I hope you were being sarcastic.
Parents should be able to see what there is in the video game and how it will affect their children. It's smarter to not buy GTA for a 9 year old and let him learn that you can't always get what you want, rather than buying it for him and see him grow up into a violent person. But like ßðÐŻÍ££å said, you shouldn't be playing violent video games if you cannot tell the difference between them and real life. In the end, the child lets himself get influenced by something that he should know isn't real.
March 24th, 2007, 01:11 PM
Actually if parents beat their kids more that year 10 dumbfuck wouldn't have been suspended for smashing some 80-year-old woman with a zimmerframe in the face with an apple, because he wouldn't be so stupid as to try such a thing.
Kids these days are feral, completely out of control. It disgusts me.
March 25th, 2007, 11:01 PM
Actually if parents beat their kids more that year 10 dumbfuck wouldn't have been suspended for smashing some 80-year-old woman with a zimmerframe in the face with an apple, because he wouldn't be so stupid as to try such a thing.
Kids these days are feral, completely out of control. It disgusts me.
Amen Brother. I got beaten almost to death (not joking) once by my stepdad and look how well I turned out! PEACHES PICKLES PENII PURPLE :lol:
March 26th, 2007, 02:15 AM
I was beaten by my parents because I didn't beat Duke Nukem 3D within a week. My stepdad said I wasn't shooting the hookers in the right spots.
is that why I got suspended from middle school for punching that slut in the ovaries?
March 26th, 2007, 07:18 AM
I hope you were being sarcastic.
No. And super no.
March 26th, 2007, 07:39 AM
Kids these days are feral, completely out of control. It disgusts me.
i knowz ya pain :(
it's terrible out in the country with kids outta control hey, like 10yr olds stringing up fishing lines and Wires across roads, lighting brushfires, and just swearing and carrying on like fucking idiots.
and when i was a kid i didnt do anything like that cause i knew if i did i'd get beat the fuck down.
so yeah after a few primary schoolers tried to take me on (10yr age gap... no joke) i just stopped being nice to them. if they put there leg out in front of me on the bus to trip me i would just lock my leg up ram into theres and knock em off the seat.
they learnt pretty quickly :)
moral of the story is beat up kiddies younger then u :spin:
it makes them a better person :)
Reaper Man
March 26th, 2007, 08:10 AM
March 26th, 2007, 09:05 AM
i knowz ya pain :(
it's terrible out in the country with kids outta control hey, like 10yr olds stringing up fishing lines and Wires across roads, lighting brushfires, and just swearing and carrying on like fucking idiots.
and when i was a kid i didnt do anything like that cause i knew if i did i'd get beat the fuck down.
so yeah after a few primary schoolers tried to take me on (10yr age gap... no joke) i just stopped being nice to them. if they put there leg out in front of me on the bus to trip me i would just lock my leg up ram into theres and knock em off the seat.
they learnt pretty quickly :)
moral of the story is beat up kiddies younger then u :spin:
it makes them a better person :)
Exactly. Take a look around, you see kids running amok everywhere, beating up old people for their pension money, vandalising shit, and just generally causing a massive pain in everyone else's collective ass. By all accounts, 20 years ago they did that too, but not nearly as much as now. 20 years ago you could walk down the street at night safely, and leave your door unlocked without worrying. Now? Psh, forget it.
March 26th, 2007, 09:52 AM
Exactly. Take a look around, you see kids running amok everywhere, beating up old people for their pension money, vandalising shit, and just generally causing a massive pain in everyone else's collective ass. By all accounts, 20 years ago they did that too, but not nearly as much as now. 20 years ago you could walk down the street at night safely, and leave your door unlocked without worrying. Now? Psh, forget it.
That's because 20 years ago, if somebody was out of line, it was socially acceptable to beat their ass.
March 26th, 2007, 09:53 AM
Damn straight.
Rob Oplawar
March 26th, 2007, 11:26 AM
Oh come on, kids have always been like that. My mom and my uncle used to practically kill each other when they were young. Back then my uncle was called "manic depressive." Today he'd be called ADHD. Why is it people act like these problems are new to us and nobody before us ever had anything like them to deal with? I for one don't like the idea of parents beating children, but you don't have to beat your kids to discipline them. Hell, these days, you could take away their xbox, or their tivo, or their ipod- any or all of those things they're spoiled with. Take away their fucking GTA and don't give it back if they're trying to beat up hookers in school.
March 26th, 2007, 12:37 PM
Oh come on, kids have always been like that.
A smackdown fixed that for my dad.
All of the behavior problems I see in students at school stems directly from the parents being total pussies when it comes to discipline.
March 27th, 2007, 12:10 AM
Oh come on, kids have always been like that.
The fact you can't leave doors unlocked or walk around at night without getting mugged/raped says otherwise.
My mom and my uncle used to practically kill each other when they were young. Back then my uncle was called "manic depressive." Today he'd be called ADHD. Why is it people act like these problems are new to us and nobody before us ever had anything like them to deal with? I for one don't like the idea of parents beating children, but you don't have to beat your kids to discipline them. Hell, these days, you could take away their xbox, or their tivo, or their ipod- any or all of those things they're spoiled with. Take away their fucking GTA and don't give it back if they're trying to beat up hookers in school.
What do you do once you've taken away anything and the little fuckers are getting even more obnoxious?
I'm only 17, but seriously. Giving kids a smack if they screw up helps. Beating them to within an inch of their life isn't what we're talking about here, because that would just be overkill and it'd probably cause more problems than it would fix.
March 27th, 2007, 02:41 AM
^ Emmzee and Ross are totally right. i nvr behaved like that and will nvr behave like that, i Learnt the boundrys and understood the consquences. u dont have to put a kid in hospital to teach them a lesson they need.
a few smackdowns when where little has and will allways help.
+rep for both of joo... thats if it lets me rep u's >:(
edit: which it wont D:<
stupid rep rules, only a few ppl actually deserve to get repped, and i allready have repped them b4 for great posts...
so that means i cant award them again for another good post unless i randomly Rep dousches....
it annoys me.
March 27th, 2007, 08:43 AM
Just +rep spam anyone with 3 bars or more since they're awesome by default, and also people like Snaf who don't have many rep bars but are awesome anyway. Also, -rep spam Stealth. Hahahah, if he sees this he'll have such a fucking cry over it
March 27th, 2007, 10:19 AM
^ Emmzee and Ross are totally right. i nvr behaved like that and will nvr behave like that, i Learnt the boundrys and understood the consquences. u dont have to put a kid in hospital to teach them a lesson they need.
a few smackdowns when where little has and will allways help.
+rep for both of joo... thats if it lets me rep u's >:(
edit: which it wont D:<
stupid rep rules, only a few ppl actually deserve to get repped, and i allready have repped them b4 for great posts...
so that means i cant award them again for another good post unless i randomly Rep dousches....
it annoys me.
March 27th, 2007, 03:51 PM
March 27th, 2007, 05:59 PM
Just +rep spam anyone with 3 bars or more since they're awesome by default, and also people like Snaf who don't have many rep bars but are awesome anyway. Also, -rep spam Stealth. Hahahah, if he sees this he'll have such a fucking cry over it
exactly what i was thinking.
not to mention, i think that hispanics and whites tend to be very non-disciplinary. white parents just say, "now bobby, i would really appreciate if you wouldn't...." just to be interupted by their 5yr old saying "FUCK YOU!". just... wow.
The hispanics are a totally different problem. they don't say a damned thing to their kids because they can't keep track of the 7 running rampant through the store. the whole, "let everyone else say something to my kids" problem.
Not to mention, the white parents tend to try getting in the way of other parents disciplining their kids. I was behaving REALLY badly when i was a kid in the supermarket, so of course my mother whooped my ass (nothing over the top though). some white lady threatened to call the police and stuff.
My mother's response? "get in line, you're next."
too many parents trying to be their kid's friend. no. they don't need a friend. they need a role model and disciplinary figure.
March 27th, 2007, 06:35 PM
too many parents trying to be their kid's friend. no. they don't need a friend. they need a role model and disciplinary figure.
Exactly. I see so many kids at my school that smoke up and drink with their parents. These are inevitably the kids that fail grades, fight, have IQ's of 13 year olds, and generally aren't going far in life.
Rob Oplawar
March 27th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Well, we could just let darwinism take over- let the stupid parents raise their kids like that, and let the kids go on to become failures so they can't get married and never have kids and the world becomes a better place.
I was gonna say something about all the violent teenagers killing each other, but I decided that was in bad taste.
Edit: OMG 117 posts! lol.
March 27th, 2007, 10:18 PM
But we have to tolerate their shit first.
March 28th, 2007, 03:09 AM
exactly what i was thinking.
not to mention, i think that hispanics and whites tend to be very non-disciplinary. white parents just say, "now bobby, i would really appreciate if you wouldn't...." just to be interupted by their 5yr old saying "FUCK YOU!". just... wow.
The hispanics are a totally different problem. they don't say a damned thing to their kids because they can't keep track of the 7 running rampant through the store. the whole, "let everyone else say something to my kids" problem.
Not to mention, the white parents tend to try getting in the way of other parents disciplining their kids. I was behaving REALLY badly when i was a kid in the supermarket, so of course my mother whooped my ass (nothing over the top though). some white lady threatened to call the police and stuff.
My mother's response? "get in line, you're next."
too many parents trying to be their kid's friend. no. they don't need a friend. they need a role model and disciplinary figure.
ROFL!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR MUTHA FUCKING OWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Joo just Earnt your random rep :lol: hahahahaha
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