View Full Version : New Star Trek Trailer
November 16th, 2008, 01:16 AM
So I went to see the Bond movie, Quantum of Solace, and waited for the movie to begin. I knew that the new trailer for the upcoming Star Trek movie would be premiering before said movie, but I also knew that there was about a 20% chance that the theater had shifted the trailers around.
We got to see a cool new The Day the Earth Stood Still trailer, and a few more interesting things...
And then there's this odd trailer- (spoiler tags in case people don't want to know-)shows a car racing down the road with a police motorcycle thing in pursuit. At this point I had no idea what was going on. The car approaches a cliff, and the driver, a young kid, jumps out and narrowly stops himself from falling over the edge. The police guy asks him his name, and he defiantly states, "My name is James Tiberius Kirk!"
And I was like, holy Frak, it's Star Trek!
The next minute or two were full of epic win. I am extremely impressed by what J.J.Abrams has done with the franchise. Now if the movie can only be as good as the trailer. What did you guys think of it, if you've seen it? And if you haven't, are you interested at all? The HD version of the trailer is officially going online on Monday, by the way.
Edit: Both youtube and higher-res flash(?) versions of the bootleg are below.
November 16th, 2008, 02:24 AM
November 16th, 2008, 02:26 AM
Saw it, was awesome, but Bond was amazing too, was a double orgasm viewing tbh. Cheapest sex I've ever bought, only $7.50!
November 16th, 2008, 02:32 AM
thats a lie and you know it.
November 16th, 2008, 02:36 AM
Somewhat high-res version of the bootleg (what an oxymoron):
Cannot wait until the HD. :D
November 16th, 2008, 02:49 AM
What's with all the crew being cocky hothead faggots?
November 16th, 2008, 02:53 AM
What's with all the crew being cocky hothead faggots?
These guys look like mid 20s guys who still have the college mentality of frat boys.
What happened to my William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, and (new generation) Patrick Stewart. :gonk:
Special effects look great though.
November 16th, 2008, 03:01 AM
The general idea of the new movie has been from the beginning to take the original crew and create a story that shows how they came to be on the enterprise. As a major fan of the original series, as well as TNG, DS9, and VGR, I can see the appeal of shifting the existing framework. And Kirk was always a cocky bastard. :P
So it makes sense that they would look young. They can't be more than 10 years younger, if that, than the cast of the original series was. It'll be interesting to see how the characters are adapted. Simon Pegg as Scotty. :D That itself is enough for possible win. Or fail, depending on your viewpoint.
Plus, Leonard Nemoy is in this film, in a significant role, as I recall. Even Picard was in Nemesis, and look where that went.
November 16th, 2008, 09:12 AM
I was really expecting to see this trailer when I went to see Bond on Friday, but it wasn't there. I was really looking forward to it as well... I guess I'll have to wait until Monday to see it on their website. :(
Yes, I know I could go watch that recorded version, but I find that it'd ruin the feel of it, since I've been a fan of Star Trek since I was like 3-4 years old, and seeing the new trailer in a crappy def. just isn't enough.
I can't wait until the movie though, it seems like it's gonna be quite awesome, from everything I've seen/read.
November 16th, 2008, 11:19 AM
Yeah, it's definitely more impressive in full quality. I would have waited until Monday if I hadn't seen it in theaters. Apparently theater owners have been switching up the trailers that come before the movies, so there was a smallish chance that the Trek trailer wouldn't be before the Bond movie. Sorry you were one of those who missed out. D:
November 16th, 2008, 11:32 AM
Dear god that movie is going to be epic.
November 16th, 2008, 12:11 PM
Sorry you were one of those who missed out. D:
Well, that's life, I guess. I heard from a friend that they showed it at the other movie theater with James Bond...I knew I went to the wrong one...
Dear god that movie is going to be epic.
November 16th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Cheapest sex I've ever bought, only $7.50!
lucky, movies cost $10.50 where i live
November 16th, 2008, 07:22 PM
lucky, movies cost $10.50 where i live
Jeez. $8 where I am.
November 16th, 2008, 07:33 PM
Even Picard was in Nemesis, and look where that went.
Nemesis was a TNG title tho :confused2:
o, i c
November 16th, 2008, 10:07 PM
What happened to my William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols, and (new generation) Patrick Stewart. :gonk:
I meant that even with the more familiar crews, there could be not-so-great movies. So the opposite makes sense as well- there could be good movies with an unfamiliar crew.
November 17th, 2008, 04:49 PM
What's with all the crew being cocky hothead faggots?
Also looks like Star Wars Episode 1 with older people more drama, crappier cgi, drama, oh yea, bras O_O.
I also wonder if there going to stick with the "realism" star trek seemed to carry through with by always making things beliveable, I didn't hear one technical phrase in that entire trailer.
It looks like Star Trek Meets your Average Drama filled day time TV/MTV show with the rap music, music and girls replaced mostly by shitty looking CGI.
I'm not gonna lie, the part that bugged me the most was that fuken speedometer in the beginning, or maybe I'm still pissed off from all the drama and wierd dirty looks different crew members were giving each other. I also prefer the origional star trek, the other ones were meh...
-speedometer rant
1. Why CGI it?
2. Looks fuken fake as hell.
3. A trained monkey could do better given the chance.
E: I hope the guy that said "I like this ship" gets shot in the face, who wants to take bets on this with me??? You need to specify first if you think hes going to be shot and if so where? I say shot right in the forehead, just cuz he seems like the kind of expendable retard that they throw in movies that ends up getting shot right there all the time.
November 17th, 2008, 05:38 PM
E: I hope the guy that said "I like this ship" gets shot in the face, who wants to take bets on this with me??? You need to specify first if you think hes going to be shot and if so where? I say shot right in the forehead, just cuz he seems like the kind of expendable retard that they throw in movies that ends up getting shot right there all the time.
That's Scotty... >_< I'd wager that he DOESN'T get shot in the face, thank you very much...
November 17th, 2008, 05:46 PM
I'm going to see it no matter what the fanboys say. It looks like a good movie.
A good Star Trek movie? Maybe not. But a good movie? Most likely.
November 17th, 2008, 05:59 PM
That's Scotty... >_< I'd wager that he DOESN'T get shot in the face, thank you very much...
If for no other reason than the fact it's Simon Pegg playing him :awesome:
November 17th, 2008, 06:00 PM
Am I the only person that has never seen star trek?
November 17th, 2008, 06:07 PM
Am I the only person that has been living under a fucking rock my entire life?
November 17th, 2008, 06:09 PM
Hey, I didn't say that! DID YOU HACK MY COMPUTER ?
November 17th, 2008, 06:12 PM
Yes. That's what you get for not using 64-character passwords.
November 18th, 2008, 01:54 AM
I also wonder if there going to stick with the "realism" star trek seemed to carry through with by always making things beliveable, I didn't hear one technical phrase in that entire trailer.
It was a trailer trying to gather the broadest possible audience. Even if they do have technical jargon, they wouldn't put it in a trailer. Look at any other Trek movie trailer- no technobabble to be seen. So stop worrying.
It looks like Star Trek Meets your Average Drama filled day time TV/MTV show with the rap music, music and girls replaced mostly by shitty looking CGI.
Er, what?
I'm not gonna lie, the part that bugged me the most was that fuken speedometer in the beginning, or maybe I'm still pissed off from all the drama and wierd dirty looks different crew members were giving each other. I also prefer the origional star trek, the other ones were meh...
The whole point of a good movie is drama. Without drama it's just a bunch of CGI and bad acting. What we can hope for, and what to me it looks like is happening, is that there is drama+good acting+good CGI=win. I'd rather have a bunch of semi-flawed characters interacting with each other than a perfect crew. Makes for a more interesting movie.
-speedometer rant
1. Why CGI it?
2. Looks fuken fake as hell.
3. A trained monkey could do better given the chance.
I have no response to that at all. Didn't even cross my mind when I watched the trailer.
E: I hope the guy that said "I like this ship" gets shot in the face, who wants to take bets on this with me??? You need to specify first if you think hes going to be shot and if so where? I say shot right in the forehead, just cuz he seems like the kind of expendable retard that they throw in movies that ends up getting shot right there all the time.
Er. Fail. Simon Pegg, Scotty, who else would have a dang Sco'ish accent, you fool. I caent unnerstan you o'er the amount o' fail. [/Scotty+false anger] :P
And on the subject of the existing Trek stuff, both for Mech, who hasn't seen them, and fellow Trekkies, who will probably debate my views :):
The Original Series (TOS)- great social commentary and writing, obviously cheesy and no specific arcing story whatsoever (due to the times and circumstances). Not including the general 5 year mission, of course.
The Next Generation (TNG)- started a bit rough, was amazing mid-to-end. Began arcing storyplots while retaining the social commentary
Deep Space Nine (DS9)- ultimately the most controversial Trek series. Took a radically different approach to Trek, through constant serial storytelling and a stationary setting. Featured some of the best writing ever to grace Star Trek. This, as well as TNG, was headed by Ron. D. Moore- Battlestar Galactica anyone? No wonder it had such great storytelling. This series was darker than the rest, and examined the very structure of the Trek idealism that holds the franchise together. It also touched seriously on the topic of religion, which other Trek series had avoided. Imho the best overall Trek series in terms of writing, acting, filming, and storytelling. Not to say I don't love the others. Oh, and did I mention the last 3 seasons are a massive war?
See this decent fan trailer: (Note: not perfect, but best I've found. It picks up after the first minute or so.)
Voyager (VGR)- Had a little trouble taking off, but once it got there it was quite a fun little series. Took the TNG approach- lots of stand-alone episodes, some arcs, and decent storytelling. Did its best to do social commentary where possible.
Note: The end of TNG and the beginning of VGR were overlapped by DS9. This one reason why the interlacing storylines between all 3 work so well, and why DS9 fell outside the radar in general.
Enterprise (ENT)- Fail. Lol. Tried to make Trek "modern" by polluting it with modern ratings criteria. Women, action, your so-called "Average Drama filled day time TV/MTV show with the rap music, music and girls." Your apparent worst fear already happened- anything to come can only be better. :P
All right, I'm done with long-winded explanations for the night.
November 18th, 2008, 02:04 AM
:words: trying to fix :words:
Your gay, end of story... stop insulting my intelligence inadvertantely.
I'm talking from a regular persons point of view, im no trek fan, but I liked the origional ones better, and idc who that guy is playing, hes casted like the over zealous evil person who gets killed. Maybe not the drama but more so the badly acted drama. Sure its a trailer but I know corny/awkward faces when I see em and those were it...
November 18th, 2008, 02:10 AM
Maybe not the drama but more so the badly acted drama. Sure its a trailer but I know corny/awkward faces when I see em and those were it...
Point taken. I agree that if it's bad drama, it will disappointing. Didn't mean to insult your intelligence- just got automatically defensive. Not even sure why. Lol.
November 18th, 2008, 02:43 AM
Your gay, end of story... stop insulting my intelligence
It's hard to not insult your intelligence when there's clearly so little of it.
November 18th, 2008, 02:44 AM
Gramma fagz R Ay becon of lite amung the shit.
yes i'll give you the irony, but why do people feel the need to point out trivial shit like that.
November 18th, 2008, 04:27 AM
yes i'll give you the irony, but why do people feel the need to point out trivial shit like that.
1. Your/you're is not that fucking hard to get right
2. It completely undermined the point he was trying to make
3. Apocalypse is a terrible poster
November 18th, 2008, 06:11 PM
I just saw the trailer, and I found it epic. I'm really loving the new Enterprise, even though it isn't quite the one we had before.
From what I've seen, the actors seem to be playing their role well, though I'm not quite sure I like Spock as much with the emotions. I guess we'll have to wait until May to see.
All in all, this looks like it'll be a great movie.
November 18th, 2008, 06:53 PM
I also find the emotions questionable, but my possible theory is that since Spock is half human, they work to show that he still must deal with his human half. Not exactly what we're used to, but I can see it working out well. We shall see.
November 18th, 2008, 07:45 PM
Well, he was with Pike for 10 years before he was with Kirk, and he was in control of his emotions back then, so I don't see why he wouldn't be now.
November 18th, 2008, 08:00 PM
Yeah, I'm not sure either, but my earlier post is my best guess. Anything past that- May isn't that far away. :P
November 18th, 2008, 08:27 PM
Yeah, your guess is the closest thing that makes sense, I thought about that as well. Yeah, I guess I'll have to wait until my birthday to see (the movie comes out 2 days before, so yeah...:D)
November 18th, 2008, 11:14 PM
Wow. Cool coincidence. :P
November 19th, 2008, 07:41 AM
Very, makes the movie that much cooler. :P
November 27th, 2008, 10:21 PM
3. Apocalypse is a terrible poster
Am I now?
I'm going to humor you. In either a private message or post here (your choice). Explain how I am a terrible poster if thats what you really believe. Not that the phrase/title "terrible poster" makes any sense or has any real meaning in my actually life.
Show me my wrongs, and I'll aim to right them.
Still though I love the irony of how no ones aloud to be origional here and have there own opinions. Shiticism (criticism but for this forum) is only alloud when the majority of people around here think that said shiticism is correct, or if someone widely known to have talent (known in these parts as huge e-pennis rep bars) agrees with it. Otherwise they quickly get bashed and mods (usually) don't do a damn thing. Not that I'm accusing anyone of anything in particular, I'm just making an overall observation. Maybe I just always click on the bad threads.
At any rate, those were my opinions, apparently I stepped on a few trek fan toes by saying the dude should be shot for sounding retarded, sorry I hurt your feelings to the point where you had to annoy me. (quote my post and then bold all the reasons I'm wrong and your right)
note: snaffy tells me CN is apparently joking... but I don't take a liking to people strait up trolling me.
E: actually now he agrees it was a troll that went along with the neg rep I recieved from him for criticising a star trek trailer...
Also I guess I can see how gramatically that doesn't make sense but at the same time I don't give two shits, its a forum I treat most forums like AIM unless I'm looking for legit help in a technical service forum. You say: (but but its anoying) Me:Idc... You: (ima neg rep you) Me:go away You: (but... hail the grammar nazi) Me: -_- You again...: (haha u spelled dis wron) Me: XD
Seriously how far have those sticks been shoved up your asses?
People should get points for correcting other peoples grammar in a troll like manner... not that that will ever actually happen because there are mods who still think everyone should spell and type like English majors in this very forum.
November 28th, 2008, 08:02 PM
I'm sorry, but the general requirement for posting here is to be able to spell out your words at a primary school level, or with a spell checker. It's annoying having to read a post when a bunch of words aren't accidentally but intentionally spelt wrong because you 'don't give a shit' or you think taking letters out words makes it faster to post. alloud instead of allowed, are you serious? It take half a second longer to spell a word correctly instead of one letter shorter.
People called you out for your post because you wanted to kill a guy because of one line he had in the trailer, and you raged over a 3 second clip of a speedo going up - which won't change what the movie will be like in any way. If you're not going to see a movie because of minor details like that it's your loss.
November 28th, 2008, 08:05 PM
Am I now?
I'm going to humor you. In either a private message or post here (your choice). Explain how I am a terrible poster if thats what you really believe. Not that the phrase/title "terrible poster" makes any sense or has any real meaning in my actually life.
Show me my wrongs, and I'll aim to right them.
Still though I love the irony of how no ones aloud to be origional here and have there own opinions. Shiticism (criticism but for this forum) is only alloud when the majority of people around here think that said shiticism is correct, or if someone widely known to have talent (known in these parts as huge e-pennis rep bars) agrees with it. Otherwise they quickly get bashed and mods (usually) don't do a damn thing. Not that I'm accusing anyone of anything in particular, I'm just making an overall observation. Maybe I just always click on the bad threads.
At any rate, those were my opinions, apparently I stepped on a few trek fan toes by saying the dude should be shot for sounding retarded, sorry I hurt your feelings to the point where you had to annoy me. (quote my post and then bold all the reasons I'm wrong and your right)
note: snaffy tells me CN is apparently joking... but I don't take a liking to people strait up trolling me.
E: actually now he agrees it was a troll that went along with the neg rep I recieved from him for criticising a star trek trailer...
Also I guess I can see how gramatically that doesn't make sense but at the same time I don't give two shits, its a forum. I treat most forums like AIM unless I'm looking for legit help in a technical service forum. You say: (but but its anoying) Me:Idc... You: (ima neg rep you) Me:go away You: (but... hail the grammar nazi) Me: -_- You again...: (haha u spelled dis wron) Me: XD
Seriously how far have those sticks been shoved up your asses?
People should get points for correcting other peoples grammar in a troll like manner... not that that will ever actually happen because there are mods who still think everyone should spell and type like English majors in this very forum.
See me after class.
November 28th, 2008, 08:30 PM
See me after class.
owned tbh :highfive:
November 28th, 2008, 08:41 PM
See me after class.
But...but...I already have an appointment with the sex ed teacher after class...
On another note, did anybody see the retouched trailer that has Leonard Nimoy in it at the end?
"Live long, and prosper." Ah, how that made the trailer so much better...
November 29th, 2008, 01:57 PM
He looks really old, yet awesome. <3 Nimoy.
November 29th, 2008, 02:15 PM
Of course he looks old, he's over 200 years old, and Nimoy himself quite old as well, and I agree, he is awesome.
November 29th, 2008, 02:57 PM
I hope this ain't off-topic or already mentioned.. but this isn't really how Star Trek should look. I have watched all the series, and this trailer leans more to star wars/firefly/sci fi style then Star Trek. At Least that's my opinion.
November 29th, 2008, 03:14 PM
That's true, and it was intended. JJ is trying to get some new fans, and please them, as well as pleasing the old fans. Sure, it won't be the same as the old Trek, but it will still be Star Trek, and it will be awesome.
November 29th, 2008, 03:15 PM
That's because this movie is made in today's times, with today's audience.
November 29th, 2008, 05:57 PM
I dont think it should be called Star Trek then. :(
November 29th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Why not? It is Star Trek, the characters, the ship, the universe, everything. It's just made in a way that more people will be interested in it, though that isn't necessarily stopping it from being Star Trek.
November 29th, 2008, 08:58 PM
I'm sorry, but the general requirement for posting here is to be able to spell out your words at a primary school level, or with a spell checker. It's annoying having to read a post when a bunch of words aren't accidentally but intentionally spelt wrong because you 'don't give a shit' or
stuff I already know.. and :words:
Stop giving me false motives, I didn't intentionally mispell a word, and its not because I don't give a shit its because I don't have the time to worry about something so trivial, if I wanted to type an english paper, I'd open up microsoft word not this website.
Whether or not you like it is your own opinion and I don't care, I'm just saying I don't like when people point out trivial things and then rub it in your face. (Hypocracy noted, and burned idc under the circumstances I was trolled so I'm trolling back)
Its like when you fuck up or accidentally throw a grenade somewhere and a friendly runs over it cuz they don't see it, and then you get tk raped by the same person cuz hes an ignorant (insert word) who likes to jump to conclusions and make fun of people for his own enjoyment.
You can't see that then the fuck with it.
See me after class.
go away.
owned tbh :highfive:
Nice :bandwagon:
E: btw when I said show me what I was doing wrong, I was refering to my origional post, and how I criticized the trailer incorectly, not find more silly spelling mistakes/typos
If you don't like it too bad. I ain't changing the way I post to please you.
November 29th, 2008, 09:36 PM
stuff I already know.. and :words:
Stop giving me false motives, I didn't intentionally mispell a word, and its not because I don't give a shit its because I don't have the time to worry about something so trivial, if I wanted to type an english paper, I'd open up microsoft word not this website.
Whether or not you like it is your own opinion and I don't care, I'm just saying I don't like when people point out trivial things and then rub it in your face. (Hypocracy noted, and burned idc under the circumstances I was trolled so I'm trolling back)
Its like when you fuck up or accidentally throw a grenade somewhere and a friendly runs over it cuz they don't see it, and then you get tk raped by the same person cuz hes an ignorant (insert word) who likes to jump to conclusions and make fun of people for his own enjoyment.
You can't see that then the fuck with it.
go away.
Nice :bandwagon:
E: btw when I said show me what I was doing wrong, I was refering to my origional post, and how I criticized the trailer incorectly, not find more silly spelling mistakes/typos.
If you don't like it too bad. I ain't changing the way I post to please you.
Somehow every post you make is worse than the last.
November 29th, 2008, 11:24 PM
The both of you are ruining the thread, please piss off.
November 30th, 2008, 05:39 PM
babbling of ignorance
Fuck You
November 30th, 2008, 07:40 PM
Fuck You
Cool punctuation usage, bro.
November 30th, 2008, 08:08 PM
stuff I already know.. and :words:
Stop giving me false motives, I didn't intentionally mispell a word, and its not because I don't give a shit its because I don't have the time to worry about something so trivial, if I wanted to type an english paper, I'd open up microsoft word not this website.
If you don't like it too bad. I ain't changing the way I post to please you.
By participating on the board, you agree that you are capable of typing in English legibly, able to use proper English grammar
If you're not willing to take an extra second to spell a word properly like everyone else does on this board, don't post.
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