View Full Version : Third-grader brings gun to school

November 16th, 2008, 07:35 PM

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- School officials confiscated on Friday morning a gun that a third-grade student brought to school, police said. A student at Walker Elementary School in the 1000 block of Northwest Fourth Street told a teacher that a classmate had brought a gun to class. Classmates said the 8-year-old boy showed the gun off in a closet in the classroom.

"The rest of my group, they said he had a gun, and then we told the teacher," said third-grader Diandre Witherspoon. The teacher notified school officials, who took the gun away, Fort Lauderdale police said.School officials said it was a .9-mm handgun and that the boy brought it from home. He also had a clip full of bullets, but the weapon was not ready to fire. There was no round in the chamber, Local 10's Roger Lohse reported.Parents of the child involved, may I please have your attention?


Thank you, and have a nice day.

Also: It's called magazine, not clip. The magazine is loaded with cartridges, not bullets. And I'm pretty sure no cartridge is .9 millimeters.

November 16th, 2008, 07:46 PM
Caps hurt my brain :saddowns:

Anyways, it's a shame that this kind of thing isn't really new, but it does bring up the argument of irresponsibility among parents. Keep the fucking guns locked in a safe would ya please?

Welcome to the forums btw =)

November 16th, 2008, 07:55 PM
Also: It's called magazine, not clip. The magazine is loaded with cartridges, not bullets. And I'm pretty sure no cartridge is .9 millimeters.

The wording for magazine is iffy but the average person wouldn't know what you were talking about if you said cartridge instead of bullet. Rounds would be the most appropriate word in this case.

November 16th, 2008, 10:02 PM
What has the world come to these days? Little kids bringing guns to school? I think it's the parents that need a lesson in this situation.

November 16th, 2008, 10:19 PM
Too many parents aren't parents any more. Not real parents anyway. :\

November 16th, 2008, 10:37 PM
Back in the old days this sort of crap happened and no one cared. My grandfather bought a rifle from a fried at school for 2 bucks. This isn't new

November 16th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Back in the old days this sort of crap happened and no one cared. My grandfather bought a rifle from a fried at school for 2 bucks. This isn't new

Back in the day when America was America.

November 16th, 2008, 11:41 PM

November 17th, 2008, 12:35 AM

November 17th, 2008, 12:36 AM
Oh, you!

November 17th, 2008, 04:00 AM
Back in the day when America was America.

yea now were just a different form of iraq... ;)

(I fully understand the complete lack of stuff we have in common with iraq or what iraq was, it was purely for the lols and no i dont give a fuck if it didnt make you laugh)

November 17th, 2008, 05:32 AM
ps. ninja tags work better :shh:

November 17th, 2008, 06:08 AM
the kid and the parents are equally retarded

November 17th, 2008, 06:36 AM
Back in the old days this sort of crap happened and no one cared. My grandfather bought a rifle from a fried at school for 2 bucks. This isn't new
Back in the old days, society was so much different than it is now.

November 17th, 2008, 11:31 AM
Not really. The biggest difference was that there was no media to tell people this shit.

E: and no internet to let the judgemental aussies find out :s

Rob Oplawar
November 17th, 2008, 11:50 AM
Wow, that was fast. We went from stupid, lazy, fat Americans to proud leaders of the free world who have shown their admirability in electing this newest official and then back to stupid, lazy, fat Americans in just two weeks.

I swear to god, the next person who says "only in the US" to me is getting a beating.

Back on topic, I don't blame the kid for this. Guns are cool. The parents are to blame, and I mean it this time. Usually I don't like to shift the blame off of the person who did something shockingly bad, but in this case, any boy that age would think guns were awesome and would want to show it off, and the parents should know better.

That said, I don't think there should be too much worry about him accidentally firing it, because as the article said, it wasn't ready to fire. It actually takes quite a bit of force to chamber a round, and I'll say right out there isn't any chance of an 8 year old "accidentally" doing that.

November 17th, 2008, 12:40 PM
wait, doesnt anyone have the right to bear arms? So the kid brings a gun to class, whats the big deal; maybe some fifth grader threatend to rape him?

8edit: do i have to add [blatant sarcasm] ? ...common

November 17th, 2008, 01:39 PM
wait, doesnt anyone have the right to bear arms? So the kid brings a gun to class, whats the big deal; maybe some fifth grader threatend to rape him?
you have the right to bear arms yes, but with a license to own the weapon or to carry it am i correct?
And I doubt a 8 year old would have such thing..

November 17th, 2008, 02:01 PM
you have the right to bear arms yes, but with a license to own the weapon or to carry it am i correct?
And I doubt a 8 year old would have such thing..
You do not need a license to own any weapon unless it is fully automatic/falls under a certain category in the United States.

As for licenses to carry, it depends on what state you live in. For the sake of this thread let's say it's Florida. You have unrestricted open carry, shall-issue concealed carry (you give them some money and take a background check and they give you a permit).

But he was 8 years old, and those laws only apply to adults. Plus, most schools are gun-free zones, which means severe legal penalties for bringing a firearm on the premises.

wait, doesnt anyone have the right to bear arms? So the kid brings a gun to class, whats the big deal; maybe some fifth grader threatend to rape him?
You're not even trying.

November 17th, 2008, 03:28 PM
Well, I dunno about the kid, but I can comment on the parents...

We desperately need a certification system for having children. You need to pass several exams in order to get a certificate of "you can reproduce, you not fucking idiot". If you're stupid enough to both fail the exam and try to have a kid anyway, you either have an abortion or receive a massive stupid child tax. This will solve both population and economic issues on fantastic levels.

Rob Oplawar
November 17th, 2008, 03:59 PM
The ignorance of the above post on so many levels is astounding...

November 17th, 2008, 05:49 PM
That's totally not totalitarian, but ok.

November 17th, 2008, 06:33 PM
W. If you're stupid enough to both fail the exam and try to have a kid anyway, you either have an abortion or receive a massive stupid child tax. This will solve both population and economic issues on fantastic levels.

I would just have the guy fixed and his sperm in a freezer until he's ready. Can't fix stupid ya know. Only wait for it to go away or stop it entirely.


November 17th, 2008, 07:12 PM
We desperately need a certification system for having children. You need to pass several exams in order to get a certificate of "you can reproduce, you not fucking idiot". If you're stupid enough to both fail the exam and try to have a kid anyway, you either have an abortion or receive a massive stupid child tax. This will solve both population and economic issues on fantastic levels.

People who think that system would work wouldn't pass their own test.

November 17th, 2008, 07:18 PM
Umm, why can't we just make it mandatory to own a gun-safe?

November 17th, 2008, 07:24 PM
You do not need a license to own any weapon unless it is fully automatic/falls under a certain category in the United States.

Where the hell are you from? Last I checked, you had to have a license to even begin to begin to purchase a weapon in the States. You need another license to carry it concealed (concealed carry license), and yet another to own an automatic (Class III License), all of which cost time and money.

Did I miss something that said no license was required? Or am I just confused and thinking that the Federal government has a law where it actually doesn't and these are all State laws?

November 17th, 2008, 07:26 PM
Umm, why can't we just make it mandatory to own a gun-safe?

I think a gun safe built into houses would be a good idea. People who don't own guns could keep some of their belongings in their.

This is of course a future solution. For the present people would have to buy gun safes.

November 17th, 2008, 08:54 PM
Where the hell are you from?
The United States.

Last I checked, you had to have a license to even begin to begin to purchase a weapon in the States.In a few states (California and Illinois are the most notable ones) you need a license to purchase a firearm, but this is in no way weapon registration. I think you're confusing this with weapon registration, which no state to my knowledge (probably California, as they have terribad gun laws) has.

You need another license to carry it concealed (concealed carry license)This is correct, except in the states of Vermont and Alaska, which have unrestricted carry laws. Most states have shall-issue, which is just a fee and a background check. Other states (notably California) have may-issue, which usually involves having the local Chief of Police choose to approve you. Only 2 states (Illinois and Wisconsin) completely deny the right of concealed carry of a handgun. Most states have unrestricted open carry laws, with California being an exception (I searched forever and couldn't find much that wasn't an XBOX HUEG read).

and yet another to own an automatic (Class III License), all of which cost time and money.This is true. You need to pay $200 to the BATF and get a federal background check to legally own a suppressor or automatic weapon.

Most gun laws are enacted by the states.

E: Christ that took a long time to research and type. You had better get something out of it.

Edit #2: Here's a map of the US with concealed carry laws, as of 2006.

November 18th, 2008, 10:30 AM
This would only be cool if he got a killtacular.

November 18th, 2008, 12:07 PM
Jesus christ, people. Over 300 million people living in the country and whenever one kid, (1 in 300,000,000+) does something like this parents get labeled as bad? I'll agree that there's a large number of parents out there that make mistakes, but you've got to think about it logistically. Whatever parents do to prevent stuff like this from happening, there's always going to be a way for it to fall through. If the kid wanted to, he could get keys/combination to whatever safe keeping method the gun was kept in.

Even more so, they dont even know who the gun belonged to at the time of the article. :\.

November 18th, 2008, 02:09 PM
Jesus christ, people. Over 300 million people living in the country and whenever one kid, (1 in 300,000,000+) does something like this parents get labeled as bad? I'll agree that there's a large number of parents out there that make mistakes, but you've got to think about it logistically. Whatever parents do to prevent stuff like this from happening, there's always going to be a way for it to fall through. If the kid wanted to, he could get keys/combination to whatever safe keeping method the gun was kept in.

Even more so, they dont even know who the gun belonged to at the time of the article. :\.
which is why most of the Anti-gun kids didnt come in here and stir up shit.
if he took the gun to school to shoot shit up THEN we'd be in here on our soapbox's.

hell i remember bringing $50 to school and thinking i was the raddest dude alive, Same thing tbh.

It's just the plebs stirring the pot zeph :p