View Full Version : British Baffle the iPhone

November 19th, 2008, 07:33 PM

The free application, which allows iPhone owners to use the Google search engine with their voice, mistook the word "iPhone" variously for "sex," "Einstein" and "kitchen sink," said the Daily Telegraph.

http://adms.physorg.com/openads/www/delivery/avw.php?zoneid=8&n=a649a0c4&ct0=%c (http://adms.physorg.com/openads/www/delivery/ck.php?n=a649a0c4&cb=%n)
Comments left by users on the application's website seemed to confirm the problem. "Awesome job google. only problem is every time I say the word 'fish' it registers as 'sex'," wrote one, identified as Kevin.

A video demonstration of the Google Mobile App on the online giant's website shows an American engineer successfully asking for pictures of the Golden Gate as well as cinema timetables and temperature conversions.

The website also includes a link to a video showing people with Irish, British and Chinese accents asking for relatively complicated searches, with apparent success.

But British iPhone owners had less luck when speaking the word "iPhone" into the application -- a Scottish user was offered a porn website after it mistook his search for "sex," the Telegraph reported.

A user from Surrey, south of London, had his request mistaken for "myspace" and "Einstein" was another option offered for "iPhone" spoken with a Kent accent, it said.

The only British accent which correctly understood the request was for a user from Yorkshire, northern England, although he was also offered "bonfire."

A Welsh accent gave the suggestions "gorillas" and "kitchen sink."

"I've got a traditional Kentish accent and the thing kept on spitting back ridiculous things," said Roger Ellinson, 26, from Maidstone in Kent, southeastern England.

"I asked it to find my nearest pizza take away and it came back with something about volcanoes," he added.

"I asked it to find my nearest pub and it gave me a link to some kind of weird dating website," said Ellinson. "I'll have to try to put on my best American accent to get it to work."

On its website, Google points out that the new voice search system "is currently available only in U.S. English."

One British user, Edward Parsons, says on the site's comments board: "This is fantastic, except for the North American accent bias.

"It actually works pretty well, but I have to disguise my (North London) accent with a terrible folksy Texan tourist voice to get results. I can see this is going to be the source of much amusement and confusion."

How the fuck does iPhone sound like sex?

I find it hilarious that the only accent it worked for was a Yorkshire accent, the strongest English accent...lol

November 19th, 2008, 07:39 PM
The iPhone is sex. :haw:

November 19th, 2008, 08:36 PM
The iPhone is a piece of shit when you compare it's features to another phone. It's just the whole iSyndrome shit.

I can see how iPhone would sound like sex. That article is making a general statement. He would have said " iPhone" in scottish accent, and the phone would have heard that as "poon".

November 19th, 2008, 08:52 PM
I never did like the iPhone. It just doesn't seem natural, especially with me having big fingers and it having crappy touchscreen. Who really needs Youtube on the go anyways? OSHI GUYS LETS WATCH THE LAZER COLLECTION WHILE GOING 80 ON 400 (crazy highway by where I live).

But that is definitely weird on how it does that to British accents. I wonder what it does to Chinese accents?

November 19th, 2008, 08:57 PM
This vid has gotta be fake, how the hell did it understand the last chinese guy? Even I hardly understood what the said.

November 19th, 2008, 09:19 PM
This vid has gotta be fake, how the hell did it understand the last chinese guy? Even I hardly understood what the said.
Yeah, what did he say anyways?lol.

November 19th, 2008, 09:20 PM
How the fuck does iPhone sound like sex?

Because it's not built to take other accents into account. It's built for U.S. English.

November 19th, 2008, 10:06 PM
Because it's not built to take other accents into account. It's built for U.S. English.
But its being advertised to work with different types of accents. The video I posted was from Google.

November 20th, 2008, 11:35 AM
I have the same problem with my dad's car phone. It seems like a convinience until you actually try it.

November 25th, 2008, 08:56 PM
My iPhone is byfar the best purchase I have ever made, for all you iHaters.

The iPhone is a piece of shit when you compare it's features to another phone. It's just the whole iSyndrome shit.

I'd love to hear about this other phone.

I never did like the iPhone. It just doesn't seem natural, especially with me having big fingers and it having crappy touchscreen. Who really needs Youtube on the go anyways? OSHI GUYS LETS WATCH THE LAZER COLLECTION WHILE GOING 80 ON 400 (crazy highway by where I live).

Please, just because you have fat fingers it has to be a bust right? I guess minicoopers are bad cars because your ass is to fa to fit in it? The touchscreen is anything but crappy, it's probably the highest quality touchscreen on the market. In fact, the multitouch features of it are already being used in new laptop touchpads. Who needs youtube wherever you go? Who needs a mp3 player whereever you go? Plenty of aplications like Shazam and the Obama 08 app use it to provide you with music and news. Just because your use of youtube doesn't go beyond lazercats doesn't mean it's useless.

For all the shit you talk about the iPhone, it's remarakable every other phone company is still trying to play catch up with it.

November 26th, 2008, 10:50 AM
I wanna get one masters, but the buggers took them of the shelves. Might get the new one thats out/coming out. Money is an issue right now thoughs.