View Full Version : Well then, had a chat with a Steam Scammer over the weekend, decided to post the log!
Dr Nick
November 24th, 2008, 06:49 PM
So, over the weekend, in fact, while playing a game of L4D with some people amongst the community, I was contacted by a fellow named Automated I.P Helper.
As soon as I saw his name, I instantly knew what his goal was, and why he added me. He was one of the evil(albeit, poor) fuckers who wanted to steal games from others. How would he do this? Simple, he'd pretend to be an official from Valve, and try to trick his way into getting other people's Steam Login information.
This is what happened:
Never tell your password to anyone.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
8:51 PM - Automated I.P Helper Steam Automated Support has detected multiple ip usage on this steam account.
account is in danger of being shut down unless immediate actions are taken.
For verification
and full control over this account please state your Account Name/Password/And secret question and/or answer to question.
After this is done we will send verification that you, are the correct IP adress that belongs to this Steam account.
Thank you, and
for any questions please refer to
8:52 PM - Dr. Nick: What
8:52 PM - Dr. Nick: whats an IP
8:52 PM - Automated I.P Helper It is a specific address assigned to a computer when it is connecting to the internet.
8:53 PM - Automated I.P Helper This means that we have detected several computers using this account.
8:53 PM - Automated I.P Helper We now need to verify that you are the true owner of that account.
8:54 PM - Dr. Nick: but i am
8:54 PM - Automated I.P Helper Then you should have no problem providing the verification details.
8:54 PM - Dr. Nick: but steam said not to tell my password
8:55 PM - Automated I.P Helper This is a new system. It is still in beta form.
8:55 PM - Dr. Nick: also im playing l4d
8:55 PM - Dr. Nick: so im busy
8:56 PM - Automated I.P Helper yes i see that.
8:56 PM - Automated I.P Helper Its a great work of VALVE(R)'s production team here isnt it?
8:56 PM - Dr. Nick: yeah
8:57 PM - Dr. Nick: It's also the reason you decided to try and steal my account information, isn't it?
8:57 PM - Automated I.P Helper This is not to steal your information sir.
8:57 PM - Dr. Nick: You are persistent
8:57 PM - Automated I.P Helper Multiple I.P's have been detected on that account.
8:57 PM - Automated I.P Helper Those are the people who will try to steal your account.
8:57 PM - Dr. Nick: Honestly, I've fucked with more than one of you dumbshits, I know how it all goes.
8:58 PM - Dr. Nick: In fact, nobody buy me knows my information, it would be impossible for anyone to know
8:58 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir, you could have been keylogged or had you I.P Keystrokes /C Remembered.
8:58 PM - Automated I.P Helper /C is a technique hackers use frequently.
8:59 PM - Dr. Nick: Actually
8:59 PM - Dr. Nick: I check for viruses and malware every week
8:59 PM - Dr. Nick: I haven't logged into Steam with my password in almost a year
8:59 PM - Dr. Nick: and keyloggers fail hard anyway
8:59 PM - Automated I.P Helper that does not mean that it has not been stolen through an I.P Trace.
9:00 PM - Dr. Nick: :|
9:00 PM - Dr. Nick: Okay then, you got me
9:00 PM - Dr. Nick: I'll post it in a second
9:01 PM - Dr. Nick: haxsuck/gfyfgt
9:02 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir, we need your real account credentials inorder to verify your account.
9:04 PM - Dr. Nick: that is my information
9:04 PM - Dr. Nick: maybe you typed it wrong while trying to log in
9:04 PM - Automated I.P Helper According to our verifier, they are incorrect.
9:04 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir let me remind you that your account is in danger of being disabled.
9:04 PM - Dr. Nick: Then your verifier sucks
9:05 PM - Dr. Nick: Let me remind you that I plan to copy and paste this information into a notepad document and email it to Valve later tonight.
9:05 PM - Automated I.P Helper Alright, you can do that, im legitimate so it does not matter.
9:05 PM - Dr. Nick: It probably will when you get banned.
9:06 PM - Dr. Nick: Or maybe you'll just make a new account and try it on someone else
9:06 PM - Dr. Nick: Fail less, please.
9:06 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir, if you were an admin like me you would know that reporting people to VAC is impossible.
9:07 PM - Dr. Nick: No, you would know that Reporting to VAC is not impossible, and they do infact ban most of the people who prove to be annoying
9:07 PM - Automated I.P Helper VAC is an automated service, a MACHINE.
9:07 PM - Dr. Nick: Powered by people
9:07 PM - Automated I.P Helper VAC stands for Valve Anti Cheat, it has no operators, it is it's own entity.
9:08 PM - Automated I.P Helper WRONG, contrary to steambans, or detox, reporting people is futile.
9:08 PM - Automated I.P Helper and even those anticheats certain wouldnt ban someone for being what you classiy as "annoying". Especially not an admin.
9:09 PM - Dr. Nick: But you're NOT an admin
9:09 PM - Dr. Nick: You're a sad little poor kid trying to get free games
9:10 PM - Automated I.P Helper Your I.P has been logged.
9:10 PM - Dr. Nick: Awesome!
9:10 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir, if you are uncomfortable doing this over steamchat, would you prefer a private webpage?
9:10 PM - Dr. Nick: No
9:10 PM - Dr. Nick: Of course not!
9:10 PM - Dr. Nick: Then you'd have my IP
9:13 PM - Dr. Nick: Is that all?
9:13 PM - Automated I.P Helper No, not unless you value your accounts.
9:13 PM - Dr. Nick: Of course I do
9:14 PM - Dr. Nick: I've got over $400 of games spent on it
9:14 PM - Dr. Nick: But I'm not stupid.
9:14 PM - Automated I.P Helper Sir i am legitimate, how else do you explain my admin onl font color?
9:14 PM - Dr. Nick: /me
9:14 PM - Dr. Nick says "You have failed!"
9:14 PM - Automated I.P Helper yup i have'
Automated I.P Helper is now Offline.
So, Modacity, was I too harsh, or was justice served?
I also emailed a copy of the log to Valve.
Also, what happened to the "Post your Quotes" thread. I miss it :c
November 24th, 2008, 06:53 PM
If you had gone to his "private webpage," he would've stolen your account information. Those sites copy the Steam homepage code, only instead of sending your information to Steam, they send it to a private server and hijack your account.
I've seen it happen to people. Also, scammers are fun. I gave one account information to an account that only has CS 1.6 and is VAC banned for hacking.
November 24th, 2008, 07:03 PM
Ooh boy, phishers. I got my account compromised once, right before TF2's pyro patch. Some phisher had somehow gotten someone's account in our Steam group, and would log onto their account, and phish that person's friends. If you see some random person post a link to a supposed Steam community page, you're not going to do anything with it. However, when your friend does it, then you'd be less on alert. Luckily, we had a steam moderator in our group, and he got everyone's accounts back right before the patch. Fun stuff.
Recently, our group chat saw a blatant phisher come by. While you, Nick, liked to get straight to the point with that idiot, we all played along with him for a while, to see what would happen.
benharushyeonatan entered chat.
[CPÜ]Terin: Orange Box looked innocent enough.
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
[CPÜ]Terin: OMG
[CPÜ]Terin: OMG
Sarda [CP<3]: it IS innocent
[CPÜ]Terin: OMG
Sarda [CP<3]: that's not.
benharushyeonatan: Work
Sarda [CP<3]: WAIT
Sarda [CP<3]: DO YOU OWN CS:S?
benharushyeonatan: Yea
Sarda [CP<3]: XD
benharushyeonatan: But not istall
[CPÜ]Terin: ZOMG
Fabolous[CP<3]: I can get steam games for free? OMG! LINKZ!!!!!!!
Sivart0: cs:s is fun :O
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
Fabolous[CP<3]: WHERE WHERE WHERE!?!?!?!?!?!?
[CPÜ]Terin left chat.
benharushyeonatan: enter
Fabolous[CP<3]: AWESOME DUDE
benharushyeonatan: Do it
Sarda [CP<3]: enter
Sarda [CP<3]: enter
Sivart0: enter
Sarda [CP<3] enters
Sivart0 enters the fortress of sivartude
Fabolous[CP<3]: I LOVE YOU MAN!!! HAVE MY BABY benharushyeonatan!!!
Sarda [CP<3] follows
Sarda [CP<3]: ...not fabolous
benharushyeonatan: Who did it?
Sivart0 kicks sarda out
Sarda [CP<3] is sadzors
Sivart0: :<
Sivart0 lets sarda back in
[CPÜ]Terin entered chat.
Sarda [CP<3] is happy
[CPÜ]Terin: Ugh.
Sarda [CP<3]: i promise i won't touch anything
Sivart0: >_>
Sivart0: _>
Sarda [CP<3]: except the air
Sivart0: >
Sivart0: *gone*
benharushyeonatan: who did it?
Sarda [CP<3]: and the floor
benharushyeonatan: who is doing this?
Sivart0: and not the red button :O
Fabolous[CP<3]: ok.... I can't seem to enter???? I don't understand
[CPÜ]Terin: Terrorists, obviously.
Fabolous[CP<3]: how do I get free games?
benharushyeonatan: Enter
Fabolous[CP<3]: enter what?
[CPÜ]Terin: Don't talk to strangers, kids!
Sarda [CP<3] is a terrorist... I MEAN LIKES TEARING THINGS IN HALF
[CPÜ]Terin: Stranger Danger!
Fabolous[CP<3]: I click on that link... and then what?
benharushyeonatan: choose your games
Metal_Link: phailsauce
benharushyeonatan: the games that u want
benharushyeonatan: and in right side write your id
Sarda [CP<3] drinks the phailsauce
[CPÜ]Terin: Of course!
Fabolous[CP<3]: whats an id?
Fabolous[CP<3] picked all the games
Sivart0 puts the phailsauce on a burrito
benharushyeonatan: account password and password
Sarda [CP<3] picked all the games he already has
[CPÜ]Terin: Give a random internet stranger your password? Of course!
Fabolous[CP<3]: where do I make an account?
[CPÜ]Terin: It's perfect!
Metal_Link: lolz
benharushyeonatan: No
benharushyeonatan: Write your steam account over there
[CPÜ]Terin: No what?
benharushyeonatan: and the pass of it
Metal_Link: Off with his head, I say!
Fabolous[CP<3]: oh, I don't have a steam accout
[CPÜ]Terin: Oh yeah.
Metal_Link: lol]
benharushyeonatan: Yes you have
[CPÜ]Terin: That's going to be a problem for him.
Sarda [CP<3] doesn't have one either
Fabolous[CP<3]: I want one though... maybe for christmas
Sivart0: i dont have a steam account :'(
Metal_Link: Steam accounts are rare and hard to find. Not many people has one.
benharushyeonatan: yes you have!
Metal_Link: lolz
Sarda [CP<3]: especially those gold ones from germany
[CPÜ]Terin: Are you sure?
benharushyeonatan: How u connect here
[CPÜ]Terin: How can you tell?
benharushyeonatan: Yes im sure
Fabolous[CP<3]: I do? REALLY? what is the pasword?
Sarda [CP<3] connects with his frontal lobe
Metal_Link: oh my, He seems pretty damn sure.
Sarda [CP<3]: HEY
Metal_Link is still skeptical
benharushyeonatan: Do this
Sivart0 does that
Sarda [CP<3] does it
Metal_Link: Do that
Metal_Link: lol
Fabolous[CP<3] doesn't know what to do
Metal_Link: /does yer mum.
Sivart0: fab, do this
Fabolous[CP<3] is so confused and just wants free games
Metal_Link: lol
[CPÜ]Terin: Yeah, cmon man. Why can't you just give him the games?
Sarda [CP<3]: YEAH
Sivart0: YEAH!
[CPÜ]Terin: That's so bad in non-caps lock.
Sarda [CP<3]: the above message in over 9000.
Metal_Link: you gotta pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time. then Jump through a flaming hoop and impress every single Valve dev in the building. And then at the end of it all, you do what Ben is saying.
benharushyeonatan: Who did it?
Metal_Link: I did it!
Metal_Link: D:
Sivart0: so did i! :O
Metal_Link: i mean :D
Metal_Link: :O
Fabolous[CP<3]: dude please give me the games? I will do anything!!
Sarda [CP<3]: nevermind
Metal_Link: lol
Fabolous[CP<3]: ANYTHING!
Fabolous[CP<3]: please?
benharushyeonatan: i need to know your steam account and password
Fabolous[CP<3]: I told you... I don't have one
benharushyeonatan: yes u have!
[CPÜ]Terin: Wow, ben, you are dense.
Metal_Link: I want one too@
Metal_Link: !!!!
Metal_Link: lol
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
Fabolous[CP<3]: if I have one what is it?
[CPÜ]Terin: You think a random guy in a chatroom would have a STEAM account?
benharushyeonatan: do it
[CPÜ]Terin: Usually like 1 in 15000 people have one.
Fabolous[CP<3] is very confused...
benharushyeonatan: what that u connect it now
Metal_Link: ok, enough playing games. Off with his head!
Sarda [CP<3] told you, his frontal lobe
[CPÜ]Terin: Huh?
Fabolous[CP<3]: why do you tell me I have an account but you won't tell me what it is?
Sarda [CP<3] uses his frontal lobe to connect to the chat
Fabolous[CP<3]: that isn't very nice...
Sarda [CP<3] does not have a steam account
[CPÜ]Terin: You're keeping his account from him?
[CPÜ]Terin: Sheesh...
benharushyeonatan: This is steam
[CPÜ]Terin: Yes.
Sarda [CP<3]: NO IT"S NOT
Sarda [CP<3]: wati
benharushyeonatan: What?
Sarda [CP<3]: ye sit is
[CPÜ]Terin: I have no idea...
Sarda [CP<3] can't type tonight
[CPÜ]Terin: No, wait, this is control point group chat.
[CPÜ]Terin: What's steam?
[CPÜ]Terin: The window I'm in says Control Point - Group Chat.
Metal_Link: Steam is water vapor
[CPÜ]Terin: Ah.
Sarda [CP<3]: i don't know, man, but i think i can send you this really cool .exe i found 2 months ago
Metal_Link: yeah, very scientific.
[CPÜ]Terin: I don't have a water vapor account, and I don't think anyone here has one.
Sarda [CP<3]: it's called cupholder
Fabolous[CP<3]: what? this is steam? oh, ok, my account is affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
Fabolous[CP<3]: ok?
benharushyeonatan: This is better
[CPÜ]Terin: Ah.
Fabolous[CP<3]: i can has free games now?
Metal_Link: lol
[CPÜ]Terin: Wow. You have a steam account.
[CPÜ]Terin: You bastard.
Metal_Link: :O
[CPÜ]Terin: I wish I had a steam account.
[CPÜ]Terin: D:
Sarda [CP<3] whispers to Fabolous: You spelled fish wrong.
Sivart0: I want one :'(
Metal_Link: Yeah, I want to play in Water Vapor too.
[CPÜ]Terin: I tried it once.
[CPÜ]Terin: It hurt.
[CPÜ]Terin: A lot.
Metal_Link: lol
[CPÜ]Terin: The doctor told me I had second degree burns.
Metal_Link: I bet it was fun though
Metal_Link: What class did you use?
Sarda [CP<3]: the chief
Metal_Link: XD
[CPÜ]Terin: Oh wow.
[CPÜ]Terin: /insidejoke'd!
Metal_Link: then I don't see how'd you fail at it.
[CPÜ]Terin: Ben, are you going to give him his damn free games or not?
Metal_Link: Yeah Ben, be a nice phisher.
benharushyeonatan: affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
[CPÜ]Terin: Come on! You're a shady internet dealer! You have a reputation to keep up!
benharushyeonatan: Do this
benharushyeonatan: And u will get
[CPÜ]Terin: Cmon.
Metal_Link: lol
Metal_Link thinks ben may be a bot.
[CPÜ]Terin: He chose everything, didn't he?
[CPÜ]Terin: Nah.
Metal_Link: *destroy!*
[CPÜ]Terin: He's a trustable untrustable unauthorized salesman!
Metal_Link: Oh just like certain lawers!
[CPÜ]Terin: Cmon, Ben!
[CPÜ]Terin: Exactly.
benharushyeonatan: affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
[CPÜ]Terin: Yes, it is.
Metal_Link: ok, thanks
[CPÜ]Terin: Cmon, ben.
[CPÜ]Terin: Give him his games.
Metal_Link: He did his part now do yours.
benharushyeonatan: affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
benharushyeonatan: affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
benharushyeonatan: affableprechaun and my password is: ilovedumbphishers
Metal_Link: o.O
Metal_Link: ok, enough repeating...
Sarda [CP<3]: no, that's the account for fabolous
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
Fabolous[CP<3]: dude! stop saying my password in here, then everyone will know!!!!!
benharushyeonatan: sorry
[CPÜ]Terin: D6N'
[CPÜ]Terin: Er
benharushyeonatan: Dude want all the games of steam free? and get them!!!!
[CPÜ]Terin: Don't wory.
[CPÜ]Terin: Worry
Sarda [CP<3] isn't.
Metal_Link: o.O
[CPÜ]Terin: We won't do anything bad with it, and we know our good friend ben won't, either.
Metal_Link: That's right!
benharushyeonatan disconnected.
WesWilson [CP] entered chat.
Metal_Link: lolroflcopter he finally gave up.
Sarda [CP<3]: i was just about to mention my frontal lobe and it's usefulness againXD
[CPÜ]Terin: Oh mah gawd.
Metal_Link: lol
[CPÜ]Terin: You missed epicness, Wes.
WesWilson [CP]: don't I always?
[CPÜ]Terin: True.
Metal_Link: :P
Sarda [CP<3]:
Fabolous[CP<3]: we are still chatting...
Sarda [CP<3]: and there it is
Fabolous[CP<3]: he is so thick
[CPÜ]Terin: Man, making fun of phishers is a wonderful thing.
Sarda [CP<3]: the whole thing
Metal_Link: XD
Metal_Link: lolz
Sarda [CP<3] may have forgotten to delete a blank line or two, but it's up there
benharushyeonatan entered chat.
[CPÜ]Terin: Ben!
[CPÜ]Terin: You're back!
Sarda [CP<3]: OH SHI--
benharushyeonatan: What?
[CPÜ]Terin: How'd it go
[CPÜ]Terin: Does he have his free games yet?
benharushyeonatan: Add me to friends
[CPÜ]Terin: My friend's list is full, sorry.
Metal_Link: that was quick... 250 friends, eh? :P
Metal_Link: youre so popular
Metal_Link: just like Ben
[CPÜ]Terin: I know, right?
Sarda [CP<3] whispers to WesWilson: BENHARUSHYEONATAN IS RAPING ME
Metal_Link: :O
[CPÜ]Terin: :O
benharushyeonatan: what?
Sivart0: :O
[CPÜ]Terin: Code blue! Code blue!
Metal_Link: *gasp*
[CPÜ]Terin: This is not a drill!
Sivart0 holds up a drill
WesWilson [CP]: OMG!
Metal_Link: Is it a drill or not?
[CPÜ]Terin: I think it's fake.
WesWilson [CP]: this is a hammer
Sivart0 drills
Sivart0: yep, this is a drill
[CPÜ]Terin: R-R-R-R
WesWilson [CP]: <--- points to his penis
Metal_Link: Ohhh... what kind of hammer?
[CPÜ]Terin: OH
[CPÜ]Terin: Hm.
Sivart0: fuck
Metal_Link: Let me guess!
Sivart0: i cant compete with a hammer
WesWilson [CP]: BALL PEAN!
Metal_Link: lol
[CPÜ]Terin: Bah dum pa pish.
Metal_Link: Never heard of them.
WesWilson [CP]: I've peed on my balls before
Sivart0: ...
[CPÜ]Terin: Awkward.
Metal_Link: wut
WesWilson [CP]: I'm sorry... did I say that out loud?
[CPÜ]Terin: No, you typed it.
[CPÜ]Terin: To the internet.
[CPÜ]Terin: Where everyone can see
WesWilson [CP]: EVERYONE?!!?!?!!?
[CPÜ]Terin: :D
Metal_Link: it's worse than being in public
WesWilson [CP]: even my mom?
[CPÜ]Terin: Yes!
Metal_Link: :O
[CPÜ]Terin: She's witnessing it right now.
WesWilson [CP]: crap
Metal_Link: D:
[CPÜ]Terin: Ben? Can we get more free games?
[CPÜ]Terin: Speak out here, please.
benharushyeonatan: Yes
Metal_Link: Moar freeeeeeeeeeeeeee-dom!
[CPÜ]Terin: Did Fabolous get his games?
benharushyeonatan: If you will add me to friends list
benharushyeonatan: Not yet
[CPÜ]Terin: My friend's list is full, I said.
benharushyeonatan: Every body that want
benharushyeonatan: So delete one
[CPÜ]Terin: No!
[CPÜ]Terin: They're all 250 very close friends!
[CPÜ]Terin: They'll get together and beat me up if I delete one of them!
benharushyeonatan: So Give me here your steam account and password
Metal_Link: I want that one game that came out over 9000 years ago... (thus being over 9000 years old) I think it's called "Your Fat Mom Fortress 2"
[CPÜ]Terin: I don't want to yet.
[CPÜ]Terin: I want to see someone else get their games first.
benharushyeonatan: i got
benharushyeonatan: want pircture?
[CPÜ]Terin: Nah. I want to see the whole process!
[CPÜ]Terin: One of these people here get all the games!
benharushyeonatan: picture
Metal_Link: picture
Fabolous[CP<3]: dude... I've give you like 3 passwords of mine... I still have no gamez...
Fabolous[CP<3] cries
benharushyeonatan disconnected.
Metal_Link: lol
Metal_Link: XD
[CPÜ]Terin: Ecks.
[CPÜ]Terin: Dee.
Metal_Link: he'll be back!
Fabolous[CP<3]: wait till you see my private messaging with him
WesWilson [CP]: I need him to come back so I can ban him
Fabolous[CP<3]: it is awesome
[CPÜ]Terin: When should he be banned?
[CPÜ]Terin: Yeah.
Fabolous[CP<3]: he will be back wes, probably
Fabolous[CP<3]: I can get him back
WesWilson [CP]: ok
Metal_Link: Oh oh that's right! I know what kind of hammer you were holding!
[CPÜ]Terin: I thought you were going to ban him before, so I prefixed it with a R-R-R-R
Metal_Link: A banhammer!
[CPÜ]Terin: Then I failed. D:
Metal_Link: duh, now I get it.
benharushyeonatan entered chat.
Metal_Link: We should totally rick roll him.
Sarda [CP<3]: his steam id is in the list of phishers now
[CPÜ]Terin: No, don't do that to Eric.
[CPÜ]Terin: He's seen it enough already.
Sivart0: speak of the satan!
Metal_Link: Stop! Banhammer time!
[CPÜ]Terin: Orly.
[CPÜ]Terin: Never tell your password to anyone.
Sivart0: not even myself!? :(
[CPÜ]Terin: I trust Control Point - Group Chat more than you, personally.
[CPÜ]Terin: Correct, Sivart.
Sivart0: well, Travis is gonna be p*ssed :(
[CPÜ]Terin: Heh.
WesWilson [CP]: B&
[CPÜ]Terin: R-r-r-rageban!Fun stuff.
November 24th, 2008, 07:11 PM
LOL. Hope the fucker gets IP banned or something of that nature.
I've seen it happen to people. Also, scammers are fun. I gave one account information to an account that only has CS 1.6 and is VAC banned for hacking.
Haven't I seen this somewhere? :-3
Dr Nick
November 24th, 2008, 07:12 PM
I played along for a bit, but eventually, he cornered me, and I had to stop playing around. Lucky for me though, he was persistent enough to keep trying, I had fun :D
Also, I had a friend on my steam account try to steal my information, I must've scared him off, because the minute I told him off, he went offline.
November 24th, 2008, 07:12 PM
Haha, awesome.
Fucking with phishers is the best. Sending hatemail back to those Nigerian scammers is a good laugh.
November 24th, 2008, 07:13 PM
haha, what a failure..
ive owned a few would be scammers in my time, sadly, i no longer have the logs.
November 24th, 2008, 07:21 PM
Wait wait, automated? I don't see much automation there, unless I have my definitions wrong.
November 24th, 2008, 08:10 PM
So much for "automated" responses. I like how the "automated" adviser can get pissed off.
November 24th, 2008, 08:39 PM
Lol that was amazing. But why do people try so hard to steal a steam account?
November 24th, 2008, 08:47 PM
So, over the weekend, in fact, while playing a game of L4D with some people amongst the community, I was contacted by a fellow named Automated I.P Helper.
As soon as I saw his name, I instantly knew what his goal was, and why he added me. He was one of the evil(albeit, poor) fuckers who wanted to steal games from others. How would he do this? Simple, he'd pretend to be an official from Valve, and try to trick his way into getting other people's Steam Login information.
This is what happened:
So, Modacity, was I too harsh, or was justice served?
I also emailed a copy of the log to Valve.
Also, what happened to the "Post your Quotes" thread. I miss it :c
you should of told him to die in multiple fires multiple times.
November 24th, 2008, 08:52 PM
Best moment ever is when my friend phished a WoW phishing site. Logs ftw.
November 24th, 2008, 10:46 PM
Lol that was amazing. But why do people try so hard to steal a steam account?
Free games, primarily. Accounts with a lot of games like to get targeted for this.
Or revenge/griefing. Steal someone's account, get it VAC banned, and return it.
November 25th, 2008, 08:52 PM
Next time make another account with no games and spend a few hours making him work for it :3.
Then report him.
Mr Buckshot
November 26th, 2008, 03:16 PM
Are you br0kenrabbit reincarnated? He once got 15 minutes of fame...because he turned the tables on the scammer, and gave the scammer a taste of his own medicine...and stole the scammer's own account! Anyone remember that?
But good job, Nick. I love reading stuff like this. Reminds me of John Quincy Cheese vs a Nigerian 419 scammer.
Next time make another account with no games
lol I did that when my friend asked to borrow my steam account because I didn't trust him. Anyway I have two accounts - one contains only HL1 games while the other has all my Source games.
It's hard to believe that people try to do these stupid scams when they can just jump on the piracy bandwagon to get "free games." It's almost as stupid as some users here who made threads asking for H2V CD keys.
November 26th, 2008, 03:35 PM
Buckshot, I managed to find the br0kenrabbit chatlog. I lol'd. Steam_account EDIT GODDAMN ENTER KEY
November 26th, 2008, 04:15 PM
Wow, both are fucking awesome :D
November 26th, 2008, 04:29 PM
Free games, primarily. Accounts with a lot of games like to get targeted for this.
Or revenge/griefing. Steal someone's account, get it VAC banned, and return it.
Ah, guess I better be careful when I ever think of buying a couple steam games.
November 26th, 2008, 05:38 PM
Erm, scammers don't really look for those with a lot of games. They target people at random, and just try and collect Steam accounts with various ways.
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