View Full Version : The Hypocrisy of Anti-racism.
November 30th, 2008, 04:40 PM
Am I alone in the ideas that all this anti-racism shit is starting to get a little rediculous? I hate racism but come on....its getting silly.
I have noticed that its almost backwards nowadays the way they treat racism.
A hate crime is when someone from one race hits another of a different race. Someone claims hatecrime and the shit hits the fan. Isn't increasing the sentence or severity of the punishment because of the persons color in itself racism? Have I been the only one to notice this?
I read an article today that said that Mr. Popo from DragonBall Z and Jinx from Pokemon were racist.
Being able to see something like this as racism is in itself racist to me. If when you see a character with "jet-black skin, large protruding pink lips, and gaping eyes" as a racist stereotype of black people, you have this stereotype in your mental imagery already. That does NOT look like a person or even human. To say that "Hm...this is an offensive portrail of back people" is incredibly befuddling to be. To notice something like this is racist in its own.
Am I crazy or does anyone else agree?
I think all this anti-racism media and political correct bullshit needs to gtfo and fast. Who cares who is offended? Let them anger up a shitstorm. Lawsuits over this crap should be ignored unless its PURELY obvious it was intentional. This kind of stuff makes me laugh at first but slowly pisses me off. In a world where a cartoon maker can get sued for this kind of stuff, or a home owner can get sued because a robber fell through his skylight and hurt his back, the law has shat all over itself.
November 30th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Yeah, that pretty much mirrors my thoughts.
Also it's "hypocrisy"
I'd +rep, but apparently I haven't been spreading it around enough.
November 30th, 2008, 04:48 PM
November 30th, 2008, 05:11 PM
Political correctness can fuck right off. They actually tried to prevent a Christmas tree going up in Sydney not so long ago because of it - and by 'they' I mean the fucking council, not even other religious groups.
November 30th, 2008, 05:33 PM
*hypocrisy :eng101:
November 30th, 2008, 05:33 PM
I also hate how black people are paranoid about white people being racist, yet they call them racist names and then call each other racist names white people thought up and then get pissed when a white person uses them, it's fucking retarded.
November 30th, 2008, 05:36 PM
That'd only be racist if it were associated with Africans intentionally, and despite the inherent racism and chauvinism in Japanese culture that we can hardly ignore, you can't call that racism without it being evident there's a message to be sent by the images. An image can be associated with an attitude, but you can't make an accusation of hostile intent without clear affiliation.
You, for instance, could not say that hanging people using trees is racist. It has an associated victim and target, but neither is bound to the practice. (No pun intended :() It's a millenia old method of execution and in the scope of time is subject to thousands of connotations applicable to thousands of peoples. You can sometimes make a proper legal case based on implication, you can almost never make a legitimate case based on inference.
At this point in time the battle for racial equality is an institution. That's not to say it's anywhere near acceptably over, but it has a tangible interest in its own prolongation. The kind of militancy, short-sightedness, and fetishistic viewpoint that leads to these kinds of accusations originates mainly from people who view racial tensions as an enduring and inseparable piece of modern societal living.
It's really a pretty sad situation, but I think it's worthwhile to remember that things swept under the rug never go away, they just grow mold and make us all sick.
November 30th, 2008, 05:45 PM
Political correctness can fuck right off. They actually tried to prevent a Christmas tree going up in Sydney not so long ago because of it - and by 'they' I mean the fucking council, not even other religious groups.
Uh dude it's not a Christmas Tree it's a holiday tree you see because celebrating a certian religion in public could be offensive to other religions!!!
November 30th, 2008, 05:46 PM
That'd only be racist if it were associated with Africans intentionally,
You are right. Which is why I think its racist that they assumed it was racism. Who but a racist would see that depicting a black person?
Uh dude it's not a Christmas Tree it's a holiday tree you see because celebrating a certian religion in public could be offensive to other religions!!!
Idk if that was sarcasm but thats one of those things. We have freedom of religious expression. Fuck happy holidays...if you celebrate christmas then its Merry Christmas. Same goes for all the other holidays of that fashion. If you dont like the Christmas Tree in the mall then stfu. Dont like it quietly. I dont very much like the Eiffel Tower because it looks like it would hurt if you stepped on it, but I dont tell them to take it down...
If you dont like something then do just that...dont like it.
November 30th, 2008, 05:49 PM
All I have to say is this
so good
i love the sound he makes at the end.
*wait is this guy joking or not?
*shit, i dont think so... so there are racist people in America.
*never mind, he's kidding
November 30th, 2008, 05:50 PM
I also hate how black people are paranoid about white people being racist, yet they call them racist names and then call each other racist names white people thought up and then get pissed when a white person uses them, it's fucking retarded.
I really hate it when people go on a "reparations" frenzy and start badgering you for money to "repair" for harms done from your ancestors to their ancestors 300 freaking years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous.
November 30th, 2008, 05:59 PM
I really hate it when people go on a "reparations" frenzy and start badgering you for money to "repair" for harms done from your ancestors to their ancestors 300 freaking years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous.
That's happening here DarkHalo, and I agree with most of the settlements they're claiming for. Europeans came to New Zealand and more or less just took Maori land for nothing in return, and are now getting some of it back. How would you feel if someone came to your families house that had been passed down through generations, and said "get out, this is now my house, my land"? I think you'd try pretty hard to get it back.
I also hate how black people are paranoid about white people being racist, yet they call them racist names and then call each other racist names white people thought up and then get pissed when a white person uses them, it's fucking retarded.
I hate this as well. Here we get called "Pakeha", which is Maori for white man, but if you call them black, you get called racist, raged, etc.
November 30th, 2008, 06:18 PM
That's happening here DarkHalo, and I agree with most of the settlements they're claiming for. Europeans came to New Zealand and more or less just took Maori land for nothing in return, and are now getting some of it back. How would you feel if someone came to your families house that had been passed down through generations, and said "get out, this is now my house, my land"? I think you'd try pretty hard to get it back.
I hate this as well. Here we get called "Pakeha", which is Maori for white man, but if you call them black, you get called racist, raged, etc.
Well it's mainly with black people and slavery. I'm not responsible for anything my ancestors did 300 years ago, so why should I have to pay for it? It really makes no logical sense.
November 30th, 2008, 06:19 PM
I also hate how SOME black people are paranoid about white people being racist, yet they call them racist names and then call each other racist names white people thought up and then get pissed when a white person uses them, it's fucking retarded.
ftfy. I personally don't care about whites or any1 else using the word. It came from a spanish word (Niger?) means black, I forget the word. Usually er just "feels" like your just trying to offend us. Remember if you forget what to say just end it with A
Also I'm tired of hearing the above scenario in EVERY racism discussion. In America who does that anymore. Plenty of whites say the n-word. You CAN TELL when someones trying to offend you.
November 30th, 2008, 06:20 PM
Everyone with half a brain knows political correctness is stupid and prejudiced in of itself.
Also, I hate the term "reverse racism." It's not reverse anything. It's just plain old racism.
November 30th, 2008, 06:22 PM
"reverse racism" is racist against your own kind so I wouldn't say it's regular racism.
November 30th, 2008, 06:23 PM
"reverse racism" is racist against your own kind so I wouldn't say it's regular racism.
No, it's racism against the majority.
November 30th, 2008, 06:24 PM
I agree, racism isnt nice at all, however use common sense =\
Over here, you cant say "black coffee" incase it offends people, yet you can still use white
They've had to rename a character in Thomas the tank engine, the fat controller has to be called "Top Hat" now, incase it offends any fat people.
Its getting ridiculous, these are only a few examples but there are others out there.
November 30th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Over here, you cant say "black coffee" incase it offends people, yet you can still use white
So it's not all right to describe the motherfucking color of something in Britain?
November 30th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Wow, what a load of shit...
November 30th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Anti-racism has been causing more racism than not lately. People claim that something is racist, and find a bit of bullshit to back their argument, and that makes people say "well hey, if you look at it that way..." It's like those shows that get banned for having a name that could be related to 9/11, if those few people didn't point them out, practically nobody would notice, and nobody would fucking complain.
November 30th, 2008, 06:43 PM
So it's not all right to describe the motherfucking color of something in Britain?
Yup, cant sing bar bar black sheep, cant use the word blackboard. It's insane.
November 30th, 2008, 06:50 PM
Yup, cant sing bar bar black sheep, cant use the word blackboard. It's insane.
It isn't insane. It's retarded.
November 30th, 2008, 06:54 PM
Yup, cant sing bar bar black sheep, cant use the word blackboard. It's insane.
What do you say then? Really dark gray? Opposite of white? That thingy that's all the colours together, though isn't a colour?
November 30th, 2008, 06:56 PM
Wow, didn't know you couldn't say that kind of stuff in Britain. <_<
November 30th, 2008, 07:08 PM
Yup, cant sing bar bar black sheep, cant use the word blackboard. It's insane.
wow, I hope thats a joke.
What do you say then? Really dark gray? Opposite of black? That thingy that's all the colours together, though isn't a colour?
opposite of white :eng101:
November 30th, 2008, 07:13 PM
If you are making a general speech to separate them from other races, then you call them African Americans, Native Africans, or black people. When talking to them casually or saying something to them, oh I don't know, maybe not refer them to as anything but as individuals (now there's an idea).
November 30th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Yup, cant sing bar bar black sheep, cant use the word blackboard. It's insane.
This is a joke right?
If when you see a character with "jet-black skin, large protruding pink lips, and gaping eyes" as a racist stereotype of black people, you have this stereotype in your mental imagery already.
And no, it just means you are aware of this stereotypical portrayal. Someone isn't racist for being aware of a stereotype.
November 30th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Wow, didn't know you couldn't say that kind of stuff in Britain. <_<
I think its grey and no this isnt a joke. They also banned the golliwos from Robinsons jam jars in 2001. They did freak the crap out of me when I was a kid, but removing them because they thought it was racist was stupid.
November 30th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Instead of singing “Baa baa, black sheep” as generations of children have learnt to do, toddlers in Oxfordshire are being taught to sing “Baa baa, rainbow sheep”.
The move, which critics will seize on as an example of political correctness, was made after the nurseries decided to re-evaluate their approach to equal opportunities.
Stuart Chamberlain, manager of the Family Centre in Abingdon and the Sure Start centre in Sutton Courtenay, Oxfordshire, told the local Courier Journal newspaper: “We have taken the equal opportunities approach to everything we do.
“This is fairly standard across nurseries. We are following stringent equal opportunities rules. No one should feel pointed out because of their race, gender or anything else.”
In keeping with the new approach, teachers at the nurseries have reportedly also changed the ending of Humpty Dumpty so as not to upset the children and dropped the seven dwarfs from the title of Snow White.
What I found worse - a 3 little pigs book was declined for an award:
The story for primary school pupils replaces pigs with "cowboy builders" as part of a light-hearted tale designed to spark interest in reading and design technology skills.
They also warned that the story might "alienate parts of the workforce (building trade)".
The judges criticised the stereotyping in the story of the unfortunate pigs: "Is it true that all builders are cowboys, builders get their work blown down, and builders are like pigs?"
November 30th, 2008, 07:25 PM
Yeah, they dont give a shit that the whole rhyme is racist and about slavery, they just want to be PC about the colour of the sheep.
November 30th, 2008, 07:25 PM
opposite of white :eng101:
Oops, I'll go change that.
November 30th, 2008, 07:27 PM
I have trouble believing that you can't say "black coffee". How is that racist or offensive in any way?
November 30th, 2008, 07:28 PM
I have trouble believing that you can't say "black coffee". How is that racist or offensive in any way?
November 30th, 2008, 07:30 PM
I have trouble believing that you can't say "black coffee". How is that racist or offensive in any way?
I think it might be because it is without milk, maybe suggesting black people cant have milk/afford it or something crazy like that. To be honest I dont think they put much thought into it, they just see that the word black is used and go crazy.
I think dark is the word we have to use, but then how dark is dark? Asking for a dark coffee, some one might think a bit of milk, some might think without.
November 30th, 2008, 07:32 PM
I have trouble believing that you can't say "black coffee". How is that racist or offensive in any way?
It has the word "black" in it. Since "black people" is (apparently) just as offensive a term as "niggers," IT IS AN EVIL WORD BAN IT BAN IT.
November 30th, 2008, 07:33 PM
What I found worse - a 3 little pigs book was declined for an award:
Source: laughed my ass off reading that. Why do some people have to be like this? Maybe one day we'll all grow up and see just how stupid these kinds of things are. :haw:
Did you know that the song "White Christmas" was challenged for being racist? It was probably one of the other funniest things that I've heard.
November 30th, 2008, 07:36 PM
Well, I use black people in everyday speech. Most "African Americans have either A) Never even been to Africa or B) didn't originate from Africa. The whole term is pretty lulzy to me. That would be like calling White people "British Americans". It seems pretty racist to me to assume ALL black people came from Africa, and sure...maybe somewhere along the line ALL black people came from Africa some way or another, but then didn't every human originate from the same place?
November 30th, 2008, 07:37 PM
If you are making a general speech to separate them from other races, then you call them African Americans, Native Africans, or black people. When talking to them casually or saying something to them, oh I don't know, maybe not refer them to as anything but as individuals (now there's an idea).
WTF? African Americans and Native Americans are not the same people. Are you serious?
November 30th, 2008, 07:39 PM
WTF? African Americans and Native Americans are not the same people. Are you serious?
Nice reading skill, duder
November 30th, 2008, 07:43 PM
WTF? African Americans and Native Americans are not the same people. Are you serious?
Native Africans, not Americans. :fail:
November 30th, 2008, 07:44 PM
lol, thats funny
November 30th, 2008, 07:48 PM
shit my mistake.
November 30th, 2008, 07:58 PM
November 30th, 2008, 08:09 PM
I really hate it when people go on a "reparations" frenzy and start badgering you for money to "repair" for harms done from your ancestors to their ancestors 300 freaking years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous.It's as if a thief gave you a gift, but it turned out to actually belong to someone else. That someone else asking for it back is rediculous?
November 30th, 2008, 08:12 PM
But who in the hell says Native Africans? I've NEVER heard that term, well maybe once or twice out of my 17 years of life.
November 30th, 2008, 08:24 PM
I've met a couple native africans. I likes the accents.
November 30th, 2008, 08:27 PM
What do you call black people that don't live in America? You can't call them "African Americans."
I know lots of black people that are A-OK with the term "black." What I think we have here is an acute case of White Guilt.
November 30th, 2008, 08:27 PM
I do too
November 30th, 2008, 08:46 PM
I really hate it when people go on a "reparations" frenzy and start badgering you for money to "repair" for harms done from your ancestors to their ancestors 300 freaking years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous.
Much like your posting.
lol racism.
November 30th, 2008, 08:48 PM
Might as well remove the entire color-naming system while we're at it.
November 30th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Black people aren't even BLACK. Why is that the color of offense?
November 30th, 2008, 11:41 PM
Black people aren't even BLACK. Why is that the color of offense?
Partially true. While the majority of black people have skin that's a shade of brown, if you look in some parts of Africa, there are, quite literally, black people
December 1st, 2008, 12:56 AM
^ That's impossible. They're just super dark brown. It's just like how black people don't have black hair. It's dark brown.
December 1st, 2008, 01:01 AM
No, it's racism against the majority.
to appease the minority :eng101:
December 1st, 2008, 01:14 AM
^ That's impossible. They're just super dark brown. It's just like how black people don't have black hair. It's dark brown.
what? how many black people do you know? most of the black people i knew in high school had black hair.
also, impossible? i think not.
December 1st, 2008, 02:48 AM
This is why I give people the benefit of the doubt and hate everyone equally apon meeting them until they prove me wrong.
December 1st, 2008, 04:22 AM
December 1st, 2008, 04:33 AM
What do you call black people that don't live in America? You can't call them "African Americans."
I know lots of black people that are A-OK with the term "black." What I think we have here is an acute case of White Guilt.
I just say "black", even though it's shades of brown. I'm fine with people calling me "white", even though it's a shade of pink.
December 1st, 2008, 04:37 AM
your a shade of pink?
what the fuck.
but where getting stupid here people. Back to the real topic.
December 1st, 2008, 04:46 AM
Political correctness can go screw itself, yes.
Still waiting for someone in a store to confront me for calling a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree, followed by a bitchslap to said person for insisting I call it a Holiday Tree, when it is, in fact, a tree decorated as a monument to the birthday of Jesus Christ.
December 1st, 2008, 04:56 AM
your a shade of pink?
what the fuck.
but where getting stupid here people. Back to the real topic.
Light pink, but pinkish nonetheless.
December 1st, 2008, 05:02 AM
I say celebrate all major religious holidays publicly.
December 1st, 2008, 05:37 AM
Ah, but what defines "major"? :downs:
December 1st, 2008, 05:57 AM
The people who celebrate the holidays.
IE: Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan.
December 1st, 2008, 06:39 AM
Exactly, instead of being morons and oppressing everybody, they should just accept them, and join them in their celebrating. It should be like those small communities that have 4-5 religions, everybody gets along, even though they are different.
December 1st, 2008, 06:44 AM
Over here, you cant say "black coffee" incase it offends people, yet you can still use white
They've had to rename a character in Thomas the tank engine, the fat controller has to be called "Top Hat" now, incase it offends any fat people.
Its getting ridiculous, these are only a few examples but there are others out there.
One organisation's choice does not reflect the entirety of Britain.
December 1st, 2008, 10:18 AM
The people who celebrate the holidays.
IE: Hanukkah, Christmas, Ramadan.
So Kwanzaa isn't a "major holiday" to you? I guess you hate all black people and wish slavery were reinstated then.
December 1st, 2008, 02:35 PM
what? how many black people do you know? most of the black people i knew in high school had black hair. How many black people do I know? My whole both sides of family and the ones at my schools through grade K-12.
It's not black. If you look closely it's a dark brown. Look under some good light if you care that much to look into it.
Also, thought I saw something about this on national geographic or something about a particular tribe that wears this full body black paint. I thought.
December 1st, 2008, 03:37 PM
Uh dude it's not a Christmas Tree it's a holiday tree you see because celebrating a certian religion in public could be offensive to other religions!!!
The only thing religious about a christmas tree is its name. Regardless of its original intention, many atheists and people of other religions celebrate christmas with christmas trees; though I do think that other religious symbols should be put up on other religious holidays, regardless of the religion in itself, as it's only fair.
December 1st, 2008, 04:56 PM
do you mind if i use this in a motivator for the many weekly halomaps occurrences worthy of this action?
on the topic of political correctness, a priest at my school went to walmart and on the way out, the cashier said "happy holidays" to him, even though he was wearing that little white thing in the collar of his black shirt. is that something they are trained to say or is that just something that the cashier said to avoid offending the priest. he seemed surprised that the cashier said happy holidays instead of merry christmas. to me it just seems like something the cashier didnt notice. its not like the preist is one of those old creepy guys either. he's a young guy. hell, i was talking with him about picking up a copy of farcry 2 when he mentioned the cashier in walmart.
December 1st, 2008, 05:17 PM
that would be a company instigated greeting.
December 1st, 2008, 05:17 PM
do you mind if i use this in a motivator for the many weekly halomaps occurrences worthy of this action?
on the topic of political correctness, a priest at my school went to walmart and on the way out, the cashier said "happy holidays" to him, even though he was wearing that little white thing in the collar of his black shirt. is that something they are trained to say or is that just something that the cashier said to avoid offending the priest. he seemed surprised that the cashier said happy holidays instead of merry christmas. to me it just seems like something the cashier didnt notice. its not like the preist is one of those old creepy guys either. he's a young guy. hell, i was talking with him about picking up a copy of farcry 2 when he mentioned the cashier in walmart.
It's a belief-neutral saying cooked up by capitalist pigdogs in order to maximize profits and offend fewer potential customers.
Ok, most of that's bullshit, but the essence of truth is still there.
December 1st, 2008, 05:24 PM
He could or could not be trained to say that and I also doubt it's because he's a priest. I think he had in mind that he may or may not celebrate Christmas, but instead another "holiday" so to avoid the whole "I don't celebrate this" conversation, he wished him a good one in broader terms.
I may be wrong but what the hey.
December 1st, 2008, 05:42 PM
ITT: people who never worked as wage slaves.
Greetings directed towards customers are empty shells of words and mean nothing.
Well maybe except "I, now merely the personified establishment im working in, have noted your presence and hope to see you leaving more money next time"
Ah yes, plenty of mental ressources to think about stuff like this on dull routine jobs :)
December 1st, 2008, 05:45 PM
Quite frankly, Christmas is often drawn out, tiresome, and almost completely meaningless at this point. And lawn decorations, particularly moving-head reindeer, make me feel like punting baby Jesus. Some people, myself included, are especially annoyed by the consumer-culture nonsense that is now associated with this time of year, and can feel quite pissy about it being shoved in our face at checkout lines.
But the consequences of being unintentionally irritating shouldn't be a lawsuit.
December 1st, 2008, 07:12 PM
"this my pinata now"
racism is overrated, so is being homophobic. Who the fuck cares, just ignore the haters and move on.
December 1st, 2008, 07:25 PM
do you mind if i use this in a motivator for the many weekly halomaps occurrences worthy of this action?
on the topic of political correctness, a priest at my school went to walmart and on the way out, the cashier said "happy holidays" to him, even though he was wearing that little white thing in the collar of his black shirt. is that something they are trained to say or is that just something that the cashier said to avoid offending the priest. he seemed surprised that the cashier said happy holidays instead of merry christmas. to me it just seems like something the cashier didnt notice. its not like the preist is one of those old creepy guys either. he's a young guy. hell, i was talking with him about picking up a copy of farcry 2 when he mentioned the cashier in walmart.The Cashier could be a non-Christian...
Quite frankly, Christmas is often drawn out, tiresome, and almost completely meaningless at this point. And lawn decorations, particularly moving-head reindeer, make me feel like punting baby Jesus. Some people, myself included, are especially annoyed by the consumer-culture nonsense that is now associated with this time of year, and can feel quite pissy about it being shoved in our face at checkout lines.
But the consequences of being unintentionally irritating shouldn't be a lawsuit.Many of the people I see go "All out" on Christmas decorations... do it as a family event.
December 1st, 2008, 07:48 PM
The Cashier could be a non-Christian...
Many of the people I see go "All out" on Christmas decorations... do it as a family event.
They could be setting up a nice tree in their window and it'd be fine...
But they've got to put that shit right in front of their house and it has to light up and bullshit. You can have holiday fun without making your yard a demonstration zone for cultural hegemony.
And I hate when I see a whole block like that, because to me it's like intentionally frivolous energy wastage. My bills go up when people create random demand like that, and not to mention all the stuff is made overseas under the supervision of people trying to make a buck.
People seem committed to reaffirming that "there's a sucker born every minute" year-round though, so I can't hold it against some stupid pagan festival where people drag logs into their houses and put shit on them.
December 1st, 2008, 08:49 PM
You can have holiday fun without making your yard a demonstration zone for cultural hegemony.
hegemony is the wrong word.
"the leadership or predominant authority of one state of a confederacy or union over the others" (OED)
i really doubt that holiday decorators are trying to do this?
People can do whatever they want to do. The only way I'd take your claim seriously was if the light from these decorations was shining into your house causing you a physical disturbance.
My bills go up when people create random demand like that...
wow, how much does it go up, like 50 cents? I doubt this is even the reason it's going up.
you care too much, if it makes you feel better, light a giant fucking menorah outside your house and I wont give a shit.
Merry Christmas
December 1st, 2008, 09:28 PM
Much like your posting.
lol racism.
Really? Like are you serious? I official declare this forum Liberal. Good day.
I just want ONE logical explanation of why reparations make any sense anymore? Why should I have to pay money, especially in these shitty days of economic crap, for something 300 years ago? This country has matured enough to where it shouldn't even matter anymore. But, whatever, people always love holding grudges over each other. Isn't humanity just great towards itself?
December 1st, 2008, 09:31 PM
hegemony is the wrong word.
Perhaps you don't understand that the meaning of a word is impacted by its context (
wow, how much does it go up, like 50 cents? I doubt this is even the reason it's going up.
Are you really a total stranger to irony, hyperbole, and most importantly raging? Do you honestly belief I would have a serious complaint about the effect Christmas lights have on my electric bills?
More importantly did it ever cross your mind that my demonstrating a personal cost to myself is part of a larger metaphor for how silly and wasteful I think the whole practice is?
you care too much, if it makes you feel better, light a giant fucking menorah outside your house and I wont give a shit.
If I really cared couldn't I be expected to have suggested an action, like "take the damn things down" or "they should be illegal?" Did it ever occur to you that perhaps a short vulgar rant on an internet forum could in fact be the extent to which I cared about something when it's a given how trivial the practice is?
Furthermore, how could you read that post and think that jokingly extending to me the right to unlimited holiday decorating would in any way encourage sympathy in me to your point of view? Especially after I said that I didn't think Christmas itself was at fault for the horrendous nature of lawn decoration anyway...?
What are your thought processes you have any?
December 1st, 2008, 09:49 PM
oh hush kids
December 1st, 2008, 09:50 PM
[sumary] lots of big words make me look smart but don't prove anything
ok, ive been down this road before, fortunately I don't care enough to rebuttal.:aaaaa:
December 1st, 2008, 10:26 PM
Can it, both of you.
English Mobster
December 1st, 2008, 11:21 PM
Humanity is on a self-destructive path right now. That much is clear.
December 1st, 2008, 11:29 PM
How many black people do I know? My whole both sides of family and the ones at my schools through grade K-12.
It's not black. If you look closely it's a dark brown. Look under some good light if you care that much to look into it.
I thought I saw something about this on national geographic or something about a particular tribe that wears this full body black paint. I thought.
you dont even know anything about your own heritage.
there are black people.
December 1st, 2008, 11:47 PM
I just want ONE logical explanation of why reparations make any sense anymore? Why should I have to pay money, especially in these shitty days of economic crap, for something 300 years ago? This country has matured enough to where it shouldn't even matter anymore. But, whatever, people always love holding grudges over each other. Isn't humanity just great towards itself?
There is no logical explanation, because there is practically no way to prove who's descended from slaves and who isn't these days (IIRC, a large amount of black people in the US aren't even of slave descent anymore). The time to have done it was right after the slaves were freed, and that time has long passed.
But I'm missing the entire point of quoting you. You are a huge asshole who knows nothing about what he is talking about, only vague opinions you got from watching TV. I sincerely hope you're just trolling all of us for laughs, because if you aren't, I'm going to straight up fucking kill myself.
ok maybe not but you get the idea you fucking cancerous faggot
December 1st, 2008, 11:51 PM
Still waiting for my 10 acres and a mule...
IIRC most blacks in the US are from slave descent, I know I am atleast. Where the fuck else did we come from? If I had to make a guess I'd say 60%.
December 2nd, 2008, 12:01 AM
To a human eye, yes, black people exist. They are chemically brown, just with large quantities of melanin. Same with black hair for ALL people. It's actually very dark brown, with large quantities of melanin. It's like when you have some food coloring, the rim of it looks the color but the contents look pretty much black. No more debating whether or not black people exist, k?
December 2nd, 2008, 12:14 AM
I'm descended from slaves. Where's my fucking land.
Don't even think I'm joking, we actually traced my family history back to those days.
December 2nd, 2008, 12:18 AM
30 acres of my familys land was taken by a white family that kept expanding their fence in Mississippi, the damn street where it is is named after us but they couldn't do anything about since they were black. We're currently in the process of getting that land back, but by us doing this we found out alot about our familys history.
December 2nd, 2008, 12:27 AM
The problem with reparations is that so many people have been fucked over by so many other people in the past that once you give it to someone, everyone's going to want it. By all means if they can prove something was taken unfairly, that should be given back, but if you start giving them out willy-nilly then you have a problem. Honestly it should be everyone or nobody, to avoid jealousy and the associated problems. As far as I know the extent of reparations out here are are that indigenous groups are able to claim back certain pieces of their traditional land (mostly in the desert, because that would play hell with city planning), and typically before major events the traditional owners of the land on which they're held are acknowledged and thanked. That works just fine, because they get their special sites back without uprooting other families who have since moved in and had nothing to do with the place being taken to begin with.
December 2nd, 2008, 02:05 PM
He could or could not be trained to say that and I also doubt it's because he's a priest. I think he had in mind that he may or may not celebrate Christmas, but instead another "holiday" so to avoid the whole "I don't celebrate this" conversation, he wished him a good one in broader terms.
I may be wrong but what the hey.
You know, it could just be that he happened to say "Happy Holidays" by coincidence; it's still a courteous gesture regardless of your religion. In the same way, as Christmas is a worldwide holiday, people should not be offended by others telling them "Merry Christmas."
December 2nd, 2008, 04:02 PM
There is no logical explanation, because there is practically no way to prove who's descended from slaves and who isn't these days (IIRC, a large amount of black people in the US aren't even of slave descent anymore). The time to have done it was right after the slaves were freed, and that time has long passed.
But I'm missing the entire point of quoting you. You are a huge asshole who knows nothing about what he is talking about, only vague opinions you got from watching TV. I sincerely hope you're just trolling all of us for laughs, because if you aren't, I'm going to straight up fucking kill myself.
ok maybe not but you get the idea you fucking cancerous faggot
Say what? I honestly don't understand why people are so set off by this. I'll give you an example: I'm part Native American (Cherokee Indian). Not saying this as nothing more than as an example. If I were to go and meet the people who took the land from my group, I would probably say "Oh that's how it all happened" and walk away careless. I honestly don't care about the past. Why? Because I've learned to let every bit of it go. But that's just me, it's obvious a lot of other people haven't gone that way at all. And I suppose, since I'm here out of my own boredom, then I am trolling to gain lolz (actually it's a mix, I'm giving my raw sophomoric opinion while occupying my own boredom). However, this is my opinion on reparations. You can disagree all you want. I just don't agree with having to focus on something we should all already be moved on from, IMO. And for that other stuff, I want to apologize for that post I made in the "Sorry, but what the...." topic. I was pissed off that day and was going through a rough time with some personal issues. I know that was totally unacceptable in public But my politics are my own opinion on politics. All I know now is more than the closed minded thoughts of the Republicans I heard speak before, although I'm still rooting for Republicans, I could really care less. And I'm not really an asshole in person, just sound like it when typing because I'm very direct and insensitive in writing. As of that, I speak out of my ass a lot when I disagree with world issues, so I'm sorry if I do that a lot too.
December 2nd, 2008, 05:08 PM
you dont even know anything about your own heritage.
there are black people.
Yea because because not knowing there are literally black people is everything to know about my heritage :rolleyes:
To a human eye, yes, black people exist. They are chemically brown, just with large quantities of melanin. Same with black hair for ALL people. It's actually very dark brown, with large quantities of melanin. It's like when you have some food coloring, the rim of it looks the color but the contents look pretty much black. No more debating whether or not black people exist, k?I knew what I was talking about, thank you.
December 2nd, 2008, 05:17 PM
I'm descended from slaves. Where's my fucking land.
Don't even think I'm joking, we actually traced my family history back to those days.
Jews don't get free land. They came from slaves...
December 2nd, 2008, 05:19 PM
They also weren't promised reparations :U
December 2nd, 2008, 08:57 PM
Yea because because not knowing there are literally black people is everything to know about my heritage :rolleyes:
I knew what I was talking about, thank you.
well sorry if i miss-underestimated you, however i didnt think that you'd be able to tell me anything about the melanin that produces the dark colour.
December 2nd, 2008, 09:56 PM
well sorry if i miss-underestimated you, however i didnt think that you'd be able to tell me anything about the melanin that produces the dark colour.While I can't explain exactly what melanin is even WITH wikipedia. I did read up about some stuff before (talkin like 5 or 7 years old here) and all I really know is that blacks just had a lot more melanin than other races and give us our skin tone. The more melanin you have the darker you'll be, and I know little or no melanin is what albino is. Also I believe concentrated melanin in 1 area is what give moles their color right? baaaah who cares.
December 3rd, 2008, 04:55 PM
And for that other stuff, I want to apologize for that post I made in the "Sorry, but what the...." topic. I was pissed off that day and was going through a rough time with some personal issues. I know that was totally unacceptable in public But my politics are my own opinion on politics. All I know now is more than the closed minded thoughts of the Republicans I heard speak before, although I'm still rooting for Republicans, I could really care less. And I'm not really an asshole in person, just sound like it when typing because I'm very direct and insensitive in writing. As of that, I speak out of my ass a lot when I disagree with world issues, so I'm sorry if I do that a lot too.
Longest ninja tag I've ever seen.
December 3rd, 2008, 04:56 PM
to bad he doenst know about ninja tags.
December 3rd, 2008, 04:59 PM
to bad he doenst know about ninja tags.
Oh, he just made some white text?
lol, it looks almost like a ninja tag against the light gray of Crysis theme.
December 3rd, 2008, 05:04 PM
and he puts in black text everynow and then that makes it hard to see on the source theme as well >:U
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