View Full Version : [HL2] Black Mesa Official Trailer :OOOOOOOOO
November 30th, 2008, 06:20 PM
This is stunning.
(Yes you can stream it at 720p)
November 30th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Like yoyorast v2, if this ever actually comes out I will cut off my own penis and eat it on video.
November 30th, 2008, 07:17 PM
I need a new pair of pants.
Can't wait until December 31st, 2009.
November 30th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Like yoyorast v2, if this ever actually comes out I will cut off my own penis and eat it on video.
December 1st, 2008, 02:28 AM
Oh shi-
That was awesome. I really hope I can get a computer that can play it by next December...
December 1st, 2008, 05:51 AM
Like yoyorast v2, if this ever actually comes out I will cut off my own penis and eat it on video.
December 1st, 2008, 04:56 PM
Lawl. It just occurred to me that I hadn't gone to this site in almost a week, mainly due to the fact that all my time has been spent on the BMS forums. I had the downloads page, front page, and forum thread on auto-refresh the moment the trailer was released.
What? :)
And I shat brix. 5:27 pm EST on Nov. 30th will go down as one of the most epic trailer releases evar. Now to replay all the Half-life games. Twice.
But omg, the gman looks awesome, the levels look awesome, and omfg the tentacle is scary as hell. o_o But also awesome.
*passes out*
Edit: Haha, the website went down again. First crash was at 11:20ish this morning, when everyone who wasn't actively waiting for the trailer figured out it was up. Currently over 180,000 views on youtube. Wow.
December 1st, 2008, 06:15 PM
Seriously, that part when he was shooting the soldiers... and the Crysis-esque mesas.. :awesome:
December 1st, 2008, 06:21 PM
I shit bricks. They finally have a year they plan to release it.
December 1st, 2008, 06:38 PM
Did anyone watch the YouTube version? It looked almost 720p, what is going on...
December 1st, 2008, 09:01 PM
That's because YouTube is toning down the suckage, finally. :awesome:
and the Crysis-esque mesas.. :awesome:Oh yeah. And it was confirmed that, besides for the very very far one, those are all generated in full 3d in the game. Daaamn.
December 1st, 2008, 11:28 PM
That was amazing.
I never played the original Half-Life, so this is definitely a good thing for me.
December 2nd, 2008, 12:48 AM
December 2nd, 2008, 06:12 PM
^This is one of the few situations that your post matches your usertitle. :-3
December 2nd, 2008, 06:27 PM
Does BMS still require CSS?
December 2nd, 2008, 06:31 PM
Nope, not any longer.
December 2nd, 2008, 10:49 PM
I saw this in my youtube subscriptions and i shat brix. These guys are fucking supreme artists. I'm normally not a big fan of source mods, but this will be the exception.
English Mobster
December 6th, 2008, 04:39 AM
Have Half-Life 1 and 2 (Came with the Orange Box), but never played them, I just played TF2, Gmod, and Portal.
Guess now I should look into playing them...
Getting a computer that can run Crysis for Christmas, should be able to handle this as well.
December 6th, 2008, 04:40 PM
Have Half-Life 1 and 2 (Came with the Orange Box), but never played them, I just played TF2, Gmod, and Portal.
Guess now I should look into playing them...
Getting a computer that can run Crysis for Christmas, should be able to handle this as well.
The first Half-Life didn't come with the Orange Box...
December 7th, 2008, 12:00 PM
Have Half-Life 1 and 2 (Came with the Orange Box), but never played them, I just played TF2, Gmod, and Portal.
Guess now I should look into playing them...
Ditto on BobTheGreat's observation that the OB only came with HL2, and episodes 1 and 2 in addition to Portal and TF2.
And you own the games, but haven't played them? o_o Go sit down and do so. Now. :D Because they're some of my favorite games of all time. I'm an avid Halo fan, but the facial expressions and ingame character development of the Half-life series blows away Halo's stuff. That's a lot coming from me. :P
December 7th, 2008, 03:53 PM
I tried to beat Half Life a while ago, but it's fucking hard mode compared to today's games (like HL2). O_O
Those soldier's must breathe testosterone and exhale undeath.
But I've got nothing to do this holidays so it looks like I'll give it another go :D!
December 7th, 2008, 03:56 PM
im really looking forward to this, i beat hl1 a long time ago but i forgot most of it.
December 7th, 2008, 04:52 PM
I'm really looking forward to the coop mode BM is having. :D
December 7th, 2008, 05:16 PM
if this ever actually comes out I will cut off my own penis and eat it on video.
im going to remember this statement"
im not up to date at all on half life stuff. is this like the equivalent to half life 3 or something? the only reason i say half life is because of the words "black" and "mesa"
December 7th, 2008, 07:53 PM
This is a remake of the original half life.
December 7th, 2008, 08:59 PM
Haha, I only played about half of HL1, mostly watched my dad play it on the PS2(WASSUP BITCH?) version.
December 8th, 2008, 02:48 PM
I tried to beat Half Life a while ago, but it's fucking hard mode compared to today's games (like HL2). O_O
Those soldier's must breathe testosterone and exhale undeath.
But I've got nothing to do this holidays so it looks like I'll give it another go :D!
Don't remind me :|
Those guys are pricks
The Xen levels are fucking amazing though, I recommend you pick the game back up for their sake
Templari0n (
This has been already experienced in Half-Life 1.
I don't see any reasons to even try this mod.:lol:
December 8th, 2008, 03:36 PM
some people are so smart....
December 8th, 2008, 03:44 PM
The Xen levels are fucking amazing though, I recommend you pick the game back up for their sakeI personally hated Xen. It became a platformer at that point. It looked awesome, though
December 10th, 2008, 09:42 PM
I personally hated Xen. It became a platformer at that point. It looked awesome, though
I actually liked all the jumping bits but yeah the main appeal was visual :p
t3h m00kz
December 11th, 2008, 06:18 PM
Xen was fucking freaky. I played the game for the first time about half a year ago, and when I got to Xen I was like "WWWTTTFFF"
I also managed to somehow get into a room with the G-Man just standing there. As a picky-ass game tester I have to say, wtf devs :\
Still an awesome fuckin game.
December 12th, 2008, 01:07 PM
e: for some reason whenever I hit New Posts I kept getting this thread and seeing that Muki was the last person to reply. However when I actually loaded the thread his post wasn't there, and didn't come up till I posted again. Wierd.
December 12th, 2008, 02:26 PM
Well it's about goddamn time.
December 12th, 2008, 03:40 PM
e: for some reason whenever I hit New Posts I kept getting this thread and seeing that Muki was the last person to reply. However when I actually loaded the thread his post wasn't there, and didn't come up till I posted again. Wierd.
You're not the only one. I tried adding a post but it wouldn't load after I clicked Post Reply, weird.
December 14th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I tried to beat Half Life a while ago, but it's fucking hard mode compared to today's games (like HL2). O_O
Those soldier's must breathe testosterone and exhale undeath.
But I've got nothing to do this holidays so it looks like I'll give it another go :D!
I smashed HL1 only the other week in one sitting lawl.
December 14th, 2008, 05:35 PM
Well then good job sitting at the computer for 8 hours. :downs:
December 14th, 2008, 09:55 PM
I smashed HL1 only the other week in one sitting lawl.
How the hell did you figure out the final boss in 1 sitting <_<
most bullshitty FPS enemy ever that is (with the obvious exception of Halo 3 online players)
December 14th, 2008, 10:34 PM
Shoot it with bullets, notice that the orbs fade away. Notice the crystals give orbs back, shoot crystals. Win.
Although in all honesty, I have never legitimately beat the Nihilanth. Xen is so annoying, and I don't care to give in any real effort anymore, so I just turn on noclip and god to win within seconds.
December 15th, 2008, 04:28 PM
This is a remake of the original half life.
Hmm, I didn't know that. Interesting. I've never played the first half life, but now I think I will. This mod looks interesting, I'm definitely gonna get it, as long as I don't have to pay for it.
December 17th, 2008, 07:51 PM
Playing through halflife atm. Just got into lambda and got the ghost buster gun.
December 17th, 2008, 11:11 PM
Guess who just beat halflife :-3
The final boss was a massive fucking grind though. I figured I'd shoot the fancy crystles pretty early, then the giant featus teleported me a few places.
Then the grind started. I'd jump up, shoot it's brain a bit, get teleported to an area with one of those water monsters (which I'd already cleaned out except one of the giant blue things) and go back through the tele to do it all again.
For like 15 minutes.
Eventually I jumped into the things head (i assume it was the back of the things head because it kept trying to turn around) and shot all my smg and shotguns, then spamed crowbar for like 1 minute, then getting really sick of this shit, fired my ghostbusters gun at it for half a second.
it went spastic
i jumped out
then i won
What a shit bossbattle.
E: still clueless what the little bugs are for.
EE: spoilerd for spoilers
December 18th, 2008, 12:23 AM
Anyone want to gift me Half-Life? I would love to play it!
December 19th, 2008, 03:53 PM
Playing through halflife atm. Just got into lambda and got the ghost buster gun.
the ones you pick up?
You throw them down and they seek and attack enemies
December 19th, 2008, 07:06 PM
But all they want to do is bite me!! :saddowns:
December 20th, 2008, 03:27 PM
I saw this in my youtube subscriptions and i shat brix. These guys are fucking supreme artists. I'm normally not a big fan of source mods, but this will be the exception.
I'll bet at the last minute Valve is going to give them all jobs and put the Valve logo on it :v:
A friend told me that's the main difference between Valve and other companies. Where other companies would hand out lawsuits, Valve hands out job offers :awesome:
December 20th, 2008, 05:20 PM
Counterstrike, DoD, TF, Portal...
December 20th, 2008, 05:47 PM
How the hell did you figure out the final boss in 1 sitting <_<
most bullshitty FPS enemy ever that is (with the obvious exception of Halo 3 online players)
i was smart and dodged his green gobs :s?
it was a cunt to get the final shot though.
December 21st, 2008, 04:04 PM
Playing through halflife atm. Just got into lambda and got the ghost buster gun.
WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE 4 LEGGED 1 EYED EXTENDIBLE JAWED MUNCHKINS FOR :???:'s not a headcrab, it's not the tentacle, it's probably the bullsquid but you encounter it WAY before lambda so I refuse to give a fuck anymore. :haw:
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