View Full Version : iPhone?

December 3rd, 2008, 09:46 AM

I would like one. Problem is, my mom says we'll be spending around 1,000 dollars to switch from Qwest to AT&T. What? I know there's going to be the $199.99 for the iPhone and then probably another hundred for the plan and extras, but where did the other 500-600 come from? She said some shit about "Bad Credit" and having to put a deposit down for it. I don't know, because I've never signed up for my phone, I simply asked for one and got an older one. Since then I've had this phone that has 1 bar of service at home, can't call from my school so in case of emergency its pretty much a big piece of pocket lint, and in general, I can't do much other than text and call. There's some times I'll be on the move and want to check my email because I've been waiting for something important, and it takes almost 45 minutes to open it. The iPhone can do all that and I've been wanting a new phone for about a month.

First, does anyone have any input on the cost, because I think that's total bullshit. (although it may cost money for us to get out of the 2 year contract w/ Qwest)

Second, does it do a good job, I've asked some people, and everyone says its good, but I didn't explain how shitty my phone was and asked if it could do the job that I wanted. Also, AIM on my phone would be nice, although I can do that, the fucking T9 Makes Me Talk Like This.

So, tl;dr;

I would like a new phone. Mom says its going to cost around 1,000 dollars. Is that true? At school I don't have service, and that would be nice for emergencies. Does the iPhone do a good job for that? I know I can check email on iPhone and use AIM and such, so that would help me an assload. Does the iPhone suck? Does it blow? Is it good?

Input? Comments? I don't know. I've never seen one (in person), touched one, or used one.

Thanks for the input in advance, and I'm going to go read the rest of my book before I get struck by my English teacher's lightning.


E: Disregard the warning, was posted in Off Topic at first.

EE: Also, yes this would be a Christmas present.

December 3rd, 2008, 10:33 AM
I absolutely love mine. It's the best thing I've ever bought. It works perfect as a phone, I almost always have full bars. The 3G service for me is always fast and reliable, and the appstore has tons of awesome things, ranging from shazam to aim to whitepages. The google maps and the GPS is a must have as well. Safari works great most of the time, but it crashes when loading super huge websites with tons of pictures and stuff.

The only complaints I have is that the battery life sucks, it's bearable, but you have to watch it carefully if you're on it for most of the day like I am. Also it has SMS messaging, rather than MMS and you can't send or recieve pictures unless your by a computer to get it from the at&t website. If you jailbreak the phone you can get some better SMS apps, as well as MMS.

I don't know where your mom is getting 500-600$ extra dollars from, but the monthly bill is expensive. Mine is 90$ a month, 40$ for 400 minutes of voice, with free nights and weekends, free talk time if I'm talking with another at&t user, and rollover minutes. 30$ for unlimited data, and I have downloaded over 2 gigs of data to my phone in the past 3 months. Finally 20$ for unlimited texting, and I send around 30-40 text messages a day. Also my third aim SN forwards to it, so important people can contact me anytime from AIM.

I'd get it, but you shouldn't have to pay an extra 600$ for it.

December 3rd, 2008, 10:41 AM

I would like one. Problem is, my mom says we'll be spending around 1,000 dollars to switch from Qwest to AT&T. What? I know there's going to be the $199.99 for the iPhone and then probably another hundred for the plan and extras, but where did the other 500-600 come from? She said some shit about "Bad Credit" and having to put a deposit down for it. I don't know, because I've never signed up for my phone, I simply asked for one and got an older one. Since then I've had this phone that has 1 bar of service at home, can't call from my school so in case of emergency its pretty much a big piece of pocket lint, and in general, I can't do much other than text and call. There's some times I'll be on the move and want to check my email because I've been waiting for something important, and it takes almost 45 minutes to open it. The iPhone can do all that and I've been wanting a new phone for about a month.

First, does anyone have any input on the cost, because I think that's total bullshit. (although it may cost money for us to get out of the 2 year contract w/ Qwest)

Second, does it do a good job, I've asked some people, and everyone says its good, but I didn't explain how shitty my phone was and asked if it could do the job that I wanted. Also, AIM on my phone would be nice, although I can do that, the fucking T9 Makes Me Talk Like This.

So, tl;dr;

I would like a new phone. Mom says its going to cost around 1,000 dollars. Is that true? At school I don't have service, and that would be nice for emergencies. Does the iPhone do a good job for that? I know I can check email on iPhone and use AIM and such, so that would help me an assload. Does the iPhone suck? Does it blow? Is it good?

Input? Comments? I don't know. I've never seen one (in person), touched one, or used one.

Thanks for the input in advance, and I'm going to go read the rest of my book before I get struck by my English teacher's lightning.


E: Disregard the warning, was posted in Off Topic at first.

EE: Also, yes this would be a Christmas present.

I don't know too much about the iPhone, but with most phone companies, when you cancel their phone service before your contract is over they can charge you around $250 and upwards(the last time I had AT&T, this was for every phone you had on the plan)

December 3rd, 2008, 02:14 PM
the iphone has byfar the WORSE signal I have ever seen in a cellphone, my 20 dollar nokia has better signal than this POS phone, I live in the mountains and I was on the merge of selling it, then decided to keep it as an expensive ipod

December 3rd, 2008, 02:39 PM
Get the Blackberry storm. AT&T gets horrible service, cause at the end of the day it still is supposed to be an iPhone.

December 3rd, 2008, 02:46 PM
Just get a phone on a contract, you can get a decent phone for cheap :) My friend has the new $800 Nokia phone, it costs him $40 a month for 18 months for 400 minutes/text's, plus he can keep the phone at the end.

December 3rd, 2008, 02:48 PM
iPhone is iGood. <3 my girlfriend's.

December 3rd, 2008, 02:49 PM
If your parent's credit is bad, the phone setup deposit will be huge. That's how my mom's was a long time ago. Charged us 200 USD deposit plus the bill for the phone and the the actual phone cost.

The money racks up if you have bed credit.

Although that's not the case now, I'm not going to get a phone myself until I get my credit score up. Sucks to just be turning 18 in July. Oh well I can wait. :p

December 3rd, 2008, 03:33 PM
iPhone is good. Suck it up.

December 3rd, 2008, 05:38 PM
The iPhone is just annoying to me because I can't use the touchscreen well at all, mainly being with texting and touching in numbers. I also don't mind the normal apps of a standard phone, mainly because all I really care to do is use texting and calling.

December 3rd, 2008, 05:41 PM
Yeah, I tend to use more intertubes, AIM, eMail (holy shit who capitalizes it like that anymore?) than texting (I send about 12 a day)

December 3rd, 2008, 05:58 PM
You should ask other people you know who have at&t what they think of the service in your area. Here on the east coast it's perfect for me.

And I don't know how you can hate the touchscreen Darkhalo, I'd never type or text on mine as much as I do if it had some plastic keyboard. The touchscreen is what makes it so versatile and customizeable to developers.

December 3rd, 2008, 06:14 PM

December 3rd, 2008, 06:32 PM
What is?

December 3rd, 2008, 09:17 PM
You should ask other people you know who have at&t what they think of the service in your area. Here on the east coast it's perfect for me.

And I don't know how you can hate the touchscreen Darkhalo, I'd never type or text on mine as much as I do if it had some plastic keyboard. The touchscreen is what makes it so versatile and customizeable to developers.
Well it's not that I hate touch screens, it's that I can't use them (because the tips of my fingers are bit puffy[?]) with my fingers for texting and typing in stuff. I also heard the iPhone makes it hard to use combos sometimes. I also like having the knowledge that my phone is on standby when I open and close it because knowing me I'd probably leave the iPhone on and put it in my pocket. Then it'd only be a matter of time till all sorts of stuff gets pressed....I use a flip phone and I enjoy it, so it's also in part that I really don't care for anything more right now.

December 3rd, 2008, 09:52 PM
All you have to do to turn it into standby mode is to tap the on/off key.

December 3rd, 2008, 10:04 PM
All you have to do to turn it into standby mode is to tap the on/off key.
Like I said, I'd probably forget half of the time. Unless I switch my phone to meeting before I get in school, I'll forget that it's on normal and it'd probably go off in class because it's losing battery power.....:XD:

December 3rd, 2008, 10:21 PM
You should ask other people you know who have at&t what they think of the service in your area. Here on the east coast it's perfect for me.
eh im on the east coast and a few towns around me, including my own, cant get shit for service through at&t. Verizon is really the only way to go to ensure signal 100% of the time around here, and the entire east coast. Ive been up and down the east coast and never had any problems.

December 3rd, 2008, 10:51 PM
Well it's not that I hate touch screens, it's that I can't use them (because the tips of my fingers are bit puffy[?]) with my fingers for texting and typing in stuff. I also heard the iPhone makes it hard to use combos sometimes. I also like having the knowledge that my phone is on standby when I open and close it because knowing me I'd probably leave the iPhone on and put it in my pocket. Then it'd only be a matter of time till all sorts of stuff gets pressed....I use a flip phone and I enjoy it, so it's also in part that I really don't care for anything more right now.

not only does the iphone automatically shut off on its own, but its capacitance touch-screen allows only the human finger or similarly charged object to work it, so it wont respond to shit in your pocket.

I get the best signal with my iphone than I have with any other cell phone I've had. Luck MB?



December 3rd, 2008, 11:18 PM
Personally, I think the shit service is just Qwest, because I see people with Sprint around here getting perfect service while I'm consistently jumping in-out of Roaming/No Service.

December 3rd, 2008, 11:50 PM
Like I said, I'd probably forget half of the time. Unless I switch my phone to meeting before I get in school, I'll forget that it's on normal and it'd probably go off in class because it's losing battery power.....:XD:
It goess off into stanbye mode after 1 minute, or more if you change the settings. Also, when it's verticlke, the accelometer switches the screen off, sowhen its in your packet or up to your face the screen is off. That way you can hold it to your head without worrying about hitting anything on screen.

You should really try using one or researching it, before expresssing your opinion on something you really don't know anything about.

December 4th, 2008, 04:07 PM
It goess off into stanbye mode after 1 minute, or more if you change the settings. Also, when it's verticlke, the accelometer switches the screen off, sowhen its in your packet or up to your face the screen is off. That way you can hold it to your head without worrying about hitting anything on screen.

You should really try using one or researching it, before expresssing your opinion on something you really don't know anything about.

wrong. It has a proximity sensor in the top so when you hold it up to your face it shuts the screen off...it has nothing to do with the accelerometer.

December 4th, 2008, 09:26 PM
Yeah, Accelerometer goes by how fast it is.

Anyways, does anyone know approx. how much it will cost to disconnect from qwest, bad credit deposit, and then the plans which is like 100 bucks, then the phone which is 200?

December 5th, 2008, 11:01 AM
You also have an activation fee of 30$. That bad credit is your moms fault. You're better off getting your own bank acount and maintaining your own credit. On'y you would know how much it is to disconect from Qwest. I've never heard of them before.

December 5th, 2008, 04:47 PM
It goess off into stanbye mode after 1 minute, or more if you change the settings. Also, when it's verticlke, the accelometer switches the screen off, sowhen its in your packet or up to your face the screen is off. That way you can hold it to your head without worrying about hitting anything on screen.

You should really try using one or researching it, before expresssing your opinion on something you really don't know anything about.
Hey I'm just going by the not so great experience I had with the iPhone. This isn't just some blind opinion; I've used the iPhone before. But I'm pretty sure it has changed since I used it when it came out.lol. I'm just content with the phone I have, which is one reason why I'm not so crazy about this.

December 6th, 2008, 02:16 AM
I have an iPhone and think it's great.

Check the AT&T website for 3G coverage in your area. If your area doesn't have AT&T's 3G network, I wouldn't recommend getting it, as there are probably better options with other carriers in your area.

December 6th, 2008, 05:18 PM
There is 3G coverage in my area, but its on/off in my area. So like down the street I'll get full 3G coverage, then another 2 miles later maybe not. Either way, it's nice.

December 7th, 2008, 04:09 PM
I got the Samsung Omnia on contract. It is not amazing though, The IPhone does look nicer and has a cleaner/glass look. Both have there ups and downs.

I get StoptheClock, 600 Minutes, Unlimited Texts and 500MB of Internet, and a built in GPS thingy so I can use Googlemaps. Thats all for £30 a month.

MetKiller Joe
December 7th, 2008, 04:28 PM
iPhone is great, but "bad credit" simply means your parents don't have the greatest credit score. This means that their deposit will be larger ergo the purchase will be larger.

When I worked in RS it would not be uncommon for somebody to come in wanting to buy either a phone for themselves or a family plan and their deposit (which is an amount that you put down that would be returned to you after a period of a year) would be a good couple hundred if not a thousand dollars. Its the phone companies insurance policy. If they think that you have bad credit, they will take every precaution necessary to make sure they don't lose money if you don't have what it takes to pay the monthly bill.

I bought my iPhone because it was "just what the doctor ordered" in terms of UI and Palm-like features along with tons of other stuff like budget trackers that I could use to organize better. The "shiny" part of the iPhone is great, but what you can do with it is even better.

December 7th, 2008, 09:40 PM
iPhone is great, but "bad credit" simply means your parents don't have the greatest credit score. This means that their deposit will be larger ergo the purchase will be larger.

When I worked in RS it would not be uncommon for somebody to come in wanting to buy either a phone for themselves or a family plan and their deposit (which is an amount that you put down that would be returned to you after a period of a year) would be a good couple hundred if not a thousand dollars. Its the phone companies insurance policy. If they think that you have bad credit, they will take every precaution necessary to make sure they don't lose money if you don't have what it takes to pay the monthly bill.

I bought my iPhone because it was "just what the doctor ordered" in terms of UI and Palm-like features along with tons of other stuff like budget trackers that I could use to organize better. The "shiny" part of the iPhone is great, but what you can do with it is even better.

What was the average customer deposit, because I don't think we have terrible credit (we live in an upper class house (3400 sq ft.) but I don't think our pay is too good)?

MetKiller Joe
December 7th, 2008, 10:06 PM
What was the average customer deposit, because I don't think we have terrible credit (we live in an upper class house (3400 sq ft.) but I don't think our pay is too good)?

The average deposit was a couple of hundred dollars (in the 300-400 range), but, to be honest, the deposit is only one of the factors. Then you have to factor in the $80+ dollars and other additional bills that come with the iPhone (per month no less). To a parent I think it would seem like going into something overly complex and risk heavy financial burden for a marginal benefit that is very short-term (you are a dependent, and they just assume that you just want the iPhone for its "coolness" factor in school or otherwise).

Also, your parents might be exagerrating the cost.

December 7th, 2008, 10:33 PM
The average deposit was a couple of hundred dollars (in the 300-400 range), but, to be honest, the deposit is only one of the factors. Then you have to factor in the $80+ dollars and other additional bills that come with the iPhone (per month no less). To a parent I think it would seem like going into something overly complex and risk heavy financial burden for a marginal benefit that is very short-term (you are a dependent, and they just assume that you just want the iPhone for its "coolness" factor in school or otherwise).

Also, your parents might be exagerrating the cost.

I understand. And no I don't want it just for the "cool", just how it will make everything easier, how I can be here and not at my comp, etc.

Mr Buckshot
December 8th, 2008, 12:49 AM
I've played with an iPod touch before (it's just an iPhone minus the phone/camera/BT) and the apps you can program for it are really cool. But as with all Apple products, you can find tons of similar PDA-phones that match the iPhone's capabilities while offering better value. I myself own an O2 windows mobile 6 PDA and while its screen is not as awesome as the iPhone's, it is extremely versatile and has a physical slide-out keyboard, which I prefer over the touchscreen keyboard. Plus, the iPhone doesn't yet have a video call lens on the front while my PDA does.

But, the iPhone screams multimedia all round so if you're crazy about that, then go for it.

The mobile phones in my home are all unlocked GSM models purchased in Singapore at prices lower than those of their North American counterparts. Since I'm not a frequent caller (I use the MS office features of my phone, not the actual phone itself most of the time) I use a pay-as-you-go thing where 33 cents/minute is deducted from a prepaid account. Believe it or not I actually save money this way.

I don't know much about American phone plans and stuff, so I can't help you there. But all I know is, be wary of those that seemingly slash the phone's price by a lot.

December 8th, 2008, 05:52 PM
I've played with an iPod touch before (it's just an iPhone minus the phone/camera/BT) and the apps you can program for it are really cool. But as with all Apple products, you can find tons of similar PDA-phones that match the iPhone's capabilities while offering better value. I myself own an O2 windows mobile 6 PDA and while its screen is not as awesome as the iPhone's, it is extremely versatile and has a physical slide-out keyboard, which I prefer over the touchscreen keyboard. Plus, the iPhone doesn't yet have a video call lens on the front while my PDA does.

But, the iPhone screams multimedia all round so if you're crazy about that, then go for it.

The mobile phones in my home are all unlocked GSM models purchased in Singapore at prices lower than those of their North American counterparts. Since I'm not a frequent caller (I use the MS office features of my phone, not the actual phone itself most of the time) I use a pay-as-you-go thing where 33 cents/minute is deducted from a prepaid account. Believe it or not I actually save money this way.

I don't know much about American phone plans and stuff, so I can't help you there. But all I know is, be wary of those that seemingly slash the phone's price by a lot.

Extremely Multimedia except for the part where they dont take videos, dont record audio, dont do multimedia messaging (pic/video messages) cant do flash, among other things. Most of these have been fixed with external apps but seriously common...

I love mine because of the fact that its a small linux computer withlimitless customization and 3rd party apps...and Its everything I do on one device...with a bigass touchscreen.

December 8th, 2008, 06:07 PM
^ This.

December 18th, 2008, 09:48 PM
So I'm hopefully going to be getting one. We're not going to cancel our service with Qwest and instead just going to be getting a new line at AT&T and using my old for backup. We wanted to switch to Verizon to get an Omnia but they asked for a 500 dollar deposit per line, and we were pretty much like fuck that. I've heard AT&T is lenient on their deposits, and we will only get one line. Now about Jailbreaking. I heard some apps *haptic feedback, camcorder, MMS messaging* only work WITH jailbreaking/unlocking. Is this recomended for a first-time user or should I wait a month or two before i JB it?



December 19th, 2008, 12:00 AM
Haptic is only on the 2g phone, not 3g. The MMS service is available for jailbroken along with the camcorder but I have never used the MMS as it is not true MMS. Supposedly there will be a MMS aplication on the app store soon.

January 3rd, 2009, 11:44 AM
I should be getting my iPhone on the 9th or around. I'm going to try to get a 2g iPhone off of eBay. Quick question:

With a new AT&T SIM card, does the original iPhone have capabilities to do 3G network? Having no 3g network doesn't really bother me because I don't really have any around here, but I'm asking if it has the functionality with the 2.2 software and a new card, because it would be better if it did, and I'm say at a restaurant and wanted to look up something, it'd be faster.

Any help here?

January 7th, 2009, 10:36 PM
4 day bump :)

January 7th, 2009, 10:41 PM
I got a refurbished 8 gig g1 iPhone for $99.

January 7th, 2009, 11:41 PM

January 7th, 2009, 11:58 PM
You really don't want the first gen iPhone. Many applications are designed to work with 3g and GPS, which the first iPhone lacks.