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View Full Version : What is your opinion on Mirror's Edge?

Rob Oplawar
December 4th, 2008, 01:22 PM
I just realized that the only people I've talked to about Mirror's Edge are nerdy fanbois like me who will defend it to their dying breaths, so I wanted to get a more broad, unbiased opinion on it.

I say this because I couldn't disagree with Yahtzee's review of Mirror's Edge (http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/457-Mirrors-Edge) more. Yes, I know it's his thing to be unbelievably harsh, but then again, he called Portal "the best game ever made" and sucks its proverbial dick every chance he gets. With that in mind I thought he might actually be willing to give good games the praise they deserve. Then again, maybe that exact reaction to his review of Portal has taught him never to give anything a good review no matter how much he liked it.

Anyway, how did you guys like it?

edit: please don't vote if you haven't played it. :P

December 4th, 2008, 01:28 PM
Not watched the video yet. In my opinion though I found it quite disappointing, for me it just gets too repetitive.

December 4th, 2008, 02:03 PM
That game is fantastic!

December 4th, 2008, 02:08 PM
sadly havnt had a chance to play it, freakin consoles >_<.

December 4th, 2008, 02:46 PM
It's pretty average. I'm glad I only hired it out, once i'd finished the campaign there wasn't much else to do. I wouldn't call it a horrible game like he did, but it was really frustrating when you wanted to jump over something that didn't seem to be on the assigned path and you had to attempt the jump three of four times for it to do so. There was one place that wanted me to snap the disc because she refused to jump from one ledge to another, on the path you were supposed to go. If you couldn't find the way you had to go it was pretty frustrating too. The game did look awesome though, I loved how they coloured the interiors in the buildings compared to what you'd see in any other game. How your vision blurred too was pretty weird to see in a game, when you expect everything to be in focus.

December 4th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Needs more oomph. The game is great, the idea is great, graphics are splendid, but it was short. Where's my multiplayer?! Actual races, chase mode... Lot's of possibilities for multiplayer yet they didn't implement any of them. I'd also like to see a sandbox where you can take parts and build your own running course in ME2.

December 4th, 2008, 03:47 PM
I was hoping for an open world map as well, where you could co anywhere you liked inside the city, instead of a linear path from a to b.

December 4th, 2008, 03:51 PM
^ Thats what really pissed me off about the game. It looks open world, but its actually really linear.

December 4th, 2008, 04:03 PM
I have to say, the idea of a first-person runner sounds REALLY good on paper. When I tried, the ME demo, however, the execution of the idea didn't seem to go all too well.

First, I'll get my shallow complaint out of the way: bloom up the ass. I had to turn every brightness/contrast controller I had to minimum to get it to be slightly less brighter than the sun.

Now, the less shallow stuff. Control's seem really clunky, particularly long drop landings. It took me about 5 or 6 tries to get it right during the training. What probably could help clean it up immediately is the running speed. For someone that supposedly runs for a living, Faith seems to be on the slow side. If speed were increased, it wouldn't feel like you're tripping over during turns and climbs.

In closing, the mother, fucking, bloom. Seriously, I thought Halo was bad about this, but ME really takes the cake. Thank god the demo is short as balls, I would have gone blind from it. It's bad enough to tamper with gameplay. (Yes, I know I've now mentioned bloom twice and commented on the shallowness of complaining about graphics. Seriously, go play it and you'll know just what I mean)

I will point out, just in case, that this is all about the 360 version. I can only guess that the PS3 version is better in most of these ways, because they seemed to advertise only for the PS3. I didn't even know a 360 version existed until I saw it in the marketplace.

Edit for Bacon: Oh, so the controls are better in the retail? Okay then. Weird, I figured they would have tightened it up for both. Also, I was playing it on my monitor, like I do for all my 360 games. The other games seemed to be okay, think ME is just whiny in VGA mode?

December 4th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Did anyone else feel the controls were a bit cleaner in the actual game than they were in the demo? I had a much easier time running through the tutorial in the final game when it came to actually pressing the buttons...

And directly @Shdwsnipa: The bloom wasn't bad at all, maybe your brightness settings are just too wacked out. Get a better TV.
Also, the run speeds are fine. If you ever get a chance to play the actual game, do one of the time trials and it will show a speedometer (and assuming that it's showing the right speed, it's perfectly acceptable for a parkour runner...)

December 4th, 2008, 04:29 PM
If it's anything like the demo, I'd think it's pretty good.

Also, look what I found:

Spanish says: "New Maps for Mirror's Edge"
width="400" height="225"

December 4th, 2008, 04:31 PM
I haven't gotten the chance to try it out either, but some friends told me that it wasn't as good as it could have been.

December 4th, 2008, 08:28 PM
I absolutely love Mirror's Edge. I agree with most of Yahtzee's criticisms, but I still love the game. The story does need a lot of work, but I didn't think the gameplay problems were quite as frustrating as Yahtzee described (although there were a few frustrating spots). Anyone who plays the game really should play it twice. It's so much fun to rush through the levels with ease and style.

Rob Oplawar
December 4th, 2008, 09:23 PM

Arteen said it all. It has flaws, which are pretty much exactly what Yahtzee listed, but he treated them like they completely destroyed the game. And even though the campaign was short, I'm actually quite enjoying replaying it, and doing the time trials. Although I agree, where the heck is my multiplayer?

Also, since I got this game two weeks ago, I've had no less than three dreams in which I was free-running. I'm so happy. :)

December 4th, 2008, 09:50 PM
The only real redeeming features I got out of it was jump kicking the crap out of one guy, taking his gun and mowing down his buddy. Combat overall was pretty fun, kicking one guy in the balls then take out his friend before he recovers and such. Oh, and the whole wallclimb/wallrun > turn > jump to higher ledge move was always awesome to pull off.

December 4th, 2008, 09:59 PM
Played, own, and loved.

Yahtzee is crazy on this one.

December 4th, 2008, 10:04 PM
I agree with both Rob and Arteen in every way. I find the frustrating spots to be just an extra challenge rather than a major snag.

Also, I absolutely love the visual style of the game, along with a few certain segments, due to their gameplay, construction and visual appeal:All of the sewer drains in chapter 2 (descent to ascent, not just the sniper room), the subway sections in chapter 4 (especially the first-I've-ever-seen potentially-realistic quick-time dodging while riding the train), and the atrium in chapter 8 (that room reminds me so much of Portal's awesome gravity-assisted climb in Test Chamber 18).

December 5th, 2008, 02:05 AM
Yeah the art style was great...

Also, a lot of the washed-out white style was to push the primary colours when they appeared (Blue, Red, Green). Even though it's totally over-bloomed, it's deliberate and it works for it.

They're not just masturbating what technology they have...

I mean you can hate it, but I like it. I think it added a lot to the game.

December 5th, 2008, 07:24 AM
I have only played the 360 demo, so I can only take Yahtz's word for it on a few elements that I briefly experienced, such as the story.

Rob Oplawar
December 5th, 2008, 01:16 PM
Haha, look at that mathematically predictable distribution!

Yeah, I do have to say that the story felt kind of bland to me compared to what I was expecting. Also, when I finally realized what the cinematic style reminded me of-- e-surance commercials- I suddenly found myself much less fond of the style. :( It's a very nice style, and works well for the game, but associating it with e-surance unfortunately just kills it in my mind.

Still, I love that game. :iia:

December 5th, 2008, 04:18 PM
Actually there's a lot to the story...

Like what's in the bags is actually explained, unlike what Yahtzee said...
Also the city's evilness was also explained, unlike what Yahtzee said...

I mean sure it doesn't actually go out and say it... but that would be kind-of cheesy to be honest.

A lot of it can be read in the elevator's screens... as for the bag that's explained in a quick blurb on I believe it was the opening cutscene... they're messages between political prisoners. (I believe the quote was "And then they become our clients" and something about communication which I don't remember the words for.)

I don't blame him as he was only trying to make a joke -- but still, it wasn't true. I'm not sure if he knew it or not though.

December 5th, 2008, 04:23 PM
I only played the Demo, but since it was basically Prince of Persia in first person, I loved it.

December 5th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Actually there's a lot to the story...

Like what's in the bags is actually explained, unlike what Yahtzee said...
Also the city's evilness was also explained, unlike what Yahtzee said...

I mean sure it doesn't actually go out and say it... but that would be kind-of cheesy to be honest.

So it's a game where you have to go looking for the story, kinda like Metroid Prime? I mean, there, you of course knew that Space Pirates are evil and you have to kick their asses, and you can get by just on doing that, but if you want to look more into the universe, you can scan fucking everything and read your logbook later.

December 5th, 2008, 06:52 PM
The ending did hurt me. it also annoyed me.
they were surrounded by gunmen. She kicks dickface. Heli Explodes. Her and sister stare off into cityscape. Not being shot to shit. Still both wanted, now most likely more than ever.

And yahtzee will hate something if he wants to. If his first thoughts of it are bad he will refuse to alter his ideals.

I love his videos but he is incredibly low.

He didnt even try to find the story because he wanted to not like it.

December 5th, 2008, 06:54 PM
So it's a game where you have to go looking for the story, kinda like Metroid Prime? I mean, there, you of course knew that Space Pirates are evil and you have to kick their asses, and you can get by just on doing that, but if you want to look more into the universe, you can scan fucking everything and read your logbook later.

Which don't forget was awesome.

I loved reading the Space Pirate logs about how I was totally fucking them up :lol:

December 5th, 2008, 06:58 PM
So it's a game where you have to go looking for the story, kinda like Metroid Prime? I mean, there, you of course knew that Space Pirates are evil and you have to kick their asses, and you can get by just on doing that, but if you want to look more into the universe, you can scan fucking everything and read your logbook later.
Not really, the story is pretty obvious, unless you're deaf and skip every last cutscene as soon as the next level finishes loading.
The government pretty much took over in a quasi-peaceful manner, rebellions failed and were obliterated, those who participated were presented as terrorists. The main character (Faith)'s parents were demonstrators, and her mother was killed. She didn't really understand what was happening at the time and ran away from home, started stealing stuff, etc. After she tried to break into the guy on the radio (whose name escapes me)'s house, he took her in and taught her parkour. They're all part of a group that delivers sensitive information (as well as just plain stuff) for their clients. The events in the game are fairly simple to understand as well: previously, runners weren't targeted much by police, but now for some reason they're being a lot more violent in trying to take them down. A politician (who would have actually done the city some good) is assassinated, and - oops - Faith and her sister (a cop) were at the scene of the crime. As Faith's investigation continues, she discovers the plan to train cops in parkour and kill off all the runners. Moving on further, what's-her-name runner chick from the demo is bad, Faith destroys all the surveillance equipment, and those in charge of the city are dead. Yay!

December 5th, 2008, 07:16 PM
Not really, the story is pretty obvious, unless you're deaf and skip every last cutscene as soon as the next level finishes loading.
The government pretty much took over in a quasi-peaceful manner, rebellions failed and were obliterated, those who participated were presented as terrorists. The main character (Faith)'s parents were demonstrators, and her mother was killed. She didn't really understand what was happening at the time and ran away from home, started stealing stuff, etc. After she tried to break into the guy on the radio (whose name escapes me)'s house, he took her in and taught her parkour. They're all part of a group that delivers sensitive information (as well as just plain stuff) for their clients. The events in the game are fairly simple to understand as well: previously, runners weren't targeted much by police, but now for some reason they're being a lot more violent in trying to take them down. A politician (who would have actually done the city some good) is assassinated, and - oops - Faith and her sister (a cop) were at the scene of the crime. As Faith's investigation continues, she discovers the plan to train cops in parkour and kill off all the runners. Moving on further, what's-her-name runner chick from the demo is bad, Faith destroys all the surveillance equipment, and those in charge of the city are dead. Yay!This... except for the fact that half of what you said is wrong or out of context.Kate was at the crime scene because Callaghan wanted a CPF do go down for Pope's assassination, and the break-in that occured at Pope's office earlier that week was probably performed by Celeste - no accidents there, just the unintended circumstantial connection between the responding officer and the main character.
PK is the one training the runner police, and is also in charge of the outsourced government security, which is part of Callahagn's master plan to eliminate the CPF and have the city's executive control under his thumb.
The survellience equipment is for the CPF, not for PK, so it really doesn't matter that it's destroyed - the shard is CPF headquarters, not PK, after all.
Ropeburn and Jacknife are dead, but they were both henchmen - neither of them had any administrative status in the chain of command, and nor does Celeste.