View Full Version : Looking for anyone experianced with high end special effect programs

The Barron
December 6th, 2008, 07:28 PM
I have some bad news and some good news

Good news: Tbmt Productions is recruiting new members.

Bad news: Our special effects person, Vincent, just quit about 10 minutes ago. Tbmt Insider is dead without a new intro.

So thats why we are recruiting.

To be able to join you must

Have at least 1 year of experience with adobe after effects or any other high end special effects program (windows movie maker does not count.)

Be able to work well with others

Be dedicated to his or her work and stay with the team for a minimum of one year.

Have xfire/ be able to install xfire.

And at the end of the year be able to teach me or any other member of Tbmt how to properly use the program they used to make the intro.

The dead line is march the 1st. Your position will be special effects and intros. If you want to have another position i will look into that. Send me a message containing your xfire if you want to sign up or post it here on this thread. Thank you.

December 6th, 2008, 07:30 PM
Any examples of previous work? What kind of work are we looking at here?

December 6th, 2008, 07:32 PM
I would help if I could. Good luck. Any examples of your videos?

E: Dammit smack.

The Barron
December 6th, 2008, 07:39 PM
well the intro would be for Tbmt Insider. Its basically like inside halo but for halo ce community news. Heres our first show (it was a test episode and everything has been fixed except for the intro) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROCwEukd9Yo

The problem with the intro is that it has halo 3 pics and the majority of the people on my team voted on having a halo ce one so we asked vincent to change it and he quit. For ep. 1 we are going to show a little video masters gave me. I cant tell you until you join Tbmt but its good i can tell you that.

December 6th, 2008, 08:52 PM
the head movements and the voice dont match at all.

Less moving.

Also, at some times it sounded like you were trying to match the movements with your words rather than trying to match your words with your movements.

December 6th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Srsly, I was going to watch it but the head movements were annoying so I went back to playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure.

December 6th, 2008, 10:11 PM
no wonder he quit...

That intro is kick ass, and I know a thing or two about using after effects and adobe premier. Thats a nice intro... a few things here and there I might have personally done different, but the movements and motions of the whole thing, very nicely done.

I'd quit if I spent time making something like that and then was told to use CE stuff instead. Its not like a quick swap to change that, your an idiot for expecting him to change it all to CE. Seriously I would quit too if I made an intro like this then was told it had to be CE, now if I was being paid... sure, but u act like this is a contract "minimum one year"

E: you also sound ridiculous by making it required for the person to teach you the program...

E2: I'd be interested, but I'm a little nervous cuz his intro was really good... not to mention I don't like the idea of being required to be stuck for 1 full year, and then also having to teach someone the program. You know theres a reason classes for these programs cost money.

E3: The voicing is also bad and the head movements are too.

yes ive been keeping it a secret that I can video edit also...

The Barron
December 6th, 2008, 10:51 PM
everything has been fixed in the video.... i said that before

December 6th, 2008, 10:53 PM
Someones kind of angry. I didn't think apocalypses post was that offensive. He actually complimented the intro saying it was good too.

The Barron
December 6th, 2008, 11:06 PM
Your right. Things been pretty hectic for me. last thing i should have done is flame that guy >_> now he is gonna run off. Well if anyone wants to help tell me. am not going to get mad anymore... just tired... pissed... aggravated but am not going to say anything... just dont give me opinions on something that dosnt matter. that was a test ep for a reason. All i want to know is if someone is going to help me or not. and i revised some of the things

am making it 3 months now instead of a year.

teaching us is optional but it saves you the trouble since we wont be asking from you (thats why i said that in the first place)

like i said before... you have 3 months to make it which is plenty of time. vincent make the intro in one week so i dont see why you all couldnt make one in 3 months.

December 6th, 2008, 11:10 PM
You can close the thread yourself since you created it you know. :eng101:

December 6th, 2008, 11:22 PM
Yeah, you just killed the chances of anyone taking you serious with a crybaby post like that.

I was looking to help you but nvm.

The Barron
December 7th, 2008, 12:09 AM
are you zealot? last time i remembered i kicked you from the team because you were not helping. I dont want your help if you are going to act that way zealot. not the least bit. but whether you are or not... two words.


am not asking for you opinion god damit. your acting hard headed and wont even listen to what i have said before. Your attitude really pisses me off. If your going to act imaturly then dont post here. all am asking is for some help and what do you do? OH WITH THAT KIND OF ATTITUDE I AM SO NOT HELPING YOU! i dont need that kind of crap. its anoying,its un-nessessary, and its childish. unless you want to help fuck off. If i am really that anoying to you then block me. not that hard, or just ignore me.

oh and by the way... cry baby? am asking for help dumbshit and am telling you and the rest of these immature dipshit to fuck off. Am pretty sure many other people would tell you the same thing. More likely they would want to rip your spleen out and beat you with the wet end which am realy considering.

December 7th, 2008, 12:12 AM
Um, you just completely ruined your entire argument with that post.

Also, I agree with apoc. The intro was really a lot better than the actual video. :\

The Barron
December 7th, 2008, 12:18 AM
for the love of god people are you retarded? i said that was a TEST episode for a reason

TEST dear god how many times do i have to say it. Just tell me if your going to help. useless comments like these are not needed. If you going to post something that is not going to help me then FUCK OFF


first off am not arguing am trying to tell you all post something useful or dont post at all but apparently some people have their heads way too far up their ass to realize that.

second i said that everything had been fixed or i learned how to fix it but some people just dont like to pay attention to things other people say. My question is what happened to all the good reputation i have heard about. its not my fault because all am asking is for an answer not someone saying that a video about 2 months old with things we have already learned to fix is bad. Jesus the kids at halomaps are better then this. Either help me or i am going to close this. am going to leave it up for about a week. if i continue to hear comments like these am closing it.

December 7th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Yeah, you just killed the chances of anyone taking you serious with a bitchy post like that.

I was looking to help you but nvm.

He told me to change it.

Your welcome.

My suggestion would be to look around on youtube to see if you see any talent and then try to get them to help you.

December 7th, 2008, 12:21 AM
I still don't see where you come off calling anyone else immature. Screaming insults left and right and claiming we're retarded is not helping you.

December 7th, 2008, 12:33 AM
Your a demanding lil brat arent you The Barron, welcome to the forums!

Like I said, your pretty demanding, you want some one with a years experience, some one who will be on team for a year plus, and after year teach the other noobs group members how to do everything they did.

I do hate it when new members waltz in here demanding shit and then arguing with anyone that does not comply.

If you had asked "can someone make a few intros for out videos for a bit, we've had a pretty bad past with members suddenly quitting so we'd like only serious "applications", " and I'd have actually bothered to help you.

The Barron
December 7th, 2008, 12:35 AM
Your a demanding lil brat arent you The Barron, welcome to the forums!

Like I said, your pretty demanding, you want some one with a years experience, some one who will be on team for a year plus, and after year teach the other noobs group members how to do everything they did.

I do hate it when new members waltz in here demanding shit and then arguing with anyone that does not comply.

If you had asked "can someone make a few intros for out videos for a bit, we've had a pretty bad past with members suddenly quitting so we'd like only serious "applications", " and I'd have actually bothered to help you.

once again this proves my point ^ first off i changed alot of the requests but your to lazy to actually look at them. you just jump into a thread and state your opinion like its special.And once again

FUCK OFF! am not asking for your god dam opinoins am asking if you are going to help or not. You are not helping the cause. Your getting me more pissed by doing something i already asked atleast 5 times of people not to do.And as for how i asked of it i asked it how i wanted to or else i wouldnt have wrote that obviously.Oh and wait... did i see you write "noobs" and then strike it out? Yah defiantly we are noobs. all of us and we are such noobs we so did not get permited to post on machinima's account. your so right i dont know why i doubted you.

"My suggestion would be to look around on youtube to see if you see any talent and then try to get them to help you."thank you. I really appreciate the helpful comment that so many people here dont like to give. Am talking to some people right now from youtube. Alot of them want to help but dont have time. I might talk to some friends on youtube and see if they know anyone who can use adobe. Thanks man i REALLY REALLY appreciate it.:)

December 7th, 2008, 12:40 AM
its because I'm the 7th letter of the alphabet.

December 7th, 2008, 12:43 AM
I honestly think that intro looks like shit. Moving a 3D camera around a layered 2D visual just looks unfitting. The guy who did it did everything right, but when you've got the actual media to work with, rather than paper cut-out style graphics, use the real thing. Go into H3's theater and pan around your target rather than using already-overused community images. The dynamics won't need to be embellished by quick camera motions and excessive effects - the game already does all of that for you with its particle effects and object physics.

The Barron
December 7th, 2008, 12:57 AM
I honestly think that intro looks like shit. Moving a 3D camera around a layered 2D visual just looks unfitting. The guy who did it did everything right, but when you've got the actual media to work with, rather than paper cut-out style graphics, use the real thing. Go into H3's theater and pan around your target rather than using already-overused community images. The dynamics won't need to be embellished by quick camera motions and excessive effects - the game already does all of that for you with its particle effects and object physics.

I didnt make the intro, vincent did, Everyone in Tbmt is self-motivated and do their work without me asking. I dont tell them what to do... they do what they feel is right. Look please stay walong the lines of if you would want to help or not and what conditions you might want to change since people might want a diffrent enviorment to work in apperantly.

and to Heathen, thanks for helping. so far hes the only one who has helped me. +rep

December 7th, 2008, 01:43 AM
If that's the kind of quality you're looking for then I'm pretty sure anyone could grab a copy of After Effects and do what you need. Here's a "test" video of an introduction that I was working on in After Effects myself:


The text was just description placeholder for what was going to added later, the project won't be finished due to the simple fact that the Lancers Edge Clan (http://lancersedge.exofire.net/clan) is on hold until further notice. The text was also updated to 3D text on request from someone here, I never got around to rendering that version though.

The Barron
December 7th, 2008, 01:51 AM
That looks really nice. You defiantly have the skill i can see. The quality might be on normal though since that is standard on youtube. You very capable of helping. If you want to help just give me your xfire account and i will introduce you to everyone and (if you get on tonight) probably have a game night since saturday is always our gaming night. :D

December 7th, 2008, 01:58 AM
I was mainly just trying to point out that anyone with some video editing background and a copy of After Effects should be able to help you out... You could even learn how pretty easily if you want to, I'd recommend checking out the following website:

After Effects Basic Training:

I'd help you if I had the time, but After Effects stuff takes a lot of time to get looking right and I just don't have the time right now. Working in entertainment related stuff during the holiday season is a bitch.

December 7th, 2008, 04:08 AM
My question is what happened to all the good reputation i have heard about.

It's here, you've just started off on the wrong foot. Nobody knows you here, and when you request that someone joins up on your team and they're required to stay for an entire year, as well as teach you everything there is to know about an apparently complex program is rediculous. How on earth can you expect someone to teach you all there is to know about a program they've spent a year to master? I realise you have changed these requirements in another post instead of editing the original post. Because you did this most people replied to your original request instead of reading the entire thread which is acceptable in this case.

If you're wanting that kind of commitment from someone that experienced you need to have something more to show than a mere 'test' video to show them that the rest of the team isn't just a bunch of blithering idiots. Get some actual machinima content to show the people here that you that you really are a 'Professional Machinimator' and not some chump that will waste their time. Nobody that is 'experianced with high end special effect programs' in their right minds would even think about joining a team with such nasty terms because some that no one knows told him to.

Flaming people right off the bat for something you should've nicely dismissed as a new member to the forums (even older members should) has completely killed your reputation here, and any likely chances that someone with superior skills would work underneath you.

I think I speak for everyone here when I say this, so i'm going to lock this thread. When you have something decent to show a prospective member that you are all that and a bag of chips, make a new thread. Don't unlock this one because you're one point away from being temporarily banned for two weeks.