View Full Version : Joe Satriani Accuses Coldplay Of Plagiarism
December 6th, 2008, 09:35 PM
Rock guitarist Joe Satriani has sued British band Coldplay, accusing the Grammy-nominated stars of plagiarizing one of his songs.
Satriani's copyright infringement suit, filed on Thursday in Los Angeles federal court, claims the Coldplay song "Viva La Vida" incorporates "substantial original portions" of his 2004 instrumental "If I Could Fly."
The 52-year-old guitar virtuoso is seeking a jury trial, damages and "any and all profits" attributable to the alleged copyright infringement.
Coldplay, whose soaring atmospheric tunes are often compared to those of Irish rock band U2, received seven Grammy nominations on Wednesday, second only to rapper Lil Wayne.
Among its mentions were nominations in the key record and song of the year categories for "Viva La Vida," which comes from the band's chart-topping album "Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends."
The song is credited to the band's four members, singer Chris Martin; bass player Guy Berryman; guitarist Johnny Buckland; and drummer Will Champion. The title was inspired by a painting by Mexican artist Frida Kahlo.
The Satriani track comes from his album "Is There Love In Space?" Further comment from Satriani's attorney, or reaction from Coldplay's management was not immediately available.
Oh my...
December 6th, 2008, 09:38 PM
December 6th, 2008, 09:44 PM
Damn it sounds just like it!
December 6th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Colaborate, re-release, make more money! -_-
December 6th, 2008, 09:46 PM
blah blah blah lawsuits
all i care about is
Vida la Vida + If I Could Fly = FUCKING AWESOME.
December 6th, 2008, 10:14 PM
blah blah blah lawsuits
all i care about is
Vida la Vida + If I Could Fly = FUCKING AWESOME.
Awesome. Joe Satriani playing in it makes it ten times better.
December 6th, 2008, 10:29 PM
won't win.
December 6th, 2008, 10:31 PM
oh wow.
Fuck Coldplay.
December 6th, 2008, 10:33 PM
That song sounds fucking awesome with the Satriani part with it. Coldplay and Satriani both rock... just in different ways. :(
December 6th, 2008, 10:55 PM
Is it note for note? No, fuck off then.
Your comparing the instrument to Chris Martin's voice, wont win in court. Its only one section of the song, yes its the chorus of the Coldplay song, thats just how he sung it, he may have heard the song ages ago, and when he say it it came out to that melody sub-consciously, but I highly doubt that.
Timbaland didnt get into trouble for that, and he practically copied it, he even admitted to sampling it.
December 6th, 2008, 11:03 PM
Is it note for note? No, fuck off then.
Your comparing the instrument to Chris Martin's voice, wont win in court. Its only one section of the song, yes its the chorus of the Coldplay song, thats just how he sung it, he may have heard the song ages ago, and when he say it it came out to that melody sub-consciously, but I highly doubt that.
Did you even listen to any of the videos?
December 6th, 2008, 11:05 PM
Did you even listen to any of the videos?
Yes and my point still stands.
December 6th, 2008, 11:34 PM
I gotta disagree with you Limited.
While my first thought was something like you, I believe its still illegal.
But this makes me wonder if Rihanna would get in trouble for that numa numa ripoff.
Her songs are so catchy to me and I hate this genre of music.
December 6th, 2008, 11:48 PM
There seem to be no lyrics in the Joe Stratini bit, so what's the problem? Parts are re-used in songs hundreds of times. If the lyrics are the same, then there's something to worry about. The band I'm in uses bits and pieces of melodies from other songs for ours, and we don't see a problem with it. Now, if my band's songwriter/lead guitarist was ripping off other songs lyrics, then I'd be pissed.
December 6th, 2008, 11:48 PM
I gotta disagree with you Limited.
While my first thought was something like you, I believe its still illegal.
But this makes me wonder if Rihanna would get in trouble for that numa numa ripoff.
Her songs are so catchy to me and I hate this genre of music.
I believe it's an official remix, so I'm going to assume not. Just going by what I heard.
December 6th, 2008, 11:51 PM
Ah, you could be right. I dont see why she would rearrange the sounds/words then.
December 6th, 2008, 11:55 PM
There seem to be no lyrics in the Joe Stratini bit, so what's the problem? Parts are re-used in songs hundreds of times. If the lyrics are the same, then there's something to worry about. The band I'm in uses bits and pieces of melodies from other songs for ours, and we don't see a problem with it. Now, if my band's songwriter/lead guitarist was ripping off other songs lyrics, then I'd be pissed.To me that's like saying, "as long as textures aren't ripped, it's okay if they ripped the model." There is an art to both the making of the music itself and to the making of the lyrics. I'd be sure as hell pissed if someone stole my music and made profit from it.
December 7th, 2008, 12:04 AM
Take out the locals of the coldplay song and it is nothing like the Joe Stratini song. So what exactly is he suing for? The tone/melody of someones voice is the same as his guitar playing? Oh please...this isnt USA, this will be an international despute, we dont sue over anything here in the UK, he wont win.
December 7th, 2008, 12:17 AM
Limited I'm guessing you're a Coldplay fan?
December 7th, 2008, 12:24 AM
I wouldnt say fan, songs arent too bad, I'm just upholding the reputation of a great British band from some sue happy American.
December 7th, 2008, 12:29 AM
I fucking love mash-ups like this, like using the most random ass bands and putting their songs together. For example, Deep Purple/Gorillaz/No random can you get?
December 7th, 2008, 12:32 AM
Take out the locals of the coldplay song and it is nothing like the Joe Stratini song. So what exactly is he suing for? The tone/melody of someones voice is the same as his guitar playing? Oh please...this isnt USA, this will be an international despute, we dont sue over anything here in the UK, he wont win.
So say I made a movie and I change the characters the plot is exactly the same. Still stealing. Like rooster was saying...there are many layers to make music, even media these days. If you steal one part of it, you're still a thief.
Is it note for note? No, fuck off then.
Your comparing the instrument to Chris Martin's voice, wont win in court. Its only one section of the song, yes its the chorus of the Coldplay song, thats just how he sung it, he may have heard the song ages ago, and when he say it it came out to that melody sub-consciously, but I highly doubt that.
Timbaland didnt get into trouble for that, and he practically copied it, he even admitted to sampling it.
In case you didn't know he also payed royalties and credited him.
December 7th, 2008, 12:36 AM
I suggest you all go read up on copyright, patent and trademark laws. Its a grey area for things that arent "complete, actual copies".
December 7th, 2008, 12:48 AM
I wouldnt say fan, songs arent too bad, I'm just upholding the reputation of a great British band from some sue happy American.
How would you feel if you put your heart and soul into a song and then some other band took it and mashed up the melodies/chord progressions into their song, and then made several times more money off of it than you?
December 7th, 2008, 12:58 AM
I'm still missing the whole, where's the proof he stole it and copied it, this evidence is very vague.
He might have used it to help inspire is own work, but thats not illegal.
I suggest you go back and read the actual lawsuit. "substantial original portions", for the copyright to be in Joe's favour, Coldplay needed to have copied alot of the song/melody, the bit thats "possibly stolen" is only a small portion of Joe's song. This is why it will fail in court.
Rob Oplawar
December 7th, 2008, 01:00 AM
If I were Satriani, I wouldn't sue, but I'd do everything else he is doing about it, namely, making a big public stink over it. He's calling everybody's attention to the fact that, "complete, actual copy" or not, Coldplay clearly and obviously ripped him off, which shows on their part a massive amount of laziness and disrespect.
I like many of Coldplay's songs, and I'm a huge fan of Joe Satriani. I have lost a little respect for Satriani for going so far as to sue, but I have lost a whole lot of respect for Coldplay for being such douchebags. This wasn't borrowing bits and pieces from other songs. This was rebranding his song as their own without any sort of attribution. The least they could do is to say that Satriani inspired this song, ffs.
Edit: Limited, I'm only willing to accept so much as pure coincidence. This is not coincidence. It's really obvious where Coldplay got that tune. I'm no musician, but I know math, and I know how many possible combinations there are of the various elements that make a song, and I know that it's about as likely for two artists to invent such similar songs at nearly the same time as it is to accidentally make Coagulation without realizing you're remaking Blood Gulch (not comparing quality but rather gameplay/layout/style).
December 7th, 2008, 01:03 AM
I wouldnt say fan, songs arent too bad, I'm just upholding the reputation of a great British band from some sue happy American.
Posts may contain patriotic garbage.
December 7th, 2008, 01:10 AM
I'm still missing the whole, where's the proof he stole it and copied it, this evidence is very vague.
He might have used it to help inspire is own work, but thats not illegal.
I suggest you go back and read the actual lawsuit. "substantial original portions", for the copyright to be in Joe's favour, Coldplay needed to have copied alot of the song/melody, the bit thats "possibly stolen" is only a small portion of Joe's song. This is why it will fail in court.
Can you not hear? Christs sake...
December 7th, 2008, 01:13 AM
How would you feel if you put your heart and soul into a song and then some other band took it and mashed up the melodies/chord progressions into their song, and then made several times more money off of it than you?
I'd go apeshit.
Maybe sue a bitch.
December 7th, 2008, 01:14 AM
To the people talking about models, textures, movies, and characters, those don't have to do with music. There's hundreds of songs that use the same chord progression, etc. as another song. Plus, the majority of movies and video games use the same plot, just with new characters and models.
December 7th, 2008, 01:16 AM
To the people talking about models, textures, movies, and characters, those don't have to do with music. There's hundreds of songs that use the same chord progression, etc. as another song. Plus, the majority of movies and video games use the same plot, just with new characters and models.
Same? No. Similar? Yes.
What we're talking about here is the exact same chord progression/melody.
December 7th, 2008, 01:18 AM
Yeah, but with music, shit like that has to be at least credited.
In movies, when someone makes a remake, its been discussed with the original creator.
This reminds me of an episode of Harvey Birdman :XD:
December 7th, 2008, 01:34 AM
I suggest you all go read up on copyright, patent and trademark laws. Its a grey area for things that arent "complete, actual copies".
Awesome I'll just go sample some really famous songs that make millions of dollars in my movies that would get sent to film festivals. Or hell to make it even more ambiguous by making my own versions with different instruments! They would let me in for sure with that scam. [/sarcasm]
That grey area doesn't exist. There is a blatant copyright. Whether it's unintentional or intentional that's up to question. Same chord progression and melody is just too obviously the same.
December 7th, 2008, 01:36 AM
Same? No. Similar? Yes.
What we're talking about here is the exact same chord progression/melody.
No, were talking about timing. Only the first two sentences could be classed as copying.
So, are you saying, every song that has the same beat pattern in a short period of time is a rip off? Of course not, thats completely ludicrous.
Are you saying every song that has a beat every second timing is a copy? No, theres tons of rap songs that would apply to.
Pope, it is a grey area, why? Because if its not a carbon copy, or at least a substantial amount, it is extremely hard to win a case.
I would say, "lets let the courts decide", but it wont even make it to court because they have nothing.
I'm not saying its not similar, the deal is whether they intentionally stole it, and also the fact this Joe guy is so adamant that hes going to win in court. I'm talking from a legal stance.
Also Xet, get your facts straight and read the articles.
Rob Oplawar
December 7th, 2008, 01:42 AM
Guys, guys, I think Limited really is deaf. We should be supportive of him, instead of mocking his disability.
December 7th, 2008, 01:53 AM
Is it note for note? No, fuck off then.
Your comparing the instrument to Chris Martin's voice, wont win in court. Its only one section of the song, yes its the chorus of the Coldplay song, thats just how he sung it, he may have heard the song ages ago, and when he say it it came out to that melody sub-consciously, but I highly doubt that.
Timbaland didnt get into trouble for that, and he practically copied it, he even admitted to sampling it.
Your a bloody idiot Limited.
Theres no point in countering stupidity, because you wont understand or accept what i tell you anyway.
December 7th, 2008, 01:54 AM
Why isnt Joe suing Creakyboards? Why, is he suing Coldplay just after they won 7 awards even though its been public knowledge since June?
December 7th, 2008, 01:55 AM
Be it intentional or not, many songs have the same chord progression, like Boulevard of Broken dreams by Green Day and Wonderwall by Oasis, albeit played differently. Unless they sound note for note exactly the same, then most of the time they won't stand very well in court, with the exception of the Vanilla Ice/Queen case
December 7th, 2008, 02:07 AM
you people have some serious issues, Theres a MASSIVE difference between re-making songs with permission from artists and Acknowledgement or even royalties then there is to just ripping something off and calling it your own.
you people quoting these things such as the Rihanna numa numa song, or other things like Disturbed - Land of confusion need to wake the fuck up and understand how the industry works before you can pass judgement on it or comparrisons.
how do you think Weird al has stayed in buisness for so many years?
December 7th, 2008, 02:23 AM
He asks for permission?
(tbh that still doesnt explain to me why he is in business)
I was the one that posted to Rihanna.
I figured she had gotten permission which is why I asked.
That was my point first bod >:[
This would have been okay if they would have had consent from the original performer, but something this close to the original without any consent is definitely illegal.
But basically, to shorten this:
What bod said.
Rob Oplawar
December 7th, 2008, 02:25 AM
wait, now i'm confused, bod- i have no idea which side you're on. :S
e: also, US copyright law has some weird protection of "parodies". idk how it works.
December 7th, 2008, 02:28 AM
No, were talking about timing. Only the first two sentences could be classed as copying.
So, are you saying, every song that has the same beat pattern in a short period of time is a rip off? Of course not, thats completely ludicrous.
Are you saying every song that has a beat every second timing is a copy? No, theres tons of rap songs that would apply to.
Pope, it is a grey area, why? Because if its not a carbon copy, or at least a substantial amount, it is extremely hard to win a case.
I would say, "lets let the courts decide", but it wont even make it to court because they have nothing.
I'm not saying its not similar, the deal is whether they intentionally stole it, and also the fact this Joe guy is so adamant that hes going to win in court. I'm talking from a legal stance.
Also Xet, get your facts straight and read the articles.
December 7th, 2008, 02:33 AM
Joe Satriani's. To remake a song is an honor to the original artist, however you must have permission before hand and credit them for the work they did in the original process.
To claim it as your own is nothing short of stealing and is one of the most disgusting things to do to anybody in the music business.
The similarities are far too obvious to ignore.
99% of all other songs you hear that have been re-made come with acknowledgment and royalties to benefit the original artist, Hence why they exist in the first place, Which is why artists like Weird al have been making parody's and re-makes of songs and not been sued through the ass for there trouble.
Coldplay made millions off this, MILLIONS and it had nothing to do with their work.
December 7th, 2008, 11:03 AM
Bod has a point, if they didn't get permission, or give credit to Joe Satriani, it is basically taking his work, and calling it their own.
Personally, I would let it pass off this time, and keep a close eye on Coldplay, just in case it happens again. It's possible that they did inspire themselves, but didn't know that it was wrong, since it was only a part of a song, and not the whole thing. I'm not saying that it's right, because it isn't, just that they weren't trying to take a whole song, and claim it as their own. Am I making sense here? Or is everything I'm saying rubbish?
December 7th, 2008, 11:34 AM
I am gay blablablabla
December 7th, 2008, 12:47 PM
Exactly, I was just reinforcing what you were saying, maybe I should have mentioned that in my post...
December 7th, 2008, 03:26 PM
I take it no one bothered to watch the video I posted, this whole Joe thing is just one section of the Coldplay song, the bit I posted showed Coldplay ripped the WHOLE song off the band.
Also Xet you still haven't fixed your error, so quit posting stupid pictures before trying to insult me.
December 7th, 2008, 03:38 PM
I take it no one bothered to watch the video I posted, this whole Joe thing is just one section of the Coldplay song, the bit I posted showed Coldplay ripped the WHOLE song off the band.
Also Xet you still haven't fixed your error, so quit posting stupid pictures before trying to insult me.
December 7th, 2008, 03:40 PM
Honestly, how many songs are there in existence?
December 7th, 2008, 04:14 PM
Well considering Xet brought this threads maturity down to a 5 year old by spamming and making useless posts, my input here will cease.
If they did intentionally steal the bit, then shame on Coldplay, this does seem like something Chris Martin would do as he is an arsehole. I just thought they'd have more credibility than to do this.
December 7th, 2008, 06:43 PM
Well considering Xet brought this threads maturity down to a 5 year old by spamming and making useless posts, my input here will cease.
Please don't say of things that didn't happen, thanks.
This is not pure coincidence, Coldplay did plagiarize the parts.
December 7th, 2008, 09:31 PM
I wouldn't say it's identical, but it's certainly close in some places.
December 7th, 2008, 09:45 PM
Why isnt Joe suing Creakyboards? Why, is he suing Coldplay just after they won 7 awards even though its been public knowledge since June?
In terms of tone, yes, this is closer, but in terms of direct note for note, it's (viva la vida) a clear rip-off of Joe's (I'm not saying it's direct note for note, but the timing matches up way more etc. etc.).
December 8th, 2008, 07:04 PM
I'm disappointed to hear this, I loved Viva La Vida as an album. :(
December 8th, 2008, 08:02 PM
No offense Xet but I am SO tired of the facepalm meme that I scream "BLOODY MOTHERFUCKS" everythime I see it
December 10th, 2008, 06:21 PM
Coldplay has responded
In what is turning into the most civilised argument in music history, Coldplay have refuted Joe Satriani’s claim that they plagarised his work while praising his talent and offering up a stream of pleasantries.
The British band broke their silence over the American guitarist’s law suit last night, posting a statement on their website that goes against the usual rules of rock rivalry and would no doubt make the famously fiery Oasis and Sex Pistols ill.
Answering Satriani’s claim that parts of their No 1 hit Viva La Vida were copied, the band wrote: “With the greatest possible respect to Joe Satriani, we have now unfortunately found it necessary to respond publicly to his allegations.
“If there are any similarities between our two pieces of music, they are entirely coincidental, and just as surprising to us as to him.
“Joe Satriani is a great musician, but he did not write or have any influence on the song Viva La Vida. We respectfully ask him to accept our assurances of this and wish him well with all future endeavours.”
Last week, Satriani filed a copyright infringement suit, at Los Angeles federal court, claiming Viva La Vida incorporates “substantial original portions” of his 2004 instrumental If I Could Fly.
The feted guitarist, who has played alongside Mick Jagger, is seeking a jury trial, damages and “any and all profits” attributable to the alleged copyright infringement.
Despite releasing a string of successful songs since they found fame in 2000, Viva La Vida is Coldplay's biggest ever hit. It went straight to No 1 on the UK charts when it was released in June.
Last week the band were nominated for the prestigious Song of the Year and Record of the Year Grammy awards for the track.
Song-writing credits list singer Chris Martin, bass player Guy Berryman, guitarist Johnny Buckland and drummer Will Champion.
The album the song came from, Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends, is also the band's most successful, despite huge success with their debut Parachutes and the epic A Rush of Blood To The Head.
The band have sold more music than any other act in the world during 2008.
December 10th, 2008, 06:35 PM
Inspiration, and a total RIP, is two WHOLE different things...
This is blatantly a total rip off, and can't even be seen as ispired by satrani...
I'm a guitarist myself, and would be OUTRAGED if someone took MY RIFF, I came up with, and used it in thier music...that's like violating my rights as a creator/musician...
It's not like they just used a common chord progressions, or things commonly used in music..
What they did was theft...
I say sue them till they stop making crappy music, and piggy backing on the fame of legendary guitarist like satrani..
That's my two cents at least :)
Rob Oplawar
December 10th, 2008, 09:06 PM
I see what you did there, Coldplay. You've taken the high road while still holding your ground- you've told him to go fuck off in the nicest way possible and in front of everybody in a manner that will win you all sort of support, so that no matter what Satriani does next he will appear to be an asshole in the public eye. Oh yes, I see that, Coldplay. Well, I do like your music, but I like Satriani's too, and I liked his first (/double meaning). I know where my loyalties lie.
Mark my words, this isn't the end of it.
December 10th, 2008, 09:49 PM
and just a side guys must be tone deaf if you think it's only "simular"..
I play guitar personally, so I find it hard to believe that they just ACCIDENTLY played the SAME chords, SAME timing, SAME melody....that's just not possible, there's endless notes, octaves, styles, timing signatures, and SO many other variables envloved in playing an intstrument that I find it IMPOSSIBLE to just happen to play something soooo simular to a WORLD FAMED guitarist...
and Limited, do you even know who "This Joe guy" is?
Maybe you should research one of the greatest guitarist of ALL TIME, before supporting some lame, commericalized "pop rock" UK band..
December 11th, 2008, 01:45 AM
I play guitar personally, so I find it hard to believe that they just ACCIDENTLY played the SAME chords, SAME timing, SAME melody....that's just not possible, there's endless notes, octaves, styles, timing signatures, and SO many other variables envloved in playing an intstrument that I find it IMPOSSIBLE to just happen to play something soooo simular to a WORLD FAMED guitarist.
December 11th, 2008, 06:15 PM
Smart move by Coldplay. Doing the gentlemanly thing by talking politely about it, did Joe contact Coldplay? No he did not, he just went ahead with this lawsuit.
Killa, no I do not know who this Joe guy is. I've never heard of him and I bet I wont here of him again.
Rob Oplawar
December 11th, 2008, 06:54 PM
Do you know that? I think you're just making assumptions. This is the first public mention Coldplay has given about it, but it's entirely possible and maybe even likely that Satriani contacted them before the suit.
Hell, even if he didn't, I'd bet they received notice of the suit before the media got their hands on the story.
December 11th, 2008, 08:06 PM
Killa, no I do not know who this Joe guy is. I've never heard of him and I bet I wont here of him again.
Your ignorance pains me, and I don't think someone like you, uninformed of the musical industry, should have the right to even have an opinion on such matters...
Maybe you should do some research...
and you WILL hear TONS about him because he's one of the GREATEST guitarist of all time..
He taught SO many of the great guitarist of our time(Kirk Hammit, Steve Vai ect..)
He's a fucking MENTOR of rock today, the fact you don't even know him, shows me how ignorant you are to the whole music scene..
But seeing as you can't even fathom seeing outside of your stupid patriotic pride, I'm just wasting energy...
I see how you didn't even comment on the fact it's nearly impossible to ACCIDENTLY emulate almost every aspect of how his original instrumental was played...
The fact that they claim it's not even INSPIRED, is just laughable...and only fools would buy into this rediculous arguement from Coldplay...
Fact of the matter is, they ripped him off, and made a crappy pop-rock song out of it..and your sitting here supporting this?
Do you even play any instrument?
What gives you the right to even have an opinion, besides you live in the UK?
Your ignorance truely pains me...
December 11th, 2008, 10:47 PM
This is a pretty cool video. Goes a bit more in depth with everything, including the chords and some music theory. If you're too lazy to watch, the only chord that is different is the first one, and according to music theory the sounds the two chords produce are virtually the same as they are diatonic chords. I don't see how anyone could not be backing Satriani on this.
December 11th, 2008, 11:08 PM
You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.
December 11th, 2008, 11:32 PM
Don't worry snaf, I gave him some for the mean time. That video actually did help me understand the technical aspects of the situation better. Great find.
December 12th, 2008, 12:06 AM
that guys awesome, he just demonstrated EXACTLY what I've been saying...
+rep :)
December 12th, 2008, 12:28 AM
Killa, you assume that the fact I've never heard of him and assume I never will is a bad thing. I personally think his version of the song is better than coldplay's.
I'm not saying they songs are different, they definitely have a striking similarity, the question is intent. Did Coldplay purposely steal the song, or were they just extremely unlucky to come up with a song that has already been made. It is very hard to prove intent due to the fact you dont know exactly how the song was made, if they had a documentary on how they made it, showing them messing around playing different pieces from scratch, then you could tell. But not having that evidence doesnt mean they did steal it.
Its a very sticky situation, taking it to court and winning that is.
And yes Rob I am assuming that he didnt talk to Coldplay and went straight ahead and filed the lawsuit, just like all of you are assuming Coldplay copied the song on purpose.
December 12th, 2008, 01:24 AM
Smart move by Coldplay. Doing the gentlemanly thing by talking politely about it, did Joe contact Coldplay? No he did not, he just went ahead with this lawsuit.
Killa, no I do not know who this Joe guy is. I've never heard of him and I bet I wont here of him again.
December 12th, 2008, 01:33 AM
Killa, you assume that the fact I've never heard of him and assume I never will is a bad thing. I personally think his version of the song is better than coldplay's.
I'm not saying they songs are different, they definitely have a striking similarity, the question is intent. Did Coldplay purposely steal the song, or were they just extremely unlucky to come up with a song that has already been made. It is very hard to prove intent due to the fact you dont know exactly how the song was made, if they had a documentary on how they made it, showing them messing around playing different pieces from scratch, then you could tell. But not having that evidence doesnt mean they did steal it.
Its a very sticky situation, taking it to court and winning that is.
And yes Rob I am assuming that he didnt talk to Coldplay and went straight ahead and filed the lawsuit, just like all of you are assuming Coldplay copied the song on purpose.
Ummm... you forget I PLAY GUITAR?
I know that it's nearly impossible to "accidently" play something soooo simular, I've spent so much time playing guitar, and while I was improvising, NEVER did I think "hey this riff sounds like this song" because there's SO many variables envloved in playing..
Did you even watch that video?
It seems to me, as you know coldplay fully ripped them off, but yet cling to your senseless arguement, just for your own selfish pride....
Fact of the matter is, I know WAY more than you know, the degree of the "crime" so to speak, because I can personally relate...
Step off your high horse, and realize that coldplay more than likely took what they could from Satriani to gain fame..
It's one thing to support a band, and another to be completely blinded by your "loyalty"...
and it wouldn't bother me so much, if they DIDN'T say, that the song wasn't at LEAST inspired by satriani...It's SOOO that video again, and put your thinking cap on this time ;)
Until you actually pickup a guitar, and play what they have, you'll never EVER realize that it's IMPOSSIBLE to just stumble upon the same exact timing, chords, rhythm, ect...
and the fact they used one diatonic chord, shows to me, they fully KNEW what they were doing, and had to add ONE different aspect(altho sounds the same) to make it seem like they didn't rip him off...
But then again I doubt you even understand these terms, considering you don't play anything, or have any knowledge on what makes a song..
December 12th, 2008, 02:13 AM
Back to the Plagerism buisness, i've actually had a person at school knock off one of my songs, when i showed him.
i came up to him and went "wtf mate, your stealing my song. what the fuck you think your doing. You sure you wanna walk down this road?"
his response:
"First to the studio... everything else is irrelevant"
Just about knocked the mother fuckers teeth out.
December 12th, 2008, 02:15 AM
uh, you can prove he jacked your shit so totally not irrelevant
December 12th, 2008, 02:40 AM
he beat me to the studio? how can i?
my word vs his?
i like the blood idea.
December 12th, 2008, 01:35 PM
You do have it written down or have some tangible form don't you? Obviously you're not mean enough IRL. You have to give the impression that if you're crossed you'll be cutting faces off with bowie knives.
Rob Oplawar
December 12th, 2008, 04:55 PM
fuck it.
I started longposting about probability, then I said fuck it.
Long story short, all other things being equal, I'm going with what's more likely.
Yeah yeah, innocent until proven guilty, etc. There is this thing called "reasonable doubt", and that doubt is diminishing.
Choking Victim
December 12th, 2008, 05:21 PM
I'm a guitarist myself
I play guitar personally
Ummm... you forget I PLAY GUITAR?
How could anyone forget? Would you like a medal?
Whether you play guitar or not, it's blatantly obvious that it's the same, we all have ears.
btw, how many guitarists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
One, and 50 others in the audience saying their doing it wrong.
December 12th, 2008, 05:53 PM
Well that really added alot to the thread...
Thank you choking victim for your insight on the topic :)
December 12th, 2008, 05:58 PM
Like Ive said, I never stated they were different, I just dont believe Coldplay stole it on purpose. You may believe they stole it on purpose, ripping it off Joe to make big bucks. Thats your opinion yes.
To be honest I dont give a shit whether you play a guitar or a damn triangle, yes you know alot more about music than I do.
Choking Victim
December 12th, 2008, 06:03 PM
Well that really added alot to the thread...
Thank you choking victim for your insight on the topic :)
You're quite welcome.
December 12th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Like Ive said, I never stated they were different, I just dont believe Coldplay stole it on purpose. You may believe they stole it on purpose, ripping it off Joe to make big bucks. Thats your opinion yes.
To be honest I dont give a shit whether you play a guitar or a damn triangle, yes you know alot more about music than I do.
Haha, stealing and intent are directly related dude. You don't "accidentally" steal something. That's like something a 5 year old would say when getting scolded by it's mum. "I didn't mean to!"
They're not randomly and by happy accident the same. It's COPIED. It may be your opinion that it is, but that's because you're a prideful Brit not wanting to relinquish the idea of your Brit band's success being anything but their own.
Coldplay stole it, plain and simple. What's more likely, dude? "Inspired by Frida's painting" and happening to be identical to Joe Satriani's song or it being STOLEN?
December 12th, 2008, 06:26 PM
Its still speculation though Snaf, we wont know, unless it goes to court.
December 12th, 2008, 06:35 PM
That's like saying "we don't know if this is a death threat until we read it in court"
Come on dude, come off's a blatant and obvious ripoff.
December 12th, 2008, 06:39 PM
But you cant act upon the death threat, until it makes court. Like filing a restraining order, requires legal processes.
Joe can think what he wants, but he has to prove it in court to win the lawsuit, which is what he is after.
Rob Oplawar
December 12th, 2008, 07:54 PM
I don't care whether he wins or not (ok, I'll feel a little bad if he ends up having to pay a ton of legal fees, but then again, he brought it on himself). Legal or not, my personal opinion of Coldplay has dropped considerably.
December 12th, 2008, 07:58 PM
Who cares about the court ruling?
Fact of the matter is, they stole something..
And whats worse, didn't even credit him what-so-ever...
Regardless of what the court ends up saying, in my mind they'll always be guilty of theft..
That's like saying, if I kill my mother today, and get away with it, I didn't kill her?
Well wait, she's not alive tho...hmmm
December 12th, 2008, 07:59 PM
You do have it written down or have some tangible form don't you? Obviously you're not mean enough IRL. You have to give the impression that if you're crossed you'll be cutting faces off with bowie knives.
it was a terrible song lol like when i first started playing guitar anyway and no i didnt have it written down or anything, i have just about everything i play recorded now so i have proof these days, but i wanted to tear his face off anyway.
December 15th, 2008, 07:20 PM
I take back a few of my statements..
"I did everything I could to avoid a court case with this situation. But Coldplay didn't want to talk about it. They just wanted this whole thing to go away. Maybe they figured this little guitar player guy will leave them alone after a while, I don't know.
He didnt say what exactly went down, only that he tried to contact them and they didnt want to talk about it.
I dunno but that article has pretty much flipped my thoughts on Joe and Coldplay. He didnt say all the details, and this is only his account. However I feel Coldplay basically kicked Joe in the teeth by not even wanting to talk about the issue, werent a man about it and talked it over.
December 15th, 2008, 08:38 PM
Everyone's been so caught up with the "ZOMG let's prove that Coldplay stole it" that they didn't stop to wonder why they would do it. They got permission from Kraftwerk to sample the main riff of Computer Love in Talk. Why would they steal music if they are capable of asking to sample some of it and known to ask permission? Why now?
December 15th, 2008, 08:40 PM
Dont doubt the Satch.
he has more Credibility then nearly everyone in the Music buisness.
December 15th, 2008, 08:41 PM
I was pretty sure there wasn't a regulation against using similar music (not the singing) in other songs....or is it songs that's artist have all died? (saying like songs from forever ago). Regardless, you probably do have to have some clarification from the labeling company to use the song if the artist is incapacitated. Idk, but watch Coldplay com out and say "We made it up ourselves, this is just coincidence!" I would lmao.
December 15th, 2008, 08:44 PM
I was pretty sure there wasn't a regulation against using similar music (not the singing) in other songs....or is it songs that's artist have all died? (saying like songs from forever ago). Regardless, you probably do have to have some clarification from the labeling company to use the song if the artist is incapacitated. Idk, but watch Coldplay com out and say "We made it up ourselves, this is just coincidence!" I would lmao.
You are seriously behind the times. They have already said that.
December 15th, 2008, 08:45 PM
You are seriously behind the times. They have already said that.
Well then I must really be. I really should talk to more different music savvied people shouldn't I?lol. :rolleyes:
December 17th, 2008, 02:17 PM
Everyone's been so caught up with the "ZOMG let's prove that Coldplay stole it" that they didn't stop to wonder why they would do it. They got permission from Kraftwerk to sample the main riff of Computer Love in Talk. Why would they steal music if they are capable of asking to sample some of it and known to ask permission? Why now?
Because they stole stealing from a world famed guitarist mb?
And this isn't JUST a sample either..or just "Some of it" yea..
December 17th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Because they stole stealing from a world famed guitarist mb?
And this isn't JUST a sample either..or just "Some of it" yea..
If they did steal it, they didn't steal the whole the whole song, just the beginning.
December 17th, 2008, 04:19 PM
Just the entire chord progression his entire songs based off of...
Yea..that's kinda the core of music buddy..
December 18th, 2008, 09:22 PM
Oh shut up, you act like this is the first fucking time you have seen this shit. Seriously, this is so freaking common, it is not even funny. For example, Vanilla Ice ripped of Queen and David Bowie, yet because he added an extra beat, they could do nothing, and I bet you if you play that beat, people will think of Ice, Ice Baby faster then Under pressure. I hate how people are comparing this to other things, when it does not work like these other things. Musicians take and expand on beats and choruses all the time and innovate them into the song, it is a process of recycling this material into better things, because as you have seen, Cold Play has won a couple of awards for it and since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I will have to go with that Satriana needs to get his head out of his ass and look around. Also, a more recent example, a rapper ripped off the numa numa chorus, and some stupid country Rock star took the chorus from Sweet Home Alabama. If you ask me, people have gotten into the business of rock more for the money then to do what they love and entertain people with their music. I think if the song is great, and respect them enough not to make an exact copy but expand on it, as Cold Play did, they should have the rights to play it.
December 18th, 2008, 09:27 PM
and vanilla ice was frowned down upon cause of it...where is he now? oh that's right, he FLOPPED years ago..
And the fact they don't even admit it's INSPIRED, did you miss that part bud?
And ALL of your examples they PAID ROALTIES..maybe you should be more informed in how things work in the music insdustry before speaking out of your ass..
Nice flame bait there btw..
December 18th, 2008, 09:29 PM
This is crap, they stole it, and they know it.
December 18th, 2008, 09:33 PM
So stating my opinion is flame baiting, from what I see how you acted since your return to the hce section, you talk like a total douchebag. Just because my opinion differs form your ranting, does not mean I am an idiot. Also, its not the subject of Vanilla Ice flopping, but the fact that if you play the opening beat, people will start singing ice,ice baby, and will think of that faster then Under Pressure, it does not matter where their careers go after that, it is just a point proving that people innovate from other people's music all the time. And since Cold Play innovated it quite nicely, the awards they won proving this... They have done nothing wrong in the form of the song, but yes, they are dragging this out in a pointless struggle, and it is a douche bag move not to give credit. But the point is Satriani will not win this, and should just shut up too. As said, this seems to be about more the money, as before they won the awards he did not even mention this.
December 18th, 2008, 10:03 PM
So stating my opinion is flame baiting, from what I see how you acted since your return to the hce section, you talk like a total douchebag. Just because my opinion differs form your ranting, does not mean I am an idiot. Also, its not the subject of Vanilla Ice flopping, but the fact that if you play the opening beat, people will start singing ice,ice baby, and will think of that faster then Under Pressure, it does not matter where their careers go after that, it is just a point proving that people innovate from other people's music all the time. And since Cold Play innovated it quite nicely, the awards they won proving this... They have done nothing wrong in the form of the song, but yes, they are dragging this out in a pointless struggle, and it is a douche bag move not to give credit. But the point is Satriani will not win this, and should just shut up too. As said, this seems to be about more the money, as before they won the awards he did not even mention this.
You really aren't getting this, please read over KiLLa's posts several more times. There are things called permission and royalties that you are completely forgetting about.
December 18th, 2008, 10:46 PM
So stating my opinion is flame baiting, from what I see how you acted since your return to the hce section, you talk like a total douchebag. Just because my opinion differs form your ranting, does not mean I am an idiot. Also, its not the subject of Vanilla Ice flopping, but the fact that if you play the opening beat, people will start singing ice,ice baby, and will think of that faster then Under Pressure, it does not matter where their careers go after that, it is just a point proving that people innovate from other people's music all the time. And since Cold Play innovated it quite nicely, the awards they won proving this... They have done nothing wrong in the form of the song, but yes, they are dragging this out in a pointless struggle, and it is a douche bag move not to give credit. But the point is Satriani will not win this, and should just shut up too. As said, this seems to be about more the money, as before they won the awards he did not even mention this.
December 18th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Why the fuck is Vanilla Ice in the same fucking paragraph as Satriani?
Why, why.
Also Chains, I find it ironic that the lazy ass "concept artist" is projecting his own self righteous thoughts on stealing ideas and not trying via uninformed rants about the music industry. It'd seem to me that you openly support taking the easy way out. It's people like you that kill the creative industry. Stop posting.
December 18th, 2008, 10:57 PM
Guys, there are only so many combinations of notes that can be played. This is a stupid argument in many cases. Do you know how many popular songs in the last 10 years are complete ripoffs of Pachelbel's Canon? Here is the note sequence: png
Or another common variant: C-G-Am-Em-F-C-F-G
I can name at least 20 songs that use this same chord progression, whether it by guitar, violin, etc. Google it. Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Vitamin C, Oasis, the list goes on and on. Every artist has a song that uses this note sequence. Are all of these songs just ripping off Pachelbel's Canon? In a way, yes. Should they pay royalties or considered plagiarists? No, that's stupid. And so is this story. It's absolutely ridiculous that an artist can "claim" a tune and then no one again can make something that sounds similar to it without being called a plagiarist.
Here is a funny video ranting about this fact:
December 18th, 2008, 11:38 PM
Every artist has a song that uses this note sequence.
a) that's incredibly false
b) all of the people you quoted aren't artists, they're actually "top 40 brand names".
Top 40's music should be rated on a marketing scale, with other products, not in terms of music.
Miley Sirus
Jonas Brothers
Btw, "similar" would be to describe "Mary Had a Little Lamb", with "Ring around the Rosies".
Coldplay blatantly lifted the song because they had a dry spell for creativity and they needed some more fucking money. That's all it is.
December 19th, 2008, 12:05 AM
b) all of the people you quoted aren't artists, they're actually "top 40 brand names".
In my exaggeration of "every artist" I was referring to the majority of artists in this sort of genre. I thought the hyperbole was clear.
Btw, "similar" would be to describe "Mary Had a Little Lamb", with "Ring around the Rosies".How is the note sequence of these songs remotely similar?
December 19th, 2008, 12:10 AM
Why the fuck is Vanilla Ice in the same fucking paragraph as Satriani?
Why, why.
Also Chains, I find it ironic that the lazy ass "concept artist" is projecting his own self righteous thoughts on stealing ideas and not trying via uninformed rants about the music industry. It'd seem to me that you openly support taking the easy way out. It's people like you that kill the creative industry. Stop posting.
I love how you bring in personal things and compare me to someone ripping off music. Self righteous? Thats funny coming from you, since from what I can see, you may have skill, but are one of the biggest ass holes of all time. I also laugh how you said I take the easy way out, I am still here, producing work, even after you have told me more then god knows how much to stop. Also if you are not aware, me killing a creative industry I do not create content in, is sort of impossible, and since I am a minor, I can not work for any industry whereof, only k a grocery store and since I post on 3 sites, none of which are significant to the creative industry of the gaming world, I find you are " blowing smoke out of your ass."
I would rather suck then be some asshat who spouts off about how he took the hard path and does not give up, and only the strong cut it, but then conveniently forgetting this harsh experience that changed his life, goes and insults people who have only been doing concept art in photoshop for less than half a year. If you want to get personal, go into the pms, and do not drag that kind of crap into an argument over something completely different, as it really degrades your whole, holier than thou attitude.
December 19th, 2008, 12:43 AM
No one cares if someone copied a chord sequence from a song that's 400 years old. It's not like Pachelbel is still making money off of it (because he is dead), which is the whole point.
December 19th, 2008, 12:51 AM
I love how you bring in personal things and compare me to someone ripping off music. Self righteous? Thats funny coming from you, since from what I can see, you may have skill, but are one of the biggest ass holes of all time. Makes no sense with self righteous remark. I also laugh how you said I take the easy way out, I am still here, producing work, even after you have told me more then god knows how much to stop. Also makes no sense with the easy way out remark. Also if you are not aware, me killing a creative industry I do not create content in, is sort of impossible, and since I am a minor, I can not work for any industry whereof, only k a grocery store and since I post on 3 sites, none of which are significant to the creative industry of the gaming world, I find you are " blowing smoke out of your ass." First of all, haha, second it's your attitude that kills the industry, not your physically. Durh.
I would rather suck then be some asshat who spouts off about how he took the hard path and does not give up, and only the strong cut it, but then conveniently forgetting this harsh experience that changed his life, uh, what the fuck? goes and insults people who have only been doing concept art in photoshop for less than half a year. no, youve been wasting time and not taking peopls cirtiques properly, continuing wiht the same dribble. If you want to get personal, go into the pms, and do not drag that kind of crap into an argument over something completely different, as it really degrades your whole, holier than thou attitude. My holier than thou attitude degrades my holier than thou attitude?
Words. I don't have the time nor the effort in me to respond properly.
Your wrong. Everything you typed was wrong. Deal with it.
December 19th, 2008, 01:28 AM
Rolf, so basically you're saying you are too lazy eh? Well with that attitude Dane, you should just stop while your ahead, I mean you have to take initiative to do something as hard as an argument. I mean if you quit while the going gets tough, why bother Dane, you really disappointed me...
Dude, some of those words gave me serious De Ja Vu, no idea from who though.
December 19th, 2008, 01:48 PM
No one cares if someone copied a chord sequence from a song that's 400 years old. It's not like Pachelbel is still making money off of it (because he is dead), which is the whole point.
You can still make money from a song when your dead, its called royalties and your family automatically gets them.
December 19th, 2008, 02:10 PM
Not if it's before copyright laws, and especially before copyright law was extended to protect works after death. Learn about that first before you spout off about some 400 year old non-protected works.
December 19th, 2008, 06:04 PM
Not if it's before copyright laws, and especially before copyright law was extended to protect works after death. Learn about that first before you spout off about some 400 year old non-protected works.
December 19th, 2008, 06:33 PM
Rolf, so basically you're saying you are too lazy eh? Well with that attitude Dane, you should just stop while your ahead, I mean you have to take initiative to do something as hard as an argument. I mean if you quit while the going gets tough, why bother Dane, you really disappointed me...
Dude, some of those words gave me serious De Ja Vu, no idea from who though.
No seriously, what the fuck are you on about?
December 21st, 2008, 05:03 PM
Guys, there are only so many combinations of notes that can be played. This is a stupid argument in many cases. Do you know how many popular songs in the last 10 years are complete ripoffs of Pachelbel's Canon? Here is the note sequence: png
Or another common variant: C-G-Am-Em-F-C-F-G
I can name at least 20 songs that use this same chord progression, whether it by guitar, violin, etc. Google it. Black Eyed Peas, Green Day, Vitamin C, Oasis, the list goes on and on. Every artist has a song that uses this note sequence. Are all of these songs just ripping off Pachelbel's Canon? In a way, yes. Should they pay royalties or considered plagiarists? No, that's stupid. And so is this story. It's absolutely ridiculous that an artist can "claim" a tune and then no one again can make something that sounds similar to it without being called a plagiarist.
Here is a funny video ranting about this fact:
That would be the case if 1# the progression WAS common(which it's not)
2# if the timing wasn't like spot on, and 3# if the feel and ryhthm weren't so simular..
I'm not arguing that alot of people use COMMON chord progressions in alot of pop music(G C A Am D Dm E ect..) but these are FAR from commonly used open chords, or barre chords..
It's hiighly unlikely that they "accidently" copied sooo many things to make thier sound so simular..
It's just not possible..
December 23rd, 2008, 11:08 PM
But why would anybody be so stupid as to not change it to make it sound different?
December 24th, 2008, 04:39 AM
Contraversy sells?
And they did "change" one chord that sounds exactly the same, just a different chord, same sound..
December 24th, 2008, 08:40 PM
I can mostly hear a simillarity here... in the lyrics with a section of his guitar.
"I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world"
Thats the only part I'd say is really copying, but it could always be coinsedence cuz its not in the unstrumental its in the lyrics mostly I think plus the differences in intruments being used. I doubt this will win, but it still makes me look at them differently especially because of how much they sound like U2 in most of there songs.
December 24th, 2008, 09:06 PM
Rolf, so basically you're saying you are too lazy eh? Well with that attitude Dane, you should just stop while your ahead, I mean you have to take initiative to do something as hard as an argument. I mean if you quit while the going gets tough, why bother Dane, you really disappointed me...
Dude, some of those words gave me serious De Ja Vu, no idea from who though.
Shut up.
December 24th, 2008, 09:54 PM
I can mostly hear a simillarity here... in the lyrics with a section of his guitar.
"I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world"
Thats the only part I'd say is really copying, but it could always be coinsedence cuz its not in the unstrumental its in the lyrics mostly I think plus the differences in intruments being used. I doubt this will win, but it still makes me look at them differently especially because of how much they sound like U2 in most of there songs.
Just stop now, so many things wrong in that post.
December 25th, 2008, 04:32 PM
I can mostly hear a simillarity here... in the lyrics with a section of his guitar.
"I hear Jerusalem bells a ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror, my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can't explain
Once you go there was never
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world"
Thats the only part I'd say is really copying, but it could always be coinsedence cuz its not in the unstrumental its in the lyrics mostly I think plus the differences in intruments being used. I doubt this will win, but it still makes me look at them differently especially because of how much they sound like U2 in most of there songs.
Read the entire thread next time...
I've already made all the points I can, if you don't take the time to read them, or ignore the obvious..that they indeed did steal the basis of the entire song, then there's nothing I can really do...
Fan boys will ALWAYS ignore the truth to save face of some crappy band..
December 25th, 2008, 04:51 PM
So apprantly this British band that I have recently heard about is being accused of stealing like 5 notes from a song?
I really don't see the point here. I mean come one, only brain dead morons would decide its "okay" to take the rhythm of a song that was made by one of the most well know guitarists. Something Coldplay(?) is not. You have to consider that people can come up with similar rhythms all the fucking time, ever since time began. Some people do "steal" song from other people, others just happen to think alike. My opinion is neutral here, becuase either one of them can be proven wrong. Until some solid evidence is shown here (EX: a secret confession etc.) Im not siding with anyone.
My 5-3 cents.
December 25th, 2008, 07:06 PM
December 26th, 2008, 04:58 PM
Ok so the fact coldplay is second in grammies only to lil wayne shows something of the quality of their music :downs:
December 26th, 2008, 07:54 PM
Ok so the fact coldplay is second in grammies only to lil wayne shows something of the quality of their music :downs:
I'd go to a Deadmau5 concert than a coldplay/lil wayne concert ANY DAY. Or Boys Noize.
December 26th, 2008, 09:15 PM
What does that have to do with anything really?
December 29th, 2008, 12:18 AM
Read the entire thread next time...
I've already made all the points I can, if you don't take the time to read them, or ignore the obvious..that they indeed did steal the basis of the entire song, then there's nothing I can really do...
Fan boys will ALWAYS ignore the truth to save face of some crappy band..
Just cuz I have that stupid caption in there from when I first heard this song doesnt mean Im a coldplay fanboy, so your accusation on that part is wrong, I like them, but not that much, and I didn't read the whole thread but you already knew that, sorry, I guess I'll go back to my little hole since the internet is such serius business nowadays; its only serious when certain people say it is.
...killa, still the same... its conquer2090 btw not that u even remember me or give two shits but whatever.
Normally I don't post without reading threads or at least I used to but that was before the 10+ page arguements on modacity that are just post upon post of people basically saying "I'm right" "no I'm Right!" "No your wrong, I'm Right" it gets old and I don't have time for stupid jarga like that. So I usually just examine the actual thread topic then post based on that. This is because the majority of whats being said within the actual thread is bandwagon posts or trolls/flames/sarcasm most of the time, which I could care less about, the sarcasm is even more annoying its like trying to decipher a code.
And I garauntee someones gonna call me out here and say something mean to me for no real reason or maybe tell me that this shud be a PM or something stupid like that, sorry if I don't like everyone thinking I'm a coldplay fanboy but wait... internets not serious anymore right why shud I care, then whats the point of me listening to any of you other than the mods.
I'll wait and see if they actually go to trial over this, then I'll make my judgement. Till then I don't really care about whats been said within this thread except for the actual topic and I figured I'd just make some minor observations while I'm here, my bad...
Happy Holidays :party:
What does that have to do with anything really?
See what I mean... xD
English Mobster
December 29th, 2008, 03:33 AM
Hell... I'd rather see Jonas Brothers in concert before I'd see a Lil Wayne or Coldplay concert... :gonk:
THAT'S saying something.
Also, side note: I'd rather see Coldplay or Lil Wayne in concert before I'd see a Hannah Montana concert. Then I'd die from the triple whammy of crappy music.
December 29th, 2008, 01:23 PM
Hell... I'd rather see Jonas Brothers in concert before I'd see a Lil Wayne or Coldplay concert... :gonk:
THAT'S saying something.
Also, side note: I'd rather see Coldplay or Lil Wayne in concert before I'd see a Hannah Montana concert. Then I'd die from the triple whammy of crappy music.
Go get sober and come back before you post something like that again. Seriously dude, I'd never put myself in the position where I had to choose Jonas Brothers, Hannah Montana, or Lil Wayne.
December 29th, 2008, 02:53 PM
Ok well do you even KNOW who Joe Satraini is mr Apoc?
Why the biased view when the evidence is RIGHT in front of you.
They're song is OBVIOUSLY at LEAST inspired by Satch...althooo they claim it isn't?
Sounds like theft. Case closed.
December 29th, 2008, 06:29 PM
Ok so the fact coldplay is second in grammies only to lil wayne shows something of the quality of their music :downs:
Also why the fuck is this still being debated? The chance of a band writing a song that sounds directly like another even within 30 years of each other is a feat, let alone just 3 years.
They ripped it, whether or not they had Joes tune in their head when they played this song, accidentally didn't realize they were inspired, they were. Somehow they ripped it. They know it too.
December 29th, 2008, 07:47 PM
Ok so the fact coldplay is second in grammies only to lil wayne shows something of the quality of their music :downs:
I guess whats why Zeppelin, Zappa, and Floyd have the most grammi- oh wait :(.
December 29th, 2008, 08:05 PM
who is joe satriani?
and why do you people care about coldplay? they fucking suck.
December 29th, 2008, 10:48 PM
Selling your soul, doesn't make you a great musician..the grammy defense is plain retarded..
Coldplay sucks, and are just a puppet of the music industry, making crappy music that gets record sales, and grammy nominations..
Do some research kidos, you'd be amazed by what a real musician looks like
December 30th, 2008, 01:27 AM
Joe Satriani is one of the most fucking kickass musicians I've ever had the pleasure of knowing about but Coldplay's music isn't as bad as a lot of people think it is. The sound is different going from album to album and if you listen to a lot of their songs, they're pretty good. I dislike a a good few of them, though.
December 30th, 2008, 11:11 AM
Coldplay were on T4 this morning showing off their new single, Chris Martin says "Its my favourite coldplay song ever, I love the original chord progression", I couldnt help but laugh, I have no idea if its stolen or not, but surely he must be careful what he says when hes beging accused like he is.
The song sucked by the way.
December 30th, 2008, 12:02 PM
Doesn't take a whole lot to be called a musician nowadays.
December 30th, 2008, 02:15 PM
Coldplay were on T4 this morning showing off their new single, Chris Martin says "Its my favourite coldplay song ever, I love the original chord progression", I couldnt help but laugh, I have no idea if its stolen or not, but surely he must be careful what he says when hes beging accused like he is.
The song sucked by the way.
What song?
December 30th, 2008, 09:58 PM
What song?
I'm pretty sure it was Lost!
December 31st, 2008, 12:30 PM
I'm not a big fan of Lost! or Lost? (Piano Version). Lovers in Japan (Acoustic) is my favourite track of the entire album. (It was only available to users who pre-ordered the album on Itunes). The Extended Play, Prospekts March isn't too bad either. The only 3 songs I listen to on it though are Postcards from Far Away, Glass of Water, and Prospekts March. The others are good but not too appealing to me.
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