View Full Version : [HELP]/ [APP]HCE V3.0.3

December 7th, 2008, 05:21 PM
Hey everyone, I have not forgotten about my app. I completely redid the GUI and every line of code so far. I had some people ask me to add stuff like the string list editor (which is almost working: cant save).That has not been re added to new Version though. Also i have received several people asking to implement guerrilla into the app and have an in game window like sapien.

First off ill show pictures then Ill ask this community the questions i have.
I know it looks similar to my beta pictures but once you see the how it functions you will notice a big difference.

Note: I have added where you can choose themes Black: default, blue and silver

Everything Is done in tab functions unlike before you where stuck with what you got.

Sorry I took the picture while it was under debug. But it still works.
As you can see it added another tab at the top when you clicked on the Image on halo tools tab. Also you can right click on the list and activate all, refresh or deactivate all.

I have combined the external tool functions and put them in my program. It will display compiled information in the textbox on the right side

Same as the Map Manager you can click on the list of maps and refresh current map list. add map. delete map . Create server list, and launch server as well. Sorry MOTD was not implemented when i took the picture it is there though.


Still in works are the scripts. Need to find Icons for each function and put stop code so someone doesnt put more than 1000 cameras in the script

Alright you seen my Beta V3.0.3.
To those programmers here. The new additions that several people have asked are my questions. I would like to know how to basically get guerrilla in visual studio's. I tried to look the code but it does not have a clr header so i could not access it.

I AM USING VISUAL STUDIO 2005/2008 (c#/ VB.net)
:) I code in both... So it does not mater which language you tell me.

Also if anyone is good at making icons please IM/ Email me.

HTML HEK Tutorial is still going. Not updating on the web just yet.

December 8th, 2008, 05:37 AM
On the last picture I'm just wondering why it is (sleep wootage) isn't it meant to be a integer?

How would you like to implement Guerilla into you application? Do you want it so your application is the parent and guerilla sits within it?

Also nice app :haw:

December 8th, 2008, 07:14 AM
Idk Ill Check that out. I just randomly typed something so ill have someone that know scripts check it for me. On guerilla i would like to replace it but launching it with my app wouldnt be to bad either.

December 8th, 2008, 07:33 AM
Whenever I use the sleep command I have always used an integer, the only way I can see your way working would be to have something like (global short wootage 50) at the top of the script. Then sleep would always be 50 and would not allow the user to enter their own initial value.

I have some old VB code I found a while ago when I was trying to do something similar to what you're trying to do, I'll try and find it and PM you with it.

December 8th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Recreating Guerilla would take a lot of time, especially if you have no knowledge about tags. You would have to go and map out every tag, which is time consuming as it is, then program a system to read the tags. And that does not even include the code you would have to write in order to have the user be able to edit the tag. So yea, it is not worth it in my opinion.

Still in works are the scripts. Need to find Icons for each function and put stop code so someone doesnt put more than 1000 cameras in the script
Why would you limit the amount of functions someone can add? You can add as many as you want if you do it normally, without the use of your program. A smart user would know not to do something stupid like that. Spend your time on something more useful than limiting the user's input, when it won't affect anything at all.

December 8th, 2008, 01:06 PM
This looks like a very handy lil tool!
I'm likin the script editor, and the tool GUI..
I might havta mess around with this a bit, once it's released :)

December 8th, 2008, 02:31 PM
Well the reason why i limit it is so my program doesnt crash. My version 2 can make as many as you want. When i ran the program with around 1500 cameras it lagged up for a min or two. Ya, ill most likely leave it as is where you can choose what version of sapien and guerrilla you want and open a new window. Ok I almost got it working i just need to get the header for the file. If someone would not mind explaining it or tell me a link to figure out the header.