December 19th, 2008, 02:56 PM
Ohh my god.
Edit: someone sent me this video basically google has a new policy where there going to censor jewtube, I shouldnt have posted teh video :< more info is that there is going to be a blackout today of all jewtube video crap. so people dont use jewtube for anything.
anyone who can find a nice article that gives more info gets a large cookie. what google is going to censor is videos that use profanity such as fuck and shit etc. this inpeads our freedom of speech.
The purpose of this video is to raise awareness of the new policies that YouTube has implemented such as algorithmic demotion of videos that contain profanities. These policies will no doubt remove our freedom speech on YouTube because the policies are so vague that they could be used to demote any video that YouTube personally doesnt like. What is profanity? What is sexually suggestive? Just about anything could fall into those categories depending on the person doing the judging. YouTube is now admitting that they will fiddle the view counters on such videos in order to keep them out of the most-viewed lists, regardless of how popular the videos actually are. However, I know for a fact that theyve been fiddling the view counters ever since Google took over YouTube. The only difference now is that theyre admitting it while trying to justify it. A video that I uploaded two weeks ago received 55 honors within the first few hours of it being uploaded. Then, in one fell swoop, YouTube removed every single honor, even though the video had only been up on YouTube for 18 hours. The removal of these honors meant that the video no longer appeared in any of the lists. The video contained no profanity and no sexually suggestive content, yet Google took it upon themselves to remove it from all of the lists.
It is clear that Google is turning YouTube into nothing more than an extention of daytime mainstream television. Google wants a YouTube that is completely sanitized of true human expression. They want a YouTube that suits their advertisers not you and me - the users. This shows where Google priorities lie. And it is laughable that they are trying to con us into believing that they making all these changes in order to make YouTube better for us. They dont listen to us at all. In YouTubes recent blogs that detail the changes they have made, they have received over 10,000 negative comments from people complaining about all the mad changes they have made. These changes include removing the bulletin boards from our channels, stopping us from sending videos to more than one person at a time, and demoting videos that YouTube considers to be profane. Anything can be considered profane if you choose to see it as profane. Lets face it, the whole thing is nonsensical and Google knows it! But they dont want to back down because they dont have the guts to admit they are wrong, and of course, their allegance is to their advertisers and not their users. YouTube has removed a lot of the negative blog comments and they've now set the comments to "Approval Only". Total Cowards!
So what can we do when Google doesnt respond to our complaints? Well we have to do something, and the easiest way to send a huge message to Google by boycotting every product they provide this includes their search engine, email, maps, etc, etc. We should also stop using YouTube from December 19th to 21st. I will personally not use YouTube for at least a week from Dec 19th.
If you value your freedom of speech and expression, and you want a fair and democratic YouTube, as it was before Google took it over, then please join us in the YouTube Blackout this Friday Dec 19th
Edit: someone sent me this video basically google has a new policy where there going to censor jewtube, I shouldnt have posted teh video :< more info is that there is going to be a blackout today of all jewtube video crap. so people dont use jewtube for anything.
anyone who can find a nice article that gives more info gets a large cookie. what google is going to censor is videos that use profanity such as fuck and shit etc. this inpeads our freedom of speech.
The purpose of this video is to raise awareness of the new policies that YouTube has implemented such as algorithmic demotion of videos that contain profanities. These policies will no doubt remove our freedom speech on YouTube because the policies are so vague that they could be used to demote any video that YouTube personally doesnt like. What is profanity? What is sexually suggestive? Just about anything could fall into those categories depending on the person doing the judging. YouTube is now admitting that they will fiddle the view counters on such videos in order to keep them out of the most-viewed lists, regardless of how popular the videos actually are. However, I know for a fact that theyve been fiddling the view counters ever since Google took over YouTube. The only difference now is that theyre admitting it while trying to justify it. A video that I uploaded two weeks ago received 55 honors within the first few hours of it being uploaded. Then, in one fell swoop, YouTube removed every single honor, even though the video had only been up on YouTube for 18 hours. The removal of these honors meant that the video no longer appeared in any of the lists. The video contained no profanity and no sexually suggestive content, yet Google took it upon themselves to remove it from all of the lists.
It is clear that Google is turning YouTube into nothing more than an extention of daytime mainstream television. Google wants a YouTube that is completely sanitized of true human expression. They want a YouTube that suits their advertisers not you and me - the users. This shows where Google priorities lie. And it is laughable that they are trying to con us into believing that they making all these changes in order to make YouTube better for us. They dont listen to us at all. In YouTubes recent blogs that detail the changes they have made, they have received over 10,000 negative comments from people complaining about all the mad changes they have made. These changes include removing the bulletin boards from our channels, stopping us from sending videos to more than one person at a time, and demoting videos that YouTube considers to be profane. Anything can be considered profane if you choose to see it as profane. Lets face it, the whole thing is nonsensical and Google knows it! But they dont want to back down because they dont have the guts to admit they are wrong, and of course, their allegance is to their advertisers and not their users. YouTube has removed a lot of the negative blog comments and they've now set the comments to "Approval Only". Total Cowards!
So what can we do when Google doesnt respond to our complaints? Well we have to do something, and the easiest way to send a huge message to Google by boycotting every product they provide this includes their search engine, email, maps, etc, etc. We should also stop using YouTube from December 19th to 21st. I will personally not use YouTube for at least a week from Dec 19th.
If you value your freedom of speech and expression, and you want a fair and democratic YouTube, as it was before Google took it over, then please join us in the YouTube Blackout this Friday Dec 19th