View Full Version : So I had this weird dream...

December 28th, 2008, 07:53 PM
Basically, every video game I've played recently showed up in some form or another, which is strange because I usually never dream about vidya, unless I'm playing them.


Anyways, I start out playing Banjo-Tooie. Winnie the Pooh, the villain, is ordering me to go find boots, a shirt, a jacket, and a hat that all have Santa colors. I oblige.

I'm not sure exactly how this transition happened, but I end up in a Bioshock setting with my wrench out. I'm on a platform which is moving towards a ledge, but there's this gate rising up preventing me from crossing. I use my Reverse Time power from TimeShift, which keeps the platform in place but lowers the gate, and I disembark. Looking to the right, I help my woman partner (who just appeared now, and, oddly enough, holds absolutely no resemblance to anybody I actually know) off her platform, and we end up embracing for no real reason.

Leading her down the corridor to my left, I... am not sure what happened next. I'm drawing a blank here.

After the aformentioned mystery, transition into me being challenged to some board game by Winnie the Pooh (plot twist!). I win, I go free (from what, I'm not sure). I lose, I die. Anyway, he says that me and my opponents (a white tiger doll, a blue teddy bear, an old lady, and him) need to seperate into teams of two. Me and my woman partner quickly establish our position, Pooh teams up with the old lady, and the tiger and bear dolls come together. However, Pooh decides he'd rather be with Baird from Gears of War, and the old lady ends up with Cole.

A few minutes of preparation. Everybody except Pooh is around a large conference table, and we're discussing how Pooh has given every person the same conditions as myself. After a few words, we're brought out into this grassy place and begin.

Pooh and the old lady (Baird and Cole are gone, and the original teams are back, curiously) begin by summoning a large explosion, which kills the white tiger, knocks the HP of both me and womanpartner to 42, and leaves the blue tedddy bear standing with full health. Blue teddy bear attacks Team Pooh and halves their HP. We attack Team Pooh, but miss. Then, Pooh heads straight for me and launches this little green beam which kills me.

Things look dire. I'm forced into a spectator position as nothing else happens, when all of the sudden, womanpartner turns the tables by launching into some song about chickens with no teeth. Everybody dies except her. My team wins, but before anything can happen, I start to slip back into the real world.


Any psychiatrists want to tell me what the fuck all that meant?

Pyong Kawaguchi
December 28th, 2008, 07:57 PM
ITS OVER 9000!!
But SEriously, lol

December 28th, 2008, 07:58 PM
.....what happened to marcus?

December 28th, 2008, 08:13 PM
Wow, I wold be able to tell you, but haven't studied dreams and sleeping patterns in my course yet. Interesting though. :)

December 28th, 2008, 08:28 PM
ITS OVER 9000!!
But SEriously, lol
would you kindly shut the fuck up? keep your unfunny memes to yourself, and don't blurt them out any time you wish out of context. it's not funny, you're only making yourself look like more of a failure than you actually are.

also, reminisce about any past video games prior to that dream?
A dream is just the brain's way of sorting out the thoughts prior to sleeping anyway.

December 28th, 2008, 08:41 PM
Oh my God. :lol:
BTW, chickens normally don't have teeth. :raise:

December 28th, 2008, 08:53 PM
xD this is a god send...

You know what this dream means, your going to make the "God Video Game" it incorporates every form of gaming perfectly together, FPS RTS RPG, and CooP play, its also going to probably sound like complete nonsense too but its going to end up being better then halo or something.

Or it'll just be some strange video game that sits on the shelves everyone looks at and avoids playing in fear of losing there sanity to winnie the pooh playing board games with them.

At any rate, this dream calls for a celebration :highfive:

Thats all I got... tbh.

December 28th, 2008, 08:53 PM
would you kindly shut the fuck up? keep your unfunny memes to yourself, and don't blurt them out any time you wish out of context. it's not funny, you're only making yourself look like more of a failure than you actually are.

also, reminisce about any past video games prior to that dream?
A dream is just the brain's way of sorting out the thoughts prior to sleeping anyway.

Well, somebody had to say it. :rolleyes:

That happened to me for a little bit and it just stopped. I have the most random dreams then ANYBODY here, like you just can't beat my dreams.

December 28th, 2008, 09:01 PM
Anyways, I start out playing Banjo-Tooie. Winnie the Pooh, the villain, is ordering me to go find boots, a shirt, a jacket, and a hat that all have Santa colors. I oblige.Xmas.

I'm not sure exactly how this transition happened, but I end up in a Bioshock setting with my wrench out. I'm on a platform which is moving towards a ledge, but there's this gate rising up preventing me from crossing. I use my Reverse Time power from TimeShift, which keeps the platform in place but lowers the gate, and I disembark. Looking to the right, I help my woman partner (who just appeared now, and, oddly enough, holds absolutely no resemblance to anybody I actually know) off her platform, and we end up embracing for no real reason.BioShock's theme and the random woman partner could collectively represent loneliness and a yearning for a new (why she wasn't recognizable) and meaningful (why you embraced) relationship.

Leading her down the corridor to my left, I... am not sure what happened next. I'm drawing a blank here.K...

After the aformentioned mystery, transition into me being challenged to some board game by Winnie the Pooh (plot twist!). I win, I go free (from what, I'm not sure). I lose, I die. Anyway, he says that me and my opponents (a white tiger doll, a blue teddy bear, an old lady, and him) need to seperate into teams of two. Me and my woman partner quickly establish our position, Pooh teams up with the old lady, and the tiger and bear dolls come together. However, Pooh decides he'd rather be with Baird from Gears of War, and the old lady ends up with Cole.Representation of social groups. The inclusion of the Gears is probably a modeled change in the aforementioned groups.

A few minutes of preparation. Everybody except Pooh is around a large conference table, and we're discussing how Pooh has given every person the same conditions as myself. After a few words, we're brought out into this grassy place and begin.Taking the last paragraph's explanation, how everyone has, on some level, a common ground, no matter what the group. This is probably something you've observed once in your life if I'm on to anything.

Pooh and the old lady (Baird and Cole are gone, and the original teams are back, curiously) begin by summoning a large explosion, which kills the white tiger, knocks the HP of both me and womanpartner to 42, and leaves the blue tedddy bear standing with full health. Blue teddy bear attacks Team Pooh and halves their HP. We attack Team Pooh, but miss. Then, Pooh heads straight for me and launches this little green beam which kills me.Battle of the "classes". Baird/Cole's disappearance might be a bit on commitment (or the lack thereof).

Things look dire. I'm forced into a spectator position as nothing else happens, when all of the sudden, womanpartner turns the tables by launching into some song about chickens with no teeth. Everybody dies except her. My team wins, but before anything can happen, I start to slip back into the real world.Probably just a sped up closure to let you wake up.

Just guessin'.

December 28th, 2008, 10:59 PM
y thank u good sir

While dreams, in their nature, are rather nonsensical, this one stuck out in particular in that, for one, I'm able to recall most of it; two, there was a definite resolution to whatever conflicts were set up (my other dreams tend to play out like unfinished stories); and three, it was FRIGGIN' CRAZY.

Still, while the yearning for a new and meaningful relationship part is probably true, sometimes board games turned RPG battles between Winnie the Pooh, stuffed animals, and old ladies are just that, instead of a symbolic representation of my subconcious thoughts on class warfare.

But hey, who knows.:iiam:

Although, if I wrote this shit down in a more sensible fashion, I could make a killing with a book series.

December 28th, 2008, 11:06 PM
Its from the drug abuse.

December 29th, 2008, 05:55 AM
.....what happened to marcus?
I think it's quite obvious. He WAS Marcus :OOOO

December 30th, 2008, 02:53 PM
But hey, who knows.:iiam:

I think thats the point. Much like the interpretation [or even just the definition] of poetry or art, interpreting dreams or a mind in general [uneducated opinion btw] is a highly subjective thing with little absolute value. It's like reading the commonplaces they call horoscopes and while doing so, reconsidering the day so far and trying to predict how it will procede in order to rearrange ones mind to gain some meaning from the vague phrases of a horribly outdated [as far as i know the ones that are widely used are approx. 2000 years behind wich means all the zodiacs are technicall incorrect] horoscope. I couldn't tell the difference between a "correct" interpretation of a dream or some random statements plausible enough to convince you to alter your concepts of the world, your psyche etc. according to them.
Such interpretations wouldnt even have to come from someone else, they could be your own "conclusions" just as well.


Here be Dragons
I may be drifting into to hurfdurf/BS now, but given that the world is an almost infinitely complex system of intertwined actions and reactions and reactions retroacting on their own causes, and given that the mind is part of this system, even ones own interpretation may never be 100% true as complete self-realization of consciousness would imply that a reaction becomes it's own cause and thus either ejects itself out of the system or branches off into a completely new deterministic "universe"