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View Full Version : PCSX2 finally reaches 1.00!

December 31st, 2008, 03:39 PM
Pcsx2 Playground is the first 1.00 release of Pcsx2 and from what I've seen its at least twice as fast as 9.4.

I've been playing Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies at 25 to 30 frames per second and I can run Shadow of the Collosus at 15 (a little to slow to play but hey its still cool)
I can also run Gran Turismo 3 at 45 FPS but a control glitch keeps if from being playable.

Check it out HERE (http://www.pcsx2.net/)
Also heres the list of all compatible and runnable games showing how well they run http://www.pcsx2.net/compat.php?c=key

December 31st, 2008, 03:58 PM
:o Awesome!

Wrong forum though, duder.

December 31st, 2008, 04:00 PM
Well I couldn't decide if this was off topic of tech talk. Since tech talk is generally hardware related. Yeah I'm retarded don't worry.

December 31st, 2008, 04:01 PM
everytime i used the last version, it would always crash when i first loaded a game, maybe this one will work

E: and this may get locked, because using this for games you don't own is illegal, which isn't allowed here

December 31st, 2008, 04:04 PM
I own Ace Combat 4, Gran Turismo 3, Jak 2, Jak 3, Burnout 3 and Shadow of the Colosus. My Ps2 broke many many years ago though. The drive failed and it would not read game any more.

December 31st, 2008, 05:08 PM
Very awesome, thanks for posting this!

December 31st, 2008, 05:14 PM
What exactly is that supposed to be?

December 31st, 2008, 05:17 PM
It's a ps2 emulator. Most ps2 emulators are ridden with fps lag, but apparently the newest version of this emulator produces pretty decent frame rates.

December 31st, 2008, 05:42 PM
It does have a lot of bugs still and it only works with about 50% of games but its still quite :awesome: and it's letting me replay a game that I loved back in the day.

December 31st, 2008, 08:12 PM
It's a ps2 emulator. Most ps2 emulators are ridden with fps lag, but apparently the newest version of this emulator produces pretty decent frame rates.
Why can't people make ps3 ones?

December 31st, 2008, 09:10 PM
Why can't people make ps3 ones?

I read somewhere once that it takes a lot more processing power to run a game on a PC than a console. Like say a PS2 emulator would only run on a system thats atleast 2x as good as a PS2 or something like that. May or may not be totally true.

December 31st, 2008, 09:20 PM
Looks pretty awesome, happy to see they have GTA as playable in the newest build :awesome:

Well I couldn't decide if this was off topic of tech talk. Since tech talk is generally hardware related.
Not exactly...

Video games, tech support, cool devices - put all your tech-related discussion in here.

December 31st, 2008, 10:21 PM
Also you guys act like u don't have any roms u haven't owned befor. I look at it like renting a game.......minus the rent price, due dates, and late fees :-3

EDIT: No Ace Combat 5: Unsung war? :fail:

January 1st, 2009, 12:25 AM
I read somewhere once that it takes a lot more processing power to run a game on a PC than a console. Like say a PS2 emulator would only run on a system thats atleast 2x as good as a PS2 or something like that. May or may not be totally true.Not reallllly

You could take a lot of these games, make a PC version, and really optimize the hell out of them and they'd purr on older machines.

The problem is you're not directly associating with the hardware.

To use an analogy... lets say you go to McDonalds and order a burger.

Now lets say you go to Japan, go to McDonalds, and order a burger... you'd need a translator to talk to the salesperson.

It certainly took more time didn't it? You needed someone to translate your request into something the clerk could understand.

Now if you were taught Japanese... you could ask for a burger no problem. {{analogous to making a PC version of the game}}

It's not that the PC is slower... it's that the game is asking for crap the PC doesn't have... so you need to have a middle-man do the translation into crap it does have. Worse still, that middleman uses CPU time. Worse still, that middleman might redirect videocard calls to the CPU... for instance. (It's possible there's simply no way to do a specific call in DirectX or OpenGL... so it falls back to the CPU.)

Sure... there is a bit of speed the consoles have because it's specific hardware and a lack of a big beefy OS in the middle. But those are pretty minor compared to the actual speed you lose trying to translate PS2 code into something a PC can understand.

January 1st, 2009, 08:45 AM
EDIT: These hobbyists working for completely free to make something awesome didn't do exactly what I was hoping for? :fail:


January 1st, 2009, 07:56 PM
Great. Your cool. Thanx for twisting my words around into a completely different meaning.

January 1st, 2009, 08:12 PM
Because spending thousands of hours to play like, 5 games isn't worth it.

E: was in response to "why not make ps3 one"

January 1st, 2009, 08:23 PM
Yeah seriously. What makes you think a PS3 emulation software is going to work if the PS2 emulation still has major issues.

January 1st, 2009, 08:26 PM
Great. Your cool. Thanx for twisting my words around into a completely different meaning.

Sounds to me like you were using a :fail: emote because the game your free game wasn't compatible with this free emulator.

January 1st, 2009, 08:32 PM
Sounds to me like you were using a :fail: emote because the game your free game wasn't compatible with this free emulator.

First I own Ace Combat 5, Second I never said I didn't appreciate THEM. :fail: that they don't have the game there at all. Third no one would even get this emulator if it wasn't free so don't word it like I'm unappreciative.

January 1st, 2009, 08:37 PM
First I own Ace Combat 5, Second I never said I didn't appreciate THEM. :fail: that they don't have the game there at all. Third no one would even get this emulator if it wasn't free so don't word it like I'm unappreciative.

It's not like you made that abundantly clear in the first place, no need to get your panties in a bunch over the internets

EDIT: No Ace Combat 5: Unsung war? :fail:

January 1st, 2009, 08:44 PM
I'm not angry I'm just saying don't word my intentions wrong.

January 1st, 2009, 09:45 PM
I find it funny that Burnout 1 and 2 run perfectly fine but burnout 3 and 4. (The ones I actually own) Crash on start up. Guess I'll have to wait till a more stable version to play them.
What I'm really looking forward too is when Jak 2 and Jak 3 become playable. Those were the game I <3'd back in the day.

January 1st, 2009, 11:03 PM
zommggg this is awesome! finally I can play all those damn PS2 games that have collected dust for 2 years in my closet.

January 1st, 2009, 11:40 PM
I read somewhere once that it takes a lot more processing power to run a game on a PC than a console. Like say a PS2 emulator would only run on a system thats atleast 2x as good as a PS2 or something like that. May or may not be totally true.It takes a lot more processing power to run a game on a PC through an emulator. If the game is natively coded for PC, then it'll run fine. Basically your computer runs a fake game console, which in turn runs the game. Running a game on an emulator is a little like trying to look through two telescopes at once. It doesn't really work as well as if you were just using the one telescope that was made for the distance you were trying to view.

January 1st, 2009, 11:43 PM
But the fact that a PC is running a emulation of a game console once again proves our leet superiority to the noob console gamers.

January 2nd, 2009, 01:10 AM
But the fact that a PC is running a emulation of a game console once again proves our leet superiority to the noob console gamers.Actually what confuses me is why people have no problems with consoles in general.

In the movie industry... a much larger industry... had a problem with VHS vs Beta... and HD-DVD vs BluRay... and yet somehow the videogame market accepts a 7-way split between the DS/PSP/PC/Xbox360/PS3/PS2/Wii.

Sure, a gaming PC costs more than a videogame console. However -- you already have a PC... and the DIFFERENCE in cost between are REGULAR PC and a (decent) GAMING PC is LESS than a console.


How many consoles do you actually own of those listed above? (More than 1? More than 2?)


Games cost 10$ more for the systems than it does for the PC version ((Licensing fees))


You can connect a PC to a TV... AND put controllers on it.

This console thing just confuses the heck out of me to be entirely honest. It's legacy from the day that camps actually were relevant. Open standards prevail... just roll over and die consoles. Share the pie...

January 2nd, 2009, 01:35 AM
Fuck yeah, looks like i can dust off that PS1 disc wallet and start playing some old classics again :D (my psx also died many years ago)

Tekken 3 here I come :D

January 2nd, 2009, 02:27 AM
Dane, if you want a PSX emulator, this won't work. For a PSX emulator check here:
http://www.epsxe.com/ ;)

January 2nd, 2009, 02:35 AM
This console thing just confuses the heck out of me to be entirely honest. It's legacy from the day that camps actually were relevant. Open standards prevail... just roll over and die consoles. Share the pie...
Actually, I'd rather spend ~200 to 300$ on a console which has games developed for that specific hardware and will be guaranteed to work along with hundreds of other games til end time than have to spend THOUSANDS on a high end pc with all the components needed to run specific games so they look good and have to upgrade every single freaking year or so with new hardware, new middleware (DX, PhysX, etc) and new OSes which may break the game from even running, never mind the config you have with your PC.

Whats the point? Guaranteed fun with no hassel. Just hit the power button and boom, game time. Not hit the power button, wait for it to boot, enter user info (if required), wait for it to login and load w/e startup crap you have, then find the cd (if not already in the tray) load the game, then have it crash because whoops, you just upgraded some driver and awwww, somewhere along the line it just fucked with what environment the game expected to be operting in. damn.

January 2nd, 2009, 06:56 AM
Actually, I'd rather spend ~200 to 300$ on a console which has games developed for that specific hardware and will be guaranteed to work along with hundreds of other games til end time than have to spend THOUSANDS on a high end pc with all the components needed to run specific games so they look good and have to upgrade every single freaking year or so with new hardware, new middleware (DX, PhysX, etc) and new OSes which may break the game from even running, never mind the config you have with your PC.

Whats the point? Guaranteed fun with no hassel. Just hit the power button and boom, game time. Not hit the power button, wait for it to boot, enter user info (if required), wait for it to login and load w/e startup crap you have, then find the cd (if not already in the tray) load the game, then have it crash because whoops, you just upgraded some driver and awwww, somewhere along the line it just fucked with what environment the game expected to be operting in. damn.^This.

January 2nd, 2009, 12:43 PM
If you can't wait 5 minutes to load a game on your PC you have a problem. Not your PC. Generally most people leave it on anyway so that's not even a problem.

Hell I can load CoD4 and be playing just as fast as I can find a match on XBL.

And about the driver thing. That only happens occasionally and its not very hard to fix. 15 minutes on google finding drivers is not bad.

January 2nd, 2009, 01:02 PM
this is awesome. my sister abducted my ps2 and her room is such a sty that the contacts on the A/V cables actually rusted. she also lost the power cable.
will this emulator run games from a disk?

January 2nd, 2009, 01:26 PM
If you can't wait 5 minutes to load a game on your PC you have a problem. Not your PC. Generally most people leave it on anyway so that's not even a problem.

Hell I can load CoD4 and be playing just as fast as I can find a match on XBL.

And about the driver thing. That only happens occasionally and its not very hard to fix. 15 minutes on google finding drivers is not bad.

I have to wait 30 min for my pc to start up because my retarded brother throws fits and turns off the surge protector with the red switch on it, and that causes everything to go off. Now it takes that long. Also, I don't have the richest parents, so I'm not getting a very nice graphics card that's capable of playing unreal engine and cry engine games super-well. And if I even wanted a nice graphics card, I would probably need a new motherboard and definitely need a new PSU, so the cost would pile up.
And being that my dad doesn't trust most places that aren't major retailers or he hasn't heard of (because he a fucking hard head and nothing goes through his skull), the graphics cards are very overpriced.

January 2nd, 2009, 02:14 PM
@ Donut, Yes you can run games off of virtual (emulated) drives or physical (real discs) drives.
@ Mad killer, PC gaming is always going to cost more that console gaming but it also has its benefits.

BTW just beat the shit out of your brother when he turns off the power. It works for me.

Wait... didn't you used to be 007useless?

January 2nd, 2009, 04:12 PM
Sorry Wanksta, but I don't know a single person who plays more than like 3 games a year who doesn't have PC problems at LEAST once every two weeks.

January 2nd, 2009, 04:27 PM
You must know some unlucky people. Once I've installed a game I almost never have a problem with it. The only time I've ever had a problem was with Oblivion but after a GFX driver update it ran fine and it still does.

January 2nd, 2009, 04:38 PM
Actually, I'd rather spend ~200 to 300$ on a console which has games developed for that specific hardware and will be guaranteed to work along with hundreds of other games til end time than have to spend THOUSANDS on a high end pc with all the components needed to run specific games so they look good and have to upgrade every single freaking year or so with new hardware, new middleware (DX, PhysX, etc) and new OSes which may break the game from even running, never mind the config you have with your PC.

Whats the point? Guaranteed fun with no hassel. Just hit the power button and boom, game time. Not hit the power button, wait for it to boot, enter user info (if required), wait for it to login and load w/e startup crap you have, then find the cd (if not already in the tray) load the game, then have it crash because whoops, you just upgraded some driver and awwww, somewhere along the line it just fucked with what environment the game expected to be operting in. damn.
Uh, no... that's all wrong.

1) A PC can last about as long as a typical hardware generation (3-5 years).

2) Again you already have a PC... and if you're spending thousands in components you're doing it wrong.

Typical PCs bought today for ~600$ (an average consumer-level home PC) just need a ~200$ videocard to allow it to run games for the next 3-5 years on medium/high settings.

3) Play and Tray and other "console-esque" features {controllers, split screen} could *easily* be implemented on the PC.

4) You didn't pay 500$ to play all the games for a hardware generation... you paid 500$ to play all the games for a hardware generation that are assed to come out on your console.

If you want to play, for instance: Little Big Planet, Mario Galaxy, and Halo 3... you just spent 1300$. You could get a bunch of nice videocards for 1300$. That wouldn't happen if they all chose a platform. The only way that'll happen is if it's an open platform as NEC and Sega proved via Sony and Microsoft respectively.

5) When a driver fails... you update it online... when a 360 fails... you stick it in a cardboard box and wait 2 weeks...


I just counted up my Xbox and 360 games... and Microsoft got 260$ in licensing fees from me... + a few (4) years of Xbox live (55$/y x 4yrs = 220$). That's ~480$. That's 2 videocards {{1 9800GT costs 210$ from a local small business... free assembly + BFG's full warranty}} extra in 4 years... I could buy a new videocard every 2 years with the money I wasted on licensing fees and Xbox Live. {{Excludes accesseries and other stuff... just simply game fees and XBL}}

And for those who invariably say "But I don't want to assemble my computer". You don't need to because most small businesses assemble for free. The most I've seen charged is 35$ for a complete system build. If you buy from Alienware... you kinda had it coming.

January 2nd, 2009, 07:27 PM
Not every 600 dollar PC can be upgraded with a 200 dollar graphics card because they might be bottlenecked by crappy hardware or if the PSU is insuffiencient for an upgrade like that. And where I live there aren't any PC small businesses.

January 2nd, 2009, 07:29 PM
Not every 600 dollar PC can be upgraded with a 200 dollar graphics card because they might be bottlenecked by crappy hardware or if the PSU is insuffiencient for an upgrade like that. And where I live there aren't any PC small businesses.Which would change if consoles disappeared o.O

January 2nd, 2009, 07:33 PM
Which would change if consoles disappeared o.O

Which it never will because: (insert cliched rant about rampant piracy ruining PC gaming here).

January 2nd, 2009, 07:35 PM
Which it never will because: (insert cliched rant about rampant piracy ruining PC gaming here).Which is crap and I could make a long long rant why :p

January 2nd, 2009, 07:48 PM
Which is crap and I could make a long long rant why :p

Do it. Tell me. :D

I've never had a driver problem with my computer. All my problems I can say I caused it.

The big thing that PC's have over any console: Backwards Compatability. Now, when we get some decent-res Plasma TV's THEN we'll be talkin'

January 2nd, 2009, 08:13 PM
Do it. Tell me. :D

I've never had a driver problem with my computer. All my problems I can say I caused it.

The big thing that PC's have over any console: Backwards Compatability. Now, when we get some decent-res Plasma TV's THEN we'll be talkin'

What do you mean "backwards compatibility"? Just about anything the PC can do, the console can also do, like how a PS3 can now be upgraded with a 500 GB HDD. And wouldn't people need a beefy PC (which a lot of people don't have) to be able to smoothly play games on a big plasma TV? Hell, is there even a need for PC gaming? Consoles are more PC like than ever now.

January 2nd, 2009, 08:53 PM
What do you mean "backwards compatibility"? Just about anything the PC can do, the console can also do, like how a PS3 can now be upgraded with a 500 GB HDD. And wouldn't people need a beefy PC (which a lot of people don't have) to be able to smoothly play games on a big plasma TV? Hell, is there even a need for PC gaming? Consoles are more PC like than ever now.Great idea, instead of giving an open platform a monopoly, give a closed platform a monopoly.

Here's one thing PCs can do that consoles cannot... have decisions made by someone other than the platform owner.

Sony now let you upgrade your harddrives. Microsoft has not... What happens if Sony decides they don't want to anymore either? Well you either give up videogames or you live with it.

Then what happens with the next compromise?
The next one?
The one after that?

It's never smart to turn something into a zero-sum game and give someone the monopoly on it.

To DWood -- Basically I'm too lazy to write it all out and search for sources and stuff... but it's all about DRM being mostly to stop Used Game sales, or to blamed failed projects on -- rather than having to own up to being idiots to their investors. Also, the numbers are grossly inflated because of how they are typically worded.

January 2nd, 2009, 10:03 PM
What do you mean "backwards compatibility"? Just about anything the PC can do, the console can also do, like how a PS3 can now be upgraded with a 500 GB HDD.

And wouldn't people need a beefy PC (which a lot of people don't have) to be able to smoothly play games on a big plasma TV?

Hell, is there even a need for PC gaming? Consoles are more PC like than ever now.

1st: Uh... Can you play Super Mario World for SNES (which you previously
purchased over ten years ago) on your wii without buying it again (legally)?
No. I can play my doom from the same era, however on my PC today, as well as many other games (original C&C, starcraft) without having to go through a pawn shop to find the out-dated system just so I can play the game.

I would rather have my PC more like a game system than my Game system more like a PC (kind of like: would you rather talk to a moderate liberal or a moderate conservative?)

2nd: (Fun fact!) No, they wouldn't, actually [myth]. They would need a beefy plasma to run a computer at something higher than 1024x768 or whatever it is. Most game systems run less than half that without hd capability.

There's less of a need for console gaming than PC gaming. We can use our wii remotes on PC, we can play our old games etc. And now that we can start plugging our computers to T.V.'s I see a new generation of gaming coming up.

@ Phop. I agree. I have the same problem with iTunes: You lose your music and that's the end of it. More people need to learn Impulse and Steam without outmoding Brick and Mortar stores.

January 3rd, 2009, 01:57 AM
I think he was referring to most home PCs not having good videocards...

Which, as I stated, is where the difference of ~200$ comes in.

Most PCs I've seen sold these days have Core2/high X2 processors at the very least, 2+GB of RAM -- simply add a videocard (and boost the powersupply depending on who you bought it from) and you're set. ((Assuming they gave you a PCIe slot of course)).

Those computers are plenty fast enough to run games.

If only more people bought their computers from reputable small businesses o.O

January 3rd, 2009, 10:56 AM
I think he was referring to most home PCs not having good videocards...

Which, as I stated, is where the difference of ~200$ comes in.

Most PCs I've seen sold these days have Core2/high X2 processors at the very least, 2+GB of RAM -- simply add a videocard (and boost the powersupply depending on who you bought it from) and you're set. ((Assuming they gave you a PCIe slot of course)).

Those computers are plenty fast enough to run games.

If only more people bought their computers from reputable small businesses o.O
Reputable? I had to go a long way to find something like that and they charge me 50 dollars just for installing an OS. :mad: I don't even think a 200 dollar GPU would fit in some of those small assed cases the major vendors use.

January 3rd, 2009, 12:55 PM
Reputable? I had to go a long way to find something like that and they charge me 50 dollars just for installing an OS. :mad:

If you don't like it do it yourself. And the 50 dollars is probably to pay for the OS. And video cards are not that big. Seriously.

January 3rd, 2009, 01:30 PM
That and there ARE some ripper-offers out there. But most of the ones I've seen were not.

Like I've seen our Campus computer store (not quite small business but hey) try to sell a Xeon for 30,000$ (MSRP 1100$)

It's buyer's beware as usual... but at least, from what I've seen, the majority of small businesses are legit. Alienware/etc you know will rip you off.

January 3rd, 2009, 03:13 PM
Cyberpower.org I heard was really good. The computer they sell there are high end at 600 dollars.

January 3rd, 2009, 03:25 PM
It's actually cyberpowerpc.com

They look pretty good.

The benefit of small businesses though -- is they can help you when it breaks. But if you don't have any... what Cyberpower sells APPEARS to be reasonable.

January 3rd, 2009, 03:27 PM
G4tv said they were good but we are talking about G4 so who knows.

Hold on... When did this turn into a PC vs Console thread?