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View Full Version : HSWMvista - Halo Star Wars Mod

March 20th, 2007, 10:01 PM
Over two years ago I began a long journey on creating a Star Wars themed halo map. It started as a simple map that contained a full scaled Star Destroyer (1.6 Km) a full scaled Millennium Falcon that can hold 16 Passengers, Tie Fighters and X Wings. The models, textures and tags were accomplished over a year ago. In the very beginning I have had one man helping me throughout this project, WarpAssassin. Warp has handled the tags, sapien, BSP development etc. Unfortunately things with WarpAssassin has slowed down extremely, caught up with life and other things leaving HSWM on hold for a long time.

We both have agreed the new home for HSWM belongs to Halo2Vista. Our team is in need of some animators (for Vehicle Hijacking), texture creators (I do have all the textures created but there is always room for more and I am going to need help creating bumpmaps for all our vehicles for the H2 engine). Our team will also need another modeler besides myself, we pushed the models and polygons to HaloCe's limit, but with H2 there will be room for more detail. Along with the extra detail to the models, this map was designed to be played in Halo, changes may need to be made to the BSP to better fit Halo 2 game types.

Below is a video walk through of our StarDestroyer along with some video of our vehicles.

If anyone is interested in a position on this team please contact me.
Please don't link any other message boards to this video. This is not a WIP demo video I want everyone to view. It is only intended to be viewed by this website and people interested in helping out with the project.

Forgive the large file size of the video 88MB. This video isn't meant for show, there is no music and if you are hoping for a exciting map preview this is not the movie for you.

March 21st, 2007, 09:13 AM
i believe I tried to help you guys out with images and stuff awile ago, but you guys stopped working on it...

March 21st, 2007, 01:38 PM
The project has never stopped, until now. I have always been busy with the projects textures and models. I have created over 150 Custom textures for the BSP and vehicles. We have had our slow moments but this is the first time where no progress has been made by either Warp and I.