View Full Version : Query concerning tool compile error with cutscenes

January 8th, 2009, 07:02 AM
The scenario I am trying to compile is actually TheGhost's Blood Gulch scenario, if this has any significance. After adding a simple cutscene with just one point, I attempted to compile the scenario. I was subsequently faced with this message:

Failed to read data file header sounds

The rest of the compilation appeared to go without a problem and at the end, it said the cache file was successfully built. However, the final map file does not appear in the maps folder. I have run this a number of times, and even tried removing the cutscene data, all to no avail. Although I have become a little rusty on map construction due to a long hiatus, I have reviewed the basic process and don't believe I am making any mistakes in terms of procedure. Is there something I am missing here? I would appreciate any help on this matter, and Happy New Year to all.

January 8th, 2009, 07:19 AM
Did you have halo running when you built this cache file?

January 8th, 2009, 02:15 PM
Haha. No i didn't. Thanks for checking. What else could be wrong?

teh lag
January 8th, 2009, 02:19 PM
-C+P all of Tool's output here.

-Try renaming the scenario.

-Open process manager, make sure nothing else is accessing the map or scenario.

It's also possible that a tag (from the looks of it, a sound?) is corrupted.

E : Ctrl+f'd that in tool (I keep a copy of it renamed to a .txt for times like this), it does indeed seem like a sound tag is corrupted. I'd try to find out what sound tags would have been recently modified and replace them.

January 8th, 2009, 03:29 PM
Here's exactly what shows up in the cmd window.
I guess this means I'm going to have to go through each bit of sound on the map... If it helps any, this is almost exactly what I downloaded off of TheGhost's rip found on hce.halomaps.org.
(Just wanna say that I'm only using it cause my computer doesn't want to use HEK+ properly :P)

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\Mine>cd c:\program files\microsoft games\halo custom edition
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition>tool build-cache-file level
Couldn't read map file './toolbeta.map'
Failed to read data file header sounds
culling uncompressed model vertices...done
culling uncompressed structure bsp vertices...done
culling uncompressed model animation data...done
building predicted resources for structures...done
structure bsp 'levels\test\gulch\gulch' is 1.42M
tag headers and names are 0.19M
streaming model vertex and index buffers...done
streaming tags........................done
writing vertex and index buffers...done 6.87M
writing tags...done (2461 tags for 5.11M)
total tag size is 6.53M (16.47M free)
compressing 26.98M...done
successfully built cache file.
Cache pack file bitmaps hits: 868 for 40.65M
Cache pack file bitmaps adds/misses: 36 for 2.17M
Cache pack file sounds hits: 0 for 0.00M
Cache pack file sounds adds/misses: 666 for 11.61M
Cache pack file loc hits: 104 for 0.22M
Cache pack file loc adds/misses: 0 for 0.00M
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Halo Custom Edition>

Thanks for the suggestions so far.