View Full Version : Inspirational Video
January 11th, 2009, 12:54 AM
This may and most likely will rub against some people the wrong way, but it's not an attack, but a message.
It's long but it's worth it.
the man hits so many nails on the head and he does it without trying to discredit the other guy or put him down.
Good vid and i suggest you check it out.
Please watch all the way through before posting.
January 11th, 2009, 01:43 AM
I watched it entirely through and I agree with pretty much all that he says. I especially like how he went about talking to the kid/and everyone else. Very straightforward.
January 11th, 2009, 02:37 AM
I wonder what he's on. >.>
Nice to see somebody being upfront. Kinda wonder why he looks like he's on the verge of crying a lot of the time.
January 11th, 2009, 04:55 AM
One of the most pompous pricks I've ever seen in my life. Both of them.
In this vid he may have a lot of answers but he just comes off as a huge dick saying them. Wasted about 20mins of my life watching this bullshit, wasn't inspired.
January 11th, 2009, 05:31 AM
To respond to someones opinion with your own, trying to undermining the other opinion using your opinion as basis for judgment while actually being self righteous about that opinion, while also being on the topic of opinion and freedom of that said opinion, this is is probably the biggest hypocritical thing I can think of someone doing.
This guy seems like the kind of person who has to go right out of his way to prove people wrong, someone who always has to win, someone who is always right, which is ironic because hes arguing about right of opinion, using his own thus creating a jaded disposition of himself, which makes him superior wrong in this case.
He seems to think hes got the cure when hes dishing out the poison.
All I saw was a guy trying to boast his subjective superiority over a kid who's obviously too stupid and brainwashed to know what he is or what he's talking about. He says the kids opinion doesn't matter to him, yet he made the video.
January 11th, 2009, 06:44 AM
you can take it that way if you want dano, or you can take it as a plea or a cry out for common sense and for people to actually take control of their beliefs, instead of being controlled and manipulated by them.
He's also a stand up comedian so thats why hes a bit eccentric sometimes.
Too many people think they have the answer yet no one asks the questions, thats whats the fundamental flaw is here, and thats why this is important. People need to think for themselves but it's always going to be ironic because some people need to be TOLD initially to do it.
You ever worked with someone that never did anything unless you specifically told them what you wanted done step by step, rather then constructive critical thinking? of course you have, i know your brother.
but once people break that first barrier is when the magic happens.
Reaper Man
January 11th, 2009, 07:25 AM
Epic rage. I love this guy :awesome:
I've been saying shit like this for years.
January 11th, 2009, 11:52 AM
"What would you say if I told you god didn't exist" :pause:
"I wouldn't give a shit, becasue what you say is irellevant to me"
I don't even have to watch the rest of this video, it already made my dat lmao.
E: 32 thousand denominations of christiantiy, this is why I never joined a religion... doesn't mean I don't believe in god.
E2: rofl... "poo on god"
E3: If I could ask this guy one question or bring up one point to him, it would be, What would happen if you died tomorrow, and found yourself floating into the sky and saw a big white orb of light talking to you, and he said "Do you know who I am". What then? I'd probably reply, the fucking aliens but thats besides the point /humor...
Thats my only point I make or will ever make againsts aetheists... and thats why I'm an Agnostic, but by my own definitions means I just believe in some form of a higher power or some god of some form, that I may oneday meet. If he does exist, at least I never said he doesn't exist, and if he doesn't well, big deal, no real time wasted since I don't follow religion anyways right.
I will give him this though. "It takes a weak coward to bow down and worship a god" or how ever he said it, its true, the only reason I believe in any form of god is because of religion and what my parents have told me and what everyones told me. The fear of not believeing. The idea that if you don't believe in a god, you'll be punished when you die. The way I see it though I figure I lose nothing just saying I believe in him, in the end its just easier to say he exists than to go completely against it, and if u die and hes not there, then oh well.
January 11th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Well overlooking the literal points he made, he seems like an interesting person. He sure had his share of suffering in life and I admire those who cope with it their own way. Maybe such persons aren't exactly "god" as the kid put it, but they sure are artists.
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