View Full Version : Mario & Luigi 3 (JPN Name)

January 11th, 2009, 01:25 PM

Ive played the first one (Superstar Saga) and the second one (Partners in Time). I am looking forward to this game.

Spoilers (I wouldnt count them as is, but you know how sensitive people are these days...)

1. The graphic styles are the same as Partners in Time, and apparently so is the battle system.
2. It looks like Bowser is a playable character now.
3. Fawful and the Shroobs are apparently back, due to a sighting of them within the trailer. I have no idea if this is true, but it is likely. Rumors say that Fawful and the Shroobs team-up to defeat the Mario Brothers.
4. There are new enemies, bros attacks (Including Bowsers attacks), and supposedly new items.

http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_&_Luigi_RPG_3 (lazys can look in the spoiler below)

Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (tentative title, Japanese Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!!) is the upcoming third title in the Mario & Luigi series (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_%26_Luigi_series), for the Nintendo DS (http://www.mariowiki.com/Nintendo_DS)[1] (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_&_Luigi_RPG_3#_note-0). It was confirmed on October 2 at the Fall 2008 Nintendo Conference and is currently slated for release Feb. 11, 2009 in Japan[2] (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_&_Luigi_RPG_3#_note-1), and April 1, 2009 in America.Plot

It is currently thought that the story takes Mario (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario) and Luigi (http://www.mariowiki.com/Luigi) across the Mushroom Kingdom (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mushroom_Kingdom) to solve the mystery of and find the cure for the Metakoro disease (http://www.mariowiki.com/Metakoro_disease), which causes its victims to swell to huge sizes. At one point, Bowser (http://www.mariowiki.com/Bowser) also tries to kidnap Princess Peach (http://www.mariowiki.com/Princess_Peach), but he fails. In a second attempt, he uses something called a "Lucky Mushroom (http://www.mariowiki.com/Lucky_Mushroom)" which gives him the ability to inhale everything. He uses this ability to eat Peach, along with Mario, Luigi, Toadbert (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toadbert), and a yellow Bob-omb (http://www.mariowiki.com/Bob-omb)-like character. As seen in a screenshot, Mario and Luigi must escape from his body. It seems that Bowser can be controlled as the same time as the Bros., so that when Bowser does something (like drinking in a fountain), there will be an effect inside his body (for example, when Bowser drinks, his body is flooded.)
It is also speculated that Fawful (http://www.mariowiki.com/Fawful) may be an antagonist in this game, since some enemies bear a resemblance to him. The Flying Saucers (http://www.mariowiki.com/Flying_Saucer) featured in the trailer have green domes (instead of the purple of Shroob Saucers (http://www.mariowiki.com/Shroob_Saucer),) and are speculated to belong to Fawful. Looking closely at these UFO-like devices will reveal what appears to be a pair of bluish spectacles, similar to the ones Fawful wears. Also, at one point in the trailer, Bowser is seen chasing a blurry green and red figure riding a flying device. However, it also speculated that the green and red figure could be Prince Peasley (http://www.mariowiki.com/Prince_Peasley).
There are also some kind of iron walls visible on a screenshot with a map. Due to their purple black and red color scheme, it is speculated that the Shroobs (http://www.mariowiki.com/Shroob) could also return. However, in the prequel (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_%26_Luigi:_Partners_in_Time), it was thought that all Shroobs were destroyed by baby tears. Because the black part of the wall is star shaped, it could also be a Ztar (http://www.mariowiki.com/Ztar)-like wall.

The trailer shown at the conference did not reveal much of information, but one could see a giant spherical Toad (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toad_%28species%29) rolling on the screen, Mario (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario) and Luigi (http://www.mariowiki.com/Luigi) using a Green Shell (http://www.mariowiki.com/Green_Shell) on a green bug-like enemy, and Bowser (http://www.mariowiki.com/Bowser) using Fire Breath (http://www.mariowiki.com/Fire_Breath) on two tree-like enemies.
Battles seem to have changed little, with Bros. Items (http://www.mariowiki.com/Bros._Items) making a return. Bowser also has a system of attack items. A new element has been added to battles, a meter at the bottom of the screen with Mario and Luigi's heads on it. It is currently unknown what purpose this meter serves. Additionally, there are now six categories of attack during battle, as opposed to Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_%26_Luigi:_Partners_in_Time)'s five, or Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario_%26_Luigi:_Superstar_Saga)'s four. No details about the sixth type of attack are known. It appears to be a brown sphere and a white sphere, but that is not certain.
Overworld icons have slightly changed. They now display the health of the character. Bowser uses two buttons in the overworld, X to punch, and Y for firebreath.
It is also possible that Bros. Items and Bros. moves have been merged, or that Bros. attacks will return, since in one image, below the HP number there is a second number next to a Green Shell icon. Also, Mario and Luigi use a Bro Flower in the trailer, and are seen to change into their fire suits.
The Japanese title of the game is Mario & Luigi RPG 3!!!, with a silhouette of Bowser's head behind the "3" in the title logo. It is possible that, like in the two preceding games, the title of the game will be related to the gameplay. It is currently speculated that the three exclamation points reference the three playable characters.


Mario (http://www.mariowiki.com/Mario)
Luigi (http://www.mariowiki.com/Luigi)
Bowser (http://www.mariowiki.com/Bowser)


Princess Peach (http://www.mariowiki.com/Princess_Peach)
Toadsworth (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toadsworth)
Toadbert (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toadbert)
A new yellow bomb-like character with a lit fuse on its head.
Kamek (http://www.mariowiki.com/Kamek)
Toads (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toad_%28species%29)
There are speculations that Fawful (http://www.mariowiki.com/Fawful) or Prince Peasley (http://www.mariowiki.com/Prince_Peasley) will appear in the game, but they are unconfirmed.


A new type of Shy Guy (http://www.mariowiki.com/Shy_Guy)
Goombas (http://www.mariowiki.com/Goomba) (An enemy to Mario and Luigi. Bowser uses them in battle)
Koopas (http://www.mariowiki.com/Koopa) (An enemy to the Mario Bros. They obey Bowser)
A new Goomba (http://www.mariowiki.com/Goomba)-like species that is pink-orange with black eyes (in Bowser's Stomach)
A round dumpy creature that looks like a Flurry (http://www.mariowiki.com/Flurry) and holds a club (in Bowser's Stomach)
A Treasure Chest with Banjo (http://www.mariowiki.com/Banjo)-Kazooie (http://www.mariowiki.com/Kazooie) like eyes
Two different types of trees with eyes.
Spinies with normal spiky shell but goop-like body with blue-green color (in Bowser's Stomach)
An insect creature that resembles Fawful.
A Monty Mole (http://www.mariowiki.com/Monty_Mole)-like creature with a resemblance to Fawful.
A living piece of meat (http://www.mariowiki.com/Meat) (In Bowser's Stomach).
A blue Blooper (http://www.mariowiki.com/Blooper).
A Giant Goomba.


http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/5/52/GiantToadThing.png/120px-GiantToadThing.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:GiantToadThing.png)
A Toad (http://www.mariowiki.com/Toad_%28species%29) affected by the Metakoro disease.

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/7/77/GreenBugThing.png/120px-GreenBugThing.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:GreenBugThing.png)
Mario and Luigi fighting a green bug creature, with a face resembling Fawful's.

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/0/06/TreeThings.png/120px-TreeThings.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:TreeThings.png)
Bowser fighting two tree figures.

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/5/5c/BattleML3.Jpg/80px-BattleML3.Jpg (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:BattleML3.Jpg)
Mario and Luigi fighting unknown enemies. They seem to have some resemblance to Fawful.

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/d/d3/ML3overworld.png/80px-ML3overworld.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:ML3overworld.png)
Some infected Toads in a hospital resting. The text box says "Mr. Mario, please help (us.)"

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/9/91/ML3-Bowzer-%27n-Mario%27s.png/80px-ML3-Bowzer-%27n-Mario%27s.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:ML3-Bowzer-%27n-Mario%27s.png)
Top Screen: Bowser drinks in a fountain.
Bottom Screen: Mario and Luigi in Bowser's body, near a bone resembling a Thwomp (http://www.mariowiki.com/Thwomp).

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/d/d4/FawfulorPeasley.JPG/116px-FawfulorPeasley.JPG (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:FawfulorPeasley.JPG)
Bowser chases a strange green figure, who is speculated to either be Fawful or Prince Peasley.

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/9/99/GreenandRedRPG3.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:GreenandRedRPG3.png)
Close up and focus on the strange green figure. (Sorry guys, when copying this over it didnt resize the pic.)

http://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/0/0b/Bowser_ML3.png/109px-Bowser_ML3.png (http://www.mariowiki.com/Image:Bowser_ML3.png)
Artwork of Bowser.

IGN's Article, which was originally made by Famitsu:

January 14, 2009 - Mario and Luigi are returning to the 3/4 overhead view in less than a month as Mario & Luigi RPG 3 (http://ds.ign.com/objects/142/14286429.html) hits Japan on February 11. Just ahead of the release, Famitsu has provided an update on the game in its latest issue.

This third RPG adventure for gaming's most famous mushroom-eating plumbers kicks off with the residents of the Mushroom Kingdom gathering to discuss what to do about a disease that's spreading throughout the kingdom. Koopa, under the control of an even more villainous villain called Gerakowitz, shows up and sucks everyone into his belly.

You play Mario & Luigi RPG 3 on both screens. The top screen shows Koopa as he adventures through the Mushroom Kingdom in an effort to extract revenge on Gerakowitz. The bottom screen shows Mario, Luigi, Yellow Star, and the other Mushroom Kingdom residents as they attempt to work their way out from within Koopa's belly.

Following Luigi and Mario's tear-filled reunion inside Koopa's belly (Luigi does actually cry!), the two explore the innards of their former rival, stumbling upon other Mushroom Kingdom residents who offer valuable information and will even open up shop to sell handy items. Also hanging around waiting to lend assistance is the mysterious Hemoglobin, a yellow block-like character who seems to know his way around Koopa's insides and will offer valuable assistance.

The two sides of the adventure have effects on one-another. Mario and Luigi can pinch nerves to send Koopa into a panic. Even though he's the one who sucked them up, it turns out that Koopa doesn't know that Mario and Luigi are inside him. The two can also touch a muscle to make Koopa power up.

On the other side of things, Koopa can send enemies at Mario and Luigi. As you advance through the game, Koopa will gain the ability to use a "Vacuum" attack during battle. When using this attack, enemies will sometimes be sucked into Koopa's belly, where Mario and Luigi will have to deal with them on the spot!

The main battle systems for both Koopa and the plumber brothers appear to be similar to the action-heavy offerings of past Mario & Luigi titles. You tap buttons to perform attacks. In the case of the plumbers, A makes Mario attack, with B making Luigi perform a followup.

By searching through Koopa's body, you can now find special Attack Parts, which can be used to create new special attack skills for the characters to use. An example is "Sweet Basket," which has Mario toss a giant Luigi, all puffed up from eating too much candy, at enemies.

Outside of the main battle system, you'll also find a special Koopa-only battle system, which pits a giant Koopa against equally sized foes. During these battles, you hold the DS in book form. Sweeping the stylus across the screen makes Koopa do a mega punch against his foe. Breathing into the mic makes Koopa do a flame attack.

We're still a bit confused as to how the multiscreen gameplay setup will work, but with a wacky premise and the humor for which the series is known, we're certain Mario & Luigi RPG 3 will be a total blast. Expect full impressions to come once the Japanese version sees release in a few weeks.

Release Date:
(JPN) February 11th, 2009
(ENG) TBA 2009 (April 1st, 2009?)
(PAL) Summer 2009

So yeah, whats your opinion on this game?

January 11th, 2009, 01:38 PM
Looks like Paper Mario. At least they're including Luigi this time in a hopefully non-sucky game.

January 11th, 2009, 01:42 PM
Looks like Paper Mario. At least they're including Luigi this time in a hopefully non-sucky game.

Did you see any of the previous two games in this series?

The game is pretty much Paper Mario meets Super Mario RPG, with a focus on using Mario and Luigi effectively as a team on the world map to solve puzzles, and in battle to defeat enemies.

January 11th, 2009, 02:06 PM
I really should play Partners in Time. I loved the first one. Just need to buy a DS (read: steal my gf's DS)...

January 11th, 2009, 02:12 PM
The first mario and luigi was excellent. Never played the second. Mario bros ftw

January 11th, 2009, 04:19 PM
Usually, all of the Mario RPGs are full of win and I absolutely loved the Paper Mario series... I'll probably check this out. :)

January 11th, 2009, 05:24 PM
How was paper mario 3? I heard it was different.

January 11th, 2009, 05:32 PM
it was a platformer with rpg elements, as opposed to the original which was an rpg with platformer elements

January 11th, 2009, 09:01 PM
How was paper mario 3? I heard it was different.
i have to say, while i enjoyed playing through it, it doesnt hold up to the other 2 at all. there isnt much (if any) witty humor that the first 2 had, and the story line isnt very strong.
the gameplay is basically like the original mario bros in that you get points for jumping on things. these points are used as EXP. get enough and you level up, although i cant really remember anything that you gain from a level up other than HP, since there are no special moves. i dont think there are badges either.
all in all, its a decent game, but its so different from the other 2 that the only reason its called paper mario is that there are alot of paper elements to it

enjoy thousand year door while it lasts because its going to go downhill from there

January 11th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Superstar saga was probably one of my favorite GBA games. Partners in time was fail sauce IMO, but that is very biased because I got to the final boss and figured out it was insanely impossible for me... I think it was princess shroob. Not sure.

Probably will buy it any way.

January 12th, 2009, 09:28 AM
I played through like 75% of both of these but never finished either of them... now I CBA'd to finish them and I don't want to play a second sequel without all the backstory D:

January 12th, 2009, 10:35 AM
I played through like 75% of both of these but never finished either of them... now I CBA'd to finish them and I don't want to play a second sequel without all the backstory D:

75% of the game is enough to know what's going on (at least, in Superstar Saga). The rest is the standard make-your-way-through-the-final-boss's-castle-with-a-multitude-of-mini-bosses-until-you-reach-the-final-epic-battle-and-complete-whatever-objective-it-was-that-you-set-out-to-do-in-the-first-place.

January 13th, 2009, 03:25 PM
Posted new info, take a look!

January 14th, 2009, 03:58 PM
Oh fuck yes.

January 14th, 2009, 09:49 PM
So here is a story about me playing M&L Partners in Time:

I was playing the English version of the game, because I havent played it in forever. Then i thought: "Hay, if I have CycloDS (A homebrew card for the NDS) I can just get the Japanese version of the game and maybe see new things" So I put it on meh card and played it in Japanese.

Let me tell you, nothing different really. What kind of made me surprised is this:

1. Some of the characters who actually have a voice actually speak the same as in the English version. Meaning, Baby Bowser says "Oh no!" in the Japanese one, the same thing in English.

2. I tried a couple of glitches (mainly battle skip and "Baby Shine Forever") and they didnt seem to work. Although it could of been me, so I wouldnt jump the trigger yet.

All I found for now.

In other news, 1st post has been updated with the American Release (Take it with a grain of salt, because it COULD be a joke (The date is April 1st, most commonly, and mostly known as April Fools Day.)

Also, IGN posted a article about the M&L RPG 3 Battlesystem. I put it in the first post.

January 15th, 2009, 05:03 AM
So here is a story about me playing M&L Partners in Time:

In other news, 1st post has been updated with the American Release (Take it with a grain of salt, because it COULD be a joke (The date is April 1st, most commonly, and mostly known as April Fools Day.)

Also, IGN posted a article about the M&L RPG 3 Battlesystem. I put it in the first post.
I should rip that to my R4DS. I've got the original one in my GBA loader.

January 15th, 2009, 07:59 PM
New screenshots have been released. Here is the website to view them.


February 15th, 2009, 05:57 PM
Hello all, I bring this thread back from the dead to bring News and SPOILERS.

The news is I completed the game (What a awesome game.) It was a bit hard for me to read and understand what to do (due to having no idea of the japanese language)

The game was fun, and tried to bring back the good old SNES version (Super Mario RPG: The Legend of Seven Stars) minigames, however they are aggravating as hell >:P

To clear things up:

There are no shroobs. Only Fawful.


The beginning of the story has the meeting with Princess Peach's council, and herself. A bomb-omb like figure (smaller) comes up and presents him/herself as "Chippy". He/She joins the meeting. The Mario Brothers come to the castle after getting a call from Toadswerth. As they reach the meeting hall, they have a small talk. Luigi, during the meeting, falls asleep.

Bowser comes in, wanting the princess...again. Mario gets the Princess and Toadswerth to safety, and proceeds to fight Bowser. This fight is a tutorial lesson.

After the fight, Peach uses her "levatiating powers" to fling Bowser out of the castle. Bowser wakes up in a forest with his Magekoopa, and ventures out deeper into the forest.

Upon reaching a small shop not that far away from where he landed, he heard a laugh coming from the shop's direction. He gets this mushroom, called the "Lucky Mushroom" and eats it. He then gets the ability to inhale everything. In the process, the shopkeeper, aka Fawful, takes control of his mind.

Bowser, controlled by Fawful, proceeds to inhale everyone inside Peach's Castle. The Mario Brothers then have to find the council and Peach, while being in Bowser Stomach for practically 2/3's of the game.

While in Bowsers body, you play as Bowser and the Brothers. Bowser has no idea he had inhaled everyone in the castle. Moving on.

In Bowsers body, at certain times of the game, you will have to complete a "minigame" which composes of from pumping Bowsers muscles, to make him sneeze, and etc.

The objective from inside Bowsers body (As told later on in the story) is to get the "3 Star Orbs" (Unable to correctly name the Orbs, just calling them that.) because Fawful has taken the "Ztar Orb" (Again, cant read Japanese) and has put "Ztar Doors" blocking Peach's Castle entrance.

Once you get all 3 Orbs, you get a Star which removes the Ztar Doors. You proceed to have a fight the Ztar Orb itself, after it eats 3 genes of Bowsers DNA. It eats his strength, his Firebreathing ability, and his spiked shell. You fight and defeat the orb, but the Ztar spirit is reborn, as Bowsers Spirit. You then fight againest Fawful, in a "Ztar Form". You defeat him, and he gets turned into a Black ball. However, he is still alive. The Ztar Spirit inhales Fawful, and turns into a real person!

The Ztar Bowser (Some people call him Shadow Bowser) goes on top of Peach's Castle, begins to spread the Ztar influence and inhale everything too. Bowser fights him with the most epic song for the M&L Series. He defeats him and Fawful, and destroys the Ztar Spirit with the help of the Mario Brothers.

The ending comes up after Fawful blows up, and everyone gets thrown out of Bowsers body. Bowser is furious to find out the Mario brothers were in his body doing all the stuff inside him. He fights Mario and Luigi, and...

Its over. The last bit shows Bowser getting a present from Peach, and him opening the Present. What was inside was a cake. It has Peach, Mario, Luigi, and a Bowser face.

And thats all there is to tell you.

Also, if you going to comment the spoiler, put your response in a spoiler too.

Edit: This is the Final Boss theme I uploaded, it was only a minute and 25 seconds long, so I extended it. Here is the youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsVUeGqCC9o

I couldnt use the [youtube] tags for some reason.

February 15th, 2009, 06:30 PM
Fawful is great. I HAVE FURY!