View Full Version : [GALLERY] ICEE's valiant attempts
January 17th, 2009, 01:55 AM
I wanted to be cool too, so heres my gallery/ portfolio. A lot of these renders are of out of date animations, but I figure thats the point of a portfolio, to show how i've improved and changed. So heres my shit.
First shit
This is literally the first anim I ever made (
Old shit
M6c2 magnum animations (publicly released this weapon, can be found on halomaps)
reload (
ready (
Ma5dgl animations (also publicly released)
This thing is basically just an assault rifle wiht a crappily modeled and textured grenade launcher attachment. (
functions in game too (
Covenant carbine anims (with my own retarded twists, and the h2 arbiter fp rig.)
Reload (
Ready (
Gravity hammer. (bad) unwrap and (bad) textures by me. Model by donut.
and diffuse (
This is why im not a skinner :( but hell I tried.
CMT's spiker
Reload (
Won't be used in CMT's mods, I just had the model so I felt like practicing.
New Shit
Sigma weapons:
Striker (
Model by geo
Melee (
reload (
Model by Moses
Sigma assault rifle anims ( by donut)
Sigma SMG reload (model by donut, textures by veex (
Recon smg reload (tweeked sigma smg model) (
Battle rifle reload ( (model by geo and malloy)
G36c reload ( model by.. someone. Im honestly not sure where i got this. The fp rig is cod4s.
Smith and Wesson 500 (¤t=sw500.flv)the model and skin are by snaf. Now, i know someone is going to bitch, so im going to say this now. I know that during firing and reload the cylinder doesn't spin, and in the reload the same shell is stuck in the same hole and dissappears. Now, this is something I solve with an ammunitions animation. This makes the game automatically spin the cylinder and remove/add the bullets, but it isnt visible in the render. So please don't get on me about that.
This isn't even nearly half of my total anims, but I think these are probably my coolest ones
Cod4 p90 model and fp rig, i animated them to the best of my givadamn.
I did something semi-new, a single shot animation annnnd a full auto fire anim, showing rise due to recoil and everything. also did some ironsight "zoom" animations. enjoy
Halo 3 M6G animations I dun did.
And since youtube decided to cut off my vid in the last few milliseconds, here is a gif of the reload.
more of my nonsense
This is cod4's R700 model and skin. I searched for an m24 model. This is what I got.
This one is CMT's smg model and fp rig. It won't be used in the mods, but I made it anyways.
NS2000. Modeled by a guy named thelama from CDG.
I fucked up snafs smith and wesson 500 model to make it a top break. Woops
Elite spear animation, my first (¤t=Iamreadyforbattlemylord.flv)
CMT's sniper rifle
Strength through boredom. M16a2 + glock animations
Didn't get a lot of crit, so posting this here too for the sake of this being a fuller collection.
Engie is the best class, if you disagree you are wrong.
January 17th, 2009, 12:04 PM
Bahdadada I'm lovin' it. damn im hungry now
January 17th, 2009, 12:08 PM
thanks. yeah I don't know what the deal is with some of the gifs not looping.. Will fix it later
January 18th, 2009, 12:17 AM
Is the striker and the reaver from that brute shot variants concept?
January 18th, 2009, 12:27 AM
Good stuff....
teh lag
January 18th, 2009, 06:57 AM
Something your style seems to be lacking overall is a certain amount of rigidity - it's starting to develop (especially in the Striker, which I think is your best anim posted) but it needs to be more pronounced. Maybe rigid isn't even the right word... definition would also work. Your anims just often seem to be free-flowing from place to place without any real purpose.
You also need to get a way to keep the animation "moving" without making it actually move. The sections that occur where nothing is "happening," such as between mag out and mag in on a reload, need to have *subtle* motion, especially if the position of the gun won't change much overall.
January 18th, 2009, 10:10 AM
You're stuff is getting pretty good, but a word of advice when rendering animations: add a few more frames of the origins in, it gives it a better look of what we'd see in-game. And it's just nicer to look at.
January 18th, 2009, 01:15 PM
Something your style seems to be lacking overall is a certain amount of rigidity - it's starting to develop (especially in the Striker, which I think is your best anim posted) but it needs to be more pronounced. Maybe rigid isn't even the right word... definition would also work. Your anims just often seem to be free-flowing from place to place without any real purpose.
You also need to get a way to keep the animation "moving" without making it actually move. The sections that occur where nothing is "happening," such as between mag out and mag in on a reload, need to have *subtle* motion, especially if the position of the gun won't change much overall.
Thanks, Thats really helpful criticism. I really appreciate it. I'll actually have a vid I want you to look at later today if you would.
Is the striker and the reaver from that brute shot variants concept?
indeedlies. The names are totally made up though
You're stuff is getting pretty good, but a word of advice when rendering animations: add a few more frames of the origins in, it gives it a better look of what we'd see in-game. And it's just nicer to look at.
Ok, thanks I'll do that in the future. I considered adding more frames to the end of the anims when I was rendering, but I was already half done and couldnt be assed into going back and re-rendering and re-giffing all of them. it took a while in the first place
January 26th, 2009, 11:16 PM
Added this
Crit please. Some issues I know about are that the right hand slips just a little bit at points in the anim. Also, the bolt is a little slow to return to its position. Please don't mention these little details, thanks :)
Oh and I'm not sure why the arms are so bright. I did try to fix the shaders, but I'm not that knowledgable about this sort of thing. If you can help with that, please do. +reps will be in order
January 27th, 2009, 01:05 AM
Oh and I'm not sure why the arms are so bright.
Thread related: Nice work. You're improving.
January 27th, 2009, 02:38 AM
Your cocking animation is wrong. The cocking handle folds out (which you did) but you didn't do anything but that. You still have to pull backwards on the charging handle. Also, lol, your weapon is mirrored wrong.
January 27th, 2009, 11:06 AM
Lol I thought it was odd that the ejector was on the left :rolleyes:. Like I said I didn't make it. Also, he does pull it back when he cocks it, but the model's slider is so short its hardly noticeable :(.
@ CAD: thanks. I'll look at the link when I get home
January 27th, 2009, 03:32 PM
They look nice to me but I agree with what tehlag said in the beginning, more definition, like. Its kind of like when a director is giving an actor motivation... so heres your motivation, your in a fire fight and you need to reload... your gonna reload the fuken gun with some purpose and fast with quick direct and movements, your reloading that gun so you don't die, your life depends on it.
Yours are more like, lets reload the gun just for the sake of reloading, things don't seem to happen quickly enough like they would during a fight, but maybe its just the gif speed, I personally don't animate so yea, I'm talking out of my ass kind of lol, I do watch alot of war movies and play alot of war video games tho :D
March 1st, 2009, 10:48 PM
updated with this:
Smith and Wesson 500 (¤t=sw500.flv)the model and skin are by snaf. Now, i know someone is going to bitch, so im going to say this now. I know that during firing and reload the cylinder doesn't spin, and in the reload the same shell is stuck in the same hole and dissappears. Now, this is something I solve with an ammunitions animation. This makes the game automatically spin the cylinder and remove/add the bullets, but it isnt visible in the render. So please don't get on me about that.
Later, when im feeling better I might edit the reload to not rely on an ammunitions animation, but doing it that way would eliminate the possibility of reloading the rounds one at a time, or reloading at all until the gun is empty in game.
March 2nd, 2009, 01:53 AM
Needs a lot more recoil. S&W 500 is the most powerful production handgun in the world. That thing kicks like a beeyach.
March 28th, 2009, 01:11 AM
BUMPdated with this:
Cod4 p90 model and fp rig, i animated them to the best of my givadamn.
I did something semi-new, a single shot animation annnnd a full auto fire anim, showing rise due to recoil and everything. also did some ironsight "zoom" animations. enjoy
March 28th, 2009, 01:15 AM
The reload ending is way too fast compared with the rest of the animations. And its lacking flow.
keep at it and you could get a lot better. right now your animations snap way too much. Most of them look like a combination of rigor mortus and caffine. very unnatural.
March 28th, 2009, 09:03 AM
when he is pulling the bolt at the end there should be more force and the frames should be just abit longer, i see your using the skin i gave you :D
March 28th, 2009, 10:01 AM
Added this
Crit please. Some issues I know about are that the right hand slips just a little bit at points in the anim. Also, the bolt is a little slow to return to its position. Please don't mention these little details, thanks :)
Oh and I'm not sure why the arms are so bright. I did try to fix the shaders, but I'm not that knowledgable about this sort of thing. If you can help with that, please do. +reps will be in order
Cocking is wrong as Snaf stated; also you may want to do something to make it look like the mag release has actually been pressed, I'm no G36 expert but I seem to recall it being on the side of the mag well like the M16's (if it's not there, HK often put them in front of the trigger guard). This gets the finger off the trigger and makes it look more interesting.
Also, it looks like the crook of the finger is around the trigger. To begin with, your finger should be nowhere near the trigger while you're not trying to fire; second, you pull it with the pad of your finger, not the crook (technically you shouldn't even pull it, but whatever). The actual hand movement is pretty smooth, though; pretty well up to CoD4 standards.
March 28th, 2009, 10:38 AM
The reload ending is way too fast compared with the rest of the animations. And its lacking flow.
Don't put words in snafs mouth. He did not say that anywhere in this thread.
E: thanks for the infos ross. I'm pretty much done with the g36c, though it never turned out the way I wanted.
i see your using the skin i gave you :D
Why yes I am thank you :)
March 28th, 2009, 10:48 AM
Don't put words in snafs mouth. He did not say that anywhere in this thread.
He took it from Hayabusa's thread.
About the reload, uh.. the clip is taken then magically reloaded that fast? D:
But I love the P-90.
March 28th, 2009, 04:16 PM
Yeah, a lot of the time animators will do that to keep the animation short for gameplay purposes. I don't usually think of it as a problem, but maybe mine is too quick
March 29th, 2009, 01:03 PM
no, ICEE even ur anis are fast they still get me excited in a fully non homo way k?
March 29th, 2009, 01:49 PM
I have no idea what that means :confused2:
March 29th, 2009, 03:43 PM
I have no idea what that means :confused2:
dont wurry u'll catch on soon
March 29th, 2009, 06:31 PM
no, ICEE even ur anis are fast they still get me excited in a fully non homo way k?
That's a really bad place to forget the letter M. Read as:
no, ICEE even ur anus are fast they still get me excited in a fully non homo way k?
March 29th, 2009, 06:41 PM
April 5th, 2009, 04:22 PM
what on earth
teh lag
April 5th, 2009, 04:24 PM
icee has an exciting anus
April 5th, 2009, 07:24 PM
:( shut up friends. My anus has nothing to do with this as far as you all know.
This hurr is my next project (origin is WIP and subject to change). Its a serbu shorty shotgun. Model and texturing by snaf. It is tiny for a shotgun as seen here ( I think for this one im going to expand my range of animations a bit. I'll do some jamming and unjamming animations, along with a misfire perhaps (that causes the barrel to fracture or something cool, rendering the gun useless).
April 6th, 2009, 12:58 AM
^she looks like a man/offtopic
Cant wait to see what you come up for this.
April 7th, 2009, 10:31 PM
So I had an interesting idea for a high caliber revolver.
I have codenamed it the highwind revolver because im a final fantasy fag. I cant really draw or texture for shit, as clearly seen above. This is the first weapon concept ive ever bothered to draw up. Its intended to be roughly the size of the halo smg. Because of its size and the size of its ammo, I included a forward grip. This is not intended to be a one handed weapon. Its meant to be ambidextrous. The hammer is inside the gun, but protrudes from both sides slightly, so it can be manually pulled back from either side. The drum release is also visible on both sides. Though it is an extremely rough sketch that leaves a bit to the modelers imagination, I'd like some feedback about the design (not the actual shitty drawing.) please, and if anyone wants to model it, go for it. Long as I get to animate it :)
Fake edit: I didn't really intend for it to be fully practical. Its got a bit of a scifi/fantasy twist to it I suppose.
April 8th, 2009, 04:02 PM
Imagine wrapping your hand around that back handle, please. I'd like to direct your attention to the pinkie area, looks like it would be squished even though it's small.
April 29th, 2009, 12:19 AM
bumpdate: adding the M6G animations I dun did.
And since youtube decided to cut off my vid in the last few milliseconds, here is a gif of the reload.
PS: I did give modeling that revolver concept a shot. However, I currently suck balls. Maybe when im better I'll post some of my modeling work, but for now, assume it is bad.
April 29th, 2009, 01:09 AM
The recoil has hardly any muzzle flip. Even a 9mm has a 30 degree muzzle flip, and this has like... 1/3rd of that, and it's a .50 cal. with a good portion of the weight at the back already and a huge chunk of metal flying back, and all that energy coming out of the muzzle, you could bet easily on a 40 degree muzzle flip.
Now the speed of the slide coming back is way too slow.
Reload is kinda wrong. I really doubt the mag would spring or fly out like that. A quick wrist snap with the mag perpendicular to the ground would make a ton more sense and look better. Most likely the mag would just fall out when the magazine release button is hit. When he cocks the slide back, rotate the gun and the forearm instead of the wrist outward. The top of the hand should come close to parallel to the ground or at a 45 degree angle to the ground.
Basically, you need to rotate the top of the gun towards the free hand, NOT the back of the gun. The barrel should be in line with your center of view or close to it, not pointing away.
April 29th, 2009, 08:23 AM
Your upperarm positions look really bad. They make some parts of the animations look really awkward.
April 29th, 2009, 07:17 PM
I didn't really do the reload with any intent to use proper procedure for reloading a gun. I did it because it was cool.
Also, thanks for pointing out the upperarm locations. Its hard to get a good position for the forearm without fucking the upperarm up, but I couldve tried harder.
May 2nd, 2009, 09:28 PM
Mag flick: Looks believable, but please, just take 1 look at Far Cry 2's pistol reload. I know you're not trying to copy, and you're just following the idea, but theirs is much more believable. The gun should arc almost a 180/semi-circle, not just move up and rotate for the mag to come out, and it should also kind of fall down a bit, slowly, after the mag came out and the arc motion is complete.
Slide pull: I wouldn't grab it like that, you risk having your two fingers slipping off no matter how grippy the material is. I believe you said part of your style was still going for realism even if the holder is super strong/has good gloves/etc, so try having more of the hand on the slide (you may have to change the position of the gun as well).
Return to origin (r2o as I call it): A bit snappy, to me it looks like you have one frame as the origin, but the gun is just rotated, and the last frame is where the gun finally rotates back into position. I don't see any movement frames. I suggest moving it down and to the left a bit, so then it will rotate and move back into the origin. It should make it more flowy and fit into the rest of the animation.
Btw, the mag coming out is delayed. Push it's movements back a bit, so that the mag is slipping out while the flick is still in motion.
Edit: Upperarm specifications (going off what CAD said): Mostly they need work at the mag flick out and the mag being put back in. The right one shakes quite a bit during the flick, I suggest editting that frame by frame for best results. The next one is the left arm during the mag being put back in, make it so the arm trails off near the bottom left of the screen, instead of the middle as you have now (where your elbow would be in your stomach, lol).
May 2nd, 2009, 09:42 PM
Thanks for that bit of crit ODX.
Ive been attempting to learn modeling for a while now, failing as I go pretty frequently. This here is the first model im going to post here:
1498 tris
Its a shovel. An entrenching shovel. I sort of kind of used this ( as a reference, but I didn't ever intend to follow it to the letter. Be gentle its my first >.>
Edit: I know the blade looks thin, but its mostly just the angle.
editedit: added wire at request of fuhrer
May 2nd, 2009, 09:50 PM
It looks okay. (pistol anims)
What I want to know is why everyone is turning up with Halo 3 Arms everywhere. :|
May 3rd, 2009, 08:56 PM
What I want to know is why everyone is turning up with Halo 3 Arms everywhere. :|I forget who, someone got a hold of Halo 3 Beta arms (not exactly that hard when you think about it, been over 2 years as well since the beta) and had Moses of Sigma 1337 rig them. They've been passed around quite a bit now, I'm sure ICEE will give them to you if you ask him. Oh, also, the thumb does not line up perfectly with the Halo 1/2 thumb, so you might have to fiddle around with it to make it work.
Haha, a shovel. Makes me think of the TF2 Soldier, since I remember you can play that now.
May 5th, 2009, 06:51 PM
To FIX the h3b thumb issue, save the skin weights, remove the bones from the modifyer, move the thumb until it seems right, re-add all the bones back on and import back the save'd skin weights you did, moses got them from me since i sorta failed on rigging them a month or 2 ago
nice shovel ;)
June 6th, 2009, 02:22 PM
more of my nonsense
This is cod4's R700 model and skin. I searched for an m24 model. This is what I got.
This one is CMT's smg model and fp rig. It won't be used in the mods, but I made it anyways.
June 6th, 2009, 02:42 PM
er you didnt search for the model icee....i gave it to you :/
Were does the spartan magically get the second magazine?
There good i guess
June 6th, 2009, 05:41 PM
er you didnt search for the model icee....i gave it to you :/
Were does the spartan magically get the second magazine?
There good i guess
he probably looked around for the model, then you gave it to him.
June 6th, 2009, 05:52 PM
er you didnt search for the model icee....i gave it to you :/
Were does the spartan magically get the second magazine?
There good i guess
He is already holding the second magazine when he brings his hand up to pull the first out
June 6th, 2009, 08:24 PM
On the sniper his thumb goes through the gun, and on the smg I see a the magazine still on the hand after he throws it. But, other than that, pretty good.
June 6th, 2009, 08:56 PM
On the sniper his thumb goes through the gun, and on the smg I see a the magazine still on the hand after he throws it. But, other than that, pretty good.
uh, thats the point. Hes holding the next magazine as he throws the old one
June 6th, 2009, 09:14 PM
The movement is too jittery in your SMG animation. The frames that he grabs the new magazine and has time to grab the old one and toss it is way too fast. Also, in any Halo animation, you should not be able to see the upperarm segment, because it looks too odd when you see it.
June 6th, 2009, 10:43 PM
The left and right hand contradict each others movements. The left hand is all stiff, but the right hand/gun is really flowy and it looks off when viewed together. The return to origin also needs massive work, I suggest looking back at your Sigma SMG reload. The charging to origin looked very nice, but here it's just quick and not very good looking.
Could have your middle finger/index finger spread out a bit more noticeably also in the mag toss. And rotate your upper arms too so the elbow points outward slightly. (Even though you're holding it out more, your elbow still needs to point outward.)
June 27th, 2009, 05:30 PM
Added NS2000
June 27th, 2009, 05:32 PM
When he does the reload the shells are in there at first, but then they're gone just before putting the new ones in.
June 27th, 2009, 05:36 PM
Oh haha, i forgot to fix that little bit when I switched up the timing. Just ignore it
June 27th, 2009, 06:40 PM
Perhaps its the shells all coming out at once?
June 27th, 2009, 07:26 PM
Wow, that makes me want to play with it. Very nice.
October 13th, 2009, 12:51 PM
I fucked up snafs smith and wesson 500 model to make it a top break. Woops
teh lag
October 13th, 2009, 01:29 PM
Something doesn't feel right with them. It's like they're moving underwater - at first glance it seems okay but the motions are too persistent. The recoil is definitely stylish but it lasts too long for me to imagine myself wanting to see it played every time I fire a pistol in a game. This is also visible when the casings are ejected - the gun tilts back for too long.
October 13th, 2009, 06:18 PM
Along with what Lag said, yes the recoil is too long, perhaps it needs to snap back faster. The reload is too fluid, and the wrist rotates too much. It's stylish yes, but doesn't look right. It should just turn to the side to dump the cases, not a full rotation of the wrist. Or at least make it more snappy when the wrist rotates, it just seems like there's no force to it.
October 13th, 2009, 06:41 PM
Needs more strength and realism when he is reloading it from the top to snap it in place. Just keep to what lag said. The animations feel like its master chief instead of the marine.
October 14th, 2009, 12:17 AM
Guys, its a 50 caliber gun. Its going to take some time to recover from the recoil. I don't generally like to make excuses for my animations, but really
October 23rd, 2009, 11:34 PM
I'm practicing character animation. Starting with little things like this:¤t=Iamreadyforbattlemylord.flv
CMTs elite, donuts spear
E: and this is without any IK.
October 24th, 2009, 12:29 AM
Also, fix the left hand at the near end of the animation.
October 24th, 2009, 11:24 AM
im not really liking how the spear spins around in his hand like that
October 28th, 2009, 05:51 PM
CMT's sniper rifle
Strength through boredom.
October 28th, 2009, 06:02 PM
The reload looks like he grabs the magazine out of his chest.
October 28th, 2009, 06:36 PM
Try and make it so he takes the clip from below instead of directly back.
October 28th, 2009, 06:36 PM
The reload looks like he grabs the magazine out of his chest.
its called a bandoleer. the magazine is located within a pocket on his chest
teh lag
October 28th, 2009, 06:37 PM
CMT's sniper rifle
Strength through boredom.
I like the reload... you've done well with my baby there. Not a fan of the fire though. I think the rotation is too large compared to the translation, which makes it seem too "forced". In general the motions for both are a little to muted - I think you've gone too far on the other end of the spectrum from stylization.
October 28th, 2009, 06:39 PM
Try and make it so he takes the clip from below instead of directly back.
Could you please explain a little clearer? Im not entirely sure at which point in the animation you mean
October 28th, 2009, 06:49 PM
The clip, make it come from below and not from the "chest" area.
Also, the bolt isn't cycling nearly fast enough for a high caliber sniper rifle. It would be finished in a couple frames time.
October 28th, 2009, 06:52 PM
You desperately need to fix your left arm's positioning when he's grabbing the mag. His arm should be coming from the side, not the bottom left side of the screen. The return to origin part of it also should be fixed, so it's not rotating weirdly when the gun isn't really moving much at all.
October 28th, 2009, 06:55 PM
The clip, make it come from below and not from the "chest" area.
no >.>
I'm not against the idea of it but I actually started this animation with the intent to make it run smoothly without taking any objects off the screen. That would be why i made him remove the clip from a bandolier, its more of a challenge that way.
I know chief isn't actually wearing a bandolier, and no i do not care. not even a small bit
November 4th, 2009, 12:31 PM
Can't decide if i love these anims or hate them.
Hunter's shotgun: Reloading sequence (¤t=reloadingsequence.flv)
FFF didn't catch it till after the render but at the end, the hand is displaced a little in relation to the pump. Ignore it, its fixed
November 4th, 2009, 01:00 PM
Looks cool, you removed the shotgun shells from the side? :(
November 4th, 2009, 01:15 PM
only because in game it would be a real bitch to make them work right. You can add them back if you want, but when the player is out of ammo people are going to wonder why he doesnt take those shells. I do like them there though, they look cool
November 7th, 2009, 12:45 AM
Sup. Double posting again. Grunt asked me to animate this (¤t=bruteshot.flv) so i did.
It is a brute shot. Posting it here mainly because teh lag is offline.
Note: I know the handle mysteriously creeps up during the reload, i fixed it. It is only in the render. I made the reload trying to branch out and use more motion
E: keep in mind that all the animations are slightly faster than they will be in game
EE: and that photobucket fails harder than hell and fucks up the very beginning so the ready is kind of ruined
teh lag
November 7th, 2009, 07:04 AM
Fire recoil us unnatural as hell. It's like it's being forced to be in the various stages of recoil rather than being allowed to be in them.
Melee also just seems like a forced pose. There's no natural movement or sense that he's trying to hit something... just "oh well this kinda looks like a melee so i better do it ok it worked time to head back".
Reload has a lot of potential (I'm thinking of imitating your overall idea for the CMT bruteshot) but it wasn't executed right. Timing is all over the place, as is motion in general - things snap in and out of position with no discernible reason.
Clean all that up and it could be OK.
November 7th, 2009, 11:45 AM
Your right arm during the melee is in the complete wrong spot, you should really start moving your shoulders more often than you do now in your animations. It should come from more-so the right side of the screen rather than the bottom. Could go for some rotation on the actual arm too so that one indent sticking up isn't facing up(which indicates your elbow is pointing down).
Left arm seems to shake minorly when you're putting in the grenades too, might just be because you were trying to give motion to the grenades, not sure.
November 7th, 2009, 12:15 PM
Here's a tip that I learned from CAD that helped me alot with animation:
Unless it's the ending pose or the starting pose, don't put position and rotation frames on the same keyframe. Makes your animations look alot smoother.
December 5th, 2009, 05:29 PM
Animations are a thing I have done. It is a thing on the intertube
December 6th, 2009, 06:07 PM
Come now, ICEE, you can make a better M16 ready than that :-3
Right now it's pretty simple, and seems a bit stiff because of how it almost has just a direct path to the origin rather than some movement right before and then to the origin.
December 6th, 2009, 06:11 PM
I've actually changed my attitude about readies. I think that if your going to animate a put away animation, then the ready should be short and simple, like how far cry 2 did it. That way the player doesnt have to wait more than a second (combining the time of put away and ready) before they can start firing. Its kind of a visual sacrifice but I think its necessary for gameplay. Thats partly why I want animations that play when you spawn, and that could be a more complex ready, maybe chambering the round too.
December 6th, 2009, 08:05 PM
I didnt like the first ones firing. idk why though so not good crit really. It just seemed too much like a kid pretending to fire a gun.
February 17th, 2010, 09:18 PM
Didn't get a lot of crit, so posting this here too for the sake of this being a completed collection.
July 14th, 2010, 09:44 PM
No one will give a shit but BUMPDATE from the grave.
July 15th, 2010, 01:39 AM
i really like this. you should play with an alt-fire animation, too, like slam firing. hold the trigger down and pump as fast as you can, and it would have camera bobble or something. that would be pretty neat. seems like something that would work with your style.
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