View Full Version : How bad is your eyesight?

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2009, 02:11 AM
From what I've been seeing lately, the number of people wearing lenses or spectacles to see clearly has increased significantly since the 1990s. What happened to 20/20 vision?

More than half the people I know at school, regardless of their race or background, wear glasses or contact lenses for almost every minute they're not in bed. The dominant vision-impairment in this area is myopia (I suffer from it too). Longsightedness is rare.

I read somewhere that myopia comes genetically, that you usually can't GET myopia from excess gaming/TV-watching, however you can make myopia worse from that.

As for my eye condition, to be precise I had perfect vision until I was six and a half years old. At that time I gradually began having difficulty seeing the chalkboard in class, then I finally had to get a prescription for a pair of glasses. My degree started getting worse, but leveled off when I was 12 if I believe - I haven't exceeded 510 since then. Any change of glasses were due to size or damage, not because my vision got worse. I hope it stays that way...

So what about everyone else at Modacity? Statistically, it seems like those from Caucasian backgrounds are more likely to have perfect vision, but hey there's no definite connection between race and vision quality.

January 17th, 2009, 02:17 AM
Caucasian, 20/15 vision.

January 17th, 2009, 02:23 AM
The dominant vision-impairment in this area is myopia (I suffer from it too). Longsightedness is rare.

I read somewhere that myopia comes genetically, that you usually can't GET myopia from excess gaming/TV-watching, however you can make myopia worse from that.

As for my eye condition, to be precise I had perfect vision until I was six and a half years old. At that time I gradually began having difficulty seeing the chalkboard in class, then I finally had to get a prescription for a pair of glasses. My degree started getting worse, but leveled off when I was 12 if I believe - I haven't exceeded since then. Any change of glasses were due to size or damage, not because my vision got worse. I hope it stays that way...Wow what you said is just about exactly for me including ages and everything, except chalkboard. Fuck the chalkboard. My family just realized I started squinting a lot.

Also Doctors said after my first exam my eyesight would become gradually worse over my lifetime. I had glasses for a few years and HATED them...since I was still young (about 12) when I got my contacts, doctor said my eyes were still developing and I SHOULD take my contacts out every night and change them every two weeks and if I didn't follow those guidelines my sight would get exceptionally worse........I kept them in when I slept and change bout every month - month and a half...my eyesight has BARELY gotten worse at all and ONLY because the fact one of my eyes got injured and my other eye's sight went down to level out the vision....

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2009, 02:28 AM
Been wearing glasses since six-and-a-half, bro :P I can't see anything clearly beyond one foot in front of me. I wear glasses when I read, take notes, drive a car, walk in the streets, etc, I only take them off when I sleep, shower, or go swimming. Mine are the transition lenses too that become sunglasses when exposed to sunlight (hecka cool, and I got them at a big discount which is even better).

I've been scared of contacts for a long time, the idea of putting a thin filmy lens directly onto my eyeball doesn't appeal to me :(.

January 17th, 2009, 02:37 AM
They say I have 20/20 but things far away look hard to see sometimes, maybe I'm trying to look too far. :omfg:

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2009, 02:42 AM
As long as everything more than 1 foot away from you doesn't look totally blurry, you should be fine. If it's far away, it's far away.

January 17th, 2009, 02:51 AM
I've been scared of contacts for a long time, the idea of putting a thin filmy lends directly onto my eyeball doesn't appeal to me :(.Stop being a pussy..............


Anyways i dunno y so many people are afraid of contacts. Just try em. Sure you'll tear up and it'll take you a while to get them in the first few times, but once their in you feel NOTHING at ALL. You get used to it superfast too. Hell you'll get so used to it you forget you have contacts in your eyes most of the time hence why I just about NEVER change, except when they get cloudy, and even THAT takes forever. No hassle taking them out too.

January 17th, 2009, 02:55 AM
i have terrible vision, not only do i have astigmatism, i am slightly colerblind.... and my doc said im like 85 % blind.

i wear glasses all the time now because i can't afford contacts, but i much prefer them.

January 17th, 2009, 03:00 AM
The reason people have bad vision is because they don't eat there vegtables. I've been raised on meals that always have a serving of vegtables and i never had a problem with my vision tell this day.

January 17th, 2009, 03:00 AM
i have terrible vision, not only do i have astigmatism, i am slightly colerblind.... and my doc said im like 85 % blind.

i wear glasses all the time now because i can't afford contacts, but i much prefer them.I'd rather have something that stays in my eye, can't feel em at all in my eye, and can sleep in and wake up seeing clearly. (Other things include no worry of misplacing, flat-out losing, or breaking glasses and waiting for repairs.)

The reason people have bad vision is because they don't eat there vegtables. I've been raised on meals that always have a serving of vegtables and i never had a problem with my vision tell this day.
I pray you aren't serious.

January 17th, 2009, 03:01 AM
The reason people have bad vision is because they don't eat there vegtables. I've been raised on meals that always have a serving of vegtables and i never had a problem with my vision tell this day.
I find that false, it may help but the only veggies I eat are the carrots in beef stew.

January 17th, 2009, 03:03 AM
I eat alot of carrots and stuff, which supposedly is good for eyesight. So I don't think that's the only reason that eyesight is bad (I wear glasses, but plan on getting contacts).

I blame the uprising of TV and computers.

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2009, 03:09 AM
The reason people have bad vision is because they don't eat there vegtables. I've been raised on meals that always have a serving of vegtables and i never had a problem with my vision tell this day.

It depends, I guess. I eat my vegetables all the time like a good little boy and my myopia came inevitably. I say it's genetic.

My parents and sister all wear glasses and they all ate vegetables regularly. If it helps, my grandfather had perfect vision but not my grandmother, so perhaps my dad just inherited a bad gene and passed it down.

January 17th, 2009, 03:19 AM
Yeah, I find that people who wear glasses typically had a parent or grandparent who wore glasses as well.

I have pretty bad eyesight; stuff that is more than a couple of feet away looks blurred.

January 17th, 2009, 04:47 AM
Technically, I should be wearing my glasses when I'm doing close detail stuff like painting models. In reality, that rarely happens unless I've already been raping my eyes all day.

January 17th, 2009, 04:52 AM
Technically, I should be wearing my glasses when I'm doing close detail stuff like painting models. In reality, that rarely happens unless I've already been raping my eyes all day.Well you SHOULD because your work is shit.


January 17th, 2009, 10:06 AM
My glasses are -2.75, dunno what that makes me for something out of 20 however both my parents had bad eyesight, and so did their parents so I'm not sure if it has more to do with genetics, or using a computer on a regular basis.

January 17th, 2009, 10:17 AM
I'm 20/40 in one eye and 20/50 in the other. I can see fine, I just can't point out small details, save for color.

January 17th, 2009, 10:18 AM
I don't wear glasses or contacts. I have perfect color vision. My superior visual interpretation makes me better than you at everything.

e: Oh, and heat vision: Not as fun as it sounds.

January 17th, 2009, 10:33 AM
I have really horrible vision so wear glasses or contacts all day and night until I go to sleep, can hardly see anything more than a couple inches away from my face

January 17th, 2009, 10:53 AM
Contacts so I don't get balls and glass in my face. Or bent pieces of metal.

January 17th, 2009, 12:39 PM
Where's the option for "I probably need glasses but haven't got them yet." My vision is sort of nearsighted, but it's not bad enough to need glasses. They would help though.

January 17th, 2009, 12:46 PM
I'd rather have something that stays in my eye, can't feel em at all in my eye, and can sleep in and wake up seeing clearly..

i meant i prefer contacts... i fucking hate glasses.

also, i eat vegetables all the time.. my vision is getting worse lol.

Mr Buckshot
January 17th, 2009, 12:50 PM
Hmm, from what I see in the poll, most people at Modacity here wear glasses or contacts almost all the time. Myopia is spreading 0_O

Still, though, perfect vision is only really needed if you want a job as an airline pilot. I think myopic people are allowed to fly tiny planes with a supervisor next to them, but to fly a jumbo jet, whether for cargo delivery or for ferrying passengers, you must have 20/20 vision, not sure if laser-corrected vision is suitable (but it's expensive).

Those of you with impaired vision, do you have any close family members with the same issue? Both my parents and my sister have the same problem as I do.

January 17th, 2009, 05:06 PM
I'm near sighted, I only wear glasses to see the board in class, when I'm playing video games, etc. I'm 20/50 in one eye and 20/70 in the other.

January 17th, 2009, 05:09 PM
20/20 in my right eye, 20/40 in my left.

January 17th, 2009, 05:09 PM
I wear sunglasses that are prescription, that's how bad my eyesight is. I'm also nearsighted. According to my glasses, I have 51-20 vision, or at least that's the prescription I've been given.

January 17th, 2009, 05:21 PM
Contacts so I don't get balls in my face
Stop tempting me.

January 17th, 2009, 05:24 PM
20/200 vision motherfuckers

January 17th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I don't wear glasses or contacts. I have perfect color vision. My superior visual interpretation makes me better than you at everything.p much this...

Rob Oplawar
January 17th, 2009, 07:14 PM
I don't wear glasses or contacts, but technically I need them- I can't remember what it's called, but I've got this thing where most of the time the lenses in my eyes focus to a different focal point than the focal point of both my eyes, if that makes sense... Basically I'm cross-eyed all the time, but only very slightly. My brain is learning to interpret my vision differently now, to correct the tiny double-vision I've always got.

I bet it comes from sitting too close to the T.V. :S

January 17th, 2009, 07:44 PM
Uh, I havent had my eyes tested for like 5+ years...Maybe I should soon...

I had to wear glasses when I was at school, some cock punched me in the eye, narrowly missed blinding me, had to wear them for a few years.

As for seeking revenge upon that dick? No yet....

January 17th, 2009, 08:12 PM
Technically I have 20/20 vision, but I can actually see even farther than that without losing my ability to see up close.

January 17th, 2009, 09:01 PM

January 17th, 2009, 09:37 PM
I wear glasses almost all the time. I like em.

E: Not sure about the technical numbers though.

January 17th, 2009, 10:11 PM
The reason people have bad vision is because they don't eat there vegtables. I've been raised on meals that always have a serving of vegtables and i never had a problem with my vision tell this day.

You're a bloody idiot.

January 18th, 2009, 01:01 AM
Laser surgery ftw, 20/10

January 18th, 2009, 01:03 AM
20/21 vision. Everybody except me, (and I mean EVERYBODY. up to and including my grandparents) wears glasses.

Honestly, I'm expecting that sitting too close to a 25.5'' monitor is going to ruin my eyesight some day

January 18th, 2009, 01:09 AM
Honestly, I'm expecting that sitting too close to a 25.5'' monitor is going to ruin my eyesight some day
Thinking my vision would be bad because of looking at the monitor lots too, guess some people are just hard like that.

Mr Buckshot
January 18th, 2009, 01:13 AM
20/21 vision. Everybody except me, (and I mean EVERYBODY. up to and including my grandparents) wears glasses.

Ah, see? This actually backs up my view that vision problems are genetic. Too lazy to give a full theory here, but Punnett squares can provide an overly-simplified explanation.

However itszutak you could be a carrier of a vision problem gene, therefore if you have any kids in the future they might well end up with myopia too.

I'm not sure whether the TV or computer can actually GIVE you nearsightedness or longsightedness, however if you already have either the TV and computer could make it worse.

I have a friend (a Korean-Canadian) who's a hardcore PC gamer and his vision has been perfect since the day he was born. PC gaming is actually more damaging to the eye than TV watching or console gaming since you're sitting closer to the screen.

While my parents, sister, and grandma are all myopic, some of my close cousins have near-perfect vision, that is they can function just fine without glasses most of the time, but when they are in class they may put on a pair of glasses to take notes, then remove their glasses for other stuff like reading close-up.

January 18th, 2009, 01:44 AM
I can't see anything clearly beyond one foot in front of me. I wear glasses when I read, take notes, drive a car, walk in the streets, etc, I only take them off when I sleep, shower, or go swimming.
Sounds about right for me :/
i wear contact lenses when i go out to do something which requires a bigger field of view, like airsoft.

Mr Buckshot
January 18th, 2009, 01:48 AM
LOL, you're just as bad as I am? haha.

Actually, my range of vision might be less than one foot. Even when I'm using a laptop on my lap, if I take off my glasses most of the text becomes blurry immediately. My degree is said to be 510 but I don't really know how severe that is relative to others.

January 18th, 2009, 12:35 PM
I know there's at least some eyedoctors who give out prescriptions so that a child's eyes develop such that they require glasses.

My old eyeglasses used to give me headaches... I stopped wearing them for a few years and now I have 20/20 vision. Put them back on after 2 years and they gave me a headache. (Now I haven't needed glasses since I was like, 13... for reference, I am now 22)

Go figure.

January 18th, 2009, 12:58 PM
I know there's at least some eyedoctors who give out prescriptions so that a child's eyes develop such that they require glasses.

My old eyeglasses used to give me headaches... I stopped wearing them for a few years and now I have 20/20 vision. Put them back on after 2 years and they gave me a headache. (Now I haven't needed glasses since I was like, 13... for reference, I am now 22)

Go figure.
Haha doctors are assholes, when I was 9-12 sometime in there this doctor said well you seem to have a problem and made me buy glasses, on my medical card thankfully. But the thing is wearing glasses I didn't need... then we went to this other eye doctor who told me I actually have 20/20 in both eyes.

January 18th, 2009, 12:59 PM
My prescription is -2.50 in my left eye and -3.00 in my right. I hate glasses and love that contacts are not obtrusive. They do not take long to get used to and make seeing perfectly really easy. Glasses really piss me off and you see blurry around the outside which distracts me.

January 18th, 2009, 01:24 PM
Partially colour-blind, but I've never had problems seeing things clearly.

January 18th, 2009, 01:27 PM
Yeah I failed one of those ink-blotch number tests too... partially green/brown colourblind.

January 18th, 2009, 01:47 PM
Yeah I failed one of those ink-blotch number tests too... partially green/brown colourblind.


January 18th, 2009, 01:54 PM
Which of these numbers do you have a problem seeing?


January 18th, 2009, 02:11 PM
Only had a problem with 5...but just had to look a bit closer and I saw it.

January 18th, 2009, 07:42 PM
5 was the hardest but I can make them all out.

January 18th, 2009, 07:57 PM
Found 6 harder... looked more like an S than an 8.

Like I said, of all the tests I was given I think I only got like 1 or 2 wrong.

January 18th, 2009, 08:00 PM
I can't read that clearly at about 10 feet away, although it varies with lighting condition I would suppose. Sometimes I'd be able to see pretty far and other times I'd be limited to those 10 or so feet. It only really applies to reading things though, since I can see objects themselves pretty fine at a distance albeit SLIGHTLY blurred in certain lighting conditions.

January 18th, 2009, 08:08 PM
Gotta wear my glasses. I always like blinding people when they put them on.

Boo Diddly
January 18th, 2009, 08:46 PM
I've had glasses since I was like 13 or so, but never weared them. This past year though I've had to start wearing them after I had too much trouble seeing text more than 6ft away. I can drive fine without them, live without them, but sure as hell can't read more than 6ft away without them.

Sucks too that I have a stigmatizm (sp?) in my left eye so circles are sometimes not so round. Can't draw too well without glasses.

January 18th, 2009, 08:49 PM
From what I've been seeing lately, the number of people wearing lenses or spectacles to see clearly has increased significantly since the 1990s. What happened to 20/20 vision?

More than half the people I know at school, regardless of their race or background, wear glasses or contact lenses for almost every minute they're not in bed. The dominant vision-impairment in this area is myopia (I suffer from it too). Longsightedness is rare.

I read somewhere that myopia comes genetically, that you usually can't GET myopia from excess gaming/TV-watching, however you can make myopia worse from that.

As for my eye condition, to be precise I had perfect vision until I was six and a half years old. At that time I gradually began having difficulty seeing the chalkboard in class, then I finally had to get a prescription for a pair of glasses. My degree started getting worse, but leveled off when I was 12 if I believe - I haven't exceeded 510 since then. Any change of glasses were due to size or damage, not because my vision got worse. I hope it stays that way...

So what about everyone else at Modacity? Statistically, it seems like those from Caucasian backgrounds are more likely to have perfect vision, but hey there's no definite connection between race and vision quality.

I has 20/20 vision.

I don't need glasses but my eyes arent trained right so they defocus on stuff when I dont want them to so I have to blink a few times.

Also: 6 was the hardest but it took me less than 3 seconds to see what it was.

Mr Buckshot
January 18th, 2009, 11:42 PM
Not colorblind, all those "color puzzle images" were totally clear to me and I got all of them instantly. At least my myopia didn't affect my color perception phew.

Boo Diddly, it's astigmatism :P

Caboose, you're just like me :O People who try on my 510-degree glasses yelp immediately.

January 19th, 2009, 12:12 AM
Well, I have 20/15 vision, though I'll need glasses sometime later on in the future, unfortunately...

Captain Pakundo
January 19th, 2009, 12:33 AM
I don't know my number, all I know is that I've got on problem.
Every color, every range, all's ok.
For a brief moment I wasn't sure on what to look for in 5...
Still, I'm viewing it from my phone, so...
Guess I should be thankful for my eyesight.

English Mobster
January 19th, 2009, 12:43 AM
Whiter than the filling in an oreo, better-than perfect vision.


Also, I can see all of those numbers just fine... I didn't need to look close or squint at all... =/

January 19th, 2009, 01:18 AM
20/15 Vision.

Mr Buckshot
January 19th, 2009, 08:33 PM
I don't know my number, all I know is that I've got on problem.

That's ok, I don't know the x/x number for my eyes either, all I know is my degree for my glasses.

This thread isn't really asking for numbers btw, just say whether you need lenses of any sort or not, and to what extent.

January 19th, 2009, 09:47 PM
Pretty fucking bad. No idea, but everything gets really blurry all the time. I have to zoom in alot when painting textures to see what im doing. May explain why my textures come out realy harsh most of the time.

January 19th, 2009, 10:12 PM
Glasses GET?

January 20th, 2009, 08:55 AM

used to wear glasses, cuz I had a lazy eye, it went away tho... apparently.

January 20th, 2009, 04:24 PM
20/20 even with a bad eye :P

January 20th, 2009, 08:14 PM
perfect vision here!

January 20th, 2009, 09:18 PM

used to wear glasses, cuz I had a lazy eye, it went away tho... apparently.

20/20 even with a bad eye :P

This thread isn't really asking for numbers btw, just say whether you need lenses of any sort or not, and to what extent.I think you guys are missing the point of this thread.

January 20th, 2009, 09:24 PM
20/60 vision

I have to wear glasses or I wouldn't be able to drive, safely anyway. Which irritates me because I look so much better without glasses.

Mr Buckshot
January 21st, 2009, 01:23 AM
20/60 vision

I have to wear glasses or I wouldn't be able to drive, safely anyway. Which irritates me because I look so much better without glasses.

If you dislike glasses that much, why not go for contacts? I think they cost about the same.

For me, I like glasses (been wearing them since 1998 :P), plus I'm not too keen on placing something directly over my pupils. I don't play sports like basketball so I don't have to worry about flying balls knocking my glasses out of shape.

Anyway guys, I'm wondering just how many jobs are out there that really ask for perfect vision...I know airline pilots and special forces (i.e. SEALs) would need it. anything else?

January 21st, 2009, 12:41 PM
No they cost more and maintenance is a bitch.

Llama Juice
January 21st, 2009, 01:08 PM

Surprisingly my eyesight isn't that bad. I don't need glasses, but my eyesight isn't perfect.

Strange thing about my vision... is that I can "turn off" using either of my eyes at any time and just focus entirely through the one. One of my eyes sees the world with less saturation than the other, which comes in handy when I'm buying fruit or something like that, look through the more saturated eye and you can see the color differences in a pear a lot better than my less saturated eye.

To look through both eyes at once and actually focus on something gives me a headache, and makes me dizzy. If I just let them blur out then looking through both eyes is fine, but I can't see anything 'cause it's all blurry lol.

I dunno, my girlfriend was asking about my lazy eye and how it doesn't bother me that if my head is on a pillow, and I'm looking at her, how the eye that's on the pillow just kinda... looks at the pillow while the other eye looks at her. I told her... pretty much everything I typed up there and she said I was odd haha.

When I'm talking to someone, or making a youtube video I usually try to use both eyes just to make them not feel uncomfortable, and I guess barely anybody at my school realized that I have a lazy eye until they found this video.


Then they didn't believe it was me because of how much I've changed over the past year.... but that's for a different ramble.

TL;DR: I dunno how good my eyesight is, I can read fine, but I know it's not perfect. I can't read far off tiny text. I put on my girlfriend's glasses and everything got a TINY bit clearer, but not enough to warrant me wanting to actually get glasses, or get checked to see how bad my eyes are.

January 21st, 2009, 01:13 PM

Llama Juice
January 21st, 2009, 02:05 PM


January 21st, 2009, 02:12 PM
Lol you look funny with hair :P.

January 21st, 2009, 02:12 PM
No they cost more and maintenance is a bitch.Well then don't get the disposable kind, and maintenance isn't a problem at all.

January 21st, 2009, 03:06 PM

Much better.

Mr Buckshot
January 21st, 2009, 05:41 PM
No they cost more and maintenance is a bitch.

Maybe that's just in places where myopia rates are fairly low. Over in Southeast Asia contact lenses are in very high demand and have become somewhat of a fashion statement, due to the extremely high myopia rate there (affects over 70% of people) and the fact that many people, esp teen girls, feel they look good without glasses. Hence they cost only a little more than ordinary glasses but much less than those higher-quality transition-lens glasses.

January 21st, 2009, 05:51 PM
maintenance is a bitch.I disagree. I just put them in this disinfecting peroxide solution i got, in a special vial that neutralizes the solution in about 6 hours, so the lenses get clean, and the solution doesn't burn your eye when you take them out. I don't even have to rub them at all.

January 21st, 2009, 05:55 PM
Contacts have their special use, but theres no underestimating the Sexiness of a Hot bookworm with glass's.

Play that shit just right and it's boner time.

Mr Buckshot
January 21st, 2009, 06:06 PM
My sister got contacts because at Havard's biology labs the safety goggles really interfere with her glasses (those goggles are very different from the loose-fitting woodworking goggles that comfortably fit over glasses). She alternates between glasses and contacts from time to time.

Hmm, sexy glasses-wearing person, let's see:

t3h m00kz
January 21st, 2009, 06:32 PM
My eyesight is shit. ;D

January 21st, 2009, 08:32 PM
20/15 in my left eye and 20/20 in my right. all i ever do is sit here on the computer and watch tv.

MetKiller Joe
January 21st, 2009, 09:00 PM
My sister got contacts because at Havard's biology labs the safety goggles really interfere with her glasses (those goggles are very different from the loose-fitting woodworking goggles that comfortably fit over glasses). She alternates between glasses and contacts from time to time.

Hmm, sexy glasses-wearing person, let's see:




+rep to anybody that knows this character's name and manga series.

January 21st, 2009, 09:04 PM
Naru from Love Hina?

Protip: Change URLs next time.

MetKiller Joe
January 21st, 2009, 09:10 PM
Naru from Love Hina?

Protip: Change URLs next time.

Goddamnit! :mad::mad::mad:

January 21st, 2009, 09:36 PM

i'm amazed.


January 22nd, 2009, 07:43 PM
Had my vision tested today.

Apparently my short range vision is a little worse than last time, my long range vision is a little better but overall I'm better than 20/20. :D

Mr Buckshot
January 24th, 2009, 08:17 PM
Had my vision tested today.

Apparently my short range vision is a little worse than last time, my long range vision is a little better but overall I'm better than 20/20. :D

So that means you don't need glasses or contacts right?

January 24th, 2009, 09:06 PM
Not for anything but up close detail work.
And even then, not really.