View Full Version : Ringtone Program

January 17th, 2009, 06:37 PM
For those of you with cell phones, I was wondering if anyone had found a free ring tone program that lets you trim your own audio clip and put it on your phone. I had one at one time that would let you send it to your phone, but I can't recall what it's name is. So if anyone else has one, post it here.

January 17th, 2009, 06:43 PM
Who doesn't have a mini-USB cable on their phone these days?
On Linux, I use Audacity for song trimming and moto4lin for transfers.

January 17th, 2009, 06:46 PM
Who doesn't have a mini-USB cable on their phone these days?
On Linux, I use Audacity for song trimming and moto4lin for transfers.

That would be myself. Just picked mine up today, didn't come with one, store is closed now *shrug* just looking for an alternative.

January 17th, 2009, 06:51 PM
Not sure if you're asking for an audio editor or a way to get it into your phone too...

Here's a tutorial I used to get a ringtone onto my phone:

For those wanting to know,

Here's how to place ring tones on your Sanyo 8400. At this stage it only works for Calls but NOT for messaging/voice mail.


Quicktime Pro (QT)
WAV/MP3 editor (I use Goldwave, another common one is Audacity)

1) Make a JPEG with dimensions 64x64 pixels

2) Open this with QT

3) Edit yourself a ringtone no longer than 30 seconds (more than 30 and it will normally click to voicemail)

4) Save As Mp3 with the attributes:

* 44,100Hz,
* 160kbps **Can vary depending on size & quality**
* Mono

5) Open this in a new QT window.

6) Copy the ring tone and paste it at the very start of the JPEG window in QT

7) Click File-> Export

8) From this prompt, select Movie to 3G next to the Export heading then click the Options button.

9) Select the following options and click Ok and then Save from the previous prompt window.

NOTE: Varying the Data Rate will increase the quality but also increase the file size. As a rule of thumb keep the final file size under 500kb.

10) On the 8400, go to Tools -> USB Connection -> Mass Storage then plug in the USB cable from the box. (Ensure the MicroSD card is already installed)

11) The 8400 will appear as a Removable Disk. Open the drive and navigate to DCIM\100SANYO\ and paste the .3g2 file in here.

12) Safely remove the USB cable then navigate through the following:

My Albums
Select "In microSD"
Select your ringer (should be all white)

If it lets you copy/move it, it will play. I ended up moving them all into the Phones internal memory rather than the MicroSD.

Thanks goes to Panther37 with his post here on the Sprint forums, I've fleshed it out a little bit more for simplicity's sake.Worked great for my model. Not sure about yours. You can try it.

I have one of those ancient flip phones. lol

January 17th, 2009, 08:20 PM
Duh. Just go to http://www.phonezoo.com

You can upload a song, select up to 30 seconds of it, and set where you want it to fade in and out and it will send it to your phone for free. Thats how I make all of mine.

January 17th, 2009, 08:43 PM
Duh. Just go to http://www.phonezoo.com

You can upload a song, select up to 30 seconds of it, and set where you want it to fade in and out and it will send it to your phone for free. Thats how I make all of mine.
Free? For real.

January 17th, 2009, 10:47 PM
I just use Goldwave for all my audio editing stuff...

January 17th, 2009, 11:19 PM
I've got stuff edited, I'm just having a hard time getting it to my phone. I have a MotoRizr z6tv, if that helps at all.

January 17th, 2009, 11:25 PM
I've got stuff edited, I'm just having a hard time getting it to my phone. I have a MotoRizr z6tv, if that helps at all.

Um, the MotoRizr z6tv has bluetooth and a mini USB port... If it doesn't register as some form of storage device, then your phone has major issues.

January 17th, 2009, 11:34 PM
Um, the MotoRizr z6tv has bluetooth and a mini USB port... If it doesn't register as some form of storage device, then your phone has major issues.

That's just it, it doesn't. Which I find odd also. I got the drivers from the website and everything checks out... I dunno what's up...

January 18th, 2009, 12:25 AM
So, in a retarded turn of events. I managed to do what I wanted.

I just edited a clip (using audacity) and sent it to myself through my email using @vzwpix.com thanks everyone for the input.
