View Full Version : Hey so there's a F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin demo out

January 22nd, 2009, 07:02 PM
To combat my thread about something older than dirt, here's something that just came out today.

Played through it. First thought: short. Hope the rest of the game's quite long.

Second thought: Not scary. Could just be that I'm completely jaded to this kind of thing (largely thanks to F.E.A.R. 1) or that I'm older since, but it may just not be scary. You guys tell me.

Third thought: wtf resolution. If you have a non-16:9 resolution (i.e. my 1280x1024), the game, rather than stretching the HUD, merely jams some ugly black bars on the top and bottom of the screen.

Fourth thought: AWESOME. Combat is just as beautifully chaotic as we all remember, the game looks win (and there's more color!), battlewalker (or at least the minute or so I spent with it) is godly, and it's just, you know, fun.

You can grab it off Xbox Live, PSN, or the Internets if you're a PCfag like myself. 1.7GB download, though, so be prepared to wait.

January 22nd, 2009, 07:04 PM
Very few games inspire fear these days.......Kind of disippointing. Guess it takes more than good graphics.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:10 PM
Oh, and it's also worth mentioning that, yes, you can still blow guys in half with your shotgun.

Also the health system works basically the same as in FEAR 1: Will regenerate up to a certian point (about 1/3) but the rest has to be healed with medpaks. Difference is now there are "health injectors" which will instantly fill a little bit of your health but can't be carried with you. As such, they occur much more frequently than the medkits. A much better sense of pacing than the first game.

January 22nd, 2009, 08:15 PM
"Fear alma again"


I still remember that elevator scene in the first one, she randomly pops in, I waste half a clip because it scared the bejesus out of me.

January 22nd, 2009, 09:36 PM
1.7GB download, though, so be prepared to wait.

Go pee in the bathroom and come back and that's how fast it takes for me to download something that large :D Download links would have been nice. I'll jsut download it from FileShack. i get about 1mb download with the mercury servers there.

January 22nd, 2009, 10:08 PM
mine is downloading @ 2mb/s from filefront. Says 17 minutes

Oh and wasnt the FEAR1 demo pretty short too?

January 22nd, 2009, 10:37 PM
For those looking for the link.


January 22nd, 2009, 11:40 PM
I thought the demo was scary. I haven't seen any scary movies or anything scary so I was in for a surprise.

With the resolution thing. Have you tried changing it? That's what I did and the black bars were gone.

I thought the demo was awesome even though I didn't finish it. I hate horror games. I loved the gameplay and look forward to buying the full game(only for multiplayer if any).

Also, WTF was that ghost thingy at the school of whatever?

January 22nd, 2009, 11:59 PM
Resolution was set at 1024x768, I increased it to 1280x1024 (that's my monitor's native resolution.) I can put it at 1280x720 and lose the black bars, but then it stretches the entire screen to ridiculous proportions.

January 24th, 2009, 12:34 PM
The game is really optimized. I can run it maxed full res with AA off with frames to spare. Even with 4X AA on I get about 30 FPS and my computer is meh.

The demo is reaaaly short and not worth keeping after you play it. Some of the scary elements seemed too forced too. Making it less scary.

January 24th, 2009, 01:31 PM
Just downloaded the demo off of PSN, about 685mb. Not too bad. Will post my thoughts after I play it.

I never actually did play FEAR 1 though; it almost runs on my crappy computer, but apparently the PS3 version looks and runs like absolute shit. Here's to hoping that FEAR 2 is properly developed for the PS3 as well as the other systems this time 'round.

EDIT: Played the demo through. Graphically, I would have expected textures and poly counts to be a bit higher, but there are shaders and effects everywhere, so I guess it's a compromise. As far as an FPS goes, the mechanics are rather satisfying, as I suspect the first FEAR probably was. Those crazy trip-outs all the time are a little annoying, though. As far as scary... yeah, maybe a little bit, but when you're expecting scary things, it dampens the effect somewhat. Overall, quite fun.

January 24th, 2009, 01:44 PM
The game is really optimized. I can run it maxed full res with AA off with frames to spare. Even with 4X AA on I get about 30 FPS and my computer is meh.

The demo is reaaaly short and not worth keeping after you play it. Some of the scary elements seemed too forced too. Making it less scary.

My PC had a lot of trouble playing it at certain parts. My framerate would just drop to 0 for a few seconds for no apparent reason. Perhaps loading something, but I don't know.

Chances are I won't get the game, but the demo was pretty cool I guess.

January 24th, 2009, 02:58 PM
I thought the demo was scary. I haven't seen any scary movies or anything scary so I was in for a surprise.

With the resolution thing. Have you tried changing it? That's what I did and the black bars were gone.

I thought the demo was awesome even though I didn't finish it. I hate horror games. I loved the gameplay and look forward to buying the full game(only for multiplayer if any).

Also, WTF was that ghost thingy at the school of whatever?

I originally played at 1280x1024 with mostly everything set to maximum but since the black bars on the top were present along with the 4:3 aspect ratio bars on the sides, it looked like i was playing at 800x600 lol. So I turned down all the settings to low and threw my resolution to the native res of my monitor at 1680x1050 and the game instantly felt more immersive than I thought imaginable. I still have 1/2 inch black bars on the top and bottom but it's virtually impossible to notice them while playing.

This game doesn't seem to be as scary as F.E.A.R. 1. When I first started playing FEAR 1 I'd start and stop the game every few minutes because I couldn't handle the heart attack moments. I did eventually stop pussying out and finished the game. It's either I can handle fear much better now because of FEAR 1 and Doom or this just isn't as scary as it should be.

The ghost things are sorta like the spirits you fought near the end of the first game. Don't be a pussy, finish the demo. It's short and fucking awesome. Not very scary at all, it just has it's creepy and somewhat surprising moments.

The game is really optimized. I can run it maxed full res with AA off with frames to spare. Even with 4X AA on I get about 30 FPS and my computer is meh.

The demo is reaaaly short and not worth keeping after you play it. Some of the scary elements seemed too forced too. Making it less scary.

The game runs really well and with everything set to high and playing on a large screen...oh baby does it ever look realistic. The demo isn't that short. It seemed to be about the same length as the demo for the first game. I'm keeping it to show people when they come over.

I never actually did play FEAR 1 though; it almost runs on my crappy computer, but apparently the PS3 version looks and runs like absolute shit. Here's to hoping that FEAR 2 is properly developed for the PS3 as well as the other systems this time 'round.

EDIT: Played the demo through. Graphically, I would have expected textures and poly counts to be a bit higher, but there are shaders and effects everywhere, so I guess it's a compromise. As far as an FPS goes, the mechanics are rather satisfying, as I suspect the first FEAR probably was. Those crazy trip-outs all the time are a little annoying, though. As far as scary... yeah, maybe a little bit, but when you're expecting scary things, it dampens the effect somewhat. Overall, quite fun.

Quite fun, indeed. However, the console versions will not look as good as their PC counterpart, so I hope PC gamers don't think that's how it looks for PC. Yeah, all the slowdowns and visions and shit. It's pretty annoying. It's almost like FEAR 1 where you fight maybe 4 guys then trip out 3 times before you get back to the action. It's also pretty weird when you're shooting some dudes and then one of them mysteriously disappears and then you hear a scream and watch him get ripped apart by what seems like thin air.

My PC had a lot of trouble playing it at certain parts. My framerate would just drop to 0 for a few seconds for no apparent reason. Perhaps loading something, but I don't know.

What? Played pretty solid on my X1600PRO at 1400x1050 with most settings mixed with medium/maximum. Driver issues?

January 24th, 2009, 03:19 PM
What? Played pretty solid on my X1600PRO at 1440x1050 with most settings mixed with medium/maximum. Driver issues?

I maxed it out on pretty much everything, and ran it at 1440X900. The Framerate was easily 60+, but sometimes it would just go down to 0 for no apparent reason.

I'm going to guess it was because it was loading something or other, but a notification to let me know that that was why it was fucking up would have been nice.

And my drivers are up to date, so doubt it.

January 24th, 2009, 04:40 PM
The quick jump to 0 for a sec or two is where it saves a checkpoint; there's just no text saying it this time.

January 24th, 2009, 04:59 PM
I dunno. I've never noticed it. I probably dismissed it as one of the low FPS spikes I get frequently.

Dr Nick
January 25th, 2009, 01:47 PM
Personally, I can't wait for this game. If it's anything like the demo, or the original FEAR, it'll definitely be worth the money.

January 25th, 2009, 04:05 PM
It wasn't that great.

January 25th, 2009, 04:28 PM
I guess I'll start dling it. I found the original F.E.A.R. to be awesome.

January 25th, 2009, 09:08 PM
I guess I'll start dling it. I found the original F.E.A.R. to be awesome.

It was alot like SMOD for HL2, special effects wise.

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2009, 09:04 PM
Resolution was set at 1024x768, I increased it to 1280x1024 (that's my monitor's native resolution.) I can put it at 1280x720 and lose the black bars, but then it stretches the entire screen to ridiculous proportions.

That's the problem with 1280x1024 monitors - the 5:4 aspect ratio is not used with any other resolution of monitor, hence if you try to run a game at a resolution other than the native one on such a monitor, the image gets a bit "warped" (newer Nvidia cards have been able to fix this issue with limited success). I don't even know why 1280x1024 was invented in the first place, given how basically all other resolutions are 4:3, 16:9 or 8:5.

Personally, I thought the widescreen views were great as they actually make a difference with your FOV.

January 26th, 2009, 09:20 PM
I've downloaded it off xbox live and liked it quite a bit.
Didnt realise the cars blew up untill i got killed by a exploding one...

January 26th, 2009, 09:22 PM
I thought that it was pretty fun.

I like creepy jumpy shit though.

Graphics are nice :)

January 26th, 2009, 09:24 PM
I've downloaded it off xbox live and liked it quite a bit.
Didnt realise the cars blew up untill i got killed by a exploding one...

this isnt 1999
cars explode.

anyway i was playing this and i went up some stairs and bitch alma flashed before my eyes
and she kicked my ass.
after that little flash thing my bruised ass let out a little poop. it was that scary.

January 27th, 2009, 05:00 AM
Played it, loved it, but at the same time, I dunno.

The gameplay was great.

The visual treatment was great, the effects, however, some effects like the fire and blood are severely lacking.

I'm also noticing past the niceness of some of the lighting, the level art seems very uh, i dunno, last gen?

I see seams and intersecting geometry everywhere. Maybe UT3's seamlessness just raised my standards, but I dunno, seemed a bit lacking.

However, really fun, gripping, loving the alternate universe thing happening.

January 27th, 2009, 08:02 AM
Im going to say this is alot like playing call of duty 4. Graphics were pretty decent, nothing spectacular, but at the same time not terrible at all. But the gameplay surely made up for its faults. It was hella fun to play...and felt alot like fear 1.

January 27th, 2009, 08:09 AM
Played it. Loved it.