View Full Version : This is bull****

January 23rd, 2009, 01:17 PM
So im sitting in my Computer Aided Drafting class and I have a problem with turboCAD and I call my teacher over to help with fixing the problem. He sees my cellphone.. which is in my pants pocket not visible other than the bulge, and demands that I hand it over to him cause he's confiscating it. Me being the hard head I am I'm like I somewhat refuse to give it to him because our school rules state that they have to be turned off and can't be visible. It wasn't visible except for a small bulge (its an enV2, its rather slim so its like extremely hard to see). He demands it and threatens a week of detention. I pull it out of my pocket and shove it in his face and show it that its off. He grabs it out of my hand and takes it to the office.

First time its taken away from you, you get it back at the end of the day. 2nd time your parents have to come in and sign for it.

Well.. so I go at the end of the day (I have early release since im a senior) and they tell me my parents have to come sign for it. What the hell? This is my first time. They don't care.

Okay... so I need to call my mom to get her to come here. Problem is I know she isnt home and I need to call her cell. I don't have her number memorized so I need to use my cellphone to get her number out of my contacts. I politely ask to see my phone long enough to get her number and they refuse. After 10 mins of arguing she asks me what my mom's name is under my contacts and goes into the back room and comes out with a piece of paper with my mom's cell written on it. She had to of just used my phone to get it..

So.. my mom comes in and I get my phone back... and now I'm pissed.

The front of my phone is completely broken. The screen is cracked and the buttons don't work. I got 8 new txts since I had my phone taken away. All of them read, 6 of them replied to. All my pictures were deleted off my phone.

Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK!?! Invasion of privacy? And damage of MY property?! This is fucking bullshit. So my mom and I raise hell with the school and they say the damages are my own fault. Bullshit. And they won't explain how my txts were read and responded to. Thankfully I have coverage on my phone and can get it replaced for free.

But what the hell happened to privacy? And how he took it was bullshit in the first place. It was off and in my pocket.

I hate my goddamn school.

/rant :mad:

January 23rd, 2009, 01:25 PM
Threaten to sue. Your phone was damaged while not in your possession and you lost data. Just don't go overboard, there's a fine line between a justified lawsuit and a frivolous one.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:26 PM
Thats bullshit, complain to the school board, and demand damages.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:33 PM
Something has to be done about that, just completley wrong for them to get away with it.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:36 PM
Threaten to sue. Your phone was damaged while not in your possession and you lost data. Just don't go overboard, there's a fine line between a justified lawsuit and a frivolous one.

My mom did. And in the student agenda states that they arent held liable for any damages to your personal belongings and will search them upon being taken.

Its bullshit.

MetKiller Joe
January 23rd, 2009, 01:42 PM
There is probably a piece of paper that you signed as a legal document stating this at the beginning of the school year; most schools use this to avoid everything (which is crazy). You could probably argue it in a court of law and win with a decent lawyer.

Seriously though, that is crazy.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:42 PM
Yes but they didn't have any reason to take your cell phone, it was off, and out of site, so they violated the rules first meaning that that is voided since they obtained your cell phone illegally. This removes their right to search/ take it.

January 23rd, 2009, 01:45 PM
My mom did. And in the student agenda states that they arent held liable for any damages to your personal belongings and will search them upon being taken.

What the fuck?

The search and seizure I can understand, but if they take your shit, they have no right to break it or delete your crap.

See if it's possible to pin it on one person. Maybe the school itself isn't responsible for property damages, but one person should be.

Yes but they didn't have any reason to take your cell phone, it was off, and out of site, so they violated the rules first meaning that that is voided since they obtained your cell phone illegally. This removes their right to search/ take it.

This. The teacher had no place to demand you give him your personal property. You should have refused outright and who cares if you got sent to the principal/dean's office?

January 23rd, 2009, 02:00 PM
That's seriously messed up.

Choking Victim
January 23rd, 2009, 02:11 PM
You should've just refused to give it to them in the first place, then have your mom argue about the detention later. You were following the rules, the phone was off and out of sight. Fuck that.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:26 PM
so yesterday i get my phone taken away in school for texting. the vice principal comes from behind me and just grabs it out my hand. i go to get it at the end of the day and he sais hes not giving it back cause some idiot pulled the fire alarm in school the same day and they were trying to find out who it was so they were gunna look through it to see if i had any texts that said who it was. at this point i am buggin a shit cause i have bad texts on my phone. today i go into school and administration is waiting for me at the doors. they bring me into the office and tell me whats up. i had a bunch of texts with ppl about drugs and now they think i deal. although most of the ppl who asked me for shit i just said no to they still think otherwise because with one friend i gave him a price. they got the cops involved and interrogated the fuck outa me. i told them i wasnt dealing drugs and just knew ppl who had so i was trying to help a friend out which is the truth. since i didnt want to give them any names they might charge me with dealing and conspiracy of dealing.

after leaving the police station they made me go back to school to take a drug test. thats going to come up positive so im gunna have to go to rehab.


January 23rd, 2009, 02:32 PM

But you could also argue that since they were only looking for texts about the fire alarm, they had no right at all to press charges about texts with drugs.

MetKiller Joe
January 23rd, 2009, 02:36 PM

But you could also argue that since they were only looking for texts about the fire alarm, they had no right at all to press charges about texts with drugs.

It is called an excuse. They either suspected it from the beginning, or they searched the cell phone (like they always do with students maybe) and just gave the fire alarm excuse. I'm guessing somebody said something, but that is just what I'm seeing.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:43 PM

But you could also argue that since they were only looking for texts about the fire alarm, they had no right at all to press charges about texts with drugs.

If you search a house looking for drugs and find a dead body that doesn't mean they won't investigate the dead body.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:46 PM
My son, three words: Class Action Lawsuit.

Your first amendment rights are being infringed upon, not to mention your property has been damaged. You have every right to sue that school.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:48 PM
Smash the teachers fucking computer when no ones in the room, just don't get caught.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:49 PM
My son, three words: Class Action Lawsuit.

Your first amendment rights are being infringed upon, not to mention your property has been damaged. You have every right to sue that school.

Up until the point where the school had you sign something upon enrollment stating that it will not be held responsible for the loss of or any damage to items held on school grounds

January 23rd, 2009, 02:50 PM
Damn even if they state they are not responsible surely you could get something against them for that kind of treatment.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:50 PM
Suing schools is a lot easier than people know. Sometimes people forget that in each class there are several students/witnesses, and if enough of them conspire testify in your favor, the teacher who broke the rule is fucked. Trust me, this even works when you're lying. Around where I live, this shit happens all the time. If there's a teacher kids don't like, BAM! Sexual harassment suit.

January 23rd, 2009, 02:57 PM
Suing schools is a lot easier than people know. Sometimes people forget that in each class there are several students/witnesses, and if enough of them conspire testify in your favor, the teacher who broke the rule is fucked. Trust me, this even works when you're lying. Around where I live, this shit happens all the time. If there's a teacher kids don't like, BAM! Sexual harassment suit.
If you want to be a fucking moron, then yeah, do this.

Or you could help to raise general concern that the school has inappropriate practices.

January 23rd, 2009, 03:03 PM
Damn even if they state they are not responsible surely you could get something against them for that kind of treatment.

Im not quite sure, but I believe no. Around here a couple years back there was a case about schools restricting freedom of speech(albeit I think it was about swearing on school grounds, still kinda relates). It ended up that because it is school grounds, they can dictate just about anything they want. So on top of that you signed a legal document stating the school will not be held responsible, there's not much you can do. However, if you have eye witnesses who saw the teacher(s) breaking the thing, you could probably sue them individually for damages at most, rather than the school itself

January 23rd, 2009, 03:04 PM
ATTN newfag: Read deeper in my post. This lawsuit will in fact raise the concern you mention because what he's suing for actually happened. I'm just saying that it's not as hard as some people are saying.

January 23rd, 2009, 03:05 PM
ATTN newfag: Read deeper in my post. This lawsuit will in fact raise the concern you mention because what he's suing for actually happened. I'm just saying that it's not as hard as some people are saying.
double negative sarcasm.

January 23rd, 2009, 04:12 PM
Smash the teachers fucking computer when no ones in the room, just don't get caught.
holy shit. yeah do this
e. You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Corndogman again.

January 23rd, 2009, 05:11 PM
If you search a house looking for drugs and find a dead body that doesn't mean they won't investigate the dead body.
If the house is being searched with a warrant, then the warrant must me specific to the drugs and a location must be specified. If they find a body while searching with that same warrant, really, they can't do anything about it other than think of how they can begin investigating something that would eventually lead to that body being there.

My son, three words: Class Action Lawsuit.

Your first amendment rights are being infringed upon, not to mention your property has been damaged. You have every right to sue that school.
Class-action lawsuits are only if a large party has the same complaint(s) to another party. Chances are, you won't get a class-action lawsuit in a public school for a broken cell phone unless the exact same thing has happened to like every other student. Even then, you'd be spending a ton of money and a ton of time bringing down the school (you will win, though), and you will all probably walk off with $5 in the end.

Im not quite sure, but I believe no. Around here a couple years back there was a case about schools restricting freedom of speech(albeit I think it was about swearing on school grounds, still kinda relates). It ended up that because it is school grounds, they can dictate just about anything they want. So on top of that you signed a legal document stating the school will not be held responsible, there's not much you can do. However, if you have eye witnesses who saw the teacher(s) breaking the thing, you could probably sue them individually for damages at most, rather than the school itself
I doubt you have a freedom of speech case here. You'd only have a case if they tried to restrict you. Taking away a cell phone really isn't infringing upon it. You could probably really piss off the school by writing something about this experience and then distributing it. They'll undoubtedly try to force you to shut up and then you can build a really strong case over them. Schools can't restrict opinion either.

Suing schools is a lot easier than people know. Sometimes people forget that in each class there are several students/witnesses, and if enough of them conspire testify in your favor, the teacher who broke the rule is fucked. Trust me, this even works when you're lying. Around where I live, this shit happens all the time. If there's a teacher kids don't like, BAM! Sexual harassment suit.
This is probably your best move. If you get the students in the room to sign an affidavit stating that the cell phone was not in plain sight, they seized or STOLE the phone out of your hands, and then the school was IN POSSESSION of the phone at the time it was broken. Even though they claim they're not liable for damages while anything is in their possession, they'll never be clear of this. This was an act of vandalism.

If someone parks a car in your driveway, just because it's on your property does not give you the right to damage it. You aren't liable for it's damages if it were to get damaged, and you could have it towed. However, as soon as you inflict damage upon it, it turns into vandalism and a crime. The policy probably means that they're not liable if your property is damaged, lost, or stolen while on school grounds, which is common and understandable.

Do not return your phone or exchange it for another. Keep it. Get a lawyer. Complain to the school. Do not bring up the subject of getting legal about it. They'll immediately bring their lawyers into it and they'll be expecting a lawsuit. You're better off tripping them up, building a lawsuit, snail-mailing it, and winning by default if they fail to respond.

January 23rd, 2009, 05:18 PM
This is fucking retarded. I can't believe it... its just to assholeish... what the fuck...

January 23rd, 2009, 05:28 PM
If the house is being searched with a warrant, then the warrant must me specific to the drugs and a location must be specified. If they find a body while searching with that same warrant, really, they can't do anything about it other than think of how they can begin investigating something that would eventually lead to that body being there.

Oh sorry, I meant in countries with good legal systems, not in America :)

January 23rd, 2009, 05:43 PM
Key his car.

January 23rd, 2009, 05:45 PM

January 23rd, 2009, 05:50 PM
Oh sorry, I meant in countries with good legal systems, not in America :)
Are you fucking kidding me? If the legal system was like that, then it would be completely fucked up. If they wanted to get someone for any crime, even if they don't have enough to even warrant a warrant, they could get a completely bullshit warrant and raid the house, then find just one thing that could possibly be illegal and incriminate them on that. This system makes sure you're innocent until proven guilty and that you're given a fair trial.

January 23rd, 2009, 06:27 PM

so resisting giving someone your personal property is grounds for having your shit broken and your privacy betrayed?

January 23rd, 2009, 06:33 PM
so resisting giving someone your personal property is grounds for having your shit broken and your privacy betrayed?

January 23rd, 2009, 06:37 PM
Don't feed the troll.

January 23rd, 2009, 06:45 PM
Don't feed the troll.
Sorry bro I'll be more careful next time vhttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/frown.gifv

January 23rd, 2009, 07:00 PM
They had no right to go and reply your text messages and delete your data. That is just fucked up.

January 23rd, 2009, 07:13 PM
All my pictures were deleted off my phone.

So those nudes I sent you are gone?

Mr Buckshot
January 23rd, 2009, 07:23 PM
Wow I had no idea that a North American school could ever be like that. Teachers at my school may be tech-illiterate but at least they know the difference between a turned on phone and a turned off phone. They're also nice too - if they confiscate any electronics, they keep them on their desks and return them when the class ends. They also never assume a bulge in your pocket is a phone - it could be a wallet, it could be stationery, it could be a ball of string for all they know.

Do NOT replace the phone, keep it as evidence when you sue the school.

The school violated your rights from the very start. I'm sure you don't have a bad school behavior record, in which case the administration definitely has absolutely no right to turn on the phone and even look at your stuff. And WTF, they replied to some of your texts? Even worse.

Just don't try to get too hostile with the school. You're in your senior year, and if you're forced to transfer to another school it's really not fun at all at this time of your life.

Also, report this to the police if they care. If this happened in my city, it would be considered a crime, it's like going into someone's email account w/o his consent.


How did Plas act like a dick to the teacher? He was defending his rights. If a teacher wrongfully accused me of cheating, I'd be just as pissed and would take a similar attitude. The teacher acted like a dick first, by immediately assuming the bulge in his pocket was a phone and then demanding it.

January 23rd, 2009, 07:43 PM
They had no right to go and reply your text messages and delete your data. That is just fucked up.
Just hope he uses pay as you go for his credit, that way he can also claim that they have illegaly charged him money for a service he did not authorise.

January 23rd, 2009, 07:46 PM
Do you know what the replies said, or does it just say that they were replied to? Most phones have a "sent messages" or the like.

January 23rd, 2009, 09:47 PM
Am I the only one thats creeped out the fact the teacher was staring at your groin, looking at a bulge that COULD have been something else?

I think its pretty fucked up when teachers demand they take your belongings, if I was back at school I'd no way in hell give them my stuff.

Taking something without permission is stealing, they "ask" you to give them the belonging as in saying "hey I'm going to temporarily keep this if you hand it to me you agree..."

The fact they broke your phone, deleted your pictures and read your texts is downright unacceptable, and I'm pretty sure they have broken the law. They're maybe some catch in the small print saying they can confiscate the device, but accessing it is completely out of the question.

If I was you I'd go to the press and contact the police. If you can get any class mates to back you up by saying they saw you hand it over not broken then thats even better.

Mr Buckshot
January 23rd, 2009, 10:12 PM
Well said, Limited. Also I think the teacher had no right to question the contents of your pocket, either. Like I said, the bulge could've easily been a wallet or anything non-electronic.

Yeah, take this to the local press, make sure the school administration comes under the fire of the community. That'll add weight to your cause.

January 23rd, 2009, 10:18 PM
Well said, Limited. Also I think the teacher had no right to question the contents of your pocket, either. Like I said, the bulge could've easily been a wallet or anything non-electronic.

Uh, I'm pretty sure that's not what Limited was getting at. :giggle:

Mr Buckshot
January 23rd, 2009, 10:46 PM
I know that, I'm just adding to it.

"teacher is perverted, looking for hard ones." - there stated the obvious.

I hope this isn't like Jay2645's "sister died" thread...it's just not that credible

January 23rd, 2009, 11:03 PM
Uhhh its plenty credible :|

There have been plenty of dickhead teachers who have attempted to take my shit before.

t3h m00kz
January 23rd, 2009, 11:13 PM
Kill your teacher.

no not really

That sucks balls, and is bullshit, and you should look into getting some charges filed or something.

Mr Buckshot
January 24th, 2009, 12:12 AM
Uhhh its plenty credible :|

There have been plenty of dickhead teachers who have attempted to take my shit before.

Same here, but probing into and then damaging the belongings? It's just...I don't know. It's like the teacher has a very serious personal grudge against the owner. I've witnessed cases of unfair confiscation of electronics at my school, but no matter how much the teacher hates the student the teacher just places it in his desk drawer, doesn't touch it again except to return it.

January 24th, 2009, 01:26 AM

January 24th, 2009, 10:33 AM
First, sign up for a counseling appointment with you and 2 other friends that saw. Talk with the counselor for about 10 minutes. If no avail, get the teacher that did it in there. Interrogate him with the counselor and two friends for 20 minutes and if you get absolutely nothing out of that, begin the Lawsuit process.

ATTN: CN3089
No one cares, faggot. :)

January 24th, 2009, 12:09 PM
I would think complaining to the school board would do something.

You should've taken the detention then have fought about not having to do them since there was no reason to.

January 24th, 2009, 01:51 PM
Better idea:

1 - Do you have witnesses that will testify in the court of law *hypothetically* that it was off and was in your pocket?
2 - How far do you want to take this? Are you willing to do the work that it takes to remedy this?

answer these and me and my mom have cooked up the awesomest plan ever.

It involves public humiliation :)

January 24th, 2009, 02:55 PM
Better idea:

1 - Do you have witnesses that will testify in the court of law *hypothetically* that it was off and was in your pocket?
2 - How far do you want to take this? Are you willing to do the work that it takes to remedy this?

answer these and me and my mom have cooked up the awesomest plan ever.

It involves public humiliation :)
This sounds like it could be quite an interesting plan...listen to him :P

January 24th, 2009, 04:09 PM
Better idea:

1 - Do you have witnesses that will testify in the court of law *hypothetically* that it was off and was in your pocket?
2 - How far do you want to take this? Are you willing to do the work that it takes to remedy this?

answer these and me and my mom have cooked up the awesomest plan ever.

It involves public humiliation :)

You got your family together to try to think of a solution? This is being taking pretty srsly.

January 24th, 2009, 06:21 PM
wait, make sure you have a video camera. get everybody centered and focused in correctly. the the lighting good? ok good.
now blow teacher to hell

January 24th, 2009, 06:25 PM
Your fault for giving them your phone, lewl what the fuck are they gonna do if you don't hand it over. Detention rofl.

January 24th, 2009, 06:30 PM
I think I have 3 detentions I have to do, and by have to do I mean not going to :)

Choking Victim
January 24th, 2009, 06:33 PM
I think I have 3 detentions I have to do, and by have to do I mean not going to :)
OSHIT, your fucking bad ass.

January 24th, 2009, 06:39 PM
I think I have 3 detentions I have to do, and by have to do I mean not going to :)
Is it a bad thing if I've never had a detention...?

January 24th, 2009, 06:43 PM
Is it a bad thing if I've never had a detention...?

I haven't had a "real" reason given for detention yet :|

This year my school decided that instead of a handful of grace lates, we could have one late, and then any other lates we got detentions.

So yeah fuck that.

OSHIT, your fucking bad ass.



January 24th, 2009, 07:16 PM
Your fault for giving them your phone, lewl what the fuck are they gonna do if you don't hand it over. Detention rofl.

Last kid who refused to give his cell up was EXPELLED from school.

I'm also a senior, and they will most likely threaten to not let me walk at graduation.

January 24th, 2009, 07:17 PM
great school you go to.

January 24th, 2009, 07:20 PM
great school you go to.

I know. Their fight policy is just as awesome. If you get in a fight, person A who starts it gets X amount of punishment. If person B fights back at all, person B gets 2X the amount of punishment for continuing a fight even if its simply self defense.

In other words, if a kid pulls a knife on you (not ever happened here except a girl trying to stab another with a knitting needle) and you do anything in self defense, you get 2x the punishment.


I already got the phone replaced. I'm trying to see what all can be done but everyone ive talked to here said that the school isnt held responsible since the rules are clearly stated in the agenda.

January 24th, 2009, 07:20 PM
I haven't had a "real" reason given for detention yet :|

This year my school decided that instead of a handful of grace lates, we could have one late, and then any other lates we got detentions.

So yeah fuck that.
Same here, except for the new semester, they decided that it's better to have one late, one detention, no grace lates at all...

January 24th, 2009, 07:25 PM
I know. Their fight policy is just as awesome. If you get in a fight, person A who starts it gets X amount of punishment. If person B fights back at all, person B gets 2X the amount of punishment for continuing a fight even if its simply self defense.

In other words, if a kid pulls a knife on you (not ever happened here except a girl trying to stab another with a knitting needle) and you do anything in self defense, you get 2x the punishment.


I already got the phone replaced. I'm trying to see what all can be done but everyone ive talked to here said that the school isnt held responsible since the rules are clearly stated in the agenda.

Same thing for the fight policy in my school.

January 24th, 2009, 07:32 PM
I know. Their fight policy is just as awesome. If you get in a fight, person A who starts it gets X amount of punishment. If person B fights back at all, person B gets 2X the amount of punishment for continuing a fight even if its simply self defense.

In other words, if a kid pulls a knife on you (not ever happened here except a girl trying to stab another with a knitting needle) and you do anything in self defense, you get 2x the punishment.


I already got the phone replaced. I'm trying to see what all can be done but everyone ive talked to here said that the school isnt held responsible since the rules are clearly stated in the agenda.Two things I really need to ask:
#1: If you can't defend yourself, what the fuck else are you supposed to do? You can't just run, that endangers even more people. Do they really expect you to just take a knife to the chest? It's like they're asking, nay, begging people to be pussies. The basic system of education does that well enough, you don't need to be threatening the lives of kids further. That, or they're aiming to have kids killed on the off chance that they're the lone competent child capable of critical thinking, protecting the staff from being exposed as the dumb motherfuckers they are.
#2: Where do you live again? I swear even Baltimore schools aren't this dysfunctional.

January 24th, 2009, 07:36 PM
Same here, except for the new semester, they decided that it's better to have one late, one detention, no grace lates at all...


January 24th, 2009, 07:38 PM
Two things I really need to ask:
#1: If you can't defend yourself, what the fuck else are you supposed to do? You can't just run, that endangers even more people. Do they really expect you to just take a knife to the chest? It's like they're asking, nay, begging people to be pussies. The basic system of education does that well enough, you don't need to be threatening the lives of kids further. That, or they're aiming to have kids killed on the off chance that they're the lone competent child capable of critical thinking, protecting the staff from being exposed as the dumb motherfuckers they are.
#2: Where do you live again? I swear even Baltimore schools aren't this dysfunctional.

It's a rule in my school, too; I live in the greater Seattle area and a lot of mexican gangs pull that type of stuff in schools around here. It's pretty shitty, some chick got a chair thrown at her and she got suspended longer than the girl who actually threw the chair

January 24th, 2009, 07:43 PM
wow, fuck that...

Choking Victim
January 24th, 2009, 07:48 PM
So just start a lot of shit, then people won't mess with you and you'll knowingly get off easier. :downs:

January 24th, 2009, 08:03 PM
I go to school in Ohio. Its shit here. Like apparently we were a top ranked school like 10 or 20 years ago. Now we are complete shit imho.

January 24th, 2009, 08:11 PM
What does OCDSB stand for again?

January 24th, 2009, 10:43 PM
It's the not christian school board that runs the public schools.

January 24th, 2009, 10:56 PM
I know. Their fight policy is just as awesome. If you get in a fight, person A who starts it gets X amount of punishment. If person B fights back at all, person B gets 2X the amount of punishment for continuing a fight even if its simply self defense.

In other words, if a kid pulls a knife on you (not ever happened here except a girl trying to stab another with a knitting needle) and you do anything in self defense, you get 2x the punishment.


I already got the phone replaced. I'm trying to see what all can be done but everyone ive talked to here said that the school isnt held responsible since the rules are clearly stated in the agenda.
If you fight at my school both people get expelled. :(

January 24th, 2009, 11:01 PM
It's the not christian school board that runs the public schools.
English school board then, eh? I go to a French school, so no, not OCDSB, sorry.

January 24th, 2009, 11:37 PM
Is it a bad thing if I've never had a detention...?

at my old school i was in the double digits because i forgot to do my homework and i think once because i did something bad
i cant remember what
or why

anyway yeah that's complete bullshit

oh and guy that was talking about how his texts and shit were about drugs:
see most phones nowadays have this feature called "clear texts"
it's really fucking amazing you should try it

Mr Buckshot
January 24th, 2009, 11:44 PM
Is it a bad thing if I've never had a detention...?

No, it just means your teachers are generally lenient. I had detentions in my Californian elementary school, but in my Canadian high school I've never had a detention before even though I'm definitely not a "stellar goody-two-shoes." I don't eat in class, I rarely talk to others when the teacher's talking, but I have made snide remarks, I have been overheard using the f-word when casually chatting with friends, etc, the teachers just don't think such minor acts warrant a detention.

January 24th, 2009, 11:47 PM
No, it just means your teachers are generally lenient.
That, or I never do anything to get myself into trouble...

January 25th, 2009, 12:00 AM
I don't go to my detentions.. I guess I'm a rebel :?

Mr Buckshot
January 25th, 2009, 12:04 AM
That, or I never do anything to get myself into trouble...

Well you see, some teachers view things as trouble while other teachers would view the same thing as an accidental slip-up.

We're all human and imperfect. I'm getting As in all my courses now, but every year, on more than one occasion, I've forgotten to do my homework and either got a 0 or a late penalty. Plenty of teachers view this as an offence that warrants a detention, but not my teachers. As I mentioned previously, teachers have overheard me using bad language during casual chats, in some schools they will send you to the office for that, in my school they just say "Don't use that language" and leave it there.

Back on topic: Plas, you replaced the phone, but did you keep the original broken one? It is necessary evidence for legal action.

January 25th, 2009, 07:48 AM
Threaten to sue. Your phone was damaged while not in your possession and you lost data. Just don't go overboard, there's a fine line between a justified lawsuit and a frivolous one.

sometimes people need a kick to the balls to bring them back down to earth.

Happened with a friend of my brother who did a report for english on a certain poet.
He wrote to the poet, asked him questions about the context the meaning and metaphors and all that shit and he laughed back and said "wtf, the poem is as it is, just read it and understand it, rather then try and figure out things that dont exist".

so he wrote his paper on that on the poets advice and got an F.

wrote back to the poet, explained what happened and the poet flipped out, rang the school went insane over the whole issues and told them to never use any of his poems again.

He got an A after that.

Give them a threat and dont back down from it because that is Bullshit.

January 25th, 2009, 08:26 AM
Back on topic: Plas, you replaced the phone, but did you keep the original broken one? It is necessary evidence for legal action.

No I didn't keep the original. I understand its necessary but the school won't do anything about that. They keep using that "It's stated in the agenda that we are not responsible for any damage to property" excuse. Hell if you get anything stolen and report it they don't even care. They just tell you not to bring it to school next time. Sweet. I had a TI calculator stolen. Next time I won't bring something I need for class. Smart thinking. Anyways, they did however transfer everything over on my phone. That's evidence for the texts because I have texts replied to with the timestamp when the phone would be in possession of the main office of my school.

January 25th, 2009, 09:05 AM
No I didn't keep the original. I understand its necessary but the school won't do anything about that. They keep using that "It's stated in the agenda that we are not responsible for any damage to property" excuse. Hell if you get anything stolen and report it they don't even care. They just tell you not to bring it to school next time. Sweet. I had a TI calculator stolen. Next time I won't bring something I need for class. Smart thinking. Anyways, they did however transfer everything over on my phone. That's evidence for the texts because I have texts replied to with the timestamp when the phone would be in possession of the main office of my school.
Really stupid move, and really stupid thinking.

As I said in my previous post, there is a difference between bringing a phone to school and getting it damaged while on their premises and bringing a phone to school and having it vandalized while in possession of an employee. The agenda protects them legally against damage by others, NOT THE SCHOOL. Just because it changes hands (AND FORCEFULLY STOLEN!) does not give them the right of ownership or the right to do damage to someone else's property. It was in their possession, it's their liability.

January 25th, 2009, 10:47 AM
I see you do want to go all the way.

Send a detailed letter (1-2 10 sentence paragraphs) to the teacher, the school/principal, the school board, the district, and the state superintendent of public instruction. In the letter, detail what exactly happened, why you think it is wrong, and an idea for an initiative that if the school confiscates an item, and they are to keep it for any time period, they are now responsible for the item and if it is damaged by the time it returns to its owner.

Then call in the press so they get humiliated and they can't ignore it. Make an example out of your teacher. However, don't go insane with them so far, just get them in the door.

January 25th, 2009, 11:03 AM
English school board then, eh? I go to a French school, so no, not OCDSB, sorry.

Hahahahha frenchy :downs:

January 25th, 2009, 11:16 AM
I looked it up and it stood for a school district's board.

I have a better name, though.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder School Board

January 25th, 2009, 11:53 AM
Hahahahha frenchy :downs:
Ta gueule... :P Gotta love french :)

Getting rid of the phone removes your proof that the school has ever done anything to it though. The chances that they just take your words don't seem like the greatest.

January 25th, 2009, 03:04 PM
hopefully you at least took pictures of the damaged phone....

January 25th, 2009, 07:01 PM
wtf. Here in the UK, if that happened to me, I would refuse to give it to them, they would NOT get it either Lol.

I would tell them straight that I am following the rules, it is off, and not visable.

And the damage part I would of gotten the police involved, because schools are not allowed to go through your phone, nor are they even allowed to touch you so he couldnt of got it from you anyway Lol.

January 25th, 2009, 09:14 PM
No I didn't keep the original. I understand its necessary but the school won't do anything about that. They keep using that "It's stated in the agenda that we are not responsible for any damage to property" excuse. Hell if you get anything stolen and report it they don't even care. They just tell you not to bring it to school next time. Sweet. I had a TI calculator stolen. Next time I won't bring something I need for class. Smart thinking. Anyways, they did however transfer everything over on my phone. That's evidence for the texts because I have texts replied to with the timestamp when the phone would be in possession of the main office of my school.

January 25th, 2009, 09:29 PM
actually, all schools go throught the students phone for like no reason.

but this, this is stupid..they replied to texts which is majorly fucked up

January 25th, 2009, 09:41 PM
That's bullshit. I can understand, my school is annoying like that too with a quarter of the teachers. But the teacher broke and went into the privacy of your phone to mess with your messages? That's some serious stuff right there. Continue arguing with your school. This is something that needs to be taken greatly into consideration.

Llama Juice
January 25th, 2009, 11:57 PM
lol owned. Not gunna say what you should have done, 'cause you already know... but seriously just go to the press or something and make them see what's going on.