View Full Version : Crap customer support from Asus

January 23rd, 2009, 04:39 PM
All of the below is a issue that is still going on today and has caused some great stress.

In june last year my motherboard suddenly decided it would not load anymore, wouldnt even go to the POST screen and showed a black screen.
So i though no worries il see if the video card has come loose i refit the card noticed same issue so i rebuilt the computer which i have done many times used the normal anti static gear and all the rest of it.
Still not going to play ball so i purchased a POST card to plug into my motherboard and see what the error the POST would output only thing was the error the output gave me was none existant according to the error list.

In July i contacted Asus for a RMA under warranty the motherboard was less than a year old.
Asus refused free RMA due to the motherboard "not belonging in UK" and advised i contact a offcialy recognised repair shop to find out about repairs through them.
I looked through my options of buying a new motherboard or getting my current one repaired and took the lesser of demons so to speak [what a mistake...]
Motherboard was sent off 15th august via overnight transport to ensure the sooner it arrived sooner it would return, on the shops website there was a guaranteed 21 day turn arround.[according to UK law that is a reasonable timescale according to legislation "supply of goods and services act 1982 amended]
A month later i contacted the shop to find out any information on the repair to find the motherboard had been sent to mainland Europe and that i would most likely be receieving it back soon.
Another month later i contacted the Shop to find out where the hell my hardware was and the guy on the phone just said the motherbaord was currently in prague czech republic for repairs but other than that not much more information.
Another month later i contacted the shop no new information but they would phone me for if they receieved any information at all.
Three weeks later i called them still no information but Asus had informed them they were sending a "unmarked motherboard" which may or maynot be mine which apparently was not in need of repair but had been "user error" Strange...i know full well it wasnt user error but thought to myself finaly i may get the thing back.
Im going to skip a few weeks now to more moddern part of this.

In november i called the pc shop about 5 times in the same week to put some pressure on the shop for details and now the shop has "regulary" been contacting Asus to find out what has happened in the next 3 weeks Asus starts to ignore the shops email requests for infromation other than stating Asus UK had receieved the board but Asus Europe had not receieved the board.
Somehow my motherboard has been lost in transit...
December: I contact the shop for any more information to find Asus are now fully ignoring the shops requests and will not comment at all the technical advisor assures me he will email the Asus UK department for information every day untill he gets a response and will telephone me with any information [which to this day i have never had a phone call about]

December 20th i've decided i have had enough of this charade and decide to go straight to the heart of this ordeal, i contact Asus the same way i did in the first place, through their RMA request system on their website i fill out my motherboard details and in the error diagnosis i detail everything that had happened in the past few months and point out that i had contacted Consumer direct and trading standards and am now holding them personaly responsible for being breach of "supply of goods and services act 1982 amended" and that i am now in dire need of information on where the fuck my motherboard is.
I get a reply 2 days later.

Dear customer ,
Thank you for contacting ASUS.

This is Echo and I will be assisting you with the issue you have posted.

I will contact my UK colleague to chase this case. If you can't receive any information from UK in 14 days, please let me know again.
Thanks for your consideration.

Sorry for any inconvenience bring to you~
I look forward for your response with all the details to assist you.


ASUS Customer Service Center (Shanghai, China)

If you have any suggestions or complaints about our technical support
service, please e-mail your feedback to us. We will then
arrange for a specialist to work on your issue.
It is now the 23rd of january 2009 it is comming towards 7 fucking months since i sent my motherboard off for a 21 day repair not 21 Month.

Any advice from you guys would be greatly appreciated.
I am seriously tempted to sue the fuck out of them for this.

MetKiller Joe
January 23rd, 2009, 04:46 PM
I wouldn't go to the RMA department at this point. Write them a polite passive-aggressive e-mail stating everything you just said to customer service.

This is bullshit customer service. Somebody screwed up the order and they should be fired.

January 23rd, 2009, 05:10 PM
Isn't it humorous that out of the millions that are losing jobs, the ones that are still working are the incompetent people?

Joe's idea is good. Just make sure it goes to the right people, not some bullshit "contact us" email that usually acts as a company's trash bin.

January 23rd, 2009, 05:26 PM
Isn't it humorous that out of the millions that are losing jobs, the ones that are still working are the incompetent people?

Joe's idea is good. Just make sure it goes to the right people, not some bullshit "contact us" email that usually acts as a company's trash bin.
Yeah, the tech support has given me what looks to be the managers Email address located in Canada.
Hopefully he/she will beable to get to the bottom of this.
E: i dare say the incompetant ones are only hired for they are too stupid to realise how badly they get paid, their probably on slave wage or something.

Mr Buckshot
January 23rd, 2009, 07:36 PM
You're dealing with a Taiwanese company, this is to be expected. Not being racist or anything, but generally the tech support from Taiwanese brands is lackluster to anyone outside of Taiwan.

January 23rd, 2009, 08:46 PM
Asus customer service, according the the net, is top notch.. Damnit, stupid piece of crap resources.

You should of went with a new board anyway. However, taking this long is ridiculous and a new board should be shipped to you in place of the broken one.

January 25th, 2009, 09:47 PM
Asus customer service, according the the net, is top notch.. Damnit, stupid piece of crap resources.

You should of went with a new board anyway. However, taking this long is ridiculous and a new board should be shipped to you in place of the broken one.
Ive emailed the so called manager with the email address i got given to see if i can get a reply, i doubt i will though.
onwards and upwards i guess

January 27th, 2009, 03:43 AM
consumer affairs ftw!

January 27th, 2009, 09:40 PM
You're dealing with a Taiwanese company, this is to be expected. Not being racist or anything, but generally the tech support from Taiwanese brands is lackluster to anyone outside of Taiwan.
All hail the honorable Chairman Mao!

@OP: buy yourself a new board and demand that Asus refunds the full price of your original, very dead board. Make a post on whatever the UK equivalent of the Better Business Bureau (no idea if these are them, but these (http://www.oft.gov.uk/) are (http://www.tradingstandards.gov.uk/) what turned up on google) is and send it to them. Tell them that you will make another positive post if you get your issue fixed.

January 28th, 2009, 09:00 PM
Thanks for the help so far.
I've emailed them again today to turn up the heat a little more.
Reason i sent the motherboard off was i could not afford a new one and now i definently cannot afford a new board for the same reason everyone else is cutting their spending.