View Full Version : [SOURCE] Help Wanted.

January 24th, 2009, 10:17 PM
Hey, me and a few friends are working on a movie, and we need some modelers/skinners, any help?

Must be good at post apoctalyptic items.
Must have /some/ patiance.
Must have Garrysmod 10.
Must have Team Fortress 2.
Must have Half Life 2: Episode 1 and 2.

The modelers may pitch into the story if they wish, all ideas will be taken into consideration unless it was brung up erlier. I have a little experiance but sadly no proof, if you don't beleve me there is nothing I can do, and don't really care.

Our crew so far:
Sargent_Hawk: Camera man/Director.
Isak: Story board.
Tig 119: Actor.
Halobox 666: Actor.

This will not be a series unless we get enough viewers saying it would be a good idea to continue.

Movie description:
After a nuke explosion runs the worlds water supply to nearly nothing, a few survirors must fight to find more water, going through anything that gets in their way, along with trying to find more survivors and a limited supply of ammo, this may not be possible.

We currently do not have a name for the movie, for we feel the story should come first and we'll think of the name when it comes to us.

E: Forgot to mention that allthough the new content possible modelers would make would be usefull, we are prepaired incase no one decides to help.

January 25th, 2009, 04:27 AM
Sadly, as it stands you probably won't find any willing modelers and skinners. I suggest that you first create some movies without any additional required content and eventually, you just might get a good enough reputation to attract some modelers/skinners.

On a completely offtopic sidenote, watch some better anime. :3

January 25th, 2009, 04:27 AM
You might have better luck recruiting people if you show us some content that your team has already completed. That, or past work.

January 26th, 2009, 02:35 AM

January 29th, 2009, 01:01 PM
You might have better luck recruiting people if you show us some content that your team has already completed. That, or past work.
Please make sure you read the whole post.

I have a little experiance but sadly no proof, if you don't beleve me there is nothing I can do, and don't really care.

I also have no proof that any member in my team has any experiance, but they do, if you don't beleve me then just leave it as that, don't bother telling me.

January 29th, 2009, 04:01 PM
I'm sorry, but If you want some help, you're going to have to ensure that the 'new' member wouldnt just be 1)the only one contributing 2) contributing at a faster rate than your current team. So show some current progress, or lock this thread IMO.

January 29th, 2009, 11:56 PM
I have a little experiance but sadly no proof, if you don't beleve me there is nothing I can do, and don't really care
I also have no proof that any member in my team has any experiance, but they do, if you don't beleve me then just leave it as that, don't bother telling me.
I read your post. In fact, I had a pretty accurate guess of what your response was going to be.

Good luck with getting people to join your team. Since you obviously care so much about this movie I'm sure you'll find someone to help you out. Little details like "what content you already have" be damned.

January 30th, 2009, 06:46 PM
I read your post. In fact, I had a pretty accurate guess of what your response was going to be.

Good luck with getting people to join your team. Since you obviously care so much about this movie I'm sure you'll find someone to help you out. Little details like "what content you already have" be damned.
Sadly we only have the story started, one the actors is moving currently and won't be on for a week or so, I'm sorry I forgot to mention that.

Also we only need a modeler now as one of our members has turned out to be good enough for what we need.(Nothing special but gets what we need done.)

January 30th, 2009, 07:24 PM
Sadly we only have the story started, one the actors is moving currently and won't be on for a week or so, I'm sorry I forgot to mention that.

Also we only need a modeler now as one of our members has turned out to be good enough for what we need.(Nothing special but gets what we need done.)

What might you be modelling? Not saying I'm interested yet. Just wanting to know..

February 6th, 2009, 11:06 PM
Sorry for not responding for a while.

We basicly need some house props so that we can actualy destroy them. Phys maps (like phys_house) wouldin't work due to the lag and the fact that the building parts just dissapear, we would need the house props to be breakable and burnable without them dissapearing untill they burn for about a minute.

February 8th, 2009, 02:31 AM
Sorry for not responding for a while.

We basicly need some house props so that we can actualy destroy them. Phys maps (like phys_house) wouldin't work due to the lag and the fact that the building parts just dissapear, we would need the house props to be breakable and burnable without them dissapearing untill they burn for about a minute.

That sometimes come into hand with the engine, and the programming behind it.

Props are just props.