View Full Version : College...

January 26th, 2009, 04:09 PM
So yeah, I'm a freshman in college (whoo... bfd) anyway I'm going to a community college (closest one) heres the deal... junior year of highschool I took art 1, realized I liked art, senior year, took every art class pretty much plus what ever else I had to take.

My art teacher reccomended I try going for architecture because of my methods to how I work or something idk... and I thought about it and thought it could be cool.

The problem is my math isn't exactly up to par, and this is just for the construction technology program at my community college, it requires just pre-calculus, but I'm not even sure I'd pass that if I took it, so last semester I took everything I needed except I took a lower level math (computer literacy was filled up so I decided itd be a good idea to just take a math class) that I thought I could pass intermediate algebra, I got lucky and passed with a C, almost failed it even tho my stupid SAT score can get me into pre-calculus no problem.

Now aside from that I haven't taken an art class since highschool but I want to take one the problem is you have a limit of 19 credits, last semester I couldn't fit one in with all the classes I have to take for construction technology and having to take a math class to in order to work up my math skills. Now this semester I have to take my construction classes and also computer literacy (since i didn't take it last semester) and also a class from humanities (I picked a Film Studies class, its considered humanities) so I already filled up that extra spot I have and cant even take a math class this semester... plus the last math class i realized doesnt even give you credits, whats the fuken point of paying for the class if u dont get credits... I can walk into classes and most teachers don't ask any questions and just sit down, I'm about to just walk into a random math class and pretend I belong there just to learn some shit.

The program only leaves room to take one extra class each semester, and my problem is first of all I have two interests, my main interest has always been art, but i felt the need to do a major that will at least get me a job later if I need it. Aside from that I barely have any room to take math classes to improve my math so I can pass pre-calculus.

Like I planned on doing 2 years there not really a transfer program though, and then just going 4 years at a real college and seeing which general education courses transfer then taking the rest (my dad did the same thing basically it seems like a good idea since its cheaper at 2 year colleges to just take general education classes there).

So I guess my question is, should I just forget about the whole architecture thing... because of the math.

The fact is I'm looking for majors that don't exist so idk what to do... I like making shit and always have, I rebuilt an old canoe from a garage sale last summer also fixed a few electronic problems on my car, I'm on this site and I make 3d models, I draw occasionally and would like to persue that, I (no idea why) loved highschool physics for some odd reason, always liked science, I also like video editting and think I'm at least decent at it.

I don't have one strong thing I'm good at really its been the same damn thing modding ce too... the only thing that came to me naturally was this drawing thing the problem is I don't get my self to draw enough, like I don't have a drive to really work at it because I don't feel like its going to get me anywhere in life.

Its like I already know I want to minor in art, but idk what to major in, I was for a long time going to go strait into film but decided against that because tbh I don't like filming that much, I like coming up with ideas for shots and editting and adding special effects but thats about it... idk.

Any advice?

E: Not to mention I'm not sure how far away from home I'm going to be able to go... I might have to take care of my dad soon.. I'll be lucky if I get to go away to college even then I'm not sure I would because he has parkinsons and its starting to worry me (his driving in particular aside from other things).

E2: system overload... fuck the system.

January 26th, 2009, 04:31 PM
My major advice --

Talk to the councilor/adviser/whatever at your college.

This is stuff you wouldn't want people on the internet to decide for you... regardless of how easy it'd be.

January 26th, 2009, 04:38 PM
Get a good gpa, and get an associates in liberal science; then transfer or get accepted into a standard four year.

or, you could look and see if the college has any core to core programs, basically partnerships with any other state colleges. if they don't, you live in a backward fucked up county. if they do, then check out the classes you need to take to transfer etc.

or you could save a shit ton of time and ask a councilor, that's what they're there for, and they love it when you ask them questions...

January 26th, 2009, 05:52 PM
My major advice --

Talk to the councilor/adviser/whatever at your college.

This is stuff you wouldn't want people on the internet to decide for you... regardless of how easy it'd be.

Yeah I'm going to talk to a councilor, I figured I'd ask here though because a lot of people are into the same kind of stuff as me so it kind of makes sense, its not like im letting them decide for me, notice I asked for advice?

E: Actually the reason why I didn't talk to a councilor yet is because of the shit I had to go through when I was tryin to get a math tutor there. Raritan Valley Community College is actually rated as one of the best community colleges in NJ, but I don't see it yet... they lost my highschool transcripts when I was applying... twice. I could probably get better advice from my cat than someone working at that college (jk).

I just got a bad professor bad luck (no im not blaming him on me almost failing math) he was an "Adjunct" people they bring in when they need to open more classes because of too many students and my registration was delayed cuz they lost my transcripts.

January 26th, 2009, 07:11 PM
Maths is very important in architecture as you probably know. Art is also another important aspect, more of the drawing side though.

Do you have knowledge on perspectives with drawing and all that? That is key with architecture.

I dont think you should drop architecture, you seem to really want to do it, and you shouldnt really stop what you want doing. It depends if you'd be more happy just doing random art, than being in architecture. It pays really well too which is a bonus but like I said befeore, maths is important.

Follow your dream, like others have said, try to get some help from the college, we are only opinons and they have more knowledge about it all.

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2009, 07:12 PM
Get a tutor for math. I'm really bad at analyzing English comprehension passages (e.g. short stories in SAT reading section), so I went to peer tutoring at high school, so far I haven't got under 86% in English class. If you're weak at a subject, don't just say "I suck at the course and that's it," that's not the correct attitude to take especially in the working life.

I don't think a STRONG math background is necessary for architectural majors (you do get to use a computer, after all) but I believe a B grade or better is preferred.

Speaking of college, I got into a bunch of UC's (Berkeley, UCLA, San Diego) and I got "deferral" for Yale...good luck in college. I didn't apply for ED from my dream one (Stanford) so I'm still waiting.

January 26th, 2009, 07:22 PM
Get a good gpa, and get an associates in liberal science; then transfer or get accepted into a standard four year.That's what I'm doing :awesome:

Mr Buckshot
January 26th, 2009, 07:48 PM
Forgot to add, tutoring isn't the only way to improve your weak points, you actually have to commit yourself to practicing problems on a regular basis.

Don't think that you should major in something just because that class is your highest grade or because a teacher recommends you to do it, for example Math is my strongest subject at school (yeah yeah stereotype all you want) but I'm definitely not going to major in math and become a math professor

I see you built a canoe and repaired a car, I'm quite impressed, that's something I definitely can't do myself. If you feel proud of such accomplishments, then a major related to mechanics might appeal to you, plus it'll propel you into a career that is invaluable in modern society.

January 26th, 2009, 07:54 PM
Your going to change your mind on what you want your major to be, so choose one that offers more than what you think your going to major in. Make sure it has other programs you like. Other wise like me, you go to a school for 1 year and transfer to another and start over.

Rob Oplawar
January 26th, 2009, 08:50 PM
didn't read longpost, but saw request for advice on what major to choose?
well, to get all zen on you, I let my major choose me, and it worked out pretty well for me. I was "Open Option" (aka undeclared major) for nearly a year and a half. By the end of that, I looked at the classes I had taken and the classes I was interested in taking, and saw that it aligned perfectly with Computer Science.

If that's an option for you, I highly recommend it, but it depends largely on your school, your ambition, and your personal interests.

Hope that helps.

January 27th, 2009, 10:27 AM
well, to get all zen on you, I let my major choose me, and it worked out.

lol, zen...

I was actually thinking of doing that and just trying to take the classes I liked... I mean within reason of course then just see what transfers when I go to a 4 year college.

My worry right now is that I'm taking 3 construction related courses at the local vo-tech (which works with the community college) I feel like instead of this just introducing me to construction its really like throwing construction courses at me that I have to take and restricting me from exploring other stuff.

Idk I'm going to talk to a councilor, thanks for the advice though. (Studio Arts Liberal is another program I probably should have taken instead its like liberal arts but with art classes)