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January 27th, 2009, 05:02 PM
Recently I had to spend roughly $400 in repairs of my car. Buying new tires and new rims. For you see I had hit a pothole, causing severe damage to my 2 right rims and blowing out my tires.

Now here's where it gets irritating. When my father replaced the rims, the man at the shop told him that they need to be even, the new rims can't just be on the left side. We had never heard this before but WTF we went with it. But apparently when my dad replaced the rims, he FAILED TO TIGHTEN THE LEFT FRONT WHEEL'S LUG NUTS ALL THE WAY. THANKS DAD. As a result my car started making a heavy rattling noise on my way to taco bell NOT 5 MINUTES AGO. We proceeded to repair the car, and while I'm chewing out my father for his incompetence in realizing he didn't properly adjust the lug nuts, ONE OF THE BOLT STUDS BREAKS OFF. So now my car is left with 3 studs with extra stress being put on those due to the missing one.

My wheel is now a ticking time bomb. I have recognized and taken responsibility for my recklessness for the pot hole damages. However I find myself SEVERELY, agitated with my father.

I hoped you enjoyed my little rant. Please be safe on the road....and always do you're own maintenance or take it to a professional...

January 27th, 2009, 05:04 PM
My dad said you can sue the Village Hall for pot holes if your car hits one, and is damaged. I live Illinois, so I don know if its anywhere else.

January 27th, 2009, 05:08 PM
Welp, this is why it pays to know how to repair cars on your own. Over the course of years, I've saved about 5 grand in repairs by being able to do the majority of it myself.

January 27th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Jesus Christ. If you're over 16, then you should be doing your own maintenance. It looks as if your father was nice enough to do some work that you obviously didn't know how/feel like doing, and you bitch. Amazing.

January 27th, 2009, 05:12 PM
Jesus Christ. If you're over 16, then you should be doing your own maintenance. It looks as if your father was nice enough to do some work that you obviously didn't know how/feel like doing, and you bitch. Amazing.

Well excuse me for running to taco bell and not expecting this shit to happen. I offered to do it myself but he just pushed me out of the way and insisted he did it. I don't know, maybe he thinks I'm the stupid one.

And No I didn't put off doing the work myself. I was the one that PAID FOR the new rims and tires and installed them. Please don't take me for some irresponsible snob who gets others to do his shit.

January 27th, 2009, 05:29 PM
You can replace those pretty easily, just pull of the tire and slide in a new stud. Will cost you about $6 bucks in hardware (go to Discount or a Napa if you have one) give them your car's specs, they'll be able to give you the right size. It'll be a bitch to do it on a jack but it's doable, they just need to be pressed in and then pulled all the way by tightening down the nut.

January 27th, 2009, 05:31 PM
tbh i dont understand why you are so annoyed with your dad. he tried to help and made a mistake
also town hall. see if you cant get money for the pothole damages

January 27th, 2009, 05:38 PM
he tried to help and made a mistake
That's true, and I'm sure he just wanted to do something nice for you. I can understand why you're agitated, but, whatever happened to forgive and forget?

January 27th, 2009, 05:40 PM
Yeah. At least he TRIED man. The thought counts. It's not like he did it on purpose to teach you not to be a butthole to him.

IF you're so angry at him from now on, you repair the car.

January 27th, 2009, 05:42 PM
My dad said you can sue the Village Hall for pot holes if your car hits one, and is damaged. I live Illinois, so I don know if its anywhere else.
Out of 40,000 pot hole claims last year cook county has paid for several hundred.

Honestly, I wouldn't count on it.

January 27th, 2009, 05:43 PM
Perhaps you people aren't understanding the situation.

I have a great respect and love for my father I really do, he's done a lot for me over the years and I appreciate it.

But the LUG NUTS were on the verge of slipping off the studs, which would have caused the wheel to spiral off while I was driving.

Scenario A: The wheel flies off and hits a random car, meanwhile my unbalanced car slides and turns into a ditch, possibly flipping.

Scenario B: I just slide into another vehicle and my wheel goes off in which direction it likes.

Either way both could be avoided if my dad wasn't so careless. Yes humans make mistakes but this was a pretty big one.

I'm damn lucky this didn't happen however, or perhaps I'd be in a hospital.

January 27th, 2009, 06:02 PM
Uh, sorry to hear about that? You must have nailed that pothole real good though!

Mr Buckshot
January 27th, 2009, 06:53 PM
What's your auto insurance plan like? If you live in mainland BC there's pretty much only one auto insurance company to use (and most of its plans are overpriced, but no choice, you either get it or you don't have any insurance at ALL), hence if this happened to my car I'd just use the insurance and the repairs are essentially free.

That sucks, and yeah if your dad insists on fixing your tires for you, just watch his work very carefully. It's not difficult, I've helped my dad fix a flat a couple years ago after our minivan drove over "something" on I-5 and almost went out of control.

January 27th, 2009, 07:15 PM
Uh, sorry to hear about that? You must have nailed that pothole real good though!

My car "slipped" off the road. I was doing 45 down a road and I hit it. I went back sometime later and saw the size of the hole. It was a good meter in length right on the shoulder and half a meter wide digging into the road.

3 other people hit potholes and busted their cars too that night, all on the same road, not the same pothole. I swear my town's infrastructure is falling apart.

January 27th, 2009, 07:23 PM
sounds awfully, mimimimimimimimimimimimimimimimi

if you ask me.

mistakes happen, theres no point stressing about things you cant change.

January 27th, 2009, 07:34 PM
I acknowledge that yes your father fucked up, but if it was an honest mistake you need to calm the fuck down and forgive him.