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View Full Version : LOST - Season 5 [SPOILERS]

January 28th, 2009, 11:12 PM
Well, the fifth season started last week. Who here has seen all the episodes so far? Right now I think the way they are going is fucking brilliant. I've always been interested in time travel and quantum physics so the stuff that is going on atm is just amazingly mind boggling.

Also, for those that have watch and follow the show regularly, here's a little tidbit for you.


In episode 11 of Season 4 (Cabin Fever I think it was called), Richard Alpert goes to visit Locke when he is a little boy. Richard then "tests" him to see which object belongs to him. Now, when I first watched this, I had no clue what Richard was trying to get from Locke, but now it all makes sense. In last weeks episode(s), Locke was given a compass from Richard, and one of the items that Locke was showed when he was a kid was the exact same compass. Richard had told Locke that the next time the island flashes and they go back in time, to give him the compass. In tonight's episode, Locke gives Richard the compass and tells him that he is from the future. He tells Richard that he is born two years from then (March 1956 is when Locke is born) and he tells Richard to visit him. By Locke giving Richard the compass and telling him to visit him after he was born, he technically didn't alter the past, meaning that the flashback in Season 4 took place after this episode from Season 5 and that when before Locke was born, he had already been on the island meaning that these flashes and time travels on the island were supposed to happen/already happened (WTF). Also note that in the Season 4 episode, he had a drawing on the wall of the Black Smoke Monster killing someone. Could this be a picture of Mr. Eko dieing, Locke being dragged into the Black Smoke Monsters hole, or is this a picture of what is about to come in Season 5.

Speculation, comments, your thoughts on the season so far are all welcome.

January 28th, 2009, 11:18 PM
Too lazy to read all of your post.

But being a fan of LOST since the beginning, I'm also really enjoying where Season 5 is headed. Looks promising so far.

Not to mention that I enjoyed the little exclusives we got for signing up for the Dharma Initiative.

English Mobster
January 28th, 2009, 11:39 PM
Having never seen a single episode of LOST, but still interested in how the hell it all ends, I shall keep trying to find spoilers in this thread.

Also, I had to read your post 3 times to get what the hell happened.

January 29th, 2009, 12:06 AM
Having never seen a single episode of LOST, but still interested in how the hell it all ends, I shall keep trying to find spoilers in this thread.

Also, I had to read your post 3 times to get what the hell happened.

I demand you to get all the seasons on DVD. Watch it, learn it, love it. You'll be lost if you don't. Spoilers in this thread won't cut it.

January 29th, 2009, 11:12 AM
Considering the third episode aired last night in US, I havent read any posts in topic so forgive me.

Loving the first 2 episodes, comparing season 4 opener and season 5, I dunno which is the winner really, they are both based on different things, season 5 one is alot more confusing and mind bloggling.

I just hope it doesnt get too unrealistic, to me I watch it as if it could be real, if its all just fantasy it ruins it.

Next episode airs (UK) sunday, cant wait :D I could download it and watch it, but I'd rather watch it on my 32 inch.

If anyone does post spoilers, can they post it within the spoiler tags, but put above it what episode it contains info of, so I can still read it if I've already seen it :) Cheers.

January 29th, 2009, 11:28 AM
I grew tired of this same old scheme where on every "mystery" revealed, three new ones are created two seasons ago. After 5 long seasons, Lost seems overacted and silly to me.
But as I'm still watching it, I guess they have won after all.

January 29th, 2009, 11:34 AM
Considering the third episode aired last night in US, I havent read any posts in topic so forgive me.

Loving the first 2 episodes, comparing season 4 opener and season 5, I dunno which is the winner really, they are both based on different things, season 5 one is alot more confusing and mind bloggling.
I think I prefered the Season 5 opener seeing as so much more happened in it than in the season 4 opener. Plus, I liked the whole concept of time travel better than a few flashforwards.

I just hope it doesnt get too unrealistic, to me I watch it as if it could be real, if its all just fantasy it ruins it.
Tbh, even though most of the stuff on this show IS possible, it really isn't that realistic. I mean, a black smoke monster, come on. But, that's just my opinion. I still think the show is amazing.

If anyone does post spoilers, can they post it within the spoiler tags, but put above it what episode it contains info of, so I can still read it if I've already seen it :) Cheers.I would put spoiler tags but I think the title of the topic kind of says it all. How about if I just put a bolded sentence above any spoilers stating what episode(s) it's from.

January 29th, 2009, 03:12 PM
Tbh, even though most of the stuff on this show IS possible, it really isn't that realistic. I mean, a black smoke monster, come on. But, that's just my opinion. I still think the show is amazing.

Actually what bothered me the most is that the fat guy on the show appearantly didn't lose ANY weight during his stay on the Island.

January 29th, 2009, 04:18 PM
Actually what bothered me the most is that the fat guy on the show appearantly didn't lose ANY weight during his stay on the Island.
He probably started too until they found the Swan Station ;)


Did anyone notice how Desmond's kid was named Charlie? Coincidence, or just a funny allusion? Think it will have any part in the coming story? Probably not.

Oh, and Charles Widmore was an other on the island omgomgomgomg

January 29th, 2009, 04:56 PM
Maybe spoiler tag some of the stuff in here?

I watch Lost the day after it's aired in the US anyway, and i loved the most recent episode, i can't believe some of the reveals they gave us.

Also the baby name was a direct reference I'm pretty sure.

January 29th, 2009, 05:09 PM
Maybe spoiler tag some of the stuff in here?
I would, and not to sound rude or anything, but what do you expect coming in to a topic that has SPOILERS written directly in the title. I think it defeats the purpose.

January 29th, 2009, 05:32 PM
I liked it until the end of the last season. Then I just sort of got LOST myself and decided that it wasn't worth the time. IT reminds me of something M. Knight Shamalon (however you say his name) came up with. -_-

English Mobster
January 30th, 2009, 01:24 AM
Yeah... Lost is just too confusing and nothing really happens in each episode (tried to watch a few episodes, got bored). Let me know how it ends and I'll be happy.

January 30th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I don't really think its confusing at all? It's pretty easy to follow if you don't miss an episode, which i think alot of peoples problems where...maybe its just British ginger people...we seem to love it... :highfive:

January 30th, 2009, 02:27 PM
He probably started too until they found the Swan Station ;)


Did anyone notice how Desmond's kid was named Charlie? Coincidence, or just a funny allusion? Think it will have any part in the coming story? Probably not.

Oh, and Charles Widmore was an other on the island omgomgomgomg
Well, he named him After Charlie Pace, also Penny's father is a Charles. Weird irony to me.

And I don't think Widmore is a "real" hostile. Nor was Ellie. Charles Widmore is from England, he was recruited into the hostiles, and the same goes For Ellie. The tipoff for Ellie was when she sarcasticly stated that Faraday "was a romeo". Unless the hostiles had the ability to leave the island before people started coming there, these two are not indigenous to the hostiles.

Also Mrs. Hawkings first name is Eloise. Co-incidence. I think not. Hawking is Faraday's mother.

January 30th, 2009, 05:37 PM
I thought it was pretty cool how they named the baby after Charlie. I'm hoping at some point they show Charlie, Aaron, and Sun's baby (cant remember, nor spell the name) when they're grown up, possibly on the island together. But I'm getting way ahead of the show, if that happened it would be at the end of the series.

January 31st, 2009, 12:02 AM
Also Mrs. Hawkings first name is Eloise. Co-incidence. I think not. Hawking is Faraday's mother.
I never really made the connection between Eloise and Daniel, but I always thought she was his mom for some reason, I just didn't have any facts to back it up. Also, wasn't the mouse's name from Season 4 Eloise?

February 1st, 2009, 06:10 PM
Well, it was an interesting episode. I agree with saggy about the reveal on Widmore, in the past he did say "this is our island alot" and it got me thinking. Why is he wearing a top called "Jones" though?

February 1st, 2009, 06:21 PM
They killed the americans and took over their camp.

February 9th, 2009, 12:24 AM

Well saw "The Little Prince" earlier. Very good episode, probably my fav so far. They had to set up the whole time travel bits since season 5 began and this felt like original great lost is back.

Just a quick thought. Whispers that happened during season 1+, perhaps they are the losties that are time skipping warning themselves about what is about to happen?

February 11th, 2009, 06:31 PM

Well saw "The Little Prince" earlier. Very good episode, probably my fav so far. They had to set up the whole time travel bits since season 5 began and this felt like original great lost is back.

Just a quick thought. Whispers that happened during season 1+, perhaps they are the losties that are time skipping warning themselves about what is about to happen?
Haha, that would actually be kind of cool if that were true (about the whispers). Also, new episode tonight, and from the sounds of it, it's supposed to be a pretty important episode too. Oh, 316...

February 11th, 2009, 06:55 PM
Tonight is "This Place is Death."

February 11th, 2009, 09:19 PM
Tonight is "This Place is Death."

I realized that AFTER I saw the episode :(
Oh well, next weeks episode should be pretty good.

February 17th, 2009, 05:40 PM
Tis Place is Death freaked me out. Next one I hope is going to show how they get back I hope, that will be very interesting.

This place is death
Did anyone else think the person down by the wheel was going to Jacob? I did/hoped :O