View Full Version : [WIP] Epidemic

January 29th, 2009, 06:02 AM
This map is inspired by a city (metropolis kind of capitol city) and its outskirts (think San Andreas creepy rural) affected by a ravenous virus which basically left the city devoid of life within a span of a couple of days. For this reason, the scenery will be populated by cars with doors open, stores still playing music, etc. I welcome any ideas and feedback on ideas that are posted here.

The name of the map is also a WIP and if anyone thinks of a different name that would better fit the Halo universe, I would definitely consider editing it.

There will be a few pieces of scenery that I am either not confident in constructing or unsure of functionality. These are:

Fountains. I imagine they work in a similar manner to waterfalls, but I have not found anything to help me with its construction, and I have only gotten as far as to shape the fountain.

Elevators. I read that elevators do not sync properly online, so I was wondering if I should replace them with either grav lifts (which wouldn't fit the civilian human setting) or simple stairs.

Movable scenery pieces. Meaning that cars, shopping carts, and other bits of the environment would be destructable and movable. Is it possible to make these kinds of pieces spawn in random locations, or is this too much to ask :D My idea is to create an element of random gameplay, as each time the map is reset, the places where cover is possible changes.

I was also curious to know what kind of 3ds units i should use for the entire map. As I understand it, a Blood Gulch size map is around 60000 - 80000 units long, but when i tried to create a box at 100000 units, the MC model seemed very tiny... Suggestions welcome here especially.

I will be posting some hand drawn pictures in the near future to give everyone some idea of the map, especially the city portion as I was awed and inspired by the design of New Mombasa and Chronopolis.

Note: Please forgive my accidental post of this WIP on the releases page. I don't know what I was thinking.

January 29th, 2009, 07:53 AM
Good luck with that.

January 29th, 2009, 08:56 AM
somone needs to make a map that takes place in the capital wasteland you play around on in fallout 3. maybe make the city have a sort of post-apocalyptic-ish?

January 29th, 2009, 09:09 AM
When you say post-apocalyptic, do you mean physically destroyed, or just an apocalyse affecting the living like in I am Legend?

January 29th, 2009, 09:19 AM
When you say post-apocalyptic, do you mean physically destroyed, or just an apocalyse affecting the living like in I am Legend?

like a few buildings here and there are destroyed, some crumbled, some flat out obliterate except for the foundation, and maybe some that have multiple levels to them but very few walls and no top floor.

January 29th, 2009, 09:23 AM
Hey that's a good idea. I know just where to put it. Thanks for the contribution.

I haven't played Fallout 3 unfortunately, but I will try to have a look at screenshots to see what you're talking about.

January 29th, 2009, 05:54 PM
This will never happen unless you do it.

January 30th, 2009, 03:44 AM
This will never happen unless you do it.

Why are you so angry here? Bad day? By the way, I like your avatar. Boxxy was very funny.

Anyway, I decided to go with a modular approach to constructing the map, primarily because I find it easier to cut and paste the modules together when I'm done.

Here is an image of a few angles of the skybridge model I have created:


The ends of the skybridge are intentionally open because of their modular nature. I feel that the design of the bridge is a little boring when I imagine it ingame. I was trying for a modern look like in the skybridge of the Petronas Twin Towers. My previous attempt at this model was based on the bridge found at this site.


If anyone could suggest a way to make it more visually appealing without removing the arch, as I have a particular attachment to that shape, I would be most grateful. Please feel free to criticize my texturing. I know that it still needs work. The textures here are only done to show which textures will go where on the final product. Thanks in advance for peoples' time.

January 30th, 2009, 07:01 AM
Hey guys, i'm the co-creater of this map, or at least, i'm trying. Actually, I think that the apocalyptic scenes from "I am Legend" are much nicer, it gives a more "deserted" look to the city, adds to the creepiness factor. This map will also have a rural area, kinda like a forest-like place. Anyone have any good ideas on it? I'm trying to go for a creepy, alone feeling.

Reaper Man
January 30th, 2009, 12:30 PM
Wow. You beveled a box and then textured it. Amazing. To be honest, your idea sounds like yet another ambitious project that will end up more talk than action. Don't overthink things, do stuff, don't talk about it.

January 30th, 2009, 01:07 PM
This will never happen unless you do it.

Wow. You beveled a box and then textured it. Amazing. To be honest, your idea sounds like yet another ambitious project that will end up more talk than action. Don't overthink things, do stuff, don't talk about it.

January 30th, 2009, 01:08 PM



January 30th, 2009, 01:21 PM
Not good, keep fucking around in max for another 8 months and then show us what you're doing.

January 30th, 2009, 01:30 PM
Not good, keep fucking around in max for another 8 months and then show us what you're doing.

As rude or harsh as this sounds, he is right. That is your best bet.

January 30th, 2009, 11:33 PM
Thanks for the input everyone. I hold no false impressions about my skill, but I do not intend to release anything that wastes peoples' time.

Don't overthink things, do stuff, don't talk about it.

Regarding this statement here, my intention posting my initial design was mainly to get creative input from the community. I'm not saying that I do not appreciate criticism, to the contrary, I welcome it. I'm just saying that just because I'm new doesn't mean I don't intend to follow through. I've read through many other threads of people begging for content, or for someone to create something that they can pass off as their own, and I realize how my post may be considered as similar to those, but I beseech you to please provide more constructive criticism instead of blowing me off as another overambitious newbie. I understand that I have yet to prove myself in this community and I will honestly say that this release will go through all the processes of proper beta-ing and return-to-drawingboard construction before I will even consider offering it online. On that note, I wish make clear that I am not trying to be antagonistic towards anyone, but I am merely expressing my feelings towards such statements and I would like to apologize if I have offended anyone, as I have absolutely no intention of biting the hand that I'm asking to feed me.

t3h m00kz
January 31st, 2009, 05:37 AM
You've officially got more 3DS Max skills than I do, and I've had the program for years, it's just been collecting dust.

Sounds like a great idea, and I'd like to see more of what you've got done so far.

Reaper Man
January 31st, 2009, 01:04 PM
[long post]
I fail to see how one is supposed to constructively criticize a beveled box. "Nice beveling, maybe you should try more subdivisions" :downs:

Bad Waffle
February 1st, 2009, 12:10 AM
You know, i won't mind the art sucking so much if you manage to get the ambience and scene right. I would focus on producing, because your skills will improve as you go along. Don't worry about 'perfecting' any texture or model, as soon as you finish it move on to the next object. By the time you're halfway done, i guarantee you that the urge to redo the beginning stuff will make all that time you saved by not 'perfecting' worthwhile. And then by the time you redo all of that and get closer and maybe repeat that "redo" phase over again, you'll be pretty satisfied with finishing off your mod.

February 1st, 2009, 10:21 AM
You know, i won't mind the art sucking so much if you manage to get the ambience and scene right. I would focus on producing, because your skills will improve as you go along. Don't worry about 'perfecting' any texture or model, as soon as you finish it move on to the next object. By the time you're halfway done, i guarantee you that the urge to redo the beginning stuff will make all that time you saved by not 'perfecting' worthwhile. And then by the time you redo all of that and get closer and maybe repeat that "redo" phase over again, you'll be pretty satisfied with finishing off your mod.
You speak the truth. I remember going through that back in the day when I was modeling from primitive boxes.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:21 AM
You know, i won't mind the art sucking so much if you manage to get the ambience and scene right. I would focus on producing, because your skills will improve as you go along. Don't worry about 'perfecting' any texture or model, as soon as you finish it move on to the next object. By the time you're halfway done, i guarantee you that the urge to redo the beginning stuff will make all that time you saved by not 'perfecting' worthwhile. And then by the time you redo all of that and get closer and maybe repeat that "redo" phase over again, you'll be pretty satisfied with finishing off your mod.

Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it. That's something I'll definitely keep in mind as I work.

Sounds like a great idea, and I'd like to see more of what you've got done so far.

Thanks for the enthusiasm. I'll be posting a couple more pictures when I've got them.

I'd like to get peoples' opinion on movable scenery. I'm talking about clocks that can fall off walls, chairs and tables that can move (maybe even break), and exploding cars (I know this is possible) for example. Would they create too much lag due to too many objects to render, or does this seem like a good idea. Also, I was wondering if it was possible to make a clock that told the time according to your computer's clock.

t3h m00kz
February 2nd, 2009, 05:08 AM
I doubt the clock with the computer time is possible, there's so much stuff hardcoded into the game. Something like that would require heavy scripting, if even possible, unfortunately.

February 2nd, 2009, 05:12 AM
Hm. That's a pity. It would have been a nice touch.

Reaper Man
February 2nd, 2009, 07:58 AM
Wow. You beveled a box and then textured it. Amazing. To be honest, your idea sounds like yet another ambitious project that will end up more talk than action. Don't overthink things, do stuff, don't talk about it.
Adding to my comment, don't be so ambitious. You're just one guy, not a game studio. Hell, most games nowadays don't go into that much detail.

Additionally, nobody's going to be looking at the clocks for very long before shooting crap. This is a shooting game, remember?

Also. Halo 1 Engine. For stuff like that, use the Source engine.

February 4th, 2009, 07:21 AM
[quote=Reaper Man;358204]Adding to my comment, don't be so ambitious. You're just one guy, not a game studio. Hell, most games nowadays don't go into that much detail.

Additionally, nobody's going to be looking at the clocks for very long before shooting crap. This is a shooting game, remember?

First off, the detail is what makes people want to play in that map, detail makes realism, with that, ambience. Right now, we're still collecting any useful ideas that people might want to contribute to this map.

Alright, Reiper is a much better modder then I am, my modding skills are woeful, if any. I compensate for this by collecting ideas and merging them into something that can be used. Reaper Man, I don't know what your problem is with this map, but seriously, constant rapping over nothing at all isn't going to help. If anyone has any interesting ideas, please don't hesitate to share your idea with others.

Personally, I think it would be nice if the city was not bombed out, but rather abandoned. So I think that abandoned cars along the streets would be nice. As for ambience, I think that it would be interesting if it would be raining in the city. If anyone has any full pictures of cities, that would help with the design.

For example : http://www.zazzle.com/loiseau_mouill%C3%A9_the_wet_bird_print-228734094848376032

I think the city in this pic has quite the ambience that I was talking about.

February 4th, 2009, 08:49 AM
Adding to my comment, don't be so ambitious. You're just one guy, not a game studio. Hell, most games nowadays don't go into that much detail.

Additionally, nobody's going to be looking at the clocks for very long before shooting crap. This is a shooting game, remember?

Also. Halo 1 Engine. For stuff like that, use the Source engine.

Please excuse my partner's anger. You've got a really good point. Actually three haha. I'd definitely going to take your advice into strong consideration as you really put this project into better perspective, and I thank you for that. In addition to this, it really clarified your intention in your first post which was a little harsh, but whatever. I was almost literally asking for it.

On a progress related note, I'll be posting a couple pictures of work i've done in a couple days, meaning over the weekend :lol: I hope there'll actually be something to critique this time other than "you should add more subsections"

February 9th, 2009, 04:53 AM
I have a question directed more towards the texturers out there: If I want to have realistic grass, such as that found on Blood Gulch, or pretty much any Bungie-made map, what technique should I use? Does this involve drawing every blade of grass or something? Forgive my double post, but I wanted to bump this thread to get the question answered. Appreciate any feedback!

Llama Juice
February 9th, 2009, 12:42 PM
First off, I'm more than surprised with the lack of noobie typing so I'm going to give ou the benefit of the doubt here.

As for bungie's grass, I'd be extremely surprised if they actually painted that texture. Just go outside and take a picture of your grass from directly above it, and bring it into photoshop. Make it tileable and tweak some values to make it more vibrant (if you're trying to make it fit into Halo's overly colorful world) This will be your detail map, you'll paint a different map for the ground instead of this one. This map will basically be multiplied by your ground map in the game's engine via a shader.

You're rather ambitious, but you seem to not understand how the game works... I'd take a look at some tutorials and try to get a better understanding of the game before worrying about small details like your grass.

If all else fails... you could always just use the grass from blood gulch...

Suggestion for the back story?... if you're trying to make it fit into Halo's world... don't just say "some virus" did it... We have the flood to work with, you could put flood.. stuff around the city to make it look like they've infested it.

February 9th, 2009, 06:10 PM
Halo uses a really good detail map system. You basically have a diffuse map with a alpha channel and depending on the alpha it blends 2 different tiled detail maps.

For example on blood gulch: grass and dirt.

February 10th, 2009, 01:49 AM
Thanks for the input and suggestions Llama and Inferno. I've tried the way using the Blood Gulch textures, but I found the best I could do was take a screen shot of the ground :mad:

Also, you're absolutely right about using the flood, Llama. I don't know why I didn't think about it before :p

Llama Juice
February 10th, 2009, 07:31 AM
You've installed the HEK right? Take a look inside your tags/data folders

Specifically Levels\a30\bitmaps

You won't be applying this grass texture to your model directly, you'll want to make a ground bitmap to mix between different types of detail maps.

If you look at blood gulch there is grass and sand on the ground. If you look at the tags you can see where the grass detail map comes up, and where the sand detail map comes up.

To understand what I mean... using guerilla open "levels\test\bloodgulch\shaders\blood ground.shader_environment"

A little bit down the screen you'll see its "diffuse properties"

You'll see it's "base map", "primary detail map", and "secondary detail map" in that list along with some other stuff. If you click "open" next to the base map spot it will open the ground texture for blood gulch. From there hit the "Show Bitmaps" button at the top of the window. You can see that they didn't paint any grass in that picture, they just painted where the grass will go and a color change to it. If you change the "Mipmap level" drop down box at the top to "show alpha" you'll see a black and white image. The white is where the sand or primary detail map goes, and the black is where the grass or secondary detail map goes.

Just by looking at the tags that bungie/gearbox gave you, you can learn a lot about how the game works. I really reccomend looking at some tutorials from ghost.halomaps.org (http://ghost.halomaps.org/) to find answers to stuff like this.

February 10th, 2009, 07:39 AM
Hey thanks for the explanation. I've known how to USE these for quite a while now, but now I finally know how they WORK. It's always frustrated me that I was doing something and that I didn't how it functioned.

Llama Juice
February 10th, 2009, 08:58 AM
Well I still suggest taking a look at some tutorials to better understand how things work. More knowledge can't hurt ;).