View Full Version : Fight the flood

February 2nd, 2009, 03:05 AM
Elect Zilla OT moderator 09.

it's become increasingly obvious that although we have been nice, nasty and spelled it out for you time (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14231) after time (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14246) after fucking time (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=13897) you guys cannot fathom the correct use of the off-topic forums.
as seen here, (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14313) here, (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14318) here (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14302) and here. (http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=14296)
Not to mention we have fucking 3 topics on the Superbowl.
and this is after the discussion about why these topics do not belong here.

While i do play around and make shit posts i wouldnt abuse the system at all, i'm not malicious, nasty or cruel and i know the right time to end a joke (most of the time).
While i tolerate opinions and different points of view you have to tolerate and respect the right other people on this forum have in correcting you.
if you give an opinion expect one in return and if you dont like it suck it up.

it's time for action.
Theres been far too much dismissing of the rules, whether written or un-spoken about the way this section is allowed to run. Members after repeated warnings are continuing to creating shit fucking threads that are not only discouraged but openly put down by users as well as moderators of our dear forums.

Im on this sections a minimum of 3 times a day, on average 7 times a day and sometimes over 10 times a day during the week (and more on the weekend).
i see every post, every thread, everything you do.

Timo and the other mods cannont police this section on their own and WOL has been missing in action ever since he became a mod.
let me help you.

Vote zilla OT mod for 09.

February 2nd, 2009, 03:21 AM
I completely agree. I think a lot of users here need to get personal blogs, or something. A lot of you are completely shitting up the off-topic.

t3h m00kz
February 2nd, 2009, 03:53 AM
bodzilla sucks go obama


February 2nd, 2009, 03:56 AM
I'm on just as much as zilla and I have red hair to boot.

Tough luck zilla. http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-colbert.gif

February 2nd, 2009, 04:00 AM
not the time for shit posts n00b.

i'm serious about this.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:02 AM
You shitpost more than I do and you're asking for mod?

I'm equally serious. http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-colbert.gif

February 2nd, 2009, 04:19 AM
I wouldn't count on any chance of you being a real mod, and being a section mod leaves you with anything barely above editing posts. All you can really do is edit/"unapprove" posts (which honestly is nothing much more than a special report post button".

Being section mod is useless without more powers. Why do you think I quit?

Zilla and SnaF for REAL MODS '09

February 2nd, 2009, 04:24 AM
well let me have minor warning powers then. 1 or 2 points. i dont have experience in any other area of the forum, i aint a tech head or a modder or anything like that, it's leave that for people who know what they're talking about.
i'd just basically dwell here as i've always done.

hell i want to be able to at least lock those threads and warn them, especially after i gave them advice on it, why they should do it and how to do it themselves.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:28 AM
Been there, done that. You can lock threads as a section mod, but since you can't infract, they don't give a fuck and continue on with what they want, and behave as they wish.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:29 AM
well zilla for mod?

but then they'd think i had too much power. regardless of whether or not i'd actually use it.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:35 AM
Who would think that? The users or the administration?

February 2nd, 2009, 04:42 AM
no http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c251/CN3089/Emoticons/emot-geno.gif

February 2nd, 2009, 04:52 AM
nominating self for mod = fail.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:53 AM
WOL did it.

February 2nd, 2009, 05:01 AM
I voted yes but don't say you're doing this just because someone else did too.

February 2nd, 2009, 05:29 AM
I just think zilla will end up being an atty (not taken seriously as a mod).
I mean he'd do a great job but too many people would probably see him as being a powermongering tool or something (I imagine that's how I was towards whiplash and that he wasn't actually as bad as I thought).

You'd do a good job man, but I don't know how it would end up. :|

February 2nd, 2009, 05:54 AM
People who want it should never ever have it.

It should be given to someone who doesn't want to do it. They need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the job.

I voted yes, but thinking about it I'm gunna have to say no, sorry man. Your not the right person for the job. If anyone, it should be Teh Lag.

February 2nd, 2009, 07:25 AM
If anyone, it should be Teh Lag.
I actually have to agree here, I think lag would make a great mod.

February 2nd, 2009, 11:18 AM
Sure why not. I'll bug jcap about it for the OK.

February 2nd, 2009, 12:29 PM
Teh Lag no doubt. I saw your moderation the other day and you continued to harrass me so. No.

February 2nd, 2009, 12:52 PM
I already stated my opinion else where.

February 2nd, 2009, 01:27 PM
I voted no. Mainly because your avatar pisses me off (you look really, really snotty/dickmovish). No but seriously, you just come off as obnoxious and pompous, and I wouldn't want to see that kind of power in your hands.

February 2nd, 2009, 01:35 PM
Sorry, but no.
You shitpost just as often as those you criticize, and a lot of times not even well.
Plus you'd go overboard. You have been overreacting about this way too much, labeling posts with meaning shitposts because they happen to be by the members that shitpost.
Teh Lag however would be a great staff member; I thought he was one <_<

February 2nd, 2009, 02:04 PM
Teh Lag no doubt. I saw your moderation the other day and you continued to harrass me so. No.

what i did was a step by step of what i would of done.
1. told you where you went wrong
2. said why you went wrong
3. gave you the option to correct it yourself.

next step would of been warnings and a lock.
Basically you got some chances.

February 2nd, 2009, 03:15 PM
teh lag wins, I'm afraid.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:21 PM
No offense, but I think teh lag would be a better moderator. You would do a good job, but I just think teh lag would be better.

Also, is kornman not a mod anymore?

MetKiller Joe
February 2nd, 2009, 04:32 PM
Anybody that visits these forums often, has mastery of the English language, and knows the community enough to know what is and isn't acceptable would be a decent pick.

I dunno. Maybe lag is a better mod, maybe you are. In all honesty, the forums aren't clean, as you've pointed out. So, whatever should be done in the background isn't being done; a new moderator may fix this problem, or what may be the problem is enough incentive. Like if you agree to the position, you will be suspended from the forum for a week if you don't do the job properly. If you take on the responsibility, you should take it seriously.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:39 PM
No. You aren't anywhere near ready for it. I've seen some of your posts, if not most of them, and they have for too many immature sides to them. Some of your opinions are also put in extreme ways. You also overreact to the smallest bit of argument I have to offer. Calm down on some of your posting habits and don't go off like an idiot sometimes (essence of wording taken from InnerGoat) and I think you'd be a pretty good mod. It really should be Ghost, Polar, or Kornman who decide anyways, so like our opinions should even matter.

what i did was a step by step of what i would of done.
1. told you where you went wrong
2. said why you went wrong
3. gave you the option to correct it yourself.

next step would of been warnings and a lock.
Basically you got some chances.
Anyone can do that. It is beyond simple. I do it a majority of the time at the Bungie Forums (I recommend you go there to see exceptionally good moderators) and I haven't gotten called out badly for any of my posts since my beginning days there. And yes, I act very different there in comparison to here and sometimes Halomaps.org. This is also an offtopic forum, so I'll loop my opinions to what I really think.

I vote for Teh Lag.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:42 PM
Anybody that visits these forums often, has mastery of the English language, and knows the community enough to know what is and isn't acceptable would be a decent pick.

Then wouldn't I be a very decent pick?

February 2nd, 2009, 04:44 PM
Personally, despite the constant shitposting, I think the moderation staff does an excellent job and, more importantly, will ask for and enlist assistance when necessary. As of the moment, things are stable and sane enough that more moderation simply isn't necessary. Of course, I could be wrong, but w/e.

On the other hand, feel free to vote Ifafudafi for mod '09 :party:

February 2nd, 2009, 04:47 PM
^FFFFF, I was about to nominate you too but now I would just be getting on the bandwagon.

Mr Ifafudafi for mod in 2999. :mad:

February 2nd, 2009, 04:49 PM
I nominate myself too!

And also, is kornman still a mod? His name isn't green anymore.

February 2nd, 2009, 04:50 PM
I do say that things are mostly good at the moment, but I have to agree with you that we do have a lot of seemingly useless threads, a a nice amount of repeated threads as well. Though an extra mod could help, maybe it's not the solution. To give a possible solution to those blog-type threads that don't quite belong in the Off-Topic section, maybe there could be a sub-section for User blogs?

Just my two cents.

February 2nd, 2009, 05:08 PM

MetKiller Joe
February 2nd, 2009, 07:26 PM
Then wouldn't I be a very decent pick?

I'm not saying this to be offensive to you or anybody else (because I realize that most of this "Can I be a mod?" is just childish joking), but if you think of yourself as a moderator, you have an inflated ego; you think you'd be a great moderator because you think so much of yourself. I'll tell you right now, I'm guilty of this. I think I'd do a decent job, but I probably wouldn't.

There are a select group of people that don't let their personalities and opinions interfere with this role. As mentioned, the Bungie moderators do, in my opinion, a really great job of cleaning up messes on the forums (and considering that most of the members can't put together a single English together that really says something).

Zilla and rest, if you advocate for yourself, I completely understand. You think you can do a better job (so do I). But let others decide this because they know who they think is the best moderator.

February 2nd, 2009, 07:27 PM
I do say that things are mostly good at the moment, but I have to agree with you that we do have a lot of seemingly useless threads, a a nice amount of repeated threads as well. Though an extra mod could help, maybe it's not the solution. To give a possible solution to those blog-type threads that don't quite belong in the Off-Topic section, maybe there could be a sub-section for User blogs?

Just my two cents.
no, this isnt a blog site period.

the biggest complaint i have is if a mod, admin explains why in depth that something aint right and acceptable, and the next day they go out and do it again, and again there is something wrong with the way the sentences are being carried out. Or they're not making it to the threads quick enough.

look i'd honestly let silly jokes and what not slide but there is a line and most of the time it's pretty clear cut what is right and what isn't.
And as for Teh Lag as a mod, i'd be all for it, but if your doing it cause he made that thread then your not very informed, because the only reason he made it, was because i had to go to work for a few hours.
i had a much smaller rant earlier in a thread and i was going to make a thread explaining why.

not to mention when someone like me or snaf has a difference in opinion and voices it where confronted with replies about how where hassling the new fags, and picking on them and double standards and all that other bullshit when it's simply not true.

to put it into perspective how many warnings do you think i got in the early days?
I have over 20 (and im sure there are more that have since disappeared with the deletion of threads), yet from those infractions i learnt something every time.
i took from it and became more aware of what was acceptable and what wasnt across a wide range of things and i never bitched (except with zeph's infractions cause they where bullshit) and i took it on the chin and walked away.
i also had my own thread calling for my banning at one stage because of how i was behaving on the forums but due to proper posts, opinions and replies when it was called for i built up a reputation with some of the staff and senior members around this site.

And i did this by accepting i fucked up and then taking time to correct my mistakes if i could.
something you clowns still havnt figured out, you all desperately need to be kicked up the ass instead of this cotton ball bullshit.

If you want to debate an opinion with me i'll more then happily do it in the open or in a pm, just as long as you stop playing the victim.
your annoyed at something i said, pm me and i'll explain it in greater depth, or listen to an opinion of yours.

E: It's not that i think i deserve it or that i think i can do a better job if thats the opinion you guys are seeing.
I'm seeing a problem and i think i could help address it. Thats all it is.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 07:40 PM
If you can't stand someone's posts, just put him on your ignore list. If other forums have it, then vBulletin has it too. No need for more mods. I put a number of newbs making random suggestions about CE/H2V maps on my ignore list, problem solved.

February 2nd, 2009, 07:45 PM
not problem solved, problem ignored.

they havnt learned a dam thing.

February 2nd, 2009, 07:51 PM
I think the best solution would make me a full moderator, this guy a mod for off-topic and then have Yuki be the CE section mod.
Any objections?
Didn't think so.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 07:52 PM
it's a bigger problem if the more experienced users here start flaming the noob thread and wasting webspace. If everyone ignored the noob thread, it would be much better.

I think you just need to be more tolerant, that's all. You're just looking for a chance to exercise power.

February 2nd, 2009, 07:55 PM
You're just looking for a chance to exercise power.

That's a rather bold statement, even coming from you.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:03 PM
Woah there Buckshot... that isn't exactly your place to say that.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:05 PM
I say everyone should just leave the shiposts to drown in time once buried won't be anyones business then, no one will care.
Don't like the noob threads?
Ignore them move onto the next.
I seriously don't think the forum needs more staff to be honest and if another staff was required, i would suggest teh lag or get Kornman00 to do the job he seemed rather good at it.
I agree with Dane, anyone who asks to be made mod wont be good choices.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 08:07 PM
I've dealt with a lot of newbs and noobs making shit threads in the CMT sub-forum back in the old days. After I while, I realized, trying to tell them nicely why they were nooby was pointless. Mods could lock their threads, temp ban them, etc, they'll just come back and make threads with different noob suggestions, e.g. instead of "hey CMT put a lunging sword in the mod" it becomes "hey CMT put a gun that shoot boiled eggs in the mod." Better to just ignore them.

If you're actually making a thread asking that you yourself be nominated as a moderator, you're just trying to grab some power and unleash it on trivial problems. The way I see it, this thread isn't much better than the threads it's directed against, it's like trying to ask CMT to let you beta test, except that you attempt to give all sorts of legit reasons why. PM jcap/TheGhost/Polar bear if you're that concerned.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:11 PM
it's a bigger problem if the more experienced users here start flaming the noob thread and wasting webspace. If everyone ignored the noob thread, it would be much better.

I think you just need to be more tolerant, that's all. You're just looking for a chance to exercise power.
You're part of the problem, with some really ridiculous threads you've made recently. Should we start ignoring your threads?

Ridiculous threads and all the /b/tard and 4chan and meme crap being ignored isn't going to solve anything, because the people who post that stuff bring their friends along, who also post more bullshit.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 08:14 PM
Yes, start ignoring my posts, I don't care.

If there's a stupid guy in the classroom, why should anyone give a damn about him unless he actually starts to be a major disruption? Just let him be, pretend he doesn't exist. If he does cause a disruption, let the teacher handle it, don't start begging the teacher to make you a prefect or something.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:15 PM
I've dealt with a lot of newbs and noobs making shit threads in the CMT sub-forum back in the old days. After I while, I realized, trying to tell them nicely why they were nooby was pointless. Mods could lock their threads, temp ban them, etc, they'll just come back and make threads with different noob suggestions, e.g. instead of "hey CMT put a lunging sword in the mod" it becomes "hey CMT put a gun that shoot boiled eggs in the mod." Better to just ignore them.

Buckshot you back seat moderated the section, you were never a mod, you never had the authority to act a mod. It was the CMT members, particularly Teh lag,CAD, and Masterz that had to deal with all that bullshit.

Take your ego and get out of this thread right now.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:17 PM
You're part of the problem, with some really ridiculous threads you've made recently. Should we start ignoring your threads?


Ridiculous threads and all the /b/tard and 4chan and meme crap being ignored isn't going to solve anything, because the people who post that stuff bring their friends along, who also post more bullshit.
Then lock the threads inform the user their threads have little discussion to be done and move on.
Giving attention seekers more attention is just adding more fuel to the fire so more moths have try to fly into it.


Take your ego and get out of this thread right now.
You say he's backseat moderating yet you just did the exact same thing?
Am i missing something here or no?...

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 08:20 PM
I never tried to act like a mod in CMT, I just said "no no a gun that shoots hard boiled eggs is dumb, here's why, blah blah" I didn't say "stop making these threads or you get bant" - that would be backseat moderation. While it would've been cool, I never once asked to be a mod or to have any special privileges.

Teekup, you hate my post, so stick me on your ignore list. Why flame?

February 2nd, 2009, 08:21 PM
While I agree that Buckshot has no room to talk (sorry Buckshot, but a lot of your posts do come off as Elitist, whether you mean them to or not), I can't help but feel there is some merit to his statement saying that anyone who asks to be a mod would not be a particularly good mod. Asking for it is also an ego thing, so getting moderator privileges would be feeding the ego. Power should be given to those who do not desire it. People who desire it for good always end up becoming a pain in the neck one way or the other, because its that OCD neat-freak attitude which compels them to desire power that also undoes their good intentions. Iron-fisted moderation is not the way to go.

Now, if I personally had to pick ONE of those who desire to be mod, it would have to be Bodzilla. He's laid back enough to the point where we don't have to worry about the aforementioned iron-fisted moderation, yet experienced enough to know when enough is enough. But that's just how I see it.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:24 PM
I never tried to act like a mod in CMT, I just said "no no a gun that shoots hard boiled eggs is dumb, here's why, blah blah" I didn't say "stop making these threads or you get bant" - that would be backseat moderation. While it would've been cool, I never once asked to be a mod or to have any special privileges.

Teekup, you hate my post, so stick me on your ignore list. Why flame?

I'm sorry If I remember your behavior otherwise, especially back on the =EP forums. I didn't flame, I made a reasonable request, knowing you.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:34 PM
Bod would be a good mod because he's actually on this site regularly.

Bod for Mod!

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 08:34 PM
I'm not opposing the fact that it's Zilla asking to be a mod. It could be ASCE#%^#@ or whatever username, I think making a thread to ask to be a mod isn't right. It should be a private affair discussed with admins.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:35 PM
How the FUCK would moding people that don't want to moderate be better? More lackadaisical moderation and someone who will sit on their ass is not what we need. People who think that the forums are being shitted up by 4chan /b/tard memefags and shit threads and want to help the problem are being agreed with by the administration and moderation. That's a fact.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:35 PM
Bod would be a good mod because he's actually on this site regularly.

Bod for Mod!
So are spam bots but you wouldn't want those as mods. :fail:

teh lag
February 2nd, 2009, 08:36 PM
I'm not opposing the fact that it's Zilla asking to be a mod. It could be ASCE#%^#@ or whatever username, I think making a thread to ask to be a mod isn't right. It should be a private affair discussed with admins.

I disagree. Ignoring all the babbling we could do about arrogance or ego, I think it's a pretty good idea to find out what public opinion is before you become a staff member. A disliked mod that's on a lot is no better for site maintainance than a good mod who's never on.

Also heh, didn't realize I had this sort of following >_>

February 2nd, 2009, 08:36 PM
I'm not opposing the fact that it's Zilla asking to be a mod. It could be ASCE#%^#@ or whatever username, I think making a thread to ask to be a mod isn't right. It should be a private affair discussed with admins.

You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the administrators would just let anyone be mod if they asked. Jcap is considerably strict when it comes to moderators and admins here. Chances are Bod won't even become one.

We're not idiots here Buckshot. Admins give proper consideration where it is due, and where it isn't, well they're dealt with quickly.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:43 PM
I think it's a pretty good idea to find out what public opinion is before you become a staff member. A disliked mod that's on a lot is no better for site maintainance than a good mod who's never on.
I don't think public opinion means anything unless a moderator is actually doing a very rude or biased job. It's up to the people who own the site, and if the opinion of the moderator is because of his poor moderation, then it should become a public issue. Otherwise, public opinion or not of the moderator, it comes down to performance. If the users don't like the mod, too bad (if he's doing a good job of moderation, fair and right).

February 2nd, 2009, 08:43 PM
You seem to be ignorant of the fact that the administrators would just let anyone be mod if they asked. Jcap is considerably strict when it comes to moderators and admins here. Chances are Bod won't even become one.

No i was refuting his logic tha activity alone would be worth of such a position.
I am aware that strict measures must be upheld when deciding on staff, i made my suggestions but also noted i felt there was no need for more staff.
With respect, that post was referred to buckshot, not you.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:45 PM
No i was refuting his logic than activity alone would be worth of such a position.

With respect, that post was referred to buckshot, not you.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 08:50 PM
You could just report the post y'know...that red triangle thing. IMO, if the post does not really violate rules, (i.e. promote porno, piracy, racism, etc) it should just be ignored. If you want to make a statement, there's the minus rep function.

I'm apathetic as to whether Zilla would be a good or a bad mod. But making an actual thread to request mod status is quite reminiscient of those "hey can I beta test" threads.

teh lag
February 2nd, 2009, 08:52 PM
I don't think public opinion means anything unless a moderator is actually doing a very rude or biased job. It's up to the people who own the site, and if the opinion of the moderator is because of his poor moderation, then it should become a public issue. Otherwise, public opinion or not of the moderator, it comes down to performance. If the users don't like the mod, too bad (if he's doing a good job of moderation, fair and right).

Yes, once they *are* a moderator it's ultimately based on performance, but I don't see what's wrong with taking into account the majority opinion of the site before the person becomes one. If they're not wanted, I would think there's probably a good reason for it.

February 2nd, 2009, 08:53 PM
You could just report the post y'know...that red triangle thing. IMO, if the post does not really violate rules, (i.e. promote porno, piracy, racism, etc) it should just be ignored. If you want to make a statement, there's the minus rep function.

I'm apathetic as to whether Zilla would be a good or a bad mod. But making an actual thread to request mod status is quite reminiscient of those "hey can I beta test" threads.

Once again you are ignorant to the fact. Ignoring problems, no matter how minor, will not make them go away.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:04 PM

tbh I like you zilla, but I just don't think you would fit the part...

also @ snaf, love you bro (no homo) but you wouldn't either as much as you'd love the part.

Basically the people that don't deserve mod are the ones asking for it, they're also the same people who tend to backseat mod on the DL and usually get away with it (I'm even guilty of this charge, which is why I probably wouldn't make a good mod either, but I dont want to be one anyway xD).

The type of people that do deserve mod would be curtious and fully respecting of the rules within reason.

The idea that "theres a time and place" I guess your somewhat right, but the idea about "senority" makes no sense in terms of controlling a public forum what-so-ever (if your really concearned about honestly moderating a forum that is) and in fact would lead to more seperation trolling and flaming.

It will also further seperate the noobs from the elders, what we want is peace between these two groups, otherwise the noobs learn nothing and either leave or just learn bad habbits seperating them certainly will not bring peace to the force (lawl).

...this starts to trail off into making no sense, made more sense before I actually typed it, spoilered to prevent bigger wall of text

It almost comes down to parenting in a way... the Nazi Parents usually always end up having problems with they're children (well from what I've seen anyway). The second these children get the chance to break a rule with out mom and pop knowing, they do it simply because they want to test how much they can get away with, its sort of physcological.

Then the parents who control they're children within reason. These children generally respect they're given freedoms and are less likely to be troublesome.

So controling what newbs can and cannot do in a hypocritical way (simillar to the Nazi parents) isn't going to help.

We need resonable moderation, no boundaries, the rules apply to everyone, not just the noobs.

Of course if the rules are too strict to begin with then you still end up with the Nazi Parent Results.

TeeK... your calling another person ignorant, idc what you were argueing about, but when I see posts like that (and I'm sure the current mods see it) it means you really shouldn't be a mod, calling someone ignorant is an insult... insults lead to flames. (I should add your not the only one who does this and I mean no offence)

I mean sure theres some leniency with the insults because its bound to happen, but I've seen more than just this from you to know that I wouldn't vote you as a Mod, sorry, and its not just you (see names above). Snaf I know you pride yourself on using brutal honesty in your criticism, but thats the last thing they need in a moderator, it might help people realize that there stuff is crap, sometimes you might even be helpful, but tbh its what keeps you from being mod worthy.

You guys need to be resonable and ask yourselves how you've treated others on this forum tbh. Think hard about it, then ask yourself if you really deserve to be a mod, or will you just make things worse by having power put into the wrong hands. I know this sounds like a backseat moderation, but were on the subject of who deserves to be a mod... in order to be a mod you need to know when to step in and when not to step in, people who let insults fly left and right (which I've seen from most of you asking for mod) are the people who will end up abusing power, why? because it shows your unstable, it means your liable to abuse your power.

It's up to the people who own the site
tharz yur problum

Theres a reason this world supports democracy, it seems to work better than anything else, I understand they're the ones who flip the bill and its they're call, but theres a reason Dictatorships and the like usually don't fare well in the real world.

The same thing can be applied to a forum, while on a much smaller scale of course, I'm not accusing anyone of anything either, I'm just saying, what do you expect to happen when everything has to be done your way?

All seerius stuff set a side snafs right its up to the people who own the site, but thats also the core and heart of the problem, and it will probably never change. Of course one can argue, you need to be a certain age to vote in most Democracies, and truth of the matter is that probably more than half the user base of this forum is too imature for such a system to be implemented anyway lol.

/wall of words

E: not to mention I hate the stikied thread in the studio forum, its makes [I]you guys sound like the ignorant ones tbh,
If you're a "badass" at your local high school, well good for you. When you join this site, let alone any site on the INTERNET, you have jumped into our norms; if you don't like it you can either SHUT UP or leave. just as ignorant as most "badasses" from highschool, just reintroduced to the internet. The idea of the internet it to connect people, not to create new cliques, which is essentially what this site is unfortunately slowly turning into. "when you sit at our lunch table, you follow our rules" actually... now that I think about it, this sounds more harsh than in real life lmao.

Something tells me you had to deal with one of those "badasses" why else would you have said it?

Case and point, the bullies on this forum were probably bullied in real life, this is they're outlet. Then again some of you are just cocky for the sake of being cocky because its the internet, I'm starting to trail away from my origional post, so I'm just gonna stop here.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:34 PM
Yes, once they *are* a moderator it's ultimately based on performance, but I don't see what's wrong with taking into account the majority opinion of the site before the person becomes one. If they're not wanted, I would think there's probably a good reason for it.
You've got a point, why mod somebody that all the members would rather not see given those powers?

If he wants to be a mod, then let the actual staff decide what to do with his request, unless the vast majority disagrees on what they say. From what I see, many of you disagree on him asking for mod powers, rather than the position itself.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:43 PM
Now where did I say or suggest I wanted to be a mod? That's obviously not going to happen. Too be perfectly honest I don't want the position.

I'm sorry for your issues with the way I offer criticism, but its not going to change. Especially in the recent surge of all the crap on the forums.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:47 PM
tharz yur problum

Theres a reason this world supports democracy.
It's been stated numerous times by the staff that this site is not, nor will be treated as a democracy. :|

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 09:47 PM
Yeah, you aren't a mod, you don't want to be one.

So there's a surge of crap. It's not your forum. Why must you be concerned? Just stray away from Off Topic then.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:50 PM
Now where did I say or suggest I wanted to be a mod?

My mistake, http://www.modacity.net/forums/showthread.php?t=13897 that thread made me think otherwise, apparently they approve of your thoughts though.

It's been stated numerous times by the staff that this site is not, nor will be treated as a democracy. :|

And I acknoledged this (more than once) in my post that the owners of this site are free to run it anyway they want to, I'm just pointing out a flaw.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:53 PM
Yeah, you aren't a mod, you don't want to be one.

So there's a surge of crap. It's not your forum. Why must you be concerned? Just stray away from Off Topic then.

No it's not my forum but I've been here long enough to be concerned about the well being of this community. I'm sorry for having friends here, I'm sorry where this community is where we used to enjoy ourselves. There used to be a balance here.

With the surge of recent crap the community is slowly turning into a cesspool of memefags and /b/tards.

Buckshot I'm concerned because I guess you could say this is my home. You ignore this fact and this is what irritates me. I don't like you buckshot because you have little disregard for this community. Ignoring things does not fix them.

I don't like you buckshot because your solutions are not valid, they are not viable, they will not work. Frankly I don't care for your attitude on a lot of concerns that pop up here. Sometimes I think it would be better if you just left, and I can count a number of people that would agree.

February 2nd, 2009, 09:59 PM
With the surge of recent crap the community is slowly turning into a cesspool of memefags and /b/tards.

I agree with this, but not the topic in the studio forum.

But tbh I don't know whats worse, the memefags or the people who refuse to see threads with bad model/art/modding content. Be happy people are making shit, because its few and far between nowadays, which is why I hate seeing newbs crushed, they have more drive then us older members do because weve been here forever.

My concern is more about the well being of Halo CE within this community, the fact is some of the standards are set way to high and it discourages growth. Its already starting to happen, theres less and less people modding CE I mean its bound to happen, buts happening twice as fast because of the way newbies get treated.

I've dealt with a lot of newbs and noobs making shit threads in the CMT sub-forum back in the old days. After I while, I realized, trying to tell them nicely why they were nooby was pointless. Mods could lock their threads, temp ban them, etc, they'll just come back and make threads with different noob suggestions, e.g. instead of "hey CMT put a lunging sword in the mod" it becomes "hey CMT put a gun that shoot boiled eggs in the mod." Better to just ignore them. Is what I wish most people would do rather than make fun of them. Its kind of like, if you don't have anything nice to say... then plz don't say anything xD its common sense.

Rob Oplawar
February 2nd, 2009, 10:04 PM
Modzilla '09!

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 10:13 PM
No it's not my forum but I've been here long enough to be concerned about the well being of this community. I'm sorry for having friends here, I'm sorry where this community is where we used to enjoy ourselves. There used to be a balance here.

With the surge of recent crap the community is slowly turning into a cesspool of memefags and /b/tards.

Buckshot I'm concerned because I guess you could say this is my home. You ignore this fact and this is what irritates me. I don't like you buckshot because you have little disregard for this community. Ignoring things does not fix them.

I don't like you buckshot because your solutions are not valid, they are not viable, they will not work. Frankly I don't care for your attitude on a lot of concerns that pop up here. Sometimes I think it would be better if you just left, and I can count a number of people that would agree.

If they don't like me, put me on the ignore list. How difficult is that? If you don't like my posts, yet you choose not to ignore them so you can respond, you're sad, even if your responses are valid. That is why trying to make comebacks at those noob threads is dumb, just let the mods already present ban and lock. If you want them to leave, privately ask an existing mod to ban them. I'll leave when I'm IP banned.

Anyway I doubt Zilla will get what he asked for.

February 2nd, 2009, 10:33 PM
If they don't like me, put me on the ignore list. How difficult is that? If you don't like my posts, yet you choose not to ignore them so you can respond, you're sad, even if your responses are valid. That is why trying to make comebacks at those noob threads is dumb, just let the mods already present ban and lock. If you want them to leave, privately ask an existing mod to ban them. I'll leave when I'm IP banned.

Anyway I doubt Zilla will get what he asked for.
If you tell everyone to ignore you, whats the point of posting.

February 2nd, 2009, 10:41 PM
Either way, we do need better regulation...

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 11:15 PM
Either way, we do need better regulation...

Or we could delete the Off Topic section from the Modacity server and make it a link to a freewebs guestbook. Unless the noobs make threads promoting porno, racism, etc, I'm not going to even look at them. Adding them to your ignore list means you won't even see what they write hence you won't start grimacing.

I know ignoring things does not fix them, but it's only a problem because you choose to see it as such. This is the internet. No one on this forum is my friend or my enemy (except Bathroom Security, only because I knew him personally). If you choose to see it as a place to really socialize, you're a very sad person.

As I've said before, suppose there's a dumb guy in your class. Must you take an issue with him unless he actually tries to bully/provoke you? Let the teacher handle any stupidity he may display. Yeah suppose he raises his hand during lecture, starts jabbering nonsense. Well just do something else and ignore him.

Basically, any new mods in this forum should be appointed by admins. This thread's poll says nothing.

February 2nd, 2009, 11:23 PM
Maybe more self regulation is necessary, a bit of initiative. Instead of spamming a useless thread with 'this is crap why did you post', rate it a one (-rep the poster if its that bad) and ignore it. That way it'll quickly die and get pushed down to the second page, instead of sitting at the top for more people to complain at.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 11:35 PM
Maybe more self regulation is necessary, a bit of initiative. Instead of spamming a useless thread with 'this is crap why did you post', rate it a one (-rep the poster if its that bad) and ignore it. That way it'll quickly die and get pushed down to the second page, instead of sitting at the top for more people to complain at.


ignoring is slower but can be effective, see?

February 2nd, 2009, 11:57 PM
Woah there Buckshot... that isn't exactly your place to say that.
he's entitled to an opinion no matter how wrong it is, i'm just allowed to refute him if i choose :p

On a side note alot are saying dont give it to people who ask it, because they want more power...
well if thats the case why wasnt rossmum ever a mod regardless of the tens of times we asked him too.... simply because he didnt want to.
well you then say therefore he's perfect for the job!

too bad he wouldnt do it.

Your living in a fairy world, sure it's great that people can be picked out without asking but whether they want to do it and will do it is a different issue entirely.

i aint asking for more power, i'm asking for the ability to be more pro-active and help regulate the section i've poured so much time into as well as donated to keep running. Because it's being run into the ground.

February 3rd, 2009, 12:50 AM
Protip: I asked for it after being approached by Theghost and Jcap about who would be a good mod http://sa.tweek.us/emots/images/emot-3.gif

February 3rd, 2009, 01:12 AM
Maybe more self regulation is necessary, a bit of initiative. Instead of spamming a useless thread with 'this is crap why did you post', rate it a one (-rep the poster if its that bad) and ignore it. That way it'll quickly die and get pushed down to the second page, instead of sitting at the top for more people to complain at.

To expand on this, I think there needs to be a few rule changes here are there too. Sub-standard threads are a hard thing to police though because everyone has a different opinion on them, what level of crap is considered bad enough for a lock. There'll be too many threads that mod A think are acceptable but mod B would lock. There's that, and we don't want to discourage new members from posting threads immediately.

Instead, new members need to see that it's just not a couple tight ass moderators that hate their threads, but also have the community 'shun' them by ignoring the threads instead of just hating on them. This way they're (in my opinion) less likely to continue posting threads when they realise nobody cares, by not getting a reaction from anyone even when the thread is left open to everyone. They won't leave because they think their threads are awesome but are always locked.

Some threads can still be locked on-site if they're really stupid, but the ones in the grey area should be left to the community to leave.

February 3rd, 2009, 03:02 AM
you guys are all getting your panties in a twist over nothing..

who gives a shit if someone posts a silly thread in off-topic, that's pretty much the point of that section.

if you don't like the thread, or are judging it just on the poster (which ive seen alot) don't fucking read it, or report it... it doesn't help that all you people who are saying ot is a shithouse, then you go into a post you think is bad and shitpost yourself.

the complainers and mod wanna-bes are the ones making the section shitty.

Mr Buckshot
February 3rd, 2009, 05:54 PM
you guys are all getting your panties in a twist over nothing..

who gives a shit if someone posts a silly thread in off-topic, that's pretty much the point of that section.

if you don't like the thread, or are judging it just on the poster (which ive seen alot) don't fucking read it, or report it... it doesn't help that all you people who are saying ot is a shithouse, then you go into a post you think is bad and shitpost yourself.

the complainers and mod wanna-bes are the ones making the section shitty.

exactly, that was my point all along.