View Full Version : Annual VW prank failed :(

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 09:57 PM
Source: http://www.ctvbc.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20090202/bc_engineering_prank_090202/20090202?hub=BritishColumbia

If it were a class project, they'd get a failing grade.
Five University of British Columbia university engineering students were arrested Monday trying to lower a Volkswagon Beetle off the bridge that spans Vancouver's Burrard Inlet.
Vancouver police say they caught the group "red-handed" on the Iron Workers Memorial Bridge.
The appearance of the Volkswagon shell in some unheard-of places has become the annual kick-off to Engineering Week at UBC.
Previously the Beetles have been placed on the top of tall buildings and suspended from bridges, but the engineer's most notorious feat came when students hung a bug off San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge, generating international media attention.
But this year, it seems, the would-be pranksters should have waited to get a few more classes under their belts.
"It appears they ran into -- pardon the pun -- a bit of a snag," said Vancouver police spokesman Const. Lindsey Houghton, as he explained what officers saw when they came upon the group on the bridge early Monday morning.
Houghton said the equipment the students had been using either wasn't strong enough or they had trouble with the cables or ropes they were using.
"The shell of the vehicle plunged into the Burrard Inlet."
The arrests Monday mark the first time anyone has been caught in connection with the prank.
Bruce Dunwoody, associate dean of engineering programs at UBC, admits he doesn't like answering the phone on the first Monday of February.
"I'm relieved this time every year when, so far, nobody's been hurt," Dunwoody said.
"I don't like to call it a prank, because prank sort of implies wholesome fun and not having negative consequences, which certainly doesn't apply here."
The five students may face discipline from the university, but Dunwoody said that will be up to the university's president advisory committee on student discipline.
Houghton said police are recommending charges of mischief over $5,000.
Given the engineers' record of feats, Houghton said no one would argue with their ingenuity and creativity.
"We would much prefer they utilize their knowledge and experience and harness that creativity for other means rather than pulling pranks or stunts like this," Houghton said.
The university has been trying to discourage the students hijinks.
Dunwoody pointed out that a few years ago, students engineered a sculpture of 6,400 cans of food and the proceeds later went to the food bank.
In another year, students placed a giant version of the UBC engineers coat on the stone Inukshuk standing in Vancouver's English Bay and stuffed it with clothing that was later donated to charity.
Dunwoody doesn't know why the engineers use the Volkswagons.
He said he thinks it may have come from class experiments with the Beetles, such as trying to figure out how many students could fit into a Bug.

Kind of sad, these guys disgrace the names of whoever hung the Beetle off the Golden Gate Bridge (Canadian UBC students too). Their pulley system failed and it cost them their reputation...and a classic car.

Whatever it is, these guys need to go back and repeat their physics class after they're released from prison. Suckers.

Has this stunt been performed anywhere else in your country? I've seen VWs being hung off buildings too. Kind of a waste of cars but it's pretty hilarious

Reaper Man
February 2nd, 2009, 10:34 PM
Did you not read what other people posted about your pointless threads? Seriously, stop it, it's annoying. As I've said before, your threads leave no room for discussion other than "lol" and "cool story bro".

February 2nd, 2009, 10:37 PM
Nice, another one of your copy paste threads. Good shit, IB.

February 2nd, 2009, 10:45 PM
I, for one, like to hear about stories I wouldn't have otherwise.

Though I see both sides, why not make a "Why the fuck is this news?" Thread?

February 2nd, 2009, 10:47 PM
I, for one, like to hear about stories I wouldn't have otherwise.

Though I see both sides, why not make a "Why the fuck is this news?" Thread?


was thinking the same thing... people post news all the time, i dont get why hes recieving so much flak for it tho... "looks at fight the flood thread" oh... leave issues in other threads /back seat moderation, you can report me if it bothers you that much cuz idc...

Reaper Man
February 2nd, 2009, 10:53 PM
One thing that I've observed is that the other threads have a "hey guys, check this out" style, whereas Buckshot's threads are more "hey, look at this, now let me tell you about it in an opinionated way"

I know I am not the only one who views Buckshot's posting style as pretentious.

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 10:56 PM
Nice, another one of your copy paste threads. Good shit, IB.

I know, IB is good shit, that's why I got accepted into UC Berkeley very easily, although Yale wasn't so nice...damned English SL predicted grade must've screwed me up.

I posted this because it connects with a famous incident - the Volkswagen Bug hanging off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is extremely funny, that's all.

If you hate my threads, don't read them.

February 2nd, 2009, 10:57 PM
I, for one, like to hear about stories I wouldn't have otherwise.

Though I see both sides, why not make a "Why the fuck is this news?" Thread?
Same here. In fact, I've posted several of these types of threads and never heard a word from anyone :v:

Mr Buckshot
February 2nd, 2009, 11:01 PM
Any Californians reading this thread are going to smile, assuming they were alive in 2001 :P

February 2nd, 2009, 11:15 PM
I personally don't mind bizzare news threads, although it might be better to revise them all into one thread, where people can c/p articles with a comment.

February 3rd, 2009, 01:44 AM
i didnt think this thread was that bad tbh. (but god your so nerdy it hurts when you state your opinon under the quote like that.)

but i'd suggest things in your opening statement along the lines of:
Wow, have you guys heard of any other bizzare stunts like this?
What crazy stunt would you like to pull?

leaves more for discussion.

February 3rd, 2009, 04:11 AM
One thing that I've observed is that the other threads have a "hey guys, check this out" style, whereas Buckshot's threads are more "hey, look at this, now let me tell you about it in an opinionated way"

I know I am not the only one who views Buckshot's posting style as pretentious.

Usually it is, but in this case it's not as bad as many of his previous threads.

But yeah, dude, you tend to be far too verbose when you really don't need to be, and usually you're being comparative and condescending. It is annoying a ton of people.

I'm letting this thread go... for now.

February 3rd, 2009, 06:27 PM
People need to stop bawwing about these threads, it's really not that big of a deal IMO.

Pretty funny considering the wanna-be engineers failed at their own game. A friend of mine is planning on going to UBC after school for engineering, maybe I'll see him in the paper some time...

Mr Buckshot
February 3rd, 2009, 07:18 PM
People need to stop bawwing about these threads, it's really not that big of a deal IMO.

Pretty funny considering the wanna-be engineers failed at their own game. A friend of mine is planning on going to UBC after school for engineering, maybe I'll see him in the paper some time...

Coming to UBC from the island? Awesome. But be aware, on-campus residence is limited! Recommend to your friend to participate in another VW stunt, just tell him to be more careful than these guys!