February 4th, 2009, 08:20 PM
[20:04] K23: actually
[20:04] K23: fix the link
[20:04] K23: it should be dee fails
[20:04] K23: because
[20:05] DEElekgolo: no
[20:05] DEElekgolo: llolol
[20:05] DEElekgolo: dude
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you cant do shit
[20:05] K23: you cut off half
[20:05] DEElekgolo: first of all
[20:05] K23: where you spammed
[20:05] DEElekgolo: wtf
[20:05] DEElekgolo: i didnt spam
[20:05] K23: which is fail
[20:05] DEElekgolo: onotix spammed me about dicks
[20:05] K23: and
[20:05] DEElekgolo: all you can do is run on what
[20:05] K23: you said dicks
[20:05] DEElekgolo: ONOTIX
[20:05] DEElekgolo: says
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you dont know
[20:05] DEElekgolo: my side of the story
[20:05] DEElekgolo: so you cant take sides
[20:05] DEElekgolo: if your being biased
i would like to start off differently than i did on fps zone.
original fps zone post
Before i start i would like to apologize for any spelling mistake i have made but there is not spell check here.
Well today me and Deehunter got into and argument because he was spaming and flaming members at another site i got to. He told them there work sucked and showed off his halo 3 rips claiming them as his own. So went and told him. "[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool"
Thats when it all we got into an argument and he ended up posting the chat log some were. well ussually i wouldnt care but there was something just some thing missing... Like half of the convo were he was spaming me and telling me i didnt have his recon model ingame. Now what really got my going was when he said i was talking about dicks earilier in the conversation. The funny part is he was the one who starte the dick thing by saying... "[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick." Caught him in the act of a lie. So i bet your thinking why should we belive you? Well i have the full chat log from start to fiinish and i will now post it here....
P.S. if anyone would like any more chat logs of completely stupid things dee has said message me on xfire - onoitx335 is what i should what you have been waiting for.
Conversation ended: Mon, Feb 02 16:56:15 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:32 2009
[16:38] Dark: dee
[16:38] DEElekgolo: fl
[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:58 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:33 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: ?
[16:39] DEElekgolo: wat
[16:39] Dark: nexus
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:41 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:42 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i didnt show off my rips for a while
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:45 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:48 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: oh lololol
[16:39] DEElekgolo: custom
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i showed
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:52 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:53 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: the elite
[16:39] DEElekgolo: and the master chief
[16:40] DEElekgolo: was that you that said "I know him from another forum?"
[16:40] Dark: nope
[16:40] Dark: and i have the halo 3 rip i know ow they look
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:26 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:29 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: no ur dont
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:33 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:34 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: you dont have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: my rips
[16:40] Dark: yes
[16:40] Dark: i have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: the one with teh
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wrait
[16:40] DEElekgolo: and so on
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:40] DEElekgolo: bubble sheild
[16:40] DEElekgolo: warthog
[16:40] Dark: your eva and recon rips ingame
[16:40] DEElekgolo: troophog
[16:40] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahhahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ahahaaahahhhahahahahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: fail
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you dont have my
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hog
[16:41] DEElekgolo: peli
[16:41] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:41] DEElekgolo: troop
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ghost
[16:41] DEElekgolo: mongoose
[16:41] DEElekgolo: allw eapons
[16:41] DEElekgolo: FP arms
[16:41] Dark: i mean the spartans
[16:41] DEElekgolo: those rips are just my leaks.
[16:41] Dark: gawd
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ha
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:23 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:29 2009
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hhhaahahhahahahaaahahahahhaahhhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahhahhahaaha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: its not rigged
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you have the .3ds
[16:41] Dark: OH YEAH
[16:41] DEElekgolo: from the time you leaked it
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VID
[16:41] Dark: HU PUNK
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VIDS
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from whenn you leaked it with kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: not rigged
[16:42] Dark: HU
[16:42] Dark: no
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahahhahahahahaha
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahah
[16:42] DEElekgolo: failing
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard
[16:42] Dark: i dl from modacity
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: some one rigged for me
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: it r prrety
[16:42] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faill
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faiil
[16:42] DEElekgolo: dude
[16:42] DEElekgolo: you are f***ing failin
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard right now
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the modacity leak
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the oooold one
[16:42] DEElekgolo: notice
[16:42] DEElekgolo: it doesnt have CQB helmet
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahahhaahahhah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhhhhhahhahah
[16:43] Dark: uh so
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ahhahahhahhahahhahah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: that is the
[16:43] DEElekgolo: OOOLD
[16:43] DEElekgolo: leak
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the UVs
[16:43] DEElekgolo: are custom
[16:43] Dark: i dont like cqb
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the rig
[16:43] DEElekgolo: is custom
[16:43] DEElekgolo: new one has correct shaders
[16:43] Dark: its ugly
[16:43] DEElekgolo: rigged like it in ingame
[16:43] DEElekgolo: with real game vertice weights
[16:43] DEElekgolo: HLSL is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: .fx is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: so shader sstem is perfectly simulated
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ohhh
[16:43] DEElekgolo: and cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: finnaly got cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: turns out the sequence was RGBARGBARGBARGBA for each cubemap side.
[16:44] DEElekgolo: hhahahahahhhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhaha
[16:44] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:44] DEElekgolo: u fail
[16:44] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:44] DEElekgolo: oh
[16:44] DEElekgolo: we i got the elite skins ripped
[16:44] Dark: wow
[16:44] Dark: idc
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and darco is ripping the models
[16:45] DEElekgolo: with vertice weights
[16:45] DEElekgolo: darvolt has BSP rips also
[16:45] DEElekgolo: but no UVs
[16:45] Dark: DUDE
[16:45] Dark: STFU
[16:45] Dark: I DONT CARE
[16:45] DEElekgolo: Turns out the UVs are reassorted
[16:45] DEElekgolo: using the lightmap UVs
[16:45] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and u still fail
[16:45] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:45] DEElekgolo: horribly
[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick.
[16:46] Dark: at least i have one
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahahhahhahah
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahaahahhahhahha
[16:46] DEElekgolo: I never knew you were aware of the status of my penis. But it seems to be incorrect
[16:47] DEElekgolo: You probably didnt know how a penis looked like
[16:47] DEElekgolo: I wouldnt blame you. You never saw one.
[16:47] * DEElekgolo logs chat
[16:47] DEElekgolo: This is for future lulz
[16:47] Dark: if it was the long hard thiing with 2 balls at the bottom that i showed up your moms pussy then i know what it is
[16:47] DEElekgolo: The next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: hahahahhahahhaha
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Im sure you like to f*** old people
[16:48] DEElekgolo: you lost your chance with your age group.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Never knew you had to resort to older people.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: the next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] Dark: yes i like older women
[16:48] Dark: im in 9th grade
[16:48] DEElekgolo: there it goes.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Same here.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Finals
[16:49] Dark: but my gf is iin 11th
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Honors
[16:49] DEElekgolo: a 40 year old 11th grader?
[16:49] DEElekgolo: thats sad.
[16:50] Dark: idk about were you live
[16:50] Dark: but were i live
[16:50] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[16:50] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:50] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[16:50] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:51] Dark: uh no
[16:51] Dark: usa
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Yea. You must live in the south.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: 18 year old 11th graders.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Southern standards.
[16:52] Dark: yes
[16:52] Dark: in mystate
[16:53] Dark: you can be in highschool till the age of 22
[16:53] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:53] DEElekgolo: HAHHAHAAHHHH
[16:53] Dark: for examle
[16:53] Dark: repeating
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Here in the more advanced north.
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Im 14 and im in 9th grade
[16:53] DEElekgolo: NORMALY
[16:53] DEElekgolo: people finish high school when there 18
[16:53] Dark: to get better understanding on the matrials
[16:53] Dark: yes
[16:53] Dark: same here
[16:53] Dark: but
[16:53] Dark: take into concideration
[16:53] Dark: repeats
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] Dark: ppl from other countries
[16:54] Dark: not everyone is a white f*** like you dee
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Ha
[16:54] Dark: ppl immigrate to my state because they like it here
[16:54] DEElekgolo: so apperently im white now?
[16:54] DEElekgolo: oh wait
[16:54] DEElekgolo: you used the term
[16:54] DEElekgolo: White f***.
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Describe this please. I dont know the southern slang.
[16:55] * Dark creals through
[16:55] Dark: a white f***
[16:56] DEElekgolo: btw this chat will be shown publicly.
[16:56] Dark: is a racist who is a member of the white race who discriminates everyone who snt not white for example assuing that because an 18 year old is in 11th grade they are automaticaly from a third world countrie
[16:56] Dark: alsoo
[16:56] Dark: idc
[16:56] Dark: ooooooooh
[16:56] Dark: you gonna show your internet friend
[16:57] DEElekgolo: I didnt assume
[16:57] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you even said
[16:57] Dark: then theyll come show me
[16:57] DEElekgolo: the average age for the grades.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: how can I be assuming that if you stated that as fact.
[16:57] Dark: and you assumed
[16:57] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: i didnt
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you stated it as fact.
[16:57] Dark: exactly
[16:58] Dark: you assumed i lived in a 3rd would countrie
[16:58] Dark: because
[16:58] DEElekgolo: lol spartan 094 is laughing at this.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: Keep the crowd going.
[16:58] Dark: i said the age range of 11th graders were i live is 16-17
[16:58] Dark: i mean
[16:58] Dark: 18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:59] Dark: i alredy corrected my mistke
[16:59] DEElekgolo: Narrowed it down for ya.
[16:59] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:59] DEElekgolo: continue.
[17:00] Dark: oh ok
[17:01] Dark: another example of a white f*** is a kkk member
[17:01] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:01] Dark: a white f*** can also be called a "w.a.s.p."
[17:02] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:03] Dark: i know
[17:03] Dark: quit funny
[17:03] Dark: *quite
[17:03] Dark: now
[17:03] DEElekgolo: stop
[17:03] DEElekgolo: talking
[17:03] DEElekgolo: like
[17:03] DEElekgolo: this
[17:03] Dark: shhhhh.....
[17:03] Dark: i watching this new guy on fps-zone
[17:03] Dark: called
[17:03] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] DEElekgolo: what new guy?
[17:04] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:04] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] Dark: he just came out of the closet
[17:04] Dark: lol
[17:05] Dark: funny
[17:05] Dark: name sound familiar
[17:05] DEElekgolo: I think thats assassin
[17:05] DEElekgolo: lol
[17:05] DEElekgolo: from modhalo
[17:05] DEElekgolo: i remember killing him in eswords and got the last kill using nades.
[17:06] DEElekgolo: There
[17:06] DEElekgolo: de the fag is no more
[17:06] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:06] Dark: ah
[17:06] Dark: ok
[17:06] Dark: well
[17:06] DEElekgolo: Oh
[17:06] DEElekgolo: this justfor fun guy
[17:06] DEElekgolo: hmm
[17:06] DEElekgolo: i donno
[17:07] Dark: i dont feel like talking to a gay right now..
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Lol. Do you even know what gay means
[17:12] Dark: in simple terms
[17:12] Dark: a man who likes a man
[17:12] Dark: also
[17:12] Dark: the old meaning
[17:12] Dark: was happy
[17:12] DEElekgolo: It only means
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Happy.
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Like how it is used in the bible
[17:13] Dark: that was an old meaning
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Back then when men loved men they called themselfs gay because they were hapy
[17:13] DEElekgolo: now some social terms
[17:13] DEElekgolo: try to use it as at rend
[17:13] DEElekgolo: liek your selfs.
[17:13] Dark: it means a man who like a man
[17:13] DEElekgolo: It does not. That is the social term.
[17:13] Dark: and you admited it on a public formus
[17:13] DEElekgolo: people like you are victom to
[17:13] Dark: and spartan too
[17:13] DEElekgolo: And no lol
[17:13] Dark: tsk
[17:13] DEElekgolo: really?
[17:14] DEElekgolo: were
[17:14] DEElekgolo:
[17:15] Dark: i caught it lol
[17:15] Dark: and will for ever remember
[17:15] Dark: that ur gay
[17:15] DEElekgolo: lol and when did I ever say that anyways?
[17:15] Dark: k bai
[17:15] DEElekgolo: oh ur done?
[17:15] DEElekgolo: k uploading chatlog.
[17:15] * Dark blocked
[17:15] DEElekgolo: ha.
[17:15] DEElekgolo: apperently not
[17:15] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:15] Dark: bye
[17:16] DEElekgolo: k
then i blocked him i hope you saw how dee lied.
[20:04] K23: fix the link
[20:04] K23: it should be dee fails
[20:04] K23: because
[20:05] DEElekgolo: no
[20:05] DEElekgolo: llolol
[20:05] DEElekgolo: dude
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you cant do shit
[20:05] K23: you cut off half
[20:05] DEElekgolo: first of all
[20:05] K23: where you spammed
[20:05] DEElekgolo: wtf
[20:05] DEElekgolo: i didnt spam
[20:05] K23: which is fail
[20:05] DEElekgolo: onotix spammed me about dicks
[20:05] K23: and
[20:05] DEElekgolo: all you can do is run on what
[20:05] K23: you said dicks
[20:05] DEElekgolo: ONOTIX
[20:05] DEElekgolo: says
[20:05] DEElekgolo: you dont know
[20:05] DEElekgolo: my side of the story
[20:05] DEElekgolo: so you cant take sides
[20:05] DEElekgolo: if your being biased
i would like to start off differently than i did on fps zone.
original fps zone post
Before i start i would like to apologize for any spelling mistake i have made but there is not spell check here.
Well today me and Deehunter got into and argument because he was spaming and flaming members at another site i got to. He told them there work sucked and showed off his halo 3 rips claiming them as his own. So went and told him. "[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool"
Thats when it all we got into an argument and he ended up posting the chat log some were. well ussually i wouldnt care but there was something just some thing missing... Like half of the convo were he was spaming me and telling me i didnt have his recon model ingame. Now what really got my going was when he said i was talking about dicks earilier in the conversation. The funny part is he was the one who starte the dick thing by saying... "[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick." Caught him in the act of a lie. So i bet your thinking why should we belive you? Well i have the full chat log from start to fiinish and i will now post it here....
P.S. if anyone would like any more chat logs of completely stupid things dee has said message me on xfire - onoitx335 is what i should what you have been waiting for.
Conversation ended: Mon, Feb 02 16:56:15 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:32 2009
[16:38] Dark: dee
[16:38] DEElekgolo: fl
[16:38] Dark: showing off your halo 3 rips doent make you cool
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:38:58 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:33 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: ?
[16:39] DEElekgolo: wat
[16:39] Dark: nexus
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:41 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:42 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i didnt show off my rips for a while
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:45 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:48 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: oh lololol
[16:39] DEElekgolo: custom
[16:39] DEElekgolo: i showed
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:52 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:39:53 2009
[16:39] DEElekgolo: the elite
[16:39] DEElekgolo: and the master chief
[16:40] DEElekgolo: was that you that said "I know him from another forum?"
[16:40] Dark: nope
[16:40] Dark: and i have the halo 3 rip i know ow they look
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:26 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:29 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: no ur dont
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:33 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:40:34 2009
[16:40] DEElekgolo: you dont have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: my rips
[16:40] Dark: yes
[16:40] Dark: i have
[16:40] DEElekgolo: the one with teh
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wrait
[16:40] DEElekgolo: and so on
[16:40] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:40] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:40] DEElekgolo: bubble sheild
[16:40] DEElekgolo: warthog
[16:40] Dark: your eva and recon rips ingame
[16:40] DEElekgolo: troophog
[16:40] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahhahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ahahaaahahhhahahahahah
[16:41] DEElekgolo: fail
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you dont have my
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hog
[16:41] DEElekgolo: peli
[16:41] DEElekgolo: wraith
[16:41] DEElekgolo: troop
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ghost
[16:41] DEElekgolo: mongoose
[16:41] DEElekgolo: allw eapons
[16:41] DEElekgolo: FP arms
[16:41] Dark: i mean the spartans
[16:41] DEElekgolo: those rips are just my leaks.
[16:41] Dark: gawd
[16:41] DEElekgolo: ha
Conversation ended: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:23 2009
Conversation started between Dark and DEElekgolo: Wed, Feb 04 16:41:29 2009
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hhhaahahhahahahaaahahahahhaahhhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahhahhahaaha
[16:41] DEElekgolo: its not rigged
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:41] DEElekgolo: you have the .3ds
[16:41] Dark: OH YEAH
[16:41] DEElekgolo: from the time you leaked it
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VID
[16:41] Dark: HU PUNK
[16:41] Dark: YOU WANT VIDS
[16:41] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from whenn you leaked it with kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: not rigged
[16:42] Dark: HU
[16:42] Dark: no
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahahhahahahahaha
[16:42] DEElekgolo: hahahahah
[16:42] DEElekgolo: failing
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard
[16:42] Dark: i dl from modacity
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: some one rigged for me
[16:42] Dark: and
[16:42] Dark: it r prrety
[16:42] DEElekgolo: lololol
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faill
[16:42] DEElekgolo: faiil
[16:42] DEElekgolo: dude
[16:42] DEElekgolo: you are f***ing failin
[16:42] DEElekgolo: so hard right now
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the modacity leak
[16:42] DEElekgolo: from kidd
[16:42] DEElekgolo: the oooold one
[16:42] DEElekgolo: notice
[16:42] DEElekgolo: it doesnt have CQB helmet
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahahhaahahhah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: hahahhahahhahahhahahhahahhahhhhhhahhahah
[16:43] Dark: uh so
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ahhahahhahhahahhahah
[16:43] DEElekgolo: that is the
[16:43] DEElekgolo: OOOLD
[16:43] DEElekgolo: leak
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the UVs
[16:43] DEElekgolo: are custom
[16:43] Dark: i dont like cqb
[16:43] DEElekgolo: the rig
[16:43] DEElekgolo: is custom
[16:43] DEElekgolo: new one has correct shaders
[16:43] Dark: its ugly
[16:43] DEElekgolo: rigged like it in ingame
[16:43] DEElekgolo: with real game vertice weights
[16:43] DEElekgolo: HLSL is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: .fx is ripped
[16:43] DEElekgolo: so shader sstem is perfectly simulated
[16:43] DEElekgolo: ohhh
[16:43] DEElekgolo: and cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: finnaly got cubemaps
[16:44] DEElekgolo: turns out the sequence was RGBARGBARGBARGBA for each cubemap side.
[16:44] DEElekgolo: hhahahahahhhahahhahahahahahahahhahahahhaha
[16:44] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:44] DEElekgolo: u fail
[16:44] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:44] DEElekgolo: oh
[16:44] DEElekgolo: we i got the elite skins ripped
[16:44] Dark: wow
[16:44] Dark: idc
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and darco is ripping the models
[16:45] DEElekgolo: with vertice weights
[16:45] DEElekgolo: darvolt has BSP rips also
[16:45] DEElekgolo: but no UVs
[16:45] Dark: DUDE
[16:45] Dark: STFU
[16:45] Dark: I DONT CARE
[16:45] DEElekgolo: Turns out the UVs are reassorted
[16:45] DEElekgolo: using the lightmap UVs
[16:45] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:45] DEElekgolo: and u still fail
[16:45] DEElekgolo: :D
[16:45] DEElekgolo: horribly
[16:45] DEElekgolo: satan wants your dick.
[16:46] Dark: at least i have one
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahahahhahhahah
[16:46] DEElekgolo: hahahhahhahaahahhahhahha
[16:46] DEElekgolo: I never knew you were aware of the status of my penis. But it seems to be incorrect
[16:47] DEElekgolo: You probably didnt know how a penis looked like
[16:47] DEElekgolo: I wouldnt blame you. You never saw one.
[16:47] * DEElekgolo logs chat
[16:47] DEElekgolo: This is for future lulz
[16:47] Dark: if it was the long hard thiing with 2 balls at the bottom that i showed up your moms pussy then i know what it is
[16:47] DEElekgolo: The next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: hahahahhahahhaha
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Im sure you like to f*** old people
[16:48] DEElekgolo: you lost your chance with your age group.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: Never knew you had to resort to older people.
[16:48] DEElekgolo: the next comment you say is going to be immature.
[16:48] Dark: yes i like older women
[16:48] Dark: im in 9th grade
[16:48] DEElekgolo: there it goes.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Same here.
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Finals
[16:49] Dark: but my gf is iin 11th
[16:49] DEElekgolo: Honors
[16:49] DEElekgolo: a 40 year old 11th grader?
[16:49] DEElekgolo: thats sad.
[16:50] Dark: idk about were you live
[16:50] Dark: but were i live
[16:50] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[16:50] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:50] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[16:50] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:51] Dark: uh no
[16:51] Dark: usa
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Yea. You must live in the south.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: 18 year old 11th graders.
[16:51] DEElekgolo: Southern standards.
[16:52] Dark: yes
[16:52] Dark: in mystate
[16:53] Dark: you can be in highschool till the age of 22
[16:53] DEElekgolo: lolol
[16:53] DEElekgolo: HAHHAHAAHHHH
[16:53] Dark: for examle
[16:53] Dark: repeating
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Here in the more advanced north.
[16:53] DEElekgolo: Im 14 and im in 9th grade
[16:53] DEElekgolo: NORMALY
[16:53] DEElekgolo: people finish high school when there 18
[16:53] Dark: to get better understanding on the matrials
[16:53] Dark: yes
[16:53] Dark: same here
[16:53] Dark: but
[16:53] Dark: take into concideration
[16:53] Dark: repeats
[16:53] Dark: and
[16:53] Dark: ppl from other countries
[16:54] Dark: not everyone is a white f*** like you dee
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Ha
[16:54] Dark: ppl immigrate to my state because they like it here
[16:54] DEElekgolo: so apperently im white now?
[16:54] DEElekgolo: oh wait
[16:54] DEElekgolo: you used the term
[16:54] DEElekgolo: White f***.
[16:54] DEElekgolo: Describe this please. I dont know the southern slang.
[16:55] * Dark creals through
[16:55] Dark: a white f***
[16:56] DEElekgolo: btw this chat will be shown publicly.
[16:56] Dark: is a racist who is a member of the white race who discriminates everyone who snt not white for example assuing that because an 18 year old is in 11th grade they are automaticaly from a third world countrie
[16:56] Dark: alsoo
[16:56] Dark: idc
[16:56] Dark: ooooooooh
[16:56] Dark: you gonna show your internet friend
[16:57] DEElekgolo: I didnt assume
[16:57] DEElekgolo: lol
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you even said
[16:57] Dark: then theyll come show me
[16:57] DEElekgolo: the average age for the grades.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: how can I be assuming that if you stated that as fact.
[16:57] Dark: and you assumed
[16:57] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:57] DEElekgolo: i didnt
[16:57] DEElekgolo: you stated it as fact.
[16:57] Dark: exactly
[16:58] Dark: you assumed i lived in a 3rd would countrie
[16:58] Dark: because
[16:58] DEElekgolo: lol spartan 094 is laughing at this.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: Keep the crowd going.
[16:58] Dark: i said the age range of 11th graders were i live is 16-17
[16:58] Dark: i mean
[16:58] Dark: 18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: 13:55] Dark: idk about were you live
[13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[13:55] DEElekgolo: wow. You must live in a 3rd world country
[13:55] DEElekgolo: or the south or something.
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: but were i live
[13:55] DEElekgolo: I dont care were you live.
[13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:58] DEElekgolo: [13:55] Dark: 11th graders are about....16-18
[16:59] Dark: i alredy corrected my mistke
[16:59] DEElekgolo: Narrowed it down for ya.
[16:59] DEElekgolo: anyways
[16:59] DEElekgolo: continue.
[17:00] Dark: oh ok
[17:01] Dark: another example of a white f*** is a kkk member
[17:01] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:01] Dark: a white f*** can also be called a "w.a.s.p."
[17:02] DEElekgolo: ha
[17:03] Dark: i know
[17:03] Dark: quit funny
[17:03] Dark: *quite
[17:03] Dark: now
[17:03] DEElekgolo: stop
[17:03] DEElekgolo: talking
[17:03] DEElekgolo: like
[17:03] DEElekgolo: this
[17:03] Dark: shhhhh.....
[17:03] Dark: i watching this new guy on fps-zone
[17:03] Dark: called
[17:03] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] DEElekgolo: what new guy?
[17:04] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:04] Dark: dee the fag
[17:04] Dark: he just came out of the closet
[17:04] Dark: lol
[17:05] Dark: funny
[17:05] Dark: name sound familiar
[17:05] DEElekgolo: I think thats assassin
[17:05] DEElekgolo: lol
[17:05] DEElekgolo: from modhalo
[17:05] DEElekgolo: i remember killing him in eswords and got the last kill using nades.
[17:06] DEElekgolo: There
[17:06] DEElekgolo: de the fag is no more
[17:06] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:06] Dark: ah
[17:06] Dark: ok
[17:06] Dark: well
[17:06] DEElekgolo: Oh
[17:06] DEElekgolo: this justfor fun guy
[17:06] DEElekgolo: hmm
[17:06] DEElekgolo: i donno
[17:07] Dark: i dont feel like talking to a gay right now..
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Lol. Do you even know what gay means
[17:12] Dark: in simple terms
[17:12] Dark: a man who likes a man
[17:12] Dark: also
[17:12] Dark: the old meaning
[17:12] Dark: was happy
[17:12] DEElekgolo: It only means
[17:12] DEElekgolo: Happy.
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Like how it is used in the bible
[17:13] Dark: that was an old meaning
[17:13] DEElekgolo: Back then when men loved men they called themselfs gay because they were hapy
[17:13] DEElekgolo: now some social terms
[17:13] DEElekgolo: try to use it as at rend
[17:13] DEElekgolo: liek your selfs.
[17:13] Dark: it means a man who like a man
[17:13] DEElekgolo: It does not. That is the social term.
[17:13] Dark: and you admited it on a public formus
[17:13] DEElekgolo: people like you are victom to
[17:13] Dark: and spartan too
[17:13] DEElekgolo: And no lol
[17:13] Dark: tsk
[17:13] DEElekgolo: really?
[17:14] DEElekgolo: were
[17:14] DEElekgolo:
[17:15] Dark: i caught it lol
[17:15] Dark: and will for ever remember
[17:15] Dark: that ur gay
[17:15] DEElekgolo: lol and when did I ever say that anyways?
[17:15] Dark: k bai
[17:15] DEElekgolo: oh ur done?
[17:15] DEElekgolo: k uploading chatlog.
[17:15] * Dark blocked
[17:15] DEElekgolo: ha.
[17:15] DEElekgolo: apperently not
[17:15] DEElekgolo: :D
[17:15] Dark: bye
[17:16] DEElekgolo: k
then i blocked him i hope you saw how dee lied.